Tiny crocheted bunny: Legend

Tiny crocheted bunny Free pattern by NansyOops Legend:  ch – chain  sc – single crochet  inc – increase(s) ( work two

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Tiny crocheted bunny Free pattern by NansyOops Legend:  ch – chain  sc – single crochet  inc – increase(s) ( work two sc in one stitch)  dec – decrease (2 of the following sc make together)  sl st – slip stitch

Materials and tools: Yarn Iris by Gamma (cream), hook 0.75, sintepon, thread (pink, black), needles, scissors A head & body, to crochet together: 1. 6 single crochet into a magic ring 2. 6 inc (12) 3. (sc, inc) * 6 times (18) 4. (2sc, inc) * 6 times (24) 5. (3sc, inc) * 6 times (30) 6. 30 sc 7. 30 sc 8. (3sc, dec) * 6 times (24) 9. (2sc, dec) * 6 times (18) 10. (sc, dec) * 6 times (12) 11. (2sc, dec) * 3 times (9) Starting the body, stuff the head tightly. Crochet 9 single crochet. (9) 13. (2sc, inc) * 3 times (12) 14. 12 sc 15. (Sc, inc) * 6 times (18) 16. 18 sc 17. (2sc, inc) * 6 times (24) 18. 24 sc 19. (2sc, dec) * 6 times (18)

20. (sc, dec) * 6 times (12 ) 21. 6 dec, stuff, fasten off. Arms: 1. 6 single crochet into a magic ring 2. 6 rounds of 6 sc Legs: 1. 4 ch, starting with the second one from the hook do inc, then sc, in the next loop 3 sc, and in the remaining 2 loops 1 sc each, (8 sc ) 2. (2 inc, 2 sc) 2 times (12) 3. 12 sc 4. 12 sc 5. 3 sc, 4 dec, sc (8) 6. 8 sc, to stuff the foot 7. 8 sc 8. Work 4 dec. Ears: 9 chain, in second loop from the hook do slip stich, then - single crochet, 2 double crochet, 2 triple chrochet, double crochet, single crochet. Now without breaking the tread crochet 10 ch and repeat all stitches as in the first ear. (1ch is needed for a space between the ears but you can crochet ears separately). I also crocheted in darker colour 2 chains from 6 ch and stitched them into the ears. Embroid eyes and nose, attach all parts to the right places and you are done!

I’m on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nansyoops Instagram: @nansyoops