Thesis Part

Area of Investigation This section of the research should give the reader enough information to be able to understand th

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Area of Investigation This section of the research should give the reader enough information to be able to understand the background information and the importance of the research problem. It will often include a review of other people's findings. If well written, this section will explain your motive for undertaking the project and stimulate the reader. This should contain the purpose of the software, the feature of the software, and the general description of the modules to be included. If the software is a game, describe the mechanics of the game as well. Reasons for the Choice of Project Answers the question: Why is this software being created in the first place? If your research is based on the study of a specific problem, the problem should be clearly stated or defined. While discussing the reasons for choosing this topic, you may often want to show its relationship to the present problems. The best researches include a discussion of the relationship of the problem to the existing theories. Importance of the Study Answers the question: Is there a practical need / use for this software product? It is where the significant contribution of the result of the study is enumerated. Such contribution may be viewed from the point of the target beneficiaries like the researcher himself, service, provider, client, society etc. It indicates who are the different groups of beneficiaries, how will each group benefit from use of the study or software. Summarize the Educational, Technological and Economical significance of the study. Target Users and Beneficiaries Similarities and Differences to the Previous Studies Programming Language to Use Introduction This is a general introduction to what the thesis is all about--it is not just a description of the contents of each section. The introduction gives the background of the project and the rationale for conducting the study. A good introduction should: a. Tell the background and b. show the rationale and justification of choosing the subject. c. Identified the research problem. This is the first chapter of the thesis. It supplies sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publications on the topic. It should contain the nature and scope of the problem investigated, what served as motivation for the proponent/s to pursue the study, the objective/s and justification of the study as well as the limitations of the study. The introduction is the proper place to define any specialized terms and concepts used in thesis.

Review of Related Literatures and Studies This chapter serves to tie together two things: what others have done on the topic and what the proponent plans to do. The review of related literature is supposed to lead the reader to the proponent's research project and justification. This chapter should be organized depending on the field, nature and quality of literature available. Related literature should give a brief summary of the written literature and the relationship with the present study. Related studies are investigations that are usually unpublished materials like manuscript, thesis and dissertation’s, which were conducted previously, to which the present study has similarity and relatedness. Conceptual Framework Framework is represented through a paradigm in order to show the concepts in a more vivid way. It is the coverage of the study in terms of parameters of the subject being covered. The whole component of the objective problems will help identify the framework. From the review of the related literature and studies and the existing study the proponent may formulate a theoretical diagram and may serve a basis for the formulation or research hypothesis. The conceptual framework consists of the investigation's own positions on a problem. The conceptual is the proponent's new concepts (model/innovations), the central theme of the study, the focus or the guide for investigation that is related framework. The conceptual framework presents relationships between the factors and perceptions stand and direction of the writer in preparation. An explanation of the problem or phenomenon to be studied after his review of various literature and studies which gives exposure to various concept and theories that have bearing problem. Statement of the Problem The statement of the problem may be in interrogative or declarative form; the number of the specific questions or problems will give a complete development of the study. It should be formatted first before conducting the research and developing the software. The focus of the problem will be on the inadequacy of the current/existing study. This portion includes the objectives of the study. The problem should start both in general term and specific term. The general statement of the problem is usually reiteration of the title of the study or thesis. The specific problem should be quantifiable and measurable. They should be specifically stated. Hypothesis The hypothesis is a tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation. It is an educated guess about the specific objective and problem. It is a simple guess about the projected outcome/output to be accepted if found true as per the data obtained, rejected otherwise. Significance of the Study

The rationale, timeless and relevance of the study. In this section, the author expresses the value of the research study. It is where the significant contribution of the result of the study is enumerated. Such contribution may be viewed from the point of the target beneficiaries like the researcher himself, service, providers, client, society etc.. It indicate who are the different groups of beneficiaries, how will each group benefit from use of the study or software? Educational Significance. The proponent should be able to discuss and explain who are to be benefited and how they are going to be benefited, possible contribution to knowledge. Technological Significance. Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement to unsatisfactory conditions with the computer and its functions as a tool. Economical Significance. The proponent should be able to discuss and explain who are the beneficiaries and possible contribution to economic status of the beneficiaries even in broader implications. Scope and Limitation The scope should include the brief statement of the general purpose of the study, the subject matter and topics studied and discussed, the locale of the study, where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belongs, the population that is large enough to generalizations significant, the period of the study (time either months, years during the data were gathered). It should explain the expected capabilities of the software according to the needs and purpose of the users. Definition of Terms Its primary function is to help the readers in understanding and explaining the proponents’ view of a particular term. Terms related to the study and terms used in the study should be included here. It should express the meaning of the term used in a particular field of the study.