The Ways of Releasing

The ways of releasing Sedona 1. Letting Go 2. Welcoming 3. Diving In 4. Holistic Releasing 5. The 5th Way 6.

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The ways of releasing Sedona


Letting Go




Diving In


Holistic Releasing


The 5th Way




Triple Welcoming



Release Technique

Letting go The tube Saying “Yes” Squeezing the lemon Decision Loving Lesterizing

The Six Steps:

1.You must want freedom more than you want approval, control, security, separation, or oneness 2.Decide that you can release in the moment 3.Notice what you are feeling in the moment, and determine which of the four wants underlies that feeling, and then let it go. 4.Release constantly, whether you are alone or with others. 5.If you feel stuck, let go of wanting to change the stuckness. 6.Each time you release, you will feel lighter, happier, and freer.

Being Present – Notice or become aware of all sensory input (seeing, hearing, feeling, taste, smell) and internal kinaesthetic (body feelings/sensations) without labelling them/thinking about them, just observing.

Acceptance – Observing with equanimity. No labels or judgements, or wanting to change it in any way.

Quick quiet mind for CAP– If I was a donkey flavoured ice-cream, would I be able to walk through a magic carpet on an aeroplane

Tube technique – Imagining a tube/door inserted or placed on wherever the energy/sensations are, allowing them to leave through it.

Basic Releases

Could you welcome this feeling and allow it to be here? Then, could you let it go? Would you? When? Could I let go of wanting.... Approval Disapproval Control To be controlled Security/Safety/Life Drama/Trouble/Death Separation Oneness


A - Apathy G - Grief F - Fear L - Lust A - Anger P – Pride

CAP C – Couragessness A – Acceptance P – Peace

Visualization – Using visual images, sound, and feeling for either goals or to release. It is beneficial to feel the state of the achieved goal rather than the specific details of what will happen.

Squeezing the lemon technique: Imagine always..... (E.g. being rich) Imagine never.... (E.g. being rich)

Collection of Releases What is a belief I used to have? Is that coming from wanting approval, control, or security? Could I let that feeling go?

Could I allow myself to....? (Hold on/resist/fight it/feel this way)

Could I let go of... This desire Wanting to be the victim Wanting to be the victor Wanting love Wanting hate Wanting to change Wanting to resist Wanting to get rid of this

Could I let go and let God? Can I allow my happiness to increase Can I allow my energy to increase Can I allow my(etc) to increase

Could I let go of dissaproving of myself? And more? And more? Could I give myself some approval? And more. And more. Could I let it increase more, and more

Could I let go of disapproving of (them, him, her, my house, my thoughts, this problem, this memory, etc etc) And could I give that/them some approval?

Can I let my acceptance level rise, and then rise some more, and even more?

Can I let go of wanting approval, and more, and more, and even more. Could I let it go? When? And could I give myself some approval? And could I let my approval level rise?

Can I let go of wanting control, and more, and more, and even more. Could I let it go of feeling out of control? When? And could I give myself some in control feeling? And could I let my level of feeling in control rise?

Could I let go of wanting (whatever it is you’re wanting) And could I allow myself to have (whatever it is you wanted), and more, and more

Could I say “Yes” to this problem/feeling/sensation/person/thought Could I say “Fuck it” to this problem/feeling/sensation/person/thought

5th Way/Awareness 'Resting' in your 'I am' sense, your sense of existence. Before you knew of a body and a 'me'. Your pure sense of awareness. The feeling that 'I am'.

Who or what is observing this? Who is this ‘me’ I see myself as? Is it real or just a collection of thoughts and pictures? Whose problems are these? Who am I? What am I?

A positive thought: What's so good about that?(and to the answer...), and what's so good about that?(and on and on until you reach the source)

A negative thought: What's so bad about that?(and then to the answer...), and what's so bad about that? And what's so bad about that?(Until the source is reached)

E.g, I feel bad. And what's so bad about that? It doesn't feel pleasant. And what's so bad about that? I don't like it. And what's so bad about that?(until the source of the resistance is reached)

‘Who’ is the ‘me’ who needs to let go of approval/control/security? Is there a problem in this moment without thinking? What is here now? Whose feeling, thought or story is this? Is there a problem in this moment? Can you actually find the one who thinks there’s something to ‘get’? Can you find the one who feels fear? If I look through my mind-made label, what is actually here right now?

Fast Steps To Freedom

Get everything only by releasing Practice witnessing things more while releasing. Take responsibility for everything. Take all your joy from within. Be all giving. Be Yourself.

Lester had many ways to try to help us go free. He created these Fast Steps to Freedom, adding these suggestions for their implementation:

1: Get everything only by releasing. You can practice this by releasing only on the things you want to accomplish in life. Releasing is the highest form of action. The mind will tell you, "Sure, you released on it--but now what do you do?" Don't do anything except release. Get everything only by releasing. You'll discover it's the highest form of action. I know this. Lester knew it. You need to prove it to yourself. Only by experientially doing it, will you prove it to yourself. That's where goals are helpful. Get everything only by releasing. 2: Practice witnessing things more while releasing. In order to witness, you definitely have to let go of all your wanting of approval, control and safety. Just be quiet. Watch what happens. Don't say much. Focus inwardly on your releasing. While you're in conflict, just let the wants go and watch what happens. Any situation will immediately resolve if you totally release. Anything impossible is immediately possible when you completely release on it--and you know you're completely released on it when you just don't give a damn about it. 3: Take responsibility for everything. But don't beat yourself up. Just say to yourself, "Wherein did I cause this to happen?" As soon as you ask, it will come up. Sit quietly and then you can release it. If you did it, you can undo it. If you didn't do it, you're going to have to wait for someone or a set of circumstances to stop. However, if you see that you're the one who's doing it, then you're in a powerful position. 4: Take all your joy from within. If you haven't noticed, that's where the joy is coming from. It's the only place it really comes from. Give yourself approval. And more and more. Take all your joy from within. If you can get that, you'll save yourself years of looking around for joy outside yourself. The search for joy outside oneself is a futile and never-ending one. 5: Be all giving. Just decide to be all giving. That doesn't mean you have to give away the store. Just come from a giving place. Treat others like you want to be treated. Do unto others as you expect others to do unto you, etc. 6: Be yourself. Just be and be and be.

The Easy Way to Release *Become aware of the feeling *Feel the feeling *Identify the feeling *Relax into the feeling *Release the feeling

7th Step of releasing 7. “Make your behaviour that which a Master would do. Whatever you do, do it successfully. The more imperfectly we work, the lower down the scale we are. The action required to go free is releasing all the obstruction. The Egoless State

This is an expansion of Lester Levenson’s thoughts of the egoless state.

Pretty much every concept you get from RSD these days is derived from this, i doubt directly, but with RSD guys being worshippers of Tolle there’s going to be major similarities.

A lot of what causes attraction in women are from these guidelines, and of course, that’s a personal opinion, but if you look closely they have a lot in common with what we know girls find attractive on the non-verbal level, and everything that appears on the verbal level comes from inside. You’ll probably notice when you’re in state or having a lot of attention from girls your acting in line with a few of these attributes.

But if you think it’s easy....think again. These are the attributes of someone who has reached a level of maturity in spiritual awareness or life experience that although is not easy to apply, can be helpful as a guideline/checklist of your progress. You may try to apply them to your life, but it takes practice rather than seeing it as an instant fix.

Once again, this is advanced and may seem like absolute nonsense to some. With that in mind, i thought i would post it anyway.

Changelessness – Eternal, everlasting, unchanging, all, awareness, presence

Equal mindedness – Seeing everyone and all as equals, loving, giving instead of taking or wanting, doing things for the good of all

Seeing only the Self – Seeing everything as the All, omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence

Seeing only perfection – Seeing everything in its perfection, everything being as it should be in the moment, enjoying and accepting the present moment, seeing only the perfection where the seeming imperfection seems to be

Having the same attitude towards good and bad fortune – Allowing what is, not trying to change things or control them, acceptance, non-reactive, no labels or judgements or this is good and that is bad

Identifying with All –Connectedness, all awareness, all energy, stillness, consciousness, oneness, a feeling of you and me, compassion, living for others

Dispassion – Indifference, detachment, taking everything into your heart and caring for it yet letting go of any attachment to it or any ownership, casualness, vulnerability

Seeing all as equals – Knowing everyone is the same inside just different forms, all as consciousness, made of matter, all energy, gratitude toward God and everyone, giving to others with no expectation of receiving anything back

Being the witness – Experiencing without trying to change things, watching with detachment what’s appearing whether it be sounds, images, experiences thoughts, feelings, emotions or sensations

Being not the doer – No effort, letting things happen not trying, not trying to get, surrender, letting go and letting God, just experiencing in the moment with no sense of “I’m making things happen” but things are just happening

Indifference – Lack of interest, happy with any outcome be it good or bad, non-judgemental, happy with what is, peacefulness, no attachment or aversion to any concepts, feelings, or anything other than the Self

Indifference to praise or censure – No image of yourself to uphold/protect, happy regardless of criticism or compliment, non-reactive to events or people’s judgements

Having joy only in your Self – Self-contained, not needing or seeking anything outside yourself, living by your values, standards, and morals, validation and approval achieved from within, confidence

Having complete passivity – Trust in yourself, trust that everything will work out and happen when the time is right, acceptance of what’s happening, no effort, no trying, going with the flow, being as you are, being yourself, being who you are

Complete humbleness – Modesty, respectfulness, humility, being grateful with no sense of pride, dropping ego, letting people see you how they see you, not trying to appear any kind of way to other people, expressing yourself freely without thinking of people judging you, accepting any flaws or attributes

Having desirelessness – Being able to feel desire but being free of it, being free from wants, hootlessness

Non-attachment – Free of any restraints, letting go, letting things flow, free from wanting any reactions or outcomes, happy without needing anything to make you happy, no attachment or aversions

Forbearance – Patience, allowing, appreciative of what’s happening, taking full responsibility for what’s happening

Effort Free Life System – Complete Acceptance Process Complete Acceptance Process Method:

This powerful process, in its raw simplicity, consists of 2 Questions: 1. What is your level of acceptance out of I0? 2. Is it okay if that level increases?

(You can just as easily substitute the word acceptance for gratitude or love.)

Here's how to use the process in more detail: Do a "5 In 5 Out": breathe in smoothly and deeply for 5 seconds, then out slowly and smoothly for 5 seconds. 1 . Place your attention on whatever issue comes to mind right now. 2. What is your level of acceptance/ gratitude/ love of it out of 1 O? 3. Is it okay with you if this level of acceptance / gratitude/ love increases? Make sure you breathe fully. [If the answer is yes, go to 4 } [If no, Is it okay if this level increases just for fun and just for now? If yes, go to 4. ] 4. What level is it at now? Go to 3. [If the level reaches 10, ask: It okay if this level goes beyond 1O?

Melting Resistance: 1 . Is there any resistance here now? 2. What is my level of acceptance/ gratitude/ love of this resistance out of 10? 3. Is it okay with me if this level of acceptance / gratitude/ love increases? Make sure you breathe fully. [If the answer is yes, go to 4J [If no, Is it okay if this level increases just for fun and just for now? If yes, go to 4.] 4. What level is it at now? Go to 3.

Super Resistance: If you had to choose between the 'fighting' of resistance, and being free of it by accepting, which would you choose? And what if you were to try out accepting just for fun for a minute or two, then went back to resisting after that if you wanted to?

Is there any resistance to the resistance?

What is your level of acceptance of this resistance out of I0?

If the resistance is very stuck, try the following: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. What colour is the resistance? What shape is it? Where is it located exactly?

What sound is it making? Is it hot or cold? Is it loud or quiet? Is it heavy or light? Notice if it has changed at all.

Imagine that your level of acceptance is controlled by a dial, and see yourself turn that dial up.

Feel the Dream as Real

Ask yourself: 1 . How do I feel now this dream is real? Name it in 1 or 2 words. 2. Feel that feeling now as best you can. 3. And now I have that, how do I feel? Repeat questions 2 and 3 until you come up with nothing more, or you're finding it difficult to come up with anything else. Now ask: What level is this feeling out of 10? Is it okay if this level increases? And more? And more? Just for fun, is it okay if it increases to infinity out of I0? [Now rest for a minute or two before proceeding.] Can you accept that there is only now? You really can feel all those wonderful feelings now which you expect to get when you attain your goal(s).

Zen Technique: Question: “Who or what is feeling this feeling?” Answer: “Don’t know.”

Q: “Who is thinking this thought?” A: “Don’t know.”

Triple Welcoming Step 1 : Could you welcome all the beliefs, thoughts, sensations, ideas, assumptions, pictures, sounds, memories, self-talk, etc.

Step 2 : Could you welcome wanting to do anything with it; wanting to change it, wanting to get approval from it, to control it, figure it out, force it away or hold on to it, and any attachments or aversions.

Step 3 : Could you welcome that all this is about 'me', mine, them or theirs. Welcome all sense that this is personal and about you or who you are.

Optional : And could you let that go? Would you? When?


I made this for myself over a period of a few months, adding lines here and there until I had enough experience to do it without the text. It’s a version of Ramana Maharshi’s ‘What am I?’ Self-enquiry meditation, and I find it highly beneficial to myself so I decided to post it.

Once you get the hang of it, there’s no need for the whole thing. Sometimes a few lines can suffice. I’m posting the long version because I am, and the questions and quotes are towards the end. You want to 'feel' it, and let go of all intellectual knowledge around it.

Lester Levenson advocated it above all else.

It’s also used in the Sedona Method as a release and it’s called the 5th way, and countless spiritual teachers advocate it. The aim is to associate with your primal awareness rather than the mostly useless stream of thoughts that go on 24/7, which some call resting as awareness/beingness, etc.

If something resonates with you when you read it, cool. Like I said, if something it does click with you then use that and discard the rest.

Sidenote : When I mention awareness/the observer etc, your idea of it can be whatever you like. You can believe it to be the spiritual ideas of beingness, higher power, source, bliss etc, or you can simply see it as the awareness of the nervous system. Either way, what you really want is what’s real and practical rather than a thought in your head; What’s here now.

"Who am I?"

Who’s watching? Who’s observing? Who’s aware of the thoughts? Aware of the emotions?

Then, see who’s doing the watching. Then see who or what is effortlessly observing the ‘action’ of watching.

Think about yourself and who you are. Now realize that it’s just an image, an idea, a concept in your mind. A collection of thoughts, images and memories which come together to make up this ‘person’ that you think yourself to be. That image is not the person. That’s not you. What is you is what is here now.

Your identity and all your past, future and problems. That’s a picture and a description. It’s a fairy tale, a nice description, but not the real thing. Our mind and thoughts label, judge and compare. Our thoughts want, don’t want, like and don’t like.

What is before the mind is what is witnessing all this drama. It doesn’t care. It’s not concerned with pushing away or holding on to things. It’s not in the past or the future. If it’s witnessing the past or future, it’s still witnessing them from the present. It’s neutral. It’s effortless. It’s pure. It can’t be touched. It can’t be seen. It can never change.

It notices. It’s not involved. It watches and observes the constantly changing stream of different thoughts and emotions and the world. It’s always there, one with it but not attached to any of it. Observing is not an action done by ‘you’. It happens naturally. You can try to stop it, but you can’t. It’s infinite. Close your eyes and awareness is still there. Stop thinking and awareness is there. You see, hear, feel and exist effortlessly.

Let your thoughts be how they are. But realize that you are watching them. It’s in your presence that they rise and fall. Without your presence and awareness they wouldn’t even exist. They have no power. You are the presence watching it all that is silent, unattached, unaffected, unchanging, neutral and before the mind. Pure awareness has no desires, faults, aversions, preferences, etc. It just is. The observer. The witness. Beingness.

When we are in the space of awareness, things become peaceful and effortless. We see our life as an experience. There becomes a distance between everything. We’re no longer trapped in our thoughts and problems and stories. We feel beyond them.

Excuses :“This is too hard, that’s too hard, I don’t like this or that, I have this problem, I need this, I need to do that, I want this, I want that, blah blah blah”; that’s all the voice.

Any drama attached to something is the voice of the mind. Things just are, but the complaining is the voice making them ‘into’ something. Any problem; confusion, sadness, hate, anger, etc, is all in the mind. Not real. Just rises and falls of energy, which the mind makes worse by resisting. Naturally, if they were to arise, they would leave naturally, and wouldn’t affect you.

Anger, pain, confusion, sadness, grief, happiness: Are you these things, or do you simply notice them appearing, arising, doing whatever they do and then disappearing? They come and go, but awareness is always there. It’s aware of them, and awareness witnesses. It doesn’t try to change, make better, force, look elsewhere. It watches but there’s distance. It doesn’t cling to anything.

Notice the neutral emptiness and silence that you are. That’s your core. That’s your centre. Not the ego ‘you’. That’s just an idea of yourself. So throughout all the thoughts, positive or negative, there was an

observer. Right now, awareness is the observer. This pure awareness is in every person. It’s in every animal. It’s primal. It always was. The mind came after it as a way to interact with the world. It’s the ego that comes after this. Now realize that your idea of ‘you’ is a collection of thoughts. They’re now just memories and experiences.

If there is any struggle, notice ‘who’ is doing the struggling. Who is observing yet unattached from the suffering? The silent and peaceful witness. Even the wanting to get it back or make it stay are thoughts, being witnessed by the observer, who can never leave. In its presence all those concepts are being witnessed. The only choice is where your awareness stays.

Now, what does this awareness look like? Empty, dark, spacious, clear? No. These are all just images in your mind. Have a look and see if you can see what’s seeing. Know that any answer from the mind is just a thought or image or memory. You want direct experience.

Keep looking, and notice that whatever answers and questions, happiness and doubt arises it’s still the mind. But notice what is witnessing all this. If you feel aware of awareness itself, stay there. But watch out for thoughts arising and covering it up or complicating it. The only reason we are not aware of awareness itself constantly is because thoughts cover it up:

“I’ve found it!!!” – Thought being witnessed by awareness

“How do I keep this?” – Thought

“What if this leaves?” – Thought

“This is strange/cool/nothing’s happening!” – Thought

“What do I do?” – Thought

“It’s hard holding on to this!” – Thought

“What’s the point?” - Thought

“I’m enlightened!” – Thought

I’m sad/happy/angry/etc etc – Feeling being witnessed by awareness

Etc, etc

These are all thoughts and feelings being observed by awareness. Stay with that awareness. It’s always there. You are it. You cannot ‘get’ it. Thinking you will get it at some future point is imagining it as a conceptual thing, and realize that that thought is arising in that awareness. You cannot get what you already are. The thought of ‘getting’ it is appearing in what you want to get. You cannot find what you are because you are looking from what you are.

You can’t even meditate on awareness. That would just be meditating on a picture or concept. You want to be it. You want to be aware of it and keep your attention there.

So realize that the ego mind made identity is not you. You are witnessing it. Then, realize that ego is just a thought. It doesn’t exist. Everything is a thought memory. Look at what’s here now. You are. That’s it. “I am”.

So all things are perceived by the perceiver. They happen in front of it. It’s the mind-ego that wants to push, pull, force, change, get respect, get upset etc etc. The awareness itself is accepting. It just witnesses it all.

Awareness is nothing but the fresh present moment. Already free, clear, neutral, spacious and peaceful. Always here. Always now.

Practical Applications:

Apart from meditating on it as a still meditation, you can use it as an active meditation as you go about your daily routines. The questions ‘Who am I?’ is not supposed to be used as a mantra, but an enquiry into the answer.

BTW, all answers from the mind are just reasons to keep looking. You want a ‘feeling(‘not an emotion) rather than a thought. You want to ‘tap into’ awareness rather than get a logical answer.

Who is this ‘me’ I see myself as? Is it real or just a collection of thoughts and pictures?

Whose problems are these?

Who am I?

What am I?

‘Who’ is the ‘me’ who needs to let go of approval/control/security?

Is there a problem in this moment without thinking?

What is here now?

Who’s feeling, thought or story is this?

What is here now is breathing and sensations, sights and sounds. What is aware of this?

Who is experiencing this?

If you don’t go into memory, can you actually find anyone there, apart from presence or awareness?

Does that awareness have or ever had itself any problems?

Who is ‘doing’ this?

Who is the ‘doer’ of this?

If you are walking; Who is walking?

Eating; Who is eating?

Is there a problem in this moment?

Can you actually find the one who thinks there’s something to ‘get’?

To whom does this thought arise? To me. Then who am I?

Is this real? Or is it a story in my mind?

Can you simply allow yourself to be?

Can I find this ‘me’ or am I simply aware of an idea of ‘me’?

Am I confused, or is my mind confused?

Who’s aware of this sensation/feeling/emotion/problem/thought?

Who does it belong to?

Etc, etc, etc.


“There are two ways of growing: one is what I call the negative way...going into the mind, seeing the cause of the problem. When we see this thought, we naturally let go of it.

However, the other way is the better. It is the positive way. Quiet the mind and see who and what you really are, the infinite Self.” – Lester Levenson

“Look at your mind. That in itself is a good practice. It puts you apart from it. You are looking at it. Watch your thoughts. Let it go it's way, just watch the mind. The ultimate witness is the Self. -Lester Levenson

“When attention pays attention to attention, this is attention”

“To let go of something you must first know what it is.” – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj “Don’t identify, don’t touch. Observe only, remain neutral. With all thoughts, notice who or what is observing them. What can awareness want, lack, like or dislike or push away?” – Mooji

“In this moment, if you look into your direct experience you’ll discover that this thing called ‘me’ is not actually who you are, it’s just another object.” – Hale Dwoskin

“The only true and full awareness is awareness of awareness. Till awareness is aware of itself, it knows no peace at all.” “Losing the false ego in awareness, and firm abidance as awareness, is true clarity.”

"It is only the one who hears the true teaching rightly and realizes its meaning and relation to oneself who can receive and profit by it. If a man merely hears the true teaching but does not acquire it, he will fail in his search for Enlightenment." - The Teaching of Buddha

"..Reality is simply the loss of the ego... How is the ego to be destroyed? Hold the ego first and then ask how it is to be destroyed. Who asks this question? It is the ego. Can the ego ever agree to kill itself? This question is a sure way to cherish the ego and not to kill it. If you seek the ego you will find it does not exist. That is the way to destroy it..." – Maharshi

"Pursue the inquiry 'Who am I' relentlessly. Analyse your entire personality.” - Maharshi

Q : How will the mind become quiescent? Maharshi :By the inquiry 'Who am I?'. The thought 'who am I?' will destroy all other thoughts, and like the stick used for stirring the burning pyre, it will itself in the end get destroyed. Then, there will arise Self-realization.

“Awareness is not a quality of the Self. The Self is without qualities. Awareness is not an action of the Self. The Self does nothing. The Self, our Being, IS Awareness.’

“The greatest con that he ever pulled, was making you believe that he is you.” - Andre Benjamin 3000

“My name is My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius” - Maximus Decimus Meridius

Discover all that you are not -- body, feelings thoughts, time, space, this or that -- nothing, concrete or abstract, which you perceive can be you. The very act of perceiving shows that you are not what you perceive.”

-Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

"Because awareness is self existing there is no effort needed or anyone who can make an effort to get it or lose it. The natural state is never lost. It is not an appearance, and therefore it can never disappear. It is always the same. It is not an entity. Realise that the conceptual thinker and conceptual thoughts seemingly obscure the non-conceptual natural state. Pause a thought even for an instant and the natural state is fully evident. STOP and SEE. In the seeing, pure awareness gets used to itself".

– Sailor Bob Adamson

Holistic Releases

This is actually from the Sedona method, which has it’s basis in non-duality teachings. You don’t have to know about either to do these or at the least, to try them. They’re my holistic releases which I use alongside the Sedona Method/Release Technique and all other methods.

I’ve been doing them for months, and added a few new ones every day for the last few weeks and thought I’d post them up now I don’t really seem to add any more these days. Results? Pretty fucking good. When I get attached to either the bad or good of something, it creates stress, and I either focus on the bad or lose the good, so holistic releases tend to put me in balance.

BTW, The list is long. There's general releases, seduction releases, and releasing releases.


The aim is to read the first statement, fully feel any feelings/sensations that arise (if any) and let them be there, then read the second statement and let any feelings be there. So leave a few seconds between reading each statement. Basically one statement is a positive, and one is a negative, and obviously you’re preference is to ‘having’ the positive statement in your life, and what accepting both sides does is neutralize either belief, and this frees you of the attachment (positive) and the aversion (negative). Don’t worry about it removing the positive if you already feel you have it or if it’s something you’d rather have, it doesn’t work like that. No belief is better than having a positive belief, and much better than having a negative belief. If you’re familiar with positive thinking and replacing beliefs, it may scare you to think of not attaching yourself to the positive, but give them a try and go about your life as usual.

By all means, have preferences in life and think about the things you do want, rather than the things you don’t. But with beliefs, by having a positive you accept there must be a negative, so drop your attachment/aversion to both. Also, they are not affirmations, so don’t worry about words like “not”. For pairs that strike up any strong feelings, feel free to go over them a few times till you fully accept both sides of it.

BTW2, if you’re not experienced with Sedona/Release/Lester/Non-duality teachings, etc, and would like to apply releasing in real time, which is not what holistic releasing is ideal for, it all sums up to basically allow/welcoming/accepting/embracing feelings like anger, pride, jealousy, etc. Being fully aware of them and their sensations in your body, and letting them be there, and letting them leave if they want. Acceptance is the word that resonates with me the most, but whatever works for you…

Accept the good, accept the bad. Resist nothing. Don’t attach yourself to either.

Extra questions/other ways to accept:

I allow/accept/love…

Who is this ‘me’ who allows (this), and allows (that)?

Could I let it go? “Yes.” And more, and more, and more…. •

Letting Go


Diving In

Holistic Releasing

The 5th Way

Imagine always… Imagine never…

General releases

I allow being inhibited I allow being outgoing

I allow avoiding I allow embracing

I allow holding on I allow letting go

I allow suppressing I allow expressing

I allow resisting I allow accepting

I allow feeling alone I allow feeling together

I allow being in the past I allow being in the future

I allow being in memory

I allow being in imagination

I allow hating I allow loving

I allow being judged I allow being accepted

I allow being stifled I allow being unstifled

I allow looking bad I allow looking good

I allow being a loser I allow being a winner

I allow having women like me I allow having women dislike me

I allow being in my head I allow being in my body

I allow taking value I allow giving value

I allow my failures I allow my accomplishments

I allow having no purpose I allow having a purpose

I allow having a boring life I allow having a fun life

I allow doing wrong I allow doing right

I allow being weird I allow being cool

I allow nothing I allow everything

I allow being poor I allow being rich

I allow thoughts I allow no thoughts

I allow feeling tired I allow feeling energized

I allow disapproving of myself I allow giving myself approval

I allow disapproving of other people I allow giving others my approval

I allow eating bad foods I allow eating good foods

I allow feeling embarrassed I allow feeling comfortable

I allow being a bad person I allow being a good person

I allow wanting to people to be as I want them I allow people to be the way they are

I allow being looked over I allow being the centre of attention

I allow failing

I allow winning

I allow feelings I allow no feelings

I allow breathing shallow I allow breathing fully

I allow being no one I allow being someone

I allow being slow I allow being fast

I allow being unfunny I allow being funny

I allow being unsexy I allow being sexy

I allow agreeing I allow disagreeing

I allow being in pain I allow being free of pain

I allow being reactive I allow being unreactive

I allow being like everyone else I allow being unique

I allow impressing I allow expressing

I allow trying to do things I allow things being effortless

I allow feeling empty I allow feeling complete

I allow being ordinary I allow being special

I allow holding on to thoughts I allow letting thoughts go

I allow being selfish I allow being giving

I allow being calm I allow being wild

I allow loving women deeply I allow loving women superficially

I allow being attached I allow being unattached

I allow concepts to define me I allow nothing to define me

I allow taking I allow giving

I allow being selfish I allow sharing

I allow thinking of the past I allow being in the present moment

I allow thinking of the future I allow being in the present moment

I allow being imperfect

I allow being perfect

I allow wanting to change things I allow letting things be

I allow remembering I allow imagining

I allow saying no I allow saying yes

I allow being empty I allow being full

I allow giving out bad vibes I allow giving out good vibes

I allow things going the way I want I allow things not going the way I want

I allow failing miserably I allow winning completely

I allow doing what I want to do I allow doing what I should do

I allow the good I allow the bad

I allow the worst I allow the best

I allow it all I allow none of it

I allow talking I allow not talking

I allow being quiet I allow being loud

I allow wanting more I allow wanting less

I allow things changing I allow things staying the same

I allow excuses I allow being driven

I accept criticism I accept praise

I allow surrendering I allow fighting

I allow wanting to be someone else I allow being myself

I allow being a child I allow being an adult

I allow feeling I allow numbness

I allow being respected I allow being disrespected

I allow disapproval I allow approval

I allow admiring I allow looking down on

I allow being intimidating

I allow being intimidated

I allow fear I allow courage

I allow a little I allow a lot

I allow being stuck I allow being free

I allow being entertained I allow entertaining myself

I allow being inside I allow being outside

I allow being introverted I allow being extroverted

I allow exercising I allow not exercising

I allow being lazy I allow taking action

I allow being stared at I allow being ignored

I allow nimbus being low I allow nimbus being high

I allow being in state I allow being out of state

I allow being sad I allow being happy

I allow having an ego I allow having no ego

I allow giving a shit I allow not giving a shit

I allow feeling emotions I allow not feeling emotions

I allow being desperate I allow being complete

I allow holding on to my identity I allow letting go of my identity

I allow being laughed at I allow being respected

I allow being unemployed I allow having a job

I allow having no friends I allow having lots of friends

I allow being fake I allow being honest

I allow being creepy I allow being sexy

I allow a noisy mind I allow a still mind

I allow being out of the moment I allow being in the moment

I allow aversions

I allow attachments

I allow having a bad style I allow having a good style

I allow being attracted I allow being repulsed

I allow being single I allow being in a relationship

I allow hating myself I allow loving myself

I allow liking people I allow disliking people

I allow showing a false personality I allow showing my true personality

I allow being tense I allow being relaxed

I allow being hated I allow being loved

I allow bad people I allow good people

I allow being judgmental I allow being compassionate

I allow wanting to look cool I allow being myself

I allow being unhealthy I allow being healthy

I allowing feeling calm I allow feeling humiliated

I allow having ideals to live up to I allow being free of ideals to live up to

I allow living to other peoples standards I allow living to my own standards

I allow not being good enough I allow being good enough

I allow being unlovable I allow being lovable

I allow being lazy I allow being motivated

I allow acting stupid I allow acting cool

I allow being self-conscious I allow not giving a shit

I allow being bored I allow being entertained

I allow being uninspired I allow being inspired

I allow feeling numb I allow feeling excited

I allow lies I allow truth

I allow doing things

I allow holding things off

I allow sympathy I allow compassion

I allow caring about myself I allow caring about others

I allow being low value I allow being high value

I allow being jealous I allow being carefree

I allow being defined I allow being undefined

I allow being restrained I allow being a free-spirit

I allow being stressed out I allow being peaceful

I allow being low energy I allow being pumped up

I allow thinking of the worst thing I allow thinking of the best thing

I allow thinking of bad situations I allow thinking of good situations

I allow my beliefs I allow reality

I allow seeking the source of entertainment I allow being the source of entertainment

I allow making a good impression I allow making a bad impression

I allow things going as planned I allow things to be different

I allow what I want to do I allow what I have to do

I allow being amused I allow self-amusing

I allow being angelic I allow being evil

I allow the dark I allow the light

I accept being defeated I accept defeating

I allow running away from things I allow facing things

I allow being shy I allow being confident

I allow bothering I allow leaving alone

I allow being ridiculed I allow being respected

I allow being restrained I allow having free will

I allow being naive

I allow being mature

I allow being dumb I allow being smart

I allow making things worse I allow making things better

I allow quickness I allow slowness

I allow time I allow being free of time

I allow forgiveness I allow revenge

I allow planning ahead I allow being spontaneous

I allow there being too much I allow there being not enough

I allow doing what I want I allow doing what others want

I allow connecting I allow disconnecting

I allow desiring I allow owning

I allow bad things to happen I allow good things to happen

Seduction Releases

I allow women to be attracted to me I allow women to be disgusted by me

I allow attracting women I allow repulsing women

I allow touching women I allow not touching women

I allow being in social situations I allow being alone

I allow being sexual I allow being non-sexual

I allow wanting sex I allow having sex

I allow chasing women I allow avoiding women

I allow wanting a specific outcome I allow any outcome

I allow women liking me I allow women liking other guys

I allow women finding me attractive I allow women finding other guys attractive

I allow being needy I allow being distant

I allow being a virgin I allow being experienced

I allow wanting things from women I allow having things from women

I allow women chasing me I allow women avoiding me

I allow talking respectfully I allow talking dirty

I allow having a low sex drive I allow having a high sex drive

I allow asking women out I allow not asking women out

I allow being good with women I allow being bad with women

I allow suppressing my desire I allow expressing my desire

I allow doing nothing I allow taking action

I allow being soft I allow being dominant

I allow taking the lead I allow being led

I allow going home on my own I allow going home with a woman

I allow being respectful I allow being rude

I allow not being good enough for women I allow being too good for women

I allow being infatuated with women I allow being aloof with women

I allow wanting one specific girl I allow wanting all women

I allow having low standards I allow having high standards

I allow men

I allow women

I allow not knowing what to do I allow knowing exactly what to do

I allow being masculine I allow being feminine

I allow being on my own I allow being around other people

I allow wanking I allow not wanking

Releasing Releases

I allow forgiving emotions I allow disapproving of emotions

I allow not needing anything I allow needing everything

I allow resisting love

I allow accepting love

I allow resisting doing I allow resisting not doing

I allow having I allow wanting

I allow emptiness I allow form

I allow wanting approval I allow having approval

I allow wanting control I allow having control

I allow wanting security/safety I allow having security/safety

I allow being the doer I allow not being the doer

I allow fuzziness I allow presence

I allow change I allow changelessness

I allow loving and holding on I allow loving and letting go

I allow hating and holding on I allow hating and letting go

I allow pushing away I allow pulling towards

I allow being humble I allow being arrogant

I allow getting my happiness from the outside I allow getting my happiness from the inside

I allow being passive I allow being active

I allow taking no responsibility I allow taking full responsibility

I allow doing what I’m doing I allow not doing what I’m doing

I allow doing what I’m not doing I allow doing what I’m doing

I allow self-improvement I allow self-destruction

I allow karma I allow no karma

I allow heaven I allow hell I allow being liberated I allow being in bondage

I allow my programs to stay I allow my programs to leave

I allow fighting I allow surrendering

I allow lack I allow abundance

I allow thinking of things I don’t want I allow thinking of things I do want

I allow wanting life I allow wanting death

I allow wanting to know I allow knowing

I allow thinking positively I allow thinking negatively

I allow witnessing the truth I allow denying the truth

I allow wanting to die I allow wanting to live

I allow seeing the perfection I allow seeing the imperfection

I allow other peoples issues I allow other peoples perfection

I allow effortlessness I allow effort

I allow being the worst I allow being the best

I allow being separate I allow being one

I allow being the witness/experiencer I allow not being the witness/experience

I allow being the body I allow being not the body

I allow perfection I allow imperfection

I allow movement I allow stillness

I allow identifying with everything I allow being separate from everything

I allow resisting

I allow accepting

I allow seeing all as better or worse I allow seeing all as equals

I allow being interested I allow being uninterested

I allow having joy from the inside I allow having joy from the outside

I allow being modest I allow showing off

I allow my flaws I allow my attributes

I allow being patient I allow being anxious

I allow worrying I allow enjoying

I allow pushing feelings away I allow pulling feelings closer

I allow yin I allow yang

I allow me I allow you

I allow beingness I allow the world

I allow concepts I allow truth

I allow knowing what I am I allow seeking what I am I allow doing I allow being

I allow the fullness I allow the emptiness

I allow doing it I allow not doing it

I allow loving myself/ I allow loving other

From the Power of Letting Go, Patricia Carrington Ph.D, studied Sedona with Lester:

What did I want to change? Could I let go of wanting to change that?

It would be great if ..... changed, but could I let go of *wanting* to change that?

Could I let go of wanting to change that ..... is happening?

Could I let go of wanting to rewrite the past?

When you find it hard to release it all ask : Could I let go of just 1 percent of wanting to change(that situation)?

Could I let go of just 1 percent of wanting to change that and hold on to the rest?

Could I accept 1 percent of....?

Could I let go - for only a few seconds - of wanting to change this(situation)?

Could I let go of just this part of wanting to change this....(person, place, feeling,etc)?

Could I let go of wanting to change (a tiny part) of this?

Can I increase the wanting to change (the situation, feeling), more, and more?

I won't let myself release this.

Could I let go of wanting to change it and just let it be, without acting on it?

Could I hold on to this feeling, hold it and focus on it, and keep it?

Could I let go of wanting to control this situation?

Can I accept the loss of his/her/my approval?

Could I let go of wanting to control his/her/my approval?

Coudl I let go of wanting my own approval?

Could I let go of wanting to control my own approval?

Does this situation have to do with approval or control?(let it go)

Could I give myself a lot of approval - right now?

Could I let go for if only 5 seconds of wanting approval?

Could I let go of wanting to change that person?

Could I let go of wanting to control that person?

Could I let go of wanting to protect myself(the feeling of wanting to hide, be rude, run away, hostile, etc)

Could I let go of (person, company, etc) to be fair?

Could I let go of wanting to change my - body, my fun, my excitement, my feelings?

Could I let go of struggling to change it, could I let it 'be' for just a while?

Could I let go of wanting to understand?


Some of these are from the Living Love course. Sometimes when we realize we feel better and things work out better when we accept, or love, or let go of trying to control - and it ends up becoming another want. We end up *wanting* to have/love/accept etc and can create resistance when we don't seem to be able to do it despite knowing it's the best thing to do. So we can let go of *wanting* to do these things and the trying and raise the likelihood of having them, aswell as let go of the resistance to not being able to be like that all the time.:

Could I let go of wanting to change .....?

Could I let go of wanting to accept .....?

Could I let go of wanting love/approval?

Could I let go of wanting to love/give approval?

Could I let go if wanting to get rid of/push away/to make dissolve ....?

Could I let of wanting of wanting more/to keep around/to create ....?

Could I let go of wanting to release my feelings?

Could I let go of wanting to hold on to my feeelings?

Sanctuary for the Soul Dedicated in Love and Gratitude to Lester Levenson

General Releasing Sheet (20 times/day or more – Everyday) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Who or what am I afraid of now? Who or what do I want to control now? Whose approval do I want now? Am I insecure now? Who or what do I want to be separate from now? What is the worst thing that could happen to me right now? Who or what am I resisting now? Could I let go of protecting myself with fear? Could I let go of being so smart and allow it to be other than I think it is?

A good way to experience freedom is to tell your ego:

Good Morning This is Beingness I will be HANDLING all of your PROBLEMS today. I will not need your help, so have a MIRACULOUS DAY!!! Daily Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Stop being OFFENDED Let go of your need to WIN Let go of your need to BE RIGHT Let go of your need to BE SUPERIOR Let go of your need to HAVE MORE Let go of identifying yourself on the BASIS of your ACHIEVEMENTS Let go of your REPUTATION BE KIND a) Kindness towards YOURSELF b) Kindness towards OTHERS

TICKETS to Bliss and Abundance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3.

Could you stop asking your mind which does not have any answer? Could you let go of wanting to figure things out? Could you let go of wanting to know what to do? Could you let go of wanting to know the answers? Could you let go of wanting to know anything (for this moment) right now? And again, and again, etc. Could you let go of wanting to think? And again, and again, etc. Now, could you let go of disapproving yourself right now? Could you let go of beating yourself up for not having an answer? And again, and again, etc.

Could you let it go?

4. 5.

Could you give yourself approval (for no reason)? And again, and again, etc.

List of things you want in life

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

Things you have in life

WANTS Releasing on the 3 Wants Ways in which I seek Approval (love/acceptance)

Ways I seek Control (change)

Ways I seek Security/Safety/Survival

Let go?

GOAL CHART Steps: 1. Write your goal with correct wording. 2. Read the goal. Write down the first thought or feeling that comes to mind in relationship to it. 3. Ask yourself, does that come from a sense of w/a, w/c or w/s? 4. Could I let go of w/a, w/c and w/s? 5. Keep working on the goal until you either get it or decide you no longer want it.

Goal: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What is my NOW feeling about my goal?

Let go?

Feel Good?

Did I completely let go?

I now feel good about it.

ACTION STEPS Steps: 1. Write your goal with correct wording. 2. Read the goal. Make a list of the things you believe you must do to accomplish your goal. 3. Write down your NOW feeling about doing each item in the list. 3. Ask yourself, does that come from a sense of w/a, w/c or w/s? 4. Could I let go of w/a, w/c and w/s?

Goal: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ “To do” list to accomplish my goal

What is my NOW feeling about doing each item?

Let go?

Feel Good?

Did I completely let go?

I now feel good about it.

ATTACHMENTS & AVERSIONS TOPIC: ……………………………………………………………………………… (e.g. Money, Wanting, Disapproving myself, Figuring things out, Health, any Stuckness, Worrying, Thinking, Doing something, Holding on, Letting go, Satisfaction, Trusting, Sharing the Method with others)

Stream of Consciousness: (a) Let your mind think of things about the attachment. Write it down and see what you wrote

or thought is w/a, w/c or w/s and then release the want. i) ………………………………………………….. Let go? ii) …………………………………………………. Let go? iii) ……………………………………….……….. Let go? (b) Let your mind think of things about the aversion. Write it down and see what you wrote or thought is w/a, w/c or w/s and then release the want. i) ………………………………………………….. Let go? ii) …………………………………………………. Let go? iii) ……………………………………….……….. Let go?

What ADVANTAGE is it to me to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Let go?

What DISADVANTAGE is it to me to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Did I completely let go?

What do I LIKE about ........................

Let go?

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

What do I DISLIKE about ..........................

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

Did I completely let go?

1 a) Imagine, never, ever being able to________________________________. Let go? b) Imagine, always ________________________________. Let go? 2 a) Could I let go of my entire attachment to___________________________. Let go? b) Could I let go my entire aversion to ________________. Let go?

Resistance Any time you feel like you have to, must do or should do anything, it brings up your resistance.

Things I feel I have to do

What is my NOW feeling about that?

Let go?

Feel Good?

Did I completely let go?

I now feel good about it.

“Good” and “Bad” exercise What’s good?

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

What’s bad?

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

Happiness TOPIC: ……………………………………………………………………………… What do I need to be happy?

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

What do I need to avoid to be happy?

Let go?

Did I completely let go?

Releasing Pride (e.g. being stubborn, being smart, being able to drive others crazy by us acting negative etc.)

1) Ask yourself, “What am I proud of?” a) …………………….. Let go? b) ………………………. Let go? 2) Ask yourself, “Could I let go of holding on to the pride?”

Digging Deeper 1) Who or what am I judging? …………………………………… …..Could I let that go? 2) Who or what I am guilty about? ……………….……………….. Could I let that go? 3) Who or what do I want to be separate from? ……………… Could I let that go? 4) Who or what I am rejecting? ……………………………………… Could I let that go? 5) Who or what I am resisting? ……………………………………… Could I let that go? 6) Who or what I am jealous of? ……………………………….…… Could I let that go? 7) Who do I think I am better than? ……………………….Could I allow that person to be equal to me? 8) Who do I think is better than me? ....................... Could I allow myself to be equal to them? 9) What is my persona (personality)? ……………………. List and release.

DEMONSTRATION & TAKING RESPONSIBILITY 1) Take full Responsibility for everything that happens to you. But, let go of beating yourself up. 2) Ask yourself, “Wherein did I cause this to happen to me?” 3) Sit quietly until the answer comes. Write it down and keep releasing until you are 100% released about it.

FAST STEPS TO FREEDOM – Lester Levenson 1) Get everything by releasing only. 2) Practice witnessing things more while releasing. 3) Take Responsibility for everything. 4) Take all your joy from within. 5) Be all giving. 6) Be Yourself. 7) Identify with everyone/every atom as being you. 8) Constantly identify with your Beingness. 9) Do not identify with your body and mind. 10) Be not the doer. 11) Take every down as an up.

SPECIAL RELEASE PROCESS – CLEAN UP QUESTIONS Repeat these questions until you can answer “yes” to question #3

1. Did this person try to control me? 2. Did I try to control this person? 3. Do I now grant this person the right for this person to be as this person is? Repeat these questions until you can answer “yes” to question #3

1. Did I dislike or disapprove of anything in this person? 2. Did this person dislike or disapprove of anything in me? 3. Do I have only love/acceptance feelings for this person? Repeat these questions until you can answer “yes” to question #3

1. Did this person challenge, oppose or threaten me? 2. Did I challenge, oppose or threaten this person? 3. Do I have only a feeling of well being, a feeling of safety and trust with this person?

DAILY REVIEW (CLEAN UP) 1. …………………………………………………………………. Let go? 2. …………………………………………………………………. Let go? 3. …………………………………………………………………. Let go?

GAINS 1. …………………………………………………………………. 2. …………………………………………………………………. 3. ………………………………………………………………….

0. Intention?

1. Embrace a thought or emotion (confront, welcome, view, be-aware-of) 2. Release the thought or emotion (cease to react or give attention/importance, relax)

1. Counter? What are you feeling right now? Or: What is an issue, problem you'd like to release? Note: Even „feeling nothing“ is a feeling. Could be: A feeling A memory An energy in your stomach, solar-plexus, chest, forehead or crown An emotion A fantasy An urge to do something else Tiredness A contraction A physical sensation An intuition A thought An inner aversion or resistance

Context: Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.

2. Could you emotionally embrace this Feeling? Experience anything that comes up. Could you emotionally welcome this Feeling? Give Up Resisting it Could you emotionally allow this Feeling? Give up wanting to Change it Could you relax into this Feeling? Open a Window in that Area Could you go to the Core of this Feeling? Breathe with it Welcome all sensations, feelings, memories and thoughts that come up with it Go to the center of it Allow it to Flow Allow it to dissolve Allow it to Be Welcome it Allow it to Pass Through Open Up This is not done shorter or longer than 10 to 60 seconds. If you do this too long, you get ”lost“ in the feeling.

Just feel it Relax with it Be with it Relax into the feeling Dive into it Appreciate it Slightly deeper than that Just for now, you can return later

Does it come from a sense of wanting approval, control, security, separation or oneness? Some specific “wants” that keep us energyless and separate from creating the reality we intend to create = more freedom of having, being and doing: Wanting Approval Wanting Control Wanting Security Wanting Separation/Oneness Resisting Disapproval, Wanting Fear of Loosing Control. Forcing Fear of Death. Wanting to Survive. Wanting Oneness: Afraid of Being Attention, Praise, Applause, things. Wanting to understand and Protecting oneself and others alone. Wanting to connect with Confirmation. Being needy. Being figure out something. Wanting to from dangers and threats. people or groups. Wanting to join afraid to loose love. Wanting to be “make something happen”. Wanting to make sure. Wanting to something, be a part of noticed. Wanting to be Wanting to be Right. Wanting to asses all risks before acting. The something. Wanting to belong. discovered. Getting angry at persuade and coerce. opposite side of the coin: Wanting Wanting to be normal. Wanting to critisism. Opposite side of the the Manipulating. Holding Tight. to Die. Wanting to give up. Having be like others. Wanting Love. coin: Wanting to be disliked, Distrust. Rebelling against no more drive. Aversion against Craving Sex. Wanting Spiritual disapproved. Wanting to be Authority. Paranoia. Life. Wanting to quit it all. Enlightenment. Wanting ignored. Wanting to hide. Opposite side of the the coin: Lack Exposing oneself to dangers. Separation: Wanting to be of Control, lack of responsibility, different. Wanting to be better wanting someone to take care of than others. Wanting to go away. you, being a victim, looking for Not wanting to see others. Feeling answers “out there”, waiting for cramped and constricted. Wanting others to “do it”. Freedom. Dissociating. Wanting to separate from someone.

4. Could you release your attention from this needing? Could you just relax now? Allow yourself to feel what it would feel like to already have it now. Be that. Or: Could you release this? Or: Could you let go of this? Note: This is not asking you to let go, but asking if you Could let go of wanting. If you answer yes, thats fine, if you answer No thats fine. Even giving oneself permission to say „No“ facilitates a release from an issue. If you want to do the long version of this step, also ask: „Would you like to release this?“ and „When would you like to release this?“ These two questions are helpful additions for beginners. Relax your attention. No analysis, no debate. This is not done for more than 2 to 20 seconds.

Put your attention on the same issue or on another issue and repeat the steps. Usually, the steps are repeated with the same issue until you feel free and at peace. This may take only one repetition or several. Important note: If you are having difficulties releasing something, then give yourself permission to hold on to that issue before continuing to release it. Then you can either end the process or continue with something else that came up or another issue you want to release.

5. If you did more than _ cycles, ask yourself: Am I now not taking physical action and use releasing as an excuse?

Definition of Desire: Wanting, Craving, Needing, Expecting, Searching. Issue: Wanting = Not Having. Wanting separates us from what we “want” - intend to have. Definition of Resistance: Not-wanting, avoiding, defense, ignoring, fighting, pushing, pushing away, going against, being against, being “anti-”. Issue: Anything you resist becomes stronger. What you push, pushes you. What you resist or fight, you give attention and power to. Conclusion: Neither Desire nor Resistance help you to experience the Realities you want to experience.