The Scale Omnibus 1.02

The Scale Omnibus 399 scales for instrumentalists, vocalists, composers and improvisors Francesco Balena – www.saxopedia

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The Scale Omnibus 399 scales for instrumentalists, vocalists, composers and improvisors Francesco Balena –

Table of Contents Introduction

page 3

Major and Minor Scales


Symmetrical Scales


Jazz Scales


Pentatonic Scales


Modal Scales


European Scales


Asian Scales


Indian Scales


Miscellaneous Scales


Appendix A : Scale Index


Appendix B : Scales by Name


Appendix C : Scales by Interval


Appendix D : Scales by Chord


Document version: 1.02 – Published on June 8, 2014


The Scale Omnibus has been my pet project during the year 2013 and the first months of 2014. It has required hours of researching, typing, proofreading, and double-checking. I am very glad to offer it for free to instrumentalists, vocalists, composers, improvisers, students, and music hobbysts. Feel free to share this material with your fellow musicians. Instead of passing on a copy of this PDF document, suggest to them that they download the most recent version from A big thank you goes to Bob Hartig, saxophonist, editor, and author of The Giant Steps Scratchpad, who kindly offered to edit and improve this book's introduction as only a native language writer can do. If you are a jazz musician, do yourself a favor and check out Bob's Stormhorn website at And if you need the assistance of a professional editor or writer, visit his CopyFox site,

I dedicate this book to my wife, Adriana, who has inspired all the nicest achievements in my life.


Introduction All kinds of music are based on scales. In primary school, we were taught to sing the major scale, and even people who don’t play a musical instrument can usually distinguish between major and minor modes. If you are a classical, jazz, or pop musician, you probably learned a few more scales, most likely the modes of the Major scale, the Blues scale and the Pentatonic scale. In most cases, you don’t need to learn any other scales; after all, for centuries, classical Western composers have produced wonderful masterpieces with no more than a couple dozen different scales. Other musical traditions are based on a larger set of scales. If you play South Indian Carnatic music, you are expected to know and practice no fewer than seventy-two different ragas. If you are from North India, you should be able to distinguish between ragas based on the time of the day and the season of the year. Many ragas have different ascending and descending forms. Learning ragas is by no means a trivial undertaking. Regardless of which musical style you are involved in, there is an unexplored world out there based on scales you might not be familiar with. Studying and practicing uncommon scales adds new sounds to your musical vocabulary and can inspire novel ideas for composition and improvisation.

The goal The objective of The Scale Omnibus is to provide information about the many scales you can “borrow” from all over the world, from Western composers of the past to jazz and rock improvisers of the present. When possible, a scale description includes historical or geographical notes, oddities, and trivia. If you like knowing that the Simpson theme is based on the Lydian Dominant scale – which was also used by composers such as Debussy, Stravinsky, and Bartók – then this book is for you. There are many books and websites containing tons of different scales. Many classical composers are familiar with Nicolas Slonimski’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns, and most jazz improvisers have studied Don Haerle’s Scales for Jazz Improvisation or similar textbooks. These are must-read books and cover many scales in a very accurate manner; nevertheless, they leave out an even larger number of scales. At the other side of the spectrum, you can easily find several websites with hundreds of scales, which are described in a very essential way (in most cases, just the interval list). For example, you should have a look at The Piano Encyclopedia ( or the Simon’s Stuff blog (, which broadly contain the same scale collection, or the HuygensFokker site (, which also includes microtonal scales. Many Wikipedia pages are devoted to this topic – for example, search for “List of musical scales and modes” and “Musical styles” – and have been a major information source for this book. The main shortcoming of these huge scale collections is that they fail to show the relationship between different scales. For example, none of them make it clear the the Egyptian scale, the Rui Bin Chinese scale, and the Madhyamavati Indian raga contain the same notes as the Suspended Pentatonic that is so widely used in jazz and rock, and that all of these scales are nothing but the second mode of the very popular Major Pentatonic scale. To put things in perspective, The Scale Omnibus contains 1,030 scale names, yet only 399 distinct scales; thus, any given scale has about 2.5 synonyms on the average. Of those 399 distint scales, as many as 243 scales are actually modes of another scale (e.g., the Lydian Dominant scale is mode IV of the Melodic Minor 3

scale), which leaves just 156 scales that are truly different – that is, they contain different sets of notes. Even if each mode of a given scale calls for a different treatment, you typically don’t need to practice all the modes of a given scale, because the fingering on your instrument is the same for all of them. So the initial set of a thousand-plus scales is far more manageable than it might seem. All the websites devoted to music scales include an example of the each scale starting on the C note or the interval list (e.g., CDEFGAB or – going by half-steps – 2212221 for the Major scale), or both. Transposing scales to other keys is left as an exercise for the reader, as is determining which chords you can use the scale with. This book includes those pieces of information, minimizing your effort.

Overview To create some order in this vast material, the book has been organized into several sections. The Major and Minor Scales chapter describes the Major, the Melodic Minor, the Harmonic Minor scales and the modes that can be derived from them. The Symmetrical Scales section covers limited-transposition scales – that is, scales for which fewer than twelve distinct versions exist. For example, there are only two distinct Whole-Tone scales, one starting on C and the other starting on C# (the scales starting on D, E, F#, G#, and Bb are the same as the C scale). The Jazz Scales chapter includes the many variations of the Blues and Bebop scales, whereas the Pentatonic Scales section offers an insight on the most common five-note scales used in jazz and world music. The Modal Scales section gathers variations of common modes of the major and minor scales and provides a lot of interesting hints for jazz improvisation. The European Scales, Asian Scales, and Indian Scales sections group scales by their geographical origin. Indian scales typically belong to one of two groups: melas and ragas. The last chapter, Miscellaneous Scales, includes African and American scales plus scales that don’t fit nicely in any of the previous sections. Scales in these four chapters are listed alphabetically. At the end of the book, you will find a few useful supplements. The Scale Index table summarizes the properties of all main scales described in more details in the various chapters. The Scales by Name table lists all scales in alphabetical order, including those that are synonyms for better-known scales. The Scales by Interval table provides a quick way to identify a scale from a group of notes or intervals. Finally, the Scales by Chord table summarizes the scales that are typically used over different chords in jazz improvisation. Some scales fit in more than one category, and the criteria for selecting the appropriate section were somewhat arbitrary. For example, some Indian five-note ragas were included in the Pentatonic Scales section, while others are listed in the Indian Scales section. This was done in an attempt to keep different modes of a given pentatonic scale in adjacent pages.

Selection criteria While a great effort has been done to include as many distinct scales as possible, The Scale Omnibus doesn’t cover all the scales that have been used over the years by musicians from all over the world. In fact, only scales meeting a few requirements are listed in this collection.


First, only scales with five or more notes are included. The rationale here is that scales with four or fewer notes – there are “scales” with just two notes! – may be of interest to a musicologist but are inadequate for modern compositions and improvisations. Second, only scales based on the twelve-tone equal temperament were included. Microtonal scales, scales that use just temperament, and scales that use equal temperament obtained by dividing the octave in a number of intervals other than twelve – as is the case of some Arabian scales – are not included. For more information, search Wikipedia for “Equal Temperament.” Third, in most cases only the ascending mode of a scale is included. There are several scales that use a different set of notes in their ascending and descending version; however, this book only lists the ascending version. There are a few exceptions, such as the Enigmatic scale and a few Indian ragas.

Modes, intervals, chords At the top of each page, you will find a list of the notes that make up that page’s scale in the key of C, followed by a list of alternate names and synonyms for that scale (if they exist) and a list of modes that can be generated from that scale (or the name the primary scale if the current scale is itself a mode of another scale). The selection of a given scale as the primary scale that generates one or more modes was sometimes arbitrary. For instance, while the relationship between modes of major and minor scales is clearly established – everyone agrees that the Dorian mode is the second mode of the Major scale and not the other way around – stating that the Raga Hamsanandi is the fourth mode of the Blues scale doesn’t imply a similar stylistic or historical relationship. It is simply a helpful way of thinking; it tells you that if you are proficient with the Blues scale on your instrument, then you also have the Raga Hamsanandi scale under your fingers, and it’s just a matter of experimenting with how that scale sounds over selected harmonies. Each scale is uniquely identified by its list of intervals in semitones. For example, the intervals for the Major scale are “2 2 1 2 2 2 1,” indicating two half-steps, two half-steps, one half-step, etc. I prefer this numeric notation over more popular systems – such as using an H for half-steps and a W for whole steps – because it is more intuitive for showing wider intervals. For each scale, one or more chords are also provided. These are the chords for which the scale can work well for improvisation. Keep in mind, though, that some scales – especially Indian ragas and scales with nine or more notes – don’t easily adapt to Western harmony; their potential dissonances required either careful handling or a special context in order to succeed In some cases, the accompanying text specifies which notes should be avoided or used as passing notes, but most of the time, such advice has been omitted. All scales are shown in all twelve keys, with the exception of the Chromatic scale for obvious reasons. Effort has been made to select accidentals that preserve the nature of each scale, yet also to minimize the number of accidentals and to avoid double sharps and double flats if possible. In other words, seven-note scales typically contain seven distinct note names, each with the proper accidental. For non-Western scales and for scales with eight or more notes, accidentals are used more liberally. A great advantage of an e-book over a standard paper book is that the former can include hyperlinks, both to websites and to other portions of the same document. This feature has been used extensively in the PDF version of The Scale Omnibus. Virtually every scale name is a hyperlink to a page where the scale is


described in detail. For example, you can quickly get more information about all the modes of a given primary scale. Hyperlinks are heavily used in the four appendices, where you can explore all scales by their name, interval set, children modes, related chords, and so forth.

Licensing and distribution The primary objective of this book is to make in-depth knowledge about scales available to as many people as possible. For this reason, The Scale Omnibus is free. Free as a free lunch. No strings attached. You are encouraged to pass this PDF to your fellow musicians. I would prefer that instead of distributing a copy of the PDF, you provide the following URL, where all future editions of this book will be made available for download: Passing this URL along to your friends and students rather than the actual PDF ensures that they will download the most recent edition of The Scale Omnibus. However, if you are a music teacher or run a music school and wish to copy the PDF or make printouts of this book for your students, you may do so, provided that   

you don’t sell the PDF version and you charge no more than printing costs. you don’t use this material in commercial publications without my written consent. you always include the first page of this book, which includes the title and author name.

Contribute You can help improve the information contained in The Scale Omnibus by reporting errors, providing information about scales already included in the list, or suggesting scales that haven’t been included. Tip: To check whether a scale is already included in the list, but with a different name, build the “interval list” string (for example “2 1 2 2 2 1 2”) and search it in the PDF document. If you are reading a paper version of this book, you can search the interval list in Appendix C: Scales by Interval.


Saxopedia Another simple way to support The Scale Omnibus is by paying a visit to and leaving a comment. Saxopedia is a website devoted to saxophonists and, more generally, jazz musicians and improvisers. It includes links to more than 3,000 solo transcriptions, sax fingering charts, information about iOS music apps, and more.



Major and Minor Scales Major

Alternate names: Ionian mode, Peruvian Major, Ghana Heptatonic, Ararai (Ethiopia), Xin (China), Maqam Cargah, Ajam Ashiran, Dastgah-e Mahur, Dastgah-e Rast Panjgah, Raga Bilaval That, Raga Arabhi descending, Raga Bilahari descending, Mela Shankarabharanam Modes: Dorian (II), Phrygian (III), Lydian (IV), Mixolydian (V), Aeolian (VI), Locrian (VII) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 Chords: C, Cmaj7, C6 The major scale is the fundamental scale in all Western music and its modes are used in virtually all jazz styles. In th rd general, the 4 degree should be used as a passing tone and resolve to the major 3 . nd

Individual notes of the major scale are sometimes called with specific names: tonic (root), supertonic (2 ), mediant rd th th th th (3 ), subdominant (4 ), dominant (5 ), submediant (6 ), leading tone (7 ).



Alternate names: Gregorian 8, Mischung 5 (Germany), Yu (China), Hyojo (Japan), Oshikicho (Japan), Nam (Vietnam), Raga Kafi That, Mela Kharaharapriya, Raga Bhairavi ascending, Raga Kharapriya, Raga Shree descending, Raga Bhimpalasi, Raga Nayaki Kanada, Raga Sri, Raga Ritigaula, Raga Huseni, Raga Kanara, Raga Bageshri Mode: mode II of Major scale (C Dorian = Bb Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/9 In jazz improvisation, the Dorian scale is the primary choice over minor chords when they are used as IIm7 chords (e.g. Dm7 in C major key).



Alternate names: Major Inverse, Ousak (Greece), Zokuso (Japan), Maqam Kurd (Iraq), Raga Dhanyasi descending, Mela Hanumatodi, Mela Bhairavi That, Raga Bilashkhani Todi, Raga Ghanta Mode: mode III of Major scale (C Phrygian = Ab Major) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7 In jazz improvisation, the Phrygian scale is the primary choice over minor chords when they are used as IIIm7 chords (e.g. Em7 in C major key).



Alternate names: Ping (China), Gu (China), Mela Mecakalyani, Raga Shuddh Kalyan, Raga Kalyan That Mode: mode IV of Major scale (C Lydian = G Major) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 Chords: C, Cmaj7, C#11 th

In modern jazz, the Lydian scale is often preferred to the Major scale over major chords because its 4 degree doesn’t rd need to resolve down to the 3 . This scale has become very popular in modern jazz also thanks to George Russell’s Lydian Chromatic Concepts textbook.



Alternate names: Gregorian 2, Mischung 3 (Germany), Shang (China), Mela Harikamboji, Raga Kambodhi descending, Raga Khamaj That, Raga Janjhuti, Raga Harini, Raga Khambhavati, Raga Surati, Raga Balahamsa Mode: mode V of Major scale (C Mixolydian = F Major) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C9 th

In most jazz styles, the Mixolydian scale is the primary choice over dominant 7 chords with no altered note.



Alternate names: Natural Minor, Peruvian Minor, Cushak (Armenia), Ezel (Ethiopia), Geez (Ethiopia), Se (Japan), Raga Bhairavi descending, Mela Natabhairavi, Raga Jaunpuri, Raga Adana, Raga Jingla, Raga Asavari That Mode: mode VI of Major scale (C Aeolian = Eb Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7 In jazz improvisation, the Aeolian scale is the primary choice over minor chords when they are used as VIm7 chords (e.g. Am7 in C major key).



Alternate names: Pien Chih (China), Makam Lami (Jewish), Yishtabach (Jewish) Mode: mode VII of Major scale (C Locrian = Db Major)

Intervals: 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 Chords: Cm7/b5 In jazz improvisation, the Locrian scale is the primary choice over half-diminished chords when they are used as VIIm7 chords (e.g. Bm7/b5 in C major key).


Melodic Minor

Alternate names: Ascending Minor, Mischung 1 (Germany), Mela Gaurimanohari, Raga Patdip, Raga Velavali, Raga Deshi 2 Modes: Dorian b2 (II), Lydian Augmented (III), Lydian Dominant (IV), Melodic Major (V), Half-diminished (VI), Altered Dominant (VII) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7, Cmin6 th


In classical music, this scale has two versions: ascending and descending; the descending version has both 6 and 7 degrees flattened (i.e. Ab and Bb for the C minor melodic scale), which makes it identical to the Aeolian mode. In jazz music, no such distinction exists.


Dorian b2

Alternate names: Jazz Minor Inverse, Phrygian Natural 6, Phrygian Mixolydian, Javanese, Mela Natakapriya, Raga Natabharanam, Raga Ahiri Todi Mode: mode II of Melodic Minor scale (C Dorian b2 = Bb Melodic Minor) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7/b9, C7sus/b9


Lydian Augmented

Alternate names: Lydian #5, Altered Lydian Mode: mode III of Melodic Minor scale (C Lydian Augmented = A Melodic Minor) Intervals: 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cmaj7/#5 The Lydian Augmented scale has been used by many bop and post-bop players, such as McCoy Tyner.


Lydian Dominant

Alternate names: Lydian b7, Mixolydian #4, Bartok, Acoustic, Overtone, Mela Vacaspati, Raga Bhusavati or Bhusavali Mode: mode IV of Melodic Minor scale (C Lydian b7 = G Melodic Minor) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#11 th

The Lydian Dominant scale differs from the Mixolydian scale for its raised 4 degree, therefore it is often preferred to Mixolydian scale as the primary choice for altered dominant chords, especially when not resolving to the tonic chord (e.g. C7/#11 when not resolving to Fmaj7 or Fm7). th


In classical music, this scale is sometimes referred to as Acoustic scale and has been used by 19 - and 20 -century composers such as Liszt, Debussy, Stravinsky, Bartók, Szymanowski, and Howard Hanson (Symphony n. 4). This scale is also used in folk music of Polish Highlands and Nordeste (northeastern region of Brazil). A bit of trivia: the Lydian Dominant scale is used in the Simpson Theme song.


Melodic Major

Alternate names: Mixolydian b6, Mixolydian b13, Aeolian Major, Major Minor, Mischung 6 (Germany), Hindu (India), Maqam Ussak (Iraq), Mela Carukesi, Raga Tarangini Mode: mode V of Melodic Minor scale (C Melodic Major = F Melodic Minor) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 Chords: C7/#5, C7/b13


Half Diminished

Alternate names: Semilocrian, Locrian Natural 2, Minor Locrian, Minor b5, Altered Diminished Mode: mode VI of Melodic Minor scale (C Half Diminished = Eb Melodic Minor) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 Chords: Cm7/b5 th


The Half Diminished scale is similar to the Locrian scale, except it contains a major 9 instead of minor 9 . It is often preferred to the Locrian scale when improvising over half-diminished chords, when they work as II degree of minor key (e.g. Dm7/b5 in C minor key).


Altered Dominant

Alternate names: Altered, Superlocrian, Locrian b4, Pomeroy, Ravel Mode: mode VII of Melodic Minor scale (C Altered Dominant = Db Melodic Minor) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 Chords: C7/b9/#9/#11/b13 (dominant chords with any combination of these alterations) The Altered Dominant scale has a very distinctive sound and is often the primary choice for dominant chords with all altered notes (that is, b9, #9, #11, and b13). This scale appeared in the works of Debussy, Ravel (hence the alternate Ravel name), and modern composer Steve Reich.


Harmonic Minor

Alternate names: Mischung 4 (Germany), Mohammedan, Maqam Bayat-e-Esfahan (Iraq), Maqam Sultani Yakah(Iraq), Sultani Yakah, Zhalibny Minor, Raga Pilu That, Mela Kiravani, Raga Kiranavali, Raga Kirvani, Raga Kalyana Vasantha, Raga Deshi 3 Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 Modes: Locrian #6 (II), Ionian Augmented (III), Romanian Minor (IV), Phrygian Dominant (V), Lydian #2 (VI), Ultralocrian (VII) Chords: Cmin/maj7, Cmin/b6 nd

The Harmonic scale and its modes have a very distinctive sound, given by the augmented 2 interval (3 semitones) th th between the 6 and 7 degrees. In classical music this scale has been used more sparingly than the Melodic Minor scale, by composers such as Bach, Mozart and Schubert (String Quartet 1, movement 1), usually in its descending form rather than ascending form.


Locrian #6

Alternate names: Locrian Natural Maj6, Dorian b9, Mode: mode II of Harmonic Minor scale (C Locrian Maj7 = Bb Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 Chords: Cm7/b5, C7/b9/#9/#11


Ionian Augmented

Mode: mode III of Harmonic Minor scale (C Ionian Augmented = A Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Romanian Minor

Alternate names: Dorian #4, Gnossiennes, Ukranian Dorian, Tunisian, Kaffa (Ethiopia), Maqam Hedjaz (Iraq), Maqam Nakriz (Iraq) Misheberekh (Jewish), Nigriz (Greece), Peiraiotikos Minor (Greece), Souzinak (Greece), Ukrainian Minor, Mela Hemavati, Raga Desisimharavam Mode: mode IV of Harmonic Minor scale (C Romanian = G Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7/#11, Cm9/#11, Cdim7 th

The Romanian scale can be thought of as a Dorian mode with a raised 4 degree. It is often used in Klezmer Bulgarish music and other Eastern Europe music styles. It has been used also by composers such as Bert Kaempfert (Sweet Maria tune), Eric Satie (hence the alternate name Gnossiennes), and George Gershwin.


Phrygian Dominant

Alternate names: Phrygian Major, Harmonic Major inverse, Spanish or Spanish Gipsy, Zilof (Spain), Dorico Flamenco (Spain), Jewish, Avaha or Ahava Rabba (Jewish), Freygish (or Fraigish), Hitzaz (or Hijaz, Greece), Alhijaz (Saudi Arabian), Maqam Humayun (Iraq), Maqam Zengule (Iraq), Maqam Hijaz-Nahawand (Iraq), Humayun (Iraq), Mela Vakulabharanam, Raga Jogiya, Raga Vativasanta Mode: mode V of Harmonic Minor scale (C Phrygian Dominant = F Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9/b13 The Phrygian Dominant scale can be found in jazz compositions by Charles Mingus (Ysabel’s Table Dance, Don’t Let It Happen Here, The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady). It was used in classical music by Franz Liszt (B-minor Sonata, closing bars).


Lydian #2

Alternate names: Mela Kosalam, Raga Kuksumakaram (or Kusumakaram) Mode: mode VI of Harmonic Minor scale (C Lydian #2 = E Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cmaj7/#9, Cmaj7/#11



Alternate names: Mixolydian #1 Mode: mode VII of Harmonic Minor scale (C UltraLocrian = Db Harmonic Minor) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 Chords: Cdim7


Symmetrical Scales Whole-Tone


Alternate names: Hexatonic, Anhemitonic Hexatonic, Messiaen 1 Mode, Raga Sahera, Raga Gopriya Intervals: 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chords: Caug, C7/#5, Caug7/#11 The Whole-Tone scale is symmetrical and exist only two different versions of this scale. It can be obtained by combining two augmented triads that are one whole tone apart (e.g. C-E-G# and D-F#-A#). In classical music, the Whole-Tone scale has been used by Mozart (Musical Jokes for strings and horns), Liszt (Dante Symphony), Berlioz, Schubert, Glinka (Ruslan and Lyudmila, overture), Borodin (Prince Igor), Rimsky-Korsakov (Sadko), Debussy, Alan Berg (Violin Concert), Bartók (Fifth String Quartet), and Busoni. This scale appears in many jazz compositions and improvisations, such as JuJu (Wayne Shorter), One Up, One Down (John Coltrane). Art Tatum and Thelonious Monk have used this scale extensively. It appears in bar 3 and 4 of the opening of You Are The Sunshine of My Life (Stevie Wonder).




Alternate names: Major Augmented, Messiaen Truncated 3 Mode Inverse, Genus Tertium, Raga Devamani Modes: Inverted Augmented (II) Intervals: 3 1 3 1 3 1 Chords: Caug, Cmaj7/#5, C7/#5/#9 The Augmented scale is symmetrical and exist only four different versions of this scale. It can be obtained by combining two augmented triads that are one half tone apart (e.g. C-E-G# and C#-F-A). It made its first appearance in the work of Franz Liszt (Faust Symphony) and was used by Shostakovich (Second Piano Trio, finale), Ginastera, Prado, Bartók, Babbit, and Schoenberg. The scale has been extensively used in the late 50s and early 60s, by players such as Oliver Nelson (Stolen Moments), John Coltrane, and Michael Brecker.


Inverted Augmented


Alternate names: Messiaen 2 Mode, Prometheus Liszt Mode: Mode II of Augmented scale (C Inverted Augmented = B Augmented) Intervals: 1 3 1 3 1 3 Chords: Caug, Caug6, Caug/b9




Alternate names: Octatonic, Whole-Tone Diminished, Messiaen 2 Mode Inverse, Modus Conjunctus Intervals: 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Modes: Diminished Half-tone (II) Chords: Cdim7, Cdim7/9, Cdim9/#11 The Diminished scale is symmetrical and exist only three different versions of this scale. It can be obtained by th combining two diminished 7 chords that are one whole tone apart (e.g. C-Eb-F#-A and C#-E-G-Bb). This scale has been extensively used in Western music, by composers such as Scalatti, Liszt (Feux Follets), Glinka (Ruslan and Lyudmila), Rimsky-Korsakov (Kashchey the Immortal), Stravinsky (Petrushka, The Rite of Spring, Concert for Piano and Wind Instruments), Debussy, Ravel, Scriabin, Bartók (Batagelles, Improvisations, Fourth Quartet, Cantata Profana, Mikrokosmos 99, 101 and 109), Bloch, Khatchaturian, Messiaen, Milhaud, Poulenc, Prokofiev, Shostakovish. The diminished scale is very frequently used in jazz composition and improvisation, in both its modes (see Diminished Half-tone scale).


Diminished Half-tone


Alternate names: Messiaen 2 Mode Intervals: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Mode: mode II of Diminished scale (C Diminished Half-tone = Bb Diminished) Chords: C7/b9, C7/#9, C7/#11 Together with the Altered scale, the Diminished Half-tone scale is the primary choice for altered dominant chord. As such, it has been extensively used by virtually all bop and post-bop improvisers.



Intervals: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The chromatic scale contains all 12 notes used in Western well-tempered music system. Even though in theory it is possible to name 12 different chromatic scale, in practice there is only one of such scale. The Chromatic scale is rarely used in its entirety in tonal or modal jazz, because it will sound as dissonant over virtually any chord. However, fast chromatic phrases are often used to connect chordal or non-dissonant tones.



Alternate names: Petrushka chord Modes: Raga Neelangi (III) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 3 2 Chords: Cm7 The Tritone scale is symmetrical and exist only six different versions of this scale. It can be obtained by combining two major triads that are one tritone apart (e.g. C-E-G and Gb-Bb-Db). This scale is enharmonically equivalent to the Petrushka chord, named after Stravinsky’s ballet Petrushka.


Raga Neelangi

Mode: mode III of Tritone scale (C Neelangi = G# Tritone) Intervals: 2 1 3 2 1 3 Chords: Cdim Raga Neelangi is a symmetrical Indian raga, only six different versions of this scale exist. It can be obtained by th th removing the 4 and 8 note of a Diminished scale.


Messiaen 2nd Mode Truncated

Intervals: 1 2 3 1 2 3 Chords: C7/#11, C7/b9/#9/#11 Messiaen modes are a family of scales compiled by French composer Olivier Messiaen and published in his book La technique de mon langage musical (“The technique of my musical language”). These scales were also widely used by rd composer Tōru Takemitsu, especially the 3 Mode. These scales are symmetrical and of limited transposition, that is, there exist fewer than 12 distinct scales; for rd example, only four distinct Messiaen 3 Mode scales exist, because the scales built on E and G# are identical and contain the same notes as the scale built on C, the scales built on F and A are identical to the scale built on C#, etc. The set of Messiaen scales includes all the limited transposition scales that can be built with the 12 notes of the st nd tempered system. The Messiaen 1 Mode is more commonly known as the Whole-Tone scale, the Messiaen 2 Mode is the same as the Dimished Half-tone scale. Even more symmetrical scales can be obtained by “truncating”, that is, by dropping two or more notes from one of rd th the more complete scales. Only 3 and 7 Modes are not truncated modes, and all others can be obtained from them: rd st th nd th th th th 3 Mode contains 1 Mode, 7 Mode contains 2 Mode, 4 Mode, and 6 Mode; 5 Mode is a truncated form of 6 Mode. nd




More specifically, Messiean 2 Mode Truncated is obtained by dropping the 4 and 8 note of Messiaen 2 Mode.


Messiaen 3rd Mode

Modes: Genus Chromaticum (III) Intervals: 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 Chords: Caug7, Caug/maj7


Messiaen 4th Mode


Modes: Messiaen 4 Inverse (III) Intervals: 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Messiaen 4th Mode Inverse




Mode: mode III of Messiaen 4 Mode (C Messiaen 4 Mode Inverse = Bb Messiaen 4 Mode) Intervals: 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, C7/b5


Messiaen 5th Mode


Modes: Messiaen 5 Mode Inverse (II), Two-Semitone Tritone (III) Intervals: 1 4 1 1 4 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Messiaen 5th Mode Inverse




Mode: mode II of Messiaen 5 Mode (C Messiaen 5 Mode Inverse = B Messiaen 5 Mode) Intervals: 4 1 1 4 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, C7/#11


Messiaen 6th Mode


Modes: Messiaen 6 Mode Inverse (III) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Chords: C7/#5, C7/#5/#11 It should be noted that this scale contains the first 4 notes of the Major scale, followed by the first 4 notes of of the Major scale built a tritone above.


Messiaen 6th Mode Inverse




Mode: mode III of Messiaen 6 Mode (C Messiaen 6 Mode Inverse = Ab Messiaen 6 Mode) Intervals: 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/#5, C7/b9, C7/#11


Messiaen 7th Mode


Modes: Symmetrical Decatonic (II), Messiaen 7 Inverse (IV) Intervals: 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cdim7


Messiaen 7th Mode Inverse




Mode: mode IV of Messiaen 7 Mode (C Messiaen 7 Mode Inverse = A Messiaen 7 Mode) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, C7/b5 th

This scale is built by reversing the interval sequence of the IV mode of the Messiaen 7 Mode.


Genus Chromaticum


Alternate names: Messiaen 3 Mode Inverse, Tcherepnin (Russia) rd


Mode: mode III of Messiaen 3 Mode (C Genus Chromaticum = A Messiaen 3 Mode) Intervals: 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 This scale is sometimes named after contemporary Russian composer Alexander Tcherepnin, who described it in his Basic Elements of My Musical Language book.


Two-semitone Tritone



Mode: mode III of Messiaen 5 Mode scale (C Two-semitone Tritone = G Messiaen 5 Mode) Intervals: 1 1 4 1 1 4 Chords: Caug, C7/#5, C7/#11 The Two-semitone Tritone scale is symmetrical and exist only six different versions of this scale. Its name describes how the scale is created, i.e. semitone + semitone + major third. This scale was first described by Nicolas Slonimsky in his Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patters book.


Symmetrical Decatonic



Mode: mode II of Messiaen 7 Mode (C Symmetrical Decatonic = B Messiaen 7 Mode) Intervals: 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/b5, Cmaj7/#5, C7, C7/b5, C7/#5, C7/#5/b9


Van Der Host



Mode: mode IV of Messianen 6 Mode (C Van Der Host = G Messiaen 6 ) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5


Jazz Scales Blues

Alternate names: Blues Hexatonic, Raga Nileshwari Modes: Raga Hamsanandi (IV), Raga Malkauns (V) Intervals: 3 2 1 1 3 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#11 The Blues scale is one of the most widely used scales in jazz of any era. It is the primary choice for the typical 12-bar blues progression, in which case it is often used modally (e.g. the C Blues scale is used over all the chords of a C major blues progression).


Blues Heptatonic

Alternate names: Dorian b5, Kartzihiar (Greece), Maqam Karcigar (Iraq), Maqam Nahawand Murassah (Iraq) Mode: mode II of Harmonic Major scale (C Blues Heptatonic = Bb Harmonic Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 Chords: C7/b5, Cm7/b5, Cdim7 rd



This variation of the Blues scale can be thought of as a Major scale with flattened 3 , 5 , and 7 degrees.


Blues Heptatonic 2

Modes: Dorian b2 Maj7 (IV), Noh (VII) Intervals: 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9 th

This scale can be obtained by adding the 6 degree to the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Blues Octatonic

Modes: Flamenco (II), Magen Abot (V), Bebop Harmonic Minor (VI), Bebop Major (VII) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9 nd


This scale can be obtained by adding the 2 and 6 degrees to the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Blues Enneatonic

Alternate names: Major-Dorian Mixed, Raga Malgunji, Raga Ramdasi Malhar Modes: Chromatic Diatonic Dorian (II), Lydian Mixolydian (V), Houseini (VI) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/b5 rd


This scale can be thought of as a Major scale plus a flattened 3 and 7 . This scale is rarely played in its entirety; rd th instead, the major and minor versions of the 3 and 7 degrees can be alternated to provide the blues inflection.


Blues Enneatonic 2

Modes: Bebop Chromatic (V), Full Minor All Flats (VII) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9 rd


This variation of the Blues scale can be thought of as a Mixolydian scale plus a flattened 3 and 7 . This scale is rarely rd th played in its entirety; instead, the major and minor versions of the 3 and 5 degrees can be alternated to provide the blues inflection.


Blues Dorian Hexatonic

Modes: Takemitzu Tree 1 (II), Prometheus Neapolitan (III) Intervals: 1 2 1 3 2 3 Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/#9


Blues Phrygian

Modes: Ionian b5 (II), Bebop Minor (III), Mela Ratnangi (IV), Raga Marwa Thaat (V) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/#9

This scale can be obtained by adding a minor 2nd note to the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Blues Minor Maj7

Modes: Raga Dhavalangam (VI) Intervals: 3 2 1 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/Cmaj7/#9

This scale is obtained by raising the 7th degree of the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Blues Modified

Modes: Mela Vanaspati (IV), Bebop Major Heptatonic (VII) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9

This scale is obtained by adding a 2nd note to the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Blues Mixed

Modes: Mela Tenarupi (VI) Intervals: 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9

This scale is obtained by mixing the alterations you can find in most common Blues scales.


Blues Leading Tone

Modes: Chromatic Hypodorian (II), Chromatic Mixolydian (III), Chromatic Lydian (IV), Chromatic Phrygian (V), Chromatic Dorian (VI), Chromatic Hypolydian (VII) Intervals: 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/b5, C7/#9

This scale is obtained by adding a major 7th note to the classic 6-note Blues scale.


Rock ‘n Roll

Alternate names: Mela Vagadhisvari, Raga Bhogachayanata, Raga Ganavaridhi, Raga Chayanata, Raga Nandkauns Modes: Locrian Maj7 (III), Mela Naganandini (IV), Mela Bhavapriya (VI) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9 The Rock ‘n Roll scale is a variation of the Blues scale.



Alternate names: Bebop Dominant, Bebop Mixolydian, Major Mixolydian, Gregorian 6, Genus Diatonicum, Chinese Eight-Tone, Rast (Greece), Maqam Shawq Awir (Iraq), Raga Khamaj, Raga Desh Malhar, Raga Alhaiya Bilaval, Raga Bihagara, Raga Devagandhari Modes: Dorian Aeolian (II), Bebop Locrian (III), Ichihotsucho (IV), Bebop Dorian (V), Phrygian Aeolian b4 (VI), Prokofiev (VIII) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/b5 The Bebop scale is similar to the Mixolydian scale, except it has an extra note between the b7 and the tonic note, which should be used as passing note that resolves up to the tonic or down to the b7. rd



The addition of an eight note permits to play this scale so that chord notes (tonic, 3 , 5 and 7 degrees) are always played on downbeats and therefore be correctly accented and emphasized. As its name implies, the Bebop scale and its variants (Bebop Major, Bebop Dorian, Bebop Melodic Minor, and Bebop Harmonic Minor) were introduced by bebop artists such as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Christian, and Lester Young.


Bebop Major

Mode: mode VIII of Blues Octatonic scale (C Bebop Major = D Blues Octatonic) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6 th


The Bebop Major scale is similar to the Major scale, except it has an extra note between the 5 and the 6 degree; this extra note which should be used as passing note. rd



The addition of an eight note permits to play this scale so that chord notes (tonic, 3 , 5 and 7 degrees) are always played on downbeats and therefore be correctly accented and emphasized.


Bebop Major Hexatonic

Intervals: 2 2 3 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6, C7 th


The Bebop Major Hexatonic scale is obtained from the Bebop Major by omitting the 4 and 7 notes or, alternatively, th by adding a raised 5 note to a Major Pentatonic scale.


Bebop Major Heptatonic

Alternate names: Mela Mararanjani, Raga Keseri Mode: mode VII of Blues Modified scale (C Bebop Major Heptatonic = D Blues Modified) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6, C7 th

The Bebop Major Heptatonic scale is obtained from the Bebop Major by omitting the 7 note, which makes this scale usable on both major and dominant chords.


Bebop Minor

Alternate names: Banshikicho (Japan) Mode: mode III of Blues Phrygian scale (C Bebop Minor = A Blues Phrygian) Intervals: 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7, C7, C7/#9 In spite of its name, this scale should not be used over minor chords. Rather, it fits nicely dominant chords, where the th raised 9 note should be used as a passing note, or a chordal note over 7/#9 chords. Please notice that some textbooks use the name “Bebop Minor” for the scale that here is called Bebop Dorian.


Bebop Dorian

Alternate names: Mixolydian Dorian, Raga Zilla Mode: mode V of the Bebop scale (C Bebop Dorian = F Bebop) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7, C7 rd


The Bebop Dorian scale is similar to the Dorian scale, except it has an extra note between the 3 and the 4 degree; this extra note which should be used as passing note. However, when used over a dominant chord, the passing note rd should be the flat 3 degree. Notice that some textbook call this scale Bebop Minor, which the current document uses for a different scale.


Bebop Melodic Minor

Alternate names: Zirafkend (Arabia) Modes: Shostakovich (VI) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cm6, Cmin/maj7 th

The Bebop Melodic Minor scale is similar to the Melodic Minor scale, except it has an extra note between the 5 and th the 6 degree; this extra note which should be used as passing note. rd



The addition of an eight note permits to play this scale so that chord notes (tonic, 3 , 5 and 6 degrees) are always played on downbeats and therefore be correctly accented and emphasized.


Bebop Harmonic Minor

Alternate names: Bebop Natural Minor, Utility Minor, Gregorian 4, Maqam Nahawand (Iraq), Maqam Farahfaza (Iraq), Raga Suha Kanada Mode: mode VI of Blues Octatonic scale (C Bebop Harmonic Minor = F Blues Octatonic) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7 th

The Bebop Harmonic Minor scale is similar to the Harmonic Minor scale, except it has an extra note between the 6 th th and the 7 degree; this extra note which should be used as passing note when playing over a minor 7 chord. th th However, when playing over a minor/major 7 chord, the extra b7 note is a chord note, and the major 7 note should be the passing note.


Bebop Half-diminished

Modes: Enigmatic Mixed (VI) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9/#9


Bebop Locrian

Alternate name: Phrygian Locrian Mode: mode III of Bebop scale (C Bebop Locrian = Ab Bebop) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b5 th


This scale can be derived from the Phrygian scale by adding a passing note between the 4 and 5 note. Alternatively, it can be considered as the merge between Phrygian and Locrian scales, hence the name. It can be therefore used whenever a Phrygian or Locrian scale fits the chord.


Bebop Chromatic

Mode: mode V of Blues Enneatonic 2 scale (C Bebop Chromatic = G Blues Enneatonic 2) Intervals: 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7 nd

Bebop Chromatic scale is a 9-note scale that can be derived from the Mixolydian mode by adding a flattened 2 and th major 7 note. If these two extra notes are used as passing notes, this scale can be used on any chord that fits the th th Mixolydian scale; if you consider the major 7 as a chord note and the lowered 7 as a passing note, the Bebop Chromatic fits any chord where the Major scale can be used.


Pentatonic Scales Major Pentatonic

Alternate names: Ryosen (Japan), Yona Nuki Major (Japan), Man Jue (China), Gong (China), Peruvian Major Pentatonic, Ghana Pentatonic 2, Tezeta Major (Ethiopia), Raga Bilahari ascending, Raga Mohanam, Raga Bhopali, Raga Deskar, Raga Kokila, Raga Jait Kalyan, Raga Bhup Modes: Suspended Pentatonic (II), Man Gong (III), Ritusen (IV), Minor Pentatonic (V) Intervals: 2 2 3 2 3 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6, Cmaj9, Cmaj13, C7, C9, C13 – also Fmaj7, Fmaj9, Bbmaj7/b5, Bbmaj7/#11, F#7/b5/#5/b9/#9 The Major Pentatonic (or just Pentatonic) scale and its four modes are by far the most common 5-note scales in Western music, including jazz and rock music. The absence of semitones in the scale encourages playing every note without having to resolve to a chord tone. John Coltrane, Art Tatum, Chick Corea, and Herbie Hancock are just a few of the jazz musicians who have massively used pentatonic scales in their compositions and improvisations. In addition to using the Major Pentatonic scale on chords with same root as the scale, you can use it on major chords a perefect fourth or a major second below the scale root (e.g. C Major Pentatonic on F and Bb major chords), and on dominant altered chords a tritone above the scale root (e.g. C Major Pentatonic on F#7/b5/#5/b9/#9).


Suspended Pentatonic

Alternate names: Egyptian, Shang-Diao (China), Jin-Yu or Quin-Yu (China), Rui Bin (China), Raga Madhmat Sarang, Raga Madhyamavati Mode: mode II of Major Pentatonic scale (C Suspended Pentatonic = Bb Major Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 3 2 3 2 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/9


Man Gong

Alternate names: Blues Minor, Minyo (Japan), Jiao (China), Quan Ming (China), Yi Ze (China), Raga Hindolam Mode: mode III of Major Pentatonic scale (C Man Gong = Ab Major Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 2 3 2 2 Chords: Cm7 Origin: China



Alternate names: Blues Major, Scottish Pentatonic, Yo (Japan), Ritsu Gagaku (Japan), Ujo (Korea), Zhi (China), Zheng (China), Bac (Vietnam), Lai Soutsanaen (Laos), Lai Po Sai (Laos), Lai Soi (Laos), Raga Arabhi ascending, Raga Devakriya, Raga Shree ascending, Raga Yadukua Kambodhi ascending, Raga Suddha Saveri Mode: mode IV of Major Pentatonic scale (C Ritusen = F Major Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 3 2 2 3 Chords: Csus7/9 This mode of the Major Pentatonic scale, under the name of Yo scale, is used in much Japanese music.


Minor Pentatonic

Alternate names: Blues Minor Pentatonic, Peruvian Minor Pentatonic, Bati (Ethiopia), Qing Shang (China), Gu Xian (China), Jia Zhong (China), Yu 2 (China), P'yongjo-kyemyonjo (Korea), Lai Yai (Laos), Lai Noi (Laos) Raga Dhani, Raga Abheri, Raga Dhaanyasi ascending, Raga Udhayaravi Mode: mode V of Major Pentatonic scale (C Minor Pentatonic = Eb Major Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 2 2 3 2 Chords: Cm7


Dorian Pentatonic

Alternate names: Kumoi (Japan) Modes: Kokin-Choshi (II), Raga Hindol (III), Han-Kumoi (IV), Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 (V) Intervals: 2 1 4 2 3 Chords: Cmin6, Cmin/maj7, Cmin9 – also B7/#5/b9/#9 This scale is sometimes (and inappropriately) called Minor Pentatonic. In current document, Minor Pentatonic is the name used for mode V of Major Pentatonic. In addition to using the Dorian Pentatonic on minor chords with same root as the scale, you can use it on altered dominant chords a semitone above the scale root (e.g. C Dorian Pentatonic on B7 altered).



Alternate names: Ian Iwato (Japan), Miyakobushi (Japan), Insen Pentatonic (Japan), Soft Ascend (Japan), Raga Bairagi (or Baira), Raga Lasaki, Raga Ribhavari (or Revati) Mode: mode II of Dorian Pentatonic scale (C Kokin-Choshi = Bb Dorian Pentatonic) Intervals: 1 4 2 3 2 Chords: Csus7, C7/b9 This Japanese scale can be considered as the Western derivation of the koto tuning with the same name; it has been extensively used by rock and jazz musicians.


Raga Hindol

Alternate names: Raga Sunada Vinodini, Raga Sanjk Ka Hindol Mode: mode III of Dorian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Hindol = A Dorian Pentatonic) Intervals: 4 2 3 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5



Alternative name: Raga Shobhavari, Raga Sutradhari Mode: mode IV of Dorian Pentatonic scale (C Han Kumoi = F Dorian Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 3 2 1 4 Chords: Csus, Csus7, Csus7/#5 This Japanese scale can be considered as the Western derivation of the koto tuning with the same name; it has been extensively used by rock and jazz musicians.


Minor Pentatonic 7 b5

Alternate names: Raga Jayakauns Mode: mode V of Dorian Pentatonic scale (C Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 = Eb Dorian Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 2 1 4 2 Chords: Cm7/b5


Ionian Pentatonic

Alternate names: Ryukyu (Japan), Pelog Degung Modern (Bali), Melog Selisir, Raga Jaganmohini ascending, Raga Kedaram ascending, Raga Gambhiranata Modes: Pelog Pentatonic (II), Raga Hamsanada (III), Raga Khamaji Durga (IV) Intervals: 4 1 2 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7 nd


The Ionian Pentatonic scale is obtained by dropping the 2 and 6 note of the Major (or Ionian) scale.


Pelog Pentatonic

Alternate names: Belinese, Phrygian Pentatonic, Madenda Modern, Tezeta Minor (Ethiopia), Raga Bhupalam, Raga Ramkali 2 Mode: mode II of the Ionian Pentatonic scale (C Pelog Pentatonic = Ab Ionian Pentatonic) Intervals: 1 2 4 1 4 Chords: Cm7/b5 Pelog is one of the two essential scales of gamelan music native to Bali and Java, in Indonesia, the other one being the Slendro scale. In Javanese the term is said to be a variant of the word pelag meaning "fine" or "beautiful". The Pelog scale has seven notes, but many gamelan ensembles only have keys for five of the pitches. Even in ensembles that have all seven notes, many pieces only use the 5-note subset reported in this page.


Raga Hamsanada

Alternate names: Raga Vaijayanti Mode: mode III of Ionian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Hamsanada = G Ionian Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 4 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Khamaji Durga

Mode: mode IV of Ionian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Khamaji Durga = F Ionian Pentatonic) Intervals: 4 1 4 1 2 Chords: Csus7


Dominant Pentatonic

Modes: Chaio (II), Chin (III), Kyemyonjo (IV), Kung (V) Intervals: 2 2 3 3 2 Chords: C7, C7/9 nd

The Dominant Pentatonic scale is obtained by adding the 2 degree to the dominant chord.



Mode: mode II of Dominant Pentatonic scale (C Chaio = Bb Dominant Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 3 3 2 2 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/#5 Origin: China



Alternate names: Raga Harikauns Mode: mode III of Dominant Pentatonic scale (C Chin = Ab Dominant Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 3 2 2 2 Chords: Cm7/b5 Origin: China




Alternate name: Minor 6 Added, Hybrid Pentatonic Mode: mode IV of Dominant Pentatonic scale (C Kyemionjo = F Dominant Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 2 2 2 3 Chords: Cm6 Origin: Korea



Mode: mode V of Dominant Pentatonic scale (C Kung = D Dominant Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 2 2 3 3 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#11 th

This Chinese scale can be obtained from the Major Pentatonic scale by lowering the 5 note.



Alternate names: Sakura (Japan), Naka Zora (Japan), Soft Descend (Japan), Ambassel (Ethiopia), Olympos Enharmonic (Greece), Raga Malahari ascending, Raga Saveri ascending, Raga Gunkali, Raga Kunakri, Raga Latantapryia, Raga Salanganata Modes: Hirajoshi (II), Ake-Bono (III), Iwato (IV), Raga Vasanta ascending (V) Intervals: 1 4 2 1 4 Chords: Cm7 rd


The In scale is similar to the Phrygian mode, except it lacks the 3 and 7 note. It is one of two most used pentatonic scale in Japanese traditional music, the other one being the Yo scale. The In scale is especially common in music for koto and shemisen, and differs from the Yo scale because it contains semitones. The In scale is sometimes known as Sakura, from the well-known Sakura Sakura folk song. The In scale can be also found in ancient genres of Andean music, as in the Machulas Kantu tune by the Bolivia Manta folk group.



Alternate names: Lydian Pentatonic, Chinese, Ching (China), Raga Amrtavarshini, Raga Malashri, Raga Shilangi Mode: mode II of the In scale (C Hirajoshi = B In) Intervals: 4 2 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11 nd


The Hirajoshi scale is similar to the Lydian mode, except the 2 and 6 notes are omitted. It is often used in Japanese music as a tuning scale for the koto. A few theory books consider the Hirajoshi scale as a mode of the In scale; however, a few authors (most notably, Slonimsky) consider the Hirajoshi as a first-class scale whose modes generate other pentatonic scales. Moreover, synonymous scales often have different names in different regions of Japan, which can lead to further confusion.



Alternate names: Aeolian Pentatonic, Kata-Kumoi (Japan), Yona Nuki Minor (Japan) Mode: mode III of the In scale (C Ake-Bono = G In) Intervals: 2 1 4 1 4 Chords: Cm7 th


This Japanese scale is similar to the Locrian mode, except it has no 4 or 6 note, thus making it a pentatonic scale.



Alternate names: Aeolian Harmonic, Zokuso Pentatonic (Japan), Hon-Kumoi-Joshi (Japan) Mode: mode IV of the In scale (C Iwato = F In) Intervals: 1 4 1 4 2 Chords: Cm7/b5 rd


The Iwato scale is similar to the Locrian mode, except it has no 3 or 6 note, thus making it a pentatonic scale. It is used in traditional Japanese music for the koto.


Major Pentatonic b2

Alternate names: Scriabin, Raga Bibhas, Raga Rasika Ranjani Modes: Diminished Pentatonic (II), Major Pentatonic b7 #9 (V) Intervals: 1 3 3 2 3 Chords: C6, C6/b9, C7/b9 This pentatonic scale was used by Scriabin in his Sonata n. 7.


Major Pentatonic b2 b5

Modes: Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani (II), Raga Samudhra Priya (IV), Raga Mohanangi (V) Intervals: 1 3 2 3 3 Chords: C7/b5, C7/b6/b9


Major Pentatonic b3

Modes: Raga Priyadharshini (II) Intervals: 1 2 3 3 3 Chords: Cdim7, Cdim7/b9


Major Pentatonic b6

Alternate names: Raga Bhupeshwari, Raga Janasammodini Mode: mode III of Altered Pentatonic scale (C Major Pentatonic b6 = G Altered Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 2 3 1 4 Chords: Caug, C7/b13


Major Pentatonic b7 #9

Mode: mode V of Major Pentatonic b2 scale (C Major Pentatonic b7 #9 = Bb Major Pentatonic b2) Intervals: 3 1 3 3 2 Chords: C7/#9


Diminished Pentatonic

Mode: mode II of Major Pentatonic b2 scale (C Diminished Pentatonic = B Major Pentatonic b2) Intervals: 3 3 2 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/#5


Mixolydian Pentatonic

Alternate names: Jog (india), Raga Savethri Modes: Raga Chaya Todi (II), Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic (III), Raga Chandrakauns Kafi (IV), Raga Shri Kalyan (V) Intervals: 4 1 2 3 2 Chords: Cm7, C7

The Mixolydian Pentatonic can be obtained from the Mixolydian by omitting the 3rd and 6th degrees; because of the missing 3rd it can be used both on minor and dominant chords.


Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic

Alternate name: Raga Desh Mode: mode III of Mixolydian Pentatonic scale (C Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic = G Mixolydian Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 3 2 4 1 Chords: Csus/maj7 The name of this scale derives from the fact that it can be obtained by dropping four notes from Tcherepnin’s 9-note scale.


Altered Pentatonic

Alternate names: Raga Manaranjani 2 Modes: Major Pentatonic b6 (III), Augmented Pentatonic 2 (V) Intervals: 1 4 2 2 3 Chords: Csus, Csus7


Altered Major Pentatonic

Intervals: 2 2 1 3 4 Chords: Csus, Csus7/#5


Locrian Pentatonic

Intervals: 3 1 2 4 2 Chords: Cm7/b5, C7/b5


Pentatonic Whole-Tone

Intervals: 4 2 2 2 2 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5


Augmented Pentatonic

Intervals: 3 1 3 1 4 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b5 th


This pentatonic scale can be obtained by dropping the 6 degree (major 7 interval) of the Augmented scale.


Augmented Pentatonic 2

Mode: mode IV of Altered Pentatonic scale (C Augmented Pentatonic 2 = B Altered Pentatonic) Intervals: 4 2 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/#5/#11


Center-Cluster PentaMirror

Intervals: 3 1 1 3 4 Chords: Caug, Caug7


Raga Nagaswaravali

Alternate names: Raga Mand Modes: Raga Chitthakarshini (II), Raga Hamsadhvani 2 (III), Pyeong Jo (IV), Raga Shailaja (V) Intervals: 4 1 2 2 3 Chords: Csus


Raga Chitthakarshini

Mode: mode II of Raga Nagaswaravali scale (C Raga Chitthakarshini = Ab Raga Nagaswaravali) Intervals: 1 2 2 3 4 Chords: Cmin


Raga Hamsadhvani 2

Mode: mode III of Raga Nagaswaravali scale (C Raga Hasadhvani = G Raga Nagaswaravali) Intervals: 2 2 3 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7


Pyeong Jo

Alternate names: Raga Guhamanohari Mode: mode IV of Raga Nagaswaravali scale (C Pyeong Jo = F Raga Nagaswaravali) Intervals: 2 3 4 1 2 Chords: Csus7 Origin: Korea


Raga Shailaja

Alternate names: Raga Varini Mode: mode V of Raga Nagaswaravali scale (C Shailaja = Eb Raga Nagaswaravali) Intervals: 3 4 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7



Modes: Raga Mamata (III), Raga Kokil Pancham (IV) Intervals: 2 1 4 3 2 Chords: Cm7 This scale is part of Sub-Saharian African music tradition, especially in Congo, Central African Republic, and Cameroon. The Pygmy scale has grown in popularity since the invention of the Hang instrument in the year 2000, handpans such as the Halo and also steel tongue drums, all of which have been made using sound models based on the Pygmy scale.


Raga Mamata

Mode: mode III of Pygmy scale (C Mamata = A Pygmy) Intervals: 4 3 2 2 1 Chords: C6, Cmaj7


Raga Kokil Pancham

Mode: mode IV of Pygmy scale (C Kokil Pancham = F Pygmy) Intervals: 3 2 2 1 4 Chords: Cmin


Romanian Bacovia

Alternate names: Raga Girija Modes: Raga Bowli ascending (II), Raga Multani 2 (III) Intervals: 4 1 3 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Greek Arkaik

Intervals: 1 3 1 1 6 Chords: Caug


Syrian Pentatonic

Alternate names: Raga Megharanjani Intervals: 1 3 1 3 4 Chords: Caug


Modal Scales Ionian b5

Mode: mode II of Blues Phrygian scale (C Ionian b5 = B Blues Phrygian) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Ionian #5

Intervals: 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Ionian Augmented #2

Mode: mode VI of Double Harmonic scale (C Ionian Augmented #2 = E Double Harmonic) Intervals: 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Ionian Augmented b9

Mode: mode VI of Gypsy Hexatonic scale (C Ionian Augmented b9 = E Gypsy Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Minor Hexatonic

Alternate names: Raga Manirangu, Raga Nayaki, Raga Palasi, Raga Pushpalithika, Raga Suha Sughrai Mode: mode V of Mixolydian Hexatonic scale (C Minor Hexatonic = F Mixolydian Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 3 2 Chords: Cm7


Major Locrian

Mode: mode V of Neapolitan Major scale (C Major Locrian = F Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 Chords: C7/#5 The Major Locrian scale can be obtained from the Whole-Tone scale by adding a passing note between the major 3 th and the augmented 4 degree.



Jazz Minor #5

Mode: mode V of Hungarian Major scale (C Jazz Minor #5 = F Hungarian Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/#5


Full Minor All Flats

Alternate names: Raga Pilu Mode: mode VII of Blues Enneatonic 2 scale (C Full Minor All Flats = F Blues Enneatonic 2) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7


Dorian Aeolian

Alternate names: Gregorian 1, Raga Anandabhairavi, Raga Deshi, Raga Mukhari, Raga Manji Mode: mode II of the Bebop scale (C Dorian Aeolian = Bb Bebop) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 Chords: Cm7 As its name suggests, the Dorian Aeolian scale is obtained by merging the Dorian and Aeolian scales, that is, it is a th Dorian scale with an added raised 6 note. It can be used on IIm7 and VIm7 chords (that is, Dm7 and Am7 chords in C major key).


Dorian b2 b4

Mode: mode II of Romanian Major scale (C Dorian b2 b4 = Eb Romanian Major) Intervals: 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 Chords: C7/b9/#9 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Dorian b2 Maj7

Mode: mode IV of Blues Heptatonic 2 scale (C Dorian b2 Maj7 = F# Blues Heptatonic 2) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/b5 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Dorian b9 #11

Alternate names: Todi b7, Hindi b2 b3, b7, Raga Sthavarajam, Raga Tivravahini, Mela Sadvidhmargini Mode: mode VI of Hungarian Major scale (C Dorian b9 #11 = Eb Hungarian Major) Intervals: 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 Chords: Cmin7/b5, Cdim7


Phrygian Hexatonic

Alternate names: Raga Desya Todi, Raga Gopikavasantam Mode: mode II of Mixolydian Hexatonic scale (C Phrygian Hexatonic = Bb Mixolydian Hexatonic) Intervals: 3 2 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7 nd

This scale can be obtained by dropping the 2 degree of the Phrygian scale or the Aeolian scale. th

Given the resemblance with Phrygian and Aeolian scales, this scale can be used over a minor 7 chord when it works as IIIm7 or Vim7 chords (i.e. Em7 or Am7 in C major key).


Phrygian Aeolian b4

Alternate name: Phrygian Aeolian Mixed Mode: mode VI of Bebop scale (C Phrygian Aeolian b4 = Eb Bebop) Intervals: 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7 nd

The name of this scale derives from the fact that it can be obtained by adding a passing note between the 2 and 3 st nd note of the Phrygian scale or, equivalently, between the 1 and 2 note of the Aeolian scale. th


Given the resemblance with Phrygian and Aeolian scales, this scale can be used over a minor 7 chord when it works as IIIm7 or VIm7 chords (i.e. Em7 or Am7 in C major key).


Phrygian b4

Alternate names: Maqam Huzzam (Iraq), Maqam Saba Zamzam (Iraq) Mode: mode III of the Harmonic Major scale (C Phrygian b4 = Ab Harmonic Major) Intervals: 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/#5, C7/#9/b9, C7/#11, C7/b13


Phrygian b4 Maj7

Mode: mode VI of Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 scale (C Phrygian b4 Maj7 = Eb Mixolydian Augmented Maj9) Intervals: 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Double Phrygian

Modes: Raga Sarasanana (II) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 3 3 Chords: Cdim7



Mode: mode III of Double Harmonic scale (C Ultraphrygian = G# Double Harmonic) Intervals: 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 Chords: C6, C6/b9


Lydian Hexatonic

Alternate names: Raga Kumud, Raga Sankara or Shankara, Raga Prabhati Mode: mode VI of Mixolydian Hexatonic scale (C Lydian Hexatonic = D Mixolydian Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 2 3 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6 th

The Lydian Hexatonic scale can be obtained by dropping the 4 degree of a Lydian scale or, alternatively, by adding th the major 7 note to a Major Pentatonic scale.


Lydian #2 Hexatonic

Modes: Raga Hejjajji (II), Raga Takka (III), Raga Gopikatilaka (V), Raga Lalit Bhairav (VI) Intervals: 3 1 3 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#9


Lydian #2 #6

Alternate names: Mela Rasikapriya, Raga Hamsagiri, Raga Rasamanjari Mode: mode II of Double Harmonic scale (C Mela Rasikapriya = B Double Harmonic) Intervals: 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7/#9


Lydian Dominant b6

Alternate names: Lydian Minor, Raga Rishabapriya, Raga Ratipriya Mode: mode IV of the Neapolitan Major scale (C Lydian Dominant b6 = G Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/#5, C7/#5/#11 th

The Lydian Dominant b6 scale can be obtained by lowering the 6 degree of the Lydian scale.


Lydian Mixolydian

Alternate names: Taishikicho (Japan), Ryo (Japan) Mode: mode V of Blues Enneatonic scale (C Lydian Mixolydian = G Blues Enneatonic) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#11, C7, C7/b5, C7/#11 The Lydian Mixolydian scale is a 9-note scale obtained by merging the Lydian and Mixolydian scales. Depending on the th th current chord, either the minor 7 or the major 7 note should be treated as a passing note.


Lydian Diminished

Alternate names: Lydian b3, Melodic Minor #4, Mela Dharmavati, Raga Ambika, Raga Arunajualita, Raga Dumyaraga, Raga Madhuvanti Mode: mode IV of Harmonic Major scale (C Lydian Diminished = G Harmonic Major) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cmaj7/#9, Cmin/maj7/#11, Cdim7


Lydian #6

Alternate names: Mela Citrambari, Raga Chaturangini Mode: mode II of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Mela Citrambari = B Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 Chords: C7/#11


Lydian Augmented Dominant

Alternate names: Synthetic Mixture #5 Mode: mode III of Neapolitan Major scale (C Synthetic Mixture #5 = A Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5, C7/#5/#11


Mixolydian Hexatonic

Alternate names: P’Yongjo (Korea), Yosen (Japan), Raga Devamanohari, Raga Andolika, Raga Darbar, Raga Gorakh, Raga Narayani, Raga Suposhini Modes: Phrygian Hexatonic (II), Scottish Hexatonic (III), Minor Hexatonic (IV), Ritzu (V), Lydian Hexatonic (VI) Intervals: 2 3 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7, C7

The Mixolydian Hexatonic can be obtained from the Mixolydian scale by omitting the 3rd degree; because of the missing 3rd it can be used both on minor and dominant chords.


Mixolydian Hexatonic 2

Mode: mode IV of Sho scale (C Mixolydian Hexatonic 2 = G Sho) Intervals: 2 2 3 2 1 2 Chords: C7


Mixolydian b5

Modes: Sabach (II), Gypsy Inverse (IV), Raga Malini (VI), Pelog (VII) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 Chords: C7/b5

As its name suggests, the Mixolydian b5 scale can be derived from the Mixolydian scale by lowering the 5th degree.


Mixolydian Augmented

Mode: mode III of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Mixolydian Augmented = A Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 Chords: C7/#5

As its name suggests, the Mixolydian Augmented scale can be derived from the Mixolydian scale by raising the 5th degree.


Mixolydian Augmented Maj9

Modes: Sengiach (IV), Phrygian b4 Maj7 (VI), Mela Nitimati (VII) Intervals: 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 Chords: C7/#5 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Aeolian b1

Alternate names: Lydian Augmented #2 Mode: mode VI of Harmonic Major scale (C Aeolian b1 = E Harmonic Major) Intervals: 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/b5/#9


Locrian Dominant

Alternate names: Rahawi (Iraq) Mode: mode V of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Locrian Dominant = F Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5


Locrian bb7

Mode: mode VII of the Harmonic Major scale (C Locrian bb7 = Db Harmonic Major) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 Chords: Cdim7 th

As its names suggests, the Locrian bb7 scale is obtained by lowering the 7 note of a Locrian scale.


Locrian bb3 bb7

Mode: mode VII of Double Harmonic scale (C Locrian bb3 bb7 = C# Double Harmonic) Intervals: 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 Chords: Csus, Caug


Locrian Maj7

Mode: mode III of Rock ‘n Roll scale (C Locrian Maj7 = Ab Rock ‘n Roll) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cdim/maj7 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Semilocrian b4

Mode: mode VI of Neapolitan Major scale (C Semilocrian b4 = Eb Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 Chords: C7/#5


Superlocrian bb3

Alternate name: Leading Whole-Tone Inverse Mode: mode VII of Neapolitan Major scale (C Superlocrian bb3 = C# Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Chords: C7/#5


Superlocrian Maj7

Intervals: 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Cdim/maj7 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Superlocrian bb6 bb7

Mode: mode II of Hungarian Major scale (C Superlocrian bb6 bb7 = A Hungarian Major) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 Chords: C6


Superlocrian #6

Mode: mode IV of Hungarian Major scale (C Superlocrian #6 = F# Hungarian Major) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 Chords: Cm7/b6, Cdim7


Ultralocrian bb3

Mode: mode VII of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Ultralocrian bb3 = C# Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 Chords: Caug


Harmonic Major

Alternate names: Segiah, Tabahaniotiko (Greece), Mischung 2 (Germany), Mela Sarasangi, Raga Haripriya Modes: Blues Heptatonic (II), Phrygian b4 (III), Lydian Diminished (IV), Harmonic Minor Inverse (V), Aeolian b1 (VI), Locrian bb7 (VII) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/b13 th

The Harmonic Major scale can be obtained by lowering the 6 degree of the Major scale or, equivalently, by raising rd the 3 degree of an Harmonic Minor scale.


Harmonic Major 2

Intervals: 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 th

The Harmonic Major 2 scale can be obtained by raising the 5 degree of the Major scale.


Harmonic Minor b5

Mode: mode III of Hungarian Major scale (C Harmonic Minor b5 = Ab Hungarian Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 th

As its names suggests, the Harmonic Minor b5 scale is obtained by lowering the 5 degree of the Harmonic Minor scale.


Harmonic Minor Inverse

Alternate names: Mixolydian b2, Mixolydian b9, Maqam Hicaz (Iraq), Maqam Zanjaran (Iraq), Mela Cakravka, Raga Ahir Bhairav, Raga Bindumalini, Raga Chakravakam, Raga Vagadeeshwari, Raga Vegavahini descending Mode: mode V of Harmonic Major scale (C Harmonic Minor Inverse = F Harmonic Major) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7/sus4, Cm7/sus4/b9, C7/b9, C7/#9


Double Harmonic

Alternate names: Double Harmonic Major, Major Phrygian, Byzantine or Byzantine Liturgical Chromatic, Major Gipsy, Hungarian Folk, Hitzazkiar or Hijazskiar (Greece), Maqam Hijaz Kar (Iraq), Maqam Suzidil (Iraq), Hijaz Kar (Saudi Arabian), Arabic, Mela Mayamalavagowla, Raga Saveri descending, Raga Kalingada, Raga Paraj, Raga Bhairav That, Raga Gaulipantu, Raga Lalita Panchami Modes: Lydian #2 #6 (II), Ultraphrygian (III), Gypsy Minor (IV), Oriental (V), Ionian Augmented #2 (VI), Locrian bb3 bb7 (VII) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7 rd


The Double Harmonic scale is similar to the Harmonic Minor scale, except it has a major 3 and a lowered 2 . This rd scale can be used as a temporary substitution of the Major scale. The double minor 3 interval provides a vague North Africa, Middle East or Eastern Europe flavor.


Chromatic Dorian

Alternate names: Mela Kanakangi, Raga Kanakambari Mode: mode VI of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Dorian = D Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 Chords: C6, Cm6


Chromatic Dorian Inverse

Alternate names: Raga None Mode: mode II of Persian scale (C Chromatic Dorian Inverse = B Persian) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/#9 th

When used on a dominant chord, the major 7 note in the scale should be used as a passing note.


Chromatic Diatonic Dorian

Mode: mode II of Blues Enneatonic scale (C Chromatic Diatonic Dorian = Bb Blues Enneatonic) Intervals: 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm6


Chromatic Phrygian

Mode: mode V of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Phrygian = F Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 th

When used on a major chord, the 7 note should be used as a passing note.


Chromatic Phrygian Inverse

Mode: mode III of the Persian scale (C Chromatic Phrygian Inverse = Ab Persian) Intervals: 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj6, Cmaj7, Cmaj7/b9 nd

The Chromatic Phrygian Inverse scale can be obtained from the Pentatonic Major scale by adding a raised 2 and th raised 5 note.


Chromatic Lydian

Alternate names: Raga Lalit, Raga Bhankar Mode: mode IV of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Lydian = F# Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5


Chromatic Lydian Inverse

Alternate names: Maqam Athar Kurd (Iraq), Mela Shubhapanturavali, Raga Gamakasamantam, Raga Multani Mode: mode IV of Persian scale (C Chromatic Lydian Inverse = G Persian) Intervals: 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Chromatic Mixolydian

Mode: mode III of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Mixolydian = G Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 Chords: Cm7, C7, C7/#11


Chromatic Mixolydian 2

Intervals: 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 Modes: Neapolitan Major b5 (II), Mela Namanarayani (V) Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/#11 rd

The Chromatic Mixolydian 2 scale is similar to the Chromatic Mixolydian scale, except it contains a major 3 note th instead of perfect 4 .


Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse

Mode: mode V of the Persian scale (C Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse = F# Persian) Intervals: 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cm7, C7, C7/#11 th


When used on a minor 7 or dominant chord, the 7 degree of this scale should be used as a passing note.


Chromatic Hypodorian

Alternate names: Relative Blues, Raga Dvigandharabushini Mode: mode II of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Hypodorian = A Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 Chords: C6, Cmaj7/#5


Chromatic Hypodorian Inverse

Intervals: 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 Chords: C7/#5, C7/#5/#9


Chromatic Hypolydian

Alternate names: Puravi b6, Pireotikos (Greece), Raga Pantuvarali, Raga Purvi, Mela Kamavardhani, Raga Basant, Raga Dhipaka, Raga Kasiramakryia, Raga Puriya Dhanashri, Raga Shri, Raga Suddha Ramakriya Mode: mode VII of Blues Leading Tone scale (C Chromatic Hypolydian = Db Blues Leading Tone) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/#5/b9


Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse

Mode: mode VII of Persian scale (C Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse = Db Persian) Intervals: 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 Chords: Csus, Csus6/9


Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian

Mode: mode V of Youlan scale (C Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian = G Youlan) Intervals: 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/#5/b9


Major Minor Mixed

Modes: Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones (V) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, C7, C7/#5, C7/#9


Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones

Mode: mode V of Major Minor Mixed (C Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones = G Major Minor Mixed) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#11, C7, C7/#11, C7/#9/#11


Leading Whole-Tone

Mode: mode II of Neapolitan Major scale (C Leading Whole-Tone = B Neapolitan Major) Intervals: 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5, Cmaj7/#5 th

The Leading Whole-Tone scale is obtained by adding a major 7 note to the Whole-Tone scale.


European Scales Adonai Malakh

Mode: mode III of Spanish Octatonic scale (C Adonai Malakh = A Spanish Octatonic) Intervals: 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7 Adonai Malakh scale is a Jewish scale that can be obtained from the Dorian mode by adding a passing note between nd the root and the 2 degree.



Modes: Mela Kantamani (III ascending), Mela Dhavalambari (III, descending), Mela Manavati (VII ascending) Intervals: 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 (ascending), 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 (descending) Chords: Cmin/maj7 The Enigmatic scale is a very unusual scale with elements from major, minor and whole-tone scales. Also, its th th descending version has a perfect 4 instead of a raised 4 . It was invented by Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, who used it in his Ave Maria. It was also used by guitarist Joe Satriani in his piece The Enigmatic.


Enigmatic Minor

Modes: Raga Sorati (II) Intervals: 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7/b5


Enigmatic Mixed

Mode: mode VI of Bebop Half-diminished scale (C Enigmatic Mixed = F Bebop Half-diminished) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 This scale is obtained by combining the ascending and descending versions of the Enigmatic scale.



Alternate name: Spanish Phrygian Mode: mode II of the Blues Octatonic scale (C Flamenco = Bb Blues Octatonic) Intervals: 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b5 Origin: Spain



Alternate names: Hungarian Gypsy, Damian Emmanuel, Mela Sanmukhapriya, Raga Simmendramadhyamam, Raga Camara Mode: mode IV of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Hungarian Gypsy = G Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7 th

This scale can be obtained by raising the 4 degree of the Aeolian scale.


Gypsy Hexatonic

Alternate names: Raga Kalakanthi Modes: Mela Dhatuvardhani (II), Sabach Maj7 (IV), Ionian Augmented b9 (VI) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, C7/#5


Gypsy Inverse

Alternate names: Mela Suryakanta, Raga Bhairubahar, Raga Sowrashtram, Raga Supradhipam Mode: mode IV of Mixolydian b5 scale (C Gypsy Inverse = G Mixolydian b5) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9


Gypsy Minor

Alternate names: Double Harmonic Minor, Harmonic Minor #4, Hungarian Minor, Niavent (Egypt), Maqam Hisar (Iraq), Maqam Nawa Athar (Iraq), Niaventi Minor (Greece), Mela Simhendramadhyama, Raga Madhava Manohari Mode: mode IV of Double Harmonic scale (C Gypsy Minor = G Double Harmonic) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 th

This scale is similar to the Harmonic Minor scale, except it has a raised 4 . It is used prominently in Romani music, Hungarian dance Verbunkos, and more in general in Eastern Europe music.


Hijaz Major

Alternate names: Gypsy 2 Intervals: 1 4 1 2 1 1 2 Chords: C7/#5 Origin: Greece



Mode: mode VI of Blues Enneatonic scale (C Houseini = F Blues Enneatonic) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, C7/#5 Origin: Greece



Alternate names: Huzam, Ionian #2, Mela Sulini, Raga Sailadesakshi, Raga Trishuli Mode: mode VI of Neapolitan Minor scale (C Houzam = E Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#9 Origin: Greece


Hungarian Major

Alternate names: Mela Nasikabhusani, Raga Nasamani Modes: Superlocrian bb6 bb7 (II), Harmonic Minor b5 (III), Superlocrian #6 (IV), Jazz Minor #5 (V), Dorian b9 #11 (VI), Nohkan (VII) Intervals: 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/#9, C7/#9/#11


Hungarian Major Inverse

Mode: mode III of Romanian Major scale (C Hungarian Major Inverse = G# Romanian Major) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 Chords: Cdim7


Hungarian Minor b2

Modes: Oriental 2 (III), Raga Ramkali (VI) Intervals: 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7, Cmin/maj7/#11



Intervals: 1 2 1 2 1 5 Chords: C7/b9/#9 Origin: Croatia



Alternate names: Zangula (Nigeria) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 Chords: Cm6 This scale is named after contemporary composer Willem Jeths.



Modes: Raga Pahadi (IX) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/#11 Origin: Greece


Magen Abot

Mode: mode V of Blues Octatonic scale (C Magen Abot = F# Blues Octatonic) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/#9 Origin: Jewish


Moorish Phrygian

Intervals: 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/b9/#9, C7/#5 Origin: Spain th

When used on a dominant chord, the major 7 note in the scale should be used as a passing note.


Neapolitan Major

Alternate names: Neapolitan, Mela Kokilapriya, Raga Kokilaravam Modes: Leading Whole-Tone (II), Lydian Augmented Dominant (III), Lydian Dominant b6 (IV), Major Locrian (V), Semilocrian b4 (VI), Superlocrian bb3 (VII) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 nd

The Neapolitan Major scale is similar to the Melodic Minor scale, except it has a flattened 2 degree.


Neapolitan Major b4

Intervals: 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9/#9 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Neapolitan Major b5

Mode: mode II of Chromatic Mixolydian 2 scale (C Neapolitan Major b5 = B Chromatic Mixolydian 2) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/b5 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Neapolitan Minor

Alternate names: Hungarian Gipsy, Maqam Shahnaz or Maqam Shahnaz Kurdi (Iraq), Mela Dhenuka, Mela Senavati, Raga Dhunibinnashadjam, Raga Bhinnasadjam Modes: Lydian #6 (II), Mixolydian Augmented (III), Gypsy (IV), Locrian Dominant (V), Houzam (VI), Ultralocrian bb3 (VII) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7 nd

The Neapolitan Minor scale is similar to the Harmonic Minor scale, except it has a flattened 2 degree.


Harmonic Neapolitan Minor

Modes: Raga Chinthamani (V) Intervals: 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7



Intervals: 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7 Origin: Greece



Mode: mode VIII of Bebop scale (C Prokofiev = Db Bebop) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7/b5, Cm7/b5/#5



Alternate names: Raga Barbara Intervals: 2 2 2 3 1 2 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, Cmaj7/b9/#11


Prometheus Neapolitan

Mode: mode III of Blues Dorian Hexatonic scale (C Prometheus Neapolitan = A Blues Dorian Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 3 2 3 1 2 Chords: C7/b5


Romanian Major

Alternate names: Mela Ramapriya, Raga Nasikabhushani, Raga Ramamahohari Modes: Hungarian Major Inverse (III), Dorian b2 b4 (IV), Jeths (V) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/#9, C7/#9/#11



Mode: mode II of Mixolydian b5 scale (C Sabach = Bb Mixolydian b5) Intervals: 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/#9 Origin: Greece


Sabach Maj7

Mode: mode IV of Gypsy Hexatonic scale (C Sabach Maj7 = G Gypsy Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#9 Origin: Nicolas Slonimsky’s Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns textbook.


Scottish Hexatonic

Alternate names: Arezzo Major Diatonic Hexachord, Raga Kambodhi ascending, Raga Yadukua Kambodhi descending, Raga Devarangini 2, Raga Kambhoji Mode: mode III of Mixolydian Hexatonic scale (C Scottish Hexatonic = G Mixolydian Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 2 3 Chords: Cmaj6, Cmaj7 th

The Scottish Hexatonic scale can be obtained from the Major scale by omitting the 7 degree or, equivalently, from th the Major Pentatonic scale by adding the 4 degree.



Alternate names: Sengah (Greece), Gypsy Hexatonic Inverse, Mela Gangeyabhusani Mode: mode IV of Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 scale (C Sengiach = G Mixolydian Augmented Maj9) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#9 Origin: Greece



Mode: mode VI of Bebop Melodic Minor scale (C Shostakovich = E Bebop Melodic Minor) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#11, Cmaj7/#9/#11


Spanish Heptatonic

Modes: Mela Rupavati (IV) Intervals: 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 Chords: C7/b5, C7/#5, C7/#9, C7/#9/b13


Spanish Octatonic

Alternate names: Esplá, Ahava Rabba (Jewish) Modes: Adonai Malakh (III) Intervals: 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Chords: C7/#5, C7/#5/b9, C7/b9/#11 th

This scale is sometimes called Esplá scale, after 19 -century Spanish composer Oscar Esplá.


Asian Scales Honkoshi

Modes: Raga Hamsa Vinodini (II), Raga Manavi (III), Insen (IV) Intervals: 1 2 2 1 4 2 Chords: Cm7/b5 Origin: Japan



Alternate names: Major-Lydian Mixed, Gregorian 5, Genus Diatonicum Veterum Correctum, Kubilai (Mongolia), Ishikotsucho (Japan), Raga Bihag, Raga Gaud Sarang, Raga Hamir Kalyani, Raga Kedar, Raga Yaman Kalyan, Raga Chayanat Mode: mode IV of Bebop scale (C Ichikotsucho = G Bebop) Intervals: 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#11 This Japanese scale can be obtained by merging the Major and Lydian scales.



Alternate names: Niagari (Japan), Raga Phenadyuti 2 Mode: mode IV of Honkoshi scale (C Insen = G Honkoshi) Intervals: 1 4 2 1 2 2 Chords: Csus7 Origin: Japan


Maqam Shadd’araban

Mode: mode II of Algerian Octatonic scale (C Maqam Shadd’araban = Bb Algerian Octatonic) Intervals: 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 Chords: C7/#5, C7/#5/#9 Origin: Iraq


Maqam Hijaz

Mode: mode VI of Algerian Octatonic scale (C Maqam Hijaz = F Algerian Octatonic) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5, C7/#5, C7/#5/#9 Origin: Iraq


Maqam Shawq Afza

Modes: Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi (IV), Maqam Tarzanuyn (X) Intervals: 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5 Origin: Iraq


Maqam Tarzanuyn

Mode: mode X of Maqam Shawq Afza scale (C Maqam Tarzanuyn = C# Maqam Shawq Afza) Intervals: 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Chords: C7/#11/b9/#9, Caug7/#11/b9/#9 Origin: Iraq



Alternate names: Ghana Pentatonic, Chad Gadyo (Jewish), Raga Purnanalita Modes: Raga Neroshta (III), Raga Matha Kokila (IV) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 5 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7 Origin: Korea



Mode: mode VII of the Blues Heptatonic 2 scale (C Noh = D Blues Heptatonic 2) Intervals: 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj6, Cmin6, Cmin/maj7 rd

Noh is a Japanese scale that can be obtained from the Bebop Major scale by omitting the 3 note. The absence of the rd 3 implies that this scale can be used on both major and minor chords.



Alternate names: Lydian Augmented #3 Mode: mode VII of the Hungarian Major scale (C Nohkan = D Hungarian Major) Intervals: 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 Origin: Japan



Alternate names: Minor Gypsy Inverse, Hungarian Minor Inverse, Tsinganikos (Greece), Raga Ahira Lalita Mode: mode V of Double Harmonic scale (C Oriental = F Double Harmonic) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 Chords: C7/b5 Origin: China


Oriental 2

Mode: mode III of Hungarian Minor b2 scale (C Oriental 2 = Bb Hungarian Minor b2) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 Chords: C7/b5, C7/b5/b9 Origin: China



Alternate names: Mela Latangi, Raga Gitapriya, Raga Hamsalata Mode: mode VII of the Mixolydian b5 scale (C Pelog = D Mixolydian b5) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/b13 Pelog is one of the two essential scales of gamelan music native to Bali and Java, in Indonesia, the other one being the Slendro scale. In Javanese the term is said to be a variant of the word pelag meaning "fine" or "beautiful". The complete Pelog scale has seven notes (as reported in this page), even though many pieces only use five notes (see Pelog Pentatonic scale).



Alternate names: Chromatic Hypolydian Inverse, Raga Suddha Pancama Modes: Chromatic Dorian Inverse (II), Chromatic Phrygian Inverse (III), Chromatic Lydian Inverse (IV), Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse (V), Chromatic Hypodorian Inverse (VI), Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse (VII) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5 As it name suggests, the Persian scale is frequently found in Persian music and, to a lesser extent, in Arab and nonth Persian Middle Eastern music. It can be obtained by flattening the 5 degree of the Double Harmonic scale.



Alternate names: Raga Suddha Todi Mode: mode V of the Mixolydian Hexatonic scale (C Ritzu = Eb Mixolydian Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 2 2 3 2 2 Chords: Cm7/#5 Origin: Japan



Alternate names: Raga Gauri Velavali, Raga Suddha Bangala Modes: Raga Gandharavam (II), Raga Mruganandana (III), Mixolydian Hexatonic 2 (IV), Raga Navamanohari (V) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 2 3 Chords: Cmin6, Cmin/maj7 Sho is a Japanese six-note scale that can be obtained from the Dorian or the Melodic Minor scale by omitting the 7 note. It can therefore be used in all cases when either the Dorian or the Melodic Minor scale can be used.



Sho #2

Modes: Raga Salagavarali (III), Raga Vutari (V) Intervals: 1 2 1 2 4 2 Chords: C7/#5/#11 th

Sho #2 is the (arbitrary) name for a six-note Japanese scale that obtained by dropping the 6 note of an Altered Dominant scale, which in turn is a mode of the Melodic Minor scale. For example, the C Sho #2 scale contains the th same notes as the C# Melodic Minor scale, but without the 5 note (G# in this case).


Takemitzu Tree 1

Mode: mode II of the Blues Dorian Hexatonic scale (C Takemitzu Tree 1 = B Blues Dorian Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 1 3 2 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7, Cmin/maj7/b5 Origin: Japan


Takemitzu Tree 2

Modes: Eskimo Hexatonic (IV) Intervals: 2 1 3 2 2 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b5 Origin: Japan



Modes: Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian (V) Intervals: 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/b9/#11 Origin: China


Indian Scales Mela Bhavapriya

Alternate names: Raga Bhavani, Raga Kalamurti Mode: mode VI of Rock ‘n Roll scale (C Mela Bhavapriya = Eb Rock ‘n Roll) Intervals: 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7/b5


Mela Calanata

Alternate names: Raga Bhanumanjari, Raga Jog Modes: Raga Gurjari Todi (III), Raga Brindabani (IV) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 3 2 Chords: C7/b9


Mela Dhavalambari

Alternate names: John Fould’s Mantra of Will Mode: mode III of the Enigmatic descending scale (C Mela Dhavalambari = G Enigmatic descending) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#11, Cmaj7/#5/#11 This is a South India scale. It may also appear under the name John Fould’s Mantra of Will, after Of Will and Wisdom…of Cosmic Avatars (from Three Mantras), an English classical music composer.


Mela Dhatuvardhani

Alternate names: Raga Devarashtra, Raga Dhauta Pancama Mode: mode II of Gypsy Hexatonic scale (C Mela Dhatuvardhani = B Gypsy Hexatonic) Intervals: 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 Chords: C7/#11


Mela Divyamani

Alternate names: Raga Vamsavathi Intervals: 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cm7/b5


Mela Ganamurti

Alternate names: Raga Ganasamavarali Modes: Mela Visvambhari (II), Mela Syamalangi (IV) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 Chords: Csus, Csus/maj7


Mela Gavambodhi

Alternate names: Raga Girvani Modes: Mela Hatakambari (VI) Intervals: 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 Chords: Cdim7


Mela Gayakapriya

Intervals: 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 Chords: C6


Mela Hatakambari

Alternate names: Raga Jeyasuddhamalavi Mode: mode VI of Mela Gavambodhi scale (C Mela Hatakambari = E Mela Gavambodhi) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7, C7/b9


Mela Jalarnava

Intervals: 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7/b9/#11


Mela Jhalavarli

Alternate names: Raga Jinavali, Raga Varali Intervals: 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 Chords: C7/b9/#11


Mela Jhankaradhvani

Alternate names: Raga Jhankara Bhramavi Intervals: 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 Chords: Cm6


Mela Jyotisvarupini

Alternate names: Raga Jotismatti Intervals: 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7/#9, C7/#9/#11


Mela Kantamani

Alternate names: Raga Kuntala, Raga Srutiranjani Mode: mode III of Enigmatic ascending scale (C Mela Kantamani = Ab Enigmatic ascending) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 Chords: C6, C6/#9


Mela Manavati

Alternate names: Raga Manoranjani Mode: mode VII of Enigmatic ascending scale (C Mela Manavati = Db Enigmatic ascending) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Mela Naganandini

Alternate names: Raga Nagabharanam, Raga Samanta Mode: mode IV of Rock ‘n Roll scale (C Mela Naganandini = G Rock ‘n Roll) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7


Mela Namanarayani

Alternate names: Raga Purvi Thaat, Raga Narmada, Raga Pratapa Mode: mode V of Chromatic Mixolydian 2 scale (C Mela Namanarayani = F# Chromatic Mixolydian 2) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7/b9


Mela Navanitam

Intervals: 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7/#11, C7/b9/#11


Mela Nitimati

Alternate names: Raga Kaikavasi, Raga Nisada Mode: mode VII of Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 scale (C Mela Nitimati = D Mixolydian Augmented Maj9) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7


Mela Pavani

Alternate names: Raga Kunbhini Mode: mode VI of Raga Khamach ascending scale (C Mela Pavani = D Raga Khamach ascending) Intervals: 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Mela Ragavardhani

Alternate names: Raga Cudamani Mode: mode VI of Superlocrian Maj7 scale (C Mela Ragavardani = E Superlocrian Maj7) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 Chords: C7, C7/#9


Mela Raghupriya

Alternate names: Raga Ghandarva, Raga Ravikriya Intervals: 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 Chords: C7, C7/#11


Mela Ratnangi

Alternate names: Raga Phenadyuti Mode: mode IV of Blues Phrygian scale (C Mela Ratnangi = G Blues Phrygian) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/#9


Mela Rupavati

Mode: mode IV of Spanish Heptatonic scale (C Mela Rupavati = G Spanish Heptatonic) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/#9


Mela Salaga

Intervals: 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 Chords: Csus6


Mela Syamalangi

Alternate names: Raga Shyamalam Mode: mode IV of Mela Ganamurti (C Mela Syamalangi = G Mela Ganamurti) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 Chords: Cdim7, Cm6


Mela Suvarnangi

Alternate names: Raga Sauviram Intervals: 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cdim7, Cmin/maj7


Mela Tenarupi

Alternate names: Raga Tanukirti Mode: mode VI of Blues Mixed (C Mela Tenaruti = G Blues Mixed) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 Chords: Csus7


Mela Venaspati

Alternate names: Raga Bhanumati Mode: mode IV of Blues Modified scale (C Mela Venaspati = G Blues Modified) Intervals: 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/b9


Mela Varunapriya

Alternate names: Raga Viravasantham Mode: mode II of Superlocrian Maj7 scale (C Mela Varunapriya = B Superlocrian Maj7) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Mela Visvambhari

Mode: mode IV of Mela Ganamurti scale (C Mela Visvambhari = B Mela Ganamurti) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7/b9


Mela Yagapriya

Alternate names: Raga Kalahamsa Intervals: 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 Chords: C6, C6/#9


Raga Abhogi

Modes: Raga Rukmangi (II), Raga Valaji (IV) Intervals: 2 1 2 4 3 Chords: Cm6


Raga Airavati

Alternate names: Ancient Chinese, Raga Kalyani, Raga Yamuna Kalyani, Raga Kalyani Keseri Modes: Raga Siva Kambhoji (II), Raga Gurjari Todi (IV), Raga Nagagandhari (V), Raga Manohari (VI) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 2 3 Chords: Cmaj7/#11 th

This scale is obtained by dropping the 7 degree from a Lydian scale.


Raga Amarasenapriya

Intervals: 2 1 3 1 4 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Audav Tukhari

Modes: Raga Rasranjani (III), Raga Dhavalashri (V) Intervals: 2 1 2 3 4 Chords: Cmin7, Cmin/b6


Raga Bhatiyar

Alternate names: Buzurg (Arabia) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, Cmaj7/b9/#11


Raga Bhinna Pancama

Modes: Raga Vijayanagari (III), Raga Gaula (IV) Intervals: 2 3 2 1 3 1 Chords: Csus, Csus/maj7


Raga Brindabani

Alternate names: Raga Brindabani Sarang, Raga Megh or Megh Malhar Mode: mode IV of Mela Calanata scale (C Raga Brindabani = G Mela Calanata) Intervals: 2 3 2 3 1 1 Chords: Csus, Csus/maj7, Csus7


Raga Bowli

Alternate names: Raga Reva, Raga Revagupti, Raga Vibhas (same as Bowli ascending), Raga Bauli (same as Bowli descending) Mode: ascending version is mode II of Romanian Bacovia scale (C Raga Bowli ascending = Ab Romanian Bacovia) Modes: Raga Gaurikryia (III descending), Raga Suddha Mukhari (VI descending) Intervals: 1 3 3 1 4 (ascending) 1 3 3 1 3 1 (descending) Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj9


Raga Budhamanohari

Modes: Raga Kuntvarali (V) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 5 Chords: Cmaj7, C7


Raga Chandrajyoti

Mode: mode V of Raga Tilang scale (C Raga Chandrajyoti = D Raga Tilang) Intervals: 1 1 4 1 2 3 Chords: C6/#11, C6/b9/#11


Raga Chandrakauns Kafi

Alternate names: Raga Surya, Raga Varamu Mode: mode IV of Mixolydian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Chandrakauns Kafi = F Mixolydian Pentatonic) Intervals: 3 2 4 1 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani

Mode: mode II of Major Pentatonic b2 b5 scale (C Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani = B Major Pentatonic b2 b5) Intervals: 3 2 3 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Chandrakauns Modern

Alternate names: Raga Marga Hindola, Raga Rajeshwari Intervals: 3 2 4 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Chaya Todi

Mode: mode II of Mixolydian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Chaya Todi = Ab Mixolydian Pentatonic) Intervals: 1 2 3 2 4 Chords: Cdim


Raga Chinthamani

Mode: mode V of Harmonic Neapolitan Minor scale (C Raga Chinthamani = G Harmonic Neapolitan Minor) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 Chords: Cm7, Cdim7


Raga Deshgaur

Intervals: 1 6 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5/b9


Raga Devaranjani

Alternate names: Raga Devaranji Intervals: 5 2 1 3 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Raga Dhavalangam

Alternate names: Raga Indupriya Intervals: 1 3 2 1 1 4 Chords: Cmaj, Caug


Raga Dhavalashri

Mode: mode II of Raga Audav Tukhari scale (C Raga Dhavalashri = E Raga Audav Tukhari) Intervals: 4 2 1 2 3 Chords: C6, C6/#11


Raga Dipak

Intervals: 2 2 1 1 1 5 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, C7/#11


Raga Gamakakriya

Alternate names: Raga Hamsanarayami, Raga Mandari Intervals: 1 3 2 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, Cmaj7/b9/#11


Raga Gandharavam

Intervals: 1 2 2 2 3 2 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b9


Raga Gangatarangini

Intervals: 4 1 1 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b5, Csus/maj7


Raga Gaula

Mode: mode IV of Raga Bhinni Pancama scale (C Raga Gaula = F Raga Bhinna Pancama) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 3 2 Chords: C7/b9


Raga Gaurikriya

Alternate names: Raga Jivantini Mode: mode II of Raga Bowli descending scale (C Raga Gaurikriya = B Raga Bowli descending) Intervals: 3 3 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cm7/b5, Cdim/maj7


Raga Ghantana

Alternate names: Raga Kaishikiranjani or Kaushiranjani Modes: Raga Madhukauns (IV) Intervals: 2 1 2 3 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Gopikatilaka

Alternate names: Raga Simharava Mode: mode V of Lydian #2 Hexatonic scale (C Raga Gopikatilaka = Eb Lydian #2 Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 3 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Gowla

Alternate names: Raga Gauri (same as Gowla ascending) Intervals: 1 4 2 4 1 (ascending), 1 3 1 2 4 1 (descending) Chords: Csus/maj7 This Indian scale has two different versions, ascending and descending. The descending version is the same as the descending version of the Raga Jaganmohini scale.


Raga Gurjari Todi

Mode: mode IV of Raga Airavati scale (C Raga Gurjari Todi = Gb Raga Airavati) Intervals: 1 2 3 2 2 2 Chords: Cm7/b5


Raga Hamsadhvani

Modes: Raga Zilaf (IV) Intervals: 2 1 4 4 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Hamsanandi

Alternate names: Raga Pancama, Raga Puriya 2, Raga Marva, Raga Sohni Mode: mode IV of Blues scale (C Raga Hamsanandi = Gb Blues) Intervals: 1 3 2 3 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9/#11


Raga Hamsa Vinodini

Mode: mode II of Honkoshi scale (C Raga Hamsa Vinodini = B Honkoshi) Intervals: 2 2 1 4 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7 th

This scale can be obtained by removing the 5 degree of the Major scale.


Raga Hari Nata

Alternate name: Genus Secundum Mode: mode V of Raga Ratnakanthi scale (C Raga Hari Nata = F Raga Ratnakanthi) Intervals: 4 1 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7 nd

This scale can be obtained by removing the 2 degree of the Major scale.


Raga Hejjajji

Mode: mode II of Lydian #2 Hexatonic scale (C Raga Hejjajji = A Lydian #2 Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 3 2 2 1 3 Chords: Caug


Raga Jaganmohanam

Intervals: 2 4 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7/#11


Raga Jivantika

Intervals: 1 4 2 2 2 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Raga Jyoti

Intervals: 4 2 1 1 2 2 Chords: C7/#11


Raga Kalagada

Modes: Raga Lalita (V) Intervals: 1 3 3 1 1 3 Chords: Caug


Raga Kalakanthi 2

Mode: mode III of Raga Vasanta descending scale (C Raga Kalakanthi 2 = Ab Raga Vasanta descending) Intervals: 1 4 2 1 1 3 Chords: Csus


Raga Kalavati

Alternate names: Raga Ragamalini Modes: Raga Latika (IV) Intervals: 1 3 1 2 2 3 Chords: C6, C6/b9


Raga Kamalamanohari 2

Mode: mode II of Raga Sarasvati scale (C Raga Kamalamanohari 2 = Bb Raga Sarasvati) Intervals: 4 1 2 1 2 2 Chords: Csus7


Raga Kashyapi

Mode: mode II of Raga Shreeranjani scale (C Raga Kashyapi = Bb Raga Shreeranjani) Intervals: 1 2 4 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Kedaram

Alternate names: Raga Neelambari, Raga Nalinakanti, Raga Vilasini (same as Kedaram descending) Mode: descending version is mode VI of Raga Shreeranjani scale (C Raga Kedaram = D Raga Shreeranjani) Intervals: 4 1 2 4 1 (ascending), 2 2 1 2 4 1 (descending) Chords: Cmaj7 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The ascending version contains the same notes as the Ionian Pentatonic scale, the descending version is equivalent to mode VI of the Raga Shreeranjiani scale and has the same notes as the Raga Neelambari scale.


Raga Khamach

Alternate names: Raga Madhuri Modes: Mela Pavani (VI ascending) Intervals: 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 (ascending), 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 (descending) Chords: Cmaj7 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The descending version contains the same notes as the Mixolydian scale.


Raga Kshanika

Intervals: 1 4 3 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Kumarapriya

Intervals: 1 1 6 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Kumurdaki

Alternate names: Raga Kumudki Intervals: 2 2 2 5 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Kuntvarali

Alternate names: Raga Kuntalavarali Mode: mode V of Raga Budhamanohari scale (C Raga Kuntvarali = F Raga Budhamanohari) Intervals: 5 2 2 1 2 Chords: Csus7


Raga Lalita

Alternate names: Raga Sohini Mode: mode V of Raga Kalagada scale (C Raga Lalita = E Raga Kalagada) Intervals: 1 3 1 3 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Lalita Bhairav

Alternate names: Raga Vasantha Mode: mode VI of Lydian #2 Hexatonic scale (C Raga Lalita Bhairav = Db Lydian #2 Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 3 1 3 2 2 Chords: C7/#5


Raga Latika

Mode: mode IV of Raga Kalavati scale (C Raga Latika = G Raga Kalavati) Intervals: 2 2 3 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7


Raga Madhukauns

Mode: mode IV of Raga Ghantana scale (C Raga Madhukauns = G Raga Ghantana) Intervals: 3 3 1 2 1 2 Chords: Cdim7


Raga Malarani

Intervals: 2 4 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Malayamarutam

Mode: mode IV of Pyramid Hexatonic scale (C Raga Malayamarutam = G Pyramid Hexatonic) Intervals: 1 3 3 2 1 2 Chords: C7/b9


Raga Malahari

Alternate names: In (Japan, same as Malahari ascending), Raga Geyahejjajji, Raga Kannadabangala, Raga Purna Pancama (same as Malahari descending) Intervals: 1 4 2 1 4 (ascending), 1 3 1 2 1 4 (descending) Chords: Csus This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The ascending version contains the same notes as the In Japanese scale.


Raga Malkauns

Mode: mode V of Blues scale (C Raga Malkaus = F Blues) Intervals: 3 2 3 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Csus7


Raga Malini

Alternate names: Raga Senagrani Mode: mode VI of Mixolydian b5 scale (C Raga Malini = Eb Mixolydian b5) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 Chords: Cm6


Raga Manaranjani

Intervals: 1 3 3 3 2 Chords: C7/b9


Raga Manavi

Mode: mode III of Honkoshi scale (C Raga Manavi = A Honkoshi) Intervals: 2 1 4 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Manohari

Alternate names: Raga Malavasri Mode: mode VI of Raga Airavati scale (C Raga Manohari = Eb Raga Airavati) Intervals: 3 2 2 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Marwa Thaat

Alternate names: Peiraiotikos (Greece), Mela Gamanasrama, Raga Partiravan, Raga Puriya, Raga Puriya Kalyan, Raga Purvikalyani, Raga Sohani, Raga Bairari Mode: mode V of Blues Phrygian scale (C Raga Marwa Thaat = F# Blues Phrygian) Intervals: 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 Chords: C7/b9, C7/b9/#11


Raga Matha Kokila

Alternate names: Raga Matkokil Mode: mode IV of Nando-Kyemuonjo scale (C Raga Matha Kokila = G Nando-Kyemuonjo) Intervals: 2 5 2 1 2 Chords: Csus7, C9


Raga Megharanji

Intervals: 1 3 1 6 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9


Raga Mian Ki Malhar

Alternate names: Raga Bahar, Raga Sindhura Intervals: 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7


Raga Mohanangi

Mode: mode V of Major Pentatonic b2 b5 scale (C Raga Mahonangi = Eb Major Pentatonic b2 b5) Intervals: 3 1 3 2 3 Chords: C6


Raga Mruganandana

Mode: mode III of Sho scale (C Raga Mruganandana = A Sho) Intervals: 2 2 2 3 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11 th

This scale can be obtained by removing the 5 degree of the Lydian scale.


Raga Multani 2

Mode: mode III of Romanian Bacovia scale (C Raga Multani 2 = G Romanian Bacovia) Intervals: 3 3 1 4 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/#11


Raga Nabhomani

Intervals: 1 1 4 1 5 Chords: Cmaj7/#11, C7/#11


Raga Nagagandhari

Mode: mode V of Raga Airavati scale (C Raga Nagagandhari = F Raga Airavati) Intervals: 2 3 2 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmin/maj7


Raga Nattai

Alternate names: Raga Madhuranjani, Raga Nata, Raga Udayaravicandrika (same as Nattai descending) Intervals: 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 (ascending), 3 2 2 4 1 (descending) Chords: C7, Csus7 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The ascending version contains the same notes as the Chromatic Dorian Inverse scale.


Raga Nattaikurinji

Alternate names: Raga Rageshri or Rageshwari Mode: mode II of Raga Ratnakanthi scale (C Raga Nattaikurinji = Bb Raga Ratnakanthi) Intervals: 2 2 1 4 1 2 Chords: C7


Raga Navamanohari

Mode: mode V of Sho scale (C Raga Navamanohari = F Sho) Intervals: 2 3 2 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7, Csus7, C7/b13


Raga Neroshta

Mode: mode III of Nando-Kyemuonjo scale (C Raga Neroshta = A Nando-Kyemuonjo) Intervals: 2 2 5 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7


Raga Nishadi

Mode: mode III of Raga Shreeranjani scale (C Raga Nishadi = A Raga Shreeranjani) Intervals: 2 4 1 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Padi

Modes: Raga Vijayavasanta (II), Raga Syamalam (III) Intervals: 1 4 2 1 3 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Raga Pahadi

Mode: mode IX of Kiourdi scale (C Raga Pahadi = D Kiourdi) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7


Raga Paras

Alternate names: Raga Pharas or Paraju, Raga Kamalamanohari, Raga Ramamanohari 2, Raga Simhavahini (same as Paras ascending), Raga Sindhu Ramakriya Modes: Raga Amarasenapriya (III ascending), Raga Rudra Pancama (IV ascending) Intervals: 4 1 2 1 3 1 (ascending), 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 (descending, same as Double Harmonic) Chords: Cmaj7 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The descending version contains the same notes as the Double Harmonic scale.


Raga Priyadharshini

Mode: mode II of Major Pentatonic b3 scale (C Raga Priyadharshini = B Major Pentatonic b3) Intervals: 2 3 3 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Puruhutika

Alternate names: Raga Purvaholica Intervals: 5 2 2 2 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Raga Putrika

Mode: mode V of Raga Deshgaur scale (C Raga Putrika = C# Raga Deshgaur) Intervals: 1 1 6 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Rageshri

Intervals: 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7


Raga Ramkali

Alternate names: Raga Ramakri Mode: mode VI of Hungarian Minor b2 scale (C Raga Ramkali = F Hungarian Minor b2) Intervals: 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/b9


Raga Rangini

Alternate names: Raga Ranjani Mode: mode III of Pyramid Hexatonic scale (C Raga Rangini = A Pyramid Hexatonic) Intervals: 2 1 3 3 2 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7/b5


Raga Rasamanjari 2

Mode: mode II of Raga Malahari desceding scale (C Raga Rasamanjari = B Raga Malahari descending) Intervals: 3 1 2 1 4 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Rasavali

Mode: mode III of Hawaiian scale (C Raga Rasavali = Bb Hawaiian) Intervals: 1 4 2 2 1 2 Chords: Csus7, Csus7/b9


Raga Rasranjani

Mode: mode III of Raga Audav Tukhari scale (C Raga Rasranjani = A Raga Audav Tukhari) Intervals: 2 3 4 2 1 Chords: Csus/maj7


Raga Ratnakanthi

Alternate names: Raga Chaturangini 2 Modes: Raga Nattaikurinji (II), Raga Trimurti (III), Raga Hari Nata (V), Raga Suddha Simantini (V) Intervals: 2 2 2 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Rudra Pancama

Mode: mode IV of Raga Paras ascending scale (C Raga Rudra Pancama = F Raga Paras ascending) Intervals: 1 3 1 4 1 2 Chords: C7/b9


Raga Rukmangi

Mode: mode II of Raga Abhogi scale (C Raga Rukmangi = Bb Raga Abhogi) Intervals: 1 2 4 3 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Salagavarali

Mode: mode III of Sho #2 scale (C Raga Salagavarali = A Sho #2) Intervals: 1 2 4 2 1 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Samudhra Priya

Mode: mode IV of Major Pentatonic b2 b5 scale (C Raga Samudhra Priya = Gb Major Pentatonic b2 b5) Intervals: 3 3 1 3 2 Chords: Cm7/b5


Raga Santanamanjari

Alternate name: Mela Sucaritra Intervals: 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 Chords: C6


Raga Sarasanana

Mode: mode II of Double Phrygian scale (C Raga Sarasanana = B Double Phrygian) Intervals: 2 2 1 3 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5


Raga Sarasvati

Modes: Raga Kamalamanohari 2 (II), Raga Sindhura Kafi (IV) Intervals: 2 4 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7/#11


Raga Saravati

Intervals: 4 1 2 1 1 3 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5


Raga Saugandhini

Alternate name: Raga Yashranjani Mode: mode IV of Raga Nabhomani scale (C Raga Saugandhini = F# Raga Nabhomani) Intervals: 1 5 1 1 4 Chords: C7/b9/#11/b13


Raga Saurashtra

Intervals: 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/b9


Raga Shreeranjani

Alternate names: Raga Shee Ranjani or Sriranjiani, Raga Kapijingla, Raga Bageshri 2, Raga Jayamanohari Modes: Raga Kashyapi (II), Raga Nishadi (III), Raga Vegavahini ascending (IV), Raga Kedaram descending (VI) Intervals: 2 1 2 4 1 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Shri Kalyan

Mode: mode V of Mixolydian Pentatonic scale (C Raga Shri Kalyan = D Mixolydian Pentatonic) Intervals: 2 4 1 2 3 Chords: C6, Cmaj7/#11


Raga Shubravarni

Intervals: 2 4 3 1 2 Chords: C7/#11


Raga Sindhura Kafi

Mode: mode IV of Raga Sarasvati scale (C Raga Sindhura Kafi = F Raga Sarasvati) Intervals: 2 1 2 2 4 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi

Mode: mode IV of Maqam Shawq Afza (C Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi = G# Maqam Shawq Afza) Intervals: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, C7, C7/#5, C7/b9


Raga Siva Kambhoji

Alternate names: Raga Vivardhini, Raga Andhali Mode: mode II of Raga Airavati scale (C Raga Siva Kambhoji = Bb Raga Airavati) Intervals: 2 2 1 2 3 2 Chords: C7


Raga Sorati

Alternate names: Raga Sur Malhar Mode: mode II of Enigmatic Minor scale (C Raga Sorati = B Enigmatic Minor) Intervals: 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 Chords: Csus7


Raga Suddha Mukhari

Mode: mode VI of Raga Bowli descending scale (C Raga Suddha Mukhari = C# Raga Bowli descending) Intervals: 1 1 3 3 1 3 Chords: Csus


Raga Suddha Simantini

Mode: mode VI of Raga Ratnakanthi scale (C Raga Suddha Simantini = Db Raga Ratnakanthi) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 1 4 Chords: Cmin7/b9


Raga Syamalam

Mode: mode III of Raga Padi scale (C Raga Syamalam = G Raga Padi) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 4 Chords: Cmin


Raga Takka

Mode: mode III of Lydian #2 Hexatonic scale (C Raga Takka = Ab Lydian #2 Hexatonic) Intervals: 3 2 2 1 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Tilang

Alternate names: Raga Bridabani Tilang, Raga Savitri Modes: Raga Chandrajyoti (V) Intervals: 4 1 2 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, C7, Csus7


Raga Trimurti

Mode: mode III of Raga Ratnakanthi scale (C Raga Trimurti = Ab Raga Ratnakanti) Intervals: 2 1 4 1 2 2 Chords: Cm7


Raga Valaji

Mode: mode IV of Raga Abhogi scale (C Raga Valaji = G Raga Abhogi) Intervals: 4 3 2 1 2 Chords: C7


Raga Vasanta

Alternate names: Raga Bhinna Shadj, Raga Hindolita, Raga Kaushikdhvani (same as Vasanta ascending), Raga Chaya Vati (same as Vasanta descending) Modes: Raga Kalakanthi 2 (III descending) Intervals: 4 1 4 2 1 (ascending), 1 3 1 4 2 1 (descending) Chords: Cmaj7/b9 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The ascending version is equivalent to mode V of the In scale.


Raga Vegavahini

Alternate names: Raga Khamas, Raga Desya Khamas, Raga Bahudari (same as Vehavahini ascending) Mode: ascending version is mode IV of Raga Shreeranjani scale (C Raga Vegavahini = G Raga Shreeranjani) Intervals: 4 1 2 2 1 2 (ascending), 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 (descending) Chords: C7/b9 This Indian scale has two versions, ascending and descending. The ascending version is equivalent to mode IV of the Raga Sheeranjani scale, the descending version contains the same notes as the Harmonic Minor Inverse scale.


Raga Vijayanagari

Mode: mode III of Raga Bhinna Pancama scale (C Raga Vijayanagari = G Raga Bhinna Pancama) Intervals: 2 1 3 1 2 3 Chords: Cm6


Raga Vijayasri

Intervals: 1 1 4 1 4 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Vijayavasanta

Mode: mode II of Raga Padi scale (C Raga Vijayavasanta = B Raga Padi) Intervals: 4 2 1 3 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#11


Raga Viyogavarali

Intervals: 1 2 2 3 3 1 Chords: Cmin/maj7


Raga Vutari

Mode: mode V of Sho #2 scale (C Raga Vutari = F# Sho #2) Intervals: 4 2 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7/#11


Raga Zilaf

Mode: mode IV of Raga Hamsadhvani scale (C Raga Zilaf = F Raga Hamsadhvani) Intervals: 4 2 1 2 1 2 Chords: Csus


Miscellaneous scales Algerian Octatonic

Modes: Maqam Shadd'araban (II), Maqam Hijaz (VI) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 Chords: Cm7, Cm7/b13



Intervals: 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 Chords: Cmin/maj7 th

The 11-note Algerian scale is peculiar is that it subdivides an 11 interval, instead of an octave. As its name suggests, this scale is often used in Algerian, Berber, and North African music. The presence of two 3-semitones intervals creates a sound that is often associated with Middle Eastern music. This scale was used by Jacques Ibert in his Escales composition.


Eskimo Hexatonic

Mode: mode IV of Takemitzu Tree 2 scale (C Eskimo Hexatonic = Gb Takemitzu Tree 2) Intervals: 2 2 2 2 1 3 Chords: Caug Origin: Alaska


Eskimo Hexatonic 2

Modes: Prometheus (II) Intervals: 2 2 2 2 3 1 Chords: Cmaj7/#5 Origin: Alaska



Alternate names: Gregorian 3 Mode: mode V of Spanish Octatonic scale (C Hamel = G Spanish Octatonic) Intervals: 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cm7, Cmin/maj7



Modes: Raga Rasavali (II) Intervals: 2 1 4 2 2 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, Cmaj7/#9


LG Octatonic

Intervals: 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/#9


Pyramid Hexatonic

Modes: Raga Rangini (III), Raga Malayamarutam (IV) Intervals: 2 1 2 1 3 3 Chords: Cdim7


Nonatonic 2

Intervals: 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Chords: C7, C7/b9, C7/b9/#9, C7/b9/#9/#11


Symmetrical Nonatonic

Intervals: 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Chords: Cmaj7, Cmaj7/#5, C7, C7/#5, C7/b9


Appendix A. Scale Index Major and Minor Scales Scale Major Dorian Phrygian Lydian Mixolydian Aeolian Locrian Melodic Minor Dorian b2 Lydian Augmented Lydian Dominant Melodic Major Half Diminished Altered Dominant Harmonic Minor Locrian #6 Ioanian Augmented Romanian Minor Phrygian Dominant Lydian #2 Ultralocrian

Intervals 2212221 2122212 1222122 2221221 2122212 2122122 1221222 2122221 1222212 2222121 2221212 2212122 2121222 1212222 2122131 1221312 2213121 2131212 1312122 3121221 1212213

Notes CDEFGAB C D Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D E F# G A B C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F G A B C Db Eb F G A Bb C D E F# G# A B C D E F# G A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F Gb A Bb C D E F G# A B C D Eb F# G A B C Db E F G Ab Bb C D# E F# G A B C Db Eb E F# G# A


Intervals 222222 313131 131313 21212121 12121212 111111111111 132132 213213 123123 211211211 11311131 31113111 141141 411411 22112211 11221122 1112111121 2111121111 121121121 114114 1121111211 12211221

Notes C D E F# G# Bb C D# E G Ab B C Db E F G# A C D Eb F F# G# A B C C# D# E F# G A Bb C C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B C Db E F# G Bb C D Eb F# G# A C Eb Eb F# G A C D D# E F# G G# Bb B C C# D F F# G Ab B C D# E F Gb A Bb B C Db F F# G B C E F Gb Bb B C D E F F# G# A# B C C# D F F# G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F F# G G# A B C D D# E F F# G# A Bb B C C# D# E F G G# A B C C# D F# G Ab C C# D E F F# G G# A# B C Db Eb F F# G A B


Bb Major (II) Ab Major (III) G Major (IV) F Major (V) Eb Major (VI) Db Major (VII) Bb Melodic Minor (II) A Melodic Minor (III) G Melodic Minor (IV) F Melodic Minor (V) Eb Melodic Minor (VI) Db Melodic Minor (VII) Bb Harmonic Minor (II) A Harmonic Minor (III) G Harmonic Minor (IV) F Harmonic Minor (V) E Harmonic Minor (VI) Db Harmonic Minor (VII)

Page 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Symmetrical Scales Scale Whole-Tone Augmented Inverted Augmented Diminished Diminished Half-tone Chromatic Tritone Raga Neelangi Messiaen 2nd Mode Truncated Messiaen 3rd Mode Messiaen 4th Mode Messiaen 4th Mode Inverse Messiaen 5th Mode Messiaen 5th Mode Inverse Messiaen 6th Mode Messiaen 6th Mode Inverse Messiaen 7th Mode Messiaen 7th Mode Inverse Genus Chromaticum Two-semitone Tritone Symmetrical Decatonic Van Der Host


B Augmented (II) Bb Diminished (II)

G# Tritone (III)

Bb Messiaen 4th Mode (III) B Messiaen 5th Mode (II) Ab Messiaen 6th Mode (III) A Messiaen 7th Mode (IV) A Messiaen 3rd Mode (III) B Messiaen 7th Mode (II) G Messiaen 6th Mode (IV)

Page 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Jazz Scales Scale Blues Blues Heptatonic Blues Heptatonic 2 Blues Octatonic Blues Enneatonic Blues Enneatonic 2 Blues Dorian Hexatonic Blues Phrygian Blues Minor Maj7 Blues Modified Blues Mixed Blues Leading Tone Rock ‘n Roll Bebop Bebop Major Bebop Major Hexatonic Bebop Major Heptatonic Bebop Minor Bebop Dorian Bebop Melodic Minor Bebop Harmonic Minor Bebop Half-diminished Bebop Locrian Bebop Chromatic

Intervals 321132 2121312 3211212 21211212 211122111 211111212 121323 1221132 321141 2121132 3111122 3211311 3112212 22122111 22121121 223113 2212113 2113212 21112212 21221121 21221211 12211131 12211122 112122111

Notes C Eb F F# G Bb C D Eb F Gb A Bb C Eb F F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G A Bb C D D# E F G A Bb B C D D# E F F# G A Bb C C# D# E G A C Db Eb F F# G Bb C Eb F F# G B C D Eb F F# G Bb C D# E F F# G Bb C Eb F F# G A# B C D# E F G A Bb C D E F G A Bb B C D E F G G# A B C D E G G# A C D E F G G# A C D D# E G A Bb C D D# E F G A Bb C D Eb F G G# A B C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C Db Eb F F# G Ab B C Db Eb F F# G Ab Bb C C# D E F G A Bb B


Intervals 22323 23232 32322 23223 32232 21423 14232 42321 23214 32142 41241 12414 24141 41412 22332 23322 33222 32223 22233 13214 42141 21414 14142 13323 13233 12333 22314 31332 33231 41232 23241 14223 22134 31242 42222 31314 42231

Notes CDEGA C D G G Bb C Eb F Ab Bb CDFGA C Eb F G Bb C D Eb G A C Db F G Bb C E Gb A B C D F G Ab C Bb F Gb Bb CEFGB C Db Eb G Ab C D F# G B C E F A Bb C D E G Bb C D F G# Bb C Eb Gb Ab Bb C Eb F G A C D E Gb A C Db F G Ab C E F# G B C D Eb G Ab C Db F Gb Bb C Eb E G A C Db E Gb A C Db Eb F# A C D E G Ab C D# E G Bb C Eb F# G# B C E F G Bb CDFGB C Db F G A C D E F Ab C D# E Gb Bb C E F# G# Bb C D# E G Ab C E F# G# B


Bb Harmonic Major (II)

D Blues Octatonic (VIII) D Blues Modified (VII) A Blues Phrygian (III) F Bebop (V) F Blues Octatonic (VI) Ab Bebop (III) G Blues Enneatonic 2 (V)

Page 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Pentatonic Scales Scale Major Pentatonic Suspended Pentatonic Man Gong Ritusen Minor Pentatonic Dorian Pentatonic Kokin-Choshi Raga Hindol Han-Kumoi Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 Ionian Pentatonic Pelog Pentatonic Raga Hamsanada Raga Khamaji Durga Dominant Pentatonic Chaio Chin Kyemyonjo Kung In Hirajoshi Ake-Bono Iwato Major Pentatonic b2 Major Pentatonic b2 b5 Major Pentatonic b3 Major Pentatonic b6 Major Pentatonic b7 #9 Diminished Pentatonic Mixolydian Pentatonic Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Altered Pentatonic Altered Major Pentatonic Locrian Pentatonic Pentatonic Whole-Tone Augmented Pentatonic Augmented Pentatonic 2


Bb Major Pentatonic (II) Ab Major Pentatonic (III) F Major Pentatonic (IV) Eb Major Pentatonic (V) Bb Dorian Pentatonic (II) A Dorian Pentatonic (III) F Dorian Pentatonic (IV) Eb Dorian Pentatonic (V) Ab Ionian Pentatonic (II) G Ionian Pentatonic (III) F Ionian Pentatonic (II) Bb Dominant Pentatonic (II) Ab Dominant Pentatonic (III) F Dominant Pentatonic (IV) D Dominant Pentatonic (V) B In (II) G In (III) F In (IV)

G Altered Pentatonic (III) B Major Pentatonic b2 (II) G Mixolydian Pentatonic (III)

B Altered Pentatonic (IV)

Page 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 104 106 107 108 108 110 110 112

Center-Cluster PentaMirror Raga Nagaswaravali Raga Chitthakarshini Raga Hamsadhvani 2 Pyeong Jo Raga Shailaja Pygmy Raga Mamata Raga Kokil Pancham Romanian Bacovia Greek Arkaik Syrian Pentatonic

31134 41223 12234 22341 23412 34122 21432 43221 32214 41331 13116 13134

C D# E F Ab CEFGA C Db Eb F Ab CDEGB C D F A Bb C Eb G Ab Bb C D Eb G Bb CEGAB C Eb F G Ab C E F G# B C Db E F Gb C Db E F Ab

Intervals 2211321 2213121 3113121 1313121 212232 2211222 2123121 212211111 21221112 1213212 1212321 1231212 322122 11122122 1213122 1213131 122133 1213113 223221 313221 3121311 2221122 221112111 2131221 2221311 2222112 232212 223212 2211312 2213112 1313112 3122121 1311222 1221213 1131213 1221231 2112222 1122222 1212231 1212123 1212312 1122213 2212131 2213121 2121231 1312212 1312131 1132113 3112311 111221112 3113211 1123113 1311321

Notes C D E F Gb A B C D E F G# A B C D# E F G# A B C Db E F G# A B C D Eb F G Bb C D E F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F G# A B C D Eb F G G# A Bb B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C Db Eb E G A Bb C Db Eb E Gb A B C Db Eb F# G A Bb C Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D# E G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db Eb F Gb A C C# D# E G G# A CDEGAB C D# E G A B C D# E F# G A# B C D E F# G Ab Bb C D E F F# G A Bb B C D Eb F# G A B C D E F# G A# B C D E F# G# A Bb C D F G A Bb C D E G A Bb C D E F Gb A Bb C D E F G# A Bb C Db E F G# A Bb C D# E F# G# A B C Db E F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F F# G# A C C# D F F# G# A C Db Eb F Gb Ab B C D D# E F# G# Bb C C# D E F# G# Bb C Db Eb E Gb Ab B C C# D# E F# G A C C# D# E F# A Bb C C# D E F# G# A C D E F G Ab B C D E F G# A B C D Eb F Gb Ab B C Db E F G A Bb C Db E F G Ab B C C# D F G G# A C D# E F G Bb B C C# D Eb F G G# A Bb C D# E F G# Bb B C C# D E G G# A C Db E F Gb A B

Ab Raga Nagaswaravali (II) G Raga Nagaswaravali (III) F Raga Nagaswaravali (IV) Eb Raga Nagaswaravali (V) A Pygmy (III) F Pygmy (IV)

111 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124

Modal Scales Scale Ionian b5 Ionian #5 Ionian Augmented #2 Ionian Augmented b9 Minor Hexatonic Major Locrian Jazz Minor #5 Full Minor All Flats Dorian Aeolian Dorian b2 b4 Dorian b2 Maj7 Dorian b9 #11 Phrygian Hexatonic Phrygian Aeolian b4 Phrygian b4 Phrygian b4 Maj7 Double Phrygian Ultraphrygian Lydian Hexatonic Lydian #2 Hexatonic Lydian #2 #6 Lydian Dominant b6 Lydian Mixolydian Lydian Diminished Lydian #6 Lydian Augmented Dominant Mixolydian Hexatonic Mixolydian Hexatonic 2 Mixolydian b5 Mixolydian Augmented Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 Aeolian b1 Locrian Dominant Locrian bb7 Locrian bb3 bb7 Locrian Maj7 Semilocrian b4 Superlocrian bb3 Superlocrian Maj7 Superlocrian bb6 bb7 Superlocrian #6 Ultralocrian bb3 Harmonic Major Harmonic Major 2 Harmonic Minor b5 Harmonic Minor Inverse Double Harmonic Chromatic Dorian Chromatic Dorian Inverse Chromatic Diatonic Dorian Chromatic Phrygian Chromatic Phrygian Inverse Chromatic Lydian


Mode B Blues Phrygian (II) E Double Harmonic (VI) E Gypsy Hexatonic (VI) F Mixolydian Hexatonic (V) F Neapolitan Major (V) F Hungarian Major (V) F Blues Enneatonic 2 (VII) Bb Bebop (II) Eb Romanian Major (II) F# Blues Heptatonic (IV) Eb Hungarian Major (VI) Bb Mixolydian Hexatonic (II) Eb Bebop (VI) Ab Harmonic Major (III) Eb Mixolydian Augm. Maj9 (VI) G# Double Harmonic (III) D Mixolydian Hexatonic (VI) B Double Harmonic (II) G Neapolitan Major (IV) G Blues Enneatonic (V) G Harmonic Major (IV) B Neapolitan Minor (II) A Neapolitan Major (III) G Sho (IV) A Neapolitan Minor (III) E Harmonic Major (VI) F Neapolitan Minor (V) Db Harmonic Major (VII) C# Double Harmonic (VII) Ab Rock ‘n Roll (III) Eb Neapolitan Major (VI) C# Neapolitan Major (VII) A Hungarian Major (II) F# Hungarian Major (IV) C# Neapolitan Minor (VII)

Ab Hungarian Major (III) F Harmonic Major (V) D Blues Leading Tone (VI) B Persian (II) Bb Blues Enneatonic (II) F Blues Leading Tone (V) Ab Persian (III) F# Blues Leading Tone (IV)

Page 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Chromatic Lydian Inverse Chromatic Mixolydian Chromatic Mixolydian 2 Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse Chromatic Hypodorian Chromatic Hypodorian Inverse Chromatic Hypolydian Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian Major Minor Mixed Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones Leading Whole-Tone

1231131 1131132 1122132 2311311 2113113 3113112 1321131 1131123 112121121

C Db Eb F# G Ab B C C# D F F# G Bb C C# D E F# G Bb C D F F# G Bb B C D D# E G G# A C D# E F G# A Bb C Db E F# G Ab B C C# D F F# G A C C# D E F G G# A B

G Persian (IV) G Blues Leading Tone (III)

Db Blues Leading Tone (VII) Db Persian (VII) G Youlan (V)

178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186

2111211111 2111112111 2222211

C D D# E F G G# A A# B C D D# E F F# G A A# B C D E F# G# A# B

G Major Minor Mixed (V) B Neapolitan Major (II)

187 188 189

Intervals 11122212 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 (asc) 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 (desc) 1232211 13112211 12112122 2131122 1312113 1312221 2131131 1412112 211121112 3112221 3121212 2121213 11131131 121215 2121321 212111112 12122121 121121211 1222221 1213221 1221321 1222131 11122131 12311211 12212211 222312 132312 1321212 2113122 2113131 221223 3112131 12121221 3111222 12111222

Notes C C# D Eb F G A Bb C Db E F# G# Bb B (asc) C B Bb Gb F E Db (desc) C Db Eb F# G# Bb B C Db E F F# G# A# B C C# D# E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db E F G G# A C Db E F G A B C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db F F# G# A Bb C D D# E F G G# A Bb C D# E F G A B C D# E F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G# A C C# D Eb F# G Ab B C C# D# E F# G C D Eb F Gb A B C D Eb F F# G G# A Bb C C# D# E F# G# A B C C# D# E F G G# A# B C Db Eb F G A B C Db Eb E G A B C Db Eb F Gb A B C Db Eb F G Ab B C C# D Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb B C Db Eb F F# G# A# B C D E Gb A Bb C Db E Gb A Bb C Db E F# G A Bb C D D# E G Ab Bb C D D# E G Ab B CDEFGA C D# E F G Ab B C C# D# E F# G A B C D# E F Gb Ab Bb C C# D# E F Gb Ab Bb

Mode A Spanish Octatonic (III)

Intervals 122142 22111221 142122 12111312 13121211 2111111121 1211111112

Notes C Db Db F Gb Bb C D E F F# G A B C Db F G Ab Bb C C# D# E F Gb A Bb C Db E F G G# A# B C D D# E F F# G G# A B C C# D# E F F# G G# A Bb


F# Persian (V) A Blues Leading Tone (II)

European Scales Scale Adonai Malakh Enigmatic Enigmatic Minor Enigmatic Mixed Flamenco Gypsy Gypsy Hexatonic Gypsy Inverse Gypsy Minor Hijaz Major Houseini Houzam Hungarian Major Hungarian Major Inverse Hungarian Minor b2 Istrian Jeths Kiourdi Magen Abot Moorish Phrygian Neapolitan Major Neapolitan Major b4 Neapolitan Major b5 Neapolitan Minor Harmonic Neapolitan Minor Neseveri Prokofiev Prometheus Prometheus Neapolitan Romanian Major Sabach Sabach Maj7 Scottish Hexatonic Sengiach Shostakovich Spanish Heptatonic Spanish Octatonic

F Bebop Half-diminished (VI) Bb Blues Octatonic (II) G Neapolitan Minor (IV) G Mixolydian b5 (IV) G Double Harmonic (IV) F Blues Enneatonic (VI) E Neapolitan Minor (VI) G# Romanian Major (III)

F Romanian Major (V) F# Blues Octatonic (V)

B Chromatic Mixolydian 2 (II)

Db Bebop (VIII) A Blues Dorian Hexatonic (III) Bb Mixolydian b5 (II) G Gypsy Hexatonic (IV) G Mixolydian Hexatonic (III) G Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 (IV) E Bebop Melodic Minor (VI)

Page 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226

Asian Scales Scale Honkoshi Ichilkotsucho Insen Maqam Shadd’araban Maqam Hijaz Maqam Shawq Afza Maqam Tarzanuyn


G Bebop (IV) G Honkoshi (IV) Bb Algerian Octatonic (II) F Algerian Octatonic (VI) C# Maqam Shawq Afza (X)

Page 227 228 229 230 231 232 233

Nando-Kyemyonjo Noh Nohkan Oriental Oriental 2 Pelog Persian Ritzu Sho Sho #2 Takemitzu Tree 1 Takemitzu Tree 2 Youlan

21225 2321121 2312121 1311312 13113111 2221131 1311231 122322 212223 121242 213231 213222 112111212

C D Eb F G C D F G G# A B C D F F# G# A B C Db E F Gb A Bb C Db E F Gb A A# B C D E F# G Ab B C Db E F Gb Ab B C Db Eb F G# Bb C D Eb F G A C C# D# E F# Bb C D Eb Gb Ab B C D Eb Gb Ab Bb C C# D E F F# G A Bb

Intervals 1231122 311232 1321113 3121131 1231311 1132131 1231113 1312211 1312311 1131122 1131131 2122113 3121122 2221113 1132221 2212311 1321122 1141212 2131311 1141221 3112122 1141311 1132122 1222311 1141113 2131113 1231221 1132311 1132212 2122311 1321311 3112113 21243 222123 213141 21234 13111221 232131 232311 1 3 3 1 5 (asc) 1 3 3 1 3 1 (desc) 22125 114123 32412 32331 32421 12324 21311112 16131 52131 132114

Notes C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb C D# E F G Bb C Db E F# G G# A C D# E F# G Ab B C Db Eb F# G A# B C C# D F G Ab B C Db Eb F# G G# A C Db E F G G# A C Db E F G A# B C C# D F# G Ab Bb C C# D F# G Ab B C D Eb F G G# A C C# E F# G Ab Bb C D E F# G G# A C C# D F G A B C D E F G A# B C Db E F# G Ab Bb C C# D F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G A# B C C# D F# G A B C D# E F G Ab Bb C C# D F# G A# B C C# D F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A# B C C# D F# G G# A C D Eb F# G G# A C Db Eb F# G A B C C# D F G A# B C C# D F G A Bb C D Eb F G A# B C Db E F# G A# B C D# E F G G# A C D Eb F A C D E F# G A C D Eb F# G B C D Eb F Ab C Db E F F# G A B C D F G Ab B C D F G A# B C Db E G Ab (asc) C B Ab G E Db (desc) CDEFG C C# D F# G A C Eb F A Bb C Eb F G# B C Eb F A B C Db Eb Gb Ab C D Eb F# G G# A Bb C Db G Ab B C F G Ab B C Db E F# G Ab

D Blues Heptatonic 2 (VII) D Hungarian Major (VII) F Double Harmonic (V) Bb Hungarian Minor b2 (III) D Mixolydian b5 (VII) Eb Mixolydian Hexatonic (V)

B Blues Dorian Hexatonic (II)

234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246

Indian Scales Scale Mela Bhavapriya Mela Calanata Mela Dhavalambari Mela Dhatuvardhani Mela Divyamani Mela Ganamurti Mela Gavambodhi Mela Gayakapriya Mela Hatakambari Mela Jalarnava Mela Jhalavarli Mela Jhankaradhvani Mela Jyotisvarupini Mela Kantamani Mela Manavati Mela Naganandini Mela Namanarayani Mela Navanitam Mela Nitimati Mela Pavani Mela Ragavardhani Mela Raghupriya Mela Ratnangi Mela Rupavati Mela Salaga Mela Syamalangi Mela Suvarnangi Mela Tenarupi Mela Venaspati Mela Varunapriya Mela Visvambhari Mela Yagapriya Raga Abhogi Raga Aivarati Raga Amarasenapriya Raga Audav Tukhari Raga Bhatiyar Raga Bhinna Pancama Raga Brindabani Raga Bowli Raga Budhamanohari Raga Chandrajyoti Raga Chandrakauns Kafi Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani Raga Chandrakauns Modern Raga Chaya Todi Raga Chinthamani Raga Deshgaur Raga Devaranjani Raga Dhavalangam


Mode Eb Rock ‘n Roll (VI) G Enigmatic descending (III) B Gypsy Hexatonic (II)

E Mela Gavambodhi (VI)

Ab Enigmatic ascending (III) Db Enigmatic ascending (VII) G Rock ‘n Roll (IV) F# Chromatic Mixolydian 2 (V) D Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 (VII) D Raga Khamach ascending (VI) E Superlocrian Maj7 (VI) G Blues Phrygian (IV) G Spanish Heptatonic (IV) G Mela Ganamurti (IV) G Blues Mixed (VI) G Blues Modified (IV) B Superlocrian Maj7 (II) B Mela Ganamurti (VI)

G Mela Calanata (IV) Ab Romanian Bacovia (II asc)

D Raga Tilang (V) F Mixolydian Pentatonic (IV) B Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (II) Ab Mixolydian Pentatonic (II) G Harmonic Neapolitan Minor (V)

Page 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296

Raga Dhavalashri Raga Dipak Raga Gamakakriya Raga Gandharavam Raga Gangatarangini Raga Gaula Raga Gaurikriya Raga Ghantana Raga Gopikatilaka Raga Gowla Raga Gurjari Todi Raga Hamsadhvani Raga Hansanandi Raga Hamsa Vinodini Raga Hari Nata Raga Hejjajji Raga Jaganmohanam Raga Jivantika Raga Jyoty Raga Kalagada Raga Kalakanthi 2 Raga Kalavati Raga Kamalamanohari 2 Raga Kashyapi Raga Kedaram Raga Khamach Raga Kshanika Raga Kumarapriya Raga Kumurdaki Raga Kuntvarali Raga Lalita Raga Lalita Bhairav Raga Latika Raga Madhukauns Raga Malarani Raga Malayamarutam Raga Malahari Raga Malkauns Raga Malini Raga Manaranjani Raga Manavi Raga Manohari Raga Marwa Thaat Raga Matha Kokila Raga Megharamji Raga Miam Ki Malhar Raga Mohanangi Raga Mruganandana Raga Multani 2 Raga Nabhomani Raga Nagagandhari Raga Nattai Raga Nattaikurinji Raga Navamanohari Raga Neroshta Raga Nishadi Raga Padi Raga Pahadi Raga Paras Raga Priyadharshini Raga Puruhutika Raga Putrika Raga Rageshri

42123 221115 132141 122232 411231 131232 331311 212331 213132 1 4 2 4 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 4 1 (desc) 123222 21441 132321 221421 412221 132213 241122 142221 421122 133113 142113 131223 412122 124122 4 1 2 4 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 4 1 (desc) 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 (desc) 14331 11631 22251 52212 131331 131322 223131 331212 241311 133212 1 4 2 1 4 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 4 (desc) 323211 1222113 13332 214212 322212 1321221 25212 13161 21222111 31323 222321 33141 11415 232221 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 (asc) 3 2 2 4 1 (desc) 221412 232122 33521 241221 142131 221211111 4 1 2 1 3 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 (desc) 23331 52221 11613 2214111

C E F# G A C D E F F# G C Db E F# G B C Db Eb F G Bb C E F Gb Ab B C Db E F G Bb C Eb F# G A# B C D Eb F G# B C D Eb F# G Bb C Db F G B (asc) C B G F E Db (desc) C Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C D Eb G B C Db E F# A B CDEFAB CEFGAB C Db E F# G# A C D F# G Ab Bb C Db F G A B C E F# G Ab Bb C Db E G G# A C Db F G G# A C Db E F G A C E F G Ab Bb C Db Eb G Ab Bb C E F G B (asc) C B G F E D (desc) C E F G A A# B (asc) C Bb A G F E D (desc) C Db F Ab B C C# D G# B C D E F# B C F G A Bb C Db E F Ab B C Db E F Ab Bb C D E G Ab B C Eb F# G A Bb C D F# G A# B C Db E G A Bb C Db F G Ab (asc) C Ab G F E Db (desc) C Eb F G# A# B C Db Eb F G G# A C Db E G Bb C D Eb G A Bb C Eb F G A Bb C Db E F# G A B C D G A Bb C Db E F B C D Eb F G A A# B C D# E G A C D E F# A B C Eb F# G B C C# D F# G CDFGAB C D# E F G A# B (asc) C B G F D# (desc) C D E F A Bb C D F G Ab Bb CDEAB C D F# G A B C Db F G Ab B C D E F G G# A A# B C E F G Ab B (asc) C B Ab G F E Db C D F G# B CFGAB C C# D G# A C D E F A A# B


E Raga Audav Tukhari (II)

F Raga Phinna Pancama (IV) B Raga Bowli (II desc) Eb Lydian #2 Hexatonic (V)

Gb Raga Airavati (IV) Gb Blues (IV) B Honkoshi (II) F Raga Ratnakanthi (V) A Lydian #2 Hexatonic (II)

Ab Raga Vasanta (III desc) Bb Raga Sarasvati (II) Bb Raga Shreeranjani (II) D Raga Shreeranjani (VI desc)

297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322

F Raga Budhamanohari (V) E Raga Kalanada (V) Db Lydian #2 Hexatonic (VI) G Raga Kalavati (IV) G Raga Ghantana (IV) G Pyramid Hexatonic (IV)

F Blues (V) Eb Mixolydian b5 (VI) A Honkoshi (III) Eb Raga Airavati (VI) F# Blues Phrygian (V) G Nando-Kyemuonjo (IV)

Eb Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (V) A Sho (III) G Romanian Bacovia (III) F Raga Aivarati (V)

Bb Raga Ratnakanthi (II) F Sho (V) A Nando-Kyemuonjo (III) A Raga Shreeranjani (III) D Kiourdi (IX)

B Major Pentatonic b3 (II) C# Raga Deshgaur (V)

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359

Raga Ramkali Raga Rangini Raga Rasamanjari 2 Raga Rasavali Raga Rasranjani Raga Ratnakanthi Raga Rudra Pancama Raga Rukmangi Raga Salagavarali Raga Samudhra Priya Raga Santanamanjari Raga Sarasanana Raga Sarasvati Raga Saravati Raga Saugandhini Raga Saurashtra Raga Shreeranjani Raga Shri Kalyan Raga Shubravarni Raga Sindhura Kafi Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi Raga Siva Kambhoji Raga Sorati Raga Suddha Mukhari Raga Suddha Simantini Raga Syamalam Raga Takka Raga Tilang Raga Trimurti Raga Valaji Raga Vasanta Raga Vegavahini Raga Vijayanagari Raga Vijayasri Raga Vijayavasanta Raga Viyogavarali Raga Vutari Raga Zilaf

13111131 213321 312141 142212 23421 222141 131412 12432 124212 33132 3121113 221331 241212 412113 15114 13121121 212412 24123 24312 212241 1111121211 221232 2322111 113313 122214 213114 322131 412311 214122 43212 4 1 4 2 1 (asc) 1 3 1 4 2 1 (desc) 4 1 2 2 1 2 (asc) 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 (desc) 213123 114141 421311 122331 421212 421212

C Db E F F# G Ab B C D Eb Gb A B C D# E F# G B C Db F G A Bb CDFAB C D E F# G B C Db E F A Bb C Db Eb G Bb C Db Eb G A Bb C Eb F# G Bb C D# E F# G G# A C D E F Ab B C D F# G A Bb C E F G G# A C Db F# G Ab C Db E F G G# A B C D Eb F A Bb C D F# G A C D F# A Bb C D Eb F G B C C# D D# E F G G# A# B C D E F G Bb C D F G A A# B C C# D F G# A C Db Eb F G Ab C D Eb F# G Ab C Eb F G Ab B C E F G A# B C D Eb G Ab Bb C E G A Bb C E F A B (asc) C B A F E Db (desc) C E F G A Bb (asc) C Bb A G F E Db (desc) C D Eb F# G A C C# D F# G B C E F# G A# B C Db Eb F Ab B C E F# G A Bb C E F G Ab

F Hungarian Minor b2 (VI) A Pyramid Hexatonic (III) B Raga Malahari (II desc) Bb Hawaiian (III) A Raga Audav Tukhari (III)

Intervals 21211131 2131131212 222213 222231 12221211 214221 12112212 212133 12111121 112211211

Notes C D Eb F F# G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F C D E F# G# A C D E F# G# B C Db Eb F G G# A# B C D Eb G A B C C# D# E F G A Bb C D Eb F Gb A C C# D# E F F# G A Bb C C# D E F# G G# A# B


F Raga Paras (IV asc) Bb Raga Abhogi (II) A Sho #2 (III) Gb Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (IV) B Double Phrygian (II)

F# Raga Nabhomani (IV)

D Mixolydian Pentatonic (V) F Raga Sarasvati (IV) G# Maqam Shawq Afza (IV) Bb Raga Airavati (II) B Enigmatic Minor (II) C# Raga Bowli desc (VI) Fb Raga Ratnakanthi (VI) G Raga Padi (III) Ab Lydian #2 Hexatonic (III) Fb Raga Ratnakanthi (III) G Raga Abhogi (IV)

360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390

G Raga Shreeranjani (IV desc)


G Raga Bhinna Pancama (III)

392 393 394 395 396 397

B Raga Padi (II) F# Sho #2 (V) F Raga Hamsadhvani (IV)

Miscellaneous scales Scale Algerian Octatonic Algerian Eskimo Hexatonic Eskimo Hexatonic 2 Hamel Hawaiian LG Octatonic Pyramid Hexatonic Nonatonic 2 Symmetrical Nonatonic


Gb Takemitzu Tree 2 (IV) G Spanish Octatonic (V)

Page 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407

B. Scales by Name Scale Acoustic Adonai Malakh Aeolian Aeolian b1 Aeolian Harmonic Aeolian Major Aeolian Pentatonic Ahava Rabba Ajam Shiram Ake-Bono Algerian Algerian Octatonic Alhijaz Altered Diminished Altered Lydian Altered (or Altered Dominant) Altered Pentatonic Altered Major Pentatonic Ambassel Ancient Chinese Anhemitonic Hexatonic Arabic Ararai Arezzo Major Diatonic Hexachord Ascending Minor Augmented Augmented Pentatonic Augmented Pentatonic 2 Avaha or Ahava Rabba Bac Banshikicho Bartok Bati Bebop Chromatic Bebop Dorian Bebop Half-diminished Bebop Harmonic Minor Bebop Locrian Bebop Major Bebop Major Heptatonic Bebop Major Hexatonic Bebop Melodic Minor Bebop Minor Bebop Mixolydian Bebop Natural Minor Bebop (or Bebop Dominant) Belinese Blues Dorian Hexatonic Blues Enneatonic Blues Enneatonic 2 Blues Heptatonic Blues Heptatonic 2 Blues Leading Tone Blues Major Blues Minor Blues Minor Maj7 Blues Minor Pentatonic Blues Mixed Blues Modified Blues Octatonic Blues (or Blues Hexatonic) Blues Phrygian Buzurg Byzantine (or Byzantine Liturgical


Jewish Japan Tunisia Tunisia Arabia

Ethiopia China Arabia Ethiopia

Jewish Vietnam Japan Ethiopia


Intervals 2221212 11122212 2122122 3122121 3121221 2212122 21414 12111222 2212221 21414 2131131212 21211131 1312122 2121222 2222121 1212222 14223 22134 13214 222123 222222 1312131 2212221 221223 2122221 313131 31314 42231 1312122 23223 2113212 2221212 32232 112122111 21112212 12211131 21221211 12211122 22121121 2212113 223113 21221121 2113212 22122111 21221211 22122111 12414 121323 211122111 211111212 2121312 3211212 3211311 23223 32322 321141 32232 3111132 2121132 21211212 321132 1221132 13111221 1312131


Notes C D E F# G A Bb C C# D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C D# E F# G# A B C D# E F# G A B C D E F G Ab Bb C D Eb G Ab C C# D# E F Gb Ab Bb CDEFGAB C D Eb G Ab C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F C D Eb F F# G Ab B C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D E F# G# A B C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C Db F G A C D E F Ab C Db F G Ab C D E F# G A C D E F# G# Bb C Db E F G Ab B CDEFGAB CDEFGA C D Eb F G A B C D# E G Ab B C D# E G Ab C E F# G# B C Db E F G Ab Bb CDFGA C D D# E G A Bb C D E F# G A Bb C Eb F G Bb C C# D E F G A Bb B C D D# E F G A Bb C Db Eb F F# G Ab B C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C Db Eb F F# G Ab Bb C D E F G G# A B C D E F G G# A C D E G G# A C D Eb F G G# A B C D D# E G A Bb C D E F G A Bb B C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D E F G A Bb B C Db Eb G Ab C C# D# E G A C D D# E F G A Bb B C D D# E F F# G A Bb C D Eb F Gb A Bb C Eb F F# G A Bb C Eb F F# G A# B CDFGA C Eb F Ab Bb C Eb F F# G B C Eb F G Bb C D# E F F# G Bb C D Eb F F# G Bb C D Eb F F# G A Bb C Eb F F# G Bb C Db Eb F F# G Bb C Db E F F# G A B C Db E F G Ab B

Primary Scale Lydian Dominant

Lydian #2 Melodic Major Ake-Bono Spanish Octatonic Major

Phrygian Dominant Half Diminished Lydian Augmented

In Raga Aivarati Whole-Tone Double Harmonic Major Scottish Hexatonic Melodic Minor

Phrygian Dominant Ritusen Bebop Minor Lydian Dominant Minor Pentatonic

Bebop Bebop Harmonic Min. Pelog Pentatonic

Ritusen Man Gong Minor Pentatonic

Raga Bhatiyar Double Harmonic

Page 19 190 14 156 28 20 97 226 9 97 399 398 27 21 18 22 107 108 95 280 30 171 9 222 16 31 111 112 27 79 69 19 80 75 70 73 72 74 66 68 67 71 69 65 72 65 87 58 56 57 53 54 62 79 78 60 80 62 61 55 52 59 283 171

Chromatic) Center-Cluster PentaMirror Chad Gadyo Chaio Chin Chinese Chinese Eight-tone Ching Chromatic Chromatic Diatonic Dorian Chromatic Dorian Chromatic Dorian Inverse Chromatic Hypodorian Chromatic Hypolydian Chromatic Hypolydian Inverse Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse Chromatic Lydian Chromatic Lydian Inverse Chromatic Mixolydian Chromatic Mixolydian 2 Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian Chromatic Phrygian Chromatic Phrygian Inverse Cushak Damian Emmanuel Dasrgah-e Mahur Dastgah-e Rast Panjgah Diminished Diminished Half-tone Diminished Pentatonic Dominant Pentatonic Dorian Dorian #4 Dorian Aeolian Dorian b2 Dorian b2 b4 Dorian b2 Maj7 Dorian b5 Dorian b9 Dorian b9 #11 Dorian Pentatonic Dorico Flamenco Double Harmonic Double Harmonic Minor Double Phrygian Egyptian Enigmatic Enigmatic Minor Enigmatic Mixed Eskimo Hexatonic Eskimo Hexatonic 2 Esplá Ezel Flamenco Freygish or Fraigish Full Minor All Flats Geez Genus Chromaticum Genus Diatonicum Genus Diatonicum Veterum Correctum Genus Secundum Genus Tertium Ghana Heptatonic Ghana Pentatonic Ghana Pentatonic 2 Gnossiennes


China China China




Alaska Alaska Ethiopia


Ghana Ghana Ghana

31134 21225 23322 33222 42141 22122111 42141 1111111111 11 111221112 1132113 3112311 2113113 1321131 1311231 1131123 1311321 1231131 1131132 1122132 2311311 112121121 3113211 1123113 2122122 2131122 2212221 2212221 21212121 12121212 33231 22332 2122212 2131212 21221112 1222212 1213212 1212321 2121312 1221312 1231212 21423 1312122 1312131 2131131 122133 23232 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 (asc) 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 (desc) 1232211 13112211 222213 222231 12111222 2122122 12112122 1312122 212211111 2122122 121121121 22122111 22111221 412221 313131 2212221 21225 22323 2131212


C D# E F Ab C D Eb F G C D F G# Bb C Eb Gb Ab Bb C E F# G B C D E F G A Bb B C E F# G B C C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B C C# D Eb F G G# A Bb C C# D F G G# A C D# E F G Bb B C D D# E G G# A C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E F Gb Ab B C C# D F F# G A C Db E F Gb A B C Db Eb F# G Ab B C C# D F F# G Bb C C# D E F# G Bb C D F F# G Bb B C C# D E F G G# A B C D# E F G# Bb B C C# D E G G# A C D Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab Bb CDEFGAB CDEFGAB C D Eb F F# G# A B C C# D# E F# G A Bb C Eb F# G# B C D E G Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb E G A Bb C Db Eb E Gb A B C D Eb F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F# G A Bb C D Eb G A C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db Eb F Gb A C D G G Bb C Db E F# G# Bb B (asc) C B Bb Gb F E Db (desc) C Db Eb F# G# Bb B C Db E F F# G# A# B C D E F# G# A C D E F# G# B C C# D# E F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D# E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G G# A Bb B C D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D# E F G G# A B C D E F G A Bb B C D E F F# G A B CEFGAB C D# E G Ab B CDEFGAB C D Eb F G CDEGA C D Eb F# G A B


Hirajoshi Bebop Hirajoshi


Aeolian Gypsy Major Major

Romanian Minor

Blues Heptatonic Locrian #6

Phrygian Dominant Gypsy Minor Suspended Pentatonic

Spanish Octatonic Aeolian Phrygian Dominant Aeolian Bebop Ichilkotsucho Raga Hari Nata Augmented Major Nando-Kyemyonjo Major Pentatonic Romanian Minor

111 234 91 92 96 65 96 35 174 172 173 182 184 240 185 177 178 179 180 181 186 175 176 14 195 9 9 33 34 104 90 10 26 133 17 134 135 53 24 136 81 27 171 198 141 77 191 192 193 400 401 226 14 194 27 132 14 48 65 228 311 31 9 234 76 26

Gong Greek Arkaik Gregorian 1 Gregorian 2 Gregorian 3 Gregorian 4 Gregorian 5 Gregorian 6 Gregorian 7 Gregorian 8 Gu Gu Xian Gypsy Gypsy 2 Gypsy Hexatonic Gypsy Hexatonic Inverse Gypsy Inverse Gypsy Minor Half Diminished Hamel Han-Kumoi Harmonic Major Harmonic Major 2 Harmonic Major Inverse Harmonic Minor Harmonic Minor #4 Harmonic Minor b5 Harmonic Minor Inverse Harmonic Neapolitan Minor Hawaiian Hexatonic Hijaz Kar Hijaz Major Hindi b2 b3 b7 Hindu Hirajoshi Hitzaz or Hijaz Hitzazkiar (or Hijazskiar) Honkoshi Hon-Kumoi-Joshi Houseini Houzam (or Huzam) Humayun Hungarian Folk Hungarian Gypsy Hungarian Major Hungarian Major Inverse Hungarian Minor Hungarian Minor b2 Hungarian Minor Inverse Hybrid Pentatonic Hyojo Ian Iwato Ichilkotsucho (or Ishikosucho) In Insen Insen Pentatonic Inverted Augmented Ioanian Augmented Ionian #2 Ionian #5 Ionian Augmented #2 Ionian Augmented b9 Ionian b5 Ionian Pentatonic Istrian Iwato Javanese Jazz Minor #5

China Greece

China China Hungary Hungary Hungarian Hungary Hungary Hungary

Italy Hawaii Arabia Greece India Japan Greece Greece Japan Japan Greece Greece Iraq Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan

Croatia Japan Java

22323 13116 21221112 2212212 12221211 21221211 22111221 22122111 2212212 2122212 2221221 32232 2131122 1412112 1312113 3112131 1312221 2131131 2121222 12221211 23214 2212131 2213121 1312122 2122131 2131131 2121231 1312212 11122131 214221 222222 1312131 1412112 1231212 2212122 42141 1312122 1312131 122142 14142 211121112 3112221 1312122 1312131 2131122 3121212 2121213 2131131 11131131 1311312 32223 2122212 14232 22111221 13214 142122 14232 131313 2213121 3112221 2213121 3113121 1313121 2211321 41241 121215 14142 1222212 2123121


CDEGA C Db E F Gb C D Eb F G G# A Bb C D E F G A Bb C Db Eb F G G# A# B C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D E F F# G A B C D E F G A Bb B C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D E F# G A B C Eb F G Bb C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db F F# G# A Bb C Db E F G G# A C D# E F G Ab B C Db E F G A B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F G G# A# B C D F G Ab C D E F G Ab B C D E F G# A B C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F Gb Ab B C Db E F G A Bb C C# D Eb F G Ab B C D Eb G A B C D E F# G# Bb C Db E F G Ab B C Db F F# G# A Bb C Db Eb F# G A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C E F# G B C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab B C Db Db F Gb Bb C Db F Gb Bb C D D# E F G G# A Bb C D# E F G A B C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C D# E F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G# A C D Eb F# G Ab B C C# D Eb F# G Ab B C Db E F Gb A Bb C Eb F G A C D Eb F G A Bb C Db F G Bb C D E F F# G A B C Db F G Ab C Db F G Ab Bb C Db F G Bb C Db E F G# A C D E F G# A B C D# E F G A B C D E F G# A B C D# E F G# A B C Db E F G# A B C D E F Gb A B CEFGB C C# D# E F# G C Db F Gb Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G# A B

Major Pentatonic Dorian Aeolian Mixolydian Hamel Bebop Harmonic Minor Ichilkotsucho Bebop Mixolydian Gregorian 8 Lydian Minor Pentatonic Hijaz Major Sengiach

Phrygian Dominant Gypsy Minor

Whole-Tone Double Harmonic Dorian b9 #11 Melodic Major Phrygian Dominant Double Harmonic Iwato

Phrygian Dominant Double Harmonic Gypsy

Gypsy Minor Oriental Kyemyonjo Dorian Kokin-Choshi



Dorian b2

76 123 133 13 133 72 228 65 13 10 12 80 195 199 196 223 197 198 21 402 84 167 168 27 23 198 169 170 214 403 30 171 199 136 20 96 27 171 227 98 200 201 27 171 195 202 203 198 204 237 93 10 82 228 95 229 82 32 25 201 126 127 128 125 86 205 98 17 131

Jazz Minor Inverse Jeths Jia Zhong Jiao Jin-Yu (or Quin-Yu) Jog John Found’s Mantra Of Will Kaffa Kartzihiar Kata-Kumoi Kiourdi Kokin-Choshi Kubilai Kumoi Kung Kyemyonjo Lai Noi Lai Po Sai Lai Soutsanaen Lai Yai Leading Whole-Tone Leading Whole-Tone Inverse LG Octatonic Locrian Locrian #6 Locrian b4 Locrian bb3 bb7 Locrian bb7 Locrian Dominant Locrian Maj7 Locrian Natural 2 Locrian Natural Maj6 Locrian Pentatonic Lydian Lydian #2 Lydian #2 #6 Lydian #2 Hexatonic Lydian #5 Lydian #6 Lydian Augmented Lydian Augmented #2 Lydian Augmented #3 Lydian Augmented Dominant Lydian b3 Lydian b7 Lydian Diminished Lydian Dominant Lydian Dominant b6 Lydian Hexatonic Lydian Minor Lydian Mixolydian Lydian Pentatonic Madenda Modern Magen Abot Major Major Augmented Major Gypsy Major Inverse Major Locrian Major Minor Major Minor Mixed Major Mixolydian Major Pentatonic Major Pentatonic b2 Major Pentatonic b2 b5 Major Pentatonic b3 Major Pentatonic b6 Major Pentatonic b7 #9 Major Phrygian

China China China India Ethiopia Greece Japan Greece Japan Mongolia Japan

Laos Laos Laos Laos



1222212 2121321 32232 32322 23232 41232 1321113 2131212 2121312 21414 212111112 14232 22111221 21423 22233 32223 32232 23223 23223 32232 2222211 1122222 12112212 1221222 1221312 1212222 1131213 1221213 1311222 1221231 2121222 1221312 31242 2221221 3121221 3121311 313221 2222121 2221311 2222121 3122121 2312121 2222112 2131221 2221212 2131221 2221212 2221122 223221 2221122 221112111 42141 12414 12122121 2212221 313131 1312131 1222122 2211222 2212122 2111211111 22122111 22323 13323 13233 12333 22314 31332 1312131


C Db Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F Gb A B C Eb F G Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C D G G Bb C E F G Bb C Db E F# G G# A C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F Gb A Bb C D Eb G Ab C D Eb F F# G G# A Bb C Db F G Bb C D E F F# G A B C D Eb G A C D E Gb A C Eb F G A C Eb F G Bb CDFGA CDFGA C Eb F G Bb C D E F# G# A# B C C# D E F# G# Bb C C# D# E F G A Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C C# D F F# G# A C Db Eb F F# G# A C Db E F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab B C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb C D# E Gb Bb C D E F# G A B C D# E F# G A B C D# E F# G A# B C D# E G A B C D E F# G# A B C D E F# G A# B C D E F# G# A B C D# E F# G# A B C D F F# G# A B C D E F# G# A Bb C D Eb F# G A B C D E F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G A B C D E F# G A Bb C D E F# G Ab Bb CDEGAB C D E F# G Ab Bb C D E F F# G A Bb B C E F# G B C Db Eb G Ab C C# D# E F# G# A B CDEFGAB C D# E G Ab B C Db E F G Ab B C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D E F Gb Ab Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C D D# E F G G# A A# B C D E F G A Bb B CDEGA C Eb E G A C Db E Gb A C Db Eb F# A C D E G Ab C D# E G Bb C Db E F G Ab B

Dorian b2 Minor Pentatonic Man Gong Suspended Pentatonic Mixolydian Pentatonic Mela Dhavalambari Romanian Minor Blues Heptatonic Ake-Bono

Ichilkotsucho Dorian Pentatonic

Minor Pentatonic Ritusen Ritusen Minor Pentatonic Superlocrian bb3

Altered Dominant

Half Diminished Locrian #6

Lydian Augmented

Aeolian b1 Nohkan Lydian Diminished Lydian Dominant

Lydian Dominant b6 Hirajoshi Pelog Pentatonic

Augmented Double Harmonic Phrygian Melodic Major Bebop

Double Harmonic

17 206 80 78 77 104 249 26 53 97 207 82 228 81 94 93 80 79 79 80 189 162 404 15 24 22 159 158 157 160 21 24 108 12 28 145 144 18 149 18 156 236 150 148 19 148 19 146 143 146 147 96 87 208 9 31 171 11 130 20 187 65 76 99 100 101 102 103 171

Major-Dorian Mixed Major-Lydian Mixed Makam Lami Man Gong Man Jue Maqam Athar Kurd Maqam Bayat-e-Esfahan Maqam Cargah Maqam Farahfaza Maqam Hedjaz Maqam Hicaz Maqam Hijaz Maqam Hijaz Kar Maqam Hijaz-Nahawand Maqam Hisar Maqam Humayun Maqam Huzzam Maqam Karcigar Maqam Kurd Maqam Nahawand Maqam Nahawand Murassah Maqam Nakriz Maqam Nawa Athar Maqam Saba Zamzam Maqam Shadd’araban Maqam Shahnaz (or Shahnaz Kurdi) Maqam Shawq Afza Maqam Shawq Awir Maqam Sultani Yakah Maqam Suzidil Maqam Tarzanuyn Maqam Ussak Maqam Zanjaran Maqam Zengule Mela Bhairavi That Mela Bhavapriya Mela Cakravka Mela Calanata Mela Carukesi Mela Citrambari Mela Dharmavati Mela Dhatuvardhani Mela Dhavalambari Mela Dhenuka Mela Divyamani Mela Gamanasrama Mela Ganamurti Mela Gangeyabhusani Mela Gaurimanohari Mela Gavambodhi Mela Gayakapriya Mela Hanumatodi Mela Harikamboji Mela Hatakambari Mela Hemavati Mela Jalarnava Mela Jhalavarli Mela Jhankaradhvani Mela Jyotisvarupini Mela Kamavardhani Mela Kanakangi Mela Kantamani Mela Kharaharapriya Mela Kiravani Mela Kokilapriya Mela Kosalam Mela Latangi Mela Manavati Mela Mararanjani

Jewish China Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq Iraq India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

211122111 22111221 1221222 32322 22323 1231131 2122131 2212221 21221211 2131212 1312212 13121211 1312131 1312122 2131131 1312122 1213122 2121312 1222122 21221211 2121312 2131212 2131131 1213122 12111312 1222131 2111111121 22122111 2122131 1312131 1211111112 2212122 1312212 1312122 1222122 1231122 1312212 311232 2212122 2221311 2131221 3121131 1321113 1222131 1231311 1321221 1132131 3112131 2122221 1231113 1312211 1222122 2122212 1312311 2131212 1131122 1131131 2122113 3121122 1321131 1132113 2221113 2122212 2122131 1222221 3121221 2221131 1132221 2212113


C D D# E F G A Bb B C D E F F# G A B C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Eb F Ab Bb CDEGA C Db Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F G Ab B CDEFGAB C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D Eb F# G A B C Db E F G A Bb C Db E F G G# A# B C Db E F G Ab B C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db E F G Ab Bb C C# D# E G Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D Eb F Gb A Bb C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G Ab B C C# D# E G Ab Bb C C# D# E F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F G Ab B C D D# E F F# G G# A B C D E F G A Bb B C D Eb F G Ab B C Db E F G Ab B C C# D# E F F# G G# A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G A Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db E F G A Bb C D# E F G Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C D E F# G A# B C D Eb F# G A B C D# E F# G Ab B C Db E F# G G# A C Db Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F# G A# B C Db E F# G A B C C# D F G Ab B C D# E F G Ab B C D Eb F G A B C Db Eb F# G G# A C Db E F G G# A C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D E F G A Bb C Db E F G A# B C D Eb F# G A B C C# D F# G Ab Bb C C# D F# G Ab B C D Eb F G G# A C C# E F# G Ab Bb C Db E F# G Ab B C C# D F G G# A C D E F# G G# A C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F G A B C D# E F# G A B C D E F# G Ab B C C# D F G A B C D E F G G# A

Blues Enneatonic Ichilkotsucho Locrian Major Pentatonic Chromatic Lydian Inv. Harmonic Minor Major Bebop Harmonic Minor Romanian Minor Harmonic Minor Inverse Double Harmonic Phrygian Dominant Gypsy Minor Phrygian Dominant Phrygian b4 Blues Heptatonic Phrygian Bebop Harmonic Minor Blues Heptatonic Romanian Minor Gypsy Minor Phrygian b4 Neapolitan Minor Bebop Harmonic Minor Double Harmonic Melodic Major Harmonic Minor Inverse Phrygian Dominant Phrygian Harmonic Minor Inverse Melodic Major Lydian #6 Lydian Diminished

Neapolitan Minor Raga Marwa Thaat Sengiach Melodic Minor

Phrygian Mixolydian Romanian Minor

Chromatic Hypolydian Chromatic Dorian Dorian Harmonic Minor Neapolitan Major Lydian #2 Pelog

56 228 15 78 76 178 23 9 72 26 170 231 171 27 198 27 139 53 11 72 53 26 198 139 230 213 232 65 23 171 233 20 170 27 11 247 170 248 20 149 148 250 249 213 251 339 252 223 16 253 254 11 13 255 26 256 257 258 259 184 172 260 10 23 210 28 239 261 68

Mela Mayamalavagowla Mela Mecakalyani Mela Naganandini Mela Namanarayani Mela Nasikabhusani Mela Natabhairavi Mela Natakapriya Mela Navanitam Mela Nitimati Mela Pavani Mela Ragavardhani Mela Raghupriya Mela Ramapriya Mela Rasikapriya Mela Ratnangi Mela Rupavati Mela Sadvidhmargini Mela Salaga Mela Sanmukhapriya Mela Sarasangi Mela Senavati Mela Shankarabharanam Mela Shubhapanturavali Mela Sulini Mela Sumhendramadhyama Mela Suryakanta Mela Suvarnangi Mela Syamalangi Mela Tenarupi Mela Vacaspati Mela Vagadhisvari Mela Vakulabharanam Mela Varunapriya Mela Venaspati Mela Visvambhari Mela Yagapriya Melodic Major Melodic Minor Melodic Minor #4 Melog Selisir Messiaen 1st Mode Messiaen 2nd Mode Messiaen 2nd Mode Messiaen 2nd Mode Inverse Messiaen 2nd Mode Truncated Messiaen 3rd Mode Messiaen 3rd Mode Inverse Messiaen 4th Mode Messiaen 4th Mode Inverse Messiaen 5th Mode Messiaen 5th Mode Inverse Messiaen 6th Mode Messiaen 6th Mode Inverse Messiaen 7th Mode Messiaen 7th Mode Inverse Messiaen Truncated 3rd Mode Inv. Minor 6th Added Minor b5 Minor Gypsy Inverse Minor Hexatonic Minor Locrian Minor Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones Minyo Mischung 1 Mischung 2 Mischung 3 Mischung 4

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India


Japan Germany Germany Germany Germany

1312131 2221221 2212311 1321122 3121212 2122122 1222212 1141212 2131311 1141221 3112122 1141311 1321212 3121311 1132122 1222311 1231212 1141113 2131122 2212131 1222131 2212221 1231131 3112221 2131131 1312221 1231221 2131113 1132311 2221212 3112212 1312122 2122311 1132212 1321311 3112113 2212122 2122221 2131221 41241 222222 131313 12121212 21212121 123123 211211211 121121121 11311131 31113111 141141 411411 22112211 11221122 1112111121 2111121111 313131 32223 2121222 1311312 212232 2121222 32232 32142 2111112111 32322 2122221 2212131 2122212 2122131


C Db E F G Ab B C D E F# G A B C D E F G A# B C Db E F# G Ab Bb C D# E F# G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C C# D F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G A# B C C# D F# G A B C D# E F G Ab Bb C C# D F# G A# B C Db E F# G A Bb C D# E F# G A# B C C# D F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A# B C Db Eb F# G A Bb C C# D F# G G# A C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C D E F G Ab B C Db Eb F G Ab B CDEFGAB C Db Eb F# G Ab B C D# E F G A B C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db E F G A B C Db Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G G# A C C# D F G A# B C D E F# G A Bb C D# E F G A Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A# B C C# D F G A Bb C Db E F# G A# B C D# E F G G# A C D E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A B C D Eb F# G A B CEFGB C D E F# G# Bb C Db E F G# A C C# D# E F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G# A B C Eb Eb F# G A C D D# E F# G G# Bb B C C# D# E F G G# A B C C# D F F# G Ab B C D# E F Gb A Bb B C Db F F# G B C E F Gb Bb B C D E F F# G# A# B C C# D F F# G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F F# G G# A B C D D# E F F# G# A Bb B C D# E G Ab B C Eb F G A C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db E F Gb A Bb C D Eb F G Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Eb F G Bb C Bb F Gb Bb C D D# E F F# G A A# B C Eb F Ab Bb C D Eb F G A B C D E F G Ab B C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab B

Double Harmonic Lydian

Hungarian Major Aeolian Dorian b2

Romanian Major Lydian #2 #6

Dorian b9 #11 Gypsy Harmonic Major Neapolitan Minor Major Chromatic Lydian Inv. Houzam Gypsy Minor Gypsy Inverse

Lydian Dominant Rock ‘n Roll Phrygian Dominant

Lydian Diminished Ionian Pentatonic Whole-Tone Inverted Augmented Diminished Half-tone Diminished

Genus Chromaticum

Augmented Kyemyonjo Half Diminished Oriental Half Diminished

Man Gong Melodic Minor Harmonic Major Mixolydian Harmonic Minor

171 12 262 263 202 14 17 264 265 266 267 268 219 145 269 270 136 271 195 167 213 9 178 201 198 197 273 272 274 19 64 27 276 275 277 278 20 16 148 86 30 32 34 33 38 39 48 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 31 93 21 237 129 21 80 85 188 78 16 167 13 23

Mischung 5 Mischung 6 Misheberekh Mixolydian Mixolydian #1 Mixolydian #4 Mixolydian Augmented Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 Mixolydian b2 (or Mixolydian b9) Mixolydian b5 Mixolydian b6 (or Mixolydian b13) Mixolydian Dorian Mixolydian Hexatonic Mixolydian Hexatonic 2 Mixolydian Pentatonic Miyakobushi Modus Conjunctus Mohammedan Moorish Phrygian Naka Zora Nam Nando-Kyemyonjo Natural Minor Neapolitan Major (or Neapolitan) Neapolitan Major b4 Neapolitan Major b5 Neapolitan Minor Neseveri Niagari Niavent Niaventi Minor Nigriz Noh Nohkan Nonatonic 2 Octatonic Olympos Enharmonic Oriental Oriental 2 Oshikicho Ousak Overtone P’Yongjo P’yongjo-kyemyonjo Peiraiotikos Pelo Degung Modern Pelog Pelog Pentatonic Pentatonic Whole-Tone Periaiotikos Minor Persian Peruvian Major Peruvian Minor Peruvian Major Pentatonic Peruvian Minor Pentatonic Petrushka chord Phrygian Phrygian Aeolian b4 Phrygian Aeolian Mixed Phrygian b4 Phrygian b4 Maj7 Phrygian Dominant Phrygian Hexatonic Phrygian Locrian Phrygian Major Phrygian Mixolydian Phrygian Natural 6 Phrygian Pentatonic Pien Chih

Germany Germany Jewish


Spain Japan Vietnam Korea Italy Italy Italy Greece Japan Egypt Greece Greece Japan Japan

Greece China China Japan Greece Korea Korea Greece Bali Bali

Greece Iraq Peru Peru Peru Peru


2122212 2212122 2131212 2122212 1212213 2221212 2213112 1313112 1312212 2211312 2212122 21112212 232212 223212 41232 14232 21212121 2122131 121121211 14214 2122212 21225 2122122 1222221 1213221 1221321 1222131 12311211 142122 2131131 2131131 2131212 2321121 2312121 12111121 21212121 13214 1311312 13113111 2122212 1222122 2221212 232212 32232 1321221 41241 2221131 12414 42222 2131212 1311231 2212221 2122122 22323 32232 132132 1222122 11122122 11122122 1213122 1213131 1312122 322122 12211122 1312122 1222212 1222212 12414 1221222


C D Eb F G A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G A B C D E F G A Bb C Db Eb E F# G# A C D E F# G A Bb C D E F G# A Bb C Db E F G# A Bb C Db E F G A Bb C D E F Gb A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C D D# E F G A Bb C D F G A Bb C D E G A Bb C E F G Bb C Db F G Bb C D Eb F F# G# A B C D Eb F G Ab B C C# D# E F G G# A# B C Db F G Ab C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A B C Db Eb E G A B C Db Eb F Gb A B C Db Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb B C Db F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F# G A B C D F G G# A B C D F F# G# A B C C# D# E F F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G# A B C Db F G Ab C Db E F Gb A Bb C Db E F Gb A A# B C D Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D E F# G A Bb C D F G A Bb C Eb F G Bb C Db E F# G A B CEFGB C D E F# G Ab B C Db Eb G Ab C E F# G# Bb C D Eb F# G A B C Db E F Gb Ab B CDEFGAB C D Eb F G Ab Bb CDEGA C Eb F G Bb C Db E F# G Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D# E G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db E F G Ab Bb C Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F F# G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb G Ab C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb

Dorian Melodic Major Romanian Minor Ultralocrian Lydian Dominant

Harmonic Minor Inverse Melodic Major Bebop Dorian

Kokin-Choshi Diminished Harmonic Minor In Dorian Aeolian

Insen Gypsy Minor Gypsy Minor Romanian Minor

Diminished In

Dorian Phrygian Lydian Dominant Mixolydian Hexatonic Minor Pentatonic Raga Marwa Thaat Ionian Pentatonic

Romanian Minor Major Aeolian Major Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic

Phrygian Aeolian b4

Bebop Locrian Phrygian Dominant Dorian b2 Dorian b2 Pelog Pentatonic Locrian

10 20 26 13 29 19 154 155 170 152 20 70 151 152 104 82 33 23 209 10 10 234 14 210 211 212 213 215 229 198 198 26 235 236 406 33 95 237 238 10 11 19 151 80 339 86 239 87 110 26 240 9 14 76 80 36 11 138 138 139 140 27 137 74 27 17 17 87 15

Ping Pireotikos Pomeroy Prokofiev Prometheus Prometheus Liszt Prometheus Neapolitan Puravi b6 Pyeong Jo Pygmy Pyramid Hexatonic Qing Shang Quan Ming Quin-Yu (or Jin-Yu) Raga Abheri Raga Abhogi Raga Adana Raga Ahir Bhairav Raga Ahira Lalita Raga Ahiri Todi Raga Aivarati Raga Alhaiya Bilaval Raga Amarasenapriya Raga Ambika Raga Amrtavarshini Raga Anandabhairavi Raga Andhali Raga Andolika Raga Arabhi ascending Raga Arabhi descending Raga Arunajualita Raga Asavari That Raga Audav Tukhari Raga Bahar Raga Bahudari Raga Bairagi (or Baira) Raga Bairari Raga Balahamsa Raga Barbara Raga Basant Raga Bauli Raga Begeshri Raga Begeshri 2 Raga Bhairav That Raga Bhairavi ascending Raga Bhairavi descending Raga Bhairubahar Raga Bhankar Raga Bhanumati Raga Bhatiyar Raga Bhavani Raga Bhimpalasi Raga Bhinna Pancama Raga Bhinna Shadj Raga Bhinnasadjam Raga Bhogachayanata Raga Bhopali Raga Bhunumanjari Raga Bhup Raga Bhupalam Raga Bhupeshwari Raga Bhusavati (or Bhusavali) Raga Bibhas Raga Bihag Raga Bihagara Raga Bilahari ascending Raga Bilahari descending Raga Bilashkhani Todi Raga Bilaval That

China Greece Russia

Italy Korea

China China China India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

2221221 1321131 1212222 12212211 222312 131313 132312 1321131 23412 21432 212133 32232 32322 23232 32232 21243 2122122 1312212 1311312 1222212 222123 22122111 213141 2131221 42141 21221112 221232 232212 23223 2212221 2131221 2122122 21234 21222111 412212 14232 1321221 2122212 222312 1321131 133131 2122212 212412 1312131 2122212 2122122 1312221 1311321 1132212 13111221 1231122 2122212 232131 41421 1222131 3112212 22323 311232 22323 12414 22314 2221212 13323 22111221 22122111 22323 2212221 1222122 2212221

C D E F# G A B C Db E F# G Ab B C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C Db Eb F F# G# A# B C D E Gb A Bb C Db E F G# A C Db E Gb A Bb C Db E F# G Ab B C D F A Bb C D Eb G Bb C D Eb F Gb A C Eb F G Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C D G G Bb C Eb F G Bb C D Eb F A C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db E F G A Bb C Db E F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb C D E F# G A C D E F G A Bb B C D Eb F# G B C D Eb F# G A B C E F# G B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C D E F G Bb C D F G A Bb CDFGA CDEFGAB C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F Ab C D Eb F G A A# B C E F G A Bb C Db F G Bb C Db E F# G A B C D E F G A Bb C D E Gb A Bb C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E G Ab B C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F A Bb C Db E F G Ab B C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db E F G A B C Db E F Gb A B C C# D F G A Bb C Db E F F# G A B C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D F G Ab B CEFAB C Db Eb F G Ab B C D# E F G A Bb CDEGA C D# E F G Bb CDEGA C Db Eb G Ab C D E G Ab C D E F# G A Bb C Eb E G A C D E F F# G A B C D E F G A Bb B CDEGA CDEFGAB C Db Eb F G Ab Bb CDEFGAB


Lydian Chromatic Hypolydian Altered Dominant

Inverted Augmented Chromatic Hypolydian

Minor Pentatonic Man Gong Suspended Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic Aeolian Harmonic Minor Inverse Oriental Dorian b2 Bebop Lydian Diminished Hirajoshi Dorian Aeolian Raga Siva Kambhoji Mixolydian Hexatonic Ritusen Major Lydian Diminished Aeolian Raga Miam Ki Malhar Raga Vegavahini asc Kokin-Choshi Raga Marwa Thaat Mixolydian Prometheus Chromatic Hypolydian Raga Bowli desc Dorian Raga Shreeranjani Double Harmonic Dorian Aeolian Gypsy Inverse Chromatic Lydian Mela Venaspati Mela Bhavapriya Dorian Raga Vasanta asc Neapolitan Minor Rock ‘n Roll Major Pentatonic Mela Calanata Major Pentatonic Pelog Pentatonic Major Pentatonic b6 Lydian Dominant Major Pentatonic b2 Ichilkotsucho Bebop Major Pentatonic Major Phrygian Major

12 184 22 216 217 32 218 184 117 119 405 80 78 77 80 279 14 170 237 17 280 65 281 148 96 133 381 151 79 9 148 14 282 342 392 82 339 13 217 184 286 10 376 171 10 14 197 177 275 283 247 10 284 390 213 64 76 248 76 87 102 19 99 228 65 76 9 11 9

Raga Bindumalini Raga Bowli

India India

Raga Brindabani (or Brindabani Serang) Raga Budhamanohari Raga Camara Raga Chakravakam Raga Chandrajyoti Raga Chandrakauns Kafi Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani Raga Chandrakauns Modern Raga Chaturangini Raga Chaturangini 2 Raga Chaya Todi Raga Chaya Vati Raga Chayanat Raga Chayanata Raga Chinthamani Raga Chitthakarshini Raga Cudamani Raga Darbar Raga Desh Raga Desh Malhar Raga Deshgaur Raga Deshi Raga Deshi 2 Raga Deshi 3 Raga Deskar Raga Desya Khamas Raga Desya Todi Raga Devagandhari Raga Devakriya Raga Devamani Raga Devamanohari Raga Devarangini 2 Raga Devaranjani (or Devaranji) Raga Devarashtra Raga Dhaanyasi ascending Raga Dhani Raga Dhanyasi descending Raga Dhauta Pancama Raga Dhavalangam Raga Dhavalashri Raga Dhipaka Raga Dhunibinnashadjam Raga Dipak Raga Disisimharavam Raga Dumyaraga Raga Dvigandharabushini Raga Gamakakriya Raga Gamakasamantam Raga Gambhiranata Raga Ganasamavarali Raga Ganavaridhi Raga Gandharavam Raga Gangatarangini Raga Gaud Sarang Raga Gaula Raga Gaulipantu Raga Gauri Raga Gauri Velavali Raga Gaurikriya Raga Geyahejjajji Raga Ghandarva Raga Ghanta Raga Ghantana Raga Girija Raga Girvani Raga Gitapriya

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

1312212 1 3 3 1 5 (asc) 1 3 3 1 3 1 (desc) 232311 22125 2131122 1312212 114123 32412 32331 32421 2221311 222141 12324 131421 22111221 3112212 21311112 12234 3112122 232212 23241 22122111 16131 21221112 2122221 2122131 22323 412212 322122 22122111 23223 313131 232212 221223 52131 3121131 32232 32232 1222122 3121131 132114 42123 1321131 1222131 221115 2131212 2131221 3113112 132141 1231131 41241 1132131 3112212 122232 411231 22111221 131232 1312131 14241 212223 331311 14214 1141311 1222122 212331 41331 1231113 2221131


C Db E F G A Bb C Db E G Ab (asc) C B Ab G E Db (desc) C D F G A# B CDEFG C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db E F G A Bb C C# D F# G A C Eb F A Bb C Eb F G# B C Eb F A B C D E F# G A# B C D E F# G B C Db Eb Gb Ab C Db E F G A B C D E F F# G A B C D# E F G A Bb C D Eb F# G G# A Bb C Db Eb F Ab C D# E F G Ab Bb C D F G A Bb CDFGB C D E F G A Bb B C Db G Ab B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C D Eb F G A B C D Eb F G Ab B CDEGA C E F G A Bb C Eb F G Ab Bb C D E F G A Bb B CDFGA C D# E G Ab B C D F G A Bb CDEFGA C F G Ab B C D# E F# G Ab B C Eb F G Bb C Eb F G Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D# E F# G Ab B C Db E F# G Ab C E F# G A C Db E F# G Ab B C Db Eb F G Ab B C D E F F# G C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G A B C D# E F G# A Bb C Db E F# G B C Db Eb F# G Ab B CEFGB C C# D F G Ab B C D# E F G A Bb C Db Eb F G Bb C E F Gb Ab B C D E F F# G A B C Db E F G Bb C Db E F G Ab B C Db F G B C D Eb F G A C Eb F# G A# B C Db F G Ab C C# D F# G A# B C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G# B C E F G# B C Db Eb F# G G# A C D E F# G Ab B

Harmonic Minor Inverse

Gypsy Harmonic Minor Inverse

Lydian #6 Raga Ratnakanthi Raga Vasanta desc Ichilkotsucho Rock ‘n Roll

Mela Ragavardhani Mixolydian Hexatonic Tcherepnin Major Pent. Bebop Dorian Aeolian Melodic Minor Harmonic Minor Major Pentatonic Raga Vegavahini asc Phrygian Hexatonic Bebop Ritusen Augmented Mixolydian Hexatonic Scottish Hexatonic Mela Dhatuvardhani Minor Pentatonic Minor Pentatonic Phrygian Mela Dhatuvardhani

Chromatic Hypolydian Neapolitan Minor Romanian Minor Lydian Diminished

Chromatic Lydian Inv. Ionian Pentatonic Mela Ganamurti Rock ‘n Roll

Ichilkotsucho Double Harmonic Raga Gowla asc Sho Raga Malahari asc Mela Raghupriya Phrygian Romanian Bacovia Mela Gavambodhi Pelog

170 286 285 287 195 170 288 289 290 291 149 365 292 391 228 64 293 115 267 151 106 65 294 133 16 23 76 392 137 65 79 31 151 222 295 250 80 80 11 250 296 297 184 213 298 26 148 183 299 178 86 252 64 300 301 228 302 171 306 242 303 333 268 11 304 122 253 239

Raga Gopikacasantam Raga Gopikatilaka Raga Gopriya Raga Gorakh Raga Gowla Raga Guhamanohari Raga Gunkali Raga Gurjari Todi Raga Hamir Kalyani Raga Hamsadhvani Raga Hamsadhvani 2 Raga Hamsagiri Raga Hamsalata Raga Hamsanada Raga Hamsanarayami Raga Hansanandi Raga Hari Nata Raga Harikauns Raga Harini Raga Haripriya Raga Hejjajji Raga Hindol Raga Hindolam Raga Hindolita Raga Huseni Raga Indupriya Raga Jaganmohanam Raga Jaganmohini ascending Raga Jait Kalyan Raga Janasammodini Raga Janjuti Raga Jaunpuri Raga Jayakauns Raga Jayamanohari Raga Jeyasuddhamalavi Raga Jhankara Bhramavi Raga Jinavali Raga Jingla Raga Jivantika Raga Jivantini Raga Jog Raga Jogiya Raga Jotismatti Raga Jyoty Raga Kafi That Raga Kaihavasi Raga Kaishikiranjani (or Kaushiranjani) Raga Kalagada Raga Kalahamsa Raga Kalakanthi Raga Kalakanthi 2 Raga Kalamurti Raga Kalavati Raga Kalingada Raga Kalyan That Raga Kalyana Vasantha Raga Kalyani Raga Kalyani Keseri Raga Kamalamanohari Raga Kamalamanohari 2 Raga Kambhoji Raga Kambodhi ascending Raga Kambodhi descending Raga Kamud Raga Kanakambari Raga Kanara Raga Kannadabangala Raga Kapijangla

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

322122 213132 222222 232212 1 4 2 4 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 4 1 (desc) 23412 13214 123222 22111221 21441 22341 3121311 2221131 24141 132141 132321 412221 33222 2122212 2212131 132213 42321 32322 41421 2122212 132114 241122 41241 22323 22314 2122212 2122122 32142 212412 1312311 2122113 1131131 2122122 142221 331311 311232 1312122 3121122 421122 2122212 2131311 212331 133113 3112113 1312113 142113 1231122 131223 1312131 2221221 2122131 222123 222123 412131 412122 221223 221223 2122212 223221 1132113 2122212 14214 212412


C Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Bb C D E F# G# Bb C D F G A Bb C Db F G B (asc) C B G F E Db (desc) C D F A Bb C Db F G Ab C Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C D E F F# G A B C D Eb G B CDEGB C D# E F# G A# B C D E F# G Ab B C D F# G B C Db E F# G B C Db E F# A B CEFGAB C Eb Gb Ab Bb C D E F G A Bb C D E F G Ab B C Db E F# G# A C E Gb A B C Eb F Ab Bb CEFAB C D Eb F G A Bb C Db E F# G Ab C D F# G Ab Bb CEFGB CDEGA C D E G Ab C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Bb F Gb Bb C D Eb F A Bb C Db E F G A# B C D Eb F G G# A C C# D F# G Ab B C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db F G A B C Eb F# G A# B C D# E F G Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C C# E F# G Ab Bb C E F# G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F# G A# B C D Eb F G# B C Db E G G# A C D# E F G G# A C Db E F G G# A C Db F G G# A C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db E F G A C Db E F G Ab B C D E F# G A B C D Eb F G Ab B C D E F# G A C D E F# G A C E F G Ab B C E F G Ab Bb CDEFGA CDEFGA C D E F G A Bb CDEGAB C C# D F G G# A C D Eb F G A Bb C Db F G Ab C D Eb F A Bb

Phrygian Hexatonic Whole-Tone Mixolydian Hexatonic

Pyeong Jo In Ichilkotsucho

Lydian #2 #6 Pelog Raga Gamakakriya

Chin Mixolydian Harmonic Major

Man Gong Raga Vasanta asc Dorian Raga Dhavalangam Ionian Pentatonic Major Pentatonic Major Pentatonic b6 Mixolydian Aeolian Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 Raga Shreeranjani Mela Hatakambari Mela Jhankaradhvani Mela Jhalavarli Aeolian Raga Gaurikriya Mela Calanata Phrygian Dominant Mela Jyotisvarupini Dorian Mela Nitimati Raga Ghantana Mela Yagapriya Gypsy Hexatonic Mela Bhavapriya Double Harmonic Lydian Harmonic Minor Raga Aivarati Raga Aivarati Raga Paras asc Scottish Hexatonic Scottish Hexatonic Mixolydian Lydian Hexatonic Chromatic Dorian Dorian Raga Malahari asc Raga Shreeranjani

137 305 30 151 306 117 95 307 228 308 116 145 239 88 299 309 311 92 13 167 312 83 78 390 10 296 313 86 76 102 13 14 85 376 255 258 257 14 314 303 248 27 259 315 10 265 304 316 278 196 317 247 318 171 12 23 280 280 355 319 222 222 13 143 172 10 333 376

Raga Kashyapi Raga Kasiramakryia Raga Kaushikdhvani Raga Kedar Raga Kedaram

India India India India India

Raga Keradam ascending Raga Keseri Raga Khamach

India India India

Raga Khamaj Raga Khamaj That Raga Khamaji Durga Raga Khamas Raga Khambhavati Raga Kharapriya Raga Kiranavali Raga Kirvani Raga Kokil Pancham Raga Kokila Raga Kokilaravam Raga Kshanika Raga Kuksumakaram Raga Kumarapriya Raga Kumudki Raga Kumurdaki Raga Kunakri Raga Kunbhini Raga Kuntala Raga Kuntvarali (or Kuntalavarali) Raga Lalit Raga Lalita Raga Lalita Bhairav Raga Lalita Panchami Raga Lasaki Raga Latantapriya Raga Latika Raga Madhava Manohari Raga Madhmat Sarang Raga Madhukauns Raga Madhuranjani Raga Madhuri Raga Madhuvanti Raga Madhyamavati Raga Malahari

India India

Raga Malahari ascending Raga Malarani Raga Malashri Raga Malavastri Raga Malayamarutam Raga Malgunji Raga Malini Raga Malkauns Raga Mamata Raga Manaranjani Raga Manaranjani 2 Raga Manavi Raga Mand Raga Mandari Raga Manirangu Raga Manji Raga Manohari Raga Manoranjani Raga Marga Hindola Raga Marva Raga Marwa Thaat Raga Matha Kokila Raga Matkokil

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

India India India

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

124122 1321131 41421 22111221 4 1 2 4 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 4 1 (desc) 41241 2212113 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 (desc) 22122111 2122212 41412 412212 2122212 2122212 2122131 2122131 32214 22323 1222221 14331 3121221 11631 22251 22251 13214 1141221 2221113 52212 1311321 131331 131322 1312131 14232 13214 223131 2131131 23232 331212 3112311 4122111 2131221 23232 1 4 2 1 4 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 4 (desc) 13214 241311 42141 322212 133212 211122111 1222113 323211 43221 13332 14223 214212 41223 132141 212232 21221112 322212 1132221 32421 132321 1321221 25212 25212


C Db Eb G Ab Bb C Db E F# G Ab B CEFAB C D E F F# G A B C E F G B (asc) C B G F E D (desc) CEFGB C D E F G G# A C E F G A A# B (asc) C Bb A G F E D (desc) C D E F G A Bb B C D E F G A Bb C E F A Bb C E F G A Bb C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C D Eb F G Ab B C Eb F G Ab CDEGA C Db Eb F G A B C Db F Ab B C D# E F# G A B C C# D G# B C D E F# B C D E F# B C Db F G Ab C C# D F# G A B C D E F# G G# A C F G A Bb C Db E F Gb A B C Db E F Ab B C Db E F Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab B C Db F G Bb C Db F G Ab C D E G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D G G Bb C Eb F# G A Bb C D# E F G A# B C E F G A A# B C D Eb F# G A B C D G G Bb C Db F G Ab (asc) C Ab G F E Db (desc) C Db F G Ab C D F# G A# B C E F# G B C Eb F G A Bb C Db E G A Bb C D D# E F G A Bb B C Db Eb F G G# A C Eb F G# A# B CEGAB C Db E G Bb C Db F G A C D Eb G A Bb CEFGA C Db E F# G B C D Eb F G Bb C D Eb F G G# A Bb C Eb F G A Bb C C# D F G A B C Eb F A B C Db E F# A B C Db E F# G A B C D G A Bb C D G A Bb

Chromatic Hypolydian Raga Vasanta asc Ichilkotsucho

320 184 390 228 321

Ionian Pentatonic

86 68 322

Bebop Mixolydian

65 13 89 392 13 10 23 23 121 76 210 323 28 324 325 325 95 266 260 326 177 327 328 171 82 95 329 198 77 330 348 322 148 77 333

Raga Vegavahini asc Mixolydian Dorian Harmonic Minor Harmonic Minor Major Pentatonic Neapolitan Major Lydian #2 Raga Kumurdaki In Mela Pavani Mela Kantamani Chromatic Lydian

Double Harmonic Kokin-Choshi In Gypsy Minor Suspended Pentatonic Raga Nattai asc Raga Khamach asc Lydian Diminished Suspended Pentatonic

In Hirajoshi Raga Manohari Blues Enneatonic

Altered Pentatonic Raga Nagaswaravali Raga Gamakakriya Minor Hexatonic Dorian Aeolian Mela Manavati Raga Chandrakauns M. Raga Hansanandi

Raga Matha Kokila

95 331 96 338 332 56 335 334 120 336 107 337 114 299 129 133 338 261 291 309 339 340 340

Raga Megh (or Megh Malhar) Raga Megharamji Raga Megharanjani Raga Miam Ki Malhar Raga Mohanam Raga Mohanangi Raga Mruganandana Raga Mukhari Raga Multani Raga Multani 2 Raga Nabhomani Raga Nagabharanam Raga Nagagandhari Raga Nagaswaravali Raga Nalinakanti Raga Nandkauns Raga Narmada Raga Nasamani Raga Nasikabhusani Raga Nata Raga Natabharanam Raga Nattai

India India India India

Raga Nattaikurinji Raga Navamanohari Raga Nayaki Raga Nayaki Kanada Raga Neelangi Raga Neroshta Raga Nileshwari Raga Nisada Raga Nishadi Raga None Raga Padi Raga Pahadi Raga Palasi Raga Pancama Raga Pantuvarali Raga Paraj Raga Paras (or Pharas or Paraju)

India India India India

Raga Partivaran Raga Patdip Raga Phenadyuti Raga Phenadyuti 2 Raga Pilu Raga Pilu That Raga Prabhati Raga Pratapa Raga Priyadharshini Raga Puriya (or Puriya Kalyan) Raga Puriya 2 Raga Puriya Dhanashri Raga Purna Pancama Raga Purnanalita Raga Puruhutika Raga Purvaholica Raga Purvi Raga Purvi Thaat Raga Purvikalyani Raga Putrika Raga Raga Pushpalithika Raga Ragamalini Raga Rageshri Raga Ramakri Raga Ramamahohari Raga Ramamanohari 2 Raga Ramdasi Malharq Raga Ramkali

India India India India India

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

India India India India India India India India India India India

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

232311 13161 13134 21222111 22323 31323 222321 21221112 1231131 33141 11415 2212311 232221 41223 41241 3112212 1321122 3121212 1321212 3112311 1222212 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 (asc) 3 2 2 4 1 (desc) 221412 232122 212232 2122212 213213 33521 321132 2131311 241221 3112311 142131 221211111 212232 132321 1321131 1312131 4 1 2 1 3 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 (desc) 1321221 2122221 1132122 142122 212211111 2122131 223221 1321122 23331 1321221 132321 1321131 131214 21225 52221 52221 1321131 1321122 1321221 11613 212232 131223 2214111 13111131 1321212 412131 211122111 13111131


C D F G A# B C Db E F B C Db E F Ab C D Eb F G A A# B CDEGA C D# E G A C D E F# A B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C Db Eb F# G Ab B C Eb F# G B C C# D F# G C D E F G A# B CDFGAB CEFGA CEFGB C D# E F G A Bb C Db E F# G Ab Bb C D# E F# G A Bb C Db E F# G A Bb C D# E F G A# B C Db Eb F G A Bb C D# E F G A# B (asc) C B G F D# (desc) C D E F A Bb C D F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F# G# A CDEAB C Eb F F# G Bb C D Eb F# G A# B C D F# G A B C D# E F G Bb B C Db F G Ab B C D E F G G# A A# B C D Eb F G Bb C Db E F# A B C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E F G Ab B C E F G Ab B (asc) C B Ab G F E Db (desc) C Db E F# G A B C D Eb F G A B C C# D F G Ab Bb C Db F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G G# A Bb B C D Eb F G Ab B CDEGAB C Db E F# G Ab Bb C D F G# B C Db E F# G A B C Db E F# A B C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E F G Ab C D Eb F G CFGAB CFGAB C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E F# G Ab Bb C Db E F# G A B C C# D G# A C D Eb F G Bb C Db E F G A C D E F A A# B C Db E F F# G Ab B C Db E F# G A Bb C E F G Ab B C D D# E F G A Bb B C Db E F F# G Ab B

Raga Brindabani Syrian Pentatonic Major Pentatonic

Dorian Aeolian Chromatic Lydian Inv.

Mela Naganandini

Raga Kedaram asc Rock ‘n Roll Mela Namanarayani Hungarian Major Romanian Major Raga Nattai asc Dorian b2

Minor Hexatonic Dorian

Blues Mela Nitimati Chromatic Dorian Inv.

Minor Hexatonic Raga Hansanandi Chromatic Hypolydian Double Harmonic

Raga Marwa Thaat Melodic Minor Mela Ratnangi Insen Harmonic Minor Lydian Hexatonic Mela Namanarayani Raga Marwa Thaat Raga Hansanandi Chromatic Hypolydian Raga Malahari desc Nando-Kyemyonjo Raga Puruhutika Chromatic Hypolydian Mela Namanarayani Raga Marwa Thaat Minor Hexatonic Raga Kalavati Raga Ramkali Romanian Major Raga Paras asc Blues Enneatonic

285 341 123 342 76 343 344 133 178 345 346 262 347 114 321 64 263 202 219 348 17 348 349 350 129 10 37 351 52 265 352 173 353 354 129 309 184 171 355 339 16 269 229 132 23 143 263 356 339 309 184 333 234 357 357 184 263 339 358 129 318 359 360 219 355 56 360

Raga Ramkali 2 Raga Rangini Raga Ranjiani Raga Rasamanjari Raga Rasamanjari 2 Raga Rasavali Raga Rasika Ranjani Raga Rasranjani Raga Ratipriya Raga Ratnakanthi Raga Ravikriya Raga Reejeshwari Raga Regeshri (or Rageshwari) Raga Reva (or Revagupti) Raga Ribhavari (or Revati) Raga Rishabapriya Raga Ritigaula Raga Rudra Pancama Raga Rukmangi Raga Sahera Raga Sailadesakshi Raga Salagavarali Raga Salanganata Raga Samanta Raga Samudhra Priya Raga Sanjk Ka Hindol Raga Sankara (or Shankara) Raga Santanamanjari Raga Sarasanana Raga Sarasvati Raga Saravati Raga Saugandhini Raga Saugandhunu Raga Saurashtra Raga Sauviram Raga Saveri ascending Raga Saveri descending Raga Savethri Raga Savitri Raga Senagrani Raga Shailaja Raga Shilangi Raga Shobhavari Raga Shree ascending Raga Shree descending Raga Shreeranjani (or Shee Ranjani or Sriranjani) Raga Shri Raga Shri Kalyan Raga Shubravarni Raga Shuddh Kalyan Raga Shyamalam Raga Simharava Raga Simhavahini Raga Simmendramadhyamam Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi Raga Sindhu Ramakriya Raga Sindhura Raga Sindhura Kafi Raga Siva Kambhoji Raga Sohani Raga Sohini Raga Sohni Raga Sorati Raga Sowrashtram Raga Sri Raga Srutiranjani Raga Sthavarajam Raga Sucaritra

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

12414 213321 213321 3121311 312141 142212 13323 23421 2221122 222141 1141311 32421 221412 13315 14232 2221122 2122212 131412 12432 222222 3112221 124212 13214 2212311 33132 42321 223221 3121113 221331 241212 412113 15114 15114 13121121 1231221 13214 1312131 41232 412311 1222113 34122 42141 23214 23223 2122212 212412

C Db Eb G Ab C D Eb Gb A B C D Eb Gb A B C D# E F# G A# B C D# E F# G B C Db F G A Bb C Eb E G A CDFAB C D E F# G Ab Bb C D E F# G B C C# D F# G A# B C Eb F A B C D E F A Bb C Db E G Ab C Db F G Bb C D E F# G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A Bb C Db E F A Bb C Db Eb G Bb C D E F# G# Bb C D# E F G A B C Db Eb G A Bb C Db F G Ab C D E F G A# B C Eb F# G Bb C E Gb A B CDEGAB C D# E F# G G# A C D E F Ab B C D F# G A Bb C E F G G# A C Db F# G Ab C Db F# G Ab C Db E F G G# A B C Db Eb F# G A B C Db F G Ab C Db E F G Ab B C E F G Bb C E F G A# B C Db Eb F G G# A C Eb G Ab Bb C E F# G B C D F G Ab CDFGA C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F A Bb

Pelog Pentatonic

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

1321131 24123 24312 2221221 2131113 213132 412131 2131122 1111121211 412131 21222111 212241 221232 1321221 131331 221421 2322111 1312221 2122212 2221113 1231212 3121113

C Db E F# G Ab B C D F# G A C D F# A Bb C D E F# G A B C D Eb F# G G# A C D Eb F# G Bb C E F G Ab B C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C C# D D# E F G G# A# B C E F G Ab B C D Eb F G A A# B C D Eb F G B C D E F G Bb C Db E F# G A B C Db E F Ab B CDEFAB C D F G A A# B C Db E F G A B C D Eb F G A Bb C D E F# G G# A C Db Eb F# G A Bb C D# E F# G G# A

Chromatic Hypolydian


Raga Rangini Lydian #2 #6

Major Pentatonic b2 Lydian Dominant b6 Mela Raghupriya Raga Chandrakauns M. Raga Nattaikurinji Raga Bowli asc Kokin-Choshi Lydian Dominant b6 Dorian

Whole-Tone Houzam In Mela Naganandini Raga Hindol Lydian Hexatonic

Raga Saugandhini Mela Suvarnangi In Double Harmonic Mixolydian Pentatonic Raga Tilang Raga Malini Hirajoshi Han-Kumoi Ritusen Dorian

Lydian Mela Syamalangi Raga Gopikatilaka Raga Paras asc Gypsy Raga Paras desc Raga Miam Ki Malhar

Raga Marwa Thaat Raga Lalita

Gypsy Inverse Dorian Mela Kantamani Dorian b9 #11 Raga Santanamanjari

87 361 361 145 362 363 99 364 146 365 268 291 349 286 82 146 10 366 367 30 201 368 95 262 369 83 143 370 371 372 373 374 374 375 273 95 171 104 387 335 118 96 84 79 10 376 184 377 378 12 272 305 355 195 380 355 342 379 381 339 327 310 382 197 10 260 136 370

Raga Suddha Bangala Raga Suddha Mukhari Raga Suddha Pancama Raga Suddha Ramakriya Raga Suddha Saveri Raga Suddha Simantini Raga Suddha Todi Raga Suha Kanada Raga Suha Sughrai Raga Sunada Vinodini Raga Suposhini Raga Supradhipam Raga Sur Malhar Raga Surati Raga Surya Raga Sutradhari Raga Syamalam Raga Takka Raga Tanukirti Raga Tarangini Raga Tilang Raga Tilang (or Bridabani Tilang) Raga Tivravahini Raga Trimurti Raga Trishuli Raga Udayaravicandrika Raga Udhayaravi Raga Vagedeeshwari Raga Vaijayanti Raga Valaji Raga Vamsavathi Raga Varali Raga Varamu Raga Varini Raga Vasanta

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India

Raga Vasantha Raga Vativasanta Raga Vegavahini

India India India

Raga Vegavahini descending Raga Velavali Raga Vibhas Raga Vijayanagari Raga Vijayasri Raga Vijayavasanta Raga Vilasini Raga Viravasantham Raga Vivardhini Raga Viyogavarali Raga Vutari Raga Yaduka Kambodi descending Raga Yadukua Kambodhi ascending Raga Yaman Kalyan Raga Yamuna Kalyani Raga Zilaf Raga Zilla Ragta Narayani Rahawi Rast Ravel Relative Blues Ritusen Ritzu Ritzu Gagaku Rock ‘n Roll Romanian Bacovia Romanian Major Romanian Minor

India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India India Iraq Greece

Japan Japan Romania Romania

212223 113313 1311231 1321131 23223 122214 122322 21221211 212232 42321 232212 1312221 2322111 2122212 32412 23214 213114 322131 1132311 2212122 412311 412311 1231212 214122 3112221 32241 32232 1312212 24141 43212 1231311 1131131 32412 34122 4 1 4 2 1 (asc) 1 3 1 4 2 1 (desc) 131322 1312122 4 1 2 2 1 2 (asc) 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 (desc) 1312212 2122221 13315 213123 114141 421311 221241 2122311 221232 122331 421212 221223 23223 22111221 222123 421212 21112212 232212 1311222 22122111 1212222 2113113 23223 122322 23223 3112212 41331 1321212 2131212


C D Eb F G A C C# D F G# A C Db E F Gb Ab B C Db E F# G Ab B CDFGA C Db Eb F G Ab C Db Eb F G# Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D Eb F G Bb C E Gb A B C D F G A Bb C Db E F G A B C D F G A A# B C D E F G A Bb C Eb F A Bb C D F G Ab C D Eb F# G Ab C Eb F G Ab B C C# D F G A# B C D E F G Ab Bb C E F G A# B C E F G A# B C Db Eb F# G A Bb C D Eb G Ab Bb C D# E F G A B C D# F G B C Eb F G Bb C Db E F G A Bb C D F# G B C E G A Bb C Db Eb F# G A# B C C# D F# G Ab B C Eb F A Bb C Eb G Ab Bb C E F A B (asc) C B A F E Db (desc) C Db E F Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C E F G A Bb (asc) C Bb A G F E Db (desc) C Db E F G A Bb C D Eb F G A B C Db E G Ab C D Eb F# G A C C# D F# G B C E F# G A# B CDEFGB C D Eb F G A# B C D E F G Bb C Db Eb F Ab B C E F# G A Bb CDEFGA CDFGA C D E F F# G A B C D E F# G A C E F G Ab C D D# E F G A Bb C D F G A Bb C Db E F Gb Ab Bb C D E F G A Bb B C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C D D# E G G# A CDFGA C Db Eb F G# Bb CDFGA C D# E F G A Bb C E F G# B C Db E F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G A B

Sho Persian Chromatic Hypolydian Ritusen Ritzu Bebop Harmonic Minor Minor Hexatonic Raga Hindol Mixolydian Hexatonic Gypsy Inverse Raga Sorati Mixolydian Raga Chandrakauns Kafi Han-Kumoi

Mela Tenarupi Melodic Major Raga Tilang Dorian b9 #11 Houzam Raga Nattai desc Minor Pentatonic Harmonic Minor Inverse Raga Hamsanada Mela Divyamani Mela Jhalavarli Raga Chandrakauns Kafi Raga Shailaja

242 383 240 184 79 384 241 72 129 83 151 197 382 13 289 84 385 386 274 20 387 387 136 388 201 348 80 170 88 389 251 257 289 118 390

Raga Lalita Bhairav Phrygian Dominant

328 27 392

Harmonic Minor Inverse Melodic Minor Raga Bowli asc

170 16 286 392 393 394 321 276 381 395 396 222 79 228 280 397 70 151 157 65 22 182 79 241 79 64 122 219 26

Raga Kedaram desc Mela Varunapriya Raga Siva Kambhoji

Scottish Hexatonic Ritusen Ichilkotsucho Raga Aivarati Bebop Dorian Mixolydian Hexatonic Locrian Dominant Bebop Altered Dominant Chromatic Hypodorian


Rui Bin Ryo Ryosen Ryukyu Sabach Sabach Maj7 Sakura Scottish Hexatonic Scottish Pentatonic Scriabin Segiah Se Semilocrian Semilocrian b4 Sengiach (or Sengah) Shang Shang-Diao Sho Sho #2 Shostakovich Soft Ascend Soft Descend Souzinak Spanish Heptatonic Spanish Octatonic Spanish (or Spanish Gypsy) Spanish Phrygian Sultani Yakah Superlocrian Superlocrian #6 Superlocrian bb3 Superlocrian bb6 bb7 Superlocrian Maj7 Suspended Pentatonic Symmetrical Decatonic Symmetrical Nonatonic Synthetic Mixture #5 Syrian Pentatonic Tabahaniotiko Taishikicho Takemitzu Tree 1 Takemitzu Tree 2 Tcherepnin Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Tezeta Major Tezeta Minor Todi b7 Tritone Tsinganikos Tunisian Two-semitone Tritone Ujo Ukrainian Minor Ukranian Dorian Ultralocrian Ultralocrian bb3 Ultraphrygian Utility Minor Van Der Host Whole-Tone Whole-Tone Diminished Xin Yi Ze Yishtabach Yo Yona Nuki Major Yona Nuki Minor Yosen Youlan

China Japan Japan Japan Greece Greece Japan Scotland Scotland


Greece China China Japan Japan Russia Japan Japan Greece Spain Spain Spain

Syria Greece Japan Japan Japan Russia Russia Ethiopia Ethiopia

Greece Tunisia Korea Ukraina Ukraina

China China Jewish Japan Japan Japan Japan China

23232 221112111 22323 41241 2113122 2113131 13214 221223 23223 13323 2212131 2122122 2121222 2112222 3112131 2122212 23232 212223 121242 12121221 14232 13214 2131212 3111222 12111222 1312122 12112122 2122131 1212222 1212312 1122222 1212123 1212231 23232 1121111211 112211211 2222112 13134 2212131 221112111 213231 213222 121121121 23241 22323 12414 1231212 132132 1311312 2131212 114114 23223 2131212 2131212 1212213 1122213 1213113 21221211 12211221 222222 21212121 2212221 32322 1221222 23223 22323 21414 232212 112111212


C D G G Bb C D E F F# G A Bb B CDEGA CEFGB C D D# E G Ab Bb C D D# E G Ab B C Db F G Ab CDEFGA CDFGA C Eb E G A C D E F G Ab B C D Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D D# E F# G# Bb C D# E F G Ab B C D E F G A Bb C D G G Bb C D Eb F G A C C# D# E F# Bb C C# D# E F# G A B C Db F G Bb C Db F G Ab C D Eb F# G A B C D# E F Gb Ab Bb C C# D# E F Gb Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C C# D# E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C C# D# E F# A Bb C C# D E F# G# Bb C C# D# E F# G A C Db Eb E Gb Ab B C D G G Bb C C# D E F F# G G# A# B C C# D E F# G G# A# B C D E F# G# A Bb C Db E F Ab C D E F G Ab B C D E F F# G A Bb B C D Eb Gb Ab B C D Eb Gb Ab Bb C C# D# E F G G# A B CDFGB CDEGA C Db Eb G Ab C Db Eb F# G A Bb C Db E F# G Bb C Db E F Gb A Bb C D Eb F# G A B C C# D F# G Ab CDFGA C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G A B C Db Eb E F# G# A C C# D E F# G# A C C# D# E G G# A C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C Db Eb F F# G A B C D E F# G# Bb C D Eb F F# G# A B CDEFGAB C Eb F Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb CDFGA CDEGA C D Eb G Ab C D F G A Bb C C# D E F F# G A Bb

Suspended Pentatonic Lydian Mixolydian Major Pentatonic Ionian Pentatonic

In Ritusen Major Pentatonic b2 Harmonic Major SAeolian Half Diminished

Mixolydian Suspended Pentatonic

Kokin-Choshi In Romanian Minor

Phrygian Dominant Flamenco Harmonic Minor Altered Dominant

Lydian Aug. Dominant Harmonic Major Lydian Mixolydian

Genus Chromaticum Major Pentatonic Pelog Pentatonic Dorian b9 #11 Tritone Oriental Romanian Minor Ritusen Romanian Minor Romanian Minor

Bebop Harmonic Minor

Diminished Major Man Gong Locrian Ritusen Major Pentatonic Ake-Bono Mixolydian Hexatonic

77 147 76 86 220 221 95 222 79 99 167 14 21 161 223 13 77 242 243 224 82 95 26 225 226 27 194 23 22 165 162 164 163 77 50 407 150 123 167 147 244 245 48 106 76 87 136 36 237 26 49 79 26 26 29 166 142 72 51 30 33 9 78 15 79 76 97 151 246

Yu Yu 2 Zangula Zhalibny Minor Zheng Zhi Zilof Zirafkend Zokuso Zokuso Pentatonic

China China Nigeria China China Spain Arabia Japan Japan

2122212 32232 2121321 2122131 23223 23223 1312122 21221121 1222122 14142

C D Eb F G A Bb C Eb F G Bb C E Eb F Gb A B C D Eb F G Ab B CDFGA CDFGA C Db E F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G G# A B C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C Db F Gb Bb


Dorian Minor Pentatonic Jeths Harmonic Minor Ritusen Ritusen Phrygian Dominant Bebop Melodic Minor Phrygian Iwato

10 80 206 23 79 79 27 71 11 98

C. Scales by Interval 5-Note Scales Scale Raga Nabhomani Raga Putrika Raga Kumarapriya Raga Chitthakarshini Raga Chaya Todi Major Pentatonic b3 Pelog Pentatonic Raga Rukmangi Greek Arkaik Syrian Pentatonic Raga Megharamji In Major Pentatonic b2 b5 Major Pentatonic b2 Raga Manaranjani Altered Pentatonic Kokin-Choshi Iwato Raga Kshanika Raga Saugandhini Raga Deshgaur Nando-Kyemyonjo Raga Audav Tukhari Raga Abhogi Ake-Bono Dorian Pentatonic Pygmy Raga Hamsadhvani Raga Budhamanohari Altered Major Pentatonic Kung Raga Kumurdaki Major Pentatonic b6 Major Pentatonic Dominant Pentatonic Raga Hamsadhvani 2 Han-Kumoi Ritusen Suspended Pentatonic Tcherepnin Major Pentatonic Chaio Raga Priyadharshini Pyeong Jo Raga Rasranjani Raga Shri Kalyan Raga Hamsanada Raga Shubravarni Raga Matha Kokila Center-Cluster PentaMirror Locrian Pentatonic Augmented Pentatonic Raga Mohanangi Major Pentatonic b7 #9 Minor Pentatonic 7 b5 Raga Kokil Pancham Kyemyonjo Minor Pentatonic Man Gong Raga Chandrakauns Kiravani Raga Chandrakauns Kafi Raga Chandrakauns Modern Raga Samudhra Priya

Intervals 11415 11613 11631 12234 12324 12333 12414 12432 13116 13134 13161 13214 13233 13323 13332 14223 14232 14142 14331 15114 16131 21225 21234 21243 21414 21423 21432 21441 22125 22134 22233 22251 22314 22323 22332 22341 23214 23223 23232 23241 23322 23331 23412 23421 24123 24141 24312 25212 31134 31242 31314 31323 31332 32142 32214 32223 32232 32322 32331 32412 32421 33132

Notes C C# D F# G C C# D G# A C C# D G# B C Db Eb F Ab C Db Eb Gb Ab C Db Eb F# A C Db Eb G Ab C Db Eb G Bb C Db E F Gb C Db E F Ab C Db E F B C Db F G Ab C Db E Gb A C Eb E G A C Db E G Bb C Db F G A C Db F G Bb C Db F Gb Bb C Db F Ab B C Db F# G Ab C Db G Ab B C D Eb F G C D Eb F Ab C D Eb F A C D Eb G Ab C D Eb G A C D Eb G Bb C D Eb G B CDEFG C D E F Ab C D E Gb A C D E F# B C D E G Ab CDEGA C D E G Bb CDEGB C D F G Ab CDFGA C D G G Bb CDFGB C D F G# Bb C D F G# B C D F A Bb CDFAB C D F# G A C D F# G B C D F# A Bb C D G A Bb C D# E F Ab C D# E Gb Bb C D# E G Ab C D# E G A C D# E G Bb C Bb F Gb Bb C Eb F G Ab C Eb F G A C Eb F G Bb C Eb F Ab Bb C Eb F G# B C Eb F A Bb C Eb F A B C Eb F# G Bb


Mode C# Raga Deshgaur (V) Ab Raga Nagaswaravali (II) Ab Mixolydian Pentatonic (II) Ab Ionian Pentatonic (II) Bb Raga Abhogi (II)

Bb Dorian Pentatonic (II) F In (IV) F# Raga Nabhomani (IV)

G In (III)

D Dominant Pentatonic (V) G Altered Pentatonic (III)

G Raga Nagaswaravali (III) F Dorian Pentatonic (IV) F Major Pentatonic (IV) Bb Major Pentatonic (II) G Mixolydian Pentatonic (III) Bb Dominant Pentatonic (II) B Major Pentatonic b3 (II) F Raga Nagaswaravali (IV) A Raga Audav Tukhari (III) D Mixolydian Pentatonic (V) G Ionian Pentatonic (III) G Nando-Kyemuonjo (IV)

Eb Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (V) Eb Dorian Pentatonic (V) F Pygmy (IV) F Dominant Pentatonic (IV) Eb Major Pentatonic (V) Ab Major Pentatonic (III) B Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (II) F Mixolydian Pentatonic (IV) Gb Major Pentatonic b2 b5 (IV)

Page 346 358 324 115 292 101 87 367 123 123 341 95 100 99 336 107 82 98 323 374 294 234 282 279 97 81 119 308 287 108 94 325 102 76 90 116 84 79 77 106 91 356 117 364 377 88 378 340 111 108 111 343 103 85 121 93 80 78 290 289 291 369

Raga Multani 2 Chin Diminished Pentatonic Raga Neroshta Raga Shailaja Raga Nagaswaravali Mixolydian Pentatonic Ionian Pentatonic Romanian Bacovia Raga Khamaji Durga Raga Dhavalashri Hirajoshi Pentatonic Whole-Tone Augmented Pentatonic 2 Raga Hindol Raga Valaji Raga Mamata Raga Devaranjani Raga Kuntvarali Raga Puruhutika

33141 33222 33231 33521 34122 41223 41232 41241 41331 41412 42123 42141 42222 42231 42321 43212 43221 52131 52212 52221

C Eb F# G B C Eb Gb Ab Bb C Eb F# G# B CDEAB C Eb G Ab Bb CEFGA C E F G Bb CEFGB C E F G# B C E F A Bb C E F# G A C E F# G B C E F# G# Bb C E F# G# B C E Gb A B C E G A Bb CEGAB C F G Ab B C F G A Bb CFGAB

G Romanian Bacovia (III) Ab Dominant Pentatonic (III)

Intervals 113313 114114 114123 114141 121215 121242 121323 122133 122142 122214 122232 122322 122331 123123 123222 124122 124212 131223 131232 131313 131322 131331 131412 132114 132132 132141 132213 132312 132321 133113 133113 1 3 3 1 5 (asc) 1 3 3 1 3 1 (desc) 133212 141141 142113 142122 142131 1 4 2 1 4 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 4 (desc) 142212 142221 1 4 2 4 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 4 1 (desc)

Notes C C# D F G# A C C# D F# G Ab C C# D F# G A C C# D F# G B C C# D# E F# G C C# D# E F# Bb C C# D# E G A C Db Eb F Gb A C Db Db F Gb Bb C Db Eb F G Ab C Db Eb F G Bb C Db Eb F G# Bb C Db Eb F Ab B C Eb Eb F# G A C Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb G Ab Bb C Db Eb G A Bb C Db E F G A C Db E F G Bb C Db E F G# A C Db E F Ab Bb C Db E F Ab B C Db E F A Bb C Db E F# G Ab C Db E F# G Bb C Db E F# G B C Db E F# G# A C Db E Gb A Bb C Db E F# A B C Db E G G# A C Db E G G# A C Db E G Ab (asc) C B Ab G E Db (desc) C Db E G A Bb C Db F F# G B C Db F G G# A C Db F G Ab Bb C Db F G Ab B C Db F G Ab (asc) C Ab G F E Db (desc) C Db F G A Bb C Db F G A B C Db F G B (asc) C B G F E Db (desc)

Mode C# Raga Bowli desc (VI)

A Nando-Kyemuonjo (III) Eb Raga Nagaswaravali (V)

F Ionian Pentatonic (II) E Raga Audav Tukhari (II) B In (II)

A Dorian Pentatonic (III) G Raga Abhogi (IV) A Pygmy (III) F Raga Budhamanohari (V)

345 92 104 351 118 114 104 86 122 89 297 96 110 112 83 389 120 295 326 357

6-Note Scales Scale Raga Suddha Mukhari Two-semitone Tritone Raga Chandrajyoti Raga Vijayasri Istrian Sho #2 Blues Dorian Hexatonic Double Phrygian Honkoshi Raga Suddha Simantini Raga Gandharavam Ritzu Raga Viyogavarali Messiaen 2nd Mode Truncated Raga Gurjari Todi Raga Kashyapi Raga Salagavarali Raga Kalavati Raga Gaula Inverted Augmented Raga Lalita Bhairav Raga Lalita Raga Rudra Pancama Raga Dhavalangam Tritone Raga Gamakakriya Raga Hejjajji Prometheus Neapolitan Raga Hansanandi Raga Kalagada Raga Kalagada Raga Bowli Raga Malayamarutam Messiaen 5th Mode Raga Kalakanthi 2 Insen Raga Padi Raga Malahari Raga Rasavali Raga Jivantika Raga Gowla


D Raga Tilang (V)

Fb Raga Ratnakanthi (VI) Eb Mixolydian Hexatonic (V)

Gb Raga Airavati (IV) Bb Raga Shreeranjani (II) A Sho #2 (III) F Raga Phinna Pancama (IV) B Augmented (II) Db Lydian #2 Hexatonic (VI) E Raga Kalanada (V) F Raga Paras (IV asc)

A Lydian #2 Hexatonic (II) A Blues Dorian Hexatonic (III) Gb Blues (IV)

Ab Romanian Bacovia (II asc) G Pyramid Hexatonic (IV) Ab Raga Vasanta (III desc) G Honkoshi (IV)

Bb Hawaiian (III)

Page 383 49 288 393 205 243 58 141 227 384 300 241 395 38 307 320 368 318 302 32 328 327 366 296 36 299 312 218 309 316 316 286 332 42 317 229 353 333 363 314 306

Pyramid Hexatonic Sho Minor Hexatonic Raga Sindhura Kafi Raga Ghantana Raga Shreeranjani Raga Syamalam Raga Vijayanagari Raga Gopikatilaka Raga Amarasenapriya Raga Neelangi Takemitzu Tree 2 Takemitzu Tree 1 Raga Rangini Raga Trimurti Raga Manavi Hawaiian Raga Dipak Scottish Hexatonic Raga Siva Kambhoji Raga Sarasanana Raga Nattaikurinji Raga Hamsa Vinodini Raga Aivarati Raga Ratnakanthi Eskimo Hexatonic Whole-Tone Eskimo Hexatonic 2 Prometheus Raga Mruganandana Bebop Major Hexatonic Raga Latika Mixolydian Hexatonic 2 Lydian Hexatonic Raga Navamanohari Raga Bhinna Pancama Mixolydian Hexatonic Raga Nagagandhari Raga Brindabani Raga Jaganmohanam Raga Sarasvati Raga Nishadi Raga Malarani Mela Calanata Raga Rasamanjari 2 Augmented Lydian #2 Hexatonic Blues Blues Minor Maj7 Phrygian Hexatonic Raga Takka Raga Manohari Raga Malkauns Raga Madhukauns Raga Gaurikriya Raga Gangatarangini Messiaen 5th Mode Inverse Raga Saravati Raga Kamalamanohari 2 Raga Hari Nata Raga Tilang Raga Kedaram Raga Vasanta Raga Jyoty Raga Vutari Raga Zilaf Raga Vijayavasanta

212133 212223 212232 212241 212331 212412 213114 213123 213132 213141 213213 213222 213231 213321 214122 214212 214221 221115 221223 221232 221331 221412 221421 222123 222141 222213 222222 222231 222312 222321 223113 223131 223212 223221 232122 232131 232212 232221 232311 241122 241212 241221 241311 311232 312141 313131 313221 321132 321141 322122 322131 322212 323211 331212 331311 411231 411411 412113 412122 412221 412311 4 1 2 4 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 4 1 (desc) 4 1 4 2 1 (asc) 1 3 1 4 2 1 (desc) 421122 421212 421212 421311

C D Eb F Gb A C D Eb F G A C D Eb F G Bb C D Eb F G B C D Eb F G# B C D Eb F A Bb C D Eb F# G Ab C D Eb F# G A C D Eb F# G Bb C D Eb F# G B C D Eb F# G# A C D Eb Gb Ab Bb C D Eb Gb Ab B C D Eb Gb A B C D Eb G Ab Bb C D Eb G A Bb C D Eb G A B C D E F F# G CDEFGA C D E F G Bb C D E F Ab B C D E F A Bb CDEFAB C D E F# G A C D E F# G B C D E F# G# A C D E F# G# Bb C D E F# G# B C D E Gb A Bb C D E F# A B C D E G G# A C D E G Ab B C D E G A Bb CDEGAB C D F G Ab Bb C D F G Ab B C D F G A Bb CDFGAB C D F G A# B C D F# G Ab Bb C D F# G A Bb C D F# G A B C D F# G A# B C D# E F G Bb C D# E F# G B C D# E G Ab B C D# E G A B C Eb F F# G Bb C Eb F F# G B C Eb F G Ab Bb C Eb F G Ab B C Eb F G A Bb C Eb F G# A# B C Eb F# G A Bb C Eb F# G A# B C E F Gb Ab B C E F Gb Bb B C E F G G# A C E F G Ab Bb CEFGAB C E F G A# B C E F G B (asc) C B G F E D (desc) C E F A B (asc) C B A F E Db (desc) C E F# G Ab Bb C E F# G A Bb C E F G Ab C E F# G A# B


F Mixolydian Hexatonic (V) F Raga Sarasvati (IV)

G Raga Padi (III) G Raga Bhinna Pancama (III) Eb Lydian #2 Hexatonic (V) G# Tritone (III) B Blues Dorian Hexatonic (II) A Pyramid Hexatonic (III) Fb Raga Ratnakanthi (III) A Honkoshi (III)

G Mixolydian Hexatonic (III) Bb Raga Airavati (II) B Double Phrygian (II) Bb Raga Ratnakanthi (II) B Honkoshi (II)

Gb Takemitzu Tree 2 (IV)

A Sho (III) G Raga Kalavati (IV) D Mixolydian Hexatonic (VI) F Sho (V)

F Raga Aivarati (V) G Mela Calanata (IV)

A Raga Shreeranjani (III)

B Raga Malahari (II desc)

Bb Mixolydian Hexatonic (II) Ab Lydian #2 Hexatonic (III) Eb Raga Airavati (VI) F Blues (V) G Raga Ghantana (IV) B Raga Bowli (II desc) B Messiaen 5th Mode (II) Bb Raga Sarasvati (II) F Raga Ratnakanthi (V) D Raga Shreeranjani (VI desc)

405 242 129 379 304 376 385 392 305 281 37 245 244 361 388 337 403 298 222 381 371 349 310 280 365 400 30 401 217 344 67 329 152 143 350 284 151 347 285 313 372 352 331 248 362 31 144 52 60 137 386 338 334 330 303 301 43 373 319 311 387 321 390

F# Sho #2 (V) F Raga Hamsadhvani (IV) B Raga Padi (II)

315 396 397 394

7-Note Scales Scale Chromatic Mixolydian 2 Ultralocrian bb3 Superlocrian bb3 Chromatic Phrygian Inverse Mela Jalarnava Chromatic Hypophrygian Inverse Mela Jhalavarli Chromatic Mixolydian Locrian bb3 bb7 Chromatic Dorian Mela Ratnangi Mela Ganamurti Mela Venaspati Mela Manavati Mela Tenarupi Mela Salaga Mela Navanitam Mela Pavani Mela Raghupriya Superlocrian bb6 bb7 Ultralocrian Altered Dominant Superlocrian Maj7 Superlocrian #6 Dorian b2 Maj7 Ultraphrygian Phrygian b4 Phrygian b4 Maj7 Dorian b2 b4 Neapolitan Major b4 Blues Phrygian Locrian bb7 Locrian Locrian Maj7 Locrian #6 Neapolitan Major b5 Raga Malini Phrygian Neapolitan Minor Dorian b2 Neapolitan Major Mela Rupavati Mela Gavambodhi Mela Bhavapriya Chromatic Lydian Inverse Dorian b9 #11 Mela Suvarnangi Mela Divyamani Enigmatic Minor Locrian Dominant Persian Oriental Chromatic Lydian Gypsy Hexatonic Phrygian Dominant Double Harmonic Mela Gayakapriya Harmonic Minor Inverse Gypsy Inverse Mela Hatakambari Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 Ionian Augmented b9 Mela Dhavalambari Mela Namanarayani Chromatic Hypolydian Romanian Major

Intervals 1122132 1122213 1122222 1123113 1131122 1131123 1131131 1131132 1131213 1132113 1132122 1132131 1132212 1132221 1132311 1141113 1141212 1141221 1141311 1212123 1212213 1212222 1212231 1212312 1212321 1213113 1213122 1213131 1213212 1213221 1221132 1221213 1221222 1221231 1221312 1221321 1222113 1222122 1222131 1222212 1222221 1222311 1231113 1231122 1231131 1231212 1231221 1231311 1232211 1311222 1311231 1311312 1311321 1312113 1312122 1312131 1312211 1312212 1312221 1312311 1313112 1313121 1321113 1321122 1321131 1321212

Notes C C# D E F# G Bb C C# D E F# G# A C C# D E F# G# Bb C C# D E G G# A C C# D F# G Ab Bb C C# D F F# G A C C# D F# G Ab B C C# D F F# G Bb C C# D F F# G# A C C# D F G G# A C C# D F G Ab Bb C C# D F G Ab B C C# D F G A Bb C C# D F G A B C C# D F G A# B C C# D F# G G# A C C# D F# G A Bb C C# D F# G A B C C# D F# G A# B C C# D# E F# G A C Db Eb E F# G# A C Eb Eb E F# G# Bb C Db Eb E Gb Ab B C C# D# E F# A Bb C Db Eb E Gb A B C C# D# E G G# A C C# D# E G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C Db Eb E G A Bb C Db Eb E G A B C Db Eb F F# G Bb C Db Eb F F# G# A C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab B C Db Eb F Gb A Bb C Db Eb F Gb A B C Db Eb F G G# A C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab B C Db Eb F G A Bb C Db Eb F G A B C Db Eb F G A# B C Db Eb F# G G# A C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb C Db Eb F# G Ab B C Db Eb F# G A Bb C Db Eb F# G A B C Db Eb F# G A# B C Db Eb F# G# Bb B C Db E F Gb Ab Bb C Db E F Gb Ab B C Db E F Gb A Bb C Db E F Gb A B C Db E F G G# A C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab B C Db E F G G# A C Db E F G A Bb C Db E F G A B C Db E F G A# B C Db E F G# A Bb C Db E F G# A B C Db E F# G G# A C Db E F# G Ab Bb C Db E F# G Ab B C Db E F# G A Bb


Mode C# Neapolitan Minor (VII) C# Neapolitan Major (VII) Ab Persian (III) Db Persian (VII) G Blues Leading Tone (III) C# Double Harmonic (VII) D Blues Leading Tone (VI) G Blues Phrygian (IV) G Blues Modified (IV) Db Enigmatic ascending (VII)

D Raga Khamach ascending (VI) A Hungarian Major (II) Db Harmonic Minor (VII) Db Melodic Minor (VII) F# Hungarian Major (IV) F# Blues Heptatonic (IV) G# Double Harmonic (III) Ab Harmonic Major (III) Eb Mixolydian Augm. Maj9 (VI) Eb Romanian Major (II)

Db Harmonic Major (VII) Db Major (VII) Ab Rock ‘n Roll (III) Bb Harmonic Minor (II) B Chromatic Mixolydian 2 (II) Eb Mixolydian b5 (VI) Ab Major (III) Bb Melodic Minor (II) G Spanish Heptatonic (IV) Eb Rock ‘n Roll (VI) G Persian (IV) Eb Hungarian Major (VI)

F Neapolitan Minor (V) F Double Harmonic (V) F# Blues Leading Tone (IV) F Harmonic Minor (V)

F Harmonic Major (V) G Mixolydian b5 (IV) E Mela Gavambodhi (VI) E Gypsy Hexatonic (VI) G Enigmatic descending (III) F# Chromatic Mixolydian 2 (V) Db Blues Leading Tone (VII)

Page 180 166 162 176 256 185 257 179 159 172 269 252 275 261 274 271 264 266 268 164 29 22 163 165 135 142 139 140 134 211 59 158 15 160 24 212 335 11 213 17 210 270 253 247 178 136 273 251 192 157 240 237 177 196 27 171 254 170 197 255 155 128 249 263 184 219

Raga Marwa Thaat Mela Visvambhari Enigmatic Hijaz Major Semilocrian b4 Chromatic Hypodorian Sabach Sabach Maj7 Bebop Minor Blues Modified Hungarian Major Inverse Half Diminished Harmonic Minor b5 Blues Heptatonic Jeths Mela Jhankaradhvani Aeolian Harmonic Minor Dorian Mixolydian Melodic Minor Mela Varunapriya Jazz Minor #5 Mela Syamalangi Gypsy Gypsy Minor Romanian Minor Lydian Diminished Mela Nitimati Major Locrian Mixolydian b5 Ionian b5 Bebop Major Heptatonic Melodic Major Harmonic Major Major Mela Naganandini Mixolydian Augmented Harmonic Major 2 Ioanian Augmented Ionian #5 Raga Rageshri Mela Kantamani Lydian Dominant b6 Pelog Lydian Dominant Lydian Lydian #6 Lydian Augmented Dominant Lydian Augmented Leading Whole-Tone Chromatic Mixolydian Inverse Nohkan Noh Raga Sorati Blues Mixed Spanish Heptatonic Mela Yagapriya Mela Ragavardhani Sengiach Rock ‘n Roll Houzam Chromatic Dorian Inverse Raga Nattai Chromatic Hypodorian Inverse Ionian Augmented #2 Chromatic Phrygian

1321221 1321311 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 (asc) 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 (desc) 1412112 2112222 2113113 2113122 2113131 2113212 2121132 2121213 2121222 2121231 2121312 2121321 2122113 2122122 2122131 2122212 2122212 2122221 2122311 2123121 2131113 2131122 2131131 2131212 2131221 2131311 2211222 2211312 2211321 2212113 2212122 2212131 2212221 2212311 2213112 2213121 2213121 2213121 2214111 2221113 2221122 2221131 2221212 2221221 2221311 2222112 2222121 2222211 2311311 2312121 2321121 2322111 3111132 3111222 3112113 3112122 3112131 3112212 3112221 3112311 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 (asc) 3 2 2 4 1 (desc) 3113112 3113121 3113211

C Db E F# G A B C Db E F# G A# B C Db E F# G# Bb B (asc) C B Bb Gb F E Db (desc) C Db F F# G# A Bb C D D# E F# G# Bb C D D# E G G# A C D D# E G Ab Bb C D D# E G Ab B C D D# E G A Bb C D Eb F F# G Bb C D Eb F F# G# A C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab B C D Eb F Gb A Bb C D Eb F Gb A B C D Eb F G G# A C D Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb F G Ab B C D Eb F G A Bb C D E F G A Bb C D Eb F G A B C D Eb F G A# B C D Eb F G# A B C D Eb F# G G# A C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G A B C D Eb F# G A# B C D E F Gb Ab Bb C D E F Gb A Bb C D E F Gb A B C D E F G G# A C D E F G Ab Bb C D E F G Ab B CDEFGAB C D E F G A# B C D E F G# A Bb C D E F G# A B C D E F G# A B C D E F G# A B C D E F A A# B C D E F# G G# A C D E F# G Ab Bb C D E F# G Ab B C D E F# G A Bb C D E F# G A B C D E F# G A# B C D E F# G# A Bb C D E F# G# A B C D E F# G# A# B C D F F# G Bb B C D F F# G# A B C D F G G# A B C D F G A A# B C D# E F F# G Bb C D# E F Gb Ab Bb C D# E F G G# A C D# E F G Ab Bb C D# E F G Ab B C D# E F G A Bb C D# E F G A B C D# E F G Bb B C D# E F G A# B (asc) C B G F D# (desc) C D# E F G# A Bb C D# E F G# A B C D# E F G# Bb B


F# Blues Phrygian (V) B Mela Ganamurti (VI)

Eb Neapolitan Major (VI) A Blues Leading Tone (II) Bb Mixolydian b5 (II) G Gypsy Hexatonic (IV) A Blues Phrygian (III) G# Romanian Major (III) Eb Melodic Minor (VI) Ab Hungarian Major (III) Bb Harmonic Major (II) F Romanian Major (V) Eb Major (VI) Bb Major (II) F Major (V) B Superlocrian Maj7 (II) F Hungarian Major (V) G Mela Ganamurti (IV) G Neapolitan Minor (IV) G Double Harmonic (IV) G Harmonic Minor (IV) G Harmonic Major (IV) D Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 (VII) F Neapolitan Major (V) B Blues Phrygian (II) D Blues Modified (VII) F Melodic Minor (V)

G Rock ‘n Roll (IV) A Neapolitan Minor (III) A Harmonic Minor (III)

Ab Enigmatic ascending (III) G Neapolitan Major (IV) D Mixolydian b5 (VII) G Melodic Minor (IV) G Major (IV) B Neapolitan Minor (II) A Neapolitan Major (III) A Melodic Minor (III) B Neapolitan Major (II) F# Persian (V) D Hungarian Major (VII) D Blues Heptatonic 2 (VII) B Enigmatic Minor (II)

E Superlocrian Maj7 (VI) G Mixolydian Augmented Maj9 (IV) E Neapolitan Minor (VI) B Persian (II)

E Double Harmonic (VI) F Blues Leading Tone (V)

339 277 191 199 161 182 220 221 69 61 203 21 169 53 206 258 14 23 10 13 16 276 131 272 195 198 26 148 265 130 152 125 68 20 167 9 262 154 168 25 126 359 260 146 239 19 12 149 150 18 189 181 236 235 382 62 225 278 267 223 64 201 173 348 183 127 175

Raga Santanamanjari Mela Jyotisvarupini Mela Dhatuvardhani Hungarian Major Lydian #2 Lydian #2 #6 Aeolian b1 Blues Heptatonic 2 Blues Leading Tone Raga Paras Raga Khamach Raga Vegavahini

3121113 3121122 3121131 3121212 3121221 3121311 3122121 3211212 3211311 4 1 2 1 3 1 (asc) 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 (desc) 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 (asc) 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 (desc) 4 1 2 2 1 2 (asc) 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 (desc)

C D# E F# G G# A C C# E F# G Ab Bb C D# E F# G Ab B C D# E F# G A Bb C D# E F# G A B C D# E F# G A# B C D# E F# G# A B C Eb F F# G A Bb C Eb F F# G A# B C E F G Ab B (asc) C B Ab G F E Db C E F G A A# B (asc) C Bb A G F E D (desc) C E F G A Bb (asc) C Bb A G F E Db (desc)

Intervals 11122122 11122131 11122212 11131131 11221122 11311131 12111222 12111312 12112122 12112212 12121212 12121221 12122121 12211122 12211131 12211221 12212211 12221211 12311211 13111131 13111221 13112211 13113111 13121121 13121211 21112212 21211131 21211212 21212121 21221112 21221121 21221211 21222111 21311112 22111221 22112211 22121121 22122111 31113111

Notes C C# D Eb F G Ab Bb C C# D Eb F G Ab B C C# D Eb F G A Bb C C# D Eb F# G Ab B C C# D F F# G Ab Bb C C# D F F# G Ab B C C# D# E F Gb Ab Bb C C# D# E F Gb A Bb C C# D# E F G Ab Bb C C# D# E F G A Bb C C# D# E F# G A Bb C C# D# E F# G A B C C# D# E F# G# A B C Db Eb F F# G Ab Bb C Db Eb F F# G Ab B C Db Eb F F# G A B C Db Eb F F# G# A# B C Db Eb F G G# A# B C Db Eb F# G Ab Bb B C Db E F F# G Ab B C Db E F F# G A B C Db E F F# G# A# B C Db E F Gb A A# B C Db E F G G# A B C Db E F G G# A# B C D D# E F G A Bb C D Eb F F# G Ab B C D Eb F F# G A Bb C D Eb F F# G# A B C D Eb F G G# A Bb C D Eb F G G# A B C D Eb F G Ab Bb B C D Eb F G A A# B C D Eb F# G G# A Bb C D E F F# G A B C D E F F# G# A# B C D E F G G# A B C D E F G A Bb B C D# E F Gb A Bb B

B Gypsy Hexatonic (II) E Harmonic Minor (VI) B Double Harmonic (II) E Harmonic Major (VI)

370 259 250 202 28 145 156 54 62 355 322

G Raga Shreeranjani (IV desc)


8-Note Scales Scale Phrygian Aeolian b4 Harmonic Neapolitan Minor Adonai Malakh Hungarian Minor b2 Messiaen 6th Mode Inverse Messiaen 4th Mode Spanish Octatonic Maqam Shadd’araban Flamenco LG Octatonic Diminished Half-tone Shostakovich Magen Abot Bebop Locrian Bebop Half-diminished Van Der Host Prokofiev Hamel Neseveri Raga Ramkali Raga Bhatiyar Enigmatic Mixed Oriental 2 Raga Saurashtra Maqam Hijaz Bebop Dorian Algerian Octatonic Blues Octatonic Diminished Dorian Aeolian Bebop Melodic Minor Bebop Harmonic Minor Raga Miam Ki Malhar Raga Chinthamani Ichilkotsucho Messiaen 6th Mode Bebop Major Bebop Messiaen 4th Mode Inverse


Mode Eb Bebop (VI) A Spanish Octatonic (III) Ab Messiaen 6th Mode (III)

Bb Algerian Octatonic (II) Bb Blues Octatonic (II) Bb Diminished (II) E Bebop Melodic Minor (VI) F# Blues Octatonic (V) Ab Bebop (III) G Messiaen 6th Mode (IV) Db Bebop (VIII) G Spanish Octatonic (V) F Hungarian Minor b2 (VI) F Bebop Half-diminished (VI) Bb Hungarian Minor b2 (III) F Algerian Octatonic (VI) F Bebop (V)

Bb Bebop (II) F Blues Octatonic (VI) G Harmonic Neapolitan Minor (V) G Bebop (IV) D Blues Octatonic (VIII) Bb Messiaen 4th Mode (III)

Page 138 214 190 204 45 40 226 230 194 404 34 224 208 74 73 51 216 402 215 360 283 193 238 375 231 70 404 55 33 133 71 72 342 293 228 44 66 65 41

9-Note Scales Scale Youlan Chromatic Diatonic Dorian Chromatic Permutated Diatonic Dorian Bebop Chromatic Symmetrical Nonatonic Nonatonic 2 Genus Chromaticum Moorish Phrygian Blues Enneatonic 2 Houseini Blues Enneatonic Messiaen 3rd Mode Kiourdi Full Minor All Flats Lydian Mixolydian Raga Pahadi

Intervals 112111212 111221112 112121121

Notes C C# D E F F# G A Bb C C# D Eb F G G# A Bb C C# D E F G G# A B


112122111 112211211 121111212 121121121 121121211 211111212 211121112 211122111 211211211 212111112 212211111 221112111 221211111

C C# D E F G A Bb B C C# D E F# G G# A# B C C# D# E F F# G A Bb C C# D# E F G G# A B C C# D# E F G G# A# B C D D# E F F# G A Bb C D D# E F G G# A Bb C D D# E F G A Bb B C D D# E F# G G# Bb B C D Eb F F# G G# A Bb C D Eb F G G# A Bb B C D E F F# G A Bb B C D E F G G# A A# B

G Blues Enneatonic 2 (V)

Intervals 1111121211 1112111121 1121111211 1211111112 2111111121 2111112111 2111121111 2111211111 2131131212

Notes C C# D D# E F G G# A# B C C# D Eb F F# G G# A B C C# D E F F# G G# A# B C C# D# E F F# G G# A Bb C D D# E F F# G G# A B C D D# E F F# G A A# B C D D# E F F# G# A Bb B C D D# E F G G# A A# B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F

Mode G# Maqam Shawq Afza (IV)

Intervals 111111111111

Notes C C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B


Bb Blues Enneatonic (II) G Youlan (V)

A Messiaen 3rd Mode (III)

F Blues Enneatonic (VI)

F Blues Enneatonic 2 (VII) G Blues Enneatonic (V) D Kiourdi (IX)

Page 246 174 186 75 407 406 48 209 57 200 56 39 207 132 147 354

10-Note Scales Scale Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi Messiaen 7th Mode Symmetrical Decatonic Maqam Tarzanuyn Maqam Shawq Afza Minor Pentatonic with Leading Tones Messiaen 7th Mode Inverse Major Minor Mixed Algerian

B Messiaen 7th Mode (II) C# Maqam Shawq Afza (X) G Major Minor Mixed (V) A Messiaen 7th Mode (IV)

Page 380 46 50 233 232 188 47 187 399

12-Note Scales Scale Chromatic


Page 35

D. Scales by Chord Major Chords Cmaj7



Major Major Pentatonic Bebop Major Harmonic Major Augmented Major Pentatonic (built on 5th) Ionian Pentatonic Lydian Major Pentatonic (built on 2nd) Lydian #2 Lydian Augmented Augmented Ionian Augmented Double Harmonic

2212221 22323 22121121 2212131 313131 (2) 2 3 2 2 3 41241 2221221 (2) 2 2 3 2 3 3121221 2222121 313131 2213121 1312131


page 9 76 66 167 31 76 86 12 76 28 18 31 25 171

Dorian Aeolian Phrygian Minor Pentatonic Bebop Dorian Bebop Minor Blues Romanian Minor Gypsy Melodic Minor Harmonic Minor Dorian Pentatonic Bebop Melodic Minor Diminished Gypsy Minor Melodic Minor

2122212 2122122 1222122 32232 21112212 2113212 321132 2131212 2131122 2122221 2122131 21423 21221121 21212121 2131131 2122221

C D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C Eb F G Bb C D Eb (E) F G A Bb (don’t emphasize 3rd) C D Eb (E) G A Bb (don’t emphasize 3rd) C Eb F F# G Bb C D Eb F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G Ab Bb C D Eb F G A B C D Eb F G Ab B C D Eb G A C D Eb F G G# A B C D Eb F F# G# A B C D Eb F# G Ab B C D Eb F G A B

page 10 14 11 80 70 69 52 26 195 16 23 81 71 33 198 16

2212212 22122111 321132 22323 32 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2221212 2212122 1312122 12121212 132132 1212222 (1) 2 3 2 2 3 (1) 2 1 4 2 3112212 222222 12121212 2121312 222222 131313

C D E F G A Bb C D E F G A Bb (B) (don’t emphasize 7th) C Eb F F# G Bb CDEGA C D Eb F F# G A Bb C D E F# G A Bb C D E F G Ab Bb C Db E F G Ab Bb C Db Eb E F# G A Bb C Db E F# G Bb C Db Eb E F# G# Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb C# D# E G# Bb C D# E F G A Bb C D E F# G# Ab C Db Eb E F# (G) A Bb (don’t emphasize 5th) C D Eb F Gb A Bb C D E F# G# Ab C Db E F G# A

page 13 65 52 76 55 19 20 27 34 36 22 76 81 64 30 34 53 30 32

Minor Chords Cm7



Dominant Chords C7

C7/#11 C7/b13 C7/b9/b13 C7/b9/#9 C7/b9/#11 C7/b9/#9/b13

C7/#9 C7/b5


Mixolydian Bebop Blues Major Pentatonic Blues Octatonic Lydian Dominant Melodic Major (Hindu) Phrygian Dominant (Jewish) Diminished Half-tone Tritone Altered Dominant Major Pentatonic (built on raised 4th) Dorian Pentatonic (built on minor 2nd) Rock ‘n Roll Whole-tone Diminished Half-tone Blues Heptatonic Whole-tone Inverted Augmented


Suspended Chords Csus7


Mixolydian Bebop Suspended Pentatonic Ritusen Dorian b2

2212212 22122111 23232 23223 1222212

C D (E) F G A Bb (don’t emphasize 3rd) C D (E) F G A Bb (B) (don’t emphasize 3rd and 7th) C D F G Bb CDFDA C Db Eb F G A Bb

page 13 65 77 79 17

1221222 2121222 12211122 32142

C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db Eb F F# G Ab Bb C Eb F Gb Bb

page 15 21 74 85

21212121 12121212 2131212 1212213 2121312

C D Eb F F# G# A B C Db Eb E F# G A Bb C D Eb F# G A Bb C Db Eb E F# G# A C D Eb F Gb A Bb

page 33 34 26 29 53

Half-diminished Chords Cm7/b5

Locrian Half Diminished Bebop Locrian Minor Pentatonic 7 b5

Diminished Chords Cdim7

Diminished Diminished Half-tone Romanian Minor Ultralocrian Blues Heptatonic