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A rendition of the 1974 “0e” Edition of the World’s Most Famous Fantasy Roleplaying Game ~ created by ~



LUKE GEARING ‡‡‡ With elements borrowed from ‘original’ era RPG gaming and modern d20 theory.

THANKS TO Erin Ratliff, Brian Ruiz, Britni Ruiz, Ethan Moore, Nick Ortega, and all the giants of this hobby that we love.



The Rat Hack is a traditional tabletop roleplaying game hack, played with paper, pencils and dice - it uses the 1970’s Original Roleplaying Game as a base. It adds and removes elements to make it a distinct streamlined flavor of the original game.

There are 4 choices. Human, Dwarf, Elf, and Halfling - they determine what class you can take and how many levels you can reach. Most also have special abilities.

ROLLING STATS Stats are generated using 3d6 in the following order: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Wisdom (WIS), Intelligence (INT), Constitution (CON), and Charisma (CHA). Once all stats are generated any two may be swapped around.

THE CORE MECHANIC Everything a character might possibly attempt that could result in failure is resolved by testing attribute stats, in order to successfully test a stat - a player must roll below it. Monsters don’t make tests - a character must avoid their attacks, the only time a monster would roll is for damage.


Humans can be any class, with a maximum level of 12. Dwarves can be Fighters or Clerics with a maximum level of 8, or Thieves with a maximum level of 12. Special Abilities: +4 bonus to saving throws versus magic; able to intuitively notice unusual stonework, traps, and new construction in underground settings; speak languages of dwarves, gnomes, kobolds and goblins; infravision (ability to see in the dark, based on heat). Elves can be Fighter/Magic-Users with a maximum level of 6, or Thieves with a maximum level of 12.

A DM may decide that a particular course of action or task has a higher or lower chance of success. They will ask a player to roll an additional d20 when making a test - with advantage the lower result is used and with disadvantage, the higher.

SAVING THROWS This game ignores these and has the player roll attribute tests when a creature must make a save or a spell, trap or effect would invoke a save - using the below as a guide. Remember the advice in the Powerful Creatures section. STR Physical Harm that cannot be dodged. INT Resisting Spells and Magic.

There is no reason that a player couldn’t play virtually any other type of creature that they choose, provided the character starts out rather weak and get stronger over time, subject to DM approval.

DEX Physical Harm that can be dodged. WIS

CON Poison, Disease, or Death. CHA

Deception and Illusions.

Charming effects.

Special Abilities: May choose to advance simultaneously as a Fighter and a MagicUsers and increase in level for both classes at the same time, needing the combined Experience Points for each to advance in level (e.g. 5000 to reach level 2); +2 to hit and damage goblins and orcs; can always notice secret/hidden doors; speak languages of elves, orcs, hobgoblins, and gnolls. Halflings can be Fighters with a maximum level of 6 or Thieves with a maximum level of 12. Special Abilities: +4 bonus to saving throws versus magic; +2 to hit and damage with slings and light bows; can nearly-completely blend into background with a Stealth check– this is an extraordinary ability above and beyond simply hiding in cover, which anyone can attempt to do.

CHOOSE A CLASS There are again 4 choices. Fighter, Thief, Cleric, Magic-User - they determine how much damage you do and your Hit Points.

FIGHTER Base Hit Die: d10 Weapons & Armor: Any and All Attack Damage: 1d8 (1d6 Improvising)



SPECIAL FEATURES Once per hour, whilst in combat a Fighter can regain d8 lost HP. As part of their action a Fighter can make 1 attack per level (every additional attack must be on an equal or lower HD creature than the last) up to a maximum of 5 attacks per action. Fighters have a 40% Literacy rate. LEVEL TITLE 1 Warrior 2 Soldier 3 Veteran 4 Sergeant 5 Marauder 6 Captain 7 Legionnaire 8 Champion 9 Lord/Lady 10 Lord/Lady, 10th 11 Lord/Lady, 11th 12 Lord/Lady, 12th

HD EXPERIENCE 1d10+1 2d10 2,000 3d10 4,000 4d10 8,000 5d10 16,000 5d10+1 48,000 5d10+2 80,000 5d10+3 112,000 5d10+4 144,000 5d10+5 176000 5d10+6 208,000 5d10+7 240,000

THIEF Base Hit Die: d6 Weapons & Armor: One-Handed Swords, All Bows, Daggers, Gambeson, Leather, Small Shields Attack Damage: 1d6 (1d4 Unarmed or Improvising)

SPECIAL FEATURES Use their full DEX score for their Stealth Rolls with advantage when attacking from stealth and deals 2 dice of damage. Rolls with advantage when performing delicate tasks, climbing, hearing sounds, deciphering written languages (if literate), and opening locks. Thieves have a 30% Literacy rate. LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TITLE Helper Apprentice Knave Pickpocket Robber Burglar Cutpurse Pilferer Thief Master Thief Master Thief, 11th Master Thief, 12th

HD 1d6+1 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 5d6+1 5d6+2 5d6+3 5d6+4 5d6+5 5d6+6 5d6+7

EXPERIENCE 1,200 2,400 4,800 9,600 28,800 48,000 67,200 86,400 105,600 124,800 144,000

CLERIC Base Hit Die: d6 Weapons & Armor: All Blunt Weapons, Gambeson, Leather, Chainmail, All Shields. Attack Damage: 1d6 (1d4 Unarmed or Improvising)

SPECIAL FEATURES Roll with advantage when testing Constitution to avoid damage from poison or being paralyzed. A Cleric can spend an action to banish all Nearby undead by testing their Wisdom and adding the creatures Hit Dice as a penalty to the roll.

DIVINE SPELLCASTING They can remember a certain number of spells per day based on level. Does not need to choose which spells they cast that day, and may cast any spell they are able to at any time.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Page Acolyte Petitioner Diviner Minister Prelate Hierophant Ecclesiast Priest/Priestess High Priest/Priestess High Priest/Priestess, 11th High Priest/Priestess, 12th

1d6+1 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 5d6+1 5d6+2 5d6+3 5d6+4 5d6+5 5d6+6 5d6+7

Clerics have a 60% Literacy rate. SPELLS BY LEVEL EXPERIENCE 1 2 3 4 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 60,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 220,000 260,000 300,000

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4

1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4

1 2 2 3 3 4 4

1 1 2 2 3 3 4

5 1 2 2 3 3 4

MAGIC-USER Base Hit Die: d4 Weapons & Armor: Gambeson, Light OneHanded Weapons, and Staffs. Attack Damage: 1d4 (1 point Unarmed or Improvising)

SPECIAL FEATURES Roll with advantage when testing Intelligence to avoid damage or effects from spells or magical devices.

ARCANE SPELLCASTING They can remember a certain number of spells per day based on level. Magic users must choose which spells they are going to cast each day by studying for one hour. They may only choose from the spells in their spellbook. Magic-Users have an 80% Literacy rate.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Adept Augur Conjurer Beguiler Invoker Theurgist Warlock Magister Mage Archmage Archmage, 11th Archmage, 12th

1d4+1 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 5d4+1 5d4+2 5d4+3 5d4+4 5d4+5 5d4+6 5d4+7

3,000 6,000 12000 24,000 72,000 120,000 168,000 216,000 264,000 312,000 360,000

BUY EQUIPMENT Every new character starts with 3d6 x 10 silver coins to buy their equipment with. They also start with a set of poor-quality clothes and a one handed weapon allowed by their class. Magic-Users also get a book of spells, and Clerics get a holy symbol of their faith.

ARMOR Armor acts as a damage soak. The die size listed is the amount of damage absorbed by the armor. Every time armor absorbs a full die of damage, roll under 10 on a d20 or it degrades, protecting at one level less.







1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4

1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4

1 2 2 3 3 4

1 2 3 4


TYPE Gambeson Leather Chain Mail Plate & Mail Small Shield Large Shield

RESISTANCE 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 +1 +2

Magical Armor adds a point for every +1 it has. So Chainmail +2 would give a character 1d8+2 points of resistance. Monsters have 1 point of armor for every HD above 1, to figure this out quickly simply -1 from their HD They can also carry shields (All to a maximum of 10).

EQUIPMENT LIST TOOLS Spade/Shovel Hammer Pickaxe Net Pole, 10 ft Crowbar

PRICE ¼ silver 2 silver 1 silver 2 silver 1 silver 1 ½ silver

HORSES Draft Horse Riding Horse War Horse

PRICE 15 silver 100 silver 600 silver

FOOD & DRINK USAGE DIE PRICE Ale, per gallon d6 ½ silver Wine, per gallon d6 2 silver Dry Fruit, per pound d6 1 silver Dried Meat, per pound d6 2 silver Bread, per 2 loaves d6 ¼ silver Eggs, 2 dozen d6 ¼ silver Cheese, per pound d6 ¼ silver Unpreserved food spoils in d6 days LIGHT & FUEL Pint of Oil Lantern Windproof Lantern Torch Candle, 1 pound ANIMALS Dog Cow Goat Sheep Pig Chicken Goose

USAGE DIE d8 +1 to roll d6 d4 HD 1d6 1d10 1d4 1d4 1d4 0 (1 hp) 0 (1 hp)

CLOTHES Landless Serf’s Clothes Landed Yeoman’s Clothes Noble’s Clothes ARMOR Gambeson Leather Chain Mail Plate & Mail Small Shield Large Shield

PRICE 15s 100s 150s 300s 30s 60s

PRICE 1 silver 12 silver 18 silver ½ silver ¼ silver

PRICE 5 silver, 0r more 7 silver 4 silver 2 silver 3 silver ¼ silver 1 ½ silver PRICE 1 ½ silver 4 silver 15 silver, 0r more RESISTANCE 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 +1 +2

WEAPON Dagger Long Sword Great Sword Hatchet Battle Axe Great Axe Club Mace Warhammer Spear Billhook Halberd Sling Bullets, 12 Bow Arrow, 1 Crossbow Quarrel, 1 Silver Weapon

PRICE ½ silver 1 silver 20 silver 3 silver 11 silver 30 silver ¼ silver 5 silver 15 silver 1 silver 3 silver 6 silver 1 silver ¼ silver 10 silver 1 silver 20 silver 2 silver x10

MISCELLANEOUS Inn Room /night Tent, 1 person Backpack Sack Water Skin Tinder & Flint Chain, 50 feet Rope, 50 feet Iron Spike Barrel

PRICE 1 silver 5 silver 2 silver ¼ silver ½ silver 1 silver 50 silver 15 silver 1 silver ½ silver


5 silver

Brass Pot

3 silver

Caltrops, sack

6 silver

Lockpick Meat Hook Mirror Chalk, ½ pound Holy Symbol Holy Water

1 silver 2 silver 5 silver ¼ silver 25 silver 1 silver

HIRED HELP Mercenary Guide Ferry Ride Hireling Laborer Torchbearer

NOTES short long, halfsword short long short, always poor -1 to enemy armor long, set, reach long, set long, reach always poor -1 to enemy armor 1 round to reload counts as magical NOTES carry 3 more carry 1 more 5 encumbrance, carry 1000 coins slows movement, 1 damage +2 to banishing d10 vs undead

PRICE 1 silver / day ½ silver / night ½ silver / horse & rider per day ½ share of treasure ½ silver / day, does not fight ¼ silver / day



Armor and weapons come in 3 varieties: Poor, Normal, and Good. Poor equipment rerolls any maximum rolls. Normal equipment just rolls once. Good equipment rerolls minimum rolls.

Stealth works like a stat in that characters roll under it do perform stealthy actions, like sneaking up on an enemy. Stealth for every character, except Thieves, is equal to one-half their DEX score.

The prices listed assume poor equipment. 1.5x for Normal, 3x for Good.


If a character wears armor that is not listed in their class, they add their total Armor points (despite how many they have used) as a penalty to any rolls to Attack or Avoid Damage.

All character races speak the Common tongue. Each class also has a chance of being literate. Other intelligent beings speak their own languages (20% chance of also speaking Common). Beings with an INT over 10 may speak one additional language per point of INT over 10. They have a chance of being literate in these languages also.




Short weapons are, at most, slightly longer than your forearm. They are excellent for fighting in tight spaces, and grant a +1 stat bonus on initiative rolls. Long weapons attack at disadvantage in close quarters. Spear-like weapons do not suffer this penalty, and can be set to receive a charge, automatically dealing damage to an enemy charging someone in such a stance.

There are 2 important types of tracked time Moments (rounds) and Minutes (turns). Moments are used during combat and scenes of danger and Minutes are used when exploring or adventuring.


Weapons with reach can be used to attack without engaging in direct combat, such as from the second rank.

During a players turn a character may move and perform an action. They could attack, look for a clue, talk with an NPC, cast a spell - anything the character does to interact with the world is an action.

Weapons with halfsword can be wielded in a shortened form, dealing one die-size less damage but can be used in awkward conditions.


“GOOD-AT” SKILL SYSTEM At character creation, roll 1d4+1 for the number of skills your character starts with. These are specific skills or trades your character is particularly knowledgeable in. They can be anything your DM allows, but make sure they are specific, i.e. carpentry or religious lore. Skills should not be useful in combat; use stat checks for that. Roll with advantage when attempting tasks relevant to these skills.

ALIGNMENT Lawful folk believe the universe is governed by orderly purpose, and that justice is among the most important values. Chaotic individuals believe that the universe is guided by blind entropy and randomness. 99% of normal people fall between these extremes and are Neutral.

When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted into an order so they each get to act and react in turn. First the DM will determine which sides, if any, are surprised. At the beginning of an encounter, roll 1d6 for each side. On a roll of 1 or 2 a side is surprised and may not act at all in the first round. For initiative order, every character tests their WIS; those that succeed take their turn before their opponents, and they must then act as a group – deciding their own order for actions. Those that fail their WIS tests go after their opponents.

MOVEMENT & DISTANCE This game uses 4 abstract ranges for measuring distances. Close, Nearby, Far-Away, and Distant. On their turn every character can move into Nearby range as part of an action, performing that action at any stage of the move. They can forgo their action and move somewhere Far-Away instead. Anything beyond Far-Away can be classified as Distant. Use the following as a guide: CLOSE 0 – 5ft

NEARBY 5 – 60ft

FAR AWAY 60 – 120ft

ATTACKING & DEFENDING When a character attacks a creature they must roll below their STR stat for a Melee Attack or DEX for a Ranged attack. Likewise when a creature attacks, the character must roll below its DEX to avoid taking damage The damage an attack deals is based on the adventurer’s class or the number of HD a monster has. Fighters deal 1d8 if they have a weapon, 1d6 if they are improvising or unarmed. Thieves and Clerics deal 1d6 if they have a weapon, 1d4 if they are improvising or unarmed. Magic-Users deal 1d4 if they have a weapon, and 1 point if they are improvising or unarmed. Monsters deal damage based on their HD (refer to the table below). MONSTER HD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

DAMAGE d4 d6 2d4 d10 d12 2d6 + 1 2d8 2d8 + 1 3d6 3d6 + 1

POWERFUL MONSTERS For every HD above the characters level, add +1 to every roll the player makes for attacks, defense, and spells - any attribute test that would impact the monster in any way.

A level 3 character defending against a HD 5 monsters attack would add +2 to their roll.

DEATH & DYING Avoid fights. They're messy and people die. Also, getting hurt makes adventuring a lot harder. At ½ HP, you take a -2 on all actions from pain, and -1 to damage rolls. At 0 HP, you are unconscious and dying. One body part has been severely damaged or destroyed, and you will require medical attention to stabilize. If unattended for 5 rounds, you die. If you recover, roll on the table below. At -3 HP you are completely dead. ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

DAMAGED BODY PART Foot - Lose 1 Dexterity Knee - Lose 1 Dexterity Thigh - Lose 1 Strength Groin - Lose 1 Charisma Stomach - Lose 1 Constitution Chest - Lose 1 Constitution Hand - Lose 1 Dexterity Arm - Lose 1 Strength Shoulder - Lose 1 Strength Throat - Lose 1 Constitution Face - Lose 1 Charisma Skull - Lose 1 Intelligence

Recovering the corpse of an ally allows their XP to be purchased in a silver-for-XP conversion. Money is spent on a funeral for the character. This XP is divided among surviving characters.

CRITICAL HITS If a player making an attack rolls a 1, they double the result of the damage dice they roll. If they roll a 20 when avoiding an attack, they take double damage. Armor is used as per normal.

HEALING Characters can gain Hit Points from Spells, Potions, and Abilities. They can never gain more than their maximum - and can never go below zero either. When healing a character who is out-of-action, just start at zero and count up. That character is now back on their feet and no-longer out-of-action.



Once per day whilst resting a character may also roll a Hit Die associated with their class and regain that many Hit Points.


When a character levels up, they may increase their maximum Hit Points by rolling all of their Hit Dice as indicated on the table for their class. If the result is higher than their previous total, they may keep it, otherwise they keep their old total.

The only XP gain for characters is from treasure and Expenditure (covered below). Use the value of all treasure recovered from dangerous locations and returned to civilization to determine total XP value, and then divide this between all surviving characters.

Also, a player will pick any one stat and add a single point to it, not to exceed a total of 20 in any stat. If they choose, they may also take a new skill instead of a stat point, though they must have some way of learning the skill, which requires taking time away from adventuring.



Characters gain 1 experience point for every silver coin-worth of loot extracted from tombs and such and brought back to civilization.

EXPENDITURE After gain experience from bringing in treasure, characters can risk their hard-earned coin attempting to gain more. Expenditure is spending lots of money on activities not immediately useful. There are two varieties - Carousing and Research. Carousing is a big night on the town. The players should describe what they plan to get up to (drinking, whores, tattoos, drugs, etc.). In a village, you can spend d8 x 100 silver, and gain that much XP. Roll under your Constitution +2 to avoid consequences. In a town, you can spend d10 x100 silver, and gain that much XP. Roll under constitution to avoid consequences. In a city, you can spend d20 x100 silver, and gain that much XP. You'll always suffer consequences. Research is a less effective manner of gaining XP, but lacks consequences and has a small chance of being useful. It requires the character have access to a library. Spend d10 x 100 silver, and gain ½ of this amount spent as XP. Every 100 silver spent is a 5% chance to learn something useful. Before the next delve, roll below the total percentage to gain a question to be asked the DM. This question must be answered truthfully, but must also be something reasonably learnt whilst researching.

The DM should roll a d4 every 10 minutes of real world play (you are paying attention, right?) If the result is a 1-2 then the players will encounter a randomly generated creature or distraction the following turn.

CREATURE REACTIONS Some monsters and NPC’s will have predetermined personalities and goals that will guide a DM when choosing their actions and feeling towards the characters. Those that do not, such as randomly encountered creatures should roll 2d6 on the following: ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

REACTION Hostile. Will attempt to destroy the PC’s. Hostile. Call for Reinforcements. Hostile. Capture the PC’s. Hostile. Trick the PC’s (roll again). Uncertain. Avoid the PC’s entirely. Uncertain. Avoid eye contact. Uncertain. Beasts will flee then roll again. Friendly. Mistake the PC’s for friends. Friendly. Trade with the PC’s. Friendly. Give the PC’s aid. Friendly. Enthusiastic loyalty to the PC’s.

BANISHING UNDEAD Clerics can attempt to banish all Nearby undead as an action. They must successfully test their Wisdom for each creature they are attempting to banish, adding the creatures HD as a penalty to the roll. Undead monsters that are banished by Clerics must spend all their movement (and convert actions to movement) to move away from the Cleric for 2d4 Moments after being banished.



Any item listed in the equipment section that has a usage die is considered a consumable, limited item. When that item is used the next turn its usage die is rolled. If the roll is 1-2 then the die is downgraded the next lower die in the following chain.

A character can carry a number of items equal to their STR with no issues. Carrying over this amount means they are encumbered and all attribute tests are taken with disadvantage - you can also only ever move to somewhere Nearby. They simply cannot carry more than their STR plus their CON.

D20 > D12 > D10 > D8 > D6 > D4 When you roll a 1-2 on a d4 the item is expended and the character has no more of it left.

SPELL LISTS ARCANE (MAGIC-USER) SPELLS Unless stated otherwise in the spell description, spells have duration of the caster’s level in minutes and a range of “Nearby”. 1ST LEVEL Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within Nearby distance. Protection from Evil (Reversible): +2 to Armor and saves, counter mind control, repels evil spells and enchanted creatures. Affects one target.

No item drops below its base weight of 1. Gambesons and small shields weigh 1, leather and large shields weigh 2, chain mail weighs 3, and plate and mail weighs 4. Phantasmal Forces: Vivid illusions of nearly anything the caster envisions, lasts as long at the caster concentrates (WIS check each minute). Damage caused is real if target believes illusion (target gets WIS save). Locate Object: Sense the direction toward an object (specific or type of object) Duration is caster’s level x 10 minutes. Range is caster’s level in miles. Invisibility: Subject is invisible until broken by caster, some outside force, or until the subject attacks.

Hold Portal: Holds door shut. STR check at disadvantage to open. Permanent until dispelled.

Wizard Lock: Locks door like Hold Portal. Permanent until dispelled. Knock opens without dispelling. Caster can pass through without lifting spell.

Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks without activating spell.

ESP: Allows Caster to read surfaces thoughts of target. Target gets a WIS save.

Read Languages: Read any written language.

Continual Light: Object lights circle with a faraway radius until dispelled, but dimly.

Light: Object lights up all Nearby radius, but dimly. Charm Person: Puts one living humanoid totally under your influence. Target makes a save every few days equal to caster’s level or when asked to do something very obviously against the person's interest. Sleep: Puts 4d6 HD of beings into magical slumber. Creatures with more than 4 hit dice are not affected. Duration is caster’s level x 10 minutes. 2ND LEVEL Detect Invisible: Detect invisible items and beings Nearby. Levitate: Subject moves up and down at your discretion at about walking speed.

Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door or other door-like barrier. 3RD LEVEL Fly: Subject can fly slowly at a speed of Nearbyrange each minute. Hold Person: Paralyzes up to 4 close targets for 1 minute/level. If cast at single target, they save at -2 and take double the duration. Dispel Magic: Cancels magic effects and spells. Caster makes an INT check. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Range is close. (Any prepared spell can be turned into Dispel Magic and cast as a reaction to enemy magic.)

Clairvoyance: See at a distance of caster’s level x10 miles away for 1 minute per level.

cannot act effectively for 6 minutes +1 minute per caster level.

Clairaudience: Hear at a distance of caster’s level x10 miles away for 1 minute per level.

Charm Monster: Makes one monster of 3+ hit dice (or 3d6 monsters of less than 3 hit dice) believe they are the caster's strong ally. Monsters make WIS Save again every few days equal to caster’s level or when asked to do something obviously against the being's interest.

Fire Ball: 1d6 per level of fire damage to one target and anything in close range. Range is far away, and Duration is instant. In confined spaces, damages everything in Nearby range. Lightning Bolt: 1d6 per level electrical damage, Range is very far, Duration is instant. Invisibility, Greater: As Invisibility, but affects subject and those within 10”. Infravision: See in the dark. Slow Spell: Subjects (up 24 beings Nearby) slowed by 50%. (Counters Haste) Haste Spell: Subjects (up 24 beings Nearby) double in speed, taking two actions at a time. (Counters Slow) Protection from Normal Missiles: Nonmagical thrown and missile weapons automatically miss. Water Breathing: Subject can breathe water for 10 minutes per caster’s level 4TH LEVEL Polymorph Self: Change self to form of another being, does not get special powers but retains own intelligence. Lasts 60 minutes, +10 minutes per level.

Plant Growth: Plants in the Nearby area become overgrown and nearly impassable (STR check to move more than a few feet). Lasts until dispelled or plants killed. Dimension Door: Teleports subject a short distance (20 feet per caster’s level). Duration is instant. Wizard Eye: Allows sending an invisible eye up to 250 feet away which relays all it sees to the caster. Moves up to 10 feet/level each minute. Duration is 5 minutes/level. Massmorph: Makes large body of humanoids appear to be trees until dispelled or negated by caster. Creatures may move and still appear to be trees. Hallucinatory Terrain: Makes one type of terrain appear like another type until dispelled or area entered by an opponent. 5TH LEVEL Teleport: Instantly transports subject up to 100 miles per caster’s level. Caster must know target location exactly.

Polymorph Others: Change another into another being. Change is complete and includes gaining special abilities and mind of creature. Lasts until dispelled.

Hold Monster: As Hold Person, but any creature.

Remove Curse: Frees subject from a curse. Duration is instant but effects permanent.

Telekinesis: Moves object by mental power. Up to caster’s level squared in pounds.

Wall of Fire: 60ft long and 3ft wide. Deals 2d4 fire damage to those in 10ft of it. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1 per caster’s level. Wall lasts as long as caster concentrates on it (WIS check each minute).

Transmute Rock to Mud: Transforms a 10 foot cube per caster’s level. Duration is permanent.

Wall of Ice: Creates wall of ice with 15 HP +1 per caster’s level. Wall lasts as long as caster concentrates on it (WIS check each minute). Confusion: Subjects (up to 2d6 hit dice, only 4+ HD get to make a WIS save) behave oddly and

Conjure Elemental: Conjures one elemental who will serve the caster for up to 10 minutes per level.

Wall of Stone: Creates a wall of stone in any shape. Nearby length, and about 2 feet thick per caster level. Lasts until destroyed or dispelled. 1d100hp per foot of thickness. Wall of Iron: creates a thin wall of iron, about ½ inch thick per caster level. Lasts 10 minutes per level. 1d100hp per inch of thickness.

Animate Dead: Create undead skeletons or zombies from dead bodies. 1 per level. Magic Jar: Moves cast's spirit/mind to a fixed object from which caster can try to possess others (INT check). Subject gets new save (WIS) every few days (caster’s level). Duration is until dispelled or caster ends spell. Contact Higher Plane: Lets Caster ask yes/no question of other planar entity, 1 question per caster level. Chance of correct answer 5% per level, maximum 95%.

Invisible Stalker: Summons an invisible stalker, an extra-dimensional monster, under the control of the Magic-User who may give it a single mission which it will carry out until it is finished. Lower Water: Lowers bodies of water 50%. Part Water: Parts bodies of water up to 5 feet/level deep. Projected Image: Project an image of yourself that can sense and talk as if you were the image. Range is 240 feet. Lasts 10 minutes/level. Other spells cast come from the image.

Pass-Wall: Creates a passage up to 10 + 1 per level feet long through a wood or stone wall.

Anti-Magic Shell: Negates magic within 10 ft.

Cloudkill: creates a moving, poisonous cloud of vapor which is deadly to all creatures with less than five hit dice. 30 feet in diameter. Moves with wind.

Death Spell: Kills 2d8 beings with less than 7 hit dice in the Nearby area. Duration is instant but effect permanent.

Feeblemind: Subject's INT drops to 1.

Geas: Force a creature to obey one long-term order. Duration is until order completed or level months pass, whichever comes first.

Animal Growth: One animal per two levels grows to giant size. Lasts 1 minute/level. 6TH LEVEL

Disintegrate: Makes one creature or non-magical object vanish, turning it to fine dust.

Stone to Flesh: Turns subject into a stone statue (or vice versa). Duration is permanent.

Move Earth: Move small hills, dig ditches and moats, etc.

Reincarnation: Restores dead person to life in a random (usually humanoid) form.

Control Weather: Caster can adjust weather.

DIVINE (CLERIC) SPELLS Unless stated otherwise in the spell description, spells have duration of the caster’s level in minutes and a range of “Nearby”. 1ST LEVEL Cure Light Wounds (Reversible): Heal 1d6 hit points, +1 per caster level. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Purify Food & Water (Reversible): Purifies 3 meals-worth of food and drink per level, free of poison or disease. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items Nearby. Detect Demons (Reversible): Reveals demonic presence or items. Protection from Evil (Reversible): +2 to Armor and saves, counter mind control, repels evil spells and enchanted creatures. Affects one target. Light (Reversible): Object lights circle with 30ft radius, full daylight. 2ND LEVEL Find Traps: Notice traps within 5ft/level. Hold Person: Paralyzes up to 4 close targets for 1 minute/level. If cast at single target, they save at -2 and take double the duration.

Continual Light (Reversible): Object lights circle with very far radius, full daylight. 4TH LEVEL Neutralize Poison (Reversible): Immunizes subject against poison (normal duration) OR detoxifies venom in or on subject (instant but effects permanent). Cure Serious Wounds (Reversible): Cures 2d6 hit points, +2 per caster level. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Protection from Evil, Greater (Reversible): As Protection from Evil, but within 10 foot circle around subject. Turn Sticks to Snakes: Turns up to caster’s level in sticks into venomous serpents. (Bite: points of damage equal to caster’s level. Attack: as a monster of ½ the caster’s HD). Speak with Plants: Can understand and speak with plants. Create Water: Creates water, enough for up to 12 people and their horses for one day. Duration is instant but effects permanent. 5TH LEVEL Dispel Evil (Reversible): Works like Dispel Magic, but affects any evil sending or spell. Duration is instant but effects permanent.

Bless (Reversible): Allies gain advantage on attack rolls, saves against fear, and morale checks.

Raise Dead (Reversible): Restores life to subject who died as long as one day per caster’s level ago. Duration is instant but effects permanent.

Speak with Animals: Can understand and speak with animals.

Commune: Cleric's deity truthfully answers one yes-or-no question per level.

3RD LEVEL Remove Curse (Reversible): Frees subject from a curse. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Cure Disease (Reversible): Cures any disease. Duration is instant but effects permanent. Locate Object: Sense the direction toward an object (specific or type of object) Duration is caster’s level x 10 minutes. Range is caster’s level in miles.

Quest: See Geas. Insect Plague: Locust swarms attack creatures. Create Food: Creates food, enough for up to 12 people and their horses for one day. Duration is instant but effects permanent.

MAGIC-USER SPELLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

FIRST LEVEL SPELLS Charm Person Detect Magic Hold Portal Light Protection from Evil* Read Languages Read Magic Sleep

SECOND LEVEL SPELLS Continual Light Detect Evil* Detect Invisible ESP Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Phantasmal Forces Wizard Lock

FOURTH LEVEL SPELLS Charm Monster Confusion Dimension Door Hallucinatory Terrain Massmorph Plant Growth Polymorph Others Polymorph Self Remove Curse Wall of Fire Wall of Ice Wizard Eye

FIFTH LEVEL SPELLS Animal Growth Animate Dead Cloudkill Conjure Elemental Contact Higher Plane Feeblemind Hold Monster Magic Jar Pass-Wall Telekinesis Teleport Transmute Rock to Mud Wall of Iron Wall of Stone

THIRD LEVEL SPELLS Clairaudience Clairvoyance Dispel magic Fire Ball Fly Haste Spell Hold Person Infravision Invisibility, Close Radius Lightning Bolt Protection from Evil, Greater Protection from Normal Missiles Slow Spell Water Breathing SIXTH LEVEL SPELLS Anti-Magic Shell Control Weather Death Spell Disintegrate Geas Invisible Stalker Lower Water Move Earth Part Water Projected Image Reincarnation Stone to Flesh*

CLERIC SPELLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

FIRST LEVEL SPELLS SECOND LEVEL SPELLS Cure Light Wounds* Bless* Purify Food & Water* Find Traps Detect Magic Hold Person Detect Evil* Speak with Animals Protection from Evil* Light* FOURTH LEVEL SPELLS Create Water Cure Serious Wounds* Neutralize Poison* Protection From Chaos, Greater Speak with Plants Turn Sticks to Snakes

*Spell is reversible

THIRD LEVEL SPELLS Continual Light* Cure Disease* Locate Object Remove Curse* FIFTH LEVEL SPELLS Commune Create Food Dispel Evil* Insect Plague Quest Raise Dead*


EVENT Roll d6: 1-4 lose your mount to thievery, gambling, or negligence, 5 gain a horse, 6 gain an exotic mount, such as a camel or riding bird.


Shanghaied. Wake up on a pirate ship that's already set sail, or in the back of a slaver's wagon.


You saved someone’s life, or they were really impressed with your toasts! Roll a 1d6 to see how relatively important your new friend is.


You insulted a noble, or hit on the wrong girl. Roll a 1d6 to see how important your new enemy is.


You gain 1d6 x 100 silver in a risky venture.

6 7

You lose 1d6 x 100 silver in a risky venture. If you do not have enough money on you, the debt is doubled and you may face jail time. Wake up in bed with someone. Roll d6: 1 servant, 2 dead prostitute, 3 someone very attractive, 4 random other PC, 5 important local NPC, 6 1d4 halflings.


Public Fool. You'll be mocked as long as you stay here. Maybe you kissed a donkey or something.


Arrested. Facing 1d6 weeks of jail time, unless a bribe is paid (~1d6 x 100g, discreetly).


Wounded in an accident. Roll on the Damaged Body Part table.


Unusual gift! d6: 1 baby, 2 taxidermied horse, 3 slave, 4 pet cat, 5 obviously cursed item, 6 tavern.


Good reputation. You'll be welcomed in most places around here. People seem to know you, even though you have no memory of them


Wanted for crimes. 50% chance you were framed. Penalties as Arrested entry (above).


Fall in love. Describe them to the DM. If you make a Charisma check, it's mutual.


Combat. D3: 1 barfight vs 1d6 drunkards in a free-for-all, 2 1d4 thieves in a dark alley, 3 illegal cage fight vs level 1d6 opponent.


Robbery. Lose all carried money.


Disease. Probably unprotected sex. Roll a Con check to avoid it, and roll a d6 to see how severe it is. 1 = cold, 6 = plague.


You seem to have joined some sort of secret society and/or cult. Roll a 1d6 to see how evil they are.


New Tattoo. Exact design is decided by a random player around the table (including the DM).


Fire. You accidentally burn down either the tavern or the most important building in town (50% each). 50% chance everyone knows you did it, 50& chance only you know.
















MAX HP (Half)








EQUIPMENT (Location)







































