The Hermetic Magick of the Great Magus Franz Bardon

THE HERMETIC MAGICK OF THE GREAT MAGUS FRANZ BARDON Franz Bardon defines all Universal Manifestation through two distin

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FRANZ BARDON Franz Bardon defines all Universal Manifestation through two distinctions, Mysticism & Magick. Mysticism is the Non-Dualistic Seat of Consciousness, the Central Unchanging Axis of Being of the Universe. Magick, according to Bardon, is EVERYTING ELSE, mathematics, astronomy, physics, metaphysics, art, literature, mythology, politics, and on and on! It is the Art, Science and Mastery of the Dualistic Manifestation of the Mind Field. Mastery of the Mind leads to Mastery of the Mind Field, to Mastery of the Self, to the Mystical Seat of Non-Dualistic Consciousness. It is the Gradual Path of the Zen Masters, toward Perfect Full Enlightenment. Franz Bardon is our Millennium Pick as representing the most complete, concise, and direct system of Magical Mastery. No one will find Bardon trivial or misleading, requiring absolute application and proof of principles at every step of training. The intellectual mind will find the clearest presentation of the Laws of The Subtle Planes. There are many serious minded individuals interested in the development of their fullest human potential, many of those individuals stay far removed from the realm of Magick thinking it confusing, impossible, inane, or worse. This is not surprising considering the piles of rubbish and nonsense presented in this field by some of the New Age Movement, and the negative preconceptions and fear developed through thousands of years of persecution by mainstream socialization and the church. This in no way, however confirms these misconceptions of the masses, for the field of Hermetic Magick, tracing its roots to Ancient Egypt, and its applications to the mysterious field of Alchemy, represents the most complete System of Yoga ever developed in the Western World. Many individuals wrongly believe that the west has no Yogic tradition, but it is merely that this tradition has been disguised in the cloak of Symbolism and Mystery. Hermetic Magic, particularly as presented by Franz Bardon, is a magnificent illustration of the Universal System of Initiation and Mastery of Consciousness. Bardon has the consideration, however, to remove the cloaks and veils, and present the System Logically and Systematically. Everything the Seeker needs to develop Oneself through the rigorous Mastery of One's Own Mind, and to develop it to its Fullest Potential is contained in this Profound set of works. About the Author Franz Bardon was born on December 1, 1909, in Katherein, near Opava in the present-day Czech Republic. He died on July 10, 1958, in Brno, also in the Czech Republic. He attended public school in Opava, and after that apprenticed as a mechanic.

The special nature of this work required serious consideration before the original German publisher, Rueggeberg Verlag, published it under the name of Franz Bardon; the importance of the subject matter finally decided the issue. To pay tribute to truth, Rueggeberg Verlag did not wish to conceal from the reader the fact that, in actuality, Franz Bardon supplied only the framework of facts for this book. Pressed for time, he left its entire completion and embellishment to his secretary, Otti Votavova. Unfortunately, Bardon's posthumous manuscript was not ready for print, and therefore Rueggeberg Verlag had to revise it. Rueggeberg Verlag would like to pass on some of the information which, according to Otti Votavova, she received directly from Franz Bardon. According to her, Adolf Hitler was a member of a 99 Lodge. Besides this, Hitler and some of his confidants were members of the Thule Order, which was simply the external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians which used the members of the Thule Order for their own purposes. Hitler also employed a number of doubles on various occasions as camouflage. Franz Bardon was brought to the Nazis' attention through the negligence of his student and friend, Wilhelm Quintscher (Rah Omir Quintscher). Quintscher had not destroyed his correspondence with Bardon, although he had been asked by Bardon to do so; that is how the National Socialists became aware of him. While they were being flogged, Quintscher lost his self-control and uttered a Kabbalistic formula, whereupon the torturers were immediately paralyzed. When he later neutralized the effect of the formula, he was shot in revenge. Franz Bardon was offered high positions in the Third Reich by Adolf Hitler, but only in exchange for his help in winning the war with his magical abilities. Furthermore, Franz Bardon was expected to reveal to Hitler the location of the other 98 lodges throughout the world. When he refused to help, he was exposed to the cruelest torture. Among other things, they performed surgery on him without anesthetizing him. They forged iron rings around his ankles and fixed heavy iron balls to them. Franz Bardon shared the fate of his fellow prisoners in Nazi concentration camps for three and a half years. In 1945, shortly before the war ended, he was sentenced to death. However, before the sentence could be carried out the prison in which he was being held was bombed. He was rescued from the heavily damaged building by some Russian fellow prisoners and succeeded in hiding from the police in his native country until the end of the war. He then worked his way back to his home town. After the war, Franz Bardon used his magical abilities to determine that Adolf Hitler had escaped abroad, and that he had undergone a number of surgical operations on his face so as not to be recognized.

The photographs of Hermes Trismegistos, Lao-tse, Mahum Tah-Ta and Shambalah presented in this volume were first painted by a mediumistic artist from the magic mirror of Franz Bardon. This is the end of Otti Votavova's recital of facts. In the many years of Dieter Rueggeberg's acquaintance with her, he was able to convince himself of her love of truth. In his book The Practice of Magical Evocation, Franz Bardon has written in some detail concerning the fact that certain disadvantages must always be taken into account when any kind of pact is made. Anyone who has thoroughly studied the occult sciences will not find it difficult to judge lodges, orders, sects and groups. One should always be on one's utmost guard wherever money or oaths are demanded in exchange for spiritual instruction, and wherever the secrets are kept by the higher degrees and concealed from the lower ones. Evidence regarding the events related in this book will be reserved for people trained and developed in magic. Humankind will have to resign itself to the fact that a great deal of evidence concerning the workings of our cosmos can only be furnished through spiritual means. In 1924, the spirit of a high Hermetic adept entered the body of a fourteenyear-old child named Franz Bardon, destined to become one of the most remarkable magicians of the twentieth century. Though he maintained a normal life as an industrial mechanic and family man in the Czech town of Opava, his other, occult life was full of attainment and tragedy. During the last years of World War II, Franz Bardon spent three and a half years in a concentration camp. After the war, he practiced as a Naturopath and Graphologist and devoted himself to the teaching of Hermeticism and the writing of his books. His work was interrupted forever in 1958, when he was arrested during one of Czechoslovakia's notorious Communist purges. He was falsely accused of not paying taxes on alcohol used in the preparation of spagyric remedies; he was further accused of treason, for allegedly making unfavorable comments about his country in a letter to Australia. On July 10, 1958, Franz Bardon died under "unusual circumstances" in a prison hospital in Brno, Czechoslovakia. From the Publisher The four Bardon books can be considered unsurpassed classics. You will find more information in one Bardon book than in a hundred other books on this subject. The reader will be pleasantly surprised that nothing is hidden behind the veil of incompetence or arrogance. Everything is out in the open and nothing is omitted. These books have enjoyed a world-wide acceptance

since 1958, which we feel will continue to grow. We feel that everyone is entitled to this knowledge and not just a select few, since this was the intention of Divine Providence. TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THESE TITLES COME TO OUR NEW ONLINE SECURE BOOKSTORE & COSMOLOGICAL REFERENCE CENTER SEEKER'S SANCTUM & THE LIVING LIBRARY WHERE YOU MAY SEARCH BOOK CONTENTS BY TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT & DETAILED KEY WORDS ON ALL SUBJECTS


Frabato The Magician is the introductory volume (of a series of 4 books) of the only complete course in Hermetics (Alchemy), which is also commonly called the path of perfection or purification. Frabato The Magician introduces the reader to the spiritual world while still walking on earth. Very few are aware of the fact that what can be accomplished in one day earth takes a thousand days in the spiritual world. Frabato The Magician takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the spiritual world and also behind the veil of a world that exists here on earth, of which most people are completely unaware. This book is the autobiography of Franz Bardon, one of the 20th century's greatest adepts. You will read about powerful and evil organizations and how futile their struggle is against goodness. The reader will learn the kind of methods which are employed by the evil forces to reach their goals and how an entire organization is completely powerless when it comes ! up against a single man who is a Master of Hermetics. Many examples are given as to the abilities of such an initiate, whereas in the subsequent volumes step by step instructions are given of these seemingly unbelievable feats. Once the reader knows how these feats are

accomplished, it seems very simple. However, in order to become a master it requires many years of great dedication. The author also explains the reasons why the Mysteries were revealed and why Divine Providence gave him the task of publishing them. In actuality the complete series of Franz Bardon's books are the Holy Mysteries (or Egyptian Mysteries) as depicted in the Bible, and which Christ taught to His disciples. In ancient Egypt the Holy Mysteries were taught to a privileged few by the high priests. As such, the Mysteries are now no longer a mystery, since they are available to everyone. The word "magic" will take on an entirely new meaning once the reader becomes familiar with the content of this! book. The physical world will somewhat loose its appeal, because it no longer will be able to answer questions which arise. All in all the answers which you have received throughout the years will no longer satisfy you. And by reading these books you will find the answers to most of your questions. However, if you go beyond reading and you dedicate your time to the practice, the results will be enlightening. In the appendix you will find fragments of the actual Book of Wisdom. Although the entire Book of Wisdom was written by Franz Bardon, the tapes were allegedly destroyed by the police during the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. You do not require a teacher, you are not required do learn another language in order to understand the terminology, and you are not required to change your religion or join any organization. From the Back Cover Though cast in the form of a novel, Frabato the Magician is in fact the spiritual autobiography of Franz Bardon, one of the twentieth century's greatest Hermetic adepts. Frabato was the author's stage name during his career as a performing magician, and it is Frabato who occupies center stage in the novel as well. Set in Dresden, Germany, in the early 1930s, the story chronicles Frabato's magical battles with the members of a powerful and dangerous black lodge, his escape from Germany during the final desperate days of the Weimar Republic, and the beginning of the spiritual mission which was to culminate in Franz Bardon's classic books on Hermetic magic. More than an occult novel, Frabato the Magician is itself a work of magic which illuminates Bardon's other books as well as providing a revealing look into the dark occult forces which lay behind the rise of the Third Reich.



INSTRUCTION OF MAGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. First Published 1956. 295 Pages. Merkur Publishing. $30.00 Initiation into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for the better. The great mystery of the Tetragrammaton, the key to the tetrapolar magnet, is explained. By reading the theoretical section many secrets are unveiled which were once only known to very few. The reader will receive first-hand knowledge about the principles of fire, air, water and earth, the positive and negative attributes of these elements, and how these elements affect the human body. The immutable law of cause and effect is explained, not only as it applies to human beings, but also how it applies to the elements. Detailed information is also given about the soul or the astral body, and how the four elements determine the temperament in a person. The astral plane is considered to be "the beyond" by most religions. This plane does have its inhabitants, most of which are departed human beings from earth. Besides that you find elementaries, beings with one or only a few attributes. It is very advantageous to learn about these beings and how they affect a human being's life. There is also another kind of being, which is a being of the pure elements. The reader will find that many myths or even fairy tales are based on truth. But mankind has lost the ability to stay in contact with reality and has chosen to live in a completely transitory world which they consider to be their reality. The third plain, the mental plain, is also explained; it is the sphere of thought which has its origin in the world of ideas.

Each step of the practical part of this book is divided into three parts: the magical spiritual or mental schooling, soul or astral schooling, and physical schooling. This allows the student to maintain a complete equilibrium. The student learns how to control all his mental faculties even to the point that he can control every thought. He will learn self-introspection, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, astral and mental travel, control of the electric and magnetic fluids, and communication with the beings of the astral plain. From the Publisher Initiation into Hermetics is the entrance gate to true initiation as it is the first key to the universal laws. The content of this book is not based on any speculative methods, but is the result of personal experiences and research of practical exercises by the author, which, up to now, was available only to a chosen few. And it is not easy to express in simple words a subject which is on such high level as magic, and make it understandable to everyone. Initiation into Hermetics transcends any book ever written on this subject, even though it is only the first of three volumes. From this statement you can gather the wealth of information the other volumes contain. Never before in the history of mankind has this information been committed in this form to paper in such a complete and understandable manner. Initiation into Hermetics is the greatest treasure in this universe and this applies to the other two volumes as well. The reader will not find this information in any other books. Excerpted from Initiation into Hermetics by Bardon, Franz. Copyright © 1987. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved Magic Physical Training (VI) -- Deliberate Creation of Elementals There is one more subject which requires an explanation, namely phantoms: Phantoms are animated forms of the imagination of departed human beings. In order to avoid much error, I will pay special attention to this subject so that everybody can separate the chaff from the wheat. When an individual casts off his carnal shell, he immediately finds himself in the fourth state of aggregation, usually known as "the beyond." It is not possible for a being to be active in a three-dimensional sphere with a mediating substance, just as a fish cannot live without water. The same applies to beings which have already departed into the beyond. Through the imagination and remembering the dead, either through praise, adoration, mourning etc., imaginary picture forms of the dead are created and are given life, which, when often repeated, have a fairly long life span. These created picture forms are called phantoms. This type of phantom is one which makes itself known to the spiritualists, necromancer, sorcerer etc. Also goblins and ghosts are nothing but phantoms, which nourish, condense and maintain themselves through the attentiveness of the survivors, as it is the case with schemata. This can easily be determined when a being is summoned or conjured simultaneously at different locales, through a socalled medium. This of course is not the actual deceased, but a phantom, because phantoms can be created by the hundreds. However, it is regrettable that spiritualistic mediums consider these phantoms to be the person in

question. It is rather sad that so much mischief, fraud and self-deceit is perpetrated with spiritualistic knowledge. That is why you will find through one medium communicating with a great leader or general, another medium with a great artist or a saint, another medium conjures up a Pharaoh or even an angel. Because of the enormous self-deceit, it is not surprising that this subject matter has so many enemies and scoffers. It is understandable that such a phantom has an enormous instinct for self-preservation, and that it will eventually become a vampire to the medium or to an entire circle of people; and in addition it can also become calamity to the immediate surroundings. That does not mean that a true magician, who masters the fourth state of aggregation, the Akasha-principle, does not have the ability to communicate with a departed human being or with a non-incarnated intelligence. The practice of medial writing has already been discussed. Besides that, a magician, with the help of the imagination, has the ability to create a casing, a form and can transpose this form into the fourth state of aggregation. He can ask this being, or at his discretion, even coerce the entity to enter the form and to manifest externally. This practice is of course part of necromancy and evocational magic and has absolutely nothing to do with what is generally known as spiritualism. The true magician will only make use of this practice when absolutely necessary. He will not evoke a being from its sphere, because whatever a being from the fourth state of aggregation has to say to him or accomplish in the physical or astral world, can be achieved by the magician himself through his own maturity. TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THESE TITLES COME TO OUR NEW ONLINE SECURE BOOKSTORE & COSMOLOGICAL REFERENCE CENTER SEEKER'S SANCTUM & THE LIVING LIBRARY WHERE YOU MAY SEARCH BOOK CONTENTS BY TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT & DETAILED KEY WORDS ON ALL SUBJECTS


INSTRUCTIONS FOR INVOKING SPIRIT BEINGS FROM THE SPHERES SURROUNDING US. First Published 1956. 492 Pages, w/Diagrams & Color Plates. Merkur Publishing. $45.00

The Practice of Magical Evocation is divided into two parts: the first section deals with evocational magic, and second with the hierarchy of the beings in the different spheres. Magic is the highest knowledge that exists on our planet, because it teaches the metaphysical as well as the metapsychical laws on every plane of existence. Since time immemorial, the highest knowledge has been called "Magic" but it was accessible only to particular circles, predominantly the High Priests, and the most powerful rulers. The highest initiates were considered to be Magi. They were the only ones who knew about the true teachings, but they guarded them with all their might. They knew the synthesis of their own religion as well as the synthesis of other religions. But the people were only given their religion in symbols no matter kind of religion they believed in. Only after many centuries, a few crumbs of this knowledge made its way among the people, but still completely veiled. And since the majority of the people were not lawfully magically educated, they could only understand this fragmented information from an individual point of view, and thus could only pass this knowledge on in a very one-sided and incomplete manner. That is why magic knowledge remains to this very day, without exaggeration, a very secret knowledge. The understanding of the true magic laws depends upon the magico-spiritual maturity of the individual. Whosoever wishes to learn the subject of magic, must first learn all the effects of the lower laws of Nature before he can progress to the higher laws. You could divide magical knowledge into three categories: lower magic, intermediate magic, and high magic. This book gives the reader the significance of the magic circle, triangle, the magic mirror, the magic wand, and so forth. The second part discloses the names and signatures of the different heads, genii and intelligences of the various planetary spheres in our solar system, how to communicate with them and also what their specific tasks are. These heads or genii have their specific field; there is not one field of endeavor which is not covered by one or another head, intelligence or genii. A detailed description of their expertise in a particular field is listed in this book by name and sphere, and how to establish contact with these beings. It should however be mentioned that you cannot succeed in contacting these beings unless you have practically and successfully completed the first volume Initiation into Hermetics, or you must have at least successfully completed the eighth step. From the Publisher When you start the practice of this second volume in Bardon's series on Hermetics, you will already work with the fruits of the first volume. And you will reap the harvest of your initial magical labor. The knowledge you gain will be invaluable for your further development.

Excerpted from Practice of Magical Evocation by Bardon, Franz. Copyright © 1991. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved Part Two, Chapter 13 -- Magical Talismanology talisman. This is the most important work when charging a talisman, for it is by this act that the talisman becomes the appropriate implement for getting in contact with the being or intelligence the magician has in mind. Below the magician will find a specimen of the procedure for carrying out a magical impregnation. After haven chosen the being, genius or intelligence that seems to suit his purposes due to its magical or other abilities, it is best to start with a being of the zone girdling the earth, and after having engraved its seal upon the metal chosen for this purpose, the magician has to free the talisman by the four elements from all unfavorable influences which have mentally clung to it when it was materially formed into a shape. This is done by swinging the talisman a few times over a burning candle with the imagination that the flame burns away, ie destroys, all negative influences. Moreover, the talisman has to be dipped into a glass filled with pure water where it has to remain for a whole day, the magician having concentrated on the wish that the water may draw out of it any bad influences. After a day the magician takes the talisman out of the water again, throwing the latter away with the imaginative wish that all unfavorable influences will flow away with it. Now he swings the talisman through the air in a rotary motion, concentrating that the element of air will remove all negative influences from the talisman. Then the magician puts a handful of earth into a paper filter and after having added the talisman to it, rolls it together so that he can hold it in his hand. Now he must concentrate on the idea that also the element of earth, which now surrounds the talisman, will tear away from it all negative influences that might still remain. After the magician has concentrated deeply enough and has come to the conviction that the last unfavorable influences have been pulled out of the talisman by the element of earth, he takes the talisman out of the earth, cleans it with a cloth that has never used before and wraps the talisman in dark violet silk. The paper filter and earth must be buried in an inaccessible place. . . TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THESE TITLES COME TO OUR NEW ONLINE SECURE BOOKSTORE & COSMOLOGICAL REFERENCE CENTER SEEKER'S SANCTUM & THE LIVING LIBRARY WHERE YOU MAY SEARCH BOOK CONTENTS BY TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT & DETAILED KEY WORDS ON ALL SUBJECTS



First Published In English 1996. Hardback, 279 Pages. Merkur Publishing. $35.00 The Key to the True Kabbalah is the third volume in the Bardon series of books on Hermetics. Many books have been written about the Kabbalah, but in practice very little can be used, since most of the original books were written in Hebrew. Therefore, it stands to reason that a person who practices the Kabbalah must have knowledge of Hebrew. This is now no longer the case. Once you have studied this book you will get an entirely different idea of the Kabbalah than what you previously had. Kabbalah is the science of the letters, of language and the word and not the language of the intellectual. It is the universal language. From the Hermetic point of view a true Kabbalist is the highest initiate, for he represents the divinity in the microcosm. Therefore it is clear that a perfect Kabbalist must be a person who connects with God, a person who has realized God within himself and who, being a god-man, makes use of the universal language, whereby whatever he utters ! immediately becomes reality. This book not only contains the theory necessary to practice the Kabbalah, but it also provides the step by step practice. Again, in order to be successful, the student must have completed the previous two volumes, Initiation into Hermetics and The Practice of Magical Evocation, otherwise he will fail. Most educated people possess knowledge, but no wisdom at all. Knowledge depends upon the development of the intellectual part of the spirit; wisdom, on the other hand, necessitates the balanced development of all four aspects of the spirit. A Kabbalist is the perfected sovereign in the microcosm and the macrocosm. As in the two preceding volumes, Initiation into Hermetics and The Practice of Magical Evocation, The Key to the True Kabbalah will guide the student step by step through the exercises. Some writers make mention of the cosmic language which they sometimes term the Uranian language. It may well be that some letters of the cosmic language are known to and comprehended by them, but no one to this day has written about it in detail. The cosmic language is the language of God, the language of Divine Providence. In the practical part of Kabbalah, the reader is introduced to the mysticism of each letter. To save considerable time for those who are unfamiliar with the Hebrew alphabet, the regular Latin letters are used. Here each letter is expressed in a particular color. The student practices the visualization of each letter in its particular color, then in a particular part of the body, etc.

He will also learn to which element each letter belongs, for example the letter A belongs to the element of air. All this knowledge is very important to the student, otherwise he will not be effective as a Kabbalist. Also the ten Kabbalistic keys are explained, and an explanation is given as to their significance. The student will also learn how to pronounce the letters into the Akasha principle, and the mental, astral and material spheres. This will release the effects that t! he letter contains. And with the next step he will enter into the practice of formula magic which begins with the Kabbalistic alphabet of the two-letter key. For example, the two-letter key BI is a Kabbalistic formula. With this formula it is possible to remove from one's consciousness any painful memory, unpleasant experience or unnecessary pangs of conscience. This two-letter key will be especially appreciated by formula magicians who are oversensitive. From the two-letter key the student progresses to the three-letter key. The formula L-A-W calms storms at sea. If the Kabbalist uses this formula, he will be able to work all kinds of water miracles, for instance walking on water. Moses was able to divide the Red Sea with the help of this formula so that he and his people could cross it without getting their feet wet and without danger. This book also contains the four-letter key as well as the Shemhamephorash, the seventy-two genii of Mercury, which have a very particular analogous connection to the spiritual body. The Shemhamephorash also contains the mystery of the name of God which is composed of seventy-two letters by which -- according to Hebrew Kabbalah -- the longest name of God is identified as the highest mode of expression of the Deity. From the Publisher In many writings of the freemasons and other secret societies, the lost key or the lost Word of God is much discussed. The rituals which were once practiced by these societies are now, for the most part, simply imitations, performed traditionally without any understanding of their deeper sense in relation to the cosmic laws. Therefore, the rituals which at one time were introduced and practiced by true initiates, are naturally quite ineffective today, since the key to their correct application has been lost. Not even the most concealed, most secret libraries or secluded monasteries in the East, ashrams which are inaccessible to ordinary mortals, can pride themselves on possessing the true Kabbalah in one single script of such clear and distinct wording. After the reader peruses this book, even those who already have a good knowledge of the Kabbalah will concede that they have a good deal to catch up on before they can call themselves Kabbalists. Upon careful consideration, the reader will be convinced that it is worth his while to forego all other incomplete teachings and work faithfully in his own interests with the methods outlined in this text. It should also be mentioned that any description of these books is pale by comparison to the entire content which by far exceeds any description or review. Franz Bardon states

that on earth, every human being has two teachers: first, himself, and secondly, destiny. From the Back Cover In The Key to the True Kabbalah, Franz Bardon demonstrates that the mysticism of letters and numbers the true Kabbalah is a universal teaching of great antiquity and depth. Throughout the ages, adepts of every time and place have achieved the highest levels of magical attainment through the understanding of sound, color, number and vibration as embodied in the Kabbalah. This book, the third in Franz Bardon's remarkable texts of Hermetic magic, is nothing less than a practical guide to such attainment. Using the common German alphabet, Bardon guides the reader through ever greater levels of Kabbalistic achievement. No other available text reveals as great a depth of Kabbalistic wisdom or provides the reader with as much practical training. Though intended primarily as a working text for those who have completed Bardon's first and second volumes, Initiation Into Hermetics and The Practice of Magical Evocation, the present work stands on its own, and even those without the requisite background in practical Hermetics will be fascinated by the author's intellectual journey through the mysticism of Tantric India, Tibet, the Hebrew Kabbalah, and the ancient sources of the Western magical tradition. Excerpted from Key to the True Kabbalah by Bardon, Franz. Copyright © 1975. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Part I -- Theory -- The Kabbalah The Kabbalah is the science of letters, of language and the Word not, however, the language of the intellectual, but (mind you) the universal language. The term Kabbalah is of Hebrew origin; the various religious systems have different terms for this science. Thus, for instance, in India and Tibet the science of the Word is called Tantra. And again in other religious systems they speak of "formulas" and so on. In my present work I will retain the term Kabbalah. To speak Kabbalistically is to form words from letters words analogous to this or that idea according to the universal laws. Knowledge of the use of Kabbalistic language must be gained through practical experience. Kabbalah, therefore, is the universal language by which everything was created; it is the embodiment of one or several divine ideas. God created everything by means of the universal language of Kabbalah. John the Evangelist also refers to Kabbalah in the Bible when he says, "In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God." Thereby John clearly expresses the truth that God made use of the Word in order to create out of Himself. Only he who is actually in a position to materialize the divinity within himself in accordance with the universal laws in such a way that he will speak, out of himself, as a deity, may be regarded as a true Kabbalist. The practicing Kabbalist, therefore, is a

theurgist, a "god-man," capable of applying the universal laws in the same way as the macrocosmic God. Just like the magician who, through the initiation he receives and the development he endures upon the path of perfection, has realized the connection with his inner deity and can now act accordingly, so does the Kabbalist as well, the only difference being that the Kabbalist makes use of the Divine Word externally as an expression of his divine spirit. Every true magician who has control of the universal laws can become a Kabbalist by acquiring knowledge of the practical Kabbalah. The structures of the Kabbalah cited in numerous books are quite suitable for the theorist who wants to get an idea of the lawfulness of the Kabbalah, but they are thoroughly insufficient as regards that practice which promises knowledge of the correct application of the powers of the Word. Thus it is clear that a perfect Kabbalist must be a person connected with God, a person who has realized God within himself and who, being a god-man, makes use of the universal language whereby whatever he utters immediately becomes a reality. To whatever sphere he directs this language, there shall his utterance be realized. In India, for instance, a person who immediately realizes every spoken word is called a vag. In Kundalini Yoga this power and ability is identified with the Visuddha Chakra. A perfect Kabbalist knows everything concerning the lawfulness of the micro- and macrocosmic Word by which the law of creation through the Word is to be understood and he also knows what true harmony represents. Since, with his microcosmic language, he is representing the deity, a true Kabbalist will never violate the laws of harmony. If he acts contrary to the laws of harmony, he is no longer a true Kabbalist but a man of chaos. From the Hermetic point of view, a Kabbalist or theurgist is, in his own body, a representative of the macrocosmic deity on our earth. Whatever he, as God's representative, speaks in the original language will occur, for he has the same power as the creator, as God. To achieve this maturity and pinnacle of Kabbalistic initiation the theurgist must first learn his letters like a child. In order to form words and sentences with them and, in time, to speak in the cosmic language, he must have a complete command of them. The methodology involved in this learning is dealt with in the practical part of this book. Anyone, no matter which religious system he may adhere to, can occupy himself with the true Kabbalah, theoretically as well as practically. The Kabbalistic science is not a privilege of those who profess the Jewish faith. Hebrew scholars affirm that the Kabbalah is of Jewish origin, but in the Jewish mystical tradition itself the knowledge of the Kabbalah is said to be of ancient Egyptian origin. The history of the Hebrew Kabbalah, its beginnings and development, etc., may be found in the relevant literature on the subject, for much has already been written in this field. In my book, I explain the synthesis of Kabbalah only so far as is absolutely necessary for the practice. I refrain from the unnecessary burden of history and other structural interpretations of Kabbalistic philosophy. The term Kabbalah has often been abused by degrading it to a game of numbers, horoscopic assessments, name analogies and various other mantic devices. As the reader will learn from the practical part of this book, numbers do have a certain relationship to letters, although this is one of the lowest aspects of the Kabbalah, and one which we do not wish to deal with here. True Kabbalah is not a mantic science which makes fortune-telling possible, nor is it a form of astrology which facilitates the interpretation of horoscopes, nor is it an

anagram, the construed names of which make prognosis possible. Since true Kabbalah, when applied correctly, represents the universal laws, relevant analogies of harmony in accordance with cosmic analogies may, up to a certain point, be discerned. This, however, is ordinary fortune-telling and has nothing to do with the true science of the universal language. The reader will agree that this science is most sacred, and will never dare to degrade the universal laws in order to fulfill ordinary mantic purposes. Each religious system had its own genuine Kabbalah which in time was lost due to the various reforms of the religious systems; it is being fully maintained by true initiates only in the Orient. The ancient Celts and initiated Druids also had their own genuine Kabbalah, well known to the Druid priests. . TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THESE TITLES COME TO OUR NEW ONLINE SECURE BOOKSTORE & COSMOLOGICAL REFERENCE CENTER SEEKER'S SANCTUM & THE LIVING LIBRARY WHERE YOU MAY SEARCH BOOK CONTENTS BY TITLE, AUTHOR, SUBJECT & DETAILED KEY WORDS ON ALL SUBJECTS

VOLUME IV QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: ANSWERS TO 185 OF THE MOST FREEQUENTLY ASKED SPIRITUAL QUESTIONS. First Published, 1997. Paperback, 99 Pages. Merkur Publishing. $15.00

Franz Bardon is regarded by many as greatest Hermetic adept of the 20th century. A tireless worker for the light, he survived Hitler's concentration camps but died a victim of Communist persecution in 1958. He left behind him four legendary books which have become acknowledged classics of occult literature. This present volume is the first complete Bardon book from the hand of Franz Bardon to appear since his famous series of books on Hermetics. Compiled by Dieter Rueggeberg from the notes of Bardon's students in Prague, it represents his oral teachings on the nature of the magical universe. Set in the form of questions and answers, this book is an invaluable addition to the Bardon material.

Excerpted from Franz Bardon: Questions & Answers by Dieter Rueggeberg. Copyright © 1998. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved Questions And Comments Concerning The Mental Plane 1. What Is The Will? The will is a fundamental attribute of the spirit; it is an aspect of the universal Fire element. As a quality, the will expresses itself only in the content or goal of the wish. Most of us simply make an effort and wish to attain something, but we do not possess the right power to make that wish manifest. That is why we continue to wish. The power of the will is the quantity through which we achieve, produce, carry out and maintain what we aim for and what we wish for. 2. What Is Belief? Belief is a quality. In general, its foundation is a particular belief, whether in the existence of God or of something else. The quantity of a manifested belief is a power that expresses itself in an absolute and unshakable conviction that what we believe in will positively become a reality. Belief as a power is a complement; it is the organ that bears the impulsive part of the will. The manifested belief is the highest aspect of the Akasha principle. 3. Aspects Of The Intellect And Intelligence, Memory And Discernment. The Ability To Recognize And Differentiate. Intellect or intelligence is a fundamental attribute of the eternal spirit. It is an aspect of the universal Air element on the mental plane. Intelligence or intellect can be measured and is therefore quantitative. Through it we understand, recognize, differentiate, judge and remember everything. The quality of the intellect, intelligence, is the substance (content) which the intellect works on. Generally, it has its physical seat in the chest, where the Air element is located and where it is at work. In accordance with Indian philosophy, the seat of the intellect, together with the will, is in the head, between the eyebrows, in the astral body. Memory is an aspect of the intellect. Its quality is the substance (thoughts, events, pictures, impressions, perceptions etc.) which it draws from its reserves. 4. What Are Feelings, Life And Love? Feelings, life and love are all aspects of the universal Water element as a fundamental attribute of the eternal spirit on the mental plane. Feeling is a quality that expresses itself in pleasant, unpleasant, ugly, pure and many other feelings. Its quantity, for example, is the aggregate of normal feelings which are controlled by the will, or passionate, uncontrolled, quick or very weak, hardly perceptible feelings. It expresses itself on all planes depending on the content and the power of the effect. Life is the result of the work of the elements in the tetrapolar magnet on all planes. The qualitative life reflects in a human being through polarized radiation of the elementary attributes. For the astral plane, see information on the aura (pp. 26, 32, 45). Qualitative life expresses itself in the temporary (i.e. in a particular length of time): a. in time and space on the material plane, b. in space on the astral plane, and c. in eternity, without time and space, on the mental plane.

Life expresses itself in any type of activity or movement that can be measured. Love is a universal law. In order to be recognized by His created beings, God divided Himself on His highest level of love into a plus and a minus. This means that He divided everything created into something active and passive, positive and negative, through which an absolute, unalterable lawfulness came into existence. Love is quantity, because it can be measured. Through love we express our positive relationship for everything we like and love. True love must be controlled by the will. Passions can originate from an uncontrolled love, which means passionate love, for example sexual love, which originates from a fiery sensual love, or an abnormal love of wealth, of animals, parents, children, husband or wife. But it can also be the uncontrolled love for God Himself, as for instance among the mystics. Love controlled by the will protects us from any overwrought state, and we express our love, of whatever kind it might be, in a form that corresponds to our power and perception of what the object of our love deserves. It is of course a foregone conclusion that we love our Creator above all. That is the highest, purest and mightiest love. The quality of love as an attribute expresses itself in its rays, in its polarity and in its various kinds. 5. What Is The Instinct Of Self-Preservation? The instinct of selfpreservation is the lowest aspect of the Akasha principle. It exists on every plane in accordance with circumstances and causes. Its power or quantity is that much greater the more the life of a human being is threatened, as for example in the case of fatal diseases, serious accidents, war and so on. The value of the quality of the instinct of self-preservation lies in the wish to live as long as possible on the material plane. We may assign this instinct for self-preservation to the active attributes and powers whenever the person concerned applies it for noble purposes and to the negative attributes and powers whenever a person wants to prolong his life simply for egotistical reasons. 6. What Are Self-Consciousness And The "I" Consciousness? Selfconsciousness is a state in which we become conscious of who we are. This consciousness signifies that we identify ourselves in the mental sphere with the highest divine idea, with the eternal spirit that exists within us. The "I" consciousness is a fundamental attribute of the spirit on the mental plane as an aspect of the universal Earth element. It is also a mirror of our active attributes. In the thought, its qualitative part appears to us as active. The "I" consciousness contains all the fundamental attributes of the spirit, the Fire, Air and Water elements which are the will, intellect and feelings, love and life. It is effective in the entire body and as an energy; it is the quantitative part of the consciousness and is also contained in the blood. The consciousness of the cerebrum is located on the mental plane, in the mental body.