
APROBAR MI EXAMEN ejercicios corregibles «SCB-Y 1 o edición: febrero 2015 ©Siby. 2015 www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

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ejercicios corregibles


1 o edición: febrero 2015 ©Siby. 2015 www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com Impreso en España- Printed in Spain ISBN : 978-2-9551425-2-3 DLBI-172-2015 Impreso por Euskoprint Licenciado Poza. 73 48013 bilbao Reservados todos los derechos. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, ni su incorporación a un sistema informático, ni su transmisión en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio (electrónico, mecánico, fotocopia, grabación u otros) sin autorización previa y por escrito de los titulares del copyright. La infracción de dichos derechos puede constituir un delito contra la propiedad intelectual.

Aprobar mi examen de la escuela oficial de idiomas - A1 inglés -

Nota: Aquí encontrarás una serie de exámenes "tipo" de inglés nivel A1 (básico 1) de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Se ha tomado en cuenta los temarios y ejercicios habituales utilizados los últimos años. Espero que te permita aprobar tu examen.

Todas las correcciones de los ejercicios y los audios de este libro están disponibles en la página web: www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com Tu contraseña de acceso es:

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Onoai de Id



Exam 1

p. 9

Exam 2

p. 14

Exam 3

p. 19

Exam 4

p. 2 4

Exam 5

p. 28

Exam 6

p. 32

Level test


3 6

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela

as - A1 inglés

- EXAM 1 Reading ( 1 2 / 2 0 m i n )

l 20

Listening ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)

I 20

Writing ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


S p e a k i n g ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


Total ( 3 6 / 6 0 min)


I. Reading:


40 minutes

T a s k 1 (5 marks): Match each sentence in column A with a sentence in column B. 0 is given to you as an example. WELL-BEING B

0. Drink water regularly.

o. Hydrating detoxifies the body.

a. The practice of regular physical activity protects against the onset of disease. 1. Eat a healthy diet.

b. Eating fruits and vegetables improves quality of life.

2. Avoid stress.

c. Restful sleep allows you not to be tired during the day.

3. Get active.

d. A calm mind helps you feel better.

4. Up N 'Go is easy fast food.

e. Dieting is recommended when you are overweight.

5. Sleep about 8 hours a day.


. Too much sport is dangerous.

g. Eating too much fast food is bad for your health.

T a s k 2 (15 marks): According to the text, say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 0 is given to you as an example.

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingles HALLOWEEN Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the evening of October 31. Its name is a contraction of the English "All Hallows Eve" which means "the eve of All Saints' Day" in contemporary England. Halloween is now celebrated mainly in Ireland. Britain, the United States, Canada. Australia, New Zealand and France. Generally, children dress up in scary costumes, such as ghosts, witches, monsters or vampires. They go knocking on doors asking for candy, fruit or money with the saying: Trick or treat!' During the evening, you can also do the following: watch fireworks, play children's games, listen to storytelling or Halloween poems and watch horror movies. TRUE



0. The festival takes place on 31 October. 1. Halloween is an international party. 2. Concerts are organized. 3. Sometimes, the children look like monsters. 4. The party was initially called "the eve of All Saints' Day". 5. The children dress up in friendly costumes. 6. The children fight in the streets on this day. 7. Halloween is very popular in Ireland. 8. Many adults ask for money on this day. 9. One can listen to Halloween related stories.

II. Listening: / 2 0 20 MINUTES T a s k 1 (7 marks): Read the following and listen to Track 1. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Match the excerpt with each Area of Interest. 0 is given to you an example. Watch Out! There are 11 excerpts and only 7 options. AREA OF INTEREST




Politics Economy Social


jbar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingle Fashion Sciences Gastronomy Weather

T a s k 2 (5 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 2. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Complete the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. The scene is

a) in a school. b) in a market. c) in a pharmacy.

2. The woman

a) wants green apples. b) wants red apples. c) wants nothing.

3. The man

a) has a lot of green apples. b) no longer has green apples. c) never had green apples.

4. The wife

a) bought a pen. b) bought apples. c) did not buy anything.

5. The shopkeeper

a) advises her to go home. b) advises her to go to another trader. c) advises her to do nothing.

T a s k 3 (8 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 3. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Complete the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. John Dawson died at the age of

a) 85 years. b) 95 years. c) 25 years.

2. He has written books that are

a) science fiction. b) scientific. c) fantastic.

3. These books were read by

a) children. b) adolescents. c) adults.

4. He was in Tokyo to

a) present a book. b) retire. c) start a new life.

5. Mary is

a) the daughter of John Dawson. b) a journalist. c) a photographer. 11

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingles 6. John Dawson made

a) millions of copies. b) thousands of copies. c) hundreds of copies.

7. He influenced

a) the majority of modern writers of science fiction. b) some modern writers of science fiction. c) very few modern writers of science fiction.

8. He was a

a) respected artist b) world famous artist c) celebrated artist.

III. Writing:

/ 20

45 minutes T a s k 1 (5 marks): You bought a laptop on the Internet, but when it arrived home, you saw that it was not the computer you ordered.Write a short letter of complaint to the company that sold it to you. Explain why you want to exchange the computer. 45 words maximum

T a s k 2 (15 marks): Answer a letter from your friend. 120 words maximum Dublin, February 18. 2014 Hi Samantha, How is everything? How was your trip to Madrid? I also want to go with my boyfriend but I need more information. Could you help me? I would like to find a reasonably priced hotel. What would you advise? Did you go out to party? Did you make friends? What interesting places did you visit? Please let me know so I can visit Madrid too! Thank you. Kisses, Martine


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas -


IV. Speaking:

/ 20

T a s k 1 (4 marks): Introduce yourself using the following keywords: CITY - AGE - PROFESSION - LEISURE Then, answer the questions of the examiner.

T a s k 2 (8 marks): Ask questions to another candidate on the following topic: - USE OF SMARTPHONE Use the following key words: - OFTEN? - WHAT FOR? - WHERE? - PRICE? - PRACTICE? - NECESSARY? Example: Keyword: WHO? - Who uses smart phones? Mostly, young people use smart phones, because they are fashionable. T a s k 3 (8 marks): Candidate 1: You suggest to your friend (s) to sign up together to a dance class. You need to agree on the place, the maximum price, the type of dance and the schedule. Candidate 2: Your friend (s) offers you to register with him / her to a dance class. You need to agree on the place, the maximum price, the type of dance and the schedule.

- End of the e x a m -


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 ingles

- EXAM 2 Reading (12/20 min)

I 20

Listening (12/20 min)

I 20

Writing (12/20 min)

I 20

SpeaKing (12/2Q min)

I 20

Total (36/60 min)

I 80

I. Reading:

I 20

40 minutes T a s k 1 (8 marks): According to the text, say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 0 is given to you as an example. BLOOD DONATION Every day. Britain needs blood to save accident victims and other patients. The regularity of donations is important because blood has a very short shelf life. It is possible to give blood but some conditions must be met. The donor must be between 18 and 70 years old. in good health and weigh at least 50 kg. To give blood, you can go to one of the fixed government collection sites. You can also go to one of the mobile collection sites organized every year. You can view the location and schedule of the fixed sites and mobile clinics on the official website of the government.


0. Blood donations are needed. 1. The blood given is used to save lives. 2. The collected blood is usable for a long-time. 3. We can give blood when ill. 4. We can only give blood at a fixed collection site. 5. There are 70,000 donor clinics annually.



Aprobar mi examen de la bscuela Onaai de idiomas - A1 ingles

6. On the government website : you can see the blood drive schedules. 7. To donate blood, you can make an appointment with a mobile phone. 8. If I'm 50 years old. I cannot give blood.

T a s k 2 (12 marks): Read the text below and answer the questions according to what is stated in the text. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. Our museum Access for people with disabilities: yes (secondary door). Theme of collections: 40 pre-war sculptures. 100 images of the victory celebrations and more than 1,000 iconic objects found after the war. Must See: a sculpture by Georges Bach depicting the brave soldiers at the time of the attacks. Temporary exhibitions: from November 16 to January 15. Mrs. Jackson presents the photographs of her grandfather, the famous photographer Daniel Jackson. These images reflect the lives of soldiers. Hours and days of operation: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: open from 2pm to 8pm. Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday: open from 8am to 8pm. Mondays and holidays: closed. Rates: Full price: £7 Reduced price: £3.5 * Reduced rate for those under 18 and over 65. Free the first Sunday of the month for all. Audio guide surcharge: £3 per person. Available in French, English. Spanish, Italian and German. Book at the counter, on our website www.ourmuseum.co.uk or phone+44 (0) 20 123 4567 1. What is the theme of this museum: 2. If you're in a wheelchair,

a) you enter through the main door. b) you enter through another door. c) you cannot enter.

3. Ms. Jackson is

a) the granddaughter of Daniel Jackson. b) the daughter of Daniel Jackson. c) the wife of Daniel Jackson.

4. If you want to visit the museum Thursday, January 1, a) you can only see the permanent collection. b) you will see the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions. c) you cannot enter.


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingles 5. You're 25 and you accompany your 67 year old grandfather to the museum and you each take an audio guide. How much will you pay in total? 6. Can you pre-book your tickets directly with the museum?

a) yes b)No

II. Listening:

/ 20

20 MINUTES T a s k 1 (7 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 4. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Complete the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. The man wants to

a) order a pizza. b) reserve a table in a pizzeria. c) buy a pizzeria.

2. The man

a) wants the pizza to be delivered. b) wants to pick up his pizza. c) requests a free pizza.

3. The pizza is

a) mushrooms and cheese. b) ham and cheese. c) four cheeses.

4. How long until the pizza will be ready? 5. How much does he need to pay? T a s k 2 (4 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 5. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Complete the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. The town hall is

a) closed. b) under construction c) open.

2. On Saturday, the town hall is

a) open until 12pm. b) open until 6pm. c) closed.

3. To find out where the town hall is located

a) press key number 1. b) press key number 3. c) call back later.

4. For information.

a) consult the website. b) send an email. c) dial another number.

T a s k 3 (9 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 6. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Complete the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 16

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de d ornas 1. This radio program is

a) informative. b) advertising. c) controversial.

2. Carpooling is

a) fashionable. b) out of date. c) non-existent.

3. Carpooling is

a) buying a car between two people. b) sharing the use and costs of a car. c) selling a car half price.

4. We can carpool

a) only with strangers. b) only with friends. c) with strangers and people we know.

5. Carpooling is

a) free. b) economical. c) expensive.

6. Generally, the starting point is fixed

a) through a website. b) by mail. c) by phone.

7. Carpooling is used

a) only for long trips. b) only for short trips. c) to commute and occasional trips.

8. According to the radio program, if you go daily to work by car, a) you can offer a place to a colleague. b) you can apply for a place with a work colleague. c) you do not have to carpool. 9. Carpooling

a) limits pollution. b) increases pollution. c) does not change pollution.



45 minutes

T a s k 1 (7 marks): You want to rent a room in your apartment. Write an ad specifying the location, the type of room-mate you prefer, information about yourself, the apartment and the bedroom you offer. 45 words maximum


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de idiomas - A1 inglés T a s k 2 (13 marks): How do you see your life in 10 years? 120 words maximum

IV. Speaking:

/ 20

T a s k 1 (4 marks): Introduce yourself using the following keywords: NATIONALITY - AGE - OCCUPATION - FAVORITE BOOK Then, answer the questions of the examiner.

T a s k 2 (8 marks): Ask questions to another candidate on the following topic: -ORDINARY DAY Use the following key words: -ACTIVITIES? - WITH WHOM? - EAT? - COOKING? - WORK? - NAP? Example: Keyword: TIME? - What time do you get up in the morning? -1 get up at 9am because I leave my house at 10am.

T a s k 3 (8 marks): Candidate 1: You want to buy a train ticket to go to London on March the 19th. You ask the ticket-seller for details on price, schedule and conditions. Candidate 2: You are selling train tickets. Answer the questions of the customer and ask for additional information if needed.

End of the e x a m -


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

- EXAM 3 Reading (12/20 min) Listening (12/20 min)


Writing (12/20 min)


Speaking (12/20 min)

1 20


Total (36/60 min)



I. Reading: 40 minutes

T a s k 1 fio marks): According to the text, say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 0 is given to you as an example. Where possible, give a justification citing the text. QUICK CRESCENT RECIPE Ingredients for 12 people: 1 kg of flour 400 g butter 120 g of sugar 50 ml of milk Four tablespoons of yeast Two teaspoons of salt 1. Mix the yeast and warm milk. Separately, mix the flour, sugar and a teaspoon of salt. Then add the milk and mix well. 2. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Spread the cold butter on the surface of the dough. Fold the dough over itself in three folds. 3. Cut the dough into triangles and roll them ending with the tip. 4. Let stand for one hour. 5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C. TRUE 0. It is a recipe for croissants. Justification: "quick crescent recipe"


1. For 6 people, it takes 1 kg of flour. Justification: 2. For this recipe you need coffee. Justification:



Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 ingles

3. You must fold the dough three times. Justification: 4. The milk must be cold. Justification: 5. You need to put the dough in the microwave. Justification: T a s k 2 (10 marks): Read the text below and answer the questions according to what is stated in the text. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. TOTAL IMMERSION IN MADRID You want to learn English or improve your level using the method of total immersion in your city? Now you can! You will have two hours of English classes a day with preparations for your exams and you will participate in several activities in English such as cooking classes, games, culture, sports, debates and many other things. The whole program will be in English. You will be accompanied by a qualified English teacher with a lot of experience. The groups will consist of 5 to 10 participants at the same level. Dates: One week program: February 16 to 22 March 30 to April 5. April 6 to 12 Weekend program: May 1 to 3 May 8 to 10 May 15 to 17 May 22 to 24 May 29 to 31 Schedule: From 1pm to 8pm Rates: 100 Euros for a week. 70 Euros for a weekend. All materials are included. Travel expenses are your own responsibility. Book early to ensure your place. 944234567 www.englishhhhmadrid.com Cancellation Policy: Cancellations at least one month prior to the start of the reserved program will be fully refunded. Otherwise, you will not be entitled to any refund. 20

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas -A1 Ir 1. During the program,

a) you speak only in English. b) you speak only Spanish. c) you can speak French.

2. You can prepare your exams?

a) no. b)yes. c) unknown.

3. The program lasts

a) three days or a week. b) 2 days or a week. c) only one weekend.

4. What is the price for a weekend? a) your money will be refunded. b) no money will be refunded. c) part of your money will be refunded.

5. If you cancel 2 months before the program

a) 80 €. 6. The fee for the course material is

b)100€. c)0€.

7. To ensure you have a place,

a) you must book quickly. b) you must pass the test. c) you must have a good level of English.

8. You want to participate in the program for a week in the fourth month of the year. Give all dates available for this period.

9. What number do you call to book?


I I . Listening: 20 MINUTES

T a s k 1 (7 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 7. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. a) in a train station. b) at an airport. c) a bus station.

1. Where does the scene take place?

2. What is the flight number? 3. What is the gate number? 4. Where are the passengers?


Aprobar m. examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingles T a s k 2 (5 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 8. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question.

1. Where does the scene take place?

2. You are entitled to a

a) in a supermarket. b) in a school. c) in a town hall.

% discount.

3. Do I need a card to get the discount?

a) yes b) no

4. The discount is applied

a) to all products. b) to some products. c) to products that already have a 5% discount.

T a s k 3 (8 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 9.The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question.

1. Miss United Kingdom, is

a beauty contest. a talent contest. a knowledge contest.

2. This is a

national contest, international contest, universal contest.

3. The ceremony will take place

tomorrow. in the coming weeks. next week.

4. It is a

monthly contest annual contest quarterly contest

5. To participate.

you can be a woman or a man. you must be a man. you must be a woman.

6. The candidate.

you can be minor. you must be of age. you must be over 24 years old.

7. You can see the result of the contest

live on TV. delayed on TV. a week later on TV.

8. You can enter the contest,

only if you have Spanish nationality, only if you have UK citizenship, if you have European nationality.


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de idiomas - A1 Inglés



45 minutes T a s k 1 (20 marks): You have-just spent a weekend in Scotland. Describe what you did, what the scenery was like, the food, and the people ... 160 words maximum.

IV. Speaking:

/ 20

T a s k 1 (8 marks): Introduce yourself using the following keywords: NAME -AGE - STUDY - FAVOURITE MOVIE Then, answer the questions of the examiner. T a s k 2 (12 marks): Candidate 1: You ask for advice from your friend because you want to move to his/her city (Edinburgh). Candidate 2: Your friend asks you for advice as he/she wants to move to your city (Edinburgh). Give them advice and answer their questions.

- End of the e x a m -


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 ingles

- EXAM 4 Reading (12/20 min)

/ 20

Listening (12/20 min)


Writing (12/20 min)


Speaking (12/20 min)


Total (36/60 min)



I. Reading: 40 minutes

T a s k 1 (10 marks): The questions below were asked by readers of a women's magazine. Match them with the responses in the table. Watch out, there is an extra question! 0 is given to you as an example. Question o: My child is failing subjects at school. I have talked to him several times but he refuses to listen. What should I do? Question a: What should I wear to graduation? Question b: How can I reduce my bills? Question c: I do not feel fit. What should I do to change this? Question d: I want to prepare a dinner for my friends. What recipes do you recommend? Question e: I love fashion. Where can I register for training? Question f: What gift would please a teenager? Question # 0. Talk with his teachers. Maybe he is having problems with his classmates. 1. A good wine and appetizers will be appreciated by your guests. 2. You should do sport and eat a balanced diet. Consulting a nutritionist can be

helpful. 3. You should wear sober but elegant clothes. Avoid shoes with heels! 4. Young people love music. Why not a ticket to his favourite singer's concert? 5. You can turn off the tap when you brush your teeth and unplug electrical

appliances when not in use.



Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

T a s k 2 (10 marks): Read the text below and answer the questions according to what is stated in the text. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. LONDON TOUR PLUS CARD LONDON TOUR PLUS CARD - What is it? This is a card that allows you to visit London (and suburbs) and obtain significant reductions at many tourist attractions (museums, hotels, restaurants, amusement parks). Discounts can reach up to 50% off the starting price. The card costs £5 and is valid for one week from the date of purchase. LONDON TOUR PLUS CARD - How it works You simply present your card when you go shopping and visiting attractions. Traders will inform you of the specific reduction for their establishment. LONDON TOUR PLUS CARD - How to get it? Just make the request online and choose from one of the merchants where you want to get your card. You can also go directly to one of our authorized retailers who will give you the card. Your card will be ready to use immediately after the payment.


a) is free. b) costs £5. c) costs 50% of what you spend.

2. With this card

a) you can benefit from discounts. b) you can offer discounts. c) you can enter the museum for € 5.

3. You will have discounts

a) only in London. b) throughout England. c) in London and the surrounding area.

4. To get the card,

a) it is mandatory to apply online. b) you can ask at any merchant. c) you can apply online or at a merchant that accepts the card.

5. The card

a) always offers a 50% discount. b) provides at least a 50% reduction. c) offers up to 50% off.


II. Listening: 20 MINUTES

T a s k 1 (5 marks): Read the topics below and listen to Track 10. T The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Connect the topics with the excerpts. Warning, there is one extra topic! 0 is given to you as an example. Excerpt WELL- BEING 25

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

2. TRAVEL 3. STUDIES 4. SHOPPING 5. CINEMA 6. NUTRITION T a s k 2 (5 marks): Read the topics below and listen to Track 11. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Where do the excerpts take place? Excerpt 1. AT A STATION 2. IN A SHOP 3. IN A CINEMA 4. IN A MARKET 5. ON A BUS

T a s k 3 (10 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 12. There are two listenings spaced 30 seconds apart. Answer the questions. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. Ashley Price is

a) an actress. b) a journalist. c) a writer.

2. The filming

a) went well. b) went badly. c) has not occurred.

3. The team was

a) friendly. b) tired. c) unhappy.

4. The film is

a) a French production b) an American production c) a French and American production.

5. Ashley Price

a) is Martine. the main character. b) is Martine. a secondary character. c) doesn't act. 26

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela


6. The dream of Marline is

a) to iive in the US b) to live in France. c) to work as an actress.

7. How much time does Martine have before she has to renew her visa? 8. Martine

a) doesn't want to work. b) cannot work. c) wants to work but it's hard.

9. The film

a) won two prizes at the Cannes festival. b) failed to win a trophy at Cannes. c) received an award at Cannes.

I I I . Writing:

/ 20

45 minutes

T a s k 1 (10 marks): A friend invited you a restaurant last weekend. However, he made you wait for more than an hour in the rain. You write to your friend to ask for an explanation. 90 words maximum

T a s k 2 (10 marks): Last week was your friend's birthday, but you forgot. Write to him to wish him happy birthday and apologize. 90 words maximum

IV. Speaking: / 20 T a s k 1 (8 marks): Describe the house in which you live (size, objects, furniture, people, number of rooms...). T a s k 2 (12 marks): Do you like to party? Explain why or why not. Then answer the questions of the examiner.

- End of the e x a m 27

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

- EXAM 5 Reading ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


Listening ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


Writing ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


S p e a k i n g ( 1 2 / 2 0 min)


T o t a l ( 3 6 / 6 0 min)



I. Reading: 40 minutes

T a s k 1 MO marks): According to the text below, say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). CHEAP HOLIDAYS Going on vacation can be very expensive. The holiday budget is very well planned. Now it is possible to go on vacation without breaking the bank. The apartment exchange: This is a fairly common practice, exchanging your apartment to stay in someone else's. Of course, the exchange is free because you also lend your apartment. Off-season: When you go in July or August, you are likely to pay two or three times more than If you go in November. So go in low season. Eat at local restaurants Avoid very touristy places. Generally, you do not pay for the quality of food but the location of the restaurant. You will eat much better and cheaper in small cheap local restaurants. Ask people where they eat, you will enjoy it. Plan your trip: Before you leave, read the guide books. You will see that many tourist attractions have free admission at least one day a week. TRUE 1. Many people plan their holidays. 2. To exchange housing, you have to pay. 3. Apartment exchange is a common practice. 4. It is cheaper to go on holiday in the summer.



Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de idiomas - A1 Inglés 5. The quality of tourist restaurants is not debatable. 6. You should give gifts to passer-bys on the street. 7. You should read travel guides before leaving. 8. Entry into some museums is free all week. 9. Local restaurants are usually cheap. 10. If you follow the advice in this document, your trip will be ruined.

T a s k 2 f 10 marks): Match the locations listed below with the posters b - f. 0 is given to you as an example. Poster 0: Do not touch. Fresh paint. Poster b: It is forbidden to park here. Poster c: Non-smoking. Poster d: Work area, please whisper. Poster e: Touch to turn off. Poster f: Turn off your cell phone. Poster 1. In a library. 2. In a hospital. 3. On a street. 4. On a television set. 0

5. Near street works. 6. In a restaurant.


II. Listening: 20 MINUTES

T a s k 1 (4 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 13. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions and complete. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. This audio is

a) an informative piece. b) an advertisement. c) the lyrics of a song.

2. The price of gasoline

a) increased. b) decreased. 29

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Ingles c) remained stable. a)£1 2 3 / L b) £ 1 43 / L. c) £ 1 44 / L.

3. Gasoline now costs

T a s k 2 (6 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 14. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions and complete. 1. This message is for

a) Ms. Smith. b) Mrs. Jane. c) Ms. Ryan.

2. The message is left by

a) a witch. b) a banker. c) a shopkeeper.

3. It informs us

a) that a debit card is available. b) a credit card is available. c) an identity card is available.

4. The card can be retrieved

a) today. b) tomorrow. c) next week.

5. For more information, call the 03456


T a s k 3 (10 marks): Read the topics below and listen to Track 15. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Match the topics to the excerpts. Warning, there are extra excerpts!


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela

.le Idiomas - A1 Inglés

I I I . Writing:

/ 20

45 minutes T a s k 1 (10 marks): Talk about your favourite film. Talk about the characters and the story. 90 words maximum

T a s k 2 (10 marks): You see the following advertisement in a newspaper. You are interested in the product. Write to the seller and ask for more information (price, features, capacity, and location). 90 words maximum Ad Title: I am selling a vacuum cleaner. Description: Due to lack of space, I am selling an Aspiplus brand vacuum cleaner. Price negotiable.

IV. Speaking:

/ 20

T a s k 1 (4 marks): Describe your family (3 minutes) T a s k 2 (8 marks): Do you prefer to do your shopping in a supermarket or at small traders? Say why. Then answer the examiner's questions.

T a s k 3 (8 marks): Candidate 1: Your mother gave you a scarf that you do not like. You want to exchange it for something else in the clothing store where it was purchased. You explain the problem to an employee and ask for advice on what you can buy instead. Choose and make the exchange. Candidate 2: You are an employee in a clothing store. A client wants to exchange a scarf that his mother bought him. Tell him/her what he/she can take instead. Make the exchange.

- End of the e x a m -


Aorobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

- EXAM 6 Reading (12/20 min)


Listening (12/20 min)


Writing (12/20 min)


Speaking (12/20 min)


T o t a l (36/60 min)


I. Reading:


40 minutes T a s k 1 (10 marks): Read the text below and connect the information that relates to each other. Next, say whether the statements a, b. c, d and e are true (T) or false (F). o is given to you as an example. ROAD SAFETY 1. Do not drink alcohol before driving. 2. Adapt your driving to weather conditions. 3. Always wear your seat belt. 4. Use your hands-free kit if you need to make a call. 5. Pay attention to motorbikes. 6. Take regular breaks on long journeys. o. You cannot drink a lot of wine before driving. a. Driving can make you tired. b. Make calls whenever you want. c. If it's just a short drive, a seatbelt is not essential. d. If it rains, you should drive carefully. e. You're responsible for the security of motorcycles drivers. 6

1 o

T a s k 2 MO marks): Read the following titles and match with the correct topic. 1. Aquatic life is threatened. 2. Researchers are developing new vaccines. 3. The Voltaire museum is free on Mondays. 4. The blue team won the match. 5. Oil exports declined this year. 32

1 o

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1







I I . Listening: 20 MINUTES

T a s k 1 (7 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 16. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions and complete. Only ONE answer is correct for each question. 1. This audio deals mainly with

a) Independence Day. b) New Year Day. c) Dependence Day.

2. The national holiday is held on

a) 04 June. b) 04 July. c) 04 January.

3. The national holiday celebrates a day from

a)1777. b) 1766. c)1776.

4. During this festival, people can

a)dance. b) see fireworks. c) meet with MPs.

T a s k 2 (5 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 17. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions and complete. 1. Who is Amanda?

a) Britney's friend. b) Britney's professor. c) Britney's mother.

2. Britney

a) is very ill. b) is a little bit sick. c) is fine.

3. Britney needs

a) her friends. b) duties. c) to rest.

4. Amanda proposes

a) to call back in a few days. b) to call back in two days. c) to go and see Britney.

5. The proposal of Amanda

a) disturbs the lady. b) excites the lady. c) does not bother the lady. 33

Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés T a s k 3 (8 marks): Read the following questions and listen to Track 18. The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. Answer the questions and complete. 1. Who is calling?

a) Matt. b) Daniel. c) It is not known.

2. Matt

a) called yesterday. b) called today. c) called a few weeks ago.

3. The person who calls

a) was just shopping. b) was on the underground. c) was sleeping.

4. What time will they go? 5. What subway line will they take? 6. Next,

a) they will meet two people. b) they will meet one person. c) they will meet nobody.

7. Matt must bring

a) a few beers. b) appetizers. c) a gift

I I I . Writing:


45 minutes

T a s k 1 (12 marks): You have registered for a website that allows you to get to know the different regions of the world. Each person who registers must something about his or her region. Now it's your turn: write about your region (culture, gastronomy, landscapes, and local landmarks) 120 words maximum

T a s k 2 (8 marks): Next week, it's your birthday. Write a group message to send to your friends to invite them to your party. Specify the date. time, place, what to bring ... 90 words maximum


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela O'

:as -Al'nglés

IV. Speaking: / 2 0 T a s k 1 (10 marks): You go to the doctor because you are sick. You are coughing and have a fever. Explain your problem to the doctor and answer his/her questions. You are allergic to aspirin. The examiner will play the role of the doctor. T a s k 2 (10 marks): Do you remember a gift you really liked? Say why.

- End of the exam -


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - A1 Inglés

- LEVEL TEST G r a m m a t i c a l and l e x i c a l c o m p e t e n c i e s





/ 10


/ 15


/ 10


T o t a l ( 3 6 / 6 0 min)

I. Grammatical and lexical competencies 1. He's going a) to buy


bread. c) to will buy

d) I don't know

c) cook

d) I don't know

3. We tennis at the moment. a) are playing b) played

c) plays

d) I don't know

4. My sister is a)-

c) a

d) I don't know

5. Did you go to Joe's birthday party last week? a) Yes, I did. b) All right.

c) No. I wasn't.

d) I don't know

6. What's the matter? Have you got a toothache? a) No. I've got a headache. c) Yes. thank you. I want one.

b) You're welcome, d) I don't know

7. Would you like to clean your bedroom? a) Yes, I went to my bedroom quickly. c) Well, I like my bedroom.

b) Yes, I'll do it right now. d) I don't know

8. Where do you come from? a) Supermarket. b) London.

c) Home.

d) I don't know

9. He was born a) in


d) I don't know

c) Yesterday.

d) I don't know

2. I usually a) feed

b)buys some soup for dinner. b) drink

engineer. b) an

2013. b) on

10. When can we meet again? a) Four days ago. b) When are you free?

11. Good afternoon, Jack. How are you? a) I'm Jack's brother. b) I'm going to the market, c) I'm not very well.

d) I don't know

12. A: do you go to the theater? B: Once a month. a) How long b) How often c) Which much

d) I don't know


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela DI

Je Idiomas-A1

on holidays because I had a lot of work. c) didn't went b) didn't go

13. This summer, I a) don't go 14. Hello, I'm Peter. a) Bad

to meet you. b) Nice

d) I don't know

c) Fine

d) I don't know

15. 2 pencils in your pencil-case, a) There is b) They are

c) There are

d) I don't know

16. Sorry we are late. a) That's all right.

b) You can't go.

c) There isn't time.

d) I don't know

b) to reading

c) reading

d) I don't know

17. I don't like a) read


18. What does he do? a) He's a photograph, c) He's learning English.

b) He plays basketball on Mondays, d) I don't know

19. A: Where's Sue? B: She's her bike, a) riding b) playing

c) driving

d) I don't know

20. George speak English? a) Does b) Is


d) I don't know

21. Pat a) didn't be

with me yesterday morning, b) isn't

c) wasn't

d) I don't know

22. I'm a) taller

than you. b) more tall

c) more taller

d) I don't know

23. You can speak a) German

b) Italy

c) England

d) I don't know

24. Where do you want a) going

? b) go

c) to go

d) I don't know

c) no

d) I don't know

25. There aren't a) some

tables in your room, b) any

26. My grandfather is handsome but a) his b) her 27. Mary at night. a) works sometimes

cats are awful. c) their

b) never work

d) I don't know

c) often works

d) I don't know

28. How a) lot

water does she drink? b) much

c) many

d) I don't know

29. They a) turned on

the TV to watch the movie, b) looked after

c) turned off

d) I don't know

c) nephew

d) I don't know

30. My aunt's son is my a) cousin

b) uncle


Aprobar mi examen de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas -A1 Inglés

II. Reading


London. November 2, 2014 Dear Matthew, How you doing? I'm going great! I just moved to London and found a job. It is great! I'm having a lot of fun. I just moved into my new apartment near a well-known hotel, close to the metro. This is very convenient because I can go to work by bike. I really like my job. I give Spanish classes in a school. My students are very friendly: They gave me a welcome gift upon arrival. My co-workers are also great. They often invite me for a drink or to dine with them on weekends. It's a lot of fun. Sometimes we also do sports outside but only when it's not raining. I hope everything is going well for you in Manchester? Are you doing anything interesting? Have you found new friends? Tell me everything! Now that you live in England, we can organize a weekend together. I'm free during the Christmas holidays. We could go skiing. Is that ok for you? You can come with a friend, if you want. Tell me what you think! I expect to hear from you. Lots of love, Alison. 1. Alison moved to a) Manchester


c) Spain

d) I don't know

2. Alison a)learns

b) teaches

c) doesn't speak

d) I don't know

b) argued with her

c) made

d) I don't know

b) to go skiing

c) to go to England.

d) I don't know

c) sympathetic

d) I don't know

3. She a) wants


new friends.

4. She proposes a) to go skiing for free 5. The students are a) bad

b) funny

I I I . Listening


Listen to the audio on track 19 and answer true (T) or false (F). The listening is repeated after a 30 second interval. TRUE 1. Marge is calling Patrick. 2. Marge is doing household chores. 3. Patrick and Marge call each other every day. 4. Marge invited Patrick to go to the cinema . 5. Marge hasn't gone to the cinema for a long time .



Aprobar mi examen de la E

Je Idiomas - A1 Inglés

6. Patrick's father will go with them. 7. People say it's a good movie. 8. They will meet at 4:30. 9. Beforehand. Patrick will go shopping at the market. 10. Patrick asks Marge to arrive on time.

/ 15

IV. Writing: Answer Alison's letter (Reading exercise). (150 words)

V. Speaking:

/ 10

For 5 minutes, describe your city and give your opinion about your city, the positive and negative. Then answer the questions of the examiner.

- End of t h e level t e s t -


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- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés


 Answer key exam 1

p. 2

 Answer key exam 2

p. 4

 Answer key exam 3

p. 6

 Answer key exam 4

p. 8

 Answer key exam 5

p. 11

 Answer key exam 6

p. 14

 Answer key level test

p. 16


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 1 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (5 marks): WELL-BEING

0 O

1 b

2 d

3 a

4 g

5 c

Task2 (15 marks): HALLOWEEN

0 T

1 T

2 F

3 T

4 F

5 F

6 F

7 T

8 F

9 T

II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (7 marks): - Track 1 Extract number 0: Women's football is becoming a fashionable sport. Each year it attracts between 30,000 to 40,000 spectators. Extract number 1: Follow all the live news on our website to learn more about mobile phones. Extract number 2: Return of the sun throughout Scotland! Today it will be 30 degrees and the sky will be clear. Do not forget your hat and sunglasses. Extract number 3: The Queen's Palace invites you to taste its gourmet dish of the day. Our chef also offers you our selection of traditional dishes. Extract number 4: Environmentalists have decided to protest outside of Parliament. Extract number 5: 500 trains have been cancelled in London. We advise you to travel by bicycle. Extract number 6: The bank will be closed on Monday. Visit our website for more information. Extract number 7: The summer holidays cost people in Ireland between 200 and 300 pounds per person. Extract number 8: Housing crisis: Every year, 300,000 new families must find housing. Problem: there is no housing available. Extract number 9: The Nobel Prize in medicine is awarded to the researcher who discovered the ‘biological GPS’. Extract number 10: This year, you can find all the current trends on our website. You will find all the new accessories worn by the stars. 2

- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

Extract number 11: Meeting of Ministers to decide on action against river pollution. 10 members of the Government will meet tomorrow.

Centre of Interest Sport Politics Economy Social Fashion Sciences Gastronomy Weather

EXTRACT number 0 11 7 8 10 9 3 2

Task2 (5 marks): - Track 2 - Hello, I'd like a pound of green apples please. - I do not have green apples Madam, sorry. But I can offer you red apples. - Oh, no, it's to make an apple pie and the recipe said I need green apples. Do you know where I can find some? - Yes, in the other shop on the corner. - Thank you sir. - You're welcome Madam, goodbye.

1 b

2 a

3 b

4 a

5 b

Task3 (8 marks): - Track 3 The famous writer John Dawson died this morning at the age of 85 in Tokyo, Japan, where he had decided to retire. He had written science fiction novels like ‘My New Life’, ‘The Aliens Arrive’ and ‘Spirits Are Among Us’. It affected a whole generation of teenagers. His books have sold millions of copies and have influenced many modern writers of science fiction. He was one of the most respected artists of his time. A report by Mary Smith.

1 a

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 b


6 a

7 a

8 a

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- SIBY -

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 2 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (8 marks): Blood donation

0 T

1 T

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 F

6 T

7 F

8 F

Task2 (12 marks): Our museum

1 The war victory











II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (7 marks): - Track 4 - Pizzeria Station, hello. - Good Morning. I would like to order a pizza. - You will come to pick it up or will we deliver it? - I'm going to pick it up. - Okay, what kind of pizza you want? - A family ham and cheese please. - There is a free pizza if you order a family pizza. Do you want the same? - Oh, great! I'll have the same. - That's it? - Yes, how much will it be? - £ 18.70. - When will I be able to pick it up? - It will be ready in half an hour. - Thank you, Madam. 1







4 half an hour (or 30 minutes)

5 £18.70

- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

Task2 (4 marks): - Track 5 The Town Hall is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 6:00 pm. and on Saturdays from 9 am to noon. To request administrative documents, press 1. To leave a message, press 2. To hear our address, press 3. To speak with a counsellor, remember to call during opening hours. For more information, consult our web page: www.townhall.co.uk.

1 a

2 a

3 b

4 a

Task3 (9 marks): - Track 6 Radio Info, Good evening. In recent years, carpooling has become fashionable. Car pooling involves sharing a car to reduce costs. We can carpool with people we know or with strangers. When the trip is with a stranger, usually the driver and passenger agree on the way, the price and the place of departure through a web page. Carpooling may be regular or ad hoc. If you go every day to work by car, why not propose to a colleague that you can share your car? It's cheaper for you and in addition, it reduces pollution.

1 a

2 a

3 b

4 c

5 b

6 a

7 c

8 a

9 a

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 3 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (10 marks): QUICK CRESCENT RECIPE


0. Justification: "recipe [...] the growing"


1. Justification: "for 12 people: 1 kg flour"


2. Jstification: --


3. Justification: "Fold the dough over itself in three folds"


4. Justification: "warm milk"


5. Justification: "Bake"


1 a

2 b

3 a

4 € 70

5 a

6 c

7 a

8 6 to 12 April

9 944234567

II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (7 marks): - Track 7 Attention, this is a London Airport Control announcement: Passengers on the flight to Birmingham 43-56 are expected at boarding gate number 18.

1 b


2 (/ 2) 43-56

3 (/ 2) 18

4 (/ 2) London

Task2 (5 marks): - Track 8 Special offer today: 5% instant discount with your loyalty card on all products.


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

1 a

2 (/ 2) 5

3 a

4 a

Task3 (8 marks): - Track 9 In a few weeks, the ceremony to crown our new Miss United Kingdom 2015 will be held. The contest will be broadcast simultaneously on television. Miss United Kingdom is a competition for the public. A jury chooses the most beautiful woman in the UK. It is celebrated every year. It is open to adult British women aged between 18 and 24 years of age.

1 a

2 a

3 b

4 b

5 c

6 b

7 a

8 b

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 4 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (10 marks): 0 1 2 3 4 5


Task2 (10 marks): 1 b

2 a

3 c

4 c

5 c

II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (5 marks): - Track 10 Excerpt O: To feel better, meditate. Excerpt A: Our Masters are available online. Register before September. Excerpt B: Eating organic food is good for your health. Excerpt C: Buy clothes online and receive them the next day. Excerpt D: Choose our all inclusive package (flight and accommodation) for € 1,000.

Excerpt 1.















- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

Task2 (5 marks): - Track 11 Excerpt A: £4 per kilo of strawberries, £4! Excerpt B: The Glasgow train will depart at 3:58 pm. platform number 5. Excerpt C: Our shop will close in fifteen minutes. Excerpt D: It is mandatory to validate your ticket. Excerpt E: Buy popcorn and win free tickets to our new movies.

Excerpt 1.















Task3 (10 marks): - Track 12 -We are with actress Ashley Price, she is introducing the film that she is starring in. So Ashley, how was the shoot? - Absolutely fantastic! The whole team was superb. The atmosphere was professional and friendly at the same time. I have rarely had the opportunity to work with such a successful team. -So, tell us about the film? - The film is called ‘Journey to the End of the Night.’ It is a Franco-American production that addresses the difficulties of French people (in this case me) to settle in the United States. Martine, the main character wants to live her dream of going to New York, but she soon realizes that after 90 days, it is not easy to renew her visa. In addition, she cannot work as her visa does not allow it. So this is where the problems begin and she must find a way to stay in the United States. - I must say it looks great and intriguing. - Yes, we were even won an award at Cannes in the "Best Screenplay" category. So I invite everyone to go see it.

1 a

2 a

3 c

4 c

5 a

6 a 10

7 (/ 2) 90 days

8 c

9 c

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- SIBY -

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 5 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (10 marks): CHEAP HOLLIDAYS

1 T

2 F

3 T

4 F

5 F

6 F

7 T

8 F

9 T

10 F

Task2 (10 marks): Poster 1.

In a library.


In a hospital.


On the street.


On a television set.


Near street works.


In a restaurant.


II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (4 marks): - Track 13 The price of gasoline in England fell again this week. We moved from£ 1.44 to £1.43 per litre. As compared to the price of diesel which remains stable at £1.23 per litre.

1 A

2 b


3 (/ 2) c

- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

Task2 (6 marks): - Track 14 Hello Ms. Smith, I'm Jane Ryan from banking Plus. I am calling to inform you that the new credit card that you requested last week is now available. You can pick it up today. Do not forget to bring your ID. For further information, call 03456 212216.

1 a

2 b

3 b

4 a

5 03456

212 216

Task3 (10 marks): - Track 15 Excerpt a: I love gymnastics. I love practising this sport. Excerpt b: I often go to social gatherings. Excerpt c: I see all the new movies that come out. Excerpt d: My husband and I often go to restaurants belonging to star chefs. Excerpt e: My favourite pages of the newspaper are those which talk about what is happening abroad. Excerpt f: Every Monday, I visit a new exhibition at the fine arts museum. Excerpt g: I like to read all kinds of magazines. Excerpt h: I will attend a make-up class next month. Excerpt i: This table will be perfect in my living room with the lamp I bought yesterday. Excerpt j: Fast food restaurants are convenient. We eat fast food even though it is not very good for us. Excerpt k: Shopping fascinates me. I love buying clothes. Excerpt l: I watch TV to pass the time on Sunday mornings. Excerpt m: I think we should use more natural medicines. Excerpt 1.



















Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- SIBY -













III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- ANSWER KEY EXAM 6 I. Reading: / 20 Task1 (10 marks): ROAD SAFETY

1 o T

2 D T

3 C F

4 B F

5 E F

6 A F

Task2 (10 marks): SPORT 4





II. Listening: / 20 Task1 (7 marks): - Track 16 Independence Day is July 4th. It is the national holiday commemorating the US Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, from the Kingdom of Great Britain. On this day of celebration, fireworks, picnics, baseball games and costume parades are traditionally held.

1 a

2 b

3 c

4 a

5 b

6 b

7 a

Task2 (5 marks): - Track 17 - Hello Madam, it is Amanda, a friend of Britney’s. I want to talk to Britney please. - Hello Amanda. Britney is sick today. She has a slight fever and is tired. - Ah, it´s not too serious I hope? - Not at all. It's just a little flu, I think it will get better in a few days. She needs rest. - Oh, okay. Give her a big kiss from me please. If you don’t mind, I will call back in two days to see if she is better. 15

- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés - Ah no, it does not bother me at all. Thank you for calling. - You're welcome, goodbye.

1 a

2 b

3 c

4 b

5 c

Task3 (8 marks): - Track 18 Hi Matt, sorry but I did not answer your call earlier. I was on the underground. Well, as expected, we will meet tonight at 7pm in front of the subway. We’ll take the Piccadilly Line to Boston Manor where we’ll join Catherine and Daniel. Do not forget to bring the appetizers! I’ll bring a pack of beers. Call me when you can. Kisses.

1 c

2 b

3 b

4 (/1.5) at 7pm

5 (/1.5) 1

6 a

7 b

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com


- SIBY -

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- EXAM KEY LEVEL TEST I. Grammatical and lexical competencies / 15 1 a

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 a

6 a

7 b

8 b

9 b

10 b

11 c

12 b

13 b

14 b

15 c

16 a

17 c

18 c

19 a

20 a

21 c

22 a

23 a

24 c

25 b

26 a

27 c

28 b

29 a

30 a

II. Reading /10 1 b

2 b

3 c

4 b

5 c

III. Listening /10 - Track 19 - Marge speaking? - Hi Marge, This is Patrick, how are you? - Hi Patrick! It's been a long time since we last spoke. I’m okay, I'm at home, I’m cleaning, and you, what's up? - Me, nothing special, the same routine, I was calling you to see if you wanted to come to the movies with me this afternoon? - Yes, why not? It's been so long since I last went. Which movie will we see? - There is a new movie that just came out: "The diary of my father." It has received very good reviews. - Oh yeah, I heard about it, great! What time is it scheduled for? - The movie starts at 4pm. Does that work for you? In front of the market place? - Perfect Yes! - See you then! - Bye! 1 F

2 T

3 F

4 F

5 T

6 F


7 T

8 F

9 F

10 F

Correcciones - Aprobar mi examen de la EOI – A1 Inglés

- SIBY -

III. Writing : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión escrita? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com

IV. Speaking : /20 ¿Quieres que te corrija la parte de expresión oral? - Corrección e informe personalizados, explicaciones detalladas, consejos pedagógicos Más información en www.aprobarmiexamendelaeoi.com




INGLES Este libro es tu mejor aliado para aprobar tu examen de inglés nivel Al (básico 1) de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Encontrarás una prueba de nivel y varios modelos de exámenes "tipo" completos. En total, 60 ejercicios que te permitirán prepararte para tu examen.


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