Test Units 3 and 4 Upper Intermediate

American Inside Out Evolution Upper intermediate Unit 3 Test Name _______________________ Score ______/50 Metaphor 1

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American Inside Out Evolution Upper intermediate Unit 3 Test Name _______________________

Score ______/50

Metaphor 1

Underline the correct words.


The few last fans were flooding / trickling / streaming through the exit.


Don’t spend / waste / take my time. Get to the point.


I’ve been digesting / chewing over / baking the problem, and I have an idea.

(3 points)

Money expressions 2

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. There are two extra phrases.

a breadwinner


earn a living


pay off

save for a rainy day


This job is awful! I wish there was an easier way to __________ .


She’s decided to __________ a vacation after all.


I’m going to __________ my winnings on a new camera.

splash out on

Grammar Reported speech 3

Write the direct speech in reported speech.


“The operation was a great success.” She told reporters _________________________________________________________________


“We’re going to the movies after we leave the restaurant.” They said _________________________________________________________


“Why don’t you want to take the exam?” He asked me _______________________________________________________

1 American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

Unreal conditionals 4

Match the sentence beginnings (a–c) with the endings (1–3).


If I don’t have to work this weekend,


I’d have a lot of freedom.


If I earned a lot of money,


I’d have saved some for a rainy day.


If I had earned more money last year,


I’ll go shopping.

(3 points)


Complete the text with the correct conditional form of the verbs. If I (1) _________ (have) a lot of money, it (2) _________ (be) great because I (3) _________ (not have to) work, and that (4) _________ (make) me extremely happy! I (5) _________ (buy) myself an amazing apartment somewhere, and I (6) _________ (go back) to college and study art. But I don’t have a lot of money. I almost did, though. Usually I buy a lottery ticket, and I always choose the same numbers. But last weekend I forgot, and my numbers came up! If I (7) _________ (bought) a ticket, all my dreams (8) _________ (come) true.

(8 points)

Word formation 6

Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses with the prefix self- or the suffix able / ible.


You need to be organized and __________ when you work at home. (discipline)


I hate dancing. I always feel very __________ . (conscious)


Is this building __________ for disabled people? (access)

Phrasal verbs 7

Complete the sentences. Write phrasal verbs using the verbs in parentheses and add the correct object pronoun where necessary.


Don’t leave your jacket on the floor. __________ ! (pick)


I’m not at all like my mother, but I __________ my father. (take)


Shelly’s accident __________ horse-riding for a long time. (put)

2 American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018

Grammar Narrative tenses 8

Complete the email with the simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, or past perfect progressive form of the verbs.

Hi Mom, Well, here I am on my camping vacation, and I (1) __________ (finally arrive) on Cape Cod. When I got to the campground, Liz and Jack (2) __________ (already arrive) because they (3) __________ (take) the ferry. When we all got to our campground, it was raining hard, and the ground was like a river because it (4) __________ (rain) for two weeks. Then, while I (5) _________ (try) to put up the tent, it (6) __________ (blow) away into a tree. I finally (7) __________ (get) it down, but it was torn, and so I (8) __________ (spend) a very uncomfortable night in Liz and Jack’s tiny tent with them. I (9) __________ (not sleep) at all. I (10) __________ (decide) that I don’t really like camping. I can’t wait to get home. Love, Ben

Future progressive and future perfect 5

Underline the correct word.


By the time he gets this message, I will already leave / have left / had left.


This time next month, we will have finished / will finish / will finished our course.


At 12:00 tomorrow, we’ll be taken off / be taking off / taken off for Rio.


What do you think we’ll be doing / have done / done this time next year?

Listening [Track 6] 10 a)

Listen to Brian talking about his most treasured possession. Underline the correct words. Brian has had Panda for as long as he remembers / longer than his other stuffed animals / since he was born.


Brian used to pretend he was a panda / Panda was him / he was an animal in childhood games.


Now, Panda looks as good as new / a little old and shabby / completely bald and discolored.


Brian used to tell Panda his worries about school / his secrets / stories.


Brian would sell Panda if he was worth a fortune / has no intention of selling Panda / is thinking of selling Panda to a friend.

3 American Inside Out Evolution Upper Intermediate Unit 3 Test Photocopiable D.R. © Macmillan Education 2018