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PROYECTO PARA NIVEL 5 Producto Final: Hacer una presentación (Talk show) de 6-7 minutos sobre “el impacto del ejercicio de su carrera en el medio ambiente, la sociedad y en el uso de la tecnología”. Los estudiantes trabajaran en grupos de 3. Roles: Uno de los estudiantes será el moderador de la presentación y los otros dos serán expertos en el tema elegido. La participación de cada uno de los miembros debe ser equitativa. Corte



Elaborar el plan para la realización del “Talk Show” mediante una escaleta.

Contenidos Gramaticales Diferentes estructuras estudiadas a través de los niveles anteriores

Cumplir con las tareas asignadas.

Vocabulario Medio ambiente

Entregar el texto del 1er corte corregido


Elaborar el plan de socialización del texto impreso que se utilizará en el “Talk show”.

Campo Sociedad Tecnología


Realizar el “Talk Show” en vivo utilizando lenguaje corporal y verbal adecuado, haciendo contacto visual con la audiencia y utilizando habilidades para tomar turnos al hablar.

Diferentes estructuras estudiadas a través de los niveles anteriores

Tareas Específicas

Medio ambiente

Entregar el borrador de la escaleta para el “Talk show”. Adaptar el espacio para la presentación (decoración del set)

Ciudad Campo

Realizar el “Talk Show” en vivo (5-7 minutos por grupo)

Sociedad Tecnología

Grabar la presentación como evidencia.

Socialization Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction of topics to be discussed in the show Introduction of the guests Introduction of the first topic Ask about what Global warming is and what’s causing it to the guests Maybe a quick video about global warming by Bill Nye the Science Guy

6. Connect how the human population in cities are affecting the world with a question to guests 7. Guests answers and opinions 8. Ask about how it is in rural areas 9. Guests answers and opinions 10. Finish that topic with video of impact of MAN 11. Introduce next topic which is how we can help as a society 12. Guests answers and opinions 13. Connect with how technology can help us and ask guests 14. Guests answers and opinions 15. Outro of topic and end talk show Plan format (third cut), Talk Show Decoración - materiales


Recursos Técnicos/físicos

Minute 1-2

https://www.youtu nlPtaPxXfc

Minute 3-4

https://www.youtu tW2rrLHs08

Background mural of planet Earth with balloons and decoration with blue and green colors representing nature. SCRIPT Presentador: Invitado 1: Invitado 2: Kevin Miguel Santiago Welcome to our Hello and thank Hey, how is talk show. Today you for having me everyone? Thanks we’ll be talking on the show for inviting me, about issues Miguel, it’s a real pleasure to be surrounding the honor. here. environment, the urban and rural areas, society and technology. First, I’d like to introduce our guests for today, Santiago and Kevin who are experts in the matters. Our first topic Global warming is Indeed, and might we’ll be talking the rising I add that the most about today will temperature of noticeable be about the Earth's surface, changes because environment. It is oceans and of this increase in of great concern atmosphere. temperature is the to everyone in the Average melting of ice caps world as we are temperatures

seeing the effects of climate change. What is climate change and what has caused it, Santiago?

Minute 4-5

This is a very sad reality that we are living right now. How are cities affecting our world, Kevin?

Minute 5-6

How about rural areas, Santiago? Is there a difference?

today are about 1 °C higher than before the Industrial Revolution, which started around 1750. That is very true, in fact, the sea level is rising steadily because of continental ice melting into the sea. (interrupts Kevin) The concentration of this air pollution has caused the cities to have a very bad level of contamination and therefore have been on orange and even red alarms in both Medellin and Bogota.

all around world.


Like we said, it depends on the country. Colombia’s population is mostly in the cities as compared as the States where most of its population lives in the suburbs.

In developing countries such as Colombia, it is difficult for trash to be picked up and the lack of education environmental conscience is a big cause in pollution un rural areas. The

I’m afraid Many cities will be partly flooded by the ocean in the 21st century.

Yes, there is a difference of the impact cities and rural areas are impacting the environment. Of course, there are many more people living in the cities. Most of the national population in Colombia live in the main cities and they are filled with horrible gas emitters.

Living in rural areas doesn’t contaminate as much since it is more spread out but still do damage wherever human interaction is.

Minute 6-9

https://www.youtu WfGMYdalClU

Thank you so much for that input guys. It is very true; we are the plague upon this earth. But we, as a society, can come together and help undo the damage we have caused. Up next is a video that portrays how us humans have affected the world. I’m sure some of you have seen it before but it’s always good to analyze the impact we cause.

towns people think that if they throw the trash in the river, they get rid of it, but what they are doing is far much worse. They are putting in danger their ecosystem, the animals and land around them are all being impacted by not having a proper way to dispose of it. We can conserve water and electricity. Even if it might be a nobrainer, it is important to become aware of our unconscious habits like turning the sink water off when brushing your teeth

There are several ways we can help the environment as a society. We can replace disposable items with reusable ones, such as using a water bottle, bringing our own bags to the grocery store, use rechargeable batteries. Supporting local and We can pass on environmentally paper because friendly now that we live businesses. in a digital era, it is Recycling properly so much practical is a great way to and efficient to use the plastics have things that we’ve already electronically used. instead of wrong. Recycling is one of This is an area the most effective where we can ways to help slow

improve by down evolving our warming. thought, such as with our education system. Minute 9-10

The main problem with humans impacting the world has been our advancement with technology, but it can also be our way out. Can you elaborate a bit more with that guys?

Well, we have discovered alternative ways to harness energy developing different type of technology. For example, Solar panels have been created to absorb heat from sunlight and wind turbines to use wind energy to generate rotation in the turbines. that generate energy through an engine and conserved in its battery.

Minute 10-

Well, that’s all the time we have tonight. I hope you, the listeners, have had an insight in what can be done to help global warming. Thank you so much for your time in our show this evening. A

Thank you again for having me on the show. A great topic to touch and hope to be invited back again so.


https://www.youtu nlPtaPxXfc


It’s the energy stored in the batteries that can be the absolute saver in the petrol energy crisis. We already had created the rechargeable battery for vehicles, what are now challenged with is transforming that battery energy into powerful and durable enough to have the same effect as the petrol combustion in engines to generate the same reliability. Yes, indeed great to be here and I’ll be looking for the next show. I’m a big fan by the way. To finish off I wanted to say that, it’s us humans that are causing damage to the earth. No matter how big or small. We are all

pleasure having you guys here for this important topic which affects all our listeners. Proposal created by: Leónidas Arcila & Arianne Quintero

impacting the earth one way or another.