Starter: Grammar

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY STARTER 1 1 A ticket ​2 B note ​3 E advert ​4 G poster ​ 5 C text message ​6 F certificate ​7 D onl

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STARTER 1 1 A ticket ​2 B note ​3 E advert ​4 G poster ​ 5 C text message ​6 F certificate ​7 D online form 2 A online form ​B note ​C text message 3 1 C ​2 K ​3 C ​4 K ​5 D ​6 C 4 music: band, perform, festival; sport: surf, rock climbing; travel: sights, return ticket; technology: website, game design 5 1 to D ​2 at F ​3 from A ​4 in B ​5 on C ​6 out E 6 1 B ​2 A ​3 C 7 1 Remember ​2 easy ​3 must ​4 try ​don’t ​5 time 8 Speaker 1 travel Speaker 2 study Speaker 3 winter sports Speaker 4 indoor hobbies 9 Speaker 1 is answering question 4 Speaker 2 is answering question 8 Speaker 3 is answering question 6 Speaker 4 is answering question 5 10 Sample answers 1 I’d love to go to South America. I think it would be interesting to experience the different cultures and travel around. 2 I like sewing and making clothes for my family. It’s fun and exciting to design and make clothes! 3 Yes, I have. I went snowboarding for the first time in Switzerland with my family. We did it because it looked good fun going really fast and we saw some amazing views! 4 I haven’t decided yet but I would like to. I’d like to be a chef in a restaurant. I love cooking and making people happy with the food I make. 11 He is doing a school project and has some questions. 12 Model answer Hi Jose, Thank you for your email. Of course I can answer your questions! When I’m at home I spend time with my family. We eat together and talk about our day. We all play musical instruments, so sometimes we play music together! I like action films and I watch them on my computer. There’s a good TV programme for people my age and I always watch that after school. It’s about trying new hobbies. Yes, I’m going to go on holiday in July with my family. We’re going to visit my grandparents in the mountains. It should be fun! Write soon! Sam

UNIT 1 Reading 1 1 came across ​2 worm ​3 ahead of ​4 disturb  ​5 sleep in ​6 pretty 2 Ben B ​Sophie C ​Olly A ​Talia C 3 1 B …  so it’s really important to wear the right gear – helmet, goggles, gloves, boots … even a chest protector. Going out riding without being properly protected just isn’t worth it. 2 A Sometimes they don’t mind me helping out, which is amazing because I never thought they’d let me do anything.




3 D What I love about being up so early is that I never come across anyone else – it’s like the countryside’s all mine. Some of my mates think I’m mad when I chat to them about it, but running gives me loads of energy, keeps me fit, and I’m sure it helps me with my schoolwork, too. 4 B … I’ve got a competition coming up which I’m desperate to do well in … 5 A I often notice something’s wrong with one of our cows when my parents haven’t – I’ve got a special talent for it! 6 D … it’s not something I can do all year round. 7 C I vlog about whatever’s going on in my life because I think it helps other people my age deal with stuff. It isn’t always easy being a teenager and if you know other people are going through the same things, it gives you a bit of support, doesn’t it? 8 B A lot of people get put off motocross pretty quickly because you fall off the bike a lot and it can hurt like crazy! 9 A My ambition’s to become a vet … 10 C…  I’m trying to reach a wider audience 4 1 deal with ​2 going through ​3 built up ​4 coming up  ​5 set off ​6 going on 5 1 going through ​2 setting off ​3 build up ​4 deal with ​ 5 going on ​6 coming up

Grammar 1 1 B ​2 D ​3 F ​4 E ​5 A ​6 G ​7 C 2 1 I usually play rugby with my friends on Saturdays. / On Saturdays I usually play rugby with my friends. 2 I feel pretty exhausted today. / Today I feel pretty exhausted. 3 Nine times out of ten Belle misses tennis practice. / Bella misses tennis practice nine times out of ten. 4 I am improving my baseball skills. 5 Kylie is doing her ballet training at the moment. / At the moment Kylie is doing her ballet training. 6 Brooke loves playing guitar in the band. 7 Who is Jamie chatting to online? / Who is chatting to Jamie online? 8 Billie is always taking my football without asking. 3 1 You’re always watching TV. 2 I’m learning to drive at the moment. / At the moment I’m learning to drive. 3 I am never late for my guitar lessons because I love them. 4 I don’t often play baseball in winter. 5 Our team rarely wins a match. 6 Jaden visits his grandmother after school most days. / Most days Jaden visits his grandmother after school. 7 Jude goes to bed early every night so she can get up early! / Every night Jude goes to bed early so she can get up early! 8 Alex is speaking to someone on the phone right now. / Right now Alex is speaking to someone on the phone. 4 1 want ​2 don’t know ​3 are actually doing ​ 4 are you always thinking ​5 Do you feel ​ 6 are always complaining ​7 are improving 5 1 They are playing tennis. 2 He is typing/working/using his computer. 3 She is taking photos. 4 We are eating/having a meal. 5 They are horse-riding. 6 He is getting up/waking up.

Vocabulary 1 1 get into ​2 give up on ​3 be worth it ​4 take pride in  ​5 put off ​6 encourage 2 1 raise ​2 charity ​3 contribute ​4 help out ​5 poverty ​ 6 care for ​7 campaign ​8 Surveys ​9 volunteers Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 3 1 memorable 2 comfortable 3 sensible 4 responsible 5 enjoyable 6 fashionable 7 understandable 8 suitable 4 1 relaxing 2 stressful 3 scary 4 incredible 5 tiring 6 enjoyable 5 1 F 2E 3C 4B 5D 6A 6 1 sociable 2 impossible 3 edible 4 miserable 5 hospitable 6 visible

Listening 1 1 hardly 2 embarrassing 3 broken a record 4 spilt/spilled 5 final 6 bet 7 disappointing 2 You will hear a variety of speakers. They are all talking about different things. 3 1 C When you write a blog, you just sit down at the computer and write about whatever’s in your head. That’s a common view of blogging – the reality’s pretty different! 2 A I’d like to do drama, but my best subjects are science and maths, and I bet they’ll be more useful when we’re looking for jobs later. 3 B It looks easy but I bet it isn’t. Not for someone like me anyway – I’m not that artistic. Whatever I make will probably fall apart - embarrassing! 4 A It might be challenging getting enough people to go, though – they’ve never played in public. Hardly anyone knows them. 5 B I’m wondering about getting a few people together, showing them what I know. 6 A … that’s a really useful thing to do and you can pick up lots of tips for your own writing from fiction, so, if you don’t already do that – it’s time to make a trip to the library! 7 C F: I thought our storyline was great till I watched the whole thing on screen. Our classmates looked like they didn’t know what was going on. M: It made sense before we cut out that middle bit … That was a mistake. 8 B We usually have a theme – like films or music – which is always our students’ choice, so get thinking! 4 1 A 2C 3F 4B 5D 6E

Use of English 1 1 1 never 2 since 3 has been designing 4 for 5 has won 6 ever 2 1 just 2 ever 3 since 4 yet 5 already 6 for 7 never 8 still 3 1 has just passed 2 has cut 3 you ever flown 4 have been working 5 has/have ever played 6 have you been studying 7 has wanted/has been wanting 8 have been trying 4 1 has been training for (present perfect continuous) 2 has never/not (present perfect + negative never/not to mean it’s the first time) 3 have ( just) seen (present perfect to describe something very recent) 4 are always skateboarding/always go skateboarding (always + present continuous to describe an annoying habit) 5 has been doing yoga for (present perfect continuous + for to show duration 6 are getting better (present continuous to show gradual change) 7 doesn’t have (enough/the) time (present simple with stative verb) 8 have wanted to be (present perfect simple for states that started in the past and continue now)




Use of English 2 1 1 bow/ribbon 2 hair clip 3 handbag 4 hood 5 necklace 6 sleeve 7 swimsuit/swimming costume 8 (wedding) ring 9 wig 10 zip 11 earring 12 raincoat 2 1 smart 2 cute 3 accessories 4 pale 5 feminine 6 bold 7 outfit 8 casual 9 bow 10 stickers 11 strap 12 bow tie 3 1 B (aim + to + infinitive) 2 C (the phrase ‘break a record’) 3 A (get into things that interest you - meaning start getting interested in and doing) 4 D (a memorable name – which is easy to remember) 5 A (your fashion style) 6 B (the whole outfit - meaning what you’re wearing) 7 A (bold colours) 8 A (your hard work’s been worth it – the phrase ‘to be worth it’) 4 1 walking boots 2 tracksuit 3 sweatshirt 4 sunglasses 5 dressing gown 6 evening dress

Speaking 1 1 C 2E 3A 4F 5B 6D 2 1 stand 2 keen 3 into 4 fan 5 love 6 especially 7 hates 8 interested 3 Possible questions 1 Do you like cooking? 2 Do you like sport? / Are you interested in sport? 3 What is there for teenagers to do/What can teenagers do in your town? 4 What kind of films do you like? 5 Are you interested in fashion? 6 Do you like spending time with friends? 4 Sample answers 1 (Yes, I love it! In fact, …) I read at least one book a week. 2 (I go skiing in winter, but to be honest, …) I don’t really have much time for hobbies. 3 (Let me think … Actually, …) I’ve just seen a film about deep sea diving – that was brilliant. 4 (I love the food of my own country, especially …) paella, which is delicious and has all my favourite foods in it. 5 (I don’t do much after school because I’m tired. To be honest, …) I eat dinner, do my homework and then go to bed. 6 (No, I hate it! In fact, …) I don’t even go shopping for my own clothes. My mum buys them for me! 5 Possible answers 1 There’s a good skateboarding park where I go with my friends, and sometimes we go fishing at the river. 2 We go on bike rides or watch films. We sometimes go into town and have a snack at a cafe. 3 I’m really into science and geography, but I’m not really into languages. 4 I don’t go for meals with friends but I go out with my family on special occasions, like someone’s birthday. 5 I’m really into music – I’m always listening to something. I don’t read much, but I like going to the cinema with my brother. 6 It depends. Sometimes I visit my grandparents or help my parents with jobs at home. I go to a dance class on Saturday morning and sometimes I go swimming with my best friend on Sundays. 7 I’m not very interested in fashion, but I suppose I’m quite fashionable because I buy things that are in the shops at the time. 8 Yes, I can speak Portuguese, which is my dad’s first language.

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Writing 1 A 2B 3B 4 providing entertainment / shopping at local businesses 5 1 because 2 since 3 so 4 as a result 5 Due to 6 as 7 owing to 8 Therefore 7 Model answer I’m not sure that I completely agree with the idea that going to a small village school is better than going to a large one in a city. In fact, there are benefits to both kinds of school. Perhaps one thing that is better about small village schools than larger ones is that students are likely to receive more individual attention from teachers. Therefore students may make faster progress as a result. However, due to the greater number of students at a larger school, students have contact with more people and have the chance to make more friends than they might at a smaller school. This may improve their social skills and provide them with a wider range of experiences. Larger schools are also more likely to have teachers for individual subjects rather than a single class teacher for every subject, so students have access to more specialist knowledge. There is also more access to facilities such as museums or galleries than in villages. In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to both kinds of school, and neither one can really be considered better than the other for young people.

Unit check 1 1 usually visit 2 am reading 3 is studying 4 break into 5 often feel 6 is always singing 7 am already getting up 8 miss 2 1 has been, changing 2 has been 3 has become 4 has taken part 5 has been inspiring / has inspired 6 have faced 3 1 because/as/since 2 Owing to/Due to 3 so/as a result/therefore 4 as a result/therefore/so 5 Due to/Owing to 6 therefore/so/as a result 7 Since/As/Because 8 as/because/since 4 1 comfortable 2 visible 3 memorable 4 sensible 5 enjoyable 6 impossible 7 fashionable 8 sociable 5 1 J 2 H 3 F 4 I 5 G 6 B 7 E 8 D 9 A 10 C 6 1 into 2 on 3 off 4 for 5 out 6 in

UNIT 2 Reading 1 1 wacky 2 Employees 3 loads 4 attempt 5 commuters 6 represent 7 pick 8 hesitate 2B 3 1 D … it’s not difficult for journalists and news bloggers to find quirky stories that get our attention and keep us reading. 2 C … the first place to start should be social media; … social media users with lots of followers often post good quotes and pieces of information that could lead to a story 3 D Nowadays, lots of online news sites simply copy something that someone has said on Twitter or repost a photo from Instagram and turn it into an article … 4 A That way you can give readers different points of view, and some factual information, too. 5 A However, he admits that it can be difficult, especially when you meet someone on various occasions, but realise that you won’t get any material that you can use to write a decent story 172



6 C Don’t forget to let us know how you got on in the comments section and post a link to your article. I’ll choose my favourite comments and articles and post them to the blog next month. 4 1A 2D 3B 4E 5G 6C 7F 5 1 quirky 2 unique 3 freelance 4 interview 5 round-the-clock 6 factual 7 quotes

Grammar 1 Past simple: was, met, went, spoke Past continuous: was running, were getting, was cooking Past perfect: had never been, had left used to/would: would buy, used to live, would order 2 1 Luis showed me his new mobile phone yesterday. 2 I didn’t enjoy science class last year. 3 The tickets had already sold out when we got to the cinema. 4 Did you read that article about virtual reality last week? 5 I was doing my homework when the lights went out. 6 It was raining when I left the house. 7 She wrote, illustrated and promoted the magazine by herself. 8 She was working/worked on her laptop last week because her computer had broken the week before. 3 1 started 2 was studying 3 was living 4 left 5 spent 6 returned 7 found 8 was working 9 decided 10 formed 4 1 My mum had already started a band when she met my dad. 2 Everyone had already heard it when the news channels reported it. 3 It was the hardest language I’d ever studied. 4 It was the biggest mobile phone I’d ever seen. 5 1 A, C 2 B, C 3 A 4 B 5 A, B 6 B

Vocabulary 1 Down 1 terrific 2 ridiculous 5 awesome 6 amazing 9 awful Across 3 delicious 4 terrifying 7 massive 8 brilliant 10 disgusting 2 1 C 2A 3F 4B 5 6G 7E 3 1 Lauren 2 Rachel 3 Ryan 4 Ellie 5 Lewis 6 Max 4 1 E 2C 3A 4G 5F 6D 7B 5 1 exhausted 2 starving 3 ancient 4 freezing 5 tiny 6 boiling

Listening 1 1 go 2 hesitate 3 touch 4 rub 5 look away 6 laugh 2B 3 1 D I don’t know how she could lie so easily! I think it’s terrible when people lie online. 2 E I never bother to check the original source, and it doesn’t matter if the information is correct or not. The most important thing is keeping my followers interested! 3 B We couldn’t believe the results – there was no difference! Web robots just pass on any information, whether it’s true or not. 4 F Websites can track even the tiniest piece of information, for example where the photo we posted was taken and what time we were last online. So, why can’t we work out if something is a lie? 5 C Everyone ends up pretending that their life is better on social media, and that’s OK. 4 1 E 2D 3A 4B 5C 5 1 looking out for 2 work out 3 end up 4 set up 5 showing off

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Use of English 1 1 1 E 2 D 3 B,H 4 F 5 A,C 6 G 2 1 The book was a bit longer than I had remembered. 2 Rebecca didn’t work as quickly as me. 3 This competition was far more difficult than the last one. 4 This is the longest joke in the world. 5 The comedy show wasn’t as popular as we had expected. 6 The best humour is about the unexpected. 7 She is much less shy than last term. 8 That was the least funny show I’ve ever seen. 3 1 A 2A 3C 4B 5B 6A 7B 4 1 are less expensive than (comparative structure) 2 was further (away) than (comparative structure) 3 do as well as (comparative not as … as structure) 4 far more difficult than (comparative modified by far) 5 the richest comedian (superlative structure) 6 learns much/far more quickly than. (comparative adverb structure modified by much or far) 7 is less amusing than (comparative structure with less) 8 a bit earlier than (comparative structure modified by a bit)

Use of English 2 1 1 dropped 2 spotted, yelled 3 staring, crashed 4 hurry, confirm 5 remains, waved 2 manner: quietly, carefully, happily, anxiously frequency: often, frequently, never place: outside, here, under the trees time: yesterday, overnight, later on, at the end of the evening 3 1 You should do the activity carefully so you don’t make mistakes. 2 Later on, we will talk about the legend in more detail. / We will talk about the legend in more detail later on. 3 He’s a perfectionist so he’ll never be completely happy with his work. 4 Are you going to work on it overnight? 5 Sammie walked through the house quietly because it was very late./ Sammie walked quietly through the house because it was very late. 6 The children sat under the trees and read their book. / The children sat and read their book under the trees. 7 He smiled happily at the thought of a day’s holiday. 8 Angelo decided to paint his model outside. 9 She occasionally writes articles for fashion magazines. / She writes articles for fashion magazines occasionally. 10 If you answer the questions truthfully then you have nothing to worry about 4 1 truthful 2 hopeful 3 Finally 4 anxiously 5 noisily 6 frequently 7 nervous 8 overnight 9 suspiciously 5 1 honestly (adverb to describe the verb ‘couldn’t say’)) 2 original (adjective to describe the noun ‘story’) 3 probably (adverb to describe the verb ‘will be’) 4 truth (noun to complete the phrase ‘telling the truth’) 5 quickly (adverb to describe the verb ‘spread’ 6 certainly (adverb to describe the verb ‘aren’t’) 7 easily (adverb to describe the verb ‘can understand’) 8 mysterious (adjective to describe the noun ‘legends’)

Speaking 11 2 3 4 5 6


Both pictures show people outside. The main similarity is the location. The people in the first picture are wearing warm clothes. But the people in the second picture are on the beach. It’s sunny in this picture too. There are animals in this picture as well.



2 1 as 2 However 3 Both 4 whereas 5 main 6 Another 7 too 8 but 3 1 Both 2 In 3 building/making/creating 4 if/though 5 There 6 shows 7 like 8 similarity 9 is 10 too 11 main 12 second

Writing 1 1 C 2B 3D 4A 2 1 One summer 2 on my first day 3 The next day 4 At first 5 After 6 At first 7 then 8 Suddenly 9 a few minutes later 10 Before 3 1 I felt as though I was in a mystery novel. 2 I felt as if I was on a secret mission! 4 1 pride 2 panic 3 satisfaction 4 shock 5 excitement 6 happiness 7 sadness 8 stress 5 1 terrible 2 disgusting 3 ridiculous 4 silent 5 terrifying 6 massive 6 Model answer I had been excited about it for weeks. Finally, it was time for our school trip to France. The night before, I hardly slept from anticipation. This would be my first time abroad! A few weeks before, I had got my very first passport. On the day, we had to meet at school very early in the morning. The coach was buzzing with excitement. Our energy was like a candle that couldn’t be blown out. After a few hours, we arrived at the ferry port and got off to go through passport control. Our teachers made useless attempts to get us to stand in a queue like at school. When it was my turn to step up to the booth, I proudly handed over my brand new passport. The immigration looked at me, at my passport, at me again and then frowned. “Excuse me, Miss,” he said. I smiled at him. “I don’t think this is you.” He turned my passport around. The smile slid off my face like an ice cream melting off its cone in the summer heat. I had brought my dad’s passport by mistake!

Unit Check 1 1 had started, got 2 met, told 3 were swimming 4 arrived, were 5 wasn’t, had eaten 6 used to 7 was cooking, turned 8 showed, had taken 2 1 more interesting 2 too incredible 3 harder than 4 the most patient 5 more quickly 6 hot enough 7 the worst 8 as competitive as 3 1 delicious 2 brilliant 3 massive 4 awesome 5 terrific 4 1 disgusting 2 amazed 3 suspiciously 4 hopefully 5 noisily 6 satisfaction 7 Unfortunately 8 guiltily 5 1 head for heights 2 excitement 3 anxiously 4 panic 5 awful 6 Luckily 7 fantastic 8 yelled 9 terrifying 10 laugh

UNIT 3 Reading 1 1 impact 2 intention 3 natural resources 4 significant 5 chop 6 a lack of 7 obey 8 attitude 2C 3 1 E is correct because it refers to what Janeira is going to find out on the course she plans to do. 2 F is correct because ‘I want to do more’ refers back to what Janeira is doing for the environment and what follows the gap refers to pesticides mentioned in F.

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WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 3 C is correct because the paragraph is about organic food and the process of producing it. 4 A is correct because it refers to the impact of saving natural resources, which have been the subject of the paragraph. 5 G is correct because it refers to not eating meat. 6 B is correct because it provides the definition of ‘from scratch’. 4 1 F 2D 3A 4H 5C 6G 7B 8E 5 1 nutrients 2 in reality 3 weird 4 picked up 5 demand 6 ingredients 7 manual 8 ethical

Grammar 1 1 going to 2 present simple 3 will 4 future continuous 5 present continuous 6 will 7 present simple 2 1 is taking 2 starts 3 will probably go 4 are going 5 will be 6 will be looking 3 1 plan 2 intention 3 prediction 4 offer 5 warning 6 schedule 4 1 soon 2 After 3 time 4 unlikely 5 until 6 about 7 While 8 time 5 1 is 2 am visiting/am going to visit 3 won’t/will not have 4 will be doing 5 will get/’ll get 6 is 7 are going to work 8 to arrive

Vocabulary 1 1 crops 2 Wheat 3 harvest 4 steak 5 Organic 6 season 7 Beans 8 vegetarian ‘organic’ is an adjective 2 1 making sure 2 do without 3 make sense 4 make do with 5 doing their bit 3 1 import 2 market 3 production 4 exported 5 Consumers 6 available 7 sells 8 transporting 4 1 Can you help me answer this homework question? (v) 2 Don’t forget to buy a ticket before you travel. (v) 3 Someone’s left a comment on our website. (n) 4 The local market sells fresh produce. (n) 5 The shuttle bus transports people to and from the city centre. (v) 6 Please pay for your purchases at the cash desk. (n) 7 There’s been an increase in sales of coffee beans. (n) 5 1 make the most of something (E), 2 do a good job (H), 3 make use of something (I), 4 do something up (F) / make something up (B), 5 make up for something (A), 6 make the best of something (D), 7 do someone good (C), 8 do damage/harm (G), 9 make something up (B) / do something up (F) 6 1 make up for 2 doing up 3 make the most 4 do, damage/harm 5 make use of




Listening 1 1 ignored 2 strike 3 protest 4 issue 5 courage 6 roots 7 ban 8 pesticides 9 conference 10 speeches 2 She made lemonade which she sold and donated some of the profits to charities which fight to save bees. 3 1 painful: Then she was stung – twice! I always thought bees were cute until that happened to me, too! It was painful! 2 fruits: During my research on Mikaila, I realised … They not only produce honey but pollinate crops, including about 90 different farm-grown foods. … Fruits also need bees to survive, and nuts, too. 3 cell phones: I couldn’t believe that cell phones can also be a cause because they create radiation, a kind of energy which stops bees being able to find their way. 4 cook(-)book: I love the story about how Mikaila first decided what to do to help bees. … Mikaila’s great-grandmother sent her a cookbook. … Mikaila thought about how she could use the recipe to do something helpful for honeybees. 5 sour: … lemonade – which can be quite sour as you know – so putting honey in to make it sweet was a great idea of Mikaila’s. 6 (local) fairs: Mikaila decided to sell the lemonade, which she did at local fairs … She also sold her product at events for young entrepreneurs – other young people who were setting up their own businesses. This was a brilliant idea of Mikaila’s … 7 lectures: … her own Facebook page where visitors – myself included – can read stuff about bees … She gives lectures about what we can do to save them. I wouldn’t mind listening to one. 8 hair: I knew that flaxseed cleans our skin but hadn’t realised it helps our hair, too. 9 organic foods: I’ve recently found out that she also supplies her lemonade to a world-leading company which specialises in organic foods! 10 Lemons and love: … there are plenty of articles about her. I’m writing one at the moment which I’m calling ‘Lemons and love’. 4 1 D 2E 3A 4F 5B 6C 5 1 donate profits 2 take part in 3 supplies 4 negative effect on 5 good 6 setting up a business

Use of English 1 1 1 B 2B 3A 4C 5A 6C 2 1 It’s so hot today that I don’t want to go outside! 2 This is such an amazing vegetarian restaurant. 3 Is there enough food for everyone? 4 Climate change is too important to do nothing. 5 I’d like to enter running competitions but I’m not fast enough. 6 There were so many cars on the road that it was impossible to move. 7 There’s too much evidence for global warming to pretend it doesn’t exist. 3 1 so 2 enough 3 such 4 too 5 such 6 enough 7 so 8 too 4 1 not (the structure not + adjective (energy efficient) + enough) 2 such (the structure such a lot of) 3 for (looking + preposition for) 4 many (the structure so many + plural noun) 5 much (the structure so much + uncountable noun) 6 it/some (referring back to ‘electricity’) 7 to (the structure not enough + to + infinitive) 8 so (the structure so + adjective + to + infinitive)

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Use of English 2 1 1 kill off 2 get across 3 throw away 4 clean up 5 cut down 6 chop down 7 die out 2 1 die out 2 throw, away 3 killing off 4 clean up 5 cut down 6 getting, across 7 cut down 3 1 B (increase is the correct verb to use with numbers, and does not need to be followed by an object as the other verbs do.) 2 C (‘do your bit for …’ is a fixed phrase) 3 A (die out means to disappear completely and is the only verb which fits the context) 4 D (‘natural habitat’ is the correct collocation) 5 B (‘get (the message) across’ means to communicate to people and is the only phrasal verb which fits the context) 6 D (‘have an impact on’ is a fixed phrase) 7 A (authority means power and is the only noun which fits the context) 8 C (‘make sure’ is a fixed phrase) 4 1 C 2A 3D 4F 5B 6E

Speaking 1 1 true 2 really 3 right 4 fantastic 5 keen 6 think 2 Ticked: all phrases except ‘Yes, that’s what I think.’ 3 1 think that, would be really 2 would prefer 3 I’d be 4 would definitely choose 5 it would be 4 Sample answers 1 Yes, I think that’s true. Just because a creature is small, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t important to ecosystems. 2 I think that would be really interesting! Butterflies are beautiful and they pollinate plants as well. 3 Well, I’d be most interested in visiting the old horses’ home. Animals need company just like humans do. And it would be fun to feed them! 4 You’re right there. But supermarkets should also be careful about how much plastic packaging they use. 5 I would definitely choose the rhino rescue centre. You’d help the rhinos and you’d also have the chance to travel as well. 6 I think making changes at home would be really good because it’s easy but makes a difference. For example, saving energy and water.

Writing 1 1 D in order to / so as to 2 A for 3 C in order to / so as to 4 B so that 2 Order of the paragraphs should be: 1 D, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B 3 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 all describe the article. The title (1) could be more appealing to readers, such as the title given in the task. The conclusion (7) is missing (paragraph E). 4 2 is the best conclusion because it is a brief summary of the article. 1 is very short, not very interesting, and includes some irrelevant information. 3 introduces new ideas, which is not the aim of the conclusion. 5 Model answer Nature lover Spending time in nature is something I do whenever I get the chance. I’m always going walking or having a picnic in the countryside. And what could be better than going to the beach or climbing a mountain? Not very much! I spend most of my free time outdoors, running about in the woods with my friends or horse-riding through the fields at sunset. Sometimes we swim in the lake on a hot summer day to cool down.




Don’t you just love nature? It isn’t just fields and flowers that are interesting to look at but humans and animals, too. I love to watch my pet cat and dog and notice the differences between them. No one could disagree that it’s important for people to get outdoors and exercise in the fresh air. Just think about how your mood improves after you’ve been for a run or spent time in the park. Even research shows it’s good for us. So, in a few words, spending time in nature not only helps you physically but mentally, too. And it’s a great way to learn about the world while you’re having fun!

Unit check 1 1 are holding 2 will be 3 will be sitting 4 will plant 5 am going to 6 Are 7 starts 8 get 2 1 so much evidence (that) 2 was such an 3 was not enough / was not/wasn’t 4 too many 5 working fast enough to 6 are so many 3 1 do our bit 2 killing off 3 make do with 4 cut down 5 make sure 6 thrown away 4 1 beans 2 harvest 3 crops 4 production 5 season 6 steak 7 transport 8 wheat 9 consumer 10 organic 11 vegetarian 5 1 export 2 obey 3 ignore 4 increase 5 recycle 6 ban 7 chop 8 import 9 protest 10 purchase

USE OF ENGLISH, UNITS 1–3 Part 1 1 C (to complete the phrasal verb ‘miss out’) 2 B (to complete the phrase ‘feel like + -ing’) 3 D (‘you are more likely to eat …’ meaning it’s the most probable thing to happen) 4 A (to complete the compound noun ‘rush hour’) 5 C (to complete the phrasal verb ‘do without’) 6 A (to complete the phrase ‘has a positive impact on’) 7 D (to complete the expression ‘get your head around’ = start to understand) 8 B (to complete the phrase ‘a lack of sleep’ = not enough sleep) Part 2 9 since (since + point in time + present perfect) 10 were (past continuous ‘were collecting’) 11 had (past perfect ‘had never seen’) 12 a (‘such a convincing story’) 13 As (‘As a result’ phrase showing result) 14 was (past tense ‘the whole thing was a joke’ ) 15 but/(al)though (linker showing contrast) 16 soon (‘as soon as’) Part 3 17 natural (adjective) 18 Unfortunately (negative adverb) 19 properly (adverb) 20 usually (adverb) 21 enjoyable (adjective) 22 responsible (adjective) 23 terrifying (adjective) 24 excitement (noun)

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WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY Part 4 25 always missing (always + present continuous to describe an annoying habit) 26 was/is the worst (superlative + present perfect) 27 used to go (used to + infinitive to describe past habit) 28 had (ever) been (past perfect after ‘it was the first time …’) 29 about to go (be about to do sth = will do sth in a minute) 30 will not/won’t be able to / am/’m not able to (future tense of ‘able to’ for ability)

UNIT 4 Reading 1 1 sprint 2 packed 3 intense 4 stretcher 5 conserve 6 stick to 7 optimistic 8 stands 9 honour 10 scholarship 2B 3 2 In paragraph 2 what does the writer say about scholarships? A they take pressure off students B they allow students to learn about jobs in business C they are advertised widely D they generally offer fixed sums of money 3 In paragraph 3, the writer implies that he was A worried that he had completed his application incorrectly. B confused by a childhood experience C bored by the amount of detail in the scholarship application. D annoyed that he hadn’t understood the application conditions 4 What does ‘it’ refer to in line 31? A applying for a scholarship B getting involved with school activities C helping a local family in trouble D being a good leader 5 Why does the writer feel positive about non-traditional scholarships? A They only give out small amounts of money. B They allow anyone to apply. C They look for students who have special skills. D They are for students who are more interested in animals than sports. 6 Why does the writer mention being a vegetarian? A to show different types of hobby. B to show that all scholarship candidates must be talented C to explain why eating habits are important D to support his definition of unusual scholarships 4 1 A … the thought of paying the fees and general living costs for four years is difficult to comprehend. A quick survey of my friends showed that almost all of us had a few sleepless nights … we knew that at the end of it we would have a huge amount of debt. 2 A That’s why scholarships are so important; they provide important support that enables students to focus on studying instead of having to find ways of making money. 3 D I remember a very frustrating experience: I got all the way to the end of an application when I realised that I didn’t qualify because my family had lived abroad for a few years when I was younger. 4 C … he had been involved in organising a charity event to raise money to help a family on his street whose house had burned down. He’d only done it to be kind … 5 C The people behind these scholarships don’t care about how well you can write an essay or your average score in science; they are more interested in your unusual talents. 6 D Non-traditional scholarships are also awarded to people who are passionate about things like being a vegetarian … 176



5 1 contribute 2 corporations 3 charity 4 tons 5 deserve 6 tough 7 awarded 6 1 contribute 2 award 3 deserve 4 tough 5 tons 6 charity 7 corporation

Grammar 1 1 A 2C 3C 4C 5A 6B 7A 8C 2 1 D, not permitted 2 A, can’t 3 C, May 4 E, We’ve got to 5 B, shouldn’t 3 1 should 2 couldn’t 3 mustn’t 4 can’t 5 Would 6 had better 7 will be allowed 8 needn’t 9 was able to 10 May 4 1 will 2 to 3 have/need 4 was 5 had 6 be 7 had 8 got 5 1 A 2A 3B 4C 5C 6B 7C 8B 9A

Vocabulary 1 2 coach 3 mates 4 rival 5 referee 6 company 7 role models 2 1 Do problems at school ever get you down? 2 What TV show always cheers you up? 3 Have you ever fallen out with a friend? 4 Do you get on with everyone in your class? 5 Who do you talk things over with? 3 Open answers 4 1 down 2 about 3 up 4 away 5 up 6 about 7 at 5 1 C 2A 3C 4C 5B 6B 6 1 about/by 2 away 3 to 4 of/with 5 about 6 of/about 7 at 8 on 9 at 10 of 11 about

Listening 1 1 homesick 2 rush back 3 way better 4 doesn’t matter 5 go through 6 leave you alone 7 take up 2D 3 1 B Now, I have a different attitude to making decisions. 2 E … she invited me to be an intern during the summer holidays! I couldn’t believe it! 3 C Unfortunately, not everyone had the same idea! Some treated it like free time away from school and didn’t make any effort. 4 H … I knew that it would be useful for me to be involved in the scheme 5 A I’m proud of the way we all worked together on the tasks and got more confident. The experience brought us together, too – we’re definitely closer friends now. 4 1 think over 2 fool around 3 sign up 4 work together 5 weigh up 5 1 B 2A 3E 4C 5D 6 1 think over 2 signed up 3 worked together 4 weigh up 5 fool around

Use of English 1 1 A certainty: 1, 4 B possibility: 5, 6 C generalisations in the past: 2 D setting expectations: 3 2 1 B 2C 3A 4C 5B 6A 3 1 may 2 can’t 3 might not 4 must 5 should 6 Could 7 mustn’t 8 could 4 1 could/might 2 could/might 3 can’t 4 must 5 should

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WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 5 1 must be here (must + infinitive without to expressing certainty) 2 might not like (might not + infinitive without to expressing possible) 3 could (possibly) be (could + infinitive expressing possibility) 4 can’t be (can’t + infinitive without to to mean sure that it isn’t ) 5 should have. (should + infinitive without to expressing expectation) 6 may be trying to phone (may + be + continuous infinitive to express possibility about something happening now)

Use of English 2 1 1 ambitious 2 competitive 3 active 4 confident 5 creative 6 sensible 7 outgoing 8 anxious 2 Down 1 unpleasant 3 disobedient 4 indecisive 5 impossible 6 illogical Across 2 impatient 4 irresponsible 3 1 aggressive 2 independent 3 generosity 4 patience 5 sensitive 6 curious 4 1 difference (noun) 2 enthusiastic (adjective) 3 supportive (adjective) 4 sensitive (adjective) 5 organiser (noun) 6 adventurous (adjective) 7 availability (noun) 8 independent (adjective)

Speaking 1 1 I would say that a barbecue is a good choice. 2 Personally, I don’t like staying out late 3 In my experience, people prefer a relaxed atmosphere. 4 It depends on the place. 5 As far as I know, they don’t have them. 6 I think we could ask people to bring their own food. 2 A3 B4 C5 D1 E6 F2 3 1 C 2C 3B 4 1 C 2A 3D 4F 5B 6E

Writing 1 1 In general 2 On the one hand 3 on the other hand 4 Although 5 However 6 Overall (or In general) 7 To sum up 2 1 S 2C 3C 4C 5C 6S 7S 3 1 D My little sister loves playing with toys. However, she has as much fun jumping in puddles. 2 C I felt bad about giving away a gift. On the other hand, I knew someone else would appreciate it more than me. 3 A Although we didn’t spend any money last Christmas, we had a wonderful time together. 4 E My uncle always gives us very expensive gifts, but he never comes to family parties. 5 B The cake we made our mum looked terrible. However, she was really pleased with it. 4 In your English class, you have been talking about giving an experience as a gift rather than a physical present. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. Some people prefer to give experiences as gifts rather than actual presents. What things would you need to think about when choosing an experience for a family member or friend? 177



Suggested answers a train ride in the countryside, a home-cooked meal, a balloon ride, a cooking class, a photography session, etc. 5 Model answer Nowadays, many people prefer to give experiences instead of actual presents because people can get more enjoyment out of these. But what can we give that will be suitable for the person? One option is something really unusual, like flying lessons. On the one hand, this is something unique that a friend or family member probably wouldn’t organise for themselves. But, on the other hand, it is quite dangerous and isn’t a good option for someone who is afraid of heights! A ticket to a concert would please someone who is a big fan of a certain band or singer because the atmosphere at a live music concert is very exciting. However, tickets for famous artists can be quite expensive. So, you could buy a ticket for a local concert or summer festival. Finally, you could arrange something that you can do together, like a train ride in the countryside. This would mean that you could spend time together and share a new experience. To sum up, there are many different options for experience gifts. You can easily find something that your friend or family member will love!

Unit Check 1 1 B 2A 3C 4B 5A 6A 2 1 may arrive early 2 shouldn’t / should not have eaten pizza 3 am not allowed to use 4 had better start training 5 ought to check 6 don’t need to be 3 1 A 2C 3D 4A 5A 6C 7B 8A 4 1 coach, ambitious 2 sensible, role model, community 3 rival, competitive 4 confident, outgoing 5 1 patient 2 sensitive 3 generous 4 curious 5 independent 6 1 indecisive 2 Illogical 3 disobedient 4 unpleasant 5 impossible

UNIT 5 Reading 1 1 interact 2 conflicts 3 approach 4 explosion 5 limited 6 overlooked 7 moral 2 1 MB 2 MB 3 B 4 B 5 MB 3 1 B is correct because ‘this’ refers back to the philosophy of self directed learning in the sentence before the gap, and an explanation follows. 2 G is correct because it gives an example of the untraditional teaching and learning methods which are mentioned before the gap, and is followed by further explanation of these methods. 3 C is correct because this is an example of the kinds of activities students can do and ‘go to one’ after the gap refers back to ‘a class’ in this sentence. 4 F is correct because it provides an explanation for ‘enterprising’ and is followed by a reference (‘these’) to difficulties. 5 E is correct because ‘this time’ refers back to the weekly meetings, and includes reference to discussion topics, which are mentioned in the sentence before the gap. Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 6 A is correct because it provides an explanation of ‘transcript’ and the paragraph is about what students will go on to do after finishing school. 4 1 D 2F 3A 4E 5C 6B 5 1 conventional 2 motto 3 committee 4 collaboration 5 nominating 6 Admission

Grammar 1 1 where 2 which 3 whose 4 when 5 who / that 2 1 who 2 where 3 when 4 which 5 that 6 whose 3 The relative pronoun can be omitted in sentences 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. 1 Allowing children to learn through play helps them acquire the life skills (which) they need. 2 The subjects (that) we’re studying in science are really interesting. 3 We don’t have to wear a uniform at the school (which) I go to. 4 The woman (who) I saw on the metro was an old teacher of mine. 5 That was the best English lesson (that) we’ve ever had! 4 1 which 2 which 3 that/which 4 when 5 whose 6 which 7 who/that 8 when 5 1 That’s Adam, who I sit next to at school. 2 My best friend, whose name is Jenny, is teaching me to play tennis. 3 We have breaks at school every day, when I chat to my friends. 4 I’d like to go to a free school, where students have an interesting education. 5 I trained to dance at a ballet school which/that is in my city. 6 Our school has a successful approach that/which encourages children to learn through play.

Vocabulary 1 1 Focussing on 2 pay attention 3 concentrate on 4 revising for 5 cope with 6 learn them by heart 2 1 D 2 B 3 E 4 A 5 C 6 F 7 I 8 G 9 H 10 J 3 1 catch up 2 get on with 3 Look through 4 give up 5 keep up 6 fallen behind 7 making things up 8 picked up 9 work it out 10 summed up 4 1 came 2 put 3 look 4 left 5 sorted 6 come 7 handed 8 taking

Listening 1 1 invest in 2 financially 3 flask 4 recommend 5 cost a fortune 6 efficiently 7 considering 8 good intentions 2 Ticked: cooking, effective communication, money management, talent, business skills, creative jobs 3 1 C … dealing with problems without getting stressed! Studying ways to keep calm and relax would’ve been great! I’ve done lots of courses as an adult to learn things I could’ve learned when I was younger. 2 A … they’ve started to focus on helping students understand what makes a healthy meal. 3 C … teachers don’t realise it’s something that can be helpful and should be taught separately. 4 B The truth is that until this becomes a tested part of the curriculum, it probably won’t be taught. 5 B Many people finish school without having worked out what to do next and this can have an impact on what course they do at university, …




6 A Teachers need to consider not only the educational skills of students but their character too – are they natural leaders, or great at solving problems? 7 C Young people are often discouraged from becoming a dancer or a singer in a band because adults are worried they won’t be able to deal with disappointment if they don’t succeed. 4 1 D 2A 3G 4C 5F 6E 7B

Use of English 1 1 1 studying 2 taught 3 used 4 living 5 chosen 6 taking part 7 given 8 learning 2 1 Childcare is a subject often overlooked at school. 2 Students coming on the trip should be at school by 7.30. 3 First aid classes, introduced to the school last year, have been successful. 4 Students interested in joining the music club should complete the registration form. 5 Language is a subject studied all over the world. 6 Video games teaching students useful skills are becoming more popular. 7 The main topic discussed at the last meeting was ‘subjects not taught in school’. 8 This is the latest in a series of workshops focussing on learning styles. 3 1 Schools which teaching which teach / teaching in a traditional way do not encourage student discussions in class. 2 The school, was opened which was opened last year by its founder, has a new approach to learning. 3 correct 4 Students who attending who attend / attending free schools express a lot of satisfaction with the approach. 5 correct 6 I have a few friends studied studying / who study philosophy at school – it sounds interesting. 4 1 when 2 which/that 3 where 4 on 5 who 6 after 7 where/so 8 whose

Use of English 2 1 1 bargain 2 currency 3 waste 4 afford 5 discount 6 exchange rate 7 borrow 8 receipt 9 voucher 10 earn 2 1 won 2 lend 3 cost 4 paid 5 worth 6 spends 7 saving 3 activities: karate, music, drama; ideas and feelings: advice, education, love; groups of similar things: food, money, software school subjects: economics, literature, philosophy, physics (music, drama); 4 1 knowledge, 2 information, 3 advice, 4 food, 5 money, 6 time 5 1 B (the collocation ‘academic qualifications’) 2 A (‘cope’ is followed by ‘with’) 3 D (the collocation ‘money management’) 4 B (‘borrow money from sb’) 5 C (the meaning is correct for the context - results) 6 D (‘advice’ is what the businessperson could offer in the context) 7 C (‘efficiently’ is the right adverb to describe how someone might run a company) 8 A (the compound noun ‘higher education’, meaning university or college)

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Speaking 1 1 D 2A 3E 4C 5B 2 1 E 2B 3C 4A 5D 3 Ticked: A good example of this is …, What I mean is …, like …, Take …, for example., What I’m trying to say is …, for instance … 4 A good example of this is … E such as … E What I mean is … O like … E Take …, for example. E What I meant was … O What I’m trying to say is … O for instance … E 5 They are discussing D, learning in a small group with other students. They agree with each other apart from the first point A mentions. 6 Sample responses 1 Yes, I agree. A good example of this would be creating a story about going to the beach, and using all the words you know about the beach, like sand, waves and so on. 2 I’m not sure about that. Recording vocabulary on a topic can be a good way to memorise the words. For instance, you can colour code the different forms of a word, such as nouns in green pen or verbs in blue, which will help you remember how they’re used. 3 Yes, and you improve other things, such as fluency and comprehension that way, as well. 4 It’s definitely useful if the test is going to include a writing task like an essay! And you can practise timing yourself, especially if you’re usually a bit slow at writing. For instance, you can set your timer to 20 minutes and try to write a whole essay. 5 They can be difficult to follow, though. What I mean is that first-language speakers talk very quickly, and use a lot of unknown vocabulary.

Writing 1 1 SF 2 I 3 SF 4 SF 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 SF 2 1 offer (semi-formal) 2 suggestion (informal) 3 request (semi-formal) 4 offer (informal) 5 request (informal) 6 suggestion (semi-formal) 3 1 as well as / plus / and / also / in addition to 2 in addition to / as well as 3 because / as / since 4 1 Dear Mr Philips, … 2 I am writing to give you 3 Firstly, I suggest having 4 Secondly, horse-riding would be a popular activity. 5 much more enjoyable 6 I’d be grateful if you could have, 7 Best wishes, … 5 Model answer Dear Mrs Philips, I am writing to give you my ideas for the lunch club. Firstly, I go to several dance classes and I would like to teach other students how to dance. I could offer a choice of street dance, ballet or jazz. I think street dance would be much more enjoyable for students than ballet or jazz because it’s easy and fun. Secondly, I also like drawing and people say I can draw animals very well. I learned from a book and it is not as complicated as people think. I would be happy to show people how to draw their favourite animals, such as cats or dogs. I think people would find this very interesting because they would learn a new skill and impress other people with their drawing skills. 179



Finally, I would like to be able to play the drums, and I would really enjoy it if someone could show me a few rhythms. It might also be a good idea to buy some drums for us to use in music lessons at school. I hope you find my suggestions useful! With best wishes, Alex

Unit check 1 1 A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6C 2 1 considering 2 coping 3 revising 4 overlooked 5 learned/learnt 6 paying 3 1 D 2C 3F 4E 5B 6A 4 1 catch up 2 fall behind 3 work out 4 make up 5 look through 6 get on with 5 1 memory 2 physics 3 literature 4 intelligence 5 politics 6 knowledge 6 1 bargain 2 currency 3 voucher 4 receipt 5 afford 6 waste

UNIT 6 Reading 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2B 31 2

cloak play a trick reality wear off plug (it) in settings fairytales adjust

C … prostheses are simply too expensive for many people A … prostheses (artificial body parts that replace missing ones) 3 D … bionic arms that kids can be proud of 4 C … children as young as eight, who had previously been unable to have them fitted until their body was big enough. 5 A I was so excited about it, but that soon turned to disappointment. My first prosthesis looked like an arm, but it didn’t act like one. 6 D It doesn’t look like patients fitted with bionic limbs will benefit from advancements that will allow them to lift up buildings, run faster than the speed of light, have X-Ray vision or any of the superhuman abilities that bionicallyenhanced movie characters develop 7 A Fortunately, the original prosthetic limbs were before my time, so I didn’t have to suffer the embarrassment of wearing an uncomfortable wooden arm. 8 B These prostheses operate using sensors attached to the skin to detect muscle movements … open and close fingers 4 1 B 2A 3D 4C 5E 6G 7F 5 1 limb, barrier 2 replace, defect 3 advancements, affordable 7 accounts 6 1 upgrade 2 customising 3 approached 4 enhanced 5 finalise 6 operated 7 installed

Grammar 1 1 A 2B 3B 4C 5B 6A 2 1 seem 2 hoped 3 would like 4 for 5 suggested 3 1 (to) find 2 to go 3 to watch 4 to get 5 hurting 6 using 7 to learn 8 to call Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 4 1 to 2 me 3 to 4 getting/waking 5 what 6 about 7 how 5 1 famous for discovering 2 looking forward to travelling 3 where to send 4 didn’t mean to step 5 doesn’t allow people to take

Vocabulary 1 Text A: 1 researchers 2 genes 3 species 4 laboratory 5 infection Text B: 6 investigate 7 analyse 8 observe 9 measure Text C: 10 experiment 11 substance 12 predict 13 establish 2 1 sight 2 touch 3 smell 4 hearing 5 taste 3 1 logical 2 heroic 3 central 4 metallic 4 1 natural (adjective) 2 artistic (adjective) 3 musical (adjective) 4 dramatic (adjective) 5 biological (adjective) 6 Scientific (adjective) 7 magical (adjective) 8 logical (adjective) 5 1 magnet 2 educational 3 electricity 4 practical 5 mathematical

Listening 1 B 2A 3C 4B 2 1 impressive: In my opinion they are really impressive! 2 enthusiasm: … I’d say that it was his enthusiasm rather than his knowledge that sparked my own curiosity. 3 excited: That’s why I was as excited about this trip as he was. 4 (pretty) tiring: … the journey was pretty tiring. 5 boat: … so we stayed on a boat! 6 air conditioning: … having air conditioning in our cabin was a welcome relief! 7 hills: … they’re mainly found in the hills … 8 (funny) stories: … even shared some funny stories of his own personal encounters … 9 photos: … I did take some great photos … 10 colour: … I really didn’t expect it to be that colour 3 1 C 2B 3E 4D 5A 4 1 handling 2 arranged 3 disturb 4 diverse 5 encounters

Use of English 1 1 1A 2B 3D 4C 5F 6E 2 1 Neither of 2 either 3 Each 4 Every 5 neither 6 All 7 None 8 nor 9 or 3 1 a little 2 a few 3 little 4 few 5 little 6 a few 7 a little 8 few 4 1 B 2C 3A 4A 5B 6A 7C 5 1 either of the (completing the negative structure ‘(didn’t like) either of’ meaning not one nor the other) 2 few people/only a few people (‘few’ without ‘a’ meaning ‘not many’) 3 have promised to use (the present perfect of the verb ‘promise’ + infinitive) 4 can clone neither crops nor (the negative structure ‘neither … nor’) 5 is little (the structure ‘there is little chance’ meaning it isn’t likely) 6 each cloned strawberry is (each + singular noun)




Use of English 2 Key: 1 verb 2 noun 1 1 calculator 2 scanner 3 printers 4 manufacturers 5 instructors 6 employers 7 radiator 8 inventor 9 photocopier 10 competition 11 detector 12 recorder 2 dis: agree, appear, approve, connect, like, trust re: appear, build, connect, do, play, start, think 3 1 reconnect 2 disapprove 3 redo 4 disconnect 4 1 disconnect (verb with negative prefix dis-) 2 player (noun ending -er) 3 inventor (noun ending -or) 4 restart (verb with prefix re- to mean ‘again’) 5 manufacturer (noun ending -er) 6 distrusted (verb with negative prefix dis-) 7 reappeared (verb with prefix re-) 8 disliked (verb with negative prefix dis-)

Speaking 1 1 E 2A 3C 4D 5B 2 A3 B4 C1 D5 E2 3 1 cons 2 some ways 3 partly agree 4 tricky question 5 not sure 4 1 E 2A 3B 4C 5D 5 I’m not sure really I partly agree, but In some ways … but 6 Sample answers 1 very important, to have good health, no health problems, live longer 2 fitness apps, to track how much exercise I do, can check if I need to make any changes to my life 3 no, dangerous, only doctors really understand – people could get worried about nothing 4 more equipment, scientists can investigate the impact of different behaviours, make recommendations about things to do/not do 7 Sample answers 1 In my opinion, living a healthy lifestyle is very important because this affects our general health. We can avoid certain health issues like obesity and diabetes, which could help us to live longer. 2 I can see that there are both pros and cons to using technology to stay healthy. On the one hand, we can use fitness apps to track how much exercise we do, and this can show us if we are doing enough. But on the other hand, I think that it is easy to get addicted to measuring everything we do and eat, and this isn’t good for our mental health. 3 I strongly believe that we shouldn’t check our symptoms online. Some symptoms can mean many different things, and we could see something online that isn’t true and worry for no reason. For me, only doctors can confirm health problems. 4 Well, that’s a tricky question. I think that technology has changed what we know about our health because scientists have more advanced equipment. They can study the impact of different behaviours and make recommendations about things we should and shouldn’t do. But I think we also have more information because there are more scientists and they have more time to do research.

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Writing 1 2 3 4

1 E 2C 3A 4B 5D 1 C 2A 3B 1 A 2B 3B 4C 5B 6C 7A 8A 1 impressed 2 on-screen 3 romantic 4 thoughtful 5 amusing 6 dramatic 5 Text 1 1 are going 2 lands 3 starts 4 are listening 5 don’t hear Text 2 6 aren’t 7 want 8 is showing 9 see 10 are hiding 6 Model answer Game of Thrones is a fantasy TV series about two families who want power of a kingdom. It is one of the most successful TV series ever and has millions of fans around the world. The series starts with the Stark family, who live in the North of the Kingdom of Westeros. After the king asks them to go down to the capital, everything starts going wrong for the family. There are six children in the Stark family, but they all get separated. The series follows them as they try to keep safe and avoid their enemies. Game of Thrones is based on a series of books. There is less detail in the book than in the TV series, but this works because it keeps the audience’s attention. However, there is a lot of violence in the show, which isn’t always necessary. Some of the characters have bigger parts in the TV series than in the book. In my view, Game of Thrones is an intense and exciting adaptation of the original books. If you want to see an incredible world brought to life, you should watch it.

Unit check 1 1 C 2C 3B 4B 5B 6B 7C 8A 2 1 a few 2 nor 3 all 4 either 5 Every 6 neither / nor 7 a little 8 none 3 1 sight 2 hearing 3 touch 4 sound 5 vision 6 taste 7 smell 4 1 observe 2 investigate 3 species 4 calculator 5 disapprove 6 reappear 7 researcher 8 photocopier 9 detector 10 competitor 5 1 sight 2 metallic 3 dramatic 4 magical 5 natural 6 artistic

USE OF ENGLISH, UNITS 1–6 Part 1 1 D (to complete the phrase ‘can’t afford to open schools’ meaning they haven’t got enough money) 2 C (to complete the phrase ‘it makes sense’) 3 A (to complete the phrasal verb ‘cut down on’ meaning reduce) 4 C (to complete the phrasal verb ‘fall behind’ meaning not cover enough work to keep up) 5 B (it collocates with ‘on’) 6 B (to complete the phrasal verb ‘getting away from’) 7 C (it collocates with ‘with’) 8 A (‘considering’ is the only one that can be followed by -ing verb, ‘trying’) Part 2 9 at (it fits with ‘good’ to make the phrase ‘good at developing apps’) 10 about (it is the preposition that follows ‘worried’) 11 with /in (‘cope with’ or ‘in these moments’) 12 than (to complete the comparative structure ‘more than’) 13 who (relative pronoun referring to ‘women’)




14 most (to complete the structure ‘one of the most successful books’) 15 so (to complete the structure ‘so popular that …’) 16 have (to make the present perfect verb ‘have now written’) Part 3 17 happily (adverb) 18 strength (noun) 19 knowledge (noun) 20 nervous (adjective) 21 logical (adjective) 22 practical (adjective) 23 feeling (noun) 24 heroic (adjective) Part 4 25 hard enough to pass (the structure not + adjective + enough meaning less than necessary) 26 either the steak or (the structure either … or to mean one or the other) 27 the pen which/that I lent (object relative clause and past tense of ‘lend’) 28 are few companies that/which (plural There are + few without a meaning not many + relative pronoun) 29 information (that is/which is/you are) given on (relative clause with passive or reduced relative clause) 30 don’t/do not have to buy (‘don’t have to’ to express no obligation)

UNIT 7 Reading 1 1 experiment 2 futuristic 3 complex 4 blossom 5 cosy 6 bother 7 massive 2 earth shelters, caves, eco-homes and igloos 3 1 B is correct because ‘They’re’ refers back to the earth shelters and the following sentence explains the ‘kit’ mentioned in B. 2 G is correct because ‘here’ refers back to ‘places with colder climates such as Iceland and northern Scottish islands’ mentioned before the gap, and the sentence following G explains why the homes are becoming popular in other places. 3 A is correct because ‘them’ refers back to our ancestors, and the following sentence refers back to the empty homes. 4 E is correct because ‘Indeed’ shows that it supports the previous point that ‘these inexpensive buildings create an excellent alternative way of living’, and what follows is an example of the high prices which cave houses can be bought for, now. 5 C is correct because ‘This living cover’ refers to the plants growing on the roof. 6 D is correct because it provides an explanation for the warmth of igloos. The following sentence gives more detail about the temperature difference between inside and out which is a result of the insulation from pockets of air. 4 1 C 2F 3A 4D 5E 6B 7G 5 1 impact on 2 sustainable 3 modern trend 4 make use of 5 environmental awareness

Grammar 1 1 first 2 second 3 zero 4 third 5 first 6 second 2 1 F 2B 3D 4A 5E 6C 3 1 let 2 will be 3 won 4 would you go 5 had grown up 6 wouldn’t have liked 7 would live 8 would have put Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 4 1 had 2 have 3 If 4 would 5 could/would 6 be 7 was/were 8 wouldn’t 5 1 hadn’t painted, wouldn’t have been/wouldn’t be 2 hadn’t left, wouldn’t have bitten 3 had, would buy 4 were, would design 5 had gone/been, would have been 6 had had, would have made

Vocabulary 1 1 hut, 2 igloo, 3 block of flats, 4 castle, 5 tent, 6 villa, 7 palace, 8 caravan, 9 houseboat, 10 lighthouse 2 Possible answers kitchen: bench, cabinet, shelf, sink; living room: carpet, curtains, cushion, lampshade, rug; bedroom: blanket, carpet, curtains, duvet, lampshade, mattress, rail, rug, sheet, shelf 3 1 cramped 2 roomy 3 massive 4 tiny 5 neat 6 tidy 4 1 hung 2 sort 3 put 4 clear 5 tidying 6 put 5 1 contemporary 2 dark 3 ugly 4 noisy 5 old-fashioned 6 cosy 7 modern

Listening 1 1 be a pain 2 broke the ice 3 language barrier 4 improved 5 remain 6 stuck with 7 got back to normal 8 fluent 9 settle down 10 motto 2 advantages: being understood when travelling, an advantage when starting work, can use second language to hide what you’re talking about, enjoying two different cultures disadvantages: not knowing the correct word in a language, people expect help with their homework, it can be difficult to decide which sports team to support 3 1 G … international friends love going on holiday with me cos I don’t struggle to communicate like they do. 2 A I realise I’ve tried to make some English expression sound Spanish and it doesn’t even exist! 3 F Sometimes we use both languages in the same sentence – you don’t even notice you’re doing it when you’re bilingual. 4 E I often get asked how I can remember so many words … People are really curious about my language abilities. They want to know … 5 C I have no issues with my identity – until it comes to football and then I never know which team to support … I don’t know who to cheer for … I don’t know … 4 1 make 2 get 3 switch 4 doing 5 gives 6 has

Use of English 1 1 1 could go (F) 2 was (PR) 3 hadn’t failed (P) 4 go (PR/F) 5 would stop (PR) 6 was going (F) 7 could come (F) 8 wouldn’t speak (PR) 9 travel (PR/F) 10 had had (P) 2 1 had 2 wouldn’t 3 hadn’t 4 was 5 had 6 could 7 would 3 1 I wish/If only I could come 2 I wish/If only there were 3 I’d rather travel 4 I wish they would print / If only they printed 5 I wish/If only I had studied 6 If only/I wish I had bought 4 1 would rather cycle than (‘than’ indicates that a comparative phrase is needed. The phrase required is would rather + infinitive + than to express a preference) 2 would be able to (2nd conditional) 3 had flown before (3rd conditional) 4 wish I had not(/hadn’t spent (I wish + past perfect for a regret about the past) 5 were quieter I wish + past simple for a wish about a present situation) 6 only I could (If only + could for a wish about a future ability) 182



Use of English 2 1 1 platform 2 track(s) 3 departure lounge 4 cabin 5 terminal 6 port 7 tunnel 2 people: crew, guard, pilot; road travel: brake, network, traffic ; train travel: board; boats: deck (board) 3 1 on 2 out 3 after 4 of 5 through 6 to 7 out 8 on 9 on 4 1 B (‘be attracted to’ is the only phrase which fits the meaning and uses ‘to’ (‘interested in’, ‘excited abou’t, ‘tempted to’)) 2 D (part of the phrase ‘to head for’ (move in a particular direction)) 3 B (‘covered’ means that the rainforest extends over an area, on its surface. Rainforest is a natural phenomenon; it is not placed or planted. ‘Buried’ means under the ground.) 4 C (‘be well-known for’ is the only phrase which fits the context) 5 A (‘come’ is the correct verb. The phrase is ‘come into contact with’.) 6 C (This forms the phrase high off + noun phrase (meaning ‘above’).) 7 D (This is the only word which fits the context properly.) 8 A (This forms the phrasal verb ‘miss out’.) 5 1 in 2 away 3 out 4 out 5 over

Speaking 2 1 D 2A 3F 4B 5E 6C 3 1 B is better because the student provides more information than A. 2 A does not answer the question which has been asked. B is a good answer: it expands on the initial question without being too long. 3 A is a good answer, whereas B does not answer the question correctly and the information given is irrelevant. 4 A is a good answer because it expands on the information given. B answers the question but doesn’t give any further information. 5 A isn’t a bad answer but it would be good to expand on the answer, perhaps giving a reason, which B does 6 A is a good answer because the student expands on the answer. B is not a good answer. It doesn’t really respond to the question asked and does not provide any reasons.

Writing 1 positive: amazing, brilliant, cool, fantastic, impressive, interesting, fun, great, the best, unusual negative: boring, tiring 2 1 best 2 tiring 3 impressive 4 fantastic 5 unusual 6 interesting 3 1 had 2 spent 3 gone/going 4 go 5 had 6 spend 4 email 1: phrasal verb (sort out) exclamation marks (Hi João! Thanks!), informal vocabulary (Thanks, be in touch, really busy, I want, a bit), informal connectors (but), simple sentence structures (Thanks for your email, – can you help?) email 2: exclamation marks (Write soon! It was amazing!), informal vocabulary (great, get back, loads), informal connectors (because), question tags (You did that once, didn’t you?), simple sentence structures (Where did you go?) 5 1 get 2 spend 3 have 4 amazing 5 into 6 but 7 bit 8 best 6 Model answer Hi Kim! Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you and to find out you’re coming to visit my area! Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY Summer’s the best time to come to the mountains because it’s warm enough to be outside but not too hot to do things. There’s a lot to do here. You love walking, don’t you? There are plenty of places to go walking in the mountains and the views are amazing. There’s also a toboggan run which is brilliant! You sit on a little kart and go down the mountain on a track. You’ll love it, I’m sure. There’s a lake where you can go swimming, too. It’s my favourite place to go in summer. I think the best way to get around is by bike. The valleys are flat in the bottom and the roads are good, so it’s not too hard to get around. You could stay in a guest house in one of the villages. Most of them are comfortable and not expensive. You can have meals there, too. Let’s try and meet while you’re here. Write soon! Cassie

Unit check 1 1 lived 2 would have visited/met 3 would buy 4 had met 5 wouldn’t have brought 6 could afford, 7 won’t enjoy 2 1 would 2 were 3 could 4 wish 5 had 6 would 7 could 8 If 3 1 out 2 up 3 up 4 away 5 up 6 up 4 1 named 2 well-known 3 attracted 4 take advantage 5 board 6 way 5 1 spacious 2 alternative 3 futuristic 4 cramped 5 impressive 6 messy 7 fluent 8 unusual 6 1 crew 2 roomy 3 pulled 4 headed 5 advantage 6 bother 7 pain 8 normal

UNIT 8 Reading 1 1 relate 2 estimate 3 left over 4 picture 5 survival 6 standard 7 console 2C 3 1 A … they can be tiring and stressful 2 A Surprisingly, maths can help … 3 B If the result is a number higher than one, you can stay at home, warm and dry on the sofa watching films instead of running around in the rain! 4 D Sundem wants to help people who can’t process that information and decide which is the most relevant to them. 5 B This means that it could be used in psychological analyses, too. 6 C However, what happens when you can’t give a simple “yes” answer to a friend’s invitation to go to the pizza place for dinner because you need to do a calculation based on how many slices you’ve already eaten that week? The benefits might not seem so great then 4 1 B 2F 3E 4H 5C 6D 7A 8G

Grammar 11 2 3 4 5 21 2 3 4 5 6

C →Present continuous form B → Present perfect form D → will and be going to for the future A → by to say who/what does the action E → get as an alternative to be Most children are being taught coding at schools. The Internet has been used for twenty-five years. The students’ calculators had been collected before the exam. The data is going to be checked carefully / carefully checked. This textbook was chosen by our teacher. The results will be uploaded to the website.




3 1 was found 2 have been used 3 are moved 4 was used 5 were taught 6 were made 7 had been told 8 have been replaced 4 1 China 2 second 3 positions 4 and 5 1990s 6 reliable 7 beating 8 faster 5 1 Will a new school be built here? 2 A new book has been written on this subject. 3 This theory wasn’t developed by Galileo. 4 A lot of mistakes are being found in the mathematician’s calculations. 5 This problem had already been solved. 6 A special robot is going to be used to do the calculations. 6 1 A 2C 3A 4B 5A 6B

Vocabulary 1 1 plus / add 2 divided by 3 quarter 4 minus / subtract 5 fractions 6 multiplied by 7 double 8 series 9 angle 10 percentage 2 1 divided 2 multiplied 3 minus 4 plus 5 add 6 odd 7 positive, negative 8 average 9 even 10 subtract 3 1 decision 2 improvement 3 employment 4 measurement(s) 5 solution 6 calculation 4 -tion: imagination, introduction, translation -sion: revision -ment: entertainment, payment 5 1 translation 2 imagination 3 introduction 4 entertainment 5 revision 6 payment

Listening 1 A fixing a problem with a van E changing a light bulb F cleaning ink on some clothes 2 1 A It’s been much more difficult than I thought, so I’ve got one of the others to take over. 2 A To be honest, the increased workload has been a bit of a shock. 3 C I’m so glad that I had my family to keep me going. Without their encouragement, I reckon I might have given up. 4 B I’m already on the second attempt at making the dessert because I burned it the first time. 5 B I didn’t know how to get him to do what I wanted! 6 A … in the end I had to stop because it wasn’t safe 7 A I think I’d really miss Joe and Alan if I moved too far away. 8 B I’m not sure it will look professional. 3 1 adopted 2 begged 3 homesick 4 nonstop 5 enrolled 4 1 It was a walk in the park – C 2 It is quite hard-going – A 3 She gave me a hand – B 4 It’s all getting a bit much – D

Use of English 1 1 1 had 2 get 3 haven’t had, going to have 4 to have ‘I had my car window smashed last night’ was not arranged – it was something unpleasant that happened to me. 2 1 will get the windows cleaned 2 I’m having them mended 3 had his car taken 4 get it delivered 5 Have you had your house painted 6 Are you going to/will you get it put 7 have a tooth taken out 8 are having new locks fitted / are going to have new locks fitted 3 1 to have/get my hair cut 2 had my mobile phone stolen 3 have had their computer software 4 I’m having my hearing checked 5 get your bedroom painted 4 1 it (referring to ‘my bedroom’ in the causative structure ‘get it redecorated’)

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WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 2 was (to complete the past simple passive ‘was generated’) 3 to (to complete the structure ‘going to’ for future intention) 4 has (to complete the present perfect causative form ‘has had a stencil made’) 5 can (modal verb to express ability) 6 them / those (referring back to ‘the curtains’, completing the causative form ‘having them replaced’) 7 by (to show the agent of the passive verb ‘were designed’) 8 she (referring to my aunt)

Use of English 2 1 1 struggle 2 basic 3 confusing 4 piece of cake 5 tricky 6 nightmare 7 tough 8 clear 9 simple 3 1 A company, U B company, C 2 A room , U B rooms, C 3 A exercises, C B exercise, U 4 A time, U B times, C 5 A lights, C B light, U 6 A works C B work U 7 A experiences C B experience U 4 1 A (the phrasal verb ‘add up’) 2 B (the form I’d rather + infinitive without to) 3 A (the phrase ‘set myself a challenge’) 4 C (the expression ‘a piece of cake’ meaning very easy) 5 B (the verb to mean multiply by two, showing the effect of the wind on the time it takes) 6 D (meaning difficult, which fits the context) 7 C (the collocation ‘good company’ using the uncountable use of ‘company’) 8 D (‘Finally’ is the only adverb that fits the meaning here) 5 1 noise U 2 paper U 3 spaces C 4 fruits C 5 papers C 6 noises C 7 fruit U 8 space U

Speaking 1 Student A: pauses frequently, loses confidence, doesn’t know all of the necessary vocabulary Student B: doesn’t know all of the necessary vocabulary, can describe things in other ways, continues the flow of his/ her answer 2 1 what are they called 2 an object 3 a special type of 4 the people who 5 a kind of 3 1 Both 2 Neither 3 both 4 both 5 Neither 4 1 E 2C 3A 4D 5B 6 Sample answer Both of the pictures show young people taking part in activities. The first picture shows two teenagers outside, in the sea. They look like they have surfboards. The second picture is of a group of teenagers indoors. They are all cooking something. Perhaps they are in a lesson or even in a cooking competition. The people in the first picture might be having a lesson as well, but they are probably on holiday rather than at school. I don’t think they are in a competition, though, as there aren’t other people around them. In my opinion, the people in both pictures are concentrating on what they are doing and are enjoying themselves. The people cooking are smiling and laughing together but the people surfing are also probably feeling quite nervous. The people indoors look comfy and relaxed while the ones in the sea look as if they are a bit cold!




Writing 1 1 Obviously 2 Clearly 3 Luckily 4 Not surprisingly 5 Fortunately 6 Increasingly, 7 Similarly 8 Incredibly 9 Sadly 10 Unfortunately 2 Sentences 1, 4, 7 and 9 could be used 3 1 Not surprisingly … 2 On the one hand … 3 On the other hand … 4 Also, older drivers … 5 To sum up … 4 older drivers 5 Good: reduced driving hours could reduce accidents Bad: young drivers need to get more experience; They should be allowed to get used to driving in different conditions and situations. Also older drivers who just have passed their test wouldn’t have to follow this rule 6 Example answers Good things: remember information, find things /favourite websites easily and quickly Bag things: people can access our personal information (lack of privacy), hackers, stealing money online 7 Model answer All computers record our browser history when we use the Internet. Not surprisingly, some people think this is a good thing, while others disagree. On the one hand, I believe that browser history can help us to remember information. Many people spend a lot of time online and want to flick quickly between websites. Browser history allows us to easily find something that we saw and thought was interesting or useful, and access our favourite websites without wasting time. On the other hand, it is easy for other people to access this browser history through Internet tools. This means that they can find out personal information, such as our address and date of birth, and details about our friends and relatives. Unfortunately, some people become victims of crime through hackers accessing their browser history. This happens when computers automatically remember login details and passwords for bank and email accounts. In conclusion, although storing browser history can be useful for individual people, it also has some disadvantages. In my opinion, it is only a good thing if you have strong anti-hacking and virus protection on your computer.

Unit check 1 1 is eaten (by many people) 2 book has been published 3 portrait was painted by 4 results will be announced 5 windows are being cleaned 6 are going to be released 7 home had been destroyed by 2 1 C 2A 3C 4B 5C 3 1 is 2 by 3 was 4 few 5 be 6 are/get 7 have/get 8 been 4 1 subtract 2 divide 3 negative 4 plus 5 even 6 fraction 5 1 papers 2 light 3 times 4 lights 5 paper 6 time 6 1 improvement 2 nightmare 3 struggle 4 measurement 5 tricky 6 standard 7 specify

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UNIT 9 Reading 1 1 overcome 2 on the contrary 3 bunch 4 suited 5 contemporary 6 don’t have a clue 7 endless 2A 3 1 D The other day, I went for an interview for an internship at an art magazine. As soon as I walked in wearing big yellow boots and with rainbow-coloured hair the interviewer started smiling. I was able to relax knowing that my appearance made a good impression! 2 B That’s until I read an article about the actor Johnny Depp … It really made me think .. 3 C A lot of people think that fancy dress is just for children … But I think that people never really grow out of dressing up. 4 B To be honest, I’d always associated dressing up with little kids … that’s until I read an article … 5 A I get it, a group of teenagers dressed as knights and warriors running around isn’t what you usually see in a park on a Saturday afternoon. 6 B You know, running around with a cape pretending to be Batman or wearing fairy wings and pretending to fly! 7 C Some professions require people to wear certain uniforms, either for practical reasons … or so you can be easily identified … 8 A Real life can be tough sometimes … Pretending to be someone else for a couple of hours is a nice way to escape that. 9 A To me, and to most of the other people who take part, I’m sure these events are a way of bringing our favourite characters to life. 10 D I’ve always been really shy … But the way I dress and style my hair gives me confidence. … I’m also very creative, so what I look like is a way of showing this even when I can’t express it to other people in words 4 1 F 2A 3E 4B 5D 6C 5 1 A leave behind 2 C take your mind off 3 B pressure 4 E grow out of 5 F stare 6 D associate

Grammar 1 1 past continuous 2 past perfect 3 past perfect 4 might 5 had to 6 don’t change 7 that day 8 the next/following day 9 the day before/the previous day 10 there 11 that 12 add, admit, believe, complain, explain, insist, know, mention, realise, think 13 advise, convince, promise, inform, warn 2 1 that I was 2 it had been difficult 3 they/we had to leave 4 the painters were preparing 5 it might be 6 he might be there 7 I should show my project to the art teacher the next/following day 3 1 Dan 2 Dan’s sister 3 Dan’s sister 4 Dan 5 Dan’s sister 6 Dan 7 Dan’s sister 8 Dan 4 1 hadn’t wanted 2 to go 3 not to sing 4 that they had 5 could 6 that they had had 7 that someone else was 8 to take 5 1 that he hadn’t had anything to eat all day. 2 that the real audition process was different from on the TV. 3 that she was going to be called back for a second audition. 4 that it was all fake. 5 everyone/us that the forum would close soon. 6 that she wasn’t the best singer.




Vocabulary 1 1 animation 2 represent 3 original 4 design 5 creation 6 artwork 7 graffiti 2 1 animation 2 graffiti 3 design 4 represent 5 artwork 6 creation 7 original 3 1 art 2 culture 3 skill 4 character 5 imagination 6 world 7 experience 4 1 C 2A 3B 4B 5C 6A

Listening 1 She mentions: a blog post, a video tutorial, followers, photos 2 1 B To be honest, I can’t quite believe I have that many who are all into what I do! 2 B … it was a great feeling to realise that I’d helped other people learn something; that gave me the idea to reach out to even more. 3 C … but actually trying not to overload my readers with too many instructions is crucial and for me, very challenging 4 A … it’s important that my followers know when to expect something new. If they have to keep checking my blog all the time to see if there is a different post, they’ll get tired and unfollow me. 5 A I want my readers to be able to follow my tutorials without too many problems, so I take lots of photos of each different stage of making any new product …. I like to be methodical and clear, and you can’t beat a visual for that – there’s no room for doubt then. 6 C The standard of my blog posts has improved since I started writing only at that time. 7 B … the more you write the more ideas you get. Even if they never make it on to your blog, they can provide a real starting point for other ideas. 3 1 C 2F 3A 4B 5D 6E 4 1 gets his inspiration 2 leave it until the last minute 3 being productive 4 get in the way of 5 motivate myself 6 share it with

Use of English 1 1 1 C 2B 3A 2 1 B 2C 3C 4A 5C 3 1 reminded me to post the letter. 2 begged me to go with them. 3 ordered us/me not to come any closer. 4 advised me to work harder 5 asked me to help her/him. 4 1 begged his parents/them (direct object before the verb) 2 persuaded Joe to have (object + infinitive with to after verb ‘persuade’) 3 reminded Polly to bring (object + infinitive with to after verb ‘remind’) 4 the students to turn off (object + infinitive with to to report orders/commands) 5 warned me not to wear (object + infinitive with to to report warnings; ‘not’ must go before the infinitive verb) 6 asked him if he wanted (object + if to report yes/no questions)

Use of English 2 1 1 audience 2 box office 3 classical 4 interval 5 live 6 musician 7 open-air 8 play 9 queue 10 role 11 stage 12 venue 13 world class 2 1 background 2 opening night 3 appear 4 acoustics 5 row 6 performance 7 sold out 3 1 A (play is a theatre performance, but drama is a genre, box office is a place where you buy tickets and club is a place where people with common interests meet)

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WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 2 B (role is the name given for a specific part or character that an actor plays, but technique is the way something is done) 3 D (stage is the place where actors perform in front of other people, but venue is the general name for a place where something happens, queue is a line of people who are waiting for something and scene is a moment in a play) 4 D (audience is the specific name given to people who go to watch a performance of a play) 5 A (live means that it happens in the moment, which is a characteristic of a play. Television is recorded before people see it, so the correct option should be the opposite of this) 6 B (row is the specific name given to a line of seats/chairs in a theatre) 7 D (background is the setting of a place or performance, but room and location refer to particular places. Costume is the clothes that an actor wears, so this option is not possible.) 8 C (musicians is the only possible option because it is the only one that refers to music (guitar, violin, band show that the answer must be related to music)) 4 1 premiere 2 fan clubs 3 rehearsal 4 lines 5 prop

Speaking 1 1 doesn’t it D 2 isn’t it E 3 haven’t you C 4 is it A 5 does it B 2 Beginning the discussion: Shall I start?, Would you like to start?, Which one would you prefer to talk about first? Keeping the discussion going: What about … ?, What’s your opinion?, It is … isn’t it?, Which do you prefer?, How about you?, Which do you think … ?, What do you think about … ? Making a decision: So, perhaps we should make a decision now, Shall we decide? Let’s see if we agree. 3 1 E choosing effective music 2 D doing realistic make-up 3 A finding unusual locations 4 C writing interesting plots 5 B designing special costumes 4 1 shall we begin 2 Would you like to start 3 isn’t it 4 What about this one 5 What’s your opinion 5 Correct order: A: So, perhaps we should make a decision now. B: Good idea. Let’s see if we agree. Which do you think is the most important? A: Writing exciting plots because that keeps people interested. B: I agree! You really have to think outside the box. A: Yes, that’s true. OK, so we agree, then. 6 Example answer A: Which one would you prefer to talk about? B: I’d prefer to talk about effective music. It is important for adding emotion to a scene, isn’t it? A: What’s your opinion about soundtracks? B: They have a big impact on our experience when we watch a film. For example, they can make us feel sad, happy or scared. I think they’re the most important part. How about you? A: The plot is the most important thing in a film, isn’t it? B: Well, yes, but some great films have weak plots. Other things are important too, like the special effects. A: So, perhaps we should make a decision now. B: Good idea. Let’s see if we agree. All these things are really important, but probably the most important thing of all is having an interesting plot.

Writing 1 Students should tick option B because it clearly introduces the event, gives an idea of the writer’s opinion and uses varied language and vocabulary. 2 1 lifetime 2 fantastic 3 attend 4 impressed 5 comment 6 let 186



3 1 What I enjoyed best was the atmosphere. 2 What was hard to understand was his accent. 3 What she found boring was the interval. 4 What was disappointing was the long queue. 5 What I didn’t like was the price. 4 Possible answers 2 What were boring were the circus tricks. 3 What was too loud was the sound system. 4 What I enjoyed best were the sandwiches at the food truck. 5 What I really liked were the performer’s costumes. 6 What was annoying was the lack of organisation. 5 Model answer Last weekend, I went to the open-air college art show in the city centre. I wasn’t sure if it would be interesting, but I’m so glad that I decided to go. Firstly, there were over a hundred works of art on display. There were many different types, not just paintings. There was even a special tent with light shows – I hadn’t realised how amazing different patterns of light could be! It took me two hours to look at everything. After that, I went to the refreshments area where there was every type of food you can imagine. What was incredible was that you could get free samples of everything! Overall, I thought the event was well organised and accessible for everyone. What I liked the most though was talking to the artists. They were all students in the final year at local colleges and universities, and it was brilliant to hear them explain how they got their inspiration. In conclusion, this was an amazing event for people who like art or just for people who want to support talented young people in our community. Everyone should definitely go next year.

Unit Check 1 1 he loved going to the theatre 2 had already seen that/the film 3 they weren’t going to the concert 4 there might be some tickets left 5 had to go to the new photography exhibition 6 I should see the new animation the next/following day 2 1 to call me 2 advised me to go 3 persuaded Jim to order 4 warned me not to stay 5 asked us to bring our 6 me if I was ready 3 1 learning experience 2 think up 3 join in 4 fantasy world 5 bring together 6 vivid imagination 7 artistic skill 8 art dealer 4 1 open-air 2 venue 3 row 4 stage 5 audience 6 interval 7 box office 8 studio

USE OF ENGLISH, UNITS 1–9 Part 1 1 A (‘consider’ is the only verb that fits the sentence ‘consider maths a scientific subject’) 2 C (the collocation ‘logical thinking’) 3 A (the phrase ‘gain knowledge of’) 4 C (‘equipment’ is the only word that is relevant to an experiment) 5 B (‘calculate’ is what you to do to find the length and area of triangles) 6 D (‘experience’ is relevant to Turing’s work with codes during the war) 7 A (‘named’ goes with ‘after him’) 8 D (the phrasal verb ‘work out’) Part 2 9 would (the 2nd conditional form ‘would have laughed’) 10 to (‘plans’ is followed by to + infinitive) Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 11 for (‘for exactly five years’ to show the period of time) 12 by (the agent ‘by local people’ of the passive verb ‘we’re given’) 13 were (the past simple passive ‘train tickets were bought’) 14 not (the negative in the structure ‘warned us not to …’) 15 as (the structure ‘just as valuable as’) 16 only (the structure ‘If only I had travelled more’) Part 3 17 recently (adverb) 18 confusing (adjective) 19 imagination (noun) 20 dramatic (adjective) 21 impressive (adjective) 22 natural (adjective) 23 certainly (adverb) 24 tricky (adjective) Part 4 25 me whether I had taken (reported past question using past perfect) 26 if you hadn’t/had not got (third conditional) 27 were given (past simple passive) 28 had his hair dyed (past simple causative have) 29 has been broken by (present perfect passive with ‘by’ to show agent) 30 wish I hadn’t spent (I wish + past perfect to show regret about the past)

UNIT 10 Reading and Use of English Part 1 1 D (collocates with ‘a mystery’ and the only verb with the correct meaning in context) 2 B (the only word which can be used to describe the phenomenon) 3 A (the only verb with the correct meaning: something in the rock) 4 C (the only correct word in the context) 5 A (part of the phrase ‘have an impact on’. The other words are not used in this way.) 6 B (the only correct word in the context) 7 D (the text explains that we do not know what actually happened, therefore ‘suggested’ is the only possible answer) 8 C (part of the phrase ‘be responsible for’) Part 2 9 of (part of the phrase ‘one of’) 10 which (relative pronoun referring back to the list of 21 existing monuments) 11 to (part of the phrase ‘in order to’) 12 was (to make ‘the list was published’, singular form of the past simple passive) 13 if (second conditional) 14 them (object pronoun referring to ‘these monuments’) 15 each/every (refers to seeing individual monuments one at a time) 16 be (part of the adjective phrase ‘be able to’) Part 3 17 curiosity (adjective to noun) 18 memorable (noun to adjective) 19 excitement (verb to noun) 20 exactly (adjective to adverb) 21 activity (adjective to noun) 22 heroic (noun to adjective) 23 irresponsible (noun to adjective with negative prefix) 24 carefully (verb to adverb) Part 4 25 would rather walk than (would rather + infinitive verb without to + than: structure expressing preference) 187



26 wish I had not/hadn’t eaten (wish + past perfect to express regret) 27 would go/used to go (would or used to + infinitive to describe a past habit) 28 was not/wasn’t able to (past negative form of ‘be able to’) 29 dreamed of/about going (dream of + -ing form of the verb) 30 when we were (reported speech in the past continuous) Part 5 31 D Keen to get their story published … Siegel and Shuster, who had dreamed of great success, had achieved it. 32 A Rap music is the combination of beats and words, which Campbell developed. 33 B Many believe … . However, there’s no evidence to confirm this. 34 A … he complained about getting a worse mark than he thought he should for his creation … 35 C ‘it’ refers back to the previous sentence, which explains Charles Barbier’s writing system for soldiers 36 D The introduction and conclusion provide the reason the article was written: Some of the world’s best-loved inventions were dreamed up not by adults, but young people. … So, if you have a great idea, but worry it may not be taken seriously because of your age, now you know differently! Part 6 37 G is correct because ‘He’ refers back to the mention of Banksy in the introduction. The two sentences following the gap refer to the social issues mentioned in G. 38 C is correct because it refers to Banksy’s fame, mentioned in the previous sentence. The sentence following the gap contains the reference to the other street artists. It also explains what will happen to their work, which supports C. 39 E is correct because examples are given of the kinds of places where graffiti is found. There is then an explanation of what happens to this graffiti in public places. 40 A is correct because ‘earliest examples’ refers back to the fact that graffiti has been around for thousands of years and its history. The sentences following the gap support A’s reference to graffiti not being seen as negative. 41 F is correct because it refers back to the mention of the public and the vote which took place. 42 B is correct because it refers back to the person who is giving his opinion and provides additional opinions of the speaker. Part 7 43 A They loved them and encouraged me to try selling them online. I hesitated because I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend all my free time at my sewing machine. 44 B Friends are always asking whether I want to set up a high street shop. Why would I when I can buy and sell from home? 45 D I make sure everything I supply is recycled and can be re-used as well 46 B It was tough when I started out because I didn’t earn any money. In fact, my parents lent me some so I could buy my first few albums. 47 A I’m considering trying out a range of bow ties I’ve made … 48 C It was only when I came across a TV series about people selling what they’d found in their homes that the idea of doing the same with mine came into my mind. 49 D It was pretty terrifying waiting for people to purchase things … 50 C … before long, I’d sold my entire collection. It gave me a great sense of satisfaction. 51 D There’s one thing I’m sure I want to do and that’s combine creativity with selling. 52 A I’ve loved sewing since I was a kid – I was that girl who used to make outfits for my dolls!

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Writing Part 1 1 Model answer I partly agree with the idea that travelling in your own country is better than travelling to other countries. It is true that air travel has a negative effect on the environment because of air pollution. The best way to avoid contributing to this is not to use vehicles at all, and to go on cycling or walking holidays instead, which are more likely to be within your own country. But there are many good reasons to travel abroad. There is the possibility of improving your language skills, for example. People say that language is culture, and, therefore, learning another language helps you to learn about that culture. It helps cross the language barrier, learn about other people, and promote understanding across cultures. You can have many exciting and interesting experiences whether you stay at home or go abroad, such as seeing new places or trying new food. You can also learn about yourself – how you cope with problems, for example – and travel can boost your confidence, too. In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages of travelling at home and abroad. Perhaps doing a little of both is the solution! Part 2 2 Model answer I recently used a website for the visual arts, called Actingskills. com, which has helped me with our drama classes at school. I found the website useful because there are lots of videos and tips which help you to improve your acting skills. For example, you can learn how to express different emotions, such as panic, shock and pride, which are a bit more difficult than just happiness and sadness. There is also advice about how to use your voice well, and there’s a great article about the differences between acting for TV and acting on stage. It would be good if you could upload videos of yourself to the website for people to comment on and give you honest feedback. It’s possible you may not like the comments, but I’m sure it would help you improve! I don’t think the talent-spotters will choose me for a role in a big film any time soon, but I’ve definitely built up my confidence and my classmates have noticed that, too. They’ve asked how I’ve got so much better in such a short time – and I’ve already recommended the site! 3 Model answer Subjects for life! Maths may not be everyone’s favourite subject, but I think that it is the most useful school subject because you need it in every part of your life, from paying for things in shops to working out how much food you will need to hold a barbecue for your friends – even measuring out ingredients to make a cup of coffee! Other subjects, like history or music, are interesting, but you can easily go through life without knowing much about them. You can’t get through everyday life without maths, and that’s what makes it more useful than any other subject. There are plenty of ‘subjects’ which aren’t taught at school but should be. For example, most schools don’t focus on things like how to make friends or how to deal with problems between people. There should be much more focus on how to interact with others, deal with conflict and survive real life! You can have all the academic qualifications in the world, but if you can’t get on with people or don’t have any common sense, it’s unlikely that you will be as successful as someone who can and does.




4 Model answer Hi Alex, Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you. Your survey sounds really interesting and I’d be happy to take part! My role models aren’t anyone rich and famous as you might expect. In fact, my parents are my role models. Why? Because they have always supported me in my choices and they’re the best listeners in the world. They support me when I have problems and help me solve them. They inspire me to succeed and be a kind and thoughtful person. I think role models are people who are confident and calm, and who respect other people and their decisions and differences, and encourage them to be the best they can be. They may be natural leaders and work hard to do their best in life. Do I think actors and sportspeople make good role models for young people? Sometimes, if they are people who get involved in making the world a better place by supporting charities, raising money for good causes, and using their fame to help other people rather than themselves. I hope that helps! Jamie

Listening Part 1 1 B M: … And it’s so satisfying! F: Knowing you’ve been useful? I know. I wouldn’t mind doing more. 2 B When we finally set off, the conditions had got worse and we had to take an alternative route to avoid an awful storm – even flying round it was worse than I’d expected. 3 A There are limited spaces available, so don’t miss out. Applications must be received by 15th August. All you have to do is download the form from our website. 4 B I wasn’t expecting what happened to him in the last few pages – scary! 5 C M: … what I found interesting was all the health benefits organic food provides. The video we watched taught me a lot about that. F: Me, too. 6 A No matter whether you live in a block of flats or a spacious villa, you can make your home the perfect place to relax in. 7 C M: Everyone will be there to cheer you on! The stadium will be packed! F: Which is precisely what I’m bothered about – I think it would be better if no one was there to watch me. 8 A M: When I was a kid I knew all the patterns of stars and their names and would spend ages looking at the Milky Way galaxy. F: It’s easy to see on a clear night. M: Which it is now – shall we have a go? Part 2 9 bears … the reality is they’re afraid of people and don’t approach them. It’s the same with bears – they’d rather be left alone. I didn’t know that! 10 strangers What’s amazing is that they bring strangers into their families, as if they were their own. 11 smell … their senses are well-developed. The strongest of these is smell … 12 plane Travelling by plane, like we did, is a much better option when heading out to observe them … 13 desert We finally spotted a pack running across the edge of a desert … 14 counting Everyone had a job – counting was mine. 15 anxious One day, I ended up there with a group of excited schoolchildren, showing them the information displays. I was anxious they were going to ask me questions but they didn’t. 16 Red and grey/gray I asked one researcher for something to read and he suggested a book called Red and grey. Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019

WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY 17 friendship(s) I could see they had close friendships with each other. I couldn’t believe how caring they were. 18 patience Could I be a researcher? I’m not sure. Sometimes the team’s out for days and never sees a pack – I doubt I’d have the patience for that … Part 3 19 A What surprised me was the range of stuff to eat. I never expected a festival to offer such good quality meals and that’s kind of what made it so good! 20 C … the thing that struck me was how gorgeous it was. We camped right by the river with trees in blossom overhead – amazing! 21 B … I got talking to loads of people from different parts of the country who were keen to chat. That was the best bit and we’re going to keep in touch. 22 H The festival’s in a farmer’s big field but they’ve set up these roomy caravans to rent – I had the best sleep ever despite all the noise of the festival. 23 G The highlight for me was all the stuff you could do besides listening to music. There were all kinds of classes and workshops you could attend. Part 4 24 B It’s not just about making big pictures for the background, which is often what’s believed about the job. 25 C It was only when I did some work experience at a theatre box office, hoping it might help me get an acting role there, that I became fascinated by what the set designers were doing. … set design looked much more enjoyable. 26 A I asked around until, eventually, designers working at my local theatre said I could join them. … I have to thank those people for providing me with that opportunity. 27 C You have to think on your feet and that’s when I do my best work, coming up with solutions. 28 A … things rarely go wrong with sets because we’re so careful when we build them …, 29 A … there’s always a moment during the production process where you hold your breath and wait to see whether it all works! When it does, the design team cheers - that’s always a top moment. 30 B … plays can teach people about subjects they know little about, get important messages out there.

Speaking Part 1 What do you like about where you live? I live in the middle of the city so there’s always something to do. There are lots of shops, cinemas and parks nearby. If you could live anywhere, where would that be? I like living the city, but one thing we don’t have is the sea and I would love to live somewhere with a beach where I could relax with my friends, swim and maybe even go surfing! Have you travelled much in your own country? No, not really. I went on a trip with my school to the mountains and the scenery was really beautiful, though the walking was tiring. I would definitely like to see more. Are you going to make a journey soon? Mmmm, no. Well, not very far. My family are going to visit my uncle next week, but he doesn’t live very far away.




Part 2 Student A Sample answer Both photos show people helping someone to get food. The first shows a young woman helping an old lady with her shopping – they are in a supermarket - and the second one shows some teenagers giving people food, I think. They are standing behind a table and are giving people bags with tins and packets of food in them. It looks like they are volunteers and are working for a charity whereas the woman in the first picture might be a relation of the old lady – perhaps her granddaughter. I think the young woman wants to help someone she knows and cares about – a relation or even a neighbour – while the volunteers want to help people generally – maybe poor people in their neighbourhood, but I don’t think they know them personally. Student B Sample answer Yes, I often help my grandfather. His legs hurt and so he finds it difficult to walk. My mum and I do his shopping for him most weekends. Student B The first picture shows what looks like a mother and daughter celebrating together. They both have a medal so it seems they have been in a race together. They are clearly proud of their medals. The other picture shows a group of teenage girls who have got their exam results. They look very pleased with them. The people in both pictures look very happy because they have achieved something difficult. I think the mother and daughter are enjoying their celebration because they have achieved something together and so can also celebrate together. The girls are enjoying their celebration because they are with their friends and have now finished school or college – so a stage in their life is completed. Student A Sample answer Of course! We celebrate all kinds of things together – but especially birthdays and the beginning of school holidays! We always have a small party for birthdays and meet up somewhere special like our favourite cafe to celebrate. Part 3 Sample answer Student A: Which would you prefer to discuss first? Student B: I think meeting up with friends is something everyone looks forward to in their break, so how about that? Student A: OK. Well, catching up with friends is an important part of the day for most people and if they have to go to activities they might not be able to do this. Student B: I agree, socialising is just as important as working. So is needing to relax and having a rest from lessons. I don’t think being busy all the time is important. Student A: Yes, but I suppose that some people don’t use the time well and waste the time or get bored in breaks, and if the school provides activities which you can choose to go to that might be a good thing for them. Student B: That’s a good point. If people could choose how to use the time that would be ok, though I don’t think many people would choose to continue to learn! Student A: But don’t forget, some activities can be fun and might help you to learn things as well. Student B: That’s very true – like crafts or using computers. I think it would be nice to be able to choose if you want to do activities with your friends but the school shouldn’t make you do it. Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2019




Student A: So do you agree that we think it could be nice to have activities during break, but it is not very important for the school to provide them? Student B: Yes, that’s right. Student A: I think we both agree that having a choice of what to do in your break is the most important reason? Student B: Yes, a choice of interesting and useful activities would be good to have because students can decide themselves what to do with their break time. Student A: Definitely – people might not be happy if they are forced to do something. After all, breaks are supposed to be time when people have a bit of a rest in the middle of the school day. Part 4 Some people say students don’t need any breaks at school. What do you think? Sample answer Student A: I completely disagree. We all need a break and a rest from school work in the middle of lessons. And a chance to meet our friends outside the classroom. School isn’t just about academic work, but about socialising with people our own age as well. Student B: I suppose some people think the time at school would be shorter without breaks, but I agree with you that the day would be hard work without them. If students have breaks at school, how long do you think they should be? Student B: We have two short breaks of 30 minutes each. I think I would prefer one longer break – say an hour. It would be more useful and relaxing. Student A: I’m not so sure, I like to be able to go outside the classroom for a short while after every two to three lessons. Though I can see that an hour or so would be more useful if you want to do activities as well as eat your food. In your opinion, is the school day too long, or not long enough? Student A: Our school day is about right, I think. If it was longer I would get very tired and if it was shorter we wouldn’t have time for fun lessons like music, PE and art. Student B: You are right about that. We are lucky to have those kinds of lessons – I know some schools do have a shorter day but they do fewer activity lessons and they are both useful and fun to have. Some schools provide lots of opportunities for students to take part in team sports. Is this a good idea? Student B: I believe that is a great idea. Team sports are fun, healthy and teach you to cooperate with other people. Student A: I completely agree. Even if you are not very good at sport, team sports are fun to do with your friends and to watch as well.


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