Sria Guide

Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia A Guide to Ceremonial Revised 1996 ‘2 PREFACE CONTENTS General Points Equipment Grad

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Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia

A Guide to Ceremonial

Revised 1996

‘2 PREFACE CONTENTS General Points Equipment Grade I Other First-Order Grades Adept Grades Installation of Celebrant Official Visits and Similar Ceremonial Founding a New College

This Guide originally arose out of questions put to visiting Officers about details of Temple layout

4 13 19 23 25 29 33

and of movements during the various ceremonies. A second edition was prepared in 1983. It is hoped that this latest revision will be in the hands of all Fratres, and some few changes have, accordingly, been made. As rituals have required to be reprinted an attempt has been made to make the rubrics and explanation sheets more helpful. There is no wish to impose a rigid pattern in matters of detail, but this Guide is intended to assist any Frater who has to prepare the Temple or to take part in a ceremony at short notice to make more sense of the work both for the Aspirant and for himself. Celebrants, Directors of Ceremonies and Secretaries should find it particularly useful in providing smooth and dignified ceremonies.



GENERAL POiNTS Opening —The Temple should be opened at the time stated on the Summons, and any preliminary meeting (such as Adept Grade or College Committee) should be called for a time sufficiently early to permit the College to start punctually. Ideally, the D C should arrange for all Officers to report to him fifteen minutes beFore the opening of the College, to enable him to rehearse the Ancients in their movements, and to find replacements should any Officers be absent. ‘Where a rehearsal is to be held, it is desirable that a note to this effect be placed on the Summons. All Officers will remember that, in the obligation to which they assented at the installation of the Celebrant, they undertook to give ‘timely notice’ to the Celebrant and Secretary if ‘necessarily absent’. Except in emergency at least one week’s notice should be given, so that appropriate replacements may be arranged. The Secretary should ensure that the D C and Assistant D C are advised of any expected absentees among the Officers, and of any arrangements already made by the Celebrant to co-opt stand-in Officers. The D C himself should be present in the Temple in good time before such ‘rehearsal time’, to check that all required equipment is ready, that the lights on the 4

Altar are in their correct places (diagrams will be found on pp 14—16), and to ensure that the Torchbearer is given instructions for lighting them. Few Colleges have large numbers of members, so that any Frater may expect to be called on at short notice to take office in the ceremony of any grade through which he has passed. Every Frater should, therefore, read and understand the rituals for those grades, so that, even if he has to read the ritual, he can do so with meaning and understanding. Acolyte —This Officer’s place is immediately outside the door of the Temple, and he should be instructed that he is not to wander away while the Temple is open. Be should be familiar with the knocks of all Grades, and for seeing that reports of latecomers are given as necessary. He should inform such latecomers of the Grade in which the College is open, and satisfy himself that nobody below that Grade enters. For the Opening of the College, as this is in Grade I, all Fratres should be allowed to enter, even if the College work is to be in a higher Grade; those below the Grade to be worked will be asked by the Celebrant to leave at the appropriate time. The Acolyte should be reminded of his responsibility for lighting the Censer 5


in good time, where this is required for the Grade to be worked. Titles —A member is ‘Frater’ (not Fratre), and in the plural ‘Fratres’ (not Fraters). ‘The prefixes W, VW, RW and MW refer to ‘Worthy’ (not Worshipful) Fratres and the D C should do all in his power to ensure that only the correct prefixes are used at all times (including by the Secretary in reading the Minutes). If considered necessary, a general reminder may be given to all Fratres immediately before the College is opened. When a member of the Third Order is occupying the Chair, it is particularly important to remember to address him as ‘Right Worthy Celebrant’. Grades II, III & IV If any of these Grades are to be worked, the College must be adjourned in the Grade ofZelator with the words ‘Fratres, I adjourn the College in the Grade of Zelator’, followed by the knocks XXX XX, and the Celebrant then calls on all below the Grade to be worked, including the candidates for that Grade, to retire. Any alterations to the furniture and lights will then be made, before the College is opened in the Higher Grade. Grade IV should be worked before Grade III, Grade III before Grade II, and Grade II beforc Grade I, to avoid having to send out of the Tempic a Candidate who has just taken a lower Grade

while a higher Grade is worked, and to avoid the risk of a breach of Ordinance 1.3, final paragraph, by inadvertently conferring two Grades on any Candidate on the same day. In each case, after closing the College in a higher Grade, the furniture and lights are altered to those applicable to the lower Grade, and then the Guardian is instructed to admit any eligible Fratres, before the College is opened in such lower Grade or resumed in the Grade of Zelator, as appropriate. The D C should ensure that any equipment peculiar to the higher Grade is removed from view before Fratres of a lower Grade are admitted. In all cases (other than where the Ritual requires Candidates to salute in their existing Grade), the sign of the Grade in which the College is open should be used when a sign is required; in particular, the sign of a Zelator should not be used by an Officer in Grades II—IV. Once the Grade of Zelator has been adjourned, NO signs should be given until the College has been opened in a higher Grade. Signs Masonic signs are inappropriate in SRIA working. A great variety of ‘signs of prayer’ may be seen in Colleges. The only such sign specified in the Society’s Ritual is that given in the Consecration of a new College, and this should be used at



all times during prayers, except in the Opening and Closing ofthe Temple. This sign is given by crossing the arms on the chest, left over right. Except in the Opening and Closing Fratres do not kneel for prayers; Aspirants (and the Celebrant-Elect) kneel where required by the Ritual. All Fratres should stand for the last verse of the Exponent’s reading from the Revelation of St John the Divine in the Zelator ceremony, but give no sign of prayer. No sign is to be given during the various Pledges. Use of Rituals Prayers should be read, but this is not very convenient in the Opening and Closing, where both hands are occupied; these prayers should, therefore, be committed to memory. For the other prayers, the Celebrant or Chaplain should have studied these in advance, so that they can be read sensibly and with meaning. Extracts from scripture should similarly be read (from the Holy Bible, not from the Ritual), as may Lectures (always subject to the foregoing point that the reader should have studied them first), but a Lecturer may, if able, recite the Lecture from memory. Apart from these items, the Ritual should have been committed to memory, but Officers may have their Ritual books conveniently to hand to prompt themselves if necessary, to avoid awkward pauses and oral prompts. It is especially important that

the Conductor and the Ancients should know their portions of the Ritual; reading by these Officers is not acceptable. Otherwise no Ritual books should be in evidence; Fratres not ii~ office should NOT be permitted to follow the ceremony from their books, as this can be distracting to the Officers. Number of Candidates Whenever possible, there should be only a single candidate for a Zelator ceremony, and never more than three, except to allow for the rapid build-up of a new 9ollege; not more than three for Grades II to IV, two for Grades V and VI, or one for Grade VII. Should circumstances render it necessary to have more than the stated number of candidates in the Adept Grades, the ceremony should be worked twice up to the Lecture, the candidate(s) from the first working being allowed to stay in for the second working, after which the Lecture is given to all. (This should be taken into account in the timing of the ceremonies.) In Grade V, if the Prologue is to be given, this will be done once only, for all candidates, before the first two are brought into the Temple for the first working of the ceremony. In Grade II, if there have to be more than two candidates, one should be ‘Representative’, and he alone will be blindfolded. All will enter together,



but when the time comes (after the prayer) for the perambulation, those other than the Representative should be told to be seated (in the NorthWest), and to participate mentally in the perambulation, which is made by the Conductor and Representative only. All candidates should be called on to rise to join in the responses to the Exponent’s questions, and should then follow the Representative to the East, where the blindfold is removed from the Representative, and will remain together thereafter. (This procedure is to avoid the difficulty of leading a string of blindfolded candidates around the Temple.) In Grades I and II, no matter how many candidates there are, all must undergo the Tests ofthe Elements by the Ancients; the Conductor must so group them at the Ancients’ pedestals that the Ancient can in each case reach all the candidates. For that part of the Zelator ceremony where the candidates are blindfolded, it may be found helpful for the Conductor to lead two candidates, followed by the D C with the next two, and if necessary the ADC or a Cellanus with the remainder. Robes All High Council Officers, Chief Adepts and Suifragans should at all times wear the robes of their Offices. All other members of 90, and all High Council Representatives should wear HC —


robes, and all other PCs should should wear PC robes. Ritual Books for Candidates In all Grades, C andidates should be presented with a copy of the Ritual (in Grade I also the Ordinances) at the end of the ceremony, and the D C should ensure that the necessary booklets are placed within easy reach of the Celebrant before the College is opened in the Grade concerned. Each College will need to have a small working stock of the Zelator booklets (Ritual, Entrance to the M... C... and Ordinances), which, with the Rituals for Grades Il—IV, will be replenished on receipt of the Form B for the conferment of the Zelator Grade. (Under the present regulations the First-Order fee covers all the Grades and Rituals.) Progress ofFratres to Grade IV This must take into account the ability, attendance record and work of each individual, but the aim should be to get all who deserve it as far as Grade IV within four years of admission, to facilitate which it should be planned to work each of Grades II, III, and IV at least once a year. It is suggested that the Celebrant-Elect, as soon as possible after election, should draw up an outline programme for the ensuing year, and that all Fratres of the College should have the information. —


Presentation of Grade Certificates It is usual to ask the Chief Adept, if present, to present Grade Certificates, and, in particular, the Zelator Certificate and to welcome the new Zelator to the Society. When the SM, SSM, JSM or a Commissioner is present he should be asked to present all the Grade Certificates. The College D C collects them from the Secretary, who calls out the names of the Fratres to receive them, and hands them all to the DGofC, who then hands them Grade by Grade to the SM etc. Papers Bearing in mind that in most Colleges there is a fairly steady stream of new entrants, many of whom may know little of such basic subjects as the Qabala and the Fama, it is recommended that at one meeting a year in the College a short paper on a basic subject should be read. Where the College operates a Study Group, this ‘basic’ paper could be given at such Group, possibly at the first meeting of the session. Papers on more abstruse subjects would continue to be given at other meetings, where this is the custom, and is to be recommended, to comply with the aims of the Society. Understudies All Fratres, and particularly all Adepts, should be encouraged to make themselves

familiarwith the work of the Ancients, so that they can step in to fill vacancies at short notice.



Summonses: Deaths ofFratres Where it is the custom to show any death on the next Summons, this should be done under the heading ‘Mors Janua Vitae’, and not ‘in memoriam’ or ‘Obituary’ or similar heading. —

EQUIPMENT The Holy Bible should be provided for the Exponent, and should be on a pedestal or lectern in front of him. It should have a ribbon marker with one end through the Gospel according to St John, Chapter 1, and the other through the Revelation of St John the Divine, Chapter 7, verse 9 (or two separate markers) so that the Exponent can easily turn to the passages to be read. The readings should be from the Holy Bible, and not from Ritual books. The Holy Bible should be opened at StJohn Chapter 1 before the Opening ceremony, and should remain open until after the Closing of the Temple. The Altar The Superaltar should be arranged in accordance with the diagram on p 14, the candles being on three ‘steps’, with the Cross above. Candles 4, 23 and 29 should be raised on blocks. —
















r~ 4



















Grade II: Arrangement of Candles on Superaltar


Arrangement of Superaltar

All 33 candles should be lit immediately before the College is opened, if the only ceremonial work to be carried out is Grade I or Installation. If the College is meeting purely to transact administrative business andlor to hear a paper read, or if the first ceremony to be worked is Grade II, III or IV, it is acceptable for candles 4, 23 and 29 (only) to be lit before the opening; all 33 must be lit before Grade I or Installation commences. For the second part of the Zelator ceremony, candles 4, 23 and 29 are lit, and the remainder 14











r—~ , 4





















ri 28

29 L —~

Grade III: Arrangement of Candles on Superaltar


need not be relit after this ceremony if no other ceremonial work is to follow. The arrangements of 19























L. ~


23: L..J







~ 27

Grade IV: Arrangement of Candles on Superaltar

the candles for Grades II, III & IV are shown in the appropriate diagrams on pp 15—16. The Calvary Cross above the Altar is the same for Grades I, II & III: black, bearinga gold star and a scroll inscribed ‘INRI’, with a wreath of roses, ideally passing behind the upper arm of the Cross and in front of the other three arms, so that it is held in place by the two side arms. Care should be taken to ensure that the wreath does not obscure the star or scroll. In Grade IV, the Cross used in 16

the earlier Grades must be replaced by a white one, bearing a red rose but no star or scroll. It is acceptable to use a single cross, painted black on one side and white on the other, with the appropriate emblems (provided that the star does not protrude over the edges so as to be visible when the Cross is reversed), reversing it before and after Grade IV is worked. Censer This is required in Grades I and IV. It should be lit by the Acolyte well before it is required, with the incense being added just before it is brought into the Temple. It may be found convenient to place a tile (about 6 inches square) on the floor in front of the Altar to give a firm base on which to place the Censer, particularly if there is a thick carpet, and to protect the carpet. Far too often there is virtually no smoke to be seen rising from the Censer, and it is desirable for the D C to instruct and rehearse the Acolyte in getting it burning well; it is important, particularly in Grade I, that smoke can be seen to be rising from the censer. The time to light the censer will depend on the type of charcoal used; with the circular cakes of ‘self-igniting’ charcoal which are now in fairly common use, 20 to 30 minutes should prove to be about right, with the censer being swung several —


times during this period to ensure that it is well alight. Blindfolds One is required for each candidate in Grade I; and, subject to the earlier comments about a Representative Candidate, for one or two candidates in Grade II. The expression ‘hoodwink’ should be avoided, in view of its alternative meaning of ‘deceive’ (as is used in another Grade). Crosses are required for Grades II, III & IV, and are described in the appropriate Ritual books; these should have suitable ‘handholds’ on the back so that the candidate does not have to clutch one arm of the cross. (See also pp 39—40.) Candle-Snuffer/Taper is required by the Torchbearer in all First-Order Grades for attending to the lights on the Altar. Lecture on Numbers A large book, or similar, with the diagrams for the Lecture on Numbers is required for the Zelator working. This lecture should always be given. Floorcioth A floorcloth or board, representing the symbolic centre of the Universe, is required for the second part of the Zelator working. Ancients ‘Symbols (lamp, fan, bowl of earth, & bowl ofwater) are required for Grades I & II, and should also be on the pedestals in Grades III & IV, as they —


are the essential symbols of the Elements represented by the Ancients. The Fourth Ancient’s lamp (for convenience this is sometimes a candle) should be lit before the Temple is opened, and kept lit until after the Temple has been finally closed. Token —A Token is required for each Candidate in Grade I and should be placed within convenient reach of the Celebrant before the ceremony commences. These tokens should be circular in shape, and prepared from light tissue that burns easily with minimum ash; they are obtainable from the Secretary-General.

GRADE I M... C...

On all occasions when this is formed, the Ancients take position next to the Exponent, in order, from North to South. 4th Ancient, 2nd Ancient, Exponent, 1st Ancient, 3rd Ancient. The Ancients should be rehearsed in taking up their positions, 2nd and 4th leaving, and returning to, their pedestals on the North side, 1st and 3rd on the South side. For the Opening and Closing prayers, remind all Fratres to bow after first sentence of the prayer. Censer The Torchbearer brings this into the Temple as indicated in the Ritual: he precedes the Conductor and candidate slowly, swinging the —


censer backwards and forwards at his right side, at the full length of the chain. He places it on a tile in front of the Altar, or on a proper thurible stand, and returns to his seat. When the candidate retires at the end of Part I, the Torchbearer takes the censer out. Music If there is a proficient Precentor in the College, it is in order to have ‘All ye works of the Lord...’ sung in the pause before the Aspirant is taken round the four Ancients, with ‘0 let the Earth bless the Lord. ‘0 ye Winds of God bless ye the Lord...’ etc as each Ancient is approached, ‘Glory be to God...’ before the Torchbearer deals with the Token in Part 2, and ‘Praise God...’ (The Old Hundredth) when the Aspirant has taken his seat after the end of the ceremony. Any of these may be sung by all the Fratres if desired. Token When this is presented to the Aspirant, he should be told in a whisper by D C or Conductor to put it in a convenient pocket, whence he can readily produce it while outside the Temple. He should be similarly instructed to put it in his pocket when he has re-entered the Temple, ready to produce it to the Torchbearer at the proper time. The Candidate should NOT have the token in his hand during Part 2 of the ceremony, until the time when he has to produce it to the Torchbearer.

Part 2 of Zelator Working —After the Aspirant has left the Temple at the end of Part 1, the Torchbearer, having disposed of the Censer, puts out all candles except Nos 4,23 and 29. The Ancients move their pedestals (with symbols) and chairs to their new positions (1 inNorth, 2 in East, 3 in West and 4 in South) all facing East. They should be arranged in the form of a Cosmic Cross (ie one with equal arms), allowing sufficient space for the D C to place the floorcloth, symbolizing the Centre of the Universe, in the centre of the square bounded by the Ancients. The Aspirant is readmitted, showing the Token. Before the seven steps are taken, the Aspirant is placed in front of Third Ancient’s pedestal; the steps are seven completed steps (ie not ‘marching steps’), and are taken dueEastwards, the feet being placed naturally at the completion of each step, and not in any ritual position. Limitations of space will probably mean that the steps must be very short. The seventh step should bring the Candidate to the central circle of the floorcloth; if there is more than one Candidate, all but the last should, after a short pause on the central circle, be moved away from the centre to allow the next Candidate to take the steps. An alternative method of taking the seven steps, which allows longer steps, is to




begin them from outside the cosmic cross from the southwest or northwest, according to the location of the Portal, and just within the Temple. The Aspirant is making progress from the darkness outside the cross to the light within. The necessarily curved path symbolizes that the journey to light is not easy or straightforward, but gentle and controlled, not a headlong rush. The Secrets are communicated from a point between the centre of the Altar and the Second Ancient’s pedestal. When the Aspirant is seated for the Lecture on Numbers he should be in a chair which has been reserved for him in the North-East, in the front row, or, ifspace permits, a little forward of that row; the Conductor sits next to him in a chair similarly reserved. (This assumes that the lecturer on Numbers will stand in the South-East to deliver the Lecture, but if it is found more convenient to have the number diagrams exhibited in the North-East, then the Lecturer will also be on that side, and the Aspirant and Conductor will be in the South-East.) The D C, or another senior Frater, should attend to turning the pages of the number diagrams at the appropnate times in the Lecture. After the Lecture, the Aspirant must be taken back to his former place in the symbolic Centre of

the Universe between the Ancients for the exhortation ‘Falter not...’, which should be given, by prior arrangement, by the Supreme Magus, Chief Adept ofthe Province or any other Magus from his place in the North-East. The Celebrant, or by prior arrangement a Past Celebrant, then explains the Jewel and then invests the Aspirant, all from the floor in front of the Celebrant’s seat/pedestal.





General Change candles, and, where necessary the positions ofthe Ancients, before opening in the Higher Grade, and after closing therein. Ensure that the Cross for the Candidate is ready, with the Acolyte, before the College is opened, and ensure that it is removed from view in the Temple after the ceremony, before Fratres of a lower Grade re-enter. The D C, Ancients, Torchbearer and Acolyte should make themselves acquainted with their respective responsibilities. The First-Order Jewel is common to Grades I-IV. Ancients In Grades II and III the Ancients form a Cosmic Cross in the centre of the Temple, the backs of their chairs, almost touching, form the white square at the centre with the 1st Ancient —

facing North, 2nd Ancient facing East, 3rd Ancient facing West and 4th Ancient facing South. In Grade IV the Ancients are in line as for the opening of the College. Cross on the Altar The black Cross must be replaced by the white one before opening in Grade IV, and after closing the black one is replaced before Fratres of a lower Grade are readmitted. Briefing the Candidate The D C or Acolyte should ensure before the meeting opens that Candidates know the words, signs and knocks of their present Grades. Apart from giving these words, and when repeating Pledges etc, candidates will be prompted aloud by the Conductor when necessary. The knocks are of the Candidate’s present Grade. ie a candidate for Grade II gives 3+2 of a Zelator, for Grade III 4+1 of a Theoricus, and for Grade IV 2+3 of a Practicus. Standing Rituals are not always clear about standing. All stand for prayers, and are seated thereafter. The Celebrant stands to communicate signs, and in Grade III for the Pledge. The Ancients stand in Grades I and II when the Candidate is presented to them, and resume their seats when they have completed their part (which should be learnt and recited, not read).

Lectures It is desirable that the Lecture of Grade II should be given, but short forms of the Lectures of Grades II—IV are being drafted, and should always be read by the Exponent where time does not permit the full Lecture to be given. No Candidate should be allowed to depart completely uninformed on the subjects ofstudy in each Grade, and he should be told to read the full version as soon as possible, while the ceremony is still fresh in his mind. Censer In Grade IV the Censer may be placed in front of the Althr, as in the second part of the Zelator ceremony, or the Torchbearer may stand in front of the 4th Ancient’s pedestal, facing East, swinging the censer from side to side across his body at the full length of the chain, during the ceremony.



ADEPT GRADES General Progress into and within the Second Order rests with the ChiefAdept, who should receive the recommendation of the College through his Provincial Secretary. Colleges are not empowered in their warrants to confer Adept Grades. The Provincial Secretary is responsible for obtaining the approval of the Chief Adept for advancement to Grades V, VI and VII of all Fratres —


in the Province, and for arranging the ceremonies (which will normally be held before the meeting of a College), and for summoning the Candidate to attend. Summonses should be sent to all eligible Fratres in the Province, but for convenience these summonses may, if time permits, be passed to College Secretaries to send out with the College summonses. The Provincial Secretary, under the direction of the Chief Adept, arranges the Officers for the Adept ceremonies, and ensures that the are informed in advance. y The Provincial Secretary is responsible for submitting the Return (Form A/C), which he must sign to confirm that the Grade(s) have been conferred, to the Secretary-General, immediately after Adept Grades have been conferred, so that Certificates can be made out; for administrative convenience he may arrange with the College Secretary to submit these returns with the College returns. The appropriate fee should be sent by the College Secretary for the Second-Order Grades with the Form A/C, duly signed by the Provincial Secretary, for the Candidate’s Grade V. The Form A/C must show who officiated in each ceremony. Minutes Minutes should be kept of all Adept Grades worked in the Province, and these should be read and confirmed immediately after opening —


on the next occasion Adept Grades are worked in the Province, even though this may be at some other venue. Furniture The Provincial Secretary, or, if one has been appointed, the Provincial D C, should see that the following arrangements are complied with, as far as is practicable, for each Adept ceremony. Seats to be arranged in the form of a sevensided figure; in the cen~e the Pastos (failing which a black cloth folded to shape and placed on the floor); on the Pastos, from West to East, the Holy Bible (open at St John Chapter 1),~mall ‘In memoriam’ plate, circular altar plate (Grade VII only), sanctuary lamp or candle. Pedestals for the Inductor in the East and Expositor in the West, each bearing a light enclosed by a transparency, so that the Illuminated Cross is seen by the Candidate, and the officer has the benefit of a dim light. NOTE: ensure that the Fratres do not move the chairs from the sevensided shape, and that they understand the significance of the form of the V... The Candidates should be veiled, and not blindfolded in the Adept Grades. In Grade VII the Candidate must know the Grand Words ofGrades I —VI. (In this Grade, the Conductor moves to stand behind the candidate after he has completed the examination.) —



Prologue If the Prologue is to be given in Grade V, it is necessary that there is a banner, or diagram, of the Tree of Life outside the Portal of the V..., and that it can be illuminated during the explanation; the anteroom should otherwise be in darkness. Lighting In Grade VII, there should ifpossible be a single light in the South, which can be switched on at the appropriate mom~nt. If no such light is available, then the general lighting will have to be used. In Grade V, if it is the custom to show the Candidates a diagram of the Tetractys to enable them to follow the explanation in the Lecture, sufficient light should be given for them to see this diagram while this part of the lecture is given, or a transparency of a Tetractys may be used. With these exceptions (and the lights in the transparencies on the two pedestals and the Sanctuary Lamp on the Pastos) there should be no lights in evidence during the Adept ceremonies, but if available, a very dim blue light may be used throughout, to facilitate movements. Formalities Before opening the V... of A... the Inductor should satisfy himself, by enquiry, that nobody is present who has not taken the Grade about to be worked. He should then call upon the —


Provincial Secretary to read from Form A/C the names of the Candidates for the Grade, and to confirm that the form bears the signature of the Chief Adept (or Supreme Magus) approving the candidate for advancement.

INSTALLATION OF CELEBRANT Ritual to be Known The outgoing Celebrant has to know the wording for vacating the Chair and inviting the Installing Officer to preside, namely: Right Worthy Chief Adept (or RW Installing Officer), the Fratres have chosen Frater to be the Celebrant of the College for the ensuing year, and in retiring from the Chair I request you to preside over us, and to install my successor. Likewise the First Ancient has to know his words for presenting the Celebrant-Elect at the Altar; these are: Right Worthy Chief Adept (or RW Installing Officer), by virtue of the powers of the Four Elements which we represent, and on behalf of the Fratres of this College, we present Very Worthy Frater the Celebrant-Elect of the College of Rosicrucians, under whose rule and guidance we desire to prosecute our researches, and perform our duties —




during the ensuing year, in order that you may confer upon him the secrets and dignity of a Celebrant and in due form instal him in the Chair of Christian Rosenkreuz. All the Ancients have to know how to bring the Celebrant-Elect to the Altar for presentation. The four Ancients form a Cosmic Cross (ie a Cross with equal arms) in the North-West, with the Celebrant-Elect in the centre. The First Ancient is in the East of this Cross, the Second Ancient in the South, the Third in the North, and the Fourth in the West (ie at the rear). The D C gives the instruction for the five to move off to the East. They stop in front of the Altar (not in front ofthe Chair), and the First Ancient presents the Celebrant-Elect to the Installing Officer, in the words given above. The Ancients return to their pedestals when so instructed The D C should rehearse the Ancients and Celebrant-Elect in all this before the College opens. Vacating of Chairs by Officers If the Exponent is Celebrant-Elect, his chair should not be left vacant, but should be occupied by a Past Celebrant. (It could well be found convenient for the outgoing Celebrant to fill this place.) The change takes place immediately after the Installing Officer has said that the Grade ofAdeptus Exemptus (or Magister) —


has been conferred upon the Celebrant-Elect. The D C conducts the acting Exponent to the West where he assumes the Robe of the Exponent. The Four Ancients are meanwhile forming the Cosmic Cross in the North-West. On return to their pillars the Ancients (and all other Officers except the Exponent) remove their Robes and resume their seats of Office. Ifthe Celebrant-Elect is one ofthe Ancients, the Exponent remains in his place and an acting Ancient is conducted to the seat being vacated by the Celebrant-Elect; if the latter is the First Ancient, the stand-in must have learnt the words of presentation. All Officers remain in their former seats of Office until called forward for obligation to a new Office or until their replacement Officer comes, after obligation, to take up the Office. Robe & Collarette When the outgoing Celebrant has taken off his Robe and Collarette, these are placed at the foot of the Altar, and should NOT be placed on the Kneeling Stool, or directly between the stool and the Altar, where they would be in the way during the ceremony. Other Points All Fratres should be warned by the D C or Chief Adept that they will be asked if they are satisfied with the answers given by the Celebrant-Elect, and that the reply is ‘We are content’ —



F (the D C should give the lead in this response, so that all speak together). The Celebrant-Elect should be reminded that he will have to pass the Word at the appropriate point, when he and the Installing Officer join the M... C.... The kneeling stool should be removed by the D C as soon as the Celebrant-Elect has risen. Music If desired, the Motet ‘God be in my head’ may be sung before the Celebrant-Elect rises after being constituted (sung by Precentor or by all the Fratres, according to College custom). Appointment of Officers It should be suggested to the Celebrant-Elect that, since the new Officers all come forward to be Obligated together, he should read out the full list of Officers with only a slight pause between each name. The D C or Installing Officer should tell the Officers-Designate that, as their names are called, they should come forward and line up across the Temple in the East in two or three lines according to the space available. (Seniors should be on the right (South), ie the new Exponent stands in front ofthe Celebrant’s chair, the next Officer on his left and so on, starting a second line when the first line is full.) Sufficient space should be left in the East for the Installing Officer to come between the Altar and the front line. —


Obligation of Absent Officers If any Officers are absent from the installation meeting, an item should appear on subsequent summonses ‘To Obligate the followingOfficers, who were not present at the Installation meeting’, with a list of names and Offices. The Obligation may be administered by the Chief Adept, the Suifragan or any Past Celebrant nominated for the purpose by the Chief Adept, and care must be taken to ensure that a copy of the wording of the Obligation is available to such Obligating Officer. The ‘absent Officer’ item will reappear on all summonses during the year, until all have been obligated, but NOT on the summons for the next Installation meeting. If the Officer in question is then present, he will not be obligated in the Office he is about to vacate. (If he is then being appointed to the same, or any other Office, he will of course be obligated with all the other new Officers in the ordinary way.) —

OFFICIAL VISITS AND SIMILAR CEREMONIAL It is not normal for the Celebrant or any of his Officers to enter or leave the Temple in procession. The Celebrant is saluted only at his Installation. Visits On the occasion of visits by the Supreme Magus, Senior or Junior Substitute Magus, or a —


Commissioner from the SM, the procession, salute and recession will be directed by the DirectorGeneral of Ceremonies or his Deputy, and members of the Third Order and Past-Celebrants,


will be called on to form an escort, as required. In all processions, all officers taking part must wear appropriate robes. The Director-General of Ceremonies directs the salutes to the Visitor; thereafter the College D C takes charge until the procession of the Visitor out of the College. ChiefAdept The Chief Adept (in his absence the Suffragan) will normally take his seat on the North side of the Altar before the College is opened, with members of the Third Order (other than Officers of the College who have official places to take in that capacity) on his right according to rank and seniority. The Chief Adept will give place to the SM, SSM, ISM, or a Commissioner, when they visit a College; in his own Province he does not give place to Officers of High Council, who take precedence immediately below him. When making an Official visit to one of his Colleges, the Chief Adept may enter in procession, preceded by robed High Councillors and Past-Celebrants under the direction of the Provincial Director of Ceremonies, if one is appointed and present, or the DG of C, if present, failing which the College D C. Such

procession should not take place when the SM, SSM, JSM, or a Commissioner is visiting. Suifragan In the absence of the Chief Adept, the Suifragan takes his place. When the Chief Adept is present, the Suffragan takes place according to his Grade and rank. Salutes The Salutes to be given in the Temple are laid down in the Ordinances, Appendix IV. A Chief Adept is saluted only in his own Province, and a Suifragan is not usually saluted when the Chief Adept is present. When salutes of 9, 8,7 or 6 are given, no other salutes (other than as prescribed in the Ritual, for a newly installed Celebrant or Chief Adept, or a newly obligated Suifragan) are given while the Officer receivingthe salute of 9, 8, 7 or 6 is present in the Temple. On such occasions the Chief Adept, or in his absence the Suffragan, may be saluted before the SM’s, or Visiting Officer’s, procession enters. Surrendering the Sceptre The Celebrant will offer his Sceptre to the SM, SSM, JSM, Commissioner or Chief Adept immediately after the senior of these who may be present has acknowledged the salutation ofthe Fratres. The Sceptre is not offered to a Suifragan or to an Officer of High Council, even when the latter is making an Official visit,



unless he carries a Commission from the Supreme Magus. Minutes After the Minutes have been read, confirmed and signed by the Celebrant, the senior ranking Visitor present (SM, SSM,JSM, Commissioner or Chief Adept) should be invited to sign them also. After-Proceedings When the SM, SSM, ISM or a Commissioner is present, and has a Grand D C attending on him, the latter will control the afterproceedings and the proposing of Toasts, etc. ]f the SM is present, permission to smoke should be given before the Toast to the SM is proposed; on all other occasions smoking should be permitted after the Toast of the SM has been honoured. The Commemoration, immediately after the closing Grace, will be proposed by the SM, SSM, ISM, Commissioner or Chief Adept, if present, failing which by the Celebrant. This Commemoration must not be referred to as a Toast; the Loyal Toast, which follows, is the first Toast to be so designated, and care must be taken not to refer to it as ‘the next (or Second) Toast’. —



FOUNDING A NEW COLLEGE The regulations for establishing a new College are laid down in Ordinance X.3, but before getting to the stage of petitioning the MW Supreme Magus Fratres may like to know the furniture and other equipment required by a College for the fourFirstOrder Grades. Altar & Superaltar 1. Where a College holds its meetings in a masonic temple it is common to use the WM’s pedestal (or a larger table) as the altar. This must have an altarcloth of white linen draped over it; this may be adorned with a suitable embroidered motif, eg the Paschal Lamb. The College will decide whether and what the emblem should be. 2. A superaltar with three steps is essential. It must be painted white, and must be large enough to take the 33 candles (see diagrams onpp 14—16) comfortably spaced. It should be designed to fit safely on or over the altar and altar cloth. 3. 33 candle-holders of suitable design are necessary to hold the 4. 33 candles required (with spare sets). 5. Three small white-painted blocks are needed to raise candles 4, 23 & 29. 6. A black Calvary Cross, as described on p 16. —


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7. A white Calvary Cross is needed for Grade IV, with red rose, but without scroll or star, as described on p 16. 8. It is useful, but not essential, to have a candIe-snuffer with taper attachment for dealing with the candles on the superaltar. Ancients —9. Four pedestals or pillars are needed for the Ancients. If these are to be specially made for the new College, it is appropriate to show the symbols of the four Ancients painted on them in the proper colours. Where storage space in the temple is short, folding ‘wine tables’ can conveniently be used. 10. Four ‘holders’ are required for the elements: (a) Fire a spirit or oil lamp, or red candle; (b) Water a small bowl or chalice; (c) Air a large plain fan of robust construction; and (d) Earth a small copper, brass or silver-plated bowl. Robes 11. Celebrant 12. Exponent 1 3. Ancients 14. Conductor 15. High Council Representative (Grade VII or VIII, as appropriate) 16. Five white cloaks for Guardian, Torchbearer and Aspirants —



Details of all these are laid down in Appendix V of the Ordinances. Jewels 17. (a) Celebrant, (b) Secretary, and (c) Treasurer. Other Items 18. Pedestals for Celebrant and Exponent. 19. Sceptre (red wand) of correct design, supplied by Secretary-General. 20. Holy Bible for Exponent; this may be blocked in gold on the front cover with the name of the College. 21. Censer, preferably full-size brass Church ecnser (and, if possible, thurible stand for it). 22. Or a suitable tile to hold censer at foot of Altar. 23. Incense, self-lighting charcoal and matches. 24. Black blindfolds, at least four. 25. Floorcloth or board, representing the Centre of the Universe, for the second part of the Zelator ecremony. 26. Numbers Lecture for Zelator ceremony. It is helpful if the large pages can be easily turned over. There is an established design,’which may be embellished with colour. 27. Grade II Cross for the Aspirant with arms of equal length, coloured for the four elements. —


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28. Fylfot Cross for the Aspirant in Grade III, appropriately coloured. 29. Calvary Cross for the Aspirant in Grade IV, with white squares and a single black square. NOTES

It is suggested that Founders should closely inspect the equipment in an established College, before commissioning furniture etc. If convenient they should borrow this for copying. While most Fratres will wish to have their new furnishings ready for the Consecration, it must be remembered that it is the College, not its furniture, that is being consecrated. There can be no objection, therefore, to using some borrowed equipment for that important occasion.