Spirit of the Points

··.:"!.• ,lfi!II!A, Note About ·Five-Element Acupuncture ~ ·,,.: ' . .: ' ., ' ~he info,r~~tion about Fiye-J;

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Note About ·Five-Element Acupuncture




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~he info,r~~tion about Fiye-J;l~me..~tafupu_nc~e, inc!udi~g t~e spir~t. of the poi~ts, is inte~~ed to be ~ed

; pract1t10ners who have recetved md1v1dual mstructton m th1s trad1hon by certified_ practitioners. Flveacupuncture is a system which is quite different in approach to TCM. Point selection and · . ~reatment planning is a subtle and refined process that requires special training. f!!!!A.' ' ' ,;. ' ' ; : nsideration 'for this book is that much of Worsley's quotes are outdated (see "Reference Guide"); they are . complied notes that were recorded by other students of the.Five'iEiementtradition..· Finally, ~suggest that this reference notbe.interpreted·as a definitive portrayal· of these points ora ·. fixed set of ideas. Unde~t~nding is o~eQ_dynalllic, an# individual. This' ·comp,ratioilll'laY be be'sr' thought of as a starting point for the praciiti()ner- a.'lifelorigd sfudJmt of thi~.rriedicine - to develop · his or her own relationship with the points, to personally cultivate o'ne's insights,.observation~. and discoveries. · I gratefully thank all the contributors of this work, especially~Professor JR Worsley, Dr. Judy B. Worsley, Neil Gumenick, Joseph Soprani, Hong Jiri, and Lonny Jarrett. I also thank my friend, Peter L Barten, for his contribution to the Tan section and for his support and encouragement in the making of this compilation. · The:vision of this book is to further the understanding, development, and mastery of acupuncturists challenged to awaken the deepest aspects of healing in themselves and others. Daniel H. Axelrod Portland, OR · September, 2003

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Ii Quan

Utmost Source

, . . ,'"


Connects to the spirit that pervades everything, the divine, the creator, the source•ofFire>When·lacking this cllnneetion · '· there may be panic. isolation, abandonment. To feel atone with everythin~ connects the d~vine within to the divine without, restores· control back to the Heart after shock, trauma, after'remoVing jjossessiand loss whi~ they aie experiencing are; ·in fact, part of their . ·· spiritual path. It is ideal for the patient Who feelS "burned by life," involVing mstances in Which the. Heart fue has been overcontrolling the Metal. Note that this point shares its function with GV-11 (Shen Dao), whose name may also be translated as · Spirit Path. - U

(Nourishes the Heart; quiets the spirit.) As the jing river point, affects the outer course of the meridian. - HJ ·





Junction To get a glimpse of God, ~.front row seat, a private audience with the king, to get to know the spirit ofthe God witltin. Creates an intimate connection, penetrates to the depths of one's soul past the facade or identity that masks one's essence, such as a title, addiction, personality, or behavior. An analogy: people lining up to see the coffin of Princess Diane because · she had a royal magic to her, so they maybe could touch her soul. This point takes you deep within the Heart to touch the · core of one's ~pirit, esp~ially if the person is too.attachedto their outer trappings. - NRG · For the patient who is holding back or always,Jrightened, or for someone whose exterior, may appear perfect but they are rotting and dymg deep within themselve~ .. Aitd,ws a deeper contact, so the patient may open up more, helping to put them in contact with what's really happening in their life. This point is about increasing control, stabilizing the Heart Official, taking the person deep inside. _The importance of the Heart Officia~ the Supreme Controller within us. It represents the God ·within us. Penetrates to the verj soul, re-energizes the body, mind, and spirit, and restores peace and happiness. To penetrate into the essence of the Fire, the passion within the heart of the person. Can be used to see beneath the mask- a person may wish for- intimacy but they are so out of contact with themselves that it is not possible. Can help the patient connect with themselves such a way that they can let go with confidence. Most effective on a spirit level, especi~lly when it trails behind the mind and bOdy.. Useful witti the person who says they're empty or oold inside with heat ()n the surfu.ce. As a junction point one can summon assistance from the Small Intestine, to separate what is truly important.· Disc~iminating the course from the fine, the pure from the impure creates order and balance. May be used if the pulses change with HT-7, but without a change in quality. Vertigo, palpitations, hysteria, particularly when there does not appear to be any physical problem. - PLN


The Heart as Emperor excels in insight and understanding. [n the Shen Nong Ben Cao, tong shen ming is a phrase which indicates that medicines ofthe highest level (i.e., those which aid in the fulfillment of destiny) may assist one in communicating with the radiant spirits which emanate from one's Heart as well as the universe. Here, the character tong conveys the notion of interpenetration, of being in communication with a principle or reason in such as way that yields understanding. As the luo point, Tong Li brings energy into the Heart and helps the Heart fire penetrate to the depths of one's being. This point is ideal for the patient who habitually closes the Heart to intimacy. • U Tonifies Heart qi; calms the mind; opens into the tongue. (Regulates the Heart; calms the spirit; strengthens the brain.) Asphasia, palpitation, insomnia, tongue ulcers,. burning urination (due to Heart heat expelled via the Small £ntestine), hematuria. Small intestine dry constipation; directs Heart fire out through the Small Intestine. Sequella of stroke with stiff tongue aphonia (Small Intestine channel goes to root oftongue) combine with CV-23: use a 1.5 cun to needle into 3 areas ("he gu" needling), stimulate 9 times, repeat at each location 3 times. • HJ ~~--~----~~--------~~~------------------------------------------------~


Xi Cleft

Used to elevate the Supreme Controller from the depths. To see from a higher perspective the goodness and richness of spirit. - NRG . . . . . . . _When you need to go up on top of tile moundto see all. When the Officials~ys, "I need to see." When the Supreme . _ Contr~ller has uncertainty, confusion, and there's rio cooperation or coordiriation among the Officials: 'Take 'tile person on . top ofthe mound to let himsee the riches and nourishment Strongly influen~ the mental state and revitalizes qL .Good for longterm Heart disturbilrice, where the· persOn is restless and running on empty, notsomuch fro'm physical problems but for wobble. in therils'elves .. Has a cillminiaffect. A place io d~w upon yin energies for support, a reserve,. Moves q~.·· .. revitatizeS the energy.•There is a strong associaiiifri between· shock, fe~. anxiety, and Heart ;;one may think of this point when there is hysteria, shock, alarming felU"S, anxiety, palpitations,' d~ineSs,phest pain, b'locked 'nose, and especially headaches. This point can give big pulse .Changes and is. ·good with moxa.· ~ P;LN · . {





Promotes Heart qi aru! blood circulation; nourishes Heart yin; stops sweatik~;, clears heat; calms the m;;zd..(Regulates and tonifies theHe;trt, especi~lly yin arid blood; enriches yin; . ·. . th~ ~lpi>d.) 'Cardiac pai.ti., P!i.li>itation, night swe:li.tir"U!(withKD-7, Metal point affects the Lung), nervous (w/SI-3). ~ m . .





_.HT-7· ~

Spirit Gate

Yuan Source

Shu Stream




Use when it appears control is ~he issue. This point allows spirit to move freely, re-establishes control over rest of the Officials, and nourishes all the Officials \yith love when they need to be siabilized. Being out of control can lead to' .exhaustion, collapse. When the Supreme Controlleris unWilling to delegate. As a gate it must open and close freel'y. ~lows the spiritto go inside to be quiet or to go out to move, as appropriate. The Heart's role is to make sure the job gets d~ne, not to do it hintself. - NRG ·· · ·· · ·

.~ A gate must open and close,we,must .be able to. enjoy day and night, sunshine and darkness. If the gate is shut we're in


t~ dar~.ess.

etr~it sid~

perp. e·. .· . al behtnd a bamer; A .. ..sho*.can·.· ·.l.altl.bet.his. gate. :•. $h·.· ut. •·. ·N· ·oth.no in··.gspeech, can ... pen.\Uld mentally •. e..m·· if·t·h·· is. g·..off. a.te Chron,tcally is..clos:d·. -the···. patient in.ay be . retre~~tmg there·.·s· may excess'!ve control, closed stck people's spiritS are depleted an4 there is 11 wall between themsefves and life. They are ·n.o longer light in Heart; their spirit needS · ·· reawakening. If this point is blocked they may say, "my willis broken, r·don't have the spirit to do this." This point is· . indispensable. If the patient has given up, the ghost of this point can revitalize, reawaken their spirit Or this gate can be jammed open, the person can be in hyper, high spirits which later result in collapse, mental emotional shutdown, exhaustion, . no will to persist, and general weakness. ·The patient may be out of control, very talkative, high spirited yet with 1 nothing to say, manid;)tallueinations. When tl~e Heart is wobbly on ariy leveL .Calms the ftredown and "earths" the .~ Official. Earth was place at the center on the old charts of the five Elements arid Fire is built upon Earth. Printary p9int for I collapse of Heart energies, builds courage. Ifthe Fire is crumbling, it needs solid Earth for support. Brings stability and the ~. security of Earth. into the H~art OfficiaL A nice;, point to add if control is an issue. Effect on fluid secretions, retention of _fluidS, loss of taste. and appetite. FirSt aid for s~ock, hysteri~ electric shoe~ Heat): fai111re, and. anxiety .. ~ PLN j ' . ,• . ' ' ~ This is both the Earth and the Source point on the Heart meridian. On the yin meridians all Source points are Earth points, ·~· · and the third point, proxintally. Three is the number of Heaven, Human, and Earth, representing the printordial Dao. Hence the Source points may provide a connection to the printordial qi and earthly Source q~ both pronounced yuan (but expressed ~· with different characters). If this gate rusts, either open or closed, the Heart may experience stress.• being unable to comfortably house the mind and spirit This point empowers the equilibrating quality of the Earth Element within the Heart fire. -U





j Calms the "!ind; nourishes He.art blood; opens t~e ~rifices; n.ourishes yin; c/ea~s excess ~f ~eficient. heat; t~nifies Heart qi. lnsomma (for Heart and Ktdney not .coinmumcatmg use wtth PC-6 and An Mtan), palpttatton, anxtety, epilepsy,


j hysteria, mental and emotional problems. - HJ



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House of the kin~. or inner chamber, place: where Heart or spirit can rest. Use in ti¢es ofres,igrtation~d despai,r when the. Heart needs encOLuagernent and joy. Re-vitalizes the Fire.. Like a roomoffthe president's oval offiCe. - NRG .


The palace of the Supreme Controller suppling wannth, nourishment, wisdom, and gUidance.."Lesser" (n s~ only. The essence does not need a big show. This is the house of the Empe~or where everything is good, pure, h!llllthy, and plentifuL ;Ibis is_a saf~ place to be.andhave no fear. The Official's strength anq essen,~ ll['e here; this is wher~ the Offi~ial ismc;>st complete. A storehouse cine can go to meet the needs of the ~ody, mind, sup.ports the spi(~~~ Brin~joy to the, spirit. . .·.. allowing the sun to shine from within.... ~evitalizes tbe energy, po[(.ing up the Fire, gettirig' tl~e rriaXifuulll from tljte ~vailable • energies. Fin~ po(nt on Fi!ll channel - the essenc.¢ of Fire..· Be.careM n0t (Q c.au!l~·an over.:(~ging fite.. Coriuriunf~tion: with the superior lllan- the tr.ue se!fwithiri.. who caQ .Ioo~ listen apd decide. Good to I.ISe for Fil-e-fear of people, shyJ:leS~, . ·.· · anticipatQry fear, Heart-felt anxiety, despair, trembling agitation and anxiety, ilnp{ltence at1d frigidity, palpitations; sighing, interm;ittent fevers, menstrual proplems. - PLN .. . "' . . . As .the Fi,re po.int on a Fire meridiat1, Hf-8 is the horarY point ar:ld is un1quefy able totonify ofsedate'Helili fire. The . .. character fu denotes this poiQ.t as. a residence of the Heart. and Heart spirit. I find thllt during the surtuner solstice; between· II a.m. and I p.m. is an ideal.tune t~ address this point. - LJ ·· · · ·

Clears internal heat. (Quiet$ the Heart qnd reg!llqtes the spir~t; q/ears pathogenic; in./luencesjromthe !feart.) Similar io · PC-8, but not for EPI's or Stomach problems.

Heart ftie or heat from emotions. - HJ






A secure, safe, gentle (not overwhelming) plaeeto nourish, fuel, and secure the spirit. Gives "get up and go," restores energy in the H~. Qua(\ties of rebirth, growth to lead, to take the next step. Also gives motherly care. • NRG This is the loving breastofthe mother. It creates birth, growth, and determination for the body, mind, and spirit. Carrying Wood to Fire, allowing it to flow or pour in rather than rushing. The energy needs to eome into the Heart in the correct quantity. Controls .the fueling of Fire by regulating the amount of Wood coming through. We must never have ''a lof' · rush!ng into the Heart. If the Heart is low (seen as timid and unaware), be cautious about bringing in too much Wood, putting the fire out. Brings a surge of energy into the meridian. Asafe way to bring a little in. Deficient Fire can manifest as sensation of coldness; expressionless voice, difficult speech, white or clear vaginal discharge. Excess Fire can create .cardiac conditions, palpitations, tlrtsteady pulses, no clarity ofvision; dry throat; anger, fearful dreams of fire, smoke etc, 'hot' vaginal discharges. • PLN. · · As the Wood point, IIT-9 may empower the Heart's capacity for vision. Trust involves keeping both the Heart and the eyes open; and this point may unite the function·of the Liver and the Heart OfficiaL Hence, this point may empower the patient to look: before they leap. Energy rllShes' into the Heart meridian atitsjing(well) point. If the Wood of the Liver burns in a way that generates excessive fire, the He_art may become agitated and a sense of rushing may be evident in' all manner of one's expression. Conversely, ifthe Fire is cut off from the vision of Wood, the Emperor may be joyless. Here, the .patient wanders aimlessly like aleafblown by the wind without the guiding light of the Heart's ftre. As the Wood Tonification point on the Heart meridian; I have found this point useful for harmonizing the relationship between the Liver and Heart Officials. · - U

Clears heat; subdues wind; opens the Heart orifices; restores consciousness.-(Regulates the Heart, clearsHeartfire, ·cools heat in the blood; t()niftes Heart yang; clears Heart fire.) Emergency conditions (coma, high fever, sunstroke, loss of consciousness due to high fever). - H1 ·· ~ .@>,




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li - SmaiUntestine

Jing Well



A marsh is an area of fertility, value, richness. and no1,1rishn1ent, it abounds with animals and v~getatjon. Helps the Small Intestine remember. What purity is, toknow what is of good quality so it cim sort !llOre effectiveiy. ·Use when person is · severely depressed. suicidal, insecure, childish. - NRG . Supportive, brings ener:gy int~ the ~idian. Helps one tQ -appreci~~e quality, bringing Metal to' the Small Intestjne. Helps · one to receive fromReaven.and.eliminate-the rubbish. Cleanses and oxygenates the._q1eridian. briQging air into Fire, Best !n autumn, allows fire to bum purely and allows the patient to look .at themselyes clearlY (who they are and ~her,1= they are . . . ·going) by removing and pruning. Also good for a Snulll Intestine CF who is sarcastic. Use whim ~omeone_hlis difficulty .touching or is mentaUy frozen. Good for splits: when there is rubbish in one pan of the body, When there is a good mind with a poor spirit. or when one is in their head but out Qfcontaw the Heart; gas and flatulence, hiatus hernia, Stomach spasm. ,- PLN




~ ~



~~~----------~------------~~~------~--------------~~~ ·.L-47 Ambition Room Zhi Shi . r.L., Motivation, reserves; determination, endurance, to fmd the Wi.U and enthu8iasni to carry on.

If someone is not excited by . anything, there is no witr or ambition. "What'~.:the use?" ''l doil't know," • Wh~n ·one has lost one's innocent exCitement of childhood. When the world is not theif oyst~rt-,"llitige of Water in the corite¥1 ofil deep store of ancestraf energy. • NRO

r.L., r.l, The outer AEP of the Kidneys .. Good f'or Water imbalances due to fear or anxiety on a mental level. Gets directly to the

. _.. will. The Kidneys control the qi we are born with, thus a goc)d point forsoriiene with a·\Yeak hold on life (weak-willed), ;-.when there's no energy to give them the drive, finding excuses and suppressing the Will. -Qveryone should have ambitions,


::!:::t~~!;h:n~:1~~~ez~!*::-~r~~ ~:.~:~d~~~r!:~~ to:~~~f~~r:f:O~t!~·::!'::d·

.-1 ~vitalizes de~ermination, will and ambition;.for ~oniticat!on~nl~. R:et>CQd_uction and~ation oflifu, ~r aU gen~tal ·.·

~ dtseases, to g1ve strength to the sexual functton, tfthere ts pam 1n.the gemtal area or pam and soreness m the vagma or

r.1., penis;· If the Kidney area is rigid or· painful, urinary problems brought on by te~~t, bed-wetting in children.

In relationships,

the hidden tears can-be brought to the·surfilce.by this point • PLN




This is a key point for hm:monizing the quality ofthe function of human will In·an act of introspection, one's shen may'be channeled via the will into their jing, or, they may expend their reSources (jing) striving for worldly accomplishments. AcCOrding.~ Chu Xi, 'The Will (zhi) lieS in the ~eepestl'ece$s~ oftij~,mind (xin) and therefore the doctors say the will ,.L (zhi) belOngs to the Kidneys." The 34th difficult' issue ofthe Nanjmg ietls us that the "Kidneys store the jing and the zh~" _. and that the zhi is the spirit (shen) which has been translated as "Ambition Room" and'"Room of Will." Bladder 52 also has ,-_ the alternative name jinggong or "Palace of Essence." That the same acupuncture ·point may be used to simultaneously treat _I the jing an~ points out the intimate relationship between these two en~. The a11.thentic (~en) Heart-ittmd is lost iit ,-_.the individual's inevitable tall from original nature (de). The meniory (zhi) of this true nature is stored injing as \1 mandate ~from heaven, It is in directing the mind down into thejing, the.~epths ofsel( via the zhi (~g th~ will), that the ~ost" : individ~ may red,jscover Heaven's commands and return to ~ringing his or h!'f ~-mind back into the world fully ~ ~li. ·.c. ressed.d. . !11.ence. with dC$tinY (mmg) fulfi.n~ one·inaY ~ecoine a channel for the creatiw flow omiid; the_ very source or • 1e an vita tty. · · · IU.-52, canhannonize the: relationship between Kidney jing, Heart .shen, and the human Will (zhi). With the careful direCtion of the practitioner, this point may serve to soften an overly hard will and protect a depletedjing or strengthen the will to focus the sben.upon unused potential.. *For a more detailed disCU$sion ofBL-52, see The Role ofHuman Will (Zhi) ant;!. the Spirit of Bladder 52 (ZhiShi), by Lonny Jarrett, American Journal of Acupuncture, Vo~. 20, No. 4, 1992: - U




r-l t-l t-l Tonifies Kit1ney e$s.e"": strer;rgthe_ns t~e back. Seminal ~is$.ion, impotence, pain an4 rigidio/ of the, back. Address !motional and spiritual aspects. - W .. .




·. . Womb and Heart D~phragm

.sao Huang

r-l :£his is when the Heart and worn~ h~Y!i- becQme separated, they are not ~~ing closely together. The pure love ofth~ Heart is neede.d allow me.· ·.often this liJlk is broken at.tef thei'e has beeilan abqrtion, infimtity.

to pers~·tO ooticei~. misCarriage~ 1 , - ~Heart is.-~ much ili~lved Wi~ ~nceptiori.; it_b~lp~unlte and bring tho~e areas of"the ~e\Oths..This may~ likenl:oo plant deriving energy from the i:xternallllllllimstatio ofits flower (silk) bac:k: irito its hollow core. (Both sUIC and bambOo were important n=sow:ces in China). Aysc:QUgh.affirms that the presen~ of bamboo in the Imperial palace "syinbolaes the empty Heart which is ready to receive all goods and virtuous suggestions. So should the Emperor be ready to listen to the advice of his ministers." This point may treat someone whose Fire is externally f®used as a means of preventing intimacy. This may manifest as excessive social chatter that never touches the heart of the matter. Another example "is one who makes too many S®ial ~mmitments asa means 9favoiding intimacy with one's mate. It is often interesting to compare the . furiction of the first point on a meridian with.that ofthe last point an the same meridian. For instance, a function oflli-1, ,Rushing the Frontier GiltC, is to push someone who is WithdraWn into expand\ing their horizons. Compare this with rn-23, which returns the external focus one's Fire back to one's core. - U · ··

Expels.wind; ~rightens the eye$; stops paiil.. Tempor8l heaAA¢he;· eye diseaslis (outer problem!; such as stye),Jiwial paralysis (often indicated by shallow forehead lines), local problems. - HJ





,--,VII ·Gallbladder ~GB-1

.,J Entry .~



Orbit Bone


Frequently used for exit/entry bloc~. ·Also f~~;~!.e conditions. - NRG Entry point, powerful point for overall ener~of~e Gallbladder. - PLN



The function ofGB-1 is related to the quality of discernment one applies toward oneself and to the external world. The TCM functions of this point include draining heat and wind. Heat here is the physiological by-product of an underlying ~ mentaVemottonal process predicated·on frustration. Something has blocked one's progress and the result of the emotional· work done trying to move the stagnation has caused heat Wind is anything that moves in an unpredictable pattern. Here, ~ one is unable·to discern a clear picture of the World; it appears as an un~elated string of chaotic events. This external ~ confusion· undennines the clarity of one's vision and is mii:rored by the appearance of internal wind and heat. • U ~~

Expels wind; clears heat; brightens the eyes. Eye diseases (inner and outer), facial paralysis, Bell's Palsy. - HJ


Hearing Assembly


~ To give a fair listen to possibilities, or when hear,ing is muddled or unclear, tinnitus, hearing problems, TMJ. - NRG .~ On the lower boarder of the tragus, patient must open their mouth, lies below SI-19. Use with Wood CF patients who have ~

pain in the ears. Local use for trigeminal neuralgia. Problems of the ear and difficulty with hearing things. • PLN


Removes obstructions; benefits the ears; expels exterior wind-heat; (co_urses the Liver and Gallbladder, moves qi; opens the ears.) Ear Diseases. • HJ ·




.~~--------------------------------~~------~------------------------~~--~ Leads one in the highest direction - the·high road - a pure path, seeing the Tao, direction toward growth. Not frequently ·

~ used. - NRG

~. Removes obstructions from the channel; (quickens the connecting vessels, opens the portals.) Local diseases, such as , - TMD. -H1 ~GB-4 ~

Loathsome Jaws

Han Yim

VII-4 to VII-12 are for local application, such as:m:igraines: COmbine with coriurtand points. This point is also good to ·relieve someone burdened with responsibility of deciding or planning. - NRG


This is an ideal point for easing jaw tension associated with repressed anger. It is also excellent for relieving mental tension

~ emanating from "the Gallbladder Official. - U

~r.~G~B~-~5--~--------------~~------~S~m-p-en-d~ed~S~ku~l~l--------------------------~X~u-an~L-u--, .r'l!!!.



Crooked Hair on the Temples




'Flowing Valley .


Pacifies. Liver yang: removes obstnictions from the channel: beneftts the ears; (relives pain.) ·Migraine, temporal . headache, tinnitus, hypertension, vertigo, ear diseases. - HJ


Heaven Rushing


Supports and encourages one to move ahead and upwards, an opening to gfpwth and heavenly potential. - NRG . :!_ . . • Can be used as a window, listed in the classics as a window. Direct route to the middle of a person. ~ PLN ·


. FlOating White



Head Hole Yin

Tou Qiao Yin


Final Borie


Connects on a Wood CF ifenergy is stuck. - PLN Eliminates wifut; calms the mind; (calms the spirit; opens the p~rtals, especially the ears.) Facial paralysis, insomnia (near An Mian), oceipital headache, Bell's Palsy (releases wind). - HJ


Root Spirit



For a Wood CF who needs to be.rooted in order to reach to the sky, growing tall and upright, drawing clear light from the heavens. - NRG This point and all Gallbladder head points for spirit level. The very basis and foundation of shen; an outgoing, direct quality. - PLN As Wood Element Officials, the Gallbladder and Livermeridi,aris energetically resemble a tree. The location of this point on the head oorresponds to the view of the highest perspective offe~ by the treeiop branches. This point integrates the

fundamental visionpresent in the roots (ben) of the tree with this higher P: alqng,the line, f~r. ~is ·is what the name_implies, its day and night, yin all.d yai!.g, sun and . ~ moon, male and female, the light and the dark, the balance. - PLN . . ·

~ TC)gether, these two !)baracters may be renden~d as illum~ation. This point has been discussed in Constitutional Type and

1 the Internal Tradition of Chinese Medicine: The Ever- Present Cause, Part IT, by Lonny S. Jarrett, American Journal of ~Acupuncture, 199J;2l(2):'14l-158. [tis the vision of"things" that crelltes the phenomenal universe. The two eyes are ~emblematic of the fall from the unity of the one in which all things are interpenetrating, to the two where distinctions arise · ~ between good and bad and, ultima~ely, between the self and Dao. The character ming, meaning illumination, has two halves. ~ The l~ft half~ the sun and represe~-~ outer il_liuriination; the vision that brin~ "things" iilto the world.· It iS th.e vision of creation that proceeds from the operung ofthe1senses that allows us to per,cetve the phenomenal world.· The nght half ofthe ~character represents the moon; the quality oflight at nightwhlch blends all things into one." This inner illumination is the · Vision:that·results from shutting off the senses; al!Qwing us to see the depth of things. The sun and moon are symbols for ~the left and dght eyes and provide a connection between vision, the Wqod Element, and the unityofoppo~ite5.. It is the filculty of discrimination that breaks the unity of the uncarved wood into the ten thousands things. The sense of vision, based on two eyes, is only capable of seeing duality in the world. He who· turns his gaze outward lo~es the vision of unity 1 present at his depth:. Acupun~re point GB-24 can _address this vision an~ help retUrn t_h? vi~ion ofthe,sage, which "rot~ ~ the ten thousand thmgs back tnto one.'' Another pomtthat may. address thts aspect ofvtston ts GV-24.5 (EX-HN3, or Y.m . _I Tang). In some traditions, this point is not ~atned,- Na~ing creates duality and a rn:o.-eyed vis~on of selfthat is separate ~ from the Dao. GV-24.5 addresses the functton of the thtrd eye that gran~ one the vtston ofumty. -~ U


ia! Resolves damp-heat; promotes the function of the Gallbladder and Liver.

As the mu point, treats organ disorders, ~ especjally ex~s ~di~ions such as. Gatu~ladd,er intlamation, jaundice, StQnes (elect~-stiJnulation to BL-19 for 45 ~~utes to

relax the biliary duct, dense wave, high fi::equc;ncy, with GB-34, GB-40, GB,36,GB-4l,LV-2, GB-43, LV-13), pam m the ~ intercostal·and hypochondriac region. ~ HI ··· · · . .· . · ...


Jing Meil

Capital Gate

GB-25 Alarm: KD

A gate to the OffiCial residence of the Emperor, it needs to open and close smoothly. Wisdom, righteousness, and clarity reside here. - NRG


..Powerfia physical point. Used to treat the Gallbladder itself. Often used withLV-13. Not very deep, gets to deep level superticiillly. Used to get things moving. For digestive complaints, physical level changes; st8.gnation of qi in the local area. ~PLN


Regulates Kidney qi; removes obstructionsfrom the channel; (tonijies the Kidneys, warms the yang.) Pain in the lumbar region, renal cOlic • Kidney damp-heat or Kidney·qi and blood stagnation~ acut~ nephritis or stone in Kidney or ureter (with : BL-23, electo-stimulation as above, KD-5, BL-40). -ID Giidle Vesse!

. DaiM!li

vu~26 to VII~33 C1IDbe used for loCal application~ ·..., NRG

Regulates the. girdle vess~l. regulates the uterus; res()i~es damp-heat. Leukorthea, irregUlar menStruation; local · abdominal pain. ReSolveS damp in lower (and middle) jiilo- "if one's beltkt()() 1 1oose~ damp fulls." - HJ . .··· .· ·IGB-27

Five Pivots

· WuShu


·Bindmg Path

Wei Dao

Good for Wood CF's with difficult periods and uterine problems. - PLN Q\velling· in the Bo~e

GB-29 ..





Ju Liao '


GB-29 and .GB-30· ilsed with moxa on the needle cilll bring heat right into the joint and warm up the energy, doing the same · thing as the Fire p()int ofGallbladder. DOn't use: these points on their With command points. - PLN

owrl; 'fe

Removes obstiuctiorisfrom the channel; (strengthens the lower back and legs; transforms dampness and clears heati Disord«?rs of the hip -ID · ·· · GB-30

.Jumping Circle

Huan Tiao .

Good for hip pain Qn a W(l(ld CF. Go in 1.9.to 15 fen. GQOd with moxa and Ql(lxa needle. - PLN


Removes obstrUCtions from ~he Chaitli.el,: (streng(hens tMiower b~ck: str~ngtheiiSand relaxes the sinews.) Sciatica, pain · in the !umbo-thigh region (along the Gallbla'ddei' and Bladd~t meridianS), paral~is ofthe lower extremities~ -ID



Wind Market


Expels wind: rela:ies sinews: removes obstructions from the meridians and co/laterals; relieves itChing. Paralysis of the lower limbs (wei syndrome or stroke), urticaria ofthe lower extremities (for hives of the upper back, use SI-12, BL-12), eczema, fibromyalgia (moving aches involve wind). -lU · · jGB-32

Middle Ditch





Used ·locally for knees. - PLN



J.. He Sea


Lower Uniting: GB . Influent.ial for $inews and Ligaments

.c£, Wood needs to be flexible and ab~e t? rc10t mne aspect of good pruning is to eliminate that which is not essential so that growth may proceed in a f6cused manner. Like all points, GB-44 harmonizes a continuum of unbalanced expression. One's quality ·of groWth may emulate a tree that sends out branches in many ·directions, yet neVer grows tall. Here, GB-44may prune away unnecessary growth so that one can better folius on a specific goal, as opposed:to many(the unpruned branches). · Also, when the Gallbladder is out of balance one may feel that every time one initiates an action one is "cut down." Hence; · this point may also address the timidity and fear that prevents a person from taking action. In this sense, GB-44 inhibits the control ofMetal upon wood's inclination to grow. - U ·


Calms the mind; (regulates the Gallbladder; regulates yin and yang.) Manic-depressive disorder, syncope. - HJ





~ing Well




~Energy of a ~lear vision, provid~g determination, seeing the way, the plan of the plan itself

To move forward with Revitalizes, reinvigorates, Shakes up the Wood, shakes rubbish from the tree so it can breathe· · clarity to get things started, to ftlove past the "what ifs... ", "what makes you think you can do this ... " - helps to do this with ~confidence, to see through obstaCles, trusting yourself on where and how to go, movement that is appropriate, surging or cautious. When energy of Wood is bottled up,s.uppressed, there is. a need to e'!-press, this point gives a feeling of worth and ~value to confidently move forward. Clears the mind and spirit, a clear vision. - NRG

t4 confidence, to go for it.

~Very powerful and safe point: Good surge o[energy,.used quite a lot. Shakes off the dead leaves and prunes dead

.l branches. Lets patient see and breathe more easily, when tllere is lack of confidence or when they cannot gr()w or change. l ~AM, power point Wood within 'Wood· restores a sense of identity, a sense ofselt: Wood must be planted in the earth, be ~fed

the right trace Elements (Metal), the right moisture and must receive the right warmth. A lack of any one of these - ·Elements.means that the Wood may be lacking in substance or quality. A person who is lacking Wood will lack self-respect, ~will ha~ difficult~es in ~lanning,,choosir,l.g a direC!ion ~ ~ife, ~llbe e~ily frustrated, tend to com~romise ~eir integrity. , -· Best pomt for vagmal diScharge, enlarged scrotum, pam m pems or vagma, gonorrhea, STD's, vagmal prolapse, headaches, ~painful migraines, incontinence of urine (nocturia 3-4 times a night), excessive perspiration. Best needled with hig up. '·~ · Master Point: located in the center of the nail bed. 5 moxa and needle- issues around sexuality i.e. male impotence, ~deficiency in Liver energy. First aid for unconsciousness. - PLN ~As the horary point, LV-I addresses the essence of the Wood Element. Great Esteem, the ftrst point on the Liver meridian,

is located on the big toe, which may be said to provide one's physical root and grounding. This point empowers the specific

~.virtue of self esteem that emerges from the vision ofthose principles that spring from one's essential nature, rooting one's

_1 life. ln pruning a plan.t, one may.. rem.ove unessential branches.s. o that growth is channeled more "tfully. However, the roots that anchor the pl~t into its ground of being must not be compromised. Whe~~: basic principles are compromised, as 1 often happens in betrayal, for instance, self esteem slowly erodes. That person may gradually cOme to compromise him or ta herself more and more easily, until the vision of his or her true nature disappears. A Liver imbalance often shows up when a ~ person acts as though any CO!tlpromise is. a personal affiont. .This point may empower the discernment of thq.se aspects of . - . self which (1) may be safely compromised (the branches) and (2) those that may not: the fundamental principles. (the roots) ~ that milst be supported and preserved. Contrast the function ofLV-1 with that ofLV-14 and GB-13. -LJ frui.


~ Promotes the smooth flow of Liver qi; restores consdousness.


with ginger, when · relaxes, .

in With hand and

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Hernia pain (with surrounding needle~ and local direct moxa . ·not a cure), coma. - HJ ·. ·


Ying Spring



. Too much Fire - Wood is dry, parched, agitated, inflexible. Gives appropriate flexibility to shift and move around obstacles. Or there may be joylessness, no Fire behind· the plan, Wishy-washy. - NRG A point ~hich is applicable for eonditions which are extreme, easily angered or agitated, raging or lacking p_assion,- ~ . psychological problems. When the pers.

Yuan Source



Tai Yuan

Influences Vessels & Blood

·similar to IX-6. Use for someone. in the depths of despair and great depression. Conneqs to quality, purity, the essence of the heavenly father .. Lifts one into the light. - NRG A great reviv~Jpoint. When there is a complete lack of order, replaces instability and chaos with nourishment, security, and love. Use ~is-point alone or before other treatments to clarify a diagnosis when pulses are not be rhythmical or regular. A tremendous point as it unites both the father and mother aspects within body, mind, and spirit. As the name indicates, it penetrates to the deepest level, the spirit, through the breath oflife (prana). The idea of a very great abyss pLunging deep into one's internal landscape, reaching down to the most intimate levels of a person, indicates its efficacy when dealing with a very worried, desperate person. Has a wonderful effect on the mental level for the patient who feels their life is cracking up. Instability and chaos are replaced with nourishment, security and love. Mother Earth Source and Tonification point. A profound point for connection between Lung and spirit, when a person is falling into an abyss - "life is going to hell" there is mental chaos and .instability. As a reunion point for arteries and veins -circulation problems can be addressed because of the effect on arteries and veins, particularly pulses which are not rhythmical or regular. Reunion of arteries and veins major effect on the blood (circulation). Blood !'nites the body and spirit. This is supported by the Spleen/Earth whereas the state of Metal (iron, hemoglobin minerals) within the blood affects the movement of spirit and life forces in the blood. -PLN

Resolves phlegm; regulates Lung qi; stops cough; tonifies Lung qi and yin; promotes the circulation of blood and ~ influences the pulse and vessels. For organ disorders, especially deficient: Lung qi xu (with ST-36); hemoptysis without ~ pain (use BL-43 and KD-6 for yin xu); acrotism. - HJ



Ying Spring


Fire to warm Metal, warms the spirit so it can be molded or shaped mto soriiethmg new. Metal tends to clirig to the old, but · 'we are in the process of becoming. When stubborn, brittle, stuck into old ways, helps Metal to be less oold, rigid and sharp. This is a place of richness and plenty, universal love, recognition - the highest quality of nourishment for the body, mind, and spirit. Fish is a reference to this nourishment and to a sen5e ofhigherpuri>ose, purity, the spirit or God or the Father. -NRG

Brings warmth to the. father itself. This fire is great~ than any volcano .• One ~fthe most powerful poirl.ts ori the body. It makes a good connection between the patient and the father. ..(Qod). In the early days the fish symboliZed God. Vesica . pisces- symbol of mystical union. Brings.tremendous warmth att~ . i)eat to #t~.~odY· mind, and spirit Helps one to see the warmth and comfort that he or she needs, and shows someone that it is worth 'getting well. Similar tO LU~l. eniiches'and nourishes. Good when Metal is cold, inert, and brittle. People may cling too much to the mother (food etc.), but we need to spend more time with the father( air) ... Brings .in the ,warmth of Fire to Metal. to help the "don't touch me", cut off person who is locked up inside, lackingemotionalw~th and receptivity, too despe~e to comm~nicate with. the Helilt within. Use with moxa when .the Lung, has gone C()id.People cling too tnueh to the mot!ler (food. etc) but we need, to spend more time with the father (air). Brings tremendous warmth and heat to the body, mind, spirit. The Fire point very ... powerful on Metal, there must be a ronnect·ion between the Heart and Lungs.; Love, the essence of giVing and receiving, this point can reawaken .memories of Christ consciousness. The foundation and rhythmic movement for our emotional life is in the Fire which warms all the Elements. Metal must be the right temperature to function properly; metal conducts heat but does not retain it. Within the Metal there must be warmth and love, when the connection with Fire, the spirit, is lost the patient may feel isolate; people who are rigid in outlook need warm~h. Metal connects us to our creator, through the breathing, the q~ the giving and receiving of Lungs. If the Lung is cold there may be arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, skin silvery flaky and cold. Cold symptoms from Metal do not necessarily mean that Fire is lacking it may be just that the Metal has become disassociated from Fire. Useful for skin disorders: if skin is cold silvery and flaky: tonify; if skin is hot ugly and red: sedate. - PLN ·




Clears Lung heat; benefits the throat: (regulates .the Lungs; dispels heat: abat'esfever; ·moistenS the throat; harmonizes the Stomach.) .. For excess or deticient heat, acute wind-heat, l;hronic so~ or.. swollen - HJ ·




Wood The comer store. A little of everything, pick up what needed from outside to add to one's quality. - NRG Supplies enough qi "to get by wit~" like a comer shop where we go when we run out of necessities, providing temporary support. Has a tremendous calming effect o,n;the. patient because this fulfills .some of the fundamental needs. ofthe body, mind, spirit. Can help ~eople.~t over a crisiS,tjieiriod,or,critical stage.. Often l.ised earlydn treatment.. Relieves tension, worries, asthma, and chest complaints. Provides a connection between Wood and Metal. Affects .the quality of a Metal CF's growth, decisions, and planning. Wood of Metal- qualities of growth, healthy anger, and flexibility. Useful as a first aid point for sunstroke, children suffering from tonsillitis, high fever, fever convulsions (bleed)- effective in adults too but reaction not so immediate. Epilepsy, spasms and frights in children, brain trouble, meningitis, cerebral congestion, numbness in the hands and arms.· Inability to perspire,,skin and lips dry and parched. Do not use during pregnancy as may deform child. - PLN· Expels interior and exterior wind; .stimulates,the descending .and dispersing of Lung qi; benefits. the throat; open$ the orifices. and promotes resuscitation; {restor~ yang.) Acute sore or swollen. throat (due. to an El>I). Bleeding method (may use LU-10 for comfort). Emergency .cases and fainting, •· HJ ~.

.~ ~

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X-Large !tltestine Metal · Horary For revitalization and ·resurrection. The merchant is someone who knows the value of things; This point brings out the quality within metal; It is the first step in removing one's mask, and canbeusedto get a clear idea ofthestate of the Officials. For a person who may be withdrawn or stubborn, this releases holcJing'and congestion in the body, m~d;·and spirit, lets in light and clarity, Sod breaks through the rubbish. Mostly used as a horary point. - NRG - · ·· If a patient gets very cold; can !t communi~te or see clearly, this is an exi:elle~t initial step in removing the first "mask." For a patient who niay be withdrawit. stubborn, or clogged:.up with rubbish. Enables direct communication with the essence of the meridian. Commonly used with LU-8 for clearirig out, often on a physical level. Brings out that sensitivity to values and helps us to be aware of what our values are. Good point for metal mental e~otional disorders. For people who are stubborn, won't communicate, can't see clearly, are stuck behind their mask, have trouble with honesty.· ~ge Intestine problems can make someone very stubborn, emotionally constipated; or withdrawn. When the patient can't see through all the rubbish and comniunicate, use with LU-8: Constipation. diarrhea, nasal congestion. Excellent for problems in the shoulder, arm. and neck ("frozen" joints). Can bring immediate relief for affection of breathing. ~ PLN

Clears heal; benefits the throat; calms the mind; (sedates pain; moves stagnant qi and blood in the Large lnlesline channel.) Swelling and pain of the throat, febnle disease, syncope. Clears heat fi:oni channel (e.g. poison ivy). Bleeding method to clear heat For wind-heat sore throat, bleed LI-11. -lU


Ying Spring . Water Sedation A1; a Water point, controls the balance of Water in Metal, good for lubrication of the Official to eliminate on all levels. For example there niay be constipation and dryness, restores Ouidity. Too much Water may cause diarrhea, swelling, edema. nosebleeds, and so on. - NRG

Good for sedating the c:olon and producing the fluidity necessary for peristalsis. Draws excess energy through the Large Intestine, mental emotional constipation: Ifthe person is rigid; hard on themselves or other, Water helps them move and let go as things change, to go with the flow. Disperses intestinal blockage, especially dry, hard constipation, intestinal colic, spastic colon, diarrhea due to infiamn).atory causes, heat in the area energized'by the Large Intestine channel: sore throat, tonsillitis, swelling and throat numbness, toothache, epistasix. An excess of Water can result in diarrhea, fiuid in the chest, nose bleeding, shivering, sweating, edema. Also, confused vision. troubles with inner canthus of the eye. - PLN

Shu Stream




Addresses the quality of Wood in Metal, particularly for anger, frustration, ean't get organized, difficulty with seeing or planning, and so on. - NRG When the patient needs "space" or an interval to allow what happened in previous treatments to go through naturally. Throat disorders, dry mouth, obstruction of the throat; tonsillitis; nose problems, cracked and sore lips, excess phlegm. constipation. diarrhea, desire to stretch, hyper emotional and can't let go. Good for children who have such complaints. -PLN




~ ~~----------------~~~~~--------------------~~~ LI-4 ~oining of the Valleys He Gu


Yuan Source

Ruler: Face & Mouth.·

The Great Eliminator, removes blockages ofrupbish, things gunune4 up, a!ld encourages the release of toxins, negativity and poisons in the body, mind, and spirit. Where the valleys join, letting things go through. - NRG Ll-4 and BL-59 -these points are known as the "Great Eliminator" and they are the best points for removing toxins from the · body and mind. This is especially true form~11tal disorders. May get emotional discharge after treatment as it (eventually) brings calmness to the body arid mind. Important revival point. Use for retention of fluid, thoughts, feces. DetoXifies alcoholics, drug addicts, post-chemotherapy, or 9yerdose. Very powerful. Good to moxa. Physical level for ear ache, teeth, sinuses, constipation, poisoning, dull pain, etc,!_ Generally forbidden in pregnancy due to its strong descending action. Migraines, headaches, spots in front ofeyes, 'tension and depression, insomnia, night sweats, earache. - PLN The energy fror:n the Lungs enters the Large.Intestine meridianhere at the entry point. The functions of receiving (Lung) and letting go (Large Intestine) are joined. In Daoism, the image of the valley is a symbol of emptiness. The virtue of emptiness is that it empowers one to be receptive to the essential nature oflife. The Yi-jing hexagram 15 for modesty (qian) indicates that ''the superior man red1,1ces_that which is too much, and augments that which is too little. He weighs thing and makes tllem equal." In: her comment on this hexagram Anthony states, "To equalize extremes is part ofthe natural law. A ~ , ·haughty, pretentious attitude stands like a riimbw, steep mountain that is constantly being attacked by the Elements; as a . consequence, it erodes into the valley. The valley, likewise, because it is. a depression, receives all that erodes into it." 'Hence the name Joining of the Valleys. ~ U . Dispels exterior wind; releases the exterior; stimulates the dispersing and descending function ofthe Lungs; stops pain; removes obstructions from the channel; toniftes qi(by moving blood) and consolidates the exterior; harmonizes ·. ascendi!lg and descending. Clears heat, espeCially wind-heat. (Commands the energy ofall the yang meridians, invigorates the circu/dtion ofqi:) Diseases o(the head and face such as headache (especially frontal), toothache, facial paralysis, disorders·ofE:N.T. and teeth, nasaVchest congestion, cough, fever due to invasion of pathogenic factors, disorders .of the shoulder joint and upper limb (often with LI-11 and Lf-15). For fu organ excess conditions, use he-sea, lower uniting, and front-mu points. Helps childbirth by promoting uterine contractions (with LV-3, SP-6). - HJ

Fire A warm stream of moving water. Strongly wamis up the meta~ whe!l cold, brittle, inert, stub \)ern, cut off; stuck and won't· move. Strongly encourages movement, more forceful than X-7. When the patient needs somew11rmth, humor, joy, jollying up, encouraging one to .let go- Fire controls,metal. It's easier to let go when feeling love, gives a sense of not being alone, isolated or abandoned. - NRG Great point for bringing warmth and clearing the mind, strongly det()Xifying excess negativity on a mental level, excellent · with LI-4: This action then filters lo the spirit level. Good for insanity and people who see ghosts and spirits. Brings stability. Powerful for transformations. Strongly clears excess heat, detoxifies, reduces excess negativity and sharp edges. Fire warms metal and clears the mind. Effective for mental disorders. Brings back "mad" people who want to throw off their clothes, delusions of grandeur, megalorriartia and ego trips, Fire controls meta~ brings them back. Crazy hyper-excited ·speech,' mania; incoherent speech, bleeding from nose, gums, bowels;. deafuess; blocked eilstachian tubes, tinnitus; . stuttering; hallucinations; sudden weakness, troubled, upset, malaise; cannot breathe, seizures. Fever, heat and blood problems with the Large Intestine. - PLN · · releases the exterior; benefits the throat; stops pain; (reduces heat.) Local diseases, wrist pain. Jing river ·· channel disorders. - HJ


Junction A way around like It si~ path. another way to release and let go, one that is less .traveled and less ·61uttered. · B;ings a new perspective, another llltgle to look at thili.gs. - NRG Good for mental confusion. Treats generatized anxiety, fears, continual talking. men~l ~nfusion,. insanity, suicidal,


tendency. Problems.with reiention of urine, feces; Constipation. NosebleedS; deafuess;·tinoi~•.dirn visiQO,. throat dry and numb. - PLN . . .. . '

Opens the Lung water passages: benefits the· throat: helps the descending am! dispersingfimciion;:ofthe Lung. Facial edema, wind-water syndrome (wind brings water up, s~n With acute neplp-itis' due to a respiratory d'isordcr especially tonsilitis), sore throat, nose bleeding,~ eyes or lids (stye) with LI-20 and ST-:-1. - m

Xi Cleft

Gently encourages and warms up inert Metal, when the patient has begun to let go but needs kind, gentle encouragement to continue to keep it up. - NRG

· Used to wann .the Large mtestine ·irMetal is really ~i4: Jhe. p~ot .~Y feel absplute despa~. GQ9d :point for ~ing the · spirit with moxa: Can be moX.'d up to thirty timc:s ('or WarntiQg the p~on and meridian generally.. Swollen tongue; speech difficulties, sticks tongue out, contiiluous belchitig, ·wceiS ofhaitd andtilee, ula.=rat«;d colon, arthritis·:(especially when caused by cold): • P.LN· · · · ·

Clears heat: stops pain: expels wind: benefits the throat: (regulates the Large· Intestine.) Bi syndrome,· shoUlder and arm pain, headilche, sore throat, abdominal pain, acute tilcial swelling with ~ness (promoting qi and blood circulation to move body fluids), hemorrhoids . heat Bai and BL-57). - lU -~


Lower Side


Gives a diffi:rent petsPective aoout what is neees's;uy :VCCSus whit is 01bbisii. Local appli~ion. • NRG Headache, speech difficulties, breast abscesses particularly with a discharge from nipple, very yellow urine, chronic emaciation. - PLN

U-9 ..

Upper Angle

Same as X-8. • NRG .

Th.is point goes tender when someone is over-worked and mentally stressed The body and mind is telling you to slow do.wn. · Swollen, ~tic (rheumatic) knees, gonorrhea, paralysiS or atony of the Bladder; loss of sensation ofthe linlbs or cold · i'Celing in the bones. - PLN · · ·






17L7 I-7 ton---------------------------Ann~-~T=h-re-e~M~i~le-s------------------------~S~h-o-u~SM-.~L~i~

~ Like XI-36, gives endurance, stamina, and strength to keep going. To make it through the last legs. of the journey. - NRG

~ Excellent Intellectual exhaustion point. Forbidden in ninth month of pregnancy. Treats disorders of the shoulder joint and . upper limb (often with LI-11 and U-15). For all circuhitory disorders, especially involving extremities, rheumatism,

~ arthritis, muscular spasms, inability to bend. or raise arms, indigestion, throat disorders, tonsillitis, swelling in neck, goitre.

-~ -PLN


~ !onijie~ qi; ~emoves obstructions from th~ ch'annel; (regulates the S~q~ach and intesti~es; moves _qi and blood.) Boast

unmumty wtth ST-36 (~ood for cancer patients); regulates homeostasiS and blood sugar, poor appettte or sugar/food cravings (with ear hunger, thirst, Liver, and Shen Men). - HJ


1 ~LI~-1~1---------------------------c~~-oo~k-~7P~o-n~d--------------------------~Q~u-c=h~i-,


1 He Sea ·''~



Tonification . Used mostly as a Tonification point (often used with IX-9). Brings stability and security of Earth. -NRG

~Treats internal devils- when rubbish has aCC\lmulated and the person is muddled- and gives stability in epilepsy, · · depr~sion, and anxiety. Focuses on the physical level: anti-spasmodic point, best point for chronic constipation. Has a ~ generalized effect. Good to moxa and gives big pulse changes. ''Mental Precision" pomt. Anemia, altematmg diarrhea and · - constipation, all eye disorderS especially accompanied by extreme redness and pain, earache, toothache, pleruisy, intercostal ~neuralgia, bronchitis, hay fever asthma (mental cause), pain in the upper joints (arthritis). - PLN

-el Ex~e/s exterior wind; clears heat; cools blood; resolves dampness; regulates nutritive qi and bloo,d; benefits the sinews


1· and joints; (invigorates blood and qi; relieves itChing.) Fever, upper body heat, hypertension (especially with r~ face), . atherosclerosis, Liver yang rising, skin disorders (especially with heat): urticaria, eczema (especially at cubital crease, palm, 1 or hand), disorders of the shoulder joint and upper limb (often with LI-4 and LI-15). Needle against channel or bleed by ~~ enlargiil.g hole. Good for organ disorders that are usually excess, but choose front-mu Md lower uniting points flfSt. - HJ ~


. , I-12

Elbow Bone

Zhou Liao

.~ X-12, X-13, and X-14 are used for local application when there is stiflhess, rigidity, holding things tightly or compacted. -NRG


Ann Five Miles

Shou WuLi



Outer Bone of the Ann


/~ Connects the body and spirit, the inside and outside worlds. Lets one's arms reach out for inspiration. Good with LI-15 ~

and LI-16 for local problems or to increase mental c;larity. First aid for concussion. - PLN

1_ Removes obstructions from the chqfl!lel; brightens the eyes; resolves phlegm and disperses masses. False myopia (with

~ local eye points), scrofula (tuberculosiS in swollen, hard, and numb lymph nodes). -.HJ ~ ~ ~





Jian Yu ·

Shoulder Joiitt ·


When-overburdened by life, ~me's capacity. is chaliehged. Gives strength tO cariy the burden or lightens it. - NRG


·Provides mental clarity by rel~inga lot energy. iQ the br~in. If the patientis tired, has·h~adaches, or is. ho14ing pressure . inside.. For exhaustion, hemorrhage, insensibility.llfld shoe~ ~ f»LN,

Benefits sinews: promotes circulat~on ofqi in the channels: slops pain: expels wind: (relaxes the_~inews: harmonizes qi and blood: prOIIIQles blood circulalfon.) Disease qfthe·shoulder joint and upper ex;tremities (often7:with LI-4 and LI-11): , local pain, paratysi$, perip~ should!:~" Brlhri~is. · -~ HJ · ·


Great Bone ·


Same as X-15. ~NRG Moves blood and li'ees obstructions, especiiilly in the jo~ts. LI-15 and Ll~16 are goOd together for headaches and restricted flow of qi and blood. - PLN-. ·


Tian Dirig .

HeaVerily Vessel

A heavenly ~I is· what we are when not blocked by negativity. ~rinw; the quality and richness ofthe heavenly light of. the diVine. Gi\ies potential to feel or perceive this, when on~ is -holding bit to the-past, seeing only the dark or negative • a · simple vessel has no ego that clings to the old and obstructs newness. - NR.G

Brings clarity and wisdom, one of the strongest spjrit points on the _L~e ln~~in~_meridian. Like a window of the sky point. G~ for "cleaniitg the ve$sel." Removes toxins from me miml and sp~~ ;, ~LN



The function of this point relates directly to Yi-jmg hexB.gram 50, ''the Cautdi4)n" The a \iessel used m banquets and in_ the performance of ritual The ~ce of this, he~gram is tl.t!l:l:~~pti9~.:must be r~oved;,l!fl4..the vessel c.leaned in oilier for it to r®Cive, ·and be·receivecl, 'byspirit·dl,lriflg th~ ritUal. He~~:l{this poipt ,t"o$t~rs the !lCceSS~ state of opln recep~ivity r.equ!red to be nourished liy b.eaveti, :~l.J ·· · · · · · · · ·






Support and Rush Ollt

FuTu ·

"""" Window of the Sky

!~r---------------------------------~~------------------------------------~ A vast clean out, a massive flush()fnegativity and attachments that have out lived their purpose. When clutching on to the old and one can't let go little by little, thiS supports cleansing by providing something of value to replace what is being thrown out, a gift, a connection to heaVen, a vision of something better, aiddea of who one is without all the rubbish and hoarding. To knqw and feel connected to the eternal, ()ne is 11ble to let go of what is inappropriate. A removal of clutter, allows one to see what. n.eeds to. be let go of- icleas. opinipns,, experiences ef pain, ~arne, pride, arrogance, the baggage that keeps one from facing the dark side- a:tlo\\'s an experience of the wisdom and beauty that .is there, a vision of what is truly valuable. - NRG · "' · ·· · ·

We need .the fundamental ability to see thatifwe let go of something we'll get something else to replace it. We nee.d the trust and recognition that we will have.s_omething..ifwe let go and then~:p.ove on. Lets light into a situation that is daunting. Wh.;n a patient is entreni:he~ in a position that is not lielpfi,tl, something almost festering. A. Large .littestine Overworked with clearing rubbish i:an bring tip anger;..yoti.need to go to the spirit ofMetal in this instance. Physical symptoms include cough or mucus stuck in the th.:;oat, glandular,. thyroi4,. swallowinf or speech difficulties. - PLN Imbalances of the Large littestine's fi.mcti6n are often charactenfbd by either inappropriate clinging to the past or longing for ~ . the future. As a Window of the Sky point, LI-18 may assist in (l} letting go of past grief and (2) directing longing for the ' future to a deep level of spirit. - LJ /~

. Benefits the throat; resolves phlegm and disperses masses; (regulates qi and blood.) .Swelling and pain in throat, hoarse

~ voice, simple goiter (due to lack of iodine), unblocks zhong qi to head:. inability to speak due to fright or acute descending of



~~------------------------------~~~--------------------------~~~--, 1 L.~I-~1~9---------------------------------------~·~G~rn~in~B~o~n~e------------------------------------H-e_L~m-o___, ~ ... Local application, rarely used. - NRG


Located in the gap above the canine. Good for dental problems. Disorders of teeth, gums, gingivitis, mouth ulcers if caused by Large Intestine. - PLN




Welcome Fragr;mce




Blocked sinuses often indicate blocking of rubbish in the channel. This clearS the rubbish ~d brings mental and spiritual fragrarice, restormg ari appreciation ofbeaut}t, freshness, and new experience. . . . . .. IncreaSes the power of' smell. - NRG . To smell the joy and beauty oflife, affects the illind and spirit. Picking up an odor is not just a PQY~Jcal experience; it is a :mental and spiritilal actiVity as well. This point is about neWiless; arid the ability to rei:eive new experience A fragrance can evoke memories ofthe past; old e:qlerientes ean be remembered without liviiig in the past. - PLN . Energetically, the function ofLI-20 relates to the re~ptive qualities of the Metal Element and the functional connection betweert the Large Intestine and the Lung Officials. The sense of smell is one o(the most important ways in which tlfe· reality of posterior Heaven is transmitted to the int~al ~orld. In this regard it IS importartt to note the olfactory nerve terminates'iil an area of the brain directly related to hum~ emotion (the rilribic system). Additioriaily,'one's sense 6fSII!ell contributes in a large way to the way things taSte. Hence; u~20 arid ST~l may be considered to proVide significant illput into . the process by which alimentation arid respiration support1be frre5 of nimg men· through nlirt\.iring the jing of posterior · heaven. The TCM functions of this point are to open the nliiial passage and disperse 'Hind and .heat. Here, wind and heat arise from the iruibility to properly digest life and elitninate that ~hich hils lost its essential value. - u Dispels exterior wind; benefits the nose: (opens the nose.) Nasal disorders: nasal obstruction, epistaxis, rhinitis, facial paralysis. - HJ



,... ,...

XI. Stomach


Receive Tears


-'.~'Entry I


rel·Rarely used fo..: spiriwa,t oiled -someone· '•here is waitmg to take care of us. Gtves someone a break; thiS IS not a maJor restdence, but a temporary get-away. - NRG

~ :For when the inind. h~ some b~en sense of poverty. Brings'secure comfort to. the body, mind, and spirit Someone is , - waiting there for you; there will be food, nourishment. A person can be totally distraught when they have lost their safety or security•.. Open the Qi qoor (ST.l3) 1111d walk.into.the Qi Cottage to enrich the spirit or barreiJ.,Earth. - PLN ~L---~~~--~~~~~----~--~--~--------~--------~---------



Que Pen

When the .container is shattered, all is.lost, nothing:$ left - one feels barre11 and empty.... No rrn;ttei .how much iS. t~en ih,. it ·doesn't stick, there is nothing left to give and the person can't cope with letting go.. Use with ao E~h CF after an abortion, traumatic eVc:nt, change of life, menopailse,· mis~iage. - NRG · . . ·. . . . . . ·

The container iS shattered -a profound sen5e ofl0$s,. ~thing runs oui,, Ulere;s notb,ing *ere:.. Wh~ thfugs have b~n . shattered and aU is lost, there,.s a chaotic Hood of troubles, or wlien the ground is fulling &Way. A profound sen5e ofloss can tievelop.to'an inability to receive or find nouris~t. ~Ips someone let,go,when it is ti,me to change and stop mourning. When th~ mind cannot cope ·with letting. go, ~eyno longer knowhow to giW. ·Vecy po~ful, the n8¢e is a ~cription of on energetic state, the p&tientis not gett~g nburis~enl Seven .meridiBits P~: tllroug!t liere on their' deep pathways. Has a direct affi:ct on milk produCtion. When go~ through :menopause or after a rriisc:&JTiagC or a9ortion. -PLN





Just as a bro~ !Jowl may. be una!Jle to contain ~e.~s -~-so :too. ~Y an _individual_ filii to emb~y acquired sources of nouris~ ~ Unbala!\P.e m,ay eVidence ~-li! #tiOiill spilli.Qi in the fug:n of neediness. wony and inappropriate ' boundai-ies reprdiilg theJulfijlffi.ent ofone's own heedS and the n~ of oth~. ~ u . ' .





Doors let eneqnt in (gateS swing both ways) - allows energy in, fur someone unable to be nurtured, to receive. Helps

someone receive, to be mothered. Consider when ~t is not working.



For someone who is unaiJle to receive, is not .ope~~. to; help, and =mot take. in:·wbat is being o~ .This can ~due to · . psychologic sutlbcation, psychic trauma; or the consequences ofsevere or chronic stress. A block here indicates' that no qi is avatlable fur transtbrmation - Ifthe energy is not flowing through here there will be no qi. Consider this if treatments are having little or no etmct. One ofthe first symptoms telling you that this door is closed is digestive disorder (after exit/entry blocks are. cleared). The patient may be rejecting sympathy or anything else being offered. - PLN

K.u Fang

. ST-14

Use fur a-big depletion,. when wasting away, ~~ted, there is a·iac:k.of motiVation,:a sense th!lt the patient.·· really needs to be filled. One can take from here what is needed and gives a sense·of comfOrt that there are reserves. -NRG


Treats the physical or psychological consequences of s~ or traumatic emotiorial events. Reassures and supports from an energetic reserve.. Useful to ensure that the practitioner's caring can be received. A reservoir or reserve of energy, like taking some to the storerOom and letting them choose what. they would like. A storehouse fur the spirit. A good point when you're not quite sure that patient is beginning to receive, a wonderful point fur anotexi.c patients. - PLN


Room Screen

Wil Yu

~----~--------~----~--------~~--~~----------------~~~~ Gives privacy' without complete isolation, when the peQon is not completely ready for full contact, but ready to take a partial step, when there is a need to-lcnow that-the mother. is· there. - NRG .· ,, · .• · ... , .. Partial privacy. Provides reassurance, security, and~ .sense Qfease. PromOtes. the expression of~pressed, perturbed, or heavy-hearted feelings. For·fbe puson who may not'be quite ready to opeti. tip. - PLN .







Breast Window .


A motheri~ able to nourish he_r child from her breast- when one can't feed others, extend sy~pathy or understanding. A mot~er still feeds her 9lildren even if they have been naughty, this point allows the expression of unconditional love. We all make mistakes - allows· one to fOrgiVe and be empathetic. • NRG For someone U(lsympathetic, judgmental, or lacking empathy. People who are the_ least receptive have the le.ast love. These people are the on!$ who ile~ !ove the. ~ost_ H?ld people to our Hearts When we feel for them, brings compassion itt, comfort. Opetts the Heart and allow5 the mjlk of human kindness to flow. ~as a direct affect on milk production, (needle with patientsitting up). ~ PLN · "'' ' · ·'

~~--------~------------~~------------------------------------------~ ~


Center of the Breasts


Stimulates energy, milk production, and sexual arousaL Forbidden for the treatment of patients. - PLN

-~~------~~--~----~--------------------------~------------------~ ~


~ ~~~~------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Not commonly used, This point may only be us.ed if not needling into breast tissue. A root of giving and receiving. A local pointfor mastitis, inflamation, etc. - NRO. · When energy is stuck. Root of nourishment- not giving or receiving nourishment. - PLN

~ Regulates Stomach qi;-regul~tes the brea$ts.and /actatior~; .qispels stagnqiia.n. ~

Breast disorders: mastitis, lactation insufficiency(with SH and ST~l6 and 18 needled toward each other), fibrocystic breasts, lumps (with PC-I, Jue Yin relation !f due to Liverqi stagnation). - W . ·


~ ST-19


Not at Ease


When restless, can't relax, uneasy, not grounded, when the patient doesn't feel at home anywhere, or can't smoothly digest. Stomach is churning over and over on any level, things can't be broken down, things get stuck, rhythms, such as sleeping, eating, and menses, are out of balance. One can't smoothly digest ideas or solve problemS- obsessions, ·experience is not transfOrmed into something of value- "I don't know what's happening, why is it happening to me?" To see the solution with one's own eyes, when one gets it intellectually, but still doesn't fully get it. Brings understanding and ease within. -NRG When a person is not at ease or is uncomfortable in an Earth way, uneasy because they're not grounded. Stabilizes basic life rhyWns such as eating, sleeping, and meustri.lation. Provides security, stability, and peace for restlessness, internal · · agitatiott; -and obsessions: ideas Which should nourish are stuck or rush through the mind. When life is never processed or digested; there is discomfOrt, and. nothing can be.taken in. There is ao transformation of experience, not learning from p.ast experience. For example an Earth. CF might, have bad news and go on about it all day as they can't digest and process it further. For someone who is tied up with worry that has become endless mental chewing (neither swallowing nor spiting out). ST·l9 with ST-16 and ST•24 is~ very practical application When the Stomach is blocked. - PLN



· sr~2o

Cheng Man

Receiving Fullness


A coming to the harvest, fulfilment. Use for someone who has never reaped a harvest nor seilse of fultiiment and . satisfaction from this, always hungry. Or for someone who has lived a full li(e but can't feel that they'Ve: reaped anything, -NRG .. .

Receiving fullness, filled with pleasure, the harvest oflife. For the receiving ofappropriate pleasure, reap ofthe harvest, arid fullness in set( For patients· who don't appreciate a sense of harvest. There is no joy; satisfactio~. o~Iy emptiness on a deep level. ·Gives a feeling of work is done -time· to pause. A good point for anorexics who reject "l;Ullness," food and nourishment. - PLN



This point may empower someone to experience abundance in life rather than wallowing in feelings of neediness. - U



Bridge Gate

Not commonly used. When one is moving forward on one Ievelofbody, mind, dr spirit but the othedevels need to catch up and cross the bridge. If one is stuck at the gate, ready to take the next step in a transition, they cari see beyond but access is denied aild they can't move beyond. - NRG When fullness is sticking and can't nourish, this gate may need opening. Moving through this gate brings unity, harmony, and peace. Good where there is a sense of disjointc:dness and fracture, A wonderful point foNomeonewho may be'moving forward with their mind yet their body or emotions are stuck or their emotioris ·are I~gging behiii.d; a•'serise ofdisjointedness. Good with ST-22 and ST-24, great for people with "iimny" tummies. This point actsas a door between the upper and lower warmer regions. It is needled when they are unable to communicate. - PLN ·

Regulates the Stomach; subdues reb.ellious qi; stops vomiting; relieves pain; (strengthens the Spleen; transforms accumulations and stagnation.) Stomachache, vomiting, poor appetite. Also palled, "Grain Gate," this is level with CV-12. -ID


Border Gate



Similar to XI-21. Expanding the harvest or a boundary, opens up new possibilities, alternatives. For example, when· chewing on something over and over, not seeing other possibilities, to''dige5t a new point of view and glean a harvest from an alternative perspective. ~ NRG · ·· ·





A lovely point, frequently used. When we are at the b~east of the m~ther; there is. no sense of separateness with the divine, there is no separation. between good and bad,. oneself and others. An integrated whole drawing nourishment. In oneness, always connected to the earth, a person can draw on sustenance from e~one and everything all the time. All experience is a treasure an~, a l~arning: Integrates,, smooths and brings all levels together Of the body, mind, and spirit, if one is lagging behind· for ekaritple with obs~sini, ''tomorrow, I'll... one day I'll". •. NRG

Brings together body, 01ind, an4 spirit, when things are fractured. ·A beautifully -named p_oint because if you look at a child being fed by its mother you don't have tw.~ S!lParate entities. The two are joined together by the mother's arms holding and l~ving the child and the child ~nnectoo to ffer or~I!St~ you have onen~s. Many patients .who feel very insecure, feeling as . though they h11-ven't really got their feet on the ground. They feel unloved, there is no richness or harvest. This point brings the person back to the breast, a harvest for the spirit, mind, and body, restoring the "great oneness." Harmoniz~ and · cements together the body, mind, and spirit when there is a fracture between them; for example, the body and mind may be moving at one pace, but the spirit mar be laggip.g behilld or ahead, but not traveling as one. Can be used after creating · balance so that oneness is eq11ally distributed. On the pulses you will feel a spinning quality and get the impression that the body, mind and spirit are all spinning at different rates. When a patient is in dire ~traits and seems tq have a good pulse picture, this point darifi~ and generates a true pulse picture which may in fact be. terrible, After coming through the gates (ST-21 and ST-22), here unity, harmony, and peace are achieved. • PLN · ~

The name of this point relat~ to the function of the Stomach in breaking down all things into a meaningful and integrated whole. For son'u~one wll()se life appears as a conglomerati()n of unrelated and jfagmented experiences, the function of this point may help that person integrate the experiences and move ori in life. • u . . . ~~--~--~~----~----~----------------------------------------~ ~

-~r-=~----------------------~~~~~~--------------------~~~~1 ST-24 Lubrication Food Gate Hua Rou Men

~~~~--------------------------~~~-----------------------------------------------1 A gate through which all nourishment on ail levels must pass. "Nothing fulfills me" or "I can't digest it"- allows a deep ~

feeding inside where it can really satisfY and allows just the right amount of fluid to achieve this. - NRG

Helps processing and digestion. Helps bring greater amounts of secretions, aiding the breaking down, processing, and dig~ting of food. For people who feel bloated, full, and when food lies in the Stomach like a brick. When some6ne says they "can't Stomach something" on any level. Lubricat~ nourishment of the body, mind, and spirit right in the center. ~ ~G-en~era--l~ly_b_r_in~~~gr-e_at~e-re_n_e~rgy=_~t-m_o_u=gh-o_u_t~~-e_b_od~y.__-P_L_N __ • ----------------------------------------~


Heavenly Pivot


Tian Shu

A:larm: LI

A center point, fulcrum. Use ifrhythlllS are out of balance, there are ups and downs, this point eeritet'S and balanCes. . Allows for a free, fluid movement around the center. Bring5 in heavenly energies and nourishment to a grounded spirit, so one can reach for the heavens while staying grounded. ~ NRG · -· ' . · When one's center is rioth()lding. Ooodwhen a person is going through a growth period, they have inlproved, hav~ lots of new: good, and exciting ideas, this ensures that they are coming from a steady center.·This point ison die border ofthe . middle and lowerjiao. Altchors, stabil~es. and grounds' one's center. Very good: for rhythmic dis()tders. When there are a lot of ups and downs, mood swings,unsta~le. Good for grounding when the earth is moving under one's feet. Good with · · · · .' · · SP-15. Helps HT-1 to be more e~ctive. - PLN Located on both sides of the naveVST-25 addiesses th~ itature of the hara as.a fiXed referenCe pointthat may empower stability during transitions; This point empowers the Virtue ofbeing'able to move dynamically in any direction Without excessive deliberation. Tian Shu is a name. the central star in the Big "Dipper eonstellation, th.e residence of the Gods (shen) who preside over one's destiny. - r.:.r . . . .


Bi-phasic regulation on diversified functional abnormalities ofthe intestine~; clea,rs heat; regul~tes qjand blood; . relieves retention offo'o4: (moves qi; regulates the Spleen, StomaCh, rn.iddle, .(Jnd loWer jia~: eliminqies stagnation: ... tonifies ying.) Diarrhea (also for &nstipation, however these are prefe'rred: SP-!5, TH-6, ·BL-25 if aS.Sociated ·with fear), dysentery, borborygmus, abdominal pain. and distention~ Also treatS emotional constipation. - HJ '· · · - . · -- . · ·


Outside Mound


Similar to XI-22, Boarder Gate. Takes. someone beyond where they are to a land where other sources of sustenance are _available. To see from a mound, beyond - gives higher perspective. - NRG ·


Good where you want to use a point-on the lower jiao to. bring attention there. - PLN


Great Might


Refers to the strength of the Earth, the strength to carry on to fruition. When qne is tired, weary, downtrodden giving too much or unable to digest, over-churning, unable to reap a harvest, can't let go of the old ideas or the past. -NRG The power of this Element is to decrease. It has to do with cycles and letting go. When the mind or spirit is not letting go, denying the power of return and harvest. Good point for revitalizing (similar to KD-l2),1ifts depression and supplements energy. - PLN



Shui Dao

Water Path ~

-Associated with fluids. Earth can be too dry or too boggy. When awashed by Water~ allows Water to properly drain away. Physically use for edema, water problems, insufficiency. Mental level for boggy thinking, etc. • NRG Ifthere is drymg up in the lower jiao there will be no movement, activity, or fluidity. This affects conception on both a physical and mental level. Good for the processes of procreation and elimination. For anything that is stuck and cannot be let go of, including_ obsessions. • .PLN ·.

i~ :



Benefits urination; opens the water passages; regulates menstruation; stops pain. Urination disturbance, edema, irregular urinary tract or Bladderinfec~lbn (tirinaiy tract infections or cystitis)-with CV-3, CV-4 regulates Kidney transformation and tr~,nsportationofWater; SP-9, SP-6 clears heat. - HJ-" menst~ation,

~ ST-29

The Return


For amenorrhea, not commonly used. - NRG ~


Nourishes a person who is becoming barren, unable to harvest the fruits of life. For someone lacking nourishment. Treats anorexia, infertility. - PLN

r6- : Relieves stagnation of blood; (regulates rr:enstruation; regulates the sex organs.) Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea (for stagnation: with LV-3, SP-6, LI-4, SP-1 0, Shi Qi Zhui Xia), irregular menses, post-dated menses. - HJ

-~~~------------------------~----~~------~------------------------~ ~

1~ ~




Sea.ofNourishment Here is a busy place of exchange, entering into a marketplace where goods ate available. If someone hasn't been able to join - in or partake in the ~arvesl -.NRG , When there iS aneed iQ get something rushing. This is a point of diffusion for energy rising to the top of the body, combined with ST-36;'which governs all deseending energies, ean treat all digestive disorders and wei qi. First aid for food poisoning. - PLN . · -

~~----~----~--------------------------------------------------------~ _;a..

ST-31 .-

Thigh Border




. .


. Local point for hip problems. • NRG


Removes obstructions from the channel.. Pain (lo(;lll), paralysis of the lower extremities: Wei syndrome (promotes _moveme11t in the yangming channei). - HJ


~ r-S~T~-3~2--------------------------~~P~f-OO-trat--e~H~ar-e----------------------------~F~u~T~u--~


_For pattern to release the ln,temal Dragons. - NRG '


Removes obstructions/rom the channel. Pain (local, especially muscular). - HJ

~ ~------------------~------------------------------~~----.--.------~----~ Yin Market



Xi Cleft Gives perspective and a height from which one can see. Mound implies there is qi beneath from which to draw upon. -NRG As the xi cleft point, relieves stagnation due to emotional crises precipitated by change$ in life circumstantes, emotional -~

turmoil, anxiety, or confusion. - U

Subdues rebelliolis Stomach qi, removes obstru'ctio~from the channel; (rtgzilates the Stomach and clears heat.) Acute ·Stomach pain (with CV-12, ST-36, PC-6 and SP-4), v.omiting, disorders of the knee joints and sum>unding areas .. - HJ ·


Calf Nose



Local point for knee problems. - NRG

Invigorates qi and blood circulation ofthe channel; relieves swelling; stops pain. Local problems of the joint: stifthess, swelling, etc. - HJ ·

. ST-36 He Sea

Leg Three Miles


Lower Uniting: ST

Sea of Nourishment

Ruler: Abdomen

ZuSanLi Horary

Strength to carry on, stamina when going gets tough. Encourages a person to keep going. For any depletion of the bOdy,·. mind or spirit- use if an Earth CF is totally deple~ed, w~ without illertja o,r vital icy, cold,)ethargic, o~ not grounded. For any weakness, use as. a sea ofitourishinerit on its own; A 'longevitY' point,' gives suStenance to carrY on, go further. As a horary, shakes up and revitalizes the energy. - NRG · ·· Use when there is laziness or apathy. Feeds the Ea® so that ili,ings can grow m9r~ rich,ly. Means for patient to move on whether phySically, mentally or spiritually; As one of the points·. for the. Sea of Nourishment, .according to the Chinese it bestows longevity and endurarice, keeps one free from disease, conserves vitalitY. and revitaliZes the energy ofthe entire system. It brings great strength. stability, and security to the Earth. Feeds muscles when working on the Earth Element. For any 'laclcof disorders: lethargy, weakness, inertia, cold,lackofene~gy. tinnitus, eye diseases. provides reassurance, ·.and grounds eXp«ienee for' a nervous, extremely agitated, depressed (milld especially needs nourishment); or if they are desperate about the future. When used with LI-13 or individually, one can gain a lot of ground 'imd:oover great distances. For people to walk and move the arins more freely. Used with moxa, steps up white blood cell count - "Immunization point" (use moxa daily). Stimulates the parathyroids. - PLN · · · This is one ofthe strongest points for stabilizing and grounding someone at the source of their being. totten combine this with other points, depending on the effect I am seeking. A particularly good combination for strengthening resolves, structure, and one's spiritual baclcbone consists ofST~J6, BL-54, GV-3, andBL-10.1 have successfully used this or a similar combination for empowering women to summon the courage to confront family members Who had sexually abused them. -U

Regulates the function ofthe Stomach and Spleen: regulates the intestines; ton!ftes qi and blood;,strengthens the body; regulates nutritive and defenswe qi; descends Stomach qi. Stomachache; vomiting, abdominal distension, constipation, . diarrhea (chronic, excess deficient: with SP-15, ST-25, for damp with CV-6, SP-9, for Kidney qi deficiency with CV-4 or CV-8 needle and moxa, for Liver invading the Spleen: LV-3), dysentery, etc. This point has tonic functions and boasts immunity: treats chronic and asthenic diseases. - HJ





ST-37 ·LOwer Uniting: LI

Upper Great Void


Sea of Blood

'Relates to the upper parts ofthe boqy, mind, spirit. Can use with XI-39. -NRG .When one is stable and solid on the ground, but not cbnnected to the upper parts. There is still some emptiness. Most of .the Seas empty or overflow.together. Ifyhu tonify one sea point, you should also tonify the rel!lted ones, in this case all the Seas of Blood; you would never replenish the Sea of Nourishment if the Sea of Blood if it is deficient. For Earth CF's with shoulder problems, ST-37 andST-39 are key points forthe Large Intestine and Small Intestine. This point is also good on a mental level. - PLN · · . · · · · ., f'•


Regulates the function ofthe Stomach and intestines: promotes qi and blood circulation in the channels; eliminates .damp-heat; dispels retention offood. Acute diarrhh(with ST-25, SP-9, SP-6, LI4, moxa lower abdomen), abdominal pain, dysentery, constipation, borborygumus, etc. - HJ · ·

ra. /~ ST-38

Branch Opening


~ Likea tree that stands tail, expansive, and welcoming of all life. There is abundant life irl a tree, branches open and receptiVe, able to give, receive and expand. • NRG ~

Another way to get energy into the Official (JS). From what the name implies we are able to come here and open up where there may be a blockage. This point is particularly helpful when we are dealing with weakness of the legs and·!oss of sensation In the limbs, caused by a block in the movement of energy. Also consider when food is blocked.and not · descending properly. Used as a non-specific command point, enriches if not certain ofthe level. For malfunction of Stomach qi due to the "branch opening" being closed. Blockage on the Stomach pulse will come straight up when you open this point. Also good for: shoulder trouble. - PLN


Lower Great Void

ST-39 Sea'ofBlood



LOwer Uniting: SI


Brfugs fullness to the l()w,er parts - whe~ th~re is a feeling that there is. nothing there. Starving, emaciated, one may overeat to CO,mpensate but the void,is stilt there, may be empty in body, mind or spirit. - NRG


Emptiriess in the lo-we;. plp't.


'l'b.is is aspeciai point in the context ofits being a meeting point

As a sea ofblood, we may

r- :come here when.there' Is a need to improve the quality or quantity oftlle blood. Energizes the lower j,iao. Good for afrigid

·person with poor conception. Some peple need ~oth"Voids" treat~ together. When the patient feels empty inside, unstable, insecure, no contact with Earth, this point opens up a blockage inside like a gutter or a ditch. Any abdominal pain -but especially when accompanied by diarrhea; generalized aches and pains, spasms and paralysis oflower legs, ·weakness ~ ·ofthe legs with cerebral anemia, tonsillitis, diseases of the breasts. In cases of patients reporting hyper- or hypo-salivation, absolutely dry, parched lips and mouth and no perspiration at all; alopecia· hair coming out in handfuls, insufficient blood ~. to feed the hair so it dries and starts to come out. - PLN .~

~ ~ ~

Regulates the function ofthe Stomach and intestines; eliminates damp-heat; promotes qi and blood circulation; stops pain. Lo~VCr abdominal pain (due to the Small Intestine), numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities, beriberi (poor absorption by the Small Intestine with elephant-like leg edema, rough skin, etc.), cloudy urine (without pain). -HJ


Junction A wonderful point. The child at the mother's breast. Brings abundance, richness and quality, light to Earth. This is not a dark place, there is a plentiful _supply of energy ,h!l_re, a full h!l~V~l5t of love,j()y and nou,rishment. Use ifqne can't see or t\lke in the harvest that they have, or if they haven'thad a ~arvest- "I ~ri!: so hard and its all for naught." ever moaning that they neverget anywhere or anything. - NRG ' In order to receive a harvest we need to work and toil. Many people struggle through life and get no harvest at all; this is common in people's work. Allows a person to get a glimpse of the harvest Which can be available to them. Used for the _spirit when~ person doesn't feel satisfied.. ;\lso foqnentallevelE~h problelll$, such as ghosts, o~ses~ions, .and Ia'* of contact with Earth. A reservoir - jU[lction.point will share a supply of energy1 bring5_1lP the general energy.. "I have no__ _ reserve, nothing to call upon" -stimulate with moxa. Good for mental side ofEiirtli problems: lack of conta,ct with Earth, _ out of touch with the body. Good for grounding, person sees ghost. insanity, obsessions, nightlnares of ghosts. Neuropathic affections especially manic- depression. Best point of Stomach for spasms and paralysis, especially in the lower extremities. Chronic constipation, all speech disorders, headaches, abscess on Liver. - PLN


Resolves phlegm and damp: eaims and clears the mind: (regulates the Stomacfz and intestines.) -Cough and asthma with much phlegm, epilepsy (visible and inviSible pblegin misting the mind: with PS affects the_Heart ghosts, QB-20, GV20, GV-16, LV-3 for wind or LV-2 for heat). -HJ · ·


Jing River



A sudden release when things are stuck, hard, cold, inert, rock-like, stuck in the mud. The power of warmth to release, carries away stagnation. - NRG · Breaks a lot of blocks on the Stomach meridian, releasing the streams that came forin the sCa, and gets qi to flow to the ends of the meridian (the feet and mind). Fire brings WllJlllth to the Earth. All ~at depends on Earth will benefit front this · ' increase in energy. Opens the energy pathways. through the meridian and Earth Element, The stream feeds the river and.if there is a block to the riVer we can come h~re to the stream and releaSe the block; allo~g the energy'to flow all the \vayto the end of the meridian. If stream is blocked there ~uld be damp; cold, swollen feet. Used a lot for' fits, coriwlsions, blackouts, all conditio~ which are virtull;lly the result of a cutting off as the stream is dammed. This stream is energy and must _also reach the mind; if it is cut otf,·the'person·may faint, haw fits~' epilepsy, etc. The~ is a great bearing on speech here: ·. This is a point where we can nourish thcifeet, so consider for rheumatic eonditioris ofthe feet, gou(eold, aching feet. Also a strong .affect on the gums (gingivitis, toothaches) and speech (incoherent, slii,rted). .. PLN _. · · · «e1'11o1~es obstructions from


the cluinnel: (regulates .the Stomach: clears heat: dispels wind: clears the brain.) Lociil joint '·







~~~~----~------~----~~~----------~----------=-~~ Yuan source Exit

~~S-T4~2_J~.·--------~------------~~h~fu~g~Y~M~g~-----------------------C_h_oo~g~Y-M~g~ ~~------------------------------------------------------------------~~ ~ .A thoroughfure, a busy place o(co~erce an~ ~xchMge, things co~ing and gomg, allows o~e to join m, - NRG

ra ~

,_ ~

_A powefful shot m the illilll pofut. Espec~ily good for i:neritallevel instability. Yang is the heat, the activity, the day. We ·must have a balance oftb.e energy. If there is too much then the person out of control Md symptoms ofyMg rushing out of ·control will app,ear: stupi4, silly people who \IVIU\t to throw themsel~ around, throw off the clothes in public, jump on. tables, sing ·outloud, d() CriZy things; ~ P~~;;:

your sympathy Jllld W!lOtiQg:to be ip,~tood. A b,l( lik" 13~~aowl, ~.of!os5 . ~·the E8Itb ..·, :· Element, that sadness when there is nothiiig there, They're not beilig nouriij~ect im,d loved by MOthei Earth; Hi:ips letting go of motherhood; aiding someone in menopause. For a lack of harvest, no return, no growth, and spiritual emptiness. -PLN







Food Drain·


Regulates the flow of essence of nourishment getting carried evenly and smoothly to where it needs to go via a liquid medium. Or if it seems everything is getting lost down the drain, if someone is just 'not getting it', ideas, the understanding and wisdom of experience is l~st, one makes same mistake over and over. When this happens there is no security, etc. Like Leaky Valley, - NRO . . . .

Like the sluice or drain for clearing the body, mind, and spirit when the Spleen is st1,1ck. Makes sure te person is moving. This jiao is for taking in, so we want to inake sure the Spleen keeps things on the move. Think of stagnant food of the mind r~ ..._an_d__;sp~in-'t_as_an_o_b_ses_si_on_:_AI_s_o_fr_e_es_t_h_in..:g~s-:;;;.,~~...-~ l;,;,!lt'e,o;,· · ; ; ·~.;,; I¥.;,; C,:; ;,~-;,;'in. . ;,th..;..;·... ;e-ch_e_s_tt_h-..at_a..;.r_e_ha_vm_·...;g;..a_n_e_ffi._e...ct_o_n_b_r..;.ea_t_hin..;;g._-_P_LN_._ ___.

~ SP-18 ~


Heavenly Stream

Tian Xi

Relates to the father, quality, .essence. Joins the father with the mother, creates unity in spirit. Brings pure essence into the Earth. If one is sluggish (better with movement), having a difficult time getting started in the morning. or, on the other hand, for workaholics driving ahead, head down, slogging through the mud, not in touch with quality. - NRG


Here we have the mother and father. united in spirit Brings the family together and quality to the Earth. When the Earth .and spirit move together, life simply flows., GoOd for the flow of milk, such as breast milk on a physical level and the "milk" of human kindness and empathy on a deeper level. Good with SP-U .•. PLN · -~~---------~~----~---------------~----------------~ ~





Chest Region


Local point for chest c Wfudow~ ·think about air WhiCh rushes up and down the throat. Neck is the·. . chimney ofthe upper burner. You might thiilk. about this point and closing the window ifs~nieone comes to you completely ·.spaced out and dazzled by heaven. Use lower points to ground hysterical patients e.g. with a bad trip you might sedate this. ,-. ·Point is between the head, the heavens, and the rest of the body. When c.tosed down the p~on will be cut off; depressed, imprisoned in darkness .. It is also' associated' with speech and creative self expression. A Sell$e of movement, an opening. The neck makes the transition between Earth and heaven, the place where spirits enter, come in and out. A lot of images around ~pirits coming in and out here. The place of enabling seeing, this area is vital for getting oxygen to the brain. Positioned in the fifth chakra, this point is about being able to express from your being. It enables you to be where you are even if you're in pain. Physical indications are when a person is submerged in phlegm, blocked, are they .clear enough there to throw out the rubbish of an asthma attack, good for dispersing physical congestion in the throat area. Drug addiction - a self..jmposed prison. in a dark room, eye troubles, trouble bearing, person doesn't want to converse. Reunion point of yin and yang with CV-4, CV-12. and GV-9, thi-ough CV-22, Yin Wei Mai is related to entire nervous system, directly linked to GV-9. -PLN . ~ Stimulates the·descending of Lung qi; resolves phlegm; clears heat; stops tXJugh; benefits the throat; soothes asthma. Cough, asthma (in and out during an attack), loss of voice (due to a nodule or thickening of the vocal cords). - HJ


,.. ~ CV-23 r8> (8>



Angle Spring

· Lian Quan

Not used much, speech or salivation problems. - NRG Refers to the spring of saliva, just under the tongue. Use for thirst or lack of saliva. This pOint also relates to speech problems, throat, coughs, kiter (catarrh), and asthma.: Difficult speech and articulation, dumbness, swollen tongue, veins · under tongue badly swollen. helps dra~ them. J-ack of flexibility, excessive thirst - PLN

Dispels interior wind;. promotes speech; clears fire; resolves phlegm; subdues rebellious qi;. Asphasia, difficulty in ,-. swallowing, dysphasia. Sequella of stroke with Hr-5 (see He Gu needling technique). - HJ.




Receiving Fluid

Cheng Jiang


·Exit For persons who are dry and withered in body, mind, or ;spirit, in need of se.cretiorui .to hav~ smoothness and free flow of movement Water to cleanse and bathe,washing away stagnation artd intemalte.i!Sion. Relaxes, smooths over anxiety, eases coordination. For a person reaching for the truth- '~I see what doing to i):l}'selfb4tl can't stop". - NRG





.:- . . :





Exit point. Very strong spirit connotation. Tremendous point to useop~ide' o(the CV/QVcon~otatiqn~ F~rexample,a Water CF can use it to wash away impurities and stagnation. Good Jor proble~ with mouth par;alys~.lack of coordination, dumbness. You can do this point if the Ren is stuck or traumatized.. Can be used for a lot of fears, where the fears are . excessive. Good for patients who are like,dried prunes, .either mentally or spiritt~ally/physi..



BLAODER (!] Eyes Bright

~ 2. Collect Bamboo ~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

3. Eyebruws 1\Jshing

4. Crooked Servai1t s. Five Places 6. Receive Ught 7. Penelrate Heaven 8. Luo End 9. Jade Pillow t D. Heavenly PiUar 1t. Great Shuttle 12. WmdGate t 3. lungs Cori-espondence





2 3 2 3 3 3 3-5 3 5 3-5

X 3 3-5

X X 3-5 3-5 3-5 3

7 5-10 7-20

14. Grcufation/Sex Correspondence 15. Heart Correspoodence 16. Governor Vessel Correspondence 17. Diaphragm Correspondence t 8. liver Correspondence 19. Gall Bladder Correspondence 20. Spleen Correspondence 21. Stomach Correspondence ·22. TIJree,Heater CorreSpondence 23. Kidneys Correspondence 24. Sea of Ch'i Correspondence 25. Large Intestine Correspondence 26. Fm Gate Correspondence 27. Small Intestine Correspondence 28. Bladder Correspondence 29. Middle of the Backbone Correspondence . 30. Wh~e ~ Correspondence 31. Upper Saaal Bone 32. Seamd Saaal Bone 33. M'!ddle 5aaal Bone 34. Lower Saaal Bone 35. Meeting of Yang 36. Near Oi'lision 37. Soul Door 38. Rch for the V'rtals Correspondence 39. SpiritHalt 40. Wail of Grief 41. Diaphragm Border 42. Spiritual Soul Gate. 43. Yang Net 44. Thought Dwelling 45. Stomach Granary 46. Diaphragm Gate of Vitality 47. Ambition Room 48. Womb and Heart Diaphragm 49, Orderly Frontier 50. Receive and Support 51. ProspetoUS Gate SZ. Roating Reserve 53. Equinbrium Yang 54. Equilibrium Middle 55. Uniting Yang 56. Supporting Muscles 57. Supporting Mountain Ry and Scatter 59. Foot Bone Yang Kunlun Mountain 61. Servant's Aide 62. Extended Meridian 63. Golden Gate 64. Capital Bone•


~Bone Binder

Penetrating VaUey ·




IIJ Extremity of Yin 3

X 4 3 3-5

7-20 7-20 3-15

3-5 3-5 3-5

7-20 7-21 7-20

5-8 5 8-10

3-15 3-5 7-20

10 8-10


8-10 5

7-15 7-15

3-5 8-10 8-10 8-10 6-8 4 4 5 3

7-15 7-15 7-15 7-15 5 7 7-15 7-50

3 5 5 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 7-9 5-7 5 8 7 5 7 5 5

X 7 5 5 3-5 3 3

3-5 3 2

5 5-15 3-15 3-15 5-15 5-10 7-ts 7-15 5-10 7 X

X 3-7 3-5

X . 3-7 3-7 5-15 3-7 5-7 3-7 3-7

X 3-5 3-7 3~5





5 Bubbling Spring (XP8) Blazing'Valley (XP8) 5 3. Greater Mountain Stream • 3 ~~~Great Bell (XP3) 3 5. Water Spring 4 6. Illuminated Sea Returning Current (XP8) 4 8. Exchange Pledges 3 9. Building Guest 5 4 £4~ Yin Valley 11. Transverse Bone X t 2. Great· Brightness 5-10 t 3. Door oflnfants 5-10 14. Four Full 7-10 15. Middle Rowing Out 7-10 t 6. V'rtals Correspondence to 17. Merchant Crooked 10 18. Stone Border 7-10 . 7-10 19. Y'm Capital 20. Through the Valley 5 21. DarkGate 5 ~Walking on the Veranda 3 23. Spirit Seal 24. Spirit Burial Ground 25. Spirit Storehouse 26. Amidst Elegance 3 27. Store House


Moxa 3-7 3-5

3-5 3-7 5 3-5 3-7 5 3-7 5-15 5-10 5-10 5-30 5-15 7 7 7 7-10 7-10 7-10 5 5 5. 5 5




[!]Heavenly Pond (male) (female) 2. Heavenly Spring

Ill Crooked Marsh


4. Gate of Ch'i Reserve


i. ·











The Intermediary Inner Frontier Gate (XP4) Great Mound•

3 3




Palace of Weariness (XP3) Rushing into the Middle






3 3-5 X

Ill Rushing ~ Frontier Gate

I ::::on I


Gate ·

4. Yang Pond• (XP3} puter Frontif!f: Gate Branch Ditch • 7·. Assembly of Ancestors a Three Yang Junction 9. Fourth Gutter 1o. Heavenly Well (XP4) 11. Pure Cold Abyss 12. Relax and Enjoy 13. Shoulder Meeting 14. Shoulder Bone 15. Heavenly Bone 16. Heavenly Wmdow 17. Wind Saeen 18. Feeding Meridians 19. SkuU Breathing 20. Small Angle of Ear 21. EarGate [El Harmony Bone 23. Silk Bamboo Hollow

VII GAll BLADDER [!] Orbit Bone 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7.

Hearing Assembly (XP I} Upper Pass Loathsome Jaws Suspended Skull Suspended Regulator Crooked Hair on the Temples 8. ROlling valley 9. Heaven ltlshing (XP4) I 0. Floating Whke 11. Head Hole Y'111 12. Anal Bone 13. Root Spirit 14. YangWhke 1S. Head Above Tears 16. E~ Wmdow 17. Upright UW!g


s 6 3-S

3-7 7

3-8 3-5

3-7 5 5-7 3-7 3-5 3-7 3-7 S-15 S-7 S-7





X 3-7 3-7

3-7 3

Depth 3 5 X 2 3 2

3-7 3-5


Moxa 5 5 3-5 3 3 3-5 3-5"

3 3 S 3

3-5 3-5 3-7 3-7

27. 2& . 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.


35. 36.


39. 40.

IIJI 42.


Ave Pivots Binding Paih [).veiling in the Bone Jumping Orde Wind Market Middle Ditch Knee Yang Border Yang Mound Spring (XP2} Yang Crossing Outer Mound Bright and Oear Yang Support Hanging Cup Wtlderness Mound• Foot Above Tears Earth Ave Meetings Vafianl Str~ Foot Hole Yin

7 8 8 10-15 5 5

s S-7

X 6


6 4 6 6


3 5


3 7

5-15 5-15 3-7 5 X 3-S




3-10 S-7 5-7 7-20

Great Esteem Walk Between

3. Supreme Rushing• Middle Seal

Insect Ditch



1 3 3 4



6. Middle Capital 7. Knee Border Crooked Spring 9. Y'm Wrapping · 10. Ave Miles 11. Y'mAngle 12. Hasty Pulse 13. Otapter Gate Q3] Gate of Hope

3 4 6 5


5-7 3-7 3-S 3-7 3

5 3-5 3

5 3




6-8 4



[!] Middle Palace



Moxa 5-10 5-10 X 5


2. " ~


















T3 GV-12

BL-13 (LU)



BL-14 (PC)


T5 GV-11

BL-15 (H7J


T6 GV-10

BL-16 ·








~ ~

~ ~




_.., ~ ~





BL-18 (LV)

BL-42 .



BL-19 (GB)




BL-20 (SP)


BL;.21 (S7J





T12 L1


BL-22 (THJ




BL-23 (KD) ·


~ ~






BL-25 (LI)



L5 S1


BL-27 (SI)



BL-28 (BL)




S4 coccyx




. BL-30








.~ .~

Five.. Element Point Location - WOR. NRG

~ Po~ts l!stj:d in bold ~e clearly differ~nt from the des~iption listed~ Chinese. Acupun~ture and Moxibust~on (CA~. Other

pomts hsted may be m the same locatton or vary margmally. Accordmg to Neil Gumemck and other expenenced Ftve-Eiement Worsley's book, Traditional Chinese Acupunctwe Vol/, Meridians and Points, contains errors. The following information represents a revision of Worsleyinformation to include corre~:tions fromlecttire notes from the InstitUte of Classical ~Five-Element Acupuncture and other sourceS. Also note that the exact location of any point is detenrlined by gently palpating . /~for the men, or ~~~ression. · · · ~Practitioners,


~NOTE: The d~tance from 1-7 (not the wriSt crease) to I-3 is 12 ACI. The distance from where the arm meets the torso (feel up

~~along the arm to .the border of the tendon) to the cubital cre~e is 9 ACI. - NRG . .~l-1

~-- 1-2 I-3 ~



,-I-6 ~1-7 ~I-8




In the axilla, upon the axillary artery. To expose the point, semiabduct the arm and palpate the artery. Found. in the depression in the axilla, jilst under the ttmdon, with the arm in supination, abductedabout 45 degrees. - N.RG On the medial surface of the lum,) ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow, upon the.br11.chial artery. · Close to the medial end of the elbow crease when the arm is slightly flexed, approximately half-way between the medial epicondyle.ofthe hu111-erus and the tendon ofthe biceps..· In the big depression when the arm is slightly flexed. - NRG · . . On the anterior sUrface of the forearrn,l 'h ACI. proximal to I 7, upon the ulnar artery. On the anterior sUrface of the foreimn, l ACiproxirnal to I 7, upon the ulnar artery. On the ant~rior stirfiiee of the fofeatlp; Y2 ACI proximal to I 7, upon the ulnar artery. On the cre!15e of the flexure of the wriSt, on the proximal radial side of the pisiform bone, upon the ulnar artery. In the notch formed by the tendon. and the pisiform. - NRG . · . On the.paiirutrsurrace·ofth\' himd,betweenthe fourth and fifth metacarpal bones on the distal transverse crease, or the ~Heart1irie' ofthe.hand.. . . Radial nailpom't of the little finger .



SMALL INTESTINE -II NOTE: Points on the Small Intestine merldian on the forearm are loCated with the aim e~tended.

II-I II-2 U-3


U-6 11-7 II-8


!I-10 Il-11

II-12 II-13


11-15 II-16

11-17 11-18 II-19

Ulnar nail point 9f the little finger. __ _- _ . _ _ _._ _. On the ulnar.edge of the hand, just distal to the base of the p~oximal phalanx 9fthe little finger. On the ulnar edge of the hand, approximateiy half-way along the metacarpal bone. (Feel along the bone for the f!Otch.) Along the lateral most-aspect. - NRG -Qn the ulnar edge ofthe hand, in the hollow between the proximal end of the fifth metacarpal bone and the triquetral bone. · · · On the ulnar edge of the hand, in the hollow between the triquetral bone and the head of the ulna. On the ulnar surface of the forearm, I ACI proximal to II 5, just proximal to the h~ of the ufua. _ _ _ On the posterior surface ofihe forearm, 5 ACI proximal to the fl~e ofthe wrist With the arm extended and the forearm pronated, it lies in the seam between the uina'and extensor carpi uinai"is. The point can be seen from a top view ofthe arm. don 't place it to laterally. Illustration in book is wrong. - NRG _ .__ On the pO$terOmed~ surfaee of the fo~: 1 ACI distal to the hollow betwc:en· the medial _epioon,dyle ofthe humeruS and the oiecranon when the forearm is sCmitle~. Alnwstforms an ~eqi,Liateral triailgle be~e_n the olecranon process and the ~dia.l humeral epicOIUii/e. -There is less Chance()fhitting anerve wiih the patient sitting up. . _ NRG. Support the arm, slightlY angled up ~ JS · __ _ _ . . __ On the posterior sUrface of the shoulder, at the superior end of the axillary fold. Ifthe fold is eXtended, go Lo where the arm meets the torso, not the far end ofthe crease. - NRG ._ _ . _ _ _._ On the posterior surface oftlte shQulder, in tl).e depression 4lferior to the aaymion. directly silpt:rior toJI9. On the back, in the middle of the s~ula, approximately I% ACI inferior tc> the inferic)r edge of the middle ofthe scapular spine. $_!9, SI/O,tjnd Sf/ 1 approximt~tely form an etjidlateral q-iang_le, tl/U[Si/1 irfo_und about-half way between the 'vertical line from the axillary fold and the medial bortl,er ofthe sqzpula. '"- NRG On the baclc. approximately 1 ACI superior to the superior ~ge of the middle :Ofthe s~pulilr !!Pille.. . · On the back. mid-way between tt-12 and the" medial bOrder of the scapula, about.l ACI superJ.Ot to the.sup_erior edge· of the scapular spine. in line with VI-15 and Vll-21. This is found halfway between"SiJ 1 alldlhemedial./Jorder of the scapula. - NRG · · - · On the back. JY.z ACI lateral to the tip of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra.. On the back. 2Y.z ACilatenil to the tip of the spinous process ofthe seventh cervical vertebra. On the lateral surface of the n~k, at the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, at the level of the laryngeal prominence. _ On the posterior edge of the mandible. in the notch of the bone, slightly superior tot the angle ofthe mandible. On the cheek, inferior .to the lateral canthus of the eye, in the angle of the zygomatic bone and the mandible. Anterior to the tragus of the ear, on the superficial temporai artery, in the depression formed when the mouth is open. Needle with the mouth wide open. - NRG


-· -






~ NOTE: The distance from the spinous process, t~the medial edge of the scapula is 4 ACL

All BL back points are found at the

/~ level with the space between the spinous processes of their corresponding vertebra with the patient sitting up. ·- NRG The ,~

distance from the medial extremity of the knee crease to the medial extremity of the groin is 13 ACl. The distance (orm the posterior median line to the prominence of the mastoid process is 4V. ACL. -





,-_ III-5 ~

III-6 Ul-7

~~ lll-8 ~


III-9 lll-10

lll-11 !Il-12

~""""'- m~n

UI-14 III-1 5 ~ III-16 III-17 -~ lll-18 Ul-19 1,__



III-21 ill-22 ill-23 /~ ill-24 UI-25 ;'@!>, m-26 ill-27 ~ III-28 /~ III-29 III-30 ~ III-31 III-32 ~ III-33 lll-34 1e., III-35 .III-36 -~

1 """

UI-37 III-38

~ III-39 ~ III-40 ill-41 ~ III-42 Ill-43 -~ III-44 lll-45. ~~ III-46 III-47 ~- III-48 III-49 ~

1 fen superior and medial to the medial canthus of the eye, between the two veins. In the depression at the medial end ofthe eyebrow, directly superior to the medial canthus ofthe eye. On the head, Yz ACI superior ot the natural hair line, 3Y, ACI directly superior to III 2. 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, Y, ACI superior to the natural hair line, Y, ACI lateral to Ill3. 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, Yz ACI superior to III 4. 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, l Y, ACI superior to III 5. 1.3 ACI lateral.to the median line of the head, l V. ACI superior to III 6. 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, 1Y, ACI superior.to Ill 7. 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head,. on the occipital bone, at the level of CV-17. On the neck 1.3 ACI lateral to the posterior median line, at the base of the occipital bone, on the trapezius at the level ofGV-16. On the bulge. - NRG On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process of Tl. - NRG. On the back,2 ACI lateral to the. median line at the level of the space. below the spinous process of1'2. - NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level ofthe space below the spinous process ofT3. - NRG. On the back, 2ACilateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT4. - NRG. On the back, 2ACI lateral to the median line at the levelofthe space below the spinous process ofT5. - NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level ofthe space below the spinous process of T6. .- NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the ~ian line at the level of the space below the spinous process of 17. - NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level ofthe space below the spinous process ofT9. - NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level ofthe space below the spinous process ofT/0. - NRG. On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous.process ofT//. - NRG. On the back, 2 AC[ lateral to the·median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT/2. - NRG.. On the back, 2Vz ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the depression below the spinous process ofLl. On the baCk, 2VzACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the depression below the spinous process ofL2. On the back, 2Vz ACI lateral to the median line, at the. level of the depression below the spinous process ofL3. On the back, 2Vz ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the depression below the spinous process ofL4. On the back, 2V. ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the depression below the spinous process ofL5. On the sacrum, 2Vz ACI lateral to median line, at the le'vel of the ftrst sacral foramen. On the sacrum, 2Vz ACI lateral to median line, at the level of the second sacral foramen. On the sacrum, 2Vz ACI lateral to median line, at the level of the third sacral foramen. On the sacrum, 2Vz ACI lateral to median line, at the level ofthe forth sacral foramen. On the sacrum, in the first sacral furamen. On the sacrum, it). the second sacral furamen. On the sacrum, in the third sacral furamen. On the sacrum, in the fuurth sacral foramen. On the buttock, lateral to the sacrococcygeal articulation, Y, ACllateral to the median line. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT2 . On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT3. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT4. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT5. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT6. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT7. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofT9. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous process ofTlO. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level ofthe space below the spinous process of Ttl. On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the space below the spinous_ process ofT12. On the back, 4Y, ACI lateral to midline, at the level of the depression between the ftrst and second lumbar vertebra On the back, 4Yl ACI lateral to midline, at the level of the depression between the second and third lumbar vertebra Lateral to the sacraoilliac joint, 4!12 ACI lateral to midline, at the level of the second sacral foramen. On the buttock, 4Y, ACllateral to midline, slightly inferior to the level of the fourth sacral foramen. 189

IIT-5(} 01-51

III-52 III-53 HI-54

lll-55 Ill-56 III-57 III-58 lii-59

III-60 III-61

UI-62 ITI-63 ITI-64

III-65 III-66 III-67

At the mid-point of the gluteal fold, directly distal to IU-49, between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosus. Ori the posterior surface of the thigh; at the mid-point betWeen the biceps femoris and semitendinosus, 7 ACC proximal to the knee crease. On the posterior surface ofthe thigh; 1 ACI proximal to the lateral end ofthe knee crease, mediill to the tendon of the biceps femoris. On the lateral side of the knee crease, medial t the tendon of the biceps femoris. On the posterior surface of the leg, in the centre of the knee crease. Fdtlow up from 111-57 to the center ofthe · , · · crease. - NRG · On the posterior surface of the leg, 14 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral melleolusibetween the lateral and medial heads of the gastronemius. · · On the posterior surface of the leg, 12 ACI proximal to the level of the promfuence of the lateral malleolus, between the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius.· · On the posterior surface of the leg, 9 ACI .proximal to the level of the prominence ofthe lateral malleolus, between the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius. On the posteriolateral surface of the leg, 8 ACI proximal to the leve(.ofthe prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the gastrocnemius and soleus. · · Oil the posterolateral surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral'malleolus, posterior to the peroneUs longus, directly proximal to ill 60. . . · ·. . ·. · . ·· Mind-way between the prominence ofthlateral malleolus and the AchilJes·tendon, on the peroneal artery, Half the distance between the .edge ofthe bone to the edge ofthe tendon.following the line ofthe· bottom ofthe foot. - NRG . On the superior edge of the lateral surface· of the calcaneus, directly inferior to ill-60. Off the bone, but it may be oii the teiulons which fee/ bony- JS · . One half·ACI distal to the tip of the lateral malleolus, between the tendons of the peroneus longus and the peroneus brevis. · · On the lateral border of the foot, just proximal to the tubercle of the fifth metatarsal bone. On the lateral border of the foot, distal to the tubercle of the fifth .metatarsal bone. On the lateral border of the foot, just proximal to the head of the .fifth metatarsal·bone. On the lateral border of the foot, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little toe. Lateral nail point ofthe little toe.








,-IV-I ~IV-2

~IV-3 ~

IV-4 ~

IV-5 . ~

IV-6 ~IV-7

/,-.. IV-8

~ IV-9 ~.

IV-10 .~

IV-11 .~ IV-12 IV-13 /~ IV-14 IV-15 ~ IV-16 ~ IV-17 IV-18 ~ IV-19 IV-20 ~. IV-21


The distance from the medial malleolus to the medial extremity of the knee crease·is 15 ACI. On the plantar surface ofthe foot, betWeen the second and third metatarsal bones, in the crease formed when the toes are flexed. In the depression pt the junction ofthe 2 muscle heads. "NRG · ·On the medial surfai:e ofthe foot, inferior to the tuberosity of the navicular bone. In the notch slightly distal and inferior to the tuberosity -'JBW · · · · · .· On the medial surface of the leg, l ACI proximal to the prominence ofthe medial malleolus, upon the posterior tibial artery. .· . · . · ... · . . On the medial surface of the leg, po~ieriot to the prominence of the medial malleolus, upon the posterior tif?ial artery, I ACl distal to IV-3. . . On the medial surface of the ankle, 1 ACI distal to IV-4, on the superior edge of the calcaneus. (Off the bone according to the pictute.) · · On the medial surface of the ankle, 4 fen distal to the inferior border of the medial malleolus. On the medial surface .of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence ofthe medial malleolus, posterior to flexor digitorum longus. Just anterior to the calcanous tendon. - NRG On the medial surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, Yz ACI anterior to IV-7, and anterior to the flexor digitorum longus. On the medial surfuce of the leg 6Yz ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the medial malleolus, on the. medial edge of the tendon of the gastrocnemius, directly proximal to IV-7. At the medial extremity of the knee crease between the tendons of the semimembranosus and the semitendonosis, when the knee is slightly flexed. Located easiest in prone position; semi-flex the knee. - NRG · On the abdomen l Yz ACUateral to the median line, 5 ACI below the umbilicus. On the abdomen I Yz ACilateral to the median iine, 4 ACI below the umbilicus . On the abdomen l Yz ACI lateral to the median. line, 3 ACI below the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 2 ACI below the umbilicus. On the abdomen I Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 1 }\.CI below the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, level with the umbilicus. On the abdomen I Yz ACilateral to the median line, l ACI above the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 3 ACI above the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 4 ACI above the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 5 ACI above the umbilicus. On the abdomen 1Yz ACI lateral to the median line, 6 ACI above the umbilicus.

~ Remove pillow from under head to find chest points. 2 AC:I can be found by locating IV-27 as a landmark.·- JS

IV-22 IV-23 IV-24 IV-25 IV-26 IV-27

On the thorax, in the fifth intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line... Find in the depression. - NRG On the thoiax, ·in the fourth intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line... Find in the depression. - NRG On the thorax, in the third intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line... Find in the depression. - NRG On the thorax," in the second intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median .line... Find in the depression. • NRG . On the thorax, in the first intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line... Find in the depression. - NRG In the depression between the first rib and the inferior edge of the clavicle, 2 ACI lateral to the median line.


~~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------~~----~\ HEART PROTECTOR- V V-1 V-2 V-3

V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9


1 ACilateral to the center ofthe nipple. Always offthe areoki, even if it is large. - NRG On the anterior surface of the arm, between the heads of the biceps, 7 AC! proximal to the flexure of the elbow:. On the crease of-the elbow, in the depression which is often medial tQ the tendon of the biceps. ·(On some people this depression may be found latera(:to the tendon.) Usually thepoinli~ lateral to the tendon.. Visually locate the depression by slightly flexing the arm. On some it may be fo!Jnd 6etween the tendons.. - NRG On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the ulna and the radius, 5 ACI proximal to. V 7. On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the ulna and the radius, 3 ACI proxiinal to V 7. On the anterior surface ofthe forarm, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis, 2 ACI proximal to V 7. In the middle of the crease of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris.longus and ~he flexor carpi radialis. On the palmar surface of the hand, between the third and fourth metacarpal bones, on the proximal transVerse crease, or the 'head line' of the hand. · Radial nail point of the middle finger.





Points on the Three Heater meridian on the forearm are located with the arm extended.


Vl-1 ~/[-2



~ll-5 ~Vl-6

vl-1 ~

V'l-8 ~I-9



Ulnar nail point of~e ring fmger. On the posteriomedial surface of the ring finger, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx. On the dorsal surface of the hand, immediately proximal to and on the ulnar side of the head ofthe 41h metacarpal. At the dorsal flexure of the wrist, proxumil to the fOurth metacarpal bone, in the hollow between the bones·ofthe wrist (radius, ulna and lunate). . .::. · On the posterior surface:of the fOrearm; between the-radius aiid· the ulna, 2 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist. On the posterior surface of the for~ between the radius and; the ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist. On the posterior surface of the foreaifu; between the radius and' the ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, Y2 ACI medial to Vl6. (Ulnar side) On the posterior surface of the fOrearm, between the radius and the ulna, 4 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist. On the posterior surface of tbe for- between the radius attd the ulna, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist. On the' posterior surface of the 3rtn, 1 ACI'proximal to the olecrinon, slightly mediallo the midline, atthe depression formed when the elbow is semiflexed. Locate with the patient sitting up, and the arm flexed. -NRG

~OTE: The distance from the tip of the elbow (sightly above the inferior aspect when flexed) to the posterior axillary fuld, ~where the arm joins

the tors~, is 9 ACI. - J8 W



!J1 the centre of the posterior surface of the arm; 2 ACI proximal to the .tip ofthi: elbow.

VI-12 "'"""VI-13

In the centre'ofthe posterior surface ofthe artil, 5 ACI proximal to the tip of the elbow. In the centre of the posterior surface ofthe arm, on the inferior border of the deltoid, on the triceps. Fo!ind at the flare ofthe bone, like SP-9 or ST-36. - JB Worsley · On the posterior surface of the shoulder, posterior and inferior to the acromion, in the concavity formed between the acromion and the greater tubercle of the humerus when the arm is abducted. · On the posterior surface of the shoulder; superior to the scilpula, mid-way between the spinous process of the seventh cervicat vertebra arid'the tip ofthe acromion, in line with Vll•2l and Sl 13. On a vertical line located halfway between Sf II and the·medlaliiorder of the scapula. - NRG Po5tetior and illierlor to the mastoid process, on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid. Preferably find· with'the patienllaying down and head rotated; have patient slightly lift head; • NRG I>osterior to the ear lobe, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible, adjacent to the cartilage of the external auditory canal. · On the curve of the hair line, posterior to the ear, one third ofthe distance from the base to the apex of the pinna. On the curve of the halrlfue, posterior to the ear, two thirds of the dis~ce from the base to the apex of the pinna. On the.hair line, immediately superior to· the level of the apex of the pinna Ariterlor to the superior' edge of the tragus of the ear, in the depression formed when the mouth is open. Anterior tO the ear, Oil the hair line, on a'level with the superior:border of the root of the pinna; Within the hair line; 3jingersfromfJ.:J9. ~NRG . · At the lateral end ~fthe eyebrow, in the depression directly superior to Vll-1. Or virtual eyebrow. - NRG


;@"IVI-15 ~

~VI-16 ~VI-17


VI-19 ~VI-20



~VI-23 ~



VII-1 VII-2 VII-3 VII-4 VII-S VII-6 VH-7 VII-8 VU-9 VIl-10 VII-II VIl-12

VII-13 Vli-1.4 VII-IS VII-16 VII-17 Vll-18 VII-19 VII-20

VII-21 Vll-22 VII-23 VII-24 VII-25

VII-26 VII-27 VII-28 VII-29 VII-30 VII-31

Vll-32 VII-33 VII-34 Vll-35



In the depression just lateral to the orbital rim, at the level of the lateral canthus. Just, just offthe bone, not too far out. -NRG On the posterior margin ofthe.~ndyle of the mandible, anterior to the inferior border of the tragus. When the mouth is opened, a depression appears at this poif\t. · . Anterior to•the ear,. immediately superior to)the zygomatic arch, s1,1perior to VII-2. On the temple, Yz ACI posterior to the natural hair line, I ACI inferior to XI-8 __ . . _. On the temple, ~ACI posteriorto.the.natural~irline, o.ne thir4 ofthe,c;listance froq~ VII-4 toVU-7. .. On the temple, ~ ACI post~rior to the n~tl!ral~Jair line, two third o(th~ distance from VU-4 to VIl-7. On the temple, ~ ACI. posterior to. the natural hairiine, at the levelof'the apex of the pinna, ~proximately l ACI anterior to and slightly inferior to VI-20. '· · On the head, l ACI directly superior to VI-20. . . ; . On the head,.~ACI posterior to VII 8 andi ACI superior to the natural hair line. _, ..· . . On the head, posterior and slightly superior~tC. ~he ear, 1ACI posterior to the natural hair line, at t~e level of the _. : _ . _. superior edge of the root of the ear. On the head, posterior to the ear, mid-way between VII 10 and VII 12. . . On the hem( within tJte angle fonned by. the posterior border of the mastoid, process and the inferior edge of the occipital bone when the head is tilted forwards. .·. On the head, ~ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, on a vertical line superior to the latera( canthus. On the forehead,· 1 ACI superior to.. the supra-orbital notch, which is found, in the middle of~e eyebrow:. On the head, ~ ACl ~tedor to the,natural hair line, on a ~cal line. superior to the middle of the pupil when the eye is looking straight ahead. · · On the head, l~ ACI posterior the Vll-15. On the head,. tACI posterior to.VII-16. On the head, 1~ ACI posterior to VII-17. ., . . __ • . -. • . . On the head, lateral to the el®nllll occip~ p~ce, 1~ .1\CI superior to vti-20. · . . . _ .·. __ . ..... . On the head, inferior tot 1\e occipital bone, in the cenu.-e of the depression b~t~ the exteni,atoccipital protuberance and the rnastiod process. superior to ~e natural hair line and lateral to the bqrder' o(the._trapeiius, · .. .· . . . On the shoulder, mid-way between.te spfu..~ process of:the Se\l!lllth ~rvical vertebra and the lateral tip of the clavicle, upon the anterio.r boqjer of the .ttapezius. inJine with VI-15 and II-13. On a vertical line lo.eated halfway between-Sf I I and lhe medial border of~ scapula. - NRG. · In the fourth interCostal spaCe, on the mid-aXillary line. · In the fourth intercostal space, 1 ACl .medial to Vll-Z2. ln·the seventh intercostal spaCe, on th~ ~ nipple.line, ~W,proximatetY leVel with CV-13. On the lateral surfilce ofthe abdomen; at the anterior tip ofthe ~lfth rib. . · .. . . . . On the lateral surfilce ofthe itbd!lltleJl. at th~ .illtersection ofthe yertical;Iine pas~ing tllrougb VIII-13 (or the anterior . tip of the eleventh rib).,and -e. ho~tal~ passfu..g thro11gh the center.ot"the umbilicw;. On the hip inferior and slightly posterior to the 'anterior superior iliac spine, on level with CV-4. On the hip, mid-way between Vll-27 and Vll-29. . . . . . · On the hip, mid-way between the anterior superior iliac spine and the prominence of the greater troehaitter. On the lateral surface of the hip, posterior to the prominence of the greater trochanter. On the lateral surface of the thigh. 6 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between vastus lateralis and bicepts femoris. NOTE: the distance from the medial extremity of the knee crease to the medial extremity of the groin is 13 ACI. On the lateral surface of the thigh. S ACI proximal to the flexure ofthe knee, between the vastus lateralis and the biceps femoris. · On the laterat surface of the leg, between the lateral condyle of the femur and the lateral condyle of the tibia. On the lateral surface of the leg, 14 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral maUeolus, anterior and just distal to the head of the fibula. On the lateral surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, posterior to the edge of the fibula, ~ ACI posterior to GB 36.







"'~U-37 ~II-38

l@>\'U-39 1~11-40



~vii-43 ~


On the lateral surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. With the body supine

and the knee semi flexed, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula On the lateral surface of the leg, 5 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. With the body supine and the knee semiflexed, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula. On the lateral surface of the leg, 4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus: With the body supine .and the knee semiflexed, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula. On the lateral surface of the leg, 3ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus; With the body supine and the knee semiflexed, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula . · .In the hollow anterior to the lateral malleolus, posterior to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus. - ~­ On the dorsal surfaceofthefoot, in the angle between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, just proximal to the head of the fourth metatarsal bone. On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the fourth and fifth toes, just distal to the base of the proximal plalanx of the fourth toe. Lateral nail point ofthe fourth toe.


195 /~

LIVER- VIII NOTE: The distance from the medial malleolus to the medial extremity of the knee crease is 15 ACL Vl£I-I VIII-2 VIII-3 Vlll-4 VUI-5 VUl-6


Vill-13 VIII-14

Lateral nail point of the big toe. On the dprsal surface ofthe foot, between thebig toe and the second toe, just distal to the base ofthe proximal phalanx of the qig toe. . . On the dorsal surface ofthe foot, in the anglebetween the first and second metatarsal bon¢5. ·· At the ariterior flexure ofthe ankle, between the tendons of the tibialis anterior an"tl the ex~nsor haUucis longus. On the medial surface ofthe leg, 6 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia. · · · On the medial surface of the leg, 8 ACI prox_imal to the prominence of the medial mallerilus, posterior to the edge of the tibia · On the medial surface of the leg, 12 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial maUeolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia. On the medial surface of the knee, posterior the medial condyle of the tibia; close to the extremity of the crease formed when the knee is tlexed. On the medial surface of the thigh 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between sartorius and vastus medialis. On the anterior surface of the thigh, lateral to adductor longus, just medial to the femoral artery, 1 ACI distal to the ·flexure ofthe groin · · On the fle)Wre of the groin, just lateral to the femoral artery. On the flexure of the groin, 2 ACI lateral to the mid-line of the pubic symphysis. At the anterior tip of the eleventh rib. And slightly inferior to the tip. - NRG On the inferior edge of the thoracic cage, on the pai-amedian nipple line. The point lies at the level half-way between CV-11 and CV-12. .









IX-1 ~IX-2 ~IX-3

,_ IX-4 Aiiliiii.[X-5

~IX-6 ~lX-7

IX-8 .~IX~9 lX-10 ~


On the chest, on a level with the space between the first and second ribs, 1.6 ACI inferior to IX-2. On the chest, in.the depressio11 which is found inferi()r to the clavicle and medial to the apex of the coracoid proctess. On the anterolateral surface of the arm, on the lateral border o.t' the biceps, 6 ACI proximal tp the flexure of the elbow with the extended. To find, the arm must be extended an4 rotated laterally at the shoulder joint, and the forearm fully supinated (ie, in anatomical position). Have.patientjlex arni to find lateral edge of muscle. - NR,G. On the ~!Qterolateral surface of the arm, on the lateral border. ofthe biceps, 5 ACI proximal to the tlexlJre of the elbow with the arm extended. To fmd; the arm mu5t be extended and rotated laterally at the shoulder jo.int, and the forearm fully supinated (ie, in anatomical position). Have patient flex arm to find lateral edge of muscle. - NRG On the elbow crease, approxifnately .1. AC! lateral to the tend01;1 of the biceps. Follow down into depression from the lateraledge.ofthe biceps mUscle when semijle:xed. - NRG . . · .· · On the anterior surface ofthe forearm, 7 ACI proximal to IX9, lateral to the flexor Ca.rpi radialis. On the anterior surface of the forearm 2 ACI proximal to IX-9; jilst lateral to the radial artery. On the anterior~!lrface ofthe foreart11; 1 ACI proximal to IX 9, upon the radial ~rtery ... On the crease of the flexure of the wrist, between the radius arid the scaphoid bone, upon the r~dial artery. On the palmar.surfaee ofthe hand, midway along the ulnar side ofthe first metacarpal bone. On the high point ofthe mound, notjustoffthe bone. ,.NRG · · Radial nailpoint of the thumb~· ·







Radial nail point ofthe index fmger. . . . . . On the posterolateral surface of the indexfmger,just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx. · . ·On the dorsal surfiiceof the. band, immediately proximal and radial to thehead of the second metacarpal.· . On the dorsal surface of the hand, in the angle.between the proxiinal ends of the firs,t and second.metacarpal bones. On the ra4ial edge of the wrist, betwee~ the styloid process ofth radius md the ba5e ofthe scaphoid bo,ne, 'between the extensor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis breviS, in the anatomi~l snuffbox. Can lift thumb to find hollow. - NRG ' . . .


NOTE:X-6 to X-10 are found offthe bone; on the radial border of extensor digitorum: With the ann folded across the body, palm facing the chest, the muscle can be palpated with the wrist extended. :some of these points are Very near tlie TB Channel. These points are measured from the flexure of the wris~ near VI-4, not X-5. - NRG .· X-6 X-7 X-8 X-9


X-12 X-13 X-14

X-15 X-16

X-17 X-18 X-19 X-20

On the posterior ra4ial surface of the forearm, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure ofthe wrist, al~ng the radius .. With the anterior surface of the forearm ~s the chest, the point ulnar to the radw edge of the radius. *See note above.· On the pOsterior radial surtace of the fOrearm, 7 ACiproxirnal to the flel(JJI'e of the wriSt. ·Witli thC anteriol." surface of the fureann across the chest, the point lies on the radial border of extensor digit~ruin. '*See tibie above. . On the posterior radial surface of the forearm, 8 ACI proximal to the .flexure of the wrist ·With the anterior surface of the fureann across the chest, the point lies on the radial border of extensor digitorum. *See note above. On the posterior radial surface ofthe forearm, 9 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist With the anterior surface of the foreann across the chest, the point lies on the radial border of extensor digitorum. *See note above. . On the posterior radial surface pfthe forearm, 10 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist With the anterior surface . of the fureann aciross the chest,. the point lies on the radial border of extensor digitoruin. *See note above. On the posterior radial surface of the forearm,. With the anterior surface of the furearm across the Chest, point lies between the lateral end of the elbow crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. On· the lateral surface of the arm, 2 ACI proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. On the lateral surface of the arm, 3!h ACI proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. On the anterolateral surface of the arm, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow, on the distal border of the ·v· of the insertion of the deltoid. On the lateral surface ofthe shoulder, distal.to the acromioclavicular joint, in the concavity between the acromion and the greater tubercle of the humerus, formed when the arm is abducted. In the depression between the acromial end of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula. Distal to this actually, in the depr~ssionjust on top ofthe bone, above X-15. - NRG On the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, approximately l ACI inferior to X 18. Between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid, alateral to, and on a level with, the middle ofthe laryngeal prominence, and XI 9. Half-way between the inferior border of the nose and the.edge of the upper lip, Y2 ACI medial to the nasolabial fold. On the face. 1 fen lateral to the alum. ( 10 fen = I ACI). Found in the depression where the nasolabial grove meets the nose. - NRG











XI-2 Xl-3

~ ~ ~


.XI-S Xl-6

i., XI-7 ~





~ ~

On the cheek, immediately superior to the infra-orbital foramen, on the inferio~ .border of the orbit, .in line with the centre of the pupil with the eye looking straight ahead. On the cheek, in the depression of the infra-orbital foramen, 3 fen inferior to the inferior edge of the orbit. . On the. zygomatic bone, directly inferior to the infra-orbital foramen, at the level of the inferior borderofthe alum of the nose. · . · · · · ·· __4 fen ~ral to, and level with, the angle of the mouth. . On the-inferior border of the mandible, anterior to the masseter, in the depression ofthe facial artery. In notch on the bone. -JBW .· ··"··· •... _.·. . . 4 fen anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible, in.the depression between the two bellies of the masseter. In the,dep~sion which is inferior to the zygomatic arch and anterior to the condyle of the mandible. When the mouth is opened wide this depression disappears. · On the head, Yz ACI poster~or and superior to the natural hair line, at the superior comer ofthe forehead. Located straight up from the outer ct:tnthus ofthe eye. - NRG ·· . On the anterior surfuce of the neck, upon the carotid artery, at the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid at the level of the laryngeal prominence~ level' with X 18 and IT 16. . .

NOTE: The distance from the AC joint to suprasternal notCh is 8 ACL The ST line curves in to accommodate the barreling of the chest. It is usually found on the nipple line, but near XI-12 and XI-13-it is more medial, 4 ACI .from the midline. - NRG


On the ant~orborder of the stemaocleidomastoid, at the levelofthe cricoid cartilage, approximately I ACI inferior




XI-11 Xl•l2 XI-13 XI-14 XI-15 XI-16 XI-17 XI-18






Superior to the clavicle, between the two heads of the stemocleidomastod, 2 ACI lateral to the median line. In the center of the supraclavieular fossa, 4ACIIateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple l_ine. On the inferior edge ofthe cl;tvicl¢, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple lin~. In the first intercostal spaee, 4 ACI latel'al to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. In the second intereostal space, 4 ACllateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. In the third intercostal space, 4 ACI lateral t() the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. In the centre of the nipple. In the fifth intercostal space, 4 ACilateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line.

NOTE: The distance from the median line to the medial border of the anterior superior illiac spine is 4 ACL

Xl-19 XI-20

XI-21 XI-22 XI-23 XI-24

XI-25 XI-26 Xl-27 XI-28

XI-29 XI-30

On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the me4ian line, 6 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, level ofCV-14. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 5 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, level ofCV-13. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 4 ACI superior to the level ofthe umbilicus, level ofCV-12. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 3 ACI superior to the level ofthe umbilicus; level ofCV-ll. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 2 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, level ofCV-10. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, I ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, level of CV-9. On the abdomen, 3 ACIIateral to the median line, at the level of the centre of the umbilicus, on the lateral edge of rectus abdominis. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, l ACI inferior to the level of the umbilic~, at the level ofCV-7. On the abdomen, 3 ACIIateral to the median line, 2 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level ofCV-5. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 3 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level ofCV-4. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, 4 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level ofCV-3. On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the superior edge of the pubic symphysis, at the level ofCV-2. .


.. NOTE: The distance from the medial extremity of the knee crease to the medial extremity ofthe groin is l3 ACL


XI-32 Xl-33 Xl-34

XI-35 Xl-36

XI-37 XI-38 Xl-39

XI-40 XI-41 XI-42 XI-43 Xl-44 Xl-45

On the anterior surfaee of the thigh, 13 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between vastus lateralis and rectus· femoris. . . . . On the anterior surface ofthe thigh, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between vastus lateralis and rectus femoris. With the toes pointed up, this isfoumlat the intersection ofthe right (mg/eformed by the lateral and frontal planes. - NRG . ·. On the antesior surface of the thigh, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between \iastus lateralis and rectus· . femoris. ·: · · · On the anterior surface of the thigh, 4 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between vastus lateralis and rectus femoris. . . . .·.. . · ·· · . . . .. On the anterior surface of the knee, between the patella and the tibia, lateral to the pa:tellar tendon. When the knee is flexed, a depression appears at this point. . . · . · · ·. · · · On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the edge ()fthe tibia. In the depression where the tibia jUst begins to flare out, comingfrom the bottom.. - NRG. Put bolster lmder legs to allow muscles to hang offbone. - JS · On the anterior surface rifthe leg 10 ACI proximal to the levelofthe.lateral inalle61us,lateral to the edge of the tibia. On the anterior surface of the leg 8 ACI proximal to the level of the lateral inatleolus,lateral.to the edge of the tibia. On the anterior surface of the leg 7 ACI proximal to the level of the lateral mall~lus, late~al to the edge ofthe tibia. On the anterol8teral surface of the leg, 8 ACI proXimal to the level of the prominence of the lateral melliolwl, on the. lateral edge oftibialis anterior, at the level ofXI-38. · .· · ·· · At the middle of the anterior flexure o(tqe ankle, between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and the . extensor hallucis longus. Flex the big toe, Jli1i lateral to the prominent tendon, usually ha/foay between the lateral . . . . .. . and medial edges ofthe foot. - NRG On tbe dorsal surface of~ fQOt, in the concaVity at the meeting of the navicular, lateral cuneiform and intermediate cuneifonri bones. 'F.ound halfway between XI-41 and XJ-43. - NRG · On the dorsal surface ofthe foot, in the angle oetween the second and third metatarsal bon~. On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the second and third toes, just distal to the baSe ofthe proximal phalanx of the second toe. Lateral nail point of the second toe.

-· 200



Xll-2 .~Xll-3 Xll-4

~XII-5 (a.


~XU-7 .~XU-8

r@,}(ll-9 ~XII-10

,--. XII-11

Medial nail point of the big toe. On the medial edge of the big toe, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx. On the medial edge of the foot, just proximal to the head of the ftrSt metatarsal bone. On the medial edge ofthef00t, just distal to the proximal end of the ftrSt metatarsal bone. In the hollow anterior to the medial malleolus, posterior to the tendon of the tibalis anterior. On the medial surface of the leg, 4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the_edge of the tibia. · -~ On the medial surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence ofthe medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia. . On the medial surface of the leg, 9 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia. · On the medial surface of the .leg, on the posterior edge of the tibia. ln the depression where the tibiajlist begins to flare out, coming from the bottom. - NRG ·· · On the anterior surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, in the ~niddle of the belly of the vastus medialis. On the anterior surface of the thigh, 9 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, on the anterior border of sartorius.

F""'- NOTE: the distance from median line to the medi.al. border of the ~terior su~erior iliac spine is 4 ACI.

~ XII-12 ~


ra XII-14 i~

XU-15 XII-16

On the flexure of the groin, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 4 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, on a level with CV-3. . . . On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 3 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, level with CV-4. .· On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 1 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, level with CV-7. . On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line, at.the level of the celltre of the umbilicus and CV-8; .. On the abd~men, 4 ACl.lateral to the median line and 2Y2 ACisupedor: to the level of the umbilicus, at the level half. way be~n.CY~IO and qr~n. on the paramedian nipple line. . . . .

/~ Remove pillow from under head to find chest points. - JS .

~ ~

XII-17 XII-18 XII-19





On the thorax, in the fifth intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median line. On the thorax, in the fourth intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median line. On the thorax,in the third intercostal space, 6 ACI la~eral to themedian line. On the thorax, in the second intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median line. On the thorax, in the sixth intercostal space, on the mid-axillary line.


CONCEPTION VESSEL The distance from CV·IS to CV·16 is often I ACI. This can help with the location ofeitlier point. -JS

On the center of the perineum. . , .. . . ·. On the anterior median line. just superior to the superior edge of the pubic symphysis; S ACI iriferior to the umbilicus. · · ·· · · · · ·· . On the anterior niediari linC, 4 ACI Inferior to the umbilicus. CV·J On the anterior median line, 3 ACI inferior to the umbilicus. ·· CV-4 cv.s On the anterior medianliri8, 2 ACI hlferior to the unibilieus. On the anterior median line, 1Yz ACI inferior to the umbilicus. CV-6 On the anterior median line, 1· ACI inferior to the umbilicus. CV-7 In the centre of the umbilicus. . . CV-IJ On the anterior median line, 1 ACI silpericii" to the umbilii:us. CV-9 CV-10 On the l!llterior median line, 2 ACI superior to the umbilicus. On the anterior median line, 3 ACI superior to the umbilicus. CV-11 CV-12 oai the l!llterior median line, 4 ACI superior to the umbilicus. 00: tlie anterior Median line, s ACI superior to the uinbilicils. CV-13 . CV-14 On the anterior median line. 6 ACI superior to the umbilicus. CV-14Yz 114 ACI below CV-15. It Is very close to CV-15, lilie a lear drop hanging offojif -NRG CV-15 On the an.terior median line, at the inferior tip of the xiphoid process. CV-i6 On the anterior median line. 8 ACI superior to tlie wribilicus, at the xiphisternal joint Remove pillow from under head to ftird cllest points. - JS CV-17 CV-18 CV-19 CV-20 CV-21 CV-22

CV-23 CV-24

On the ant~ median line, 1.6 ACisupeiior to Cv.:.t6, at the leVel of the foUrth g.;teri:ostal space,' itw~:l with IV




On the anterior inedian line, 1.6 'ACI'superior to. -t7,''at the level oftlle'third inte(CoSfBI level with IV 24: , On the anterior median line. 1.6 ACI superior to CV-18, 'at the lCVel ofthe 11eoond intercOstal space, level with IV 25.

On the anterior median line, 1.6 ACI superior to CV-19, at the level ofthe first intercostal space, level with IV 26. On the anterior median line, in the suprasternal notch. · ' '· · · On the anterior median line. 1.6 ACI (about the distance between rib spaces:. NRG) superior to CV-21, inferior to the circoid cartilage. Offthe cartilage. - NRG . · On the anterior median line, dire(:tty inferior to the hyoid bone. •· :' • · ·· On the anterior median line, in thC depression betWeen' the point of the chin and the lower lip.




NOTE: The distance from the intervertebral depression between the fU'St and second cervical vertebra and the point between the medial extremities of the eyebrows (GV-24.5) on the anterior median line is 15 ACL GV-1

GV-2 GV-3 GV-4

GV-5 GV-6 GV-7 GV-8

GV-9 GV-10



GV-12 GV-13 GV-14 GV-15 GV-16

GV-17 GV-18 """ . GV-19 GV-20 ~


~ ~ ~


GV-21 GV-22 GV-23 GV-24 GV-25 GV-26 GV-27

On the posterior. median line at the tip orthe coccyx. Very slightly anterior the tip. - NRG On the posterior' median line, at the scarococeygeal articulation. On the posterior median line, in the depression between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. On the posterior median line, in the depression between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. On the posterior median line, in the depression between the fU'St and second lumbar vertebrae. . On the posterior median line, in the depression between the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior median line, in "the depression between the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior median line, In the depression between the ninth and tenth thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior, median line, in ..the depression betwee!]. the seventh and eighth thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior. median line, in the depression between the six and seventh thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior median line, .in the depression between the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior median line, in the depression between the third and fourth thoracic vertebrae. On the posterior median line, in the'depression between the first and l!econd thoracic vertebrae. On the p.

~ I
