Specification of Cyclopean Concrete

Cyclopean Concrete Discription Cyclopean concrete shall be constructed with a mixture of a 60% plain concrete and 40% la

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Cyclopean Concrete Discription Cyclopean concrete shall be constructed with a mixture of a 60% plain concrete and 40% large stones (variable size between 10 and 25 centimeters). Concrete shall be proportioned tp 200 kg cement per 1 m3. The plain concrete to be used in this job shall have a minimum resistence of 180 kg/cm2 on the 28th day the materials should be saturated before creating the mixture. Stony materials will comply with the ASTM standard and dosage will be according to concrete design. In the first step, the contractor shall apply a plain concrete layer of 15 centimeter depth and subsequently a layer of stone shall be placed manually on top. The spaces between the stones will not be less than 5 centimeters in any of the rows and from structure adges. The next step is to place another layer of plain concrete and the same procedure is followed until the desired height is reached.

Materials Plain Concrete Plain concrete results from mixing coarse, arid materials of up to 5 cm in diameter (nominal) and fine, arid materials joined by a paste of water and cement. To obtain good, strong, long-lasting and cheap concrete, the following items should be closely monitored: 

Material Quality

Dosage of components

Management,placing and concrete setting

The dosage of plain concrete varies in accordance with the type of work that its's going to be used on:

The concrete shall be mix by mechanical vibration, except for small amounts (less that 100 kg) that can be made by hand. The dosage will be made by weight, using a platform scale that allows putting a wheelbarrow of aggregate on it. The concrete prepared in a mechanical vibration will be mixed at least for the time indicated in the following table:

Large stones for cyclopean concrete The large stone for cyclopean concrete shall come from quarries or collection banks that must be clean, granitoid or sandstone. Stones of between 10 cm to 25 cm in diameter shall be used for this type of concrete. The stone shall not exceed more than 50% of the concrete component. The stone will be solid, resistant and long-lasting, free of organic matter or clay residues. It was be homogeneous, with uniform color and will be free of cracking or crevices, or other flaws that would reduce its strength. The size of the stones shall not surpass 25% of the smallest dimension on the structure to be built. It is unacceptable to indicate that humidity reduces the strength, and for that reason porous stone assays shall be done by saturation and without localized efflorescences.

Waterstop Waterstop is made by PVCand used for construction joints and continous connections of concrete with each size and different shape as required construction requirements. Usually used for connection between floor concrete. wall with floor, and for continous connection of concrete. Waterstop PVC is a special material with good flexibility such as rubber and is fitted to concrete joints that are tight and it can hold the flow of water entering the concrete connection.

Centre bulb sections are used in expansion, constraction and cunstruction joints. The centre bulb allows for movements in structure to be accommodate whilst its hexagonal design provides a flat surface. Waterstop properties Hydrostatic head Joint movement Tensile Strength Elongation at break Hardness

: : : : :

Up to 10 m Up to 10 mm Minimum 14 MN/m2 Minimum 300% Shore 'A' 80 - 90

Woven Geotextiles Woven Geotextiles are some of the strongest fabrics available for erosion control, stabilization and aggregate separation. Offering an increased grab tensile strength, woven geotextile fabrics offer a robust design that allows them to be successfully implemented in almost any location, including the following: 





Rip rap

Woven Geotextile Fabric is constructed through the blending and weaving fibers. The result is a product that is not only strong, but also remarkably well equipped to handle drainage and erosion control problems. Description Nominal Mass Grab Tensile Strength Grab Elongation Wide Width Tensile Strength Wide Width Elongation Puncture Resistance Coefficient of Permeability Effective opening size Roll Width Roll Length

Test Method ASTM D5261-92 ASTM D4632-91 ASTM D4632-91 ASTM D5035-2003 ASTM D5035-2003 ASTM D4833-95 100 mm Constant

Units Gr/m2 N % kN/m % N L/m2/sec Mm M M

Value K-150 1813 23 35 23.5 284 26 0.4 4 200

Stone Masonry a) Stone i.

Stones should be clean, hard, without cracked parts.


The stone should be flat, or oval in shape, and can be placed lock each other when istallation.


The range of stone size is between diameter 15-30 cm

All stone used for this work shoul be hard,uniform in texture, locally the best available from the nearest quarry or elsewhere approved by the site engineer / supervisor. Stone shall be fairly regular in size and every stone shall be fitted to the adjacent stones. No stones shall be less than15 cm in size.

b) Sand i.

Sand must consist of clean material, sharp and free from organic materials, silt, clay.

c) Cement i.

Portland cement conforming to Indonesian Portland cement regulation NI-8 or ASTM C-150 type 1.

d) Water i.

Water shall be clean and free from deleterious metter such as oil,acid, alkali, salt and vegetable growth.

Rock and Boulders Excavation Rock excavation shall be defined as the excavation of all hard, compacted or cemented materials that requires blasting or the use of ripping and excavating equipment larger than defined for common excavation. The excavation and removal of isolated boulders or rock fragments larger than one Excavation Support and Protection A. Excavation shall comprise and include the satisfactory loosening, removing, loading, transporting, depositing, and compacting in the final location all materials, wet and dry. Necessary to be removed for propose of installation of the permanent excavations and such other purposes as indicated on the drawings.