Speakout Writing Extra Elementary Unit 11

11 WRITING EXTRA ELEMENTARY UNIT 11 3 adverbs Complete the text with the adverb form of the adjectives in the box.

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Complete the text with the adverb form of the adjectives in the box. unhealthy easy slow (x2) careful quick fast healthy good hard

WRITING TIP We use adverbs of manner to help give an exact description of how we do things or of how things happen. We put adverbs aer the verb and aer the object. Paul drove the car quickly. He looked at me sadly. Remember that some adverbs are irregular: I can speak Japanese well. (NOT good ) I walked home fast. (NOT fastly) I studied hard before my exam. (NOT hardly)


Form the adverb from the adjective in brackets. Then rewrite the sentence with the adverb. 1 He ate lunch. (slow) 2 Jane closed the door. (loud) 3 I understand your opinion. (perfect) 4 Rob did his homework. (bad) 5 Rebecca speaks French. (good) 6 Laura cleaned her glasses. (careful) 7 Frances walked home. (quick)

I’ve got a problem and I need some help. I’m stressed, unhappy about my appearance and unhappy about my diet. I have a job and a family and I’m tired all the to get healthy, time. I’m trying 1 but nothing I do makes a difference. Can you help me?


It’s easy to live 2 when you’re busy, but make small changes to feel you can 3 . better 4 To feel less stressed, try breathing. Breathing 5 can help you forget about stress and and 6 relax. To feel healthier, you should walk 7 and take the stairs instead of taking the lift. You should stand up from your desk for 15 minutes every hour and go for a walk around , you’ll start to feel better. the office. 8 Eating 9 doesn’t have to be expensive and you to make healthy food. don’t have to cook 10 Try cooking simple meals with a just a few fresh ingredients that all your family will enjoy. Chicken, broccoli and peppers can make a delicious stir-fry, and if you have extra, you can eat it for lunch the next day. Remember small changes can make a big difference, but it’s never too late to get healthy!


8 Rachel is playing the piano. (quiet)



Complete the texts with adverbs using the words in brackets. Sarah got up and had breakfast 1 , (quick). It was Monday morning. She looked at her watch 2 , (sad) she was late for work. She put on her clothes 3 (bad) and ran for the door. Sarah got on her bike and rode 4 (dangerous) down the road and nearly had an accident. She stopped. ‘Take your time!’ she said to herself. She rode 5 (careful) and 6 (slow) for the rest of her journey to work. Mr Baxter opened the classroom door 7 (nervous). It was his first day teaching in a new school, so he really wanted his first class to go 8 (good). The children were talking 9 (noisy) but they started to be quiet when they saw their new teacher. Mr Baxter wrote his name on the whiteboard 10 (clear). When he said ‘good morning’, the children answered 11 (lazy) – nobody wakes up 12 (easy) on a Monday morning!

Read the problem below and write a reply. Hi, I’ve got a huge problem and need some help! Last year my best friend and I decided to go to New York together this autumn. Now I’ve got a new boyfriend and he’s just bought us tickets to go to Paris the same weekend. I don’t know what to do. I want to go to Paris with my boyfriend but my friend is really excited and I don’t want to make her angry! What should I do? Jemima

Plan your writing • Think about what advice you’re going to give Jemima. Give her at least two pieces of advice and tell her not to worry. Check your writing • Did you use adverbs of manner to describe how Jemima should follow your advice? • Did you check your grammar and spelling? • Did you find any mistakes?

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