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Modern Web Application Development Single Page Application Development using AngularJS JavaScript Overview Static Page:

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Modern Web Application Development Single Page Application Development using AngularJS JavaScript Overview Static Page: The web isn’t always as responsive as it could be. You would expect entering data in a web page would generate some sort of response… but nothing happened. Interaction is two-way communication. But JavaScript Talks Back. JS turns a web page into an interactive. JavaScript brings a web page to life by allowing it to respond to a user’s input. JS can turn a web page interactive application as opposed to a static, life less page. Example:

Modern Web Page JS sits with HTML and CSS as one of three pieces of Modern Web Page Construction.  HTML provides the Structure  CSS adds the Style  JS puts the action (injection functional sizzle, allowing the page to take action). JS springs into action when the user asks the page to perform a task. Your Web browser can handle HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Alerting the user the with a function. JS alert() function and passing it the text you want to display. JS alert() is a pop-up window, or box, that you can use to display information to the user. Functions are reusable piece of code that perform common tasks. Data Types: JS uses three basic data types: text, number, and boolean. var variablename = initial value; // variable names use CamelCase lowerCamelCase is used to name multiWord variables. the first word is all lowercase, but additional words are mixed-case. const constantname = constant value; A piece of data is undefined when it has no value. X = NaN;  NaN is a value that isn’t a number even though you’re expecting the value to be one. parseInt() and parseFloat() converts text to a number. Use getElementById() to grab the data from your Web page. The key to accessing a web page element with JavaScript is the id attribute of the HTML tag:

The id attribute is what you use to access the form field in JavaScript code The id attribute uniquely identifies any element in a page. The name attribute uniquely identifies a field within a form.

isNan() function Client’s window width and height The client window is only the part of the browser window that displays a web page. document.body.clientWidth document.body.clientHeight Script Life Cycle 1. The browser is launched 2. User enters URL in address bar 3. The page is loaded from the web server – HTML, CSS, JS and all 4. The onLoad event fires, JavaScript variables are created and initiated. 5. The user closes the browser or reloads the page 6. The script stops, JS cleans up all variables, and the page is closed. Scope of variables: Global Variables  data can be seen everywhere in a script

Local Variables  limited to specific block of code, such as a function Arrays stores multiple pieces of data in a single place. var showtime = new Array(); showtime*0+ = “12:30”; var showTime = *“12:30”, “2:45”, “5:00”, “7:00”+; Functions function name() { body } Passing information to functions: function name(arguments) { body } Returning data from functions: return value; Callback Functions: Which are called by the browser, instead of your own code. The most common use of callback functions is in handling events.

Using Function References You can assign a function reference directly in a JS code. window.onload = initSeats; // There are no parantheses following the function name because you don’t want to run the function; you just want to reference it. Anonymous Functions: It is a nameless function that handles the event. window.load = function() { initSeats(); } document.getElementById(“seat26”).onclick = function(evt) , showStatus(26); } An event object is passed into event handler, in this case evt argument. The event object contains information specific to each different event. Regular Expressions A regular expression is used to match patterns in text. Pattern involves physical attributes of a person. Pattern = Tall, no glasses, short hair. The pattern describes physical properties of a person that are then matched against actual people. Regular expressions allow you to do the same kind of pattern matching with strings. A text pattern involves a certain sequence of characters. Pattern = #####  This pattern involves a sequence of exactly five numeric digits. All Regular Expressions are enclosed by forward slashes. / expression / Within the expression, a collection of special symbols known as metacharacters are used in conjunction with letters and numbers. (dot) . Any character other than a new line \d Any numeric digit \w Any alphanumeric character \s A whitespace character

^ String must begin with the pattern (The string being matched can’t have any text preceding the pattern) $ The String must end with the pattern. (The pattern must be the very last characters in the string). Examples: /./ (Any Single Character) “A” or “%” or “7” /\w/ (Any Alphanumeric) “A” or “7” /\d/ (A single digit) “7” or “2nite” or “catch22” /^\d/ (One digit at the beginning of a string) “7” or “007” or “2nite” /\d\d$/ (Two digits at the end of a string) “catch22” /\d\d\d/ (Three digits in a row) “007” /^cat/ (cat appearing at the beginning of a string) “catch22” /cat$/ (cat appearing at the end of a string) “incat” /^\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d$/

Quantifiers precede within a regular expression, and provide control over how many times a subpattern appears in a pattern. {n} sub-pattern must appear exactly n times in a row. * sub-pattern is optional and can appear any number of times ? sub-pattern is optional, but can only appear once if does appear + sub-pattern is required, and can appear any number of times () used to group together sub-patterns much as you group together mathematical expns Examples /^\d{5}-\d{4}$/ /\w*/ /.+/ /(Hot)? ?Donuts/

A zip code pattern. Matches any number of alphanumeric characters, including an empty string Any character must appear one or more times… matches a non-empty string Matches either “Donuts” or “Hot Donuts”

Validating data with regular expression var regex = /^\d{5}$/; The regular expression matches a 5-digit ZIP code. $: This object literal automatically creates a RegEx object. If(!regex.test(inputField.value)) // The zip code is invalid Date pattern: MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY /^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{2,4}$/ Phone Number pattern: \^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/ Email: /^\w+@\w+\.\w{2,3}$/ Creating space with DIV In order to display description on the page instead of alert box, we first need to define a physical area on the page as an HTML element. should work fine for description text appears as its own paragraph.

innerHTML is used to set the content on the page. document.getElementById(“sometext”).innerHTML = “You are not alone”; The DOM sees a web page as a hierarchical tree of nodes. Your page is a collection of DOM nodes. DOM nodes are classified according to their node types.

Climbing the DOM tree with properties: nodeValue  The value stored in a node, only for text and attribute nodes (note elements) nodeType  The type of a node, such as DOCUMENT or TEXT, but expressed as a number. childNodes  Arrays containing all of the child nodes beneath a node, in the order that the nodes appear in the HTML code. firstChild  The first child node beneath a node. lastChild  The last child node beneath a node. Document.getElementById(“sometext”).nodeValue

Objects link variables (properties) and functions (methods) together inside a storage container. The dot operator references a property or method from an object A constructor is responsible for creating an object. Every custom object requires its own constructor, which is named the same as the object. Example: Write a constructor for a Blog object that creates and initializes properties for the date and body text of a blog entry. Function Blog(body, date) { this.body = body; = date; } var blogEntry = new Blog(“Got the new cube”, “08/04/2013”); An Object class is a template, while an object instance is the thing created from the template. Defining Objects: function Card(name, address, work, home) { = name; this.address = address; this.workphone = work; this.homephone=home; } Defining a Object method function PrintCard() { line1 = "Name: "+ + "
\n"; line2 = "Address: " + this.address + "
\n"; line3 = "Work Phone: " + this.workphone + "
\n"; line4 = "Home Phone: " + this.homephone + "\n"; document.write(line1, line2, line3, line4); }

You now have a function that prints a card, but it isn't officially a method of the Card object. The last thing you need to do is make PrintCard() part of the function definition for Card objects. Here is the modified function definition: function Card(name,address,work,home) { = name; this.address = address; this.workphone = work; this.homephone = home; this.PrintCard = PrintCard; }

The following statement creates a new Card object called tom:

tom = new Card("Tom Jones", "123 Elm Street", "555-1234", "555-9876"); tom.PrintCard();

Extending Built-In Objects:

JavaScript includes a feature that enables you to extend the definitions of built-in objects. For example, if you think the String object doesn't quite fit your needs, you can extend it, adding a new property or method. This might be very useful if you were creating a large script that used many strings. You can add both properties and methods to an existing object by using the prototype keyword. (A prototype is another name for an object's definition, or constructor function.) The prototype keyword enables you to change the definition of an object outside its constructor function. As an example, let's add a method to the String object definition. You will create a method called heading, which converts a string into an HTML heading. The following statement defines a string called title: title = "Fred's Home Page";

This statement would output the contents of the title string as an HTML level 1 heading: document.write(title.heading(1));

Listing 6.4 adds a heading method to the String object definition that will display the string as a heading, and then displays three headings using the method. Listing 6.4. Adding a Method to the String Object

Test of heading method

First, you define the addhead() function, which will serve as the new string method. It accepts a number to specify the heading level. The start and stop variables are used to store the HTML "begin header" and "end header" tags, such as and . After the function is defined, use the prototype keyword to add it as a method of the String object. You can then use this method on any String object or, in fact, any JavaScript string. This is demonstrated by the last three statements, which display quoted text strings as level 1, 2, and 3 headers. function Name(first,last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; }

You can add additional properties to an object you have created just by assigning them: Fred.middle = "Clarence";

Properties you add this way apply only to that instance of the object, not to all objects of the type. A more permanent approach is to use the prototype keyword, which adds a property to an object's prototype (definition). This means that any future object of the type will include this property. You can include a default value: Name.prototype.title = "Citizen";

Object Oriented Java Script Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is accomplished through a process of decorating existing objects which serve as prototypes. This model is also known as class-less, prototype-oriented or instance-based programming. Java Script Object oriented programming – Custom Object The Class: JS is a prototype-based language which contains no class statement, such as is found in C++ or Java. Instead JS uses functions as classes. Defining a class is easy as defining a function. Function Person() { } The Object (Class Instance) To create a new instance, use new operator. var p1 = new Person(); var p2 = new Person(); The constructor is called at the moment of instantiation. The Property properties are variables contained in the class. Properties defined within a class is done by keyword this, which refers to the current object. function Person(gender) { this.gender = gender; alert(‘Person instantiated’); } var p1 = new Person(‘Male’); alert(‘Person 1 is a ‘ + p1.gender); The Methods are functions and they are defined as functions. To define a method, assign a function to a named property of the class’s prototype property; the name that the function is assigned to is the name that the method is called by on the object. Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { Alert(‘Hello method..’); }

In JavaScript methods are regular function objects that are bound to a class/object as a property which means they can be invoked "out of the context". Consider the following example code: function Person(gender) { this.gender = gender; } Person.prototype.sayGender = function() { alert(this.gender); }; var person1 = new Person('Male'); var genderTeller = person1.sayGender; person1.sayGender(); // alerts 'Male' genderTeller(); // alerts undefined alert(genderTeller === person1.sayGender); // alerts true alert(genderTeller === Person.prototype.sayGender); // alerts true This example demonstrates many concepts at once. It shows that there are no "per-object methods" in JavaScript since all references to the method point to the exact same function, the one we have defined in the first place on the prototype. JavaScript "binds" the current "object context" to the special "this" variable when a function is invoked as a method(or property to be exact) of an object. This is equal to calling the function object's "call" method as follows:; //alerts 'Male' Inheritance Inheritance is a way to create a class as a specialized version of one or more classes (JavaScript only supports single class inheritance). The specialized class is commonly called the child, and the other class is commonly called the parent. In JavaScript you do this by assigning an instance of the parent class to the child class, and then specializing it. In modern browsers you can also use Object.create to implement inheritance. JavaScript does not detect the child class prototype.constructor see Core JavaScript 1.5 Reference:Global Objects:Object:prototype property, so we must state that manually. In the example below, we define the class Student as a child class of Person. Then we redefine the sayHello() method and add the sayGoodBye() method. // define the Person Class function Person() {} Person.prototype.walk = function(){ alert ('I am walking!'); }; Person.prototype.sayHello = function(){ alert ('hello'); }; // define the Student class

function Student() { // Call the parent constructor; } // inherit Person Student.prototype = new Person(); // correct the constructor pointer because it points to Person Student.prototype.constructor = Student; // replace the sayHello method Student.prototype.sayHello = function(){ alert('hi, I am a student'); } // add sayGoodBye method Student.prototype.sayGoodBye = function(){ alert('goodBye'); } var student1 = new Student(); student1.sayHello(); student1.walk(); student1.sayGoodBye(); // check inheritance alert(student1 instanceof Person); // true alert(student1 instanceof Student); // true Using Object.create the inheritance line would instead be: Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);

AngularJS       

AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework It's used to build web applications It is prescriptive Makes creating a user interface (UI) easier through data-binding It helps organize and architect an application it has custom elements and attributes it uses dependency injection

What is AngularJS? AngularJS is a framework that helps you build front-ends for web-based applications. AngularJS is a prescriptive client-side JavaScript framework used to make single-page web apps. Note: Prescriptive Architecture vs. Descriptive Architecture A system’s prescriptive architecture captures the design decisions made prior to the system’s construction. It is the as-conceived or as-intended architecture. A system’s descriptive architecture describes how the system has been built. It is the asimplemented or as-realized architecture. AngularJS is prescriptive in the sense that it has a recommended way of building web apps. It has its own spin on the ubiquitous Model View Controller (MVC) pattern that is especially well suited for JavaScript. In this way, Angular is prescribing a way for you to divide your application up into smaller parts. AngularJS is a framework that runs in the web browser. AngularJS is for single page apps, meaning the browser only loads the page once, but then makes asynchronous calls to the server to fetch new information. Here asynchronous means that the application can continue to function without having to stop and wait for the server to respond. Core Features of AngularJS Two-way Data Binding: Let's say you have a form to store user contact info and you want to update the addresses input box when data is returned from the server. You could do the following: document.getElementById('yourName')[0].text = 'bob'; You manually seek to the element you want to change, calling a long, awkward series of DOM methods. You also have to make this call every time something causes the address to change. If we take the same example above and use data-binding we accomplish the same thing but faster. Here's our example with data-binding: {{yourName}} var yourName = 'bob'; Model View Whatever (MVW): MVC is a pattern for dividing an application into different parts (called Model, View, and Controller), each with distinct responsibilities.AngularJS as a "Model View Whatever" framework. In AngularJS, the View is simply your HTML with the AngularJS syntax compiled into it. Once the initial compilation cycle completes, the View can then bind to the object which is essentially the ViewModel.

HTML Templates: HTML templates are useful when you want to predefine a layout with dynamic sections to be filled in it is connected with an appropriate data structure. An example of this would be if you wanted to repeat the same DOM element over and over in a page such as a list or a table. You would define what you want a single row to look like and then attach a data structure, such as a JavaScript array, to it. The template would repeat each row for as many items in the array filling in each instance with the values of that current array item. There are plenty of templating libraries out there but most of them require you learn a new syntax. AngularJS templates are HTML and are validated by the browser just like the rest of the HTML in the page. Deep Linking: Dependency Injection: Defined a function that accepts a parameter you have leveraged dependency injection. You are injecting something that your function depends on to complete its work. Consider this code: Defining functions without DI function a () { return 5; } function b () { return a() + 1; } console.log(b()); Defining functions with DI service('a', function () { return 5; }); service('b', function (a) { return a() + 5; });

service('main', function (b) { console.log(b()); }); Overriding with DI // swap out 'b' easily by redefining it in another file: service('b', function (a) { return 1; // this is a test value }); Directives: it allows you to extend HTML to do some really powerful things. Directives provide the perfect way to merge the declarative nature of HTML and the functional nature of JavaScript into one place. Let's say you're writing an application that has a dropdown.

  • Item item 2

You can use a directive to make a shortcut so you only have to type:

Item 1 Item 2

TESTABLE: How do you REALLY know your app works? The answer is "by writing tests," but it's often more complicated than that. AngularJS makes it easy to write unit tests. Mocking out parts of your application, you can test each feature in isolation. Angular also makes it easy to write integration tests that ensure your whole stack is functioning as expected. A quick recap: AnguarJS has many benefits and features. If you are were to pick three things to remember about it, they are data-binding, testability, and "just JavaScript." Or consider the old way of writing web-apps with event handlers and DOM mutations, and think of how much easier it would make your development process to use Angular instead.

Hello Angular Example we're going to make a "Hello ___" program, where we have an input box that fills the blank in with whatever we type into the box.

As you type into the input box, The line "Hello ___" gets filled in with the contents of the input box.

{{greeting}} {{person}}

a Single Page Application is one in which we have a shell page and we can load multiple views into that. So a traditional app, as you know you typically blink and load everything again. It’s not very efficient on the bandwidth, especially in the mobile world. In a SPA we can load the initial content upfront and then the different views or the little kind of miniweb pages can be loaded on the fly and embedded into the shell.

The challenges with SPA: 1. DOM Manipulation 2. History 3. Module Loading 4. Routing 5. Caching 6. Object Modeling

7. Data Binding 8. AJAX / Promises 9. View Loading Angular JS is a fully featured SPA Framework: Data Binding, MVC, Routing, Testing, jqLite, Templates, History, Factories, ViewModel, Controllers, Views, Directives, Services, Dependency Injection, Validation Getting Started with AngularJS 1. Download from 2. Import the angular.js file in your web page

Using Directives and Databinding Syntax: Directives start with ng i.e. ng-app, ng-model ng-model does is behind the scenes it’s going to add a property up in the memory called “name” into what’s called “the scope”. Include the ng-app  Include the ng-model  Bind to that model.

Working with Model directive and Data Binding {{name}}

Working with Init and Repeat directive We’ve now initialised our data with the ng-init. We’re going to iterate through our data with the ng-repeat We simply give it the name and it’s going to put that name into the variable when we bind to it

  • {{myname}}

ng-init is used to initialize data to bind to and display. ng-repeat which will simply loop through all the names, and then data-bind or apply the value into the
  • . For each myname in the names variable write out the myname. Myname is just a variable. Try initializing data in body. i.e. Repeat with Objects: Instead of having array of strings, I have an array of objects.

    • {{}} - {{}}

    Filtering let’s do a filter by and whenever they type a name instead of data-binding to it I want to use it as a filter. So we’re going to filter by the name property that’s in our model.

    Enter Name: {{name}}
    • {{}} - {{}}

    We can also use “orderBy”. do another pipe and “orderBy” and then in quotes give it the property.
  • {{}} - {{}}
  • Let’s say we wanted the name to be uppercase and the city to be lowercase.
  • {{ | uppercase}} {{ | lowercase}}

  • Views, Controllers and Scope

    You should be able to define a controller that you can bind to different views. Maybe you have a mobile view, you have a desktop view or whatever it may be.

    • {{ + ' ' +}}

    An ng-controller, SimpleController. That’ll automatically tie in this.

    In the parameter signature. You’ll see that we pass $scope. This is dependency injection that’s built into AngularJS. When this controller gets used, will automatically inject a scope object in. You’ll see that from there we’ll take that object and add in a property onto it called customers which is simply an array of object literals. What this controller can do then is serve as the source of the data for the view but the controller again shouldn’t know anything about the view, so how would we possibly communicate customers over? Well that’s why we’re injecting scope. Scope is to be that view between the controller and the view. If we come up to our view up here the scope gets injected and then that scope is going to be automatically bound into the view once the view knows about this controller. When this [the controller] gets initialised the scope gets passed in but it’s initially empty. Well we’re going to add a customers property. What’s going to happen then is this controller will be used by the view. The controller itself though isn’t going to be called – it’s going to go through the scope. The scope itself is implicitly available – in this case to the entire div: from the start of the div to the end of the div. Now look at the ng-repeat here. It’s the same thing I did earlier in the demo, except in this case it’s binding to the scope’s customers property

    What’s going to happen now is the view, because it knows about the controller, automatically gets passed the scope. Angular does that kind of behind the scenes – it just happens automatically. We’re going to then control in our view what properties we want to bind to. In this case we’re going to bind to the customers. From here it’s standard data binding like we’ve seen earlier: we bind to the name and we bind to the city and we’re kind of off and running. Modify the above example with Filter

    Modules, Routes and Factories

    The first thing to talk about is although I created the controller in some previous demo’s right in the view that’s not the recommended way to do it. Keep in mind you might actually have different views. You might have a mobile view, maybe one specific to iPad or Surface or something like that, and maybe have one for desktops. It’s very possible. Just means “Heh! What’s the name of the module you’ve defined in JavaScript?” Creating a Module:

    What exactly is the empty array for? This is where dependency injection comes in because your module might actually rely on other modules to get data.

    We say “Heh Angular! Create me a module called demoApp.” I need to rely on another module. In this case I just called it helperModule. This would be some other JavaScript file that you might reference. telling Angular “Go find that module. Go look it up wherever it is and inject it in and make it available to my controllers and directives and filters and factories and all that stuff that this particular module might have. Creating a Controller in Module

    • {{ + ' ' +}}

    The Role of Routes

    at some point if you’re building a single page application you’re going to need routes because we need to load different views into our shell page. Defining Routes

    Declarative markup • ng:include Include HTML partials like cfinclude. • ng:repeat Loop over collections like cfloop. • ng:show / ng:hide Show or hide nodes based on a condition. • ng:class Add or remove classes from nodes. • ng:click / ng:change Handle user interactions with the page. • Expressions • Filters

    {{}} {{user.dateRegistered | date: 'MM/yyyy'}}

    Two way data binding • Form controls {{echo}} • Automatic evaluation



    Hello, {{}}.

    You can edit your profile details below.

    Email Address

    Dependency Injection • Automatic injection function ProfileController($resource, activityService_) { ... }; • Explicit injection function ProfileController(resource, activityService) { ... }; ProfileController.$inject = ['$resource', 'activityService'];

    RESTful resources • Like ORM for REST • Supports caching, bulking and JSONP • Mocks provided for testing

    Service abstraction

    • Define services for use in your controllers • Easily swapped out for testing angular.service('profileService', function($resource) { return $resource('profiles/:id'); }); function ProfileController(profileService_) { // ... });

    Create your own custom tags widgets • Define your own widgets

    • Reusable Components Click Me • Attributes

    Testability • No DOM manipulation in controllers • Mocks provided for XHR • Easily mock out services • Angular services are not special • JsTD and Jasmine integration

    End-to-End Runner

    End-to-End DSL

    Good example dealing with DOM. Here we will change style of an html tag by binding its style property to a model.

    Hello AngularJS

    Modules var firstModule = angular.module("firstModule", []); 

    Now we will add controller to this module, notice what has been changed from the way we defined the controller above.

    var firstModule = angular.module("firstModule",[]); firstModule.controller("FruitController", function ($scope){ $scope.fruits=['Apple','Banana','Watermelon','Peach']; });

    Still our app does not know about our module, to use our module we need to define to our ng-app

    Simple AngularJS Expressions: In order to create the views of your application, AngularJS let you execute expressions directly within your HTML pages.

    1+1 = {{1+1}}

    Scope The scope is used to link the controllers and the views to which they are binded. A controller can add data and function in its scope and then they will be accessible in the view. In our case, we have used in the view a variable named “users” which was created in the scope by the controller “UsersCtrl”.

    Partial Views AngularJS is very good to build single page web applications. For those who are not familiar with this concept, it consists on a web application where you only have one “real” HTML page whose content can be changed in Javascript without having to download a new page. The new content is created programmatically in Javascript of with the use of templates. Those applications have advantages like performances (since you are not downloading a new HTML page each time you are navigating to a new page) and drawbacks like history management (what happens if your users click on the button back of their browser?). With AngularJS, you see that you are using a framework created by people who know what they are doing, as a result most of the problems of regular single page web applications are handled by AngularJS itself. In order to build your application, You define a main page (index.html) which acts as a container for your web application. In this page, you can bind part of your application to a specific AngularJS module with the directive “ngApp”. You can bind the whole page to a single AngularJS module if you want. After that, you can use the directive “ngView" in order to use partial views. Your module will tell AngularJS which view should be display in the “ngView” element. This directive also let you separate the content of your application in dedicated files.

    Code Organization in Large AngularJS and JavaScript Applications

    Modularity Hopefully the trite metaphors haven't been too tedious but here's the recap: 

    Your significant other is the new developer on the team who's been asked to fix a bug on one of the many screens in your app.

    The developer sifts through the directory structure and sees all the controllers, models and services neatly organized. Unfortunately it tells him/her nothing about which objects are related or have dependencies on one another.

    If at some point the developer wants to reuse some of the code, they need to collect files from a bunch of different folders and will invariably forget code from another folder somewhere else.

    Believe it or not, you rarely have a need to reuse all of the controllers from the e-commerce app in the new reporting app you're building. You may however have a need to reuse some of the authentication logic. Wouldn't it be nice if that was all in one place? Let's reorganize the app based on functional areas: 

    cart/ 






    product/ 

    search/ o







    user/ 





    Any random developer can now open the top-level folder and immediately gain insight into what the application does. Objects in the same folder have a relationship and some will have dependencies on others. Understanding how the login and registration process work is as easy as browsing the files in that folder. Primitive reuse via copy/paste can at least be accomplished by copying the folder into another project. With AngularJS we can take this a step further and create a module of this related code: var userModule = angular.module('userModule',[]);

    userModule.factory('userService', ['$http', function($http) { return new UserService($http); }]);

    userModule.factory('userModel', ['userService', function(userService) { return new UserModel(userService); }]);

    userModule.controller('loginController', ['$scope', 'userModel', LoginController]);

    userModule.controller('registrationController', ['$scope', 'userModel', RegistrationController]);

    Hello World, AngularJS -

    Write some text in textbox:

    Hello {{ sometext }}

    ng-app First thing that we notice is an attribute ng-app within tag. This attribute tells the Angular to be active in this portion of the page. So in our case entire document. If you want to enable Angular only at specific location in your webpage then you can define ng-app attribute to any DIV or other tag.

    ng-model and Two way data binding We define attribute ng-model in textbox as ng-model=”sometext”. ng-model binds the state of textbox with model value. In our case we define a model sometext. This model value is bound with the value of textbox using ng-model attribute. Thus when the textbox value changes, Angular automatically changes the model sometext with this value. This is called Two way data binding. Similarly, if we change the model value than Angular will change the value of textbox. Two way data binding is the core of Angular‟s magical spell. It just works. You‟ll get to know about it more once we start adding complexity in our application. AngularJS two-way data binding is its most notable feature and reduces the amount of code written by relieving the server backend from templating responsibilities.

    {{ sometext }} Note how we wrap our model value in double curly braces. This tell Angular to bind the value of modelsometext in place of {{ sometext }}. Thus any change in sometext model value changes the text inside tag.

    ng-show / ng-hide Now lets further modify our demo and add one more Angular attribute ng-show. In below code, we added attribute ng-show=”sometext” to tag.

    Hello World, AngularJS -

    Write some text in textbox:

    Hello {{ sometext }}

    Filter uppercase and lowercase As its name suggest, this filter convert the expression into uppercase letters. Lets check a quick demo. Lets modify few lines from our above example and use uppercase filter.

    Hello World, AngularJS -

    Write some text in textbox:

    Hello {{ sometext }}

    Uppercase: {{ sometext | uppercase }} Lowercase: {{ sometext | lowercase }}

    1. What are Scopes? Before we get into Controllers let us understand Scopes. Scope is nothing but an object that Glues the View with Controller. They hold the Model data that we need to pass to view. Scope uses Angular‟s two-way data binding to bind model data to view. Imaging $scope as an object that links Controller to the View. It is controllers responsibility to initialize the data that the view needs to display. This is done by making changes to $scope. Let us see a small Hello World application to understand $scope.

    Hello World, AngularJS -

    Email: Add Contacts

    • {{ contact }}

    1.2. ng-controller This attribute defines a Controller to be bound with the view. In this case we defined a controller called ContactController in DIV using ng-controller attribute. Thus whatever we put inside that DIV, the ContactController will have its influence on it. ContactController is nothing but a plain vanilla JavaScript function. In the demo we defined it as function. Also see the definition of ContactController function. There is an object $scope which we pass as an argument. This object is used to bind the controller with view. When AngularJS initialize this controller, it automatically creates and injects the $scope object to this function using dependency injection (More on dependency injection in coming tutorials). For now just note that the $scope object is created by Angular and injected in this controller function.

    2. Initial state of a scope object Typically, when you create an application you need to set up an initial state for an Angular scope. In our case we need initial state to be list of contacts. On $scope object, we defined an array called contacts: $scope.contacts = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

    When Angular initilize this function (ContactController), it automatically creates this array and binds it in$scope object. Then in our view we display the array using ng-repeat attribyte. Thus, $scope provides us with a way to pass/retrieve objects from Controller to View and viceversa.

    2.1. ng-click It is also possible to define functions on $scope and use the same in View. In our demo, we created a function add() on $scope and use it on Add button click: $scope.add = function() { ... }

    The function add() is bound to Add button using an attribute ng-click. ng-click binds the click event on the button or link or any clickable element with the function that is defined within $scope. So in this case, whenever Add button is clicked, the add() method on $scope will be called. In add() method we add (or push) a string in contacts array. This is the string that user types in textbox. Note that we bind textbox using ng-model attribute.