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1         The Boston Public Library, ________ 1854, was the first library to be financed by donations and proceeds

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The Boston Public Library, ________ 1854, was the first library to be financed by donations and proceeds from raffles.

 (A) found it in

 (B) founded in

 (C) was founded in

 (D) it was found

2 Toolmakers not only ______ elaborate tools but also test them for reliability and utility.  




 (A) does it help to construct

 (B) help in construction

 (C) help to construct

 (D) do help to construct

3 Before he turned 14, Mozart _____________ a few lesser pieces for the piano.  



 (A) had composed

 (B) has composed

 (C) had the composition


 (D) he had composed

4 One of the quickest methods ________ personality is the self-report inventory.  












 (A) the measuring of

 (B) to the measures

 (C) for measurements

 (D) of measuring Ginkgo trees bear seeds ______ an unpleasant odor to discourage animals from eating them.

 (A) who have

 (B) that have

 (C) which they

 (D) that are Patrick Henry, born in 1736, _______ by his father, who had advanced training in mechanics.

 (A) had taught

 (B) has been taught








 (C) taught

 (D) was taught In the 1950s, many people believed that the more they produced and consumed, ________________.

 (A) they were the more affluent

 (B) the more affluent they were

 (C) were they affluent

 (D) they were affluent

8 A meteor burns brightly _____ through the earth's atmosphere.  






 (A) as it descends

 (B) as descending

 (C) whether it descends

 (D) when descends Mass transit systems relieve traffic congestion when the service is convenient, ______, and affordable.

 (A) comfort









 (B) comforting

 (C) comfortable

 (D) comforted Automatic fire alarms, _______ smoke detector, are installed in almost all public buildings.

 (A) such as the ubiquitous

 (B) so ubiquitous

 (C) such is the ubiquitous

 (D) so as the ubiquitous

11 When a person is in shock, the blood _______ enough oxygen to the brain.  





 (A) supplies fail to

 (B) supplied fails to

 (C) failing to supply

 (D) fails to supply Throughout history, elevated ranges have been viewed as barriers to transportation and _______________.










 (A) to the communicating

 (B) to the communications

 (C) communication

 (D) communication with About 90 percent of fabrics distributed to secondary sewing outlets _______ weaving or knitting.

 (A) are manufactured the

 (B) are manufactured by

 (C) by manufacturing the

 (D) manufactured by

14 Deer ticks ____________ vacationers hiking or camping in mixed deciduous forests  



 (A) never trouble

 (B) never any trouble

 (C) troubles never

   (D) trouble never

15 Either the goalkeeper or one of the other players______ the ball from the goal  




 (A) retrieving

 (B) retrieval

 (C) retrieves

 (D) retrieve

16 The Slater Mill, built in 1793, it was one of the first successful mills in the United States.  




 (A) built in

 (B) it was

 (C) successful

 (D) mills in

17 In Kindergarten, children are generally unrestricted in expressing their ideas by talk.  



 (A) children

 (B) unrestricted in

 (C) their ideas


 (D) talk

18 Japanese initially used jeweled objects to decorate swords and ceremonial items.  




 (A) Japanese

 (B) used

 (C) jeweled

 (D) decorate

19 The legal age which a person is considered to be an adult is customarily 18.  




 (A) age which

 (B) is considered

 (C) be an

 (D) is customarily

20 Australian aborigines adhere to their tribal traditions and few marriage outside the tribe.  


 (A) adhere

 (B) few



 (C) marriage

 (D) outside

21 During a radio broadcast, a microphone picks up speech and another live sounds  











 (A) broadcast

 (B) picks up

 (C) another

 (D) sounds Although both are the bread and butter of recreational vehicles, camping trailers are smaller and compacter than travel trailers.

 (A) recreational

 (B) smaller

 (C) compacter

 (D) travel The leathery fruit burr of the horse chestnut splits openly when ripe and releases a roundish brown seed.

 (A) leathery fruit




 (B) splits openly

 (C) ripe and releases

 (D) roundish brown

24 Blacksnakes ascend trees to reach bird's nests and ingest the eggs and young birds.  




 (A) ascend

 (B) bird's

 (C) nests

 (D) birds

25 Although rhubarb is technically a vegetable, it usually prepared as a desert.  





 (A) technically

 (B) it usually

 (C) prepared as

 (D) desert Colonial craftsmen pieced bed covers together from scraps of linen and wool because cloth was scarcely.





 (A) pieced

 (B) covers

 (C) because

 (D) scarcely

27 In art, relief is sculpture in which the figures or designs projects from their background.  




 (A) relief is

 (B) in which

 (C) figures

 (D) projects

28 Edith Roosevelt was a devoted mother of five children, as well a gracious hostess.  




 (A) devoted

 (B) of five

 (C) as well

 (D) gracious






ocational counseling guides students and helps them to understand how occupations differ and what job opportunities are exist.

 (A) guides

 (B) to understand

 (C) occupations differ

 (D) are exist

30 Newtonian physics holds true if the velocities of the objects being study are negligible.  








 (A) holds true

 (B) objects

 (C) being study

 (D) are negligible Roman doctrine stipulated every man was born with a spiritual who guarded him against travail.

 (A) stipulated

 (B) was

 (C) spiritual














 (D) guarded When wine grapes contain the proper amounts of acid and sugar required to produce wine.

 (A) When

 (B) contain

 (C) amounts

 (D) required Beef and dairy cattle is major sources of income in Louisiana, which has a mild climate.

 (A) is major

 (B) of income in

 (C) which has

 (D) mild climate After the new dollar bills are printed and cut, the inspectors scrutinize them for imperfectives.

 (A) printed

   (B) cut



 (C) inspectors

 (D) imperfectives

35 Psychologists take it for granted that girls are more empathetic than do boys.  










 (A) it for granted

 (B) more

 (C) empathetic

 (D) do boys Henry Richardson was the first prominent architect to incorporate geometric form in his concave designs.

 (A) the first

 (B) to incorporate

 (C) form in

 (D) his concave With small numbers, the objects in a set can be visualized and quick counted without mathematical formulas.





 (A) small numbers

 (B) in a set

 (C) visualized

 (D) quick counted

38 In group dancing, couples step in tandem, bow, join hands, and change partner.  




 (A) group dancing

 (B) step in

 (C) join hands

 (D) change partner

39 Additives are chemicals infused into perishable foods to prevent it from spoiling.  




 (A) chemicals

 (B) perishable

 (C) it from

 (D) spoiling

40 Football is a fast-moving team sport playing mainly in the United States and Canada.  

 (A) fast-moving


 (B) team sport


 (C) playing

 (D) mainly

1 What is the best title for the passage?






 (A) A Welcome to the Mayo Clinic

 (B) Brilliant American Surgeons

 (C) The Contributions of the Mayo Family

 (D) The Start of a Successful Practice

2 In line 2, the word "integrated" is closest in meaning to



 (A) unified

 (B) goal-oriented



 (C) ready-made

 (D) unique

3 What can be inferred from the first paragraph?










 (A) Rochester, Minnesota is a city with a large population.

 (B) The Mayo Clinic employees have set many medical records.

 (C) The Mayo Clinic is a large specialized teaching hospital.

 (D) The clinic's physicians represent many medical specializations. According to the passage, William Worral Mayo was involved in caring for the patients affected by

 (A) an outbreak of an epidemic

 (B) a spread of disease among Indians

 (C) a devastating natural disaster

 (D) a brief military confrontation

5 In line 13, the word "dedication" is closest in meaning to


 (A) dejection




 (B) devotion

 (C) deliberation

 (D) delectation

6 According to the passage, who were the first physicians in the clinic?





 (A) William Worral Mayo and Charles Horace Mayo

 (B) William James Mayo and Charles Horace Mayo

 (C) William Worral Mayo and William James Mayo

 (D) William James Mayo and Charles William Mayo

7 In line 18, the word "founded" is closest in meaning to





 (A) found

 (B) established

 (C) fortified

 (D) articulated

8 In line 19, the word "contributions" is closest in meaning to    (A) contractions









 (B) conventions

 (C) gifts

 (D) prizes In addition to their medical expertise what common characteristics distinguished the careers of the Mayo brothers?

 (A) Funding of school in Minnesota

 (B) Positions on the board of directors

 (C) Military and political service

 (D) Donations for poor patients

10 In line 25, the phrase "subsequent to" is closest in meaning to





 (A) because

 (B) regardless of

 (C) after

 (D) contrary to

11 Where in the passage does the author state the principal reason for the expansion of the






 (A) Lines 5-6

 (B) Lines 11-14

 (C) Lines 17-22

 (D) Lines 26-28

12 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?





 (A) The marketing of chain store products

 (B) The business rationale for chain stores

 (C) Pricing and distribution in franchises

 (D) Brand name imaging of retail outlets

13 In line 2, the word "outlets" is closest in meaning to




 (A) stock markets

 (B) store rooms

 (C) retailers

   (D) outfits

14 In line 7, the word "absorb" is closest in meaning to





 (A) absolve

 (B) cushion

 (C) hide

 (D) advertise

15 It can be inferred from the passage that chain stores





 (A) are more expensive than department stores

 (B) can economize by controlling their operating costs

 (C) have a greater consumer appeal than the parent company

 (D) have power in identifying their market segments

16 According to the passage, what does marketing research include?



 (A) The actual prices of goods

 (B) Consumer segments and behavior

   (C) Multiple channels of distribution


 (D) The percentage of gross product cost

17 In line 14, the phrase "accounts for" is closest in meaning to












 (A) sees as

 (B) counts on

 (C) adjusts

 (D) represents Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a means through which chain stores control their prices?

 (A) Reducing distribution costs

 (B) Consolidating their finances

 (C) Dividing their purchase orders

 (D) Marketing a company brand name Why does the author mention legally binding agreements between businesses?

 (A) To show feasible profitability of merchandising

   (B) To measure the value of consumer dependence on a product



 (C) To point out the means of parent company control

 (D) To exemplify the system of franchise operations

20 In line 19, the word "they" refers to











 (A) production decisions and the pricing policy

 (B) franchises

 (C) contracts

 (D) their net gains It can be inferred from the passage that the parent company probably dictates

 (A) what sales personnel are employed

 (B) what profit an outlet makes

 (C) how goods are advertised

 (D) how products are packed According to the passage, how do chain stores profit by being associated with the parent company?

   (A) They are not concerned about market instability.




 (B) They are not held accountable for a change in profits.

 (C) They put their needs ahead of those of the parent company.

 (D) They market consumer brand name recognition.

23 In line 21, the word "convert" is closest in meaning to





 (A) turn

 (B) nestle

 (C) antagonize

 (D) fit

24 With what aspect of conducting censuses is the passage mainly concerned?





 (A) Content and timing

 (B) Inquiring and analyzing

 (C) Tallying and updating

 (D) Reporting and publicizing

25 In line 2, the word "narrows" is closest in meaning to





 (A) delimits

 (B) declines

 (C) defrays

 (D) deflects

26 According to the passage, censuses take a great deal of










 (A) funding

 (B) publicity

 (C) insight

 (D) time The author mentions the censuses gather data about all of the following EXCEPT

 (A) household size

 (B) agricultural production

 (C) industrial output

 (D) social networks

28 In line 8, the word "queries" is closest in meaning to





 (A) entities

 (B) terms

 (C) quandaries

 (D) questions

29 It can be inferred from the passage that a census of industries took place in





 (A) 1990

 (B) 1994

 (C) 1998

 (D) 1997

30 In line 17, the word "consistent" is closest in meaning to




 (A) constant

 (B) uniform

 (C) assorted

   (D) conjectural






To gather complete information, the organization conducting the census contacts all people who

 (A) speak at the same time

 (B) have a similar economic status

 (C) are involved in similar activities

 (D) are concerned about a specific problem

32 Where in the passage does the author describe how census information is collected?





 (A) Lines 1-3

 (B) Lines 7-14

 (C) Lines 15-19

 (D) Lines 21-24

33 It can be inferred from the passage that census data are necessary to




 (A) rebuild urban infrastructure

 (B) determine arising needs

 (C) analyze the electoral outlook


 (D) identify sources of criminal activity

34 The author of the passage implies that most censuses are conducted by





 (A) private agencies

 (B) public organizations

 (C) the central government

 (D) the statistical bureau

35 In line 23, the word "statistics" is closest in meaning to








 (A) equations

 (B) solutions

 (C) questionnaires

 (D) data It can be inferred from the passage that the body of the bee

 (A) has a pronounced abdomen

 (B) has fine layers



 (C) is colored for protection

 (D) is typically compound

37 According to the passage, what do bees collect?





 (A) flowers

 (B) grains

 (C) nectar and pollen

 (D) extending objects

38 According to the passage, what purpose do the fine hairs on the body of the bee serve?





 (A) They identify the bees' ancestry.

 (B) They furnish a sense of touch.

 (C) They carry pollen to female blossoms.

 (D) They camouflage the insect.

39 How many classes of bees are mentioned in the passage?


 (A) Two

   (B) Three



 (C) Four

 (D) Five

40 In line 10, the word "clustered" is closest in meaning to





 (A) lined up

 (B) turned up

 (C) bunched

 (D) bundled

41 In line 13, the word "hues" is closest in meaning to





 (A) shades

 (B) layers

 (C) specks

 (D) circles

42 It can be inferred from the passage that bees LEAST likely to distinguish


 (A) ultraviolet light




 (B) red flowers from foliage

 (C) shapes in their proximity

 (D) patterns of leaf veins

43 This passage is probably taken from an article discussing





 (A) the uses of spectra for projections

 (B) various fixed constellations and stars

 (C) the classification of planets and stars

 (D) the emergence and motions of stars

44 The author of the passage implies that stars





 (A) seem to rotate differently than planets

 (B) appear to retain their distances from other stars

 (C) are presumed to be perpetually fixed and immobile

 (D) alter their ray emissions gradually

45 The author mentions Barnard's star as





 (A) an example of a very brilliant star

 (B) a description of a constellation divide

 (C) a point of reference for star mobility

 (D) proof of star diameter and proximity

46 In line 7, the word "stationary" is closest in meaning to





 (A) shining

 (B) glimmering

 (C) immobile

 (D) immense

47 It can be inferred from the passage that




 (A) stars revolve every 40,000 to 50,000 years

 (B) stars alter their trajectories every 200 years

 (C) planets are closer to the earth than stars

   (D) planets do not appear to be as close as

stars 48 In line 10, the word "detect" is closest in meaning to





 (A) spy

 (B) project

 (C) trace

 (D) compute

49 The author of the passage implies that astronomers detect the movement of stars by









 (A) using photographs and mathematical reasoning

 (B) comparing the spectrum of each constellation

 (C) overlaying the spectrum images in succession

 (D) forecasting changes in the position of stars The author of the passage conveys which of the following about fixed stars?

 (A) They are inspected by means of photometers.

 (B) They are comparatively simple to categorize.

 (C) Their movements are imperceptible.


 (D) Their spectra vary in intensity.