
The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Pacts Ψ S. Connolly Ψ S. Connolly DB PUBLISHING 2015 MMXV DB Publishing is an a

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The Daemonolater’s Guide to

Daemonic Pacts Ψ S. Connolly


DB Publishing is an arm of Darkerwood Publishing Group, PO Box 2011, Arvada, CO 80001. Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Pacts © 2015 by S. Connolly. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or other, without express written permission from the author and publisher. Please respect the author’s copyright. Book Design by Kim Anderson and Stephanie Reisner Graphics by S. Connolly


For all of the people who contact me about wanting to make pacts with Daemons.

Introduction One magickal practice that seems to be all the rage these days is the art of pact-making. I wasn’t always pact-friendly. As a matter-of-fact I used to roll my eyes every time someone brought it up, until a conversation with a fellow magician, who I have great respect for, gave me a different perspective on the matter. Perhaps the best, and most culturally known example of the Daemonic pact is from Christopher Marlowe's 1604 play, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, which was adapted by Marlowe from the 1592 English translation of The Historie of the Damnable Life, and Deserved Death of Doctor Iohn Faustus, which was originally a chapbook circulating in Northern Germany at the time. In the play, Faust summons Mephistopheles to gain the knowledge of the devil. Mephistopheles complies and gives Faust magical power and knowledge for a pre-determined amount of time, at the end of which, Faust's soul becomes the property of Mephistopheles and Faust is eternally damned. It always amazes me how deeply ingrained in our culture this story is. Usually when beginning magicians and non-magicians contact me about making pacts with Daemons, it's this type of arrangement they have in mind. "I'll sell my soul to the devil for [insert desire here]." In addition to this to this, Hollywood has added, to the beginning magician's expectations of 'summoning', the promise of bright flashes of light and flaming pentagrams on the ground from which Daemons arise; replete with full bodied Daemonic manifestations, of course. This is problematic for two main reasons: The first is that beginning magicians don't realize the medieval idea of pacting is both fictitious and impractical, and I'll explain why in a moment. Second, it causes the beginning magician to miss the results of magick because said results are not nearly as showy and cinematic as the cultural expectation. That isn't to say magick can't have dramatic results, just that not all magick will manifest in bright flashes of light, Daemonic manifestation, and immediate change. As many longtime magicians will tell you, sometimes the changes are subtle and it's only when we

look back that we actually see the transformation in its entirety. In that respect, hind sight is 20/20. Another important point is that selling one's soul to the devil and expecting eternal damnation requires one to believe that there is an afterlife and that our soul, the energy or essence of us, escapes mortality with our consciousness intact, and that places like heaven and hell actually exist. The belief in the soul and the afterlife is as varied as the magicians reading this article. My personal belief is we all go back to the source upon death, unless some unresolved issue from the physical realm keeps us tethered to the earthly plane. I contend that for the most part, unearthly spirits like Daemons and such, don't pay much heed to humans themselves unless they're attracted to their light, or if the magician is sitting there waving metaphysical glow sticks and setting down a landing strip laden with all those things that attract certain spirits. Now let me entertain the reader with the reality that there are no Daemons running amok collecting souls. In death, if we aren't tethered here for some reason, we all return to that same source beyond the veil, regardless our spiritual affiliation in physical life. The soul is energy. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. Matter is basically a storage unit for energy, and matter can be converted to energy and vice versa. If a Daemon (please know I am using Daemon in the sense of a divine intelligence, the original meaning of the word before Christian perversion), or any other entity for that matter, was collecting souls for use (likely as an energy source), that energy would still exist in one form or another. That's how science works. We could get into how consciousness works after death, but this isn’t a theological text where we’re going to sit here waxing philosophic about the nature of the Daemonic or the nature of the soul. You can do that on your own time. So let’s get back to pacts. Basically, I'm 100% positive there aren't Daemons out there collecting souls for eternal damnation. I contend that heaven and hell, if they exist in any form, are states of physical being that we create for ourselves in the here and now. So if we sell our souls into eternal damnation, we're actually the ones

damning ourselves in this physical realm, not Daemons. The Daemonic is generally happy to help out if you simply ask, and respect them enough to actually listen to what they're telling you. Ascension motivates divine intelligence. A lot of beginning magicians also erroneously believe that one must make a pact with a Daemon in order to work with the Daemonic. I run across this a lot. In Daemonolatry, initiated Daemonolaters may choose to dedicate themselves to a particular Daemonic force with which they have an affinity, but a dedication is not the same as a pact. Dedication is pledging respect and commitment to a Daemonic force, not necessarily expecting anything in return except maybe the occasional crumb of wisdom, or the connection itself. It's a bonding of sorts. Pacts, on the other hand, are a direct agreement to give something of oneself to another being (physical or not) in exchange for something. Yes, essentially I'm saying pacts are not a requirement for anyone to work with the Daemonic. On the other hand, pacts can be a very effective form of magick. This is why some people will swear by them. Pacts work on the magician's psychology, and if done properly can be very powerful. Finally, I can’t begin to tell you how many non-magicians contact me wanting to sell their soul to the devil in exchange for wealth, women, and power. Again, that feeds into the Hollywood, fictional expectation of how working with Daemons should go. Those of you who have been working with Daemons for some time know that it’s never that simple unless you have an existing working relationship with that Daemon. Now let’s discuss what a pact actually is.

What is a Pact Exactly? So let’s break down a pact into its parts to look at it intimately. Basically – the pact is a contract between you and the Daemonic (and sometimes you and yourself with the Daemonic as a witness). You are basically stating that you are willing to give the Daemon something specific, in exchange for something specific that you want. It’s essentially a formal contract. What are acceptable things to offer a Daemon in exchange for the “favor”? Let’s just make a small list. Blood (just a few drops) Offerings of alcohol, water, food, or flowers for a specified number of days. Your attention to their teachings or wisdom. Your promise to be a good student. Your promise to do service for them here in the physical (and this will never include illegal activity or harming another living thing!!!!) Usually service includes writing, speaking, helping others, or serving them in your private temple. In this instance, you may choose to only make pacts with Matron/Patron Daemons, or teachers who show up to take you under their wing. Your dedication to make a change in yourself (for the better). Then, after you establish what you’re giving, and what you’re getting, you sign the pact with ink made with your own blood. Or you can sign in any old ink, prick yourself again (if you’re offering blood in the first place) and then add a drop of blood after the signature. The pact is then burned, transforming it (alchemically) from the physical realm to the spiritual plane. Once you sign it and burn it, it’s done. Usually a pact is done in the temple after the ritual space has been constructed in a way that you, the magician, sees fit. All of this obviously leads to the question, “Why would I create a pact?”

Why Would You Create a Pact? Admittedly the “why” is going to depend on the person. For some, they’ll think a pact is the easier way to accomplish something instead of hard work. I suspect the Daemonic will have a nice lesson for those who are of this mindset. For others, the why is motivation. They desire something so profound, even if it’s that connection to the divine, that they are willing to make a pact. Or perhaps they want something so badly, they’re willing to sacrifice something of themselves to themselves, and the Daemon as merely witness. Pacts can be made for virtually any reason you can come up with.

Types of Pacts There are several type of pacts. The first and most obvious is the contract for opportunity or gain with little effort on the part of the magician. You want wealth, power, and women? You’ve heard Daemons will give you that? Chances are this is the type of pact you’re seeking. However, be warned, Daemons can sometimes mess with magicians and dabblers under this type of contract. If you want wealth, power, and women and you don’t have anything the Daemon can work with or you have no want to actually work for anything, you’re just pissing in the wind, or giving a Daemon ample opportunity to “improvise”, which may not really work in your best interest. I’ll explain more about that in a few moments. The second, less common is the contract with the self. An example of this might be you make a pact with yourself to quit smoking, and the Daemonic force is in on the deal to provide support (i.e. strength, accountability) as you need it. Daemons work well with this type of pact. They can offer strength and guidance to help you manifest your true will and will happily witness this pact AND hold you to it by throwing gentle (and not so gentle) reminders to you. The third is a contract between you and the Daemonic for spiritual enlightenment, answers, and instruction. I suppose this is also gain or opportunity depending on your perspective, but in this case you’re actually committing to doing some work. You’re not expecting the Daemon to give you something for little to no effort on your part. Daemons work well with this kind of pact. They tend to help people who aren’t afraid of a little work. The fourth is the contract between you and the spirit where you’re asking them to throw opportunities (or gain) in your direction, but you actually have a SPECIFIC method by which you hope to gain wealth, power, women/men, etc… For example – if you are an artist and you want fame as an artist, maybe you are looking for a gallery to showcase your work. In this instance you may specifically make a pact with a Daemon of opportunity to bring these opportunities to showcase your work to you. In this instance you’re giving the Daemon something to work with. A. You have completed artwork ready for a gallery to show. B. You are

actively attempting to get galleries to look at your work. With all of this already in place, the Daemon can better influence things in your favor and throw those opportunities in your path. But you can’t have never painted anything, then make a pact with a Daemon asking to become a famous painter. The Daemon, in that instance, has nothing to work with, which means its only recourse is to kick your ass and stay on it until you actually start a project and complete it. See what I’m saying? You may want wealth, power, and women – but maybe you should first ask why you don’t have those things now. Then go about correcting each of those situations. The end goal can be grand and lofty, but there need to be reasonable, realistic, attainable measures – small steps -- to get there. So you want to be famous. Doing what? What are the steps you need to take to get there? After all – if you aren’t specific and give a Daemon nothing to work with, you could end up famous for being killed by a toilet falling out of a ten story building. Don’t give Daemons any opportunity to improvise because you may not like what they come up with. They often have a wicked sense of humor. So if you’re reasonably sure you still want to make a pact, let’s move on to how you actually make one.

How to Make a Pact First and foremost – it is stupid to hire someone else to make the pact for you. After all, then the pact is between that person and Daemon and not you and the Daemon. This makes NO SENSE. You have to be the willing participant, the one who approaches the Daemon YOURSELF and makes the pact. Otherwise you have no stake in it. Not only is hiring it out lazy, but it’s kind of chicken-shit and will only encourage Daemons to mess with you. If you’re afraid of Daemons you shouldn’t be making pacts to begin with because they’ll give you something to be afraid of. You either have respect and honor for the forces you’re expecting something from – or you don’t. Guess which one gets better results? The more we begin to realize that magick really is about helping ourselves by knowing ourselves and by doing things to better ourselves, the more successful the results. This is definitely the case when it comes to pacts because pacts really are more about ourselves than the Daemonic. The Daemonic is simply the support staff that we "hire" to help make it happen. The pact you make is, ultimately, with yourself and your determination and willpower. The Daemonic force is holding YOU accountable to yourself. So in the next part of this article I'm going to show you how to make a powerful pact with a Daemonic force, and I'm going to explain how it works. The first thing one must do is decide what, exactly, one wants. This is not the time to be unspecific. You either want the management promotion with the $120K annual salary with health insurance, bonuses and four weeks of vacation time, or you can simply ask for a "better" job and roll the dice. That choice is yours. I've found that being specific gives you more specific results, where as being broad and sweeping tends to work, but not always in the way we expect. Write down what you want and make sure it's really what you want. Do you really want that specific job? Or are you simply wanting the increase in salary and benefits? Or do you really just want to be happy? Be careful what you wish for was an axiom coined by someone who didn't really look before leaping. Next, decide what you are willing to sacrifice from yourself to yourself in order to make this happen. At this point in the example

we're not giving anything to the Daemonic. Instead, you may need to sacrifice time or put in more effort to get what you want. Basically how bad do you want it and what are you willing to do? You get out of something what you put into it. Lack of effort often results in lack of success. Third, find a corresponding Daemonic force to work with. My personal choice in any type of monetary/job magick is Belphegor. However, Belphegore is best fed with the magician's blood, and this may not work for everyone. Belial might be a tamer choice for those who don't want to sacrifice a few drops of their blood for what they want since he's perfectly happy with offerings of plants. Then you'll need to decide what you want from the Daemon. At this point I suggest the magician evaluate his expectations. If you're seeking to have it handed to you on a silver platter with no effort on your part, expect the magick manifest in unexpected ways. It will work, yes, you just may not be pleased with the result. Instead of viewing the Daemonic as genii who will grant you three wishes, I always recommend looking at the Daemonic as your support staff. Your support staff gives you the information you need to make informed decisions, presents you with opportunities, and helps you find whatever it is you need to manifest the results you want, whether it's a tool, a relationship, an attitude, or an emotion. So a pact may read something like this (if you're being rather unspecific, and in the case of soul-mates I do recommend being rather unspecific when it comes to naming names of potential partners): For the great Asmodeus I, [name], offer three drops of my blood in exchange for knowledge and opportunity to help me find my soul mate. Herewith I affix my seal. Your seal is obviously your signature and your blood. You may choose to add qualities of the person you're looking for into the pact. You may write it with far more elegance than the above. Write it up however you wish. Just make sure you put the Daemons name, your name, what you're offering specifically in exchange for what specifically. After you write this out on parchment using a magickal ink attuned to your intent, you would begin your ritual, invoke the

Daemonic force you're seeking out, and then read your pact aloud to the Daemon to solidify your intent. To this - you would sign your name in the presence of the Daemon and, in this instance, add a few drops of your blood. Then the parchment is burned in the offering bowl, turning matter to energy, and symbolically, alchemically transforming the request from a heart-felt want to pure intent. From there - it will become reality. In this example, Asmodeus is not going to drop a soul-mate off on your doorstep with a quick, "Here you go! Enjoy!" Nor is He going to hand over the person you asked for by name, because that means influencing the other person, perhaps against their will. This often turns out badly. If you've ever had a stalker you know exactly what I mean. However, Asmodeus may direct your attention to a party at a friend's this weekend and suggest you go. He may suggest you give yourself a shave, or direct you to toward a certain part of the room while you're there. And there you may meet someone who laughs at your jokes and shares your interests, leading to the opportunity of a date. If you ultimately just wanted sex, perhaps this person goes home with you. Asmodeus, in this example, merely provided the information and opportunity. You made the ultimate choice to act on the opportunity by attending the party and you made a choice to talk to the other person and ask them out. (This is a very simple example. Don't expect all encounters will happen this way.) Again, it’s wise for the magus to examine his/her expectations. Ultimately it’s wise to drop expectations of everything EXCEPT the end result when it comes to the pact, even though there is always something to be learned from the journey. Just be open-minded to the method by which your end results manifest.

Sample Pacts On the following pages I’ve included sample pacts for the most common reasons people contact me wanting pacts. Each page suggests possible inclusions as well as various Daemons you can work with. For more extensive lists of Daemons, see the Daemon by Purpose section of this chapbook. First, let’s talk about the ritual construct. Since this chapbook is likely to be used by some folks unfamiliar with Daemonolatry, the standard way to create the ritual space (with regard to Daemonolatry) is as follows: When calling the demons into your ritual circle, the traditional way to do it is to use the enn, or an invocation of your own devise, and use the ritual dagger or your hand to draw a Z that turns into a D in the air in front of you (kind of diagonal to the sky if that makes sense). See demonolatry.org for more information and an informative graphic. The invocation symbol above is often referred to as the ZD or DZ sigil. It is also used as a sigil representing Satan. Within the ZD are nine points representing the nine demonic divinities. The nine divinities are: Satan, Lucifer, Flereous, Leviathan, Belial, Verrine, Amducious, Unsere, and Eurynomous. The symbol is one fluid motion and is encircled as a sigil to represent the whole encircling all its parts. The ZD is also employed to invoke each Demon, no matter which one, with respect to the nine. Some common courtesies (to avoid disrespect toward the Demons) when invoking: Don't command or be aggressive with the demons. Don't stab the ritual blade into the air. Don’t use a ritual blade when working with Khemetic Daemons unless you have a working relationship with them. Evocation vs. Invocation Evocation is a command. Invocation is a prayer of invitation. In Demonolatry we use invocation because we respect the Demons as our teachers and honored guests. We find evocation disrespectful. How to Do It:

So, now that you know the standard method of invocation you approach each elemental point (East Air, South Fire, West Earth or Water, and North Water or Earth) and invoke the proper elemental Daemon using their Enn (invocation). To the East you invoke Lucifer with Renich tasa uberace, biasa icar, Lucifer. To the South you invoke Flereous/Flaros with: Ganic tasa fubin Flereous. To the West you invoke Leviathan with: Jedan tasa hoet naca Leviathan. To the North you invoke Belial with: Lirach tasa vefa wehlc Belial. From the center you can invoke Satan (or your All) with: Tasa remy laris Satan. Now, for those of you who prefer Water North and Earth West, feel free to swap them, and for those of you who are advanced practitioners, feel free to dump this construct and substitute your own. The standard ritual construct is to bring balance to the ritual space, and is a good idea for anyone new to the practice of Daemonic magick in general. You may also substitute your own invocations. On to the pacts. Writing pacts out: You would write your pact on a piece of parchment (or plain paper if you must, magickal papers are a plus) write it in magickal ink. If you don’t have a magickal ink, use fountain pen ink and add a couple of drops of your blood. On Drawing Blood: Using a diabetic lancet device, only extract a few drops of blood. DO not cut your hand or any other part of your body with a knife. Blood should be honored and taken in the least destructive way possible. 1-2 drops is usually enough for ANY magickal operation. You DO NOT use the blood of another living thing to make this kind of pact. See the FAQ for more information. Daemonic Seals: You can find many of them online. If not online, check The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Magick. Magickal Ink: You can use regular fountain pen ink with a couple drops of your blood added. But if that seems like too much of a cheat,

on a full moon mix together one tablespoon Sandalwood (red), 1/2 teaspoon Alum, and 1 pinch powdered Gum Arabic, then add Dragons Blood Oil (or olive oil) until the right consistency is achieved. You may add blood to this mixture if you are using it just to sign pacts.

For Learning Suggested Daemons: Ronove/Ronwe, Thoth, Lucifer Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for wisdom, insight, and the ability to retain and apply learned information. I seek to learn all that I can and excel in my endeavors. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm that a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to learning [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact for getting your degree or learning a new language. Remember that being specific helps bring about better results.

To Become a Powerful Magician Daemons: Thoth, Seshat, Delepitore, Gremory Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for learning the secrets of great magick. I seek to learn all that I can and excel as a magician that my will bows and manifests before me. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to becoming a powerful magus [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact for learning specific sorceries like divination, spirit communication/necromancy, or healing.

To Gain Fame/Success Daemons: Sorath*, Paimon, Gusoin, Berith (Ba’al Berith/ Balberith) *Sorath can cause self-destruction, so do be careful if you choose to work with Him. Not everyone weathers Sorath successfully.

Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for fame and great success, to excel in all of my endeavors. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to being successful/famous. [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact for getting a more specific form of notoriety or recognition. For example, “I do dedicate myself to become a famous painter” instead of just famous.

To Become Wealthy Daemons: Belphegor, Ba’al, Belial Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for great wealth. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to the pursuit of wealth. [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact for getting a more specific type of wealth. A wealth of ideas, a wealth of friends, or even six point five billion dollars. Also remember that the Daemon needs something to work with here. Especially when we’re talking about monetary wealth. In that case you better be good at your job, have a strong talent or skill, or a very rich relative (who likes you) close to death for a wealth pact to manifest to its full potential. If you have none of these things and you want money, you might pick a skill and try to develop it instead.

To Become Attractive/Sexually Desirable to Women/Men Daemons: Astarte, Lilith, Sitri Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for sexual congress with any person I choose. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to transforming myself into one others sexually desire. [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact for influencing specific people, or a certain number of people. As always, please practice safe sex. STDs and unwanted pregnancies aren’t sexy.

To Find a Soul Mate/Partner Daemons: Rosier, Ashtaroth Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for bringing my soulmate to me. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to drawing my soul mate. [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact with specific qualities you wish your soul mate to possess, like sense of humor or a patient disposition.

For Optimal Health Daemons: Verrine (overall health and vitality), Buer (emotional healing and things like weak immune system), Vepar (to heal wounds or breaks) and Marbas (heals diseases). Suggested Pact Text: I, __________ [your name], in deepest respect, do hereby offer [Daemonic Name] [what you intend to give the Daemon] in exchange for health. [Enter other specifics here.] I affirm a pact with You, [Daemon], is my most heartfelt desire. By signing and dating this pact below I do dedicate myself to being healthy. [add specifics here]. Below I affix my seal: ________________________ [date] ________________________ [signature with blood] [Daemon’s Seal] Considerations: Consider altering this pact with specific health requests like losing weight, healing broken bones, or sending a disease into remission.

Not seeing the pact you want? Maybe you want Fame and Fortune like nothing the world has ever seen? Maybe you want to become a world dictator? Create your own using the samples as a template.

Daemons to Make Pacts With (by Purpose) Love -- Lust -- Relationships --Compassion Rosier Astarte Ashtaroth Astaroth Asmodeous Agrat-bat-mahlaht Eisheth Zenunim Lilith Naamah Asafoetida Rashoon Taroon Death Eurynomous Baalberith or Berith Babael Murmur

Nature Belial Lucifer Satan Flereous Leviathan Rimmon Dagon Rahab Seriel Hatrid -- Vengeance -- Anger -- War Amducious Andras Merihim Abbadon Satanchia Lucifuge Rofocale Agaliarept Feurety Sargatanas Nebiros Baal Sonnilion Tezrian Olivier Mephestophiles Dumah Proserpine Belphegore Svengali

Life -- Healing Unsere Verrine Verrier Belial Money -- Prosperity -- Luck Behemoth Belphegor Asmodeous Astaroth Oeillet Olivier Beelzebub Mammon Knowledge -- Secrets -- Sorcery Ronwe Pytho Lucifer Leviathan Baalberith Unsere Delepitorae Mesphito Luithian Abbadon Verrier

Pact FAQ Now on to the questions you probably have about now. Is three drops of blood enough? Yes. In Daemonolatry we have a saying: The blood is the life. (Praise be Sobek.) You are willing to sacrifice your OWN blood for what you want, and that says a lot. Psychologically this suggests you are serious enough to suffer some pain (even if it is small) for what you want. Not to mention blood is very sacred. It's your essence, your very life-force. Without it, you would not exist. We carry within us the blood of our mothers, their mothers, and the blood of our entire ancestry. Never underestimate the power a single drop of blood holds. It's not the quantity that counts. It's the intent behind it. Why not just kill an animal and use their blood? In that case you're not the one suffering or losing your life for what you want. I find that killing an animal for no other reason than for its blood rather cowardly. Unless you plan on eating the cooked animal flesh afterward, it's not a respectful sacrifice. Some may disagree with me and that's their right. I simply see no reason to practice animal sacrifice unless the animal is thanked, you kill it humanely and then use its flesh for sustenance afterward. This means that animals we normally consider food are fair game, but neighborhood cats, dogs and even small rodents are off limits. Don't be unnecessarily cruel because it will come back to you in spades. Why not my soul? Well, I suppose if you must, you can sell your soul. I just personally find the idea trite. Not to mention you can, theoretically, only sell your soul once. So you better make it a good pact if you're going with the soul-selling angle. What other things can I sacrifice? Plants always work, but I think the best ones are those that you've grown yourself. Or wine you've made yourself. Whatever you sacrifice, it has to mean something to you and in the case of non-blood sacrifice, it should be something you've put effort into. You can also sacrifice time. What if my pact doesn't manifest? All pacts manifest, they just don't always manifest in the way we want or expect. Just like all magick works, it may just not work how you want it to. Or - you may be

expecting results that are unrealistic, or the expected results and the real results aren't coinciding. Some results may also take longer to manifest. If, in six months, you didn't get any results whatsoever, that may be a sign that you need to re-evaluate your true intent. After all, most of us really have no genuine desire to be famous millionaires. We simply want to be happy, surrounded by people who love us, and to have enough so we don't have to worry about the month-to-month bills. If you really had a strong enough desire to be a millionaire, you would be. What happens if I break my pact with the Deamon? Depends which part you break. If you don't offer up what you said you would, the Daemon may simply ignore you and go on its way. If you do offer up blood or whatnot, but refuse to listen to what the Daemon is trying to tell you, or you ignore the opportunities you're presented, the Daemon may simply stop trying to help, ignore you, and go on its way. Now if you've offered something up that is non-refundable, souls, firstborn, things like that, psychologically that could do some damage. Depends how superstitious and afraid of your own shadow you are, or how prone to emotional discord you are. Each person's results will be different based on mental stability and personal fears. Of course ultimately if you break your pact the person you cheat is yourself, and that's punishment enough because no one can ever be as hard on us as we often are on ourselves. All magick has consequences. Be prepared to accept any consequences for your magick whether they’re good or bad. So if everything you say is true, why magick, why pactmaking at all??? Some people need ritual to set their minds to something. Some people need a way to focus their intent, and performing rituals, magick, and working with spirits helps to that end. The mind is a very powerful thing. Add to that coinciding energy in the form of spirits, plants, stones, color etc... you create a force to be reckoned with. The Daemon and all the tools and elements of magick are simply supportive. They draw things and opportunities to you, allow you to attune yourself to the proper energy for affecting change, and help you put your mind and effort toward what you really want. That isn't to say there is or isn't a "supernatural" element to magick,

just that for best results, add the power of the human mind. Don't forget the Hermetic axiom: The universe is mental. We do create our own realities, magick, including pacts, just make it a little easier. Why would a Daemonic Force be in a deal to provide support, strength or accountability? Divine Intelligence (which is what Daemons are) are often willing to help those who seek it provided you're willing to do any work necessary. They like it when physical beings try to better themselves. It's their nature to help "ascend" consciousness. I refuse to be thrown crumbs by a Daemon. I am a master magician! Why should I make a pact? Well first, no one is forcing you. You picked up this chapbook of your own accord. Second, no one is expecting you to make a pact to become a groveling servant (unless that’s your will). Also, sounds to me like you want something for nothing with that attitude. If you view opportunity and insight as “crumbs”, your expectations are too high and you probably need to stop right here, throw this book in the fire, and find another plan. Pact making is not a quick fix to all your problems or a get-rich-quickscheme. I am sorry to see that pact making doesn’t fit your Faustian Expectations. Move on. Essentially you keep saying people need to lower their expectations. I disagree. A magician should have high expectations. Why should I lower my expectations? If you truly understand how magick works, you won’t. You can have grand and lofty goals with realistic expectations. You can become powerful, wealthy, and have whatever you want in life. It’s just not likely to fall on your doorstep with little effort – and if you’re a magician worth your salt - you know that. All fame and success takes work and even maintenance.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Remember that this book is about Daemonolatry pact making. To learn more about Daemonolatry: The Complete Book of Demonolatry, S. Connolly The Daemonolater’s Guide to Daemonic Magick , S. Connolly

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