
Full form of Rasa? Does not have a full form Rasa does not use machine learning. True or False? False Which is the Rasa

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Full form of Rasa? Does not have a full form Rasa does not use machine learning. True or False? False Which is the Rasa module taking care of dialogue generation? Core Which of the following is not a component of a typical chatbot? Small Talk Rasa nlu takes care of natural language processing. True or false? True Which among the following is open source? Rasa An entity describes or adds more information to an intent. True or False? True What could be the intent in the utterance �Book me a ticket for today's movie.� book_ticket Why is open source tools better for bot development? All the options What the user means by utterance is determined as �Intent�. True or False? True What is the full form of NLU? Natural Language Understanding What could be the intent in the utterance �Set alarm for tomorrow morning� ? SetAlarm The messages that the user sends the bot are known as ____ . Utterences =================================================================================== ================================= What is the action for default bot response termed as? Default fallback action Training data for Rasa NLU need not be in a predefined format. False How many kinds of actions are there in Rasa core? 3 Which is the action where the bot is waiting for user input in Rasa core? action_listen Which type of actions are custom made in Rasa? custom actions In Rasa, the training data needn�t be hand coded. True or false? True Name the Rasa feature which can be used to train the bot with user feedback.

Interactive learning is platform independent. True or False? True Which platform does socketio support? Any platform An entity is used only for a single intent. True or False? False An intent describes or adds more information to an entity. True or False? False What does Chatterbot use to log its conversations? Sqlite3 What could be the intent in �Play pop music� ? play_music can handle event based communication. True or false? True The configuration file of Rasa NLU is of what type? yml Which action implements the �start over� feature in Rasa core? action_restart Rasa does not have a feature for context management. True or false? False What kind of action is action_listen? Default action What kind of action is action_restart? Default action Rasa allows migrations from proprietary bot frameworks like Dialogflow. True or false? True