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Kunci Rahasia 1 Answer Main Idea Questions Correctly (Jawab Pertanyaan Gagasan Utama dengan Tepat) Hampir semua jenis te

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Kunci Rahasia 1 Answer Main Idea Questions Correctly (Jawab Pertanyaan Gagasan Utama dengan Tepat) Hampir semua jenis tes TOEFL menggunakan model soal multiple choice yang menanyakan tentang gagasan utama (main idea) bacaan. Pertanyaan ini dapat muncul dalam berbagai variasi kata, sekalipun dengan maksud yang sama. Bacaan dalam tes TOEFL biasanya ditulis dengan cara tradisional sehingga memudahkan Anda menemukan jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan. Pertanyaan tentang Gagasan Utama ini, jawabannya biasanya termuat di awal paragraf. Jika bacaan hanya terdiri dari satu paragraf, Anda harus mempelajari bagian awal dari paragraf tersebut untuk menentukan gagasan utamanya. Perhatikan contoh berikut. The passage: (1) In the philosophy of John Dewey, a sharp distinction is made between "intelligence" and "reasoning". According to Dewey, intelligence is the only absolute way to achieve a balance between realism and idealism, between practicality and wisdom of life. (2) Intelligence involves "interacting with other things and knowing them," while reasoning is merely the act of an observer, "... a mind that beholds or grasps objects outside the world of thing.. "With reasoning, a level of mental certainty can be achieved, but it is through intelligence that control is taken of events that shape one's life. The question: What is the topic of this passage? (A) The intelligence ofjohn Dewey (B) Distinctions made by John Dewey (C) Dewey's ideas on the ability to reason (D) How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey's works Kalimat pertama pada bacaan ini membahas sebuah perbedaan antara gagasan "intelligence (kecerdasaan) dan "reasoning" (penalaran) dalam pandangan hidup John Dewey, maka kemungkinan inilah topiknya. Cepat periksa bagian dari kalimat dalam bacaan ini untuk memastikan bahwa topik yang dibicarakan adalah fakta perbedaan antara intelligence dan reasoning. Kemudian, periksa setiap pilihan jawaban untuk menentukan manakah yang paling sesuai.

Jawaban (A) hanya menyebutkan intelligence (kecerdasan), sehingga ia bukan topiknya. Jawaban (B) menyebutkan perbedaan yang John Dewey buat, tetapi tidak mengatakan secara khusus apa jenis perbedaannya. Jawaban (C) hanya menyebutkan penalaran (reasoning), dan tidak lengkap. Karena itu, jawaban yang paling benar adalah (D); gagasan how intelligence differs from reasoning (bagaimana kecerdasan berbeda dengan penalaran) berasal dari kalimat pertama pada bacaan itu, yang menyebutkan a sharp distinction is made between "intelligence" and "reasoning". Sementara itu, jika suatu bacaan berisi lebih dari satu paragraf, sebaiknya pelajari awal tiap paragraf untuk menentukan gagasan utama (main idea). Pelajari contoh berikut ini. The passage: (1) Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into biological circulation. In this process, certain algae and bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia (NH3). This newly created ammonia is then for the most part absorbed by plants (2) The opposite process of denitrification returns nitrogen to the air. During the process of denitrification, bacteria cause some of the nitrates from the soil to convert into gaseous nitrogen or nitrous oxide (N20). In this gaseous form, the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere. The question: Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? (A) The Process of Nitrogen Fixation (B) Two Nitrogen Processes (C) The Return of Nitrogen to the Air (D) The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Life Pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang judul terbaik untuk bagian ini. Dalam bagian yang memiliki lebih dari satu paragraf, Anda harus yakin untuk membaca kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf untuk menentukan subjek, topik, judul, atau gagasan utama Dalam contoh ini, kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menunjukkan bahwa paragraf pertama membahas tentang proses fiksasi nitrogen. Jika Anda hanya melihat paragraf pertama, Anda mungkin memilih jawaban yang salah (A), yang dapat jadi judul yang baik untuk paragraf pertama saja. Kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menunjukkan bahwa proses denitrification (denitrifikasi) dibahas dalanm paragraf kedua. Jawaban (C) juga tidak benar, karena kembalinya nitrogen ke udara adalah proses denitrifikasi (lihat kalimat: In this gaseous form the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere), dan ini dibahas dalam paragraf kedua saja. Sedangkan jawaban (D) juga tidak

benar, karena pengaruh nitrogen pada tanaman hidup tidak dibahas dalam bagian ini. Untuk itu, jawaban yang tepat atas pertanyaan ini adalah jawaban (B); dua proses nitrogen, yaitu fixation nitrogen yang dibahas dalam paragraf pertama, dan denitrification yang dibahas dalam paragraf kedua.

Question 1 (1) A number of staple crops are today quite commonplace in much of the world and feed much of today's population. These staple crops of today originated in different eras and in different parts of the world before spreading throughout the rest of the globe. (2) Wheat was probably the earliest cereal to have been grown and most likely was a hybrid of wild grasses rather than a single wild grass. It is known to have been cultivated by Mediterranean civilizations 10,000 years ago and was being used as a primary ingredient in baked goods in Mesopotamia as early as 8000 B.C (3) Beans are a diverse family of plants that have been cultivated for 8,000 years. Certain types of beans, such as mung and soy, were first cultivated in Asia, while other types of beans, such as string and lima, are thought to have originated in the Americas (4) Other crops that originated in the Americas are potatoes and maize, a relative of corm; maize was used extensively beginning around 5000 B.C. in civilizations in what is today Mexico, while the cultivation of the potato developed in civilizations in the Andes at least as early as 100 B.C. Maize and potatoes were staples of the diets of their respective cultures long before they were introduced to Europe in the sixteenth century by European explorers who had discovered them in the Americas. (5) The cultivation of rice is not as old as the cultivation of wheat, beans, and maize. Rice was first known to have been cultivated in India around 3000 B.C. From there, it later spread to China, Japan, and various countries in Southeast Asia, which are today major producers of the crop. 1. How is the information in the passage organized? (A) Various classifications of crops are described (B) A series of events is presented in chronological order.

(C) The causes of a certain effect are explained. (D) Opposing ideas are contrasted. Pembahasan: Pada kalimat pertama dalam paragraf satu disebutkan "a number of staple crops", Kalimat pertama dalam paragraf kedua disebutkan bahwa "wheat was probably the earliest cereal to have been grown', kalimat ketiga menyatakan bahwa "beans...have been cultivated for 8,000 years", kalimat pertama dari paragraf keempat menyatakan bahwa "other crops that originated in the Americas are potatoes and maize", dan kalimat pertama dari paragraf terakhir menyatakan bahwa "the cultivation of rice is not as old as the cultivation of wheat, beans, and maize" Kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf umumnya menyediakan petunjuk sebagai "subjek", topik, judul, atau gagasan utama dari bacaan. Kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf menyatakan bahwa bacaan ini tentang "the origin of today's crops" Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D). 2. What is the topic of the fifth paragraph? A. Where rice is eaten today B. The development of rice as a cultivated crop C. Cultivated crops that are older than rice D. Various crops that developed outside the Americas Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf ketiga menyebutkan "the cultivation of rice", dan paragraf berikutnya menyatakan bahwa "rice was first known" dan bahwa "from there, it later spread.... dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa topik dari paragraf kelima adalah the development of rice as a cultivated crop". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 3. The main idea of the passage is that A. the United States has some positive associations to the number thirteen B. there are positive and negative feelings about the number thirteen

C. it is difficult to treat triskaidekaphobia D. there are many negative superstitions about the number thirteen Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa "the number thirteen has long been regarded as an omen of misfortune", dan kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyebutkan "the number thirteen" dan menyatakan bahwa "this number is also held in high esteem". Kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf, secara umum menyediakan petunjuk sebagai subjek, judul, atau "gagasan utama" dari bacaan. Dari kalimat pertama setiap paragraf bacaan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa gagasan utama (main idea) dari bacaan tersebut adalah "there are positive and negative feelings about the number thirteen". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 4. What is the topic of the second paragraph? A. Various examples of suspicions about the number thirteer B. Symbolism on U.S. currency C. A history of the thirteen original U.S. colonies D. An explanation for positive feelings about the number thirteen in the United States Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyebutkan the number thirteen dan menyatakan bahwa this number is also held in high esteem, dan paragraf tersebut membahas the reason for the esteem that the United States holds for the number thirteen Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa topik dari paragraf kedua adalah an explanation for positive feelings about the number thirteen in the United States. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D).

Kunci Rahasia 2 Recognize The Organization of Ideas (Kenali Susunan Gagasan-gagasan) Di dalam bagian Reading Comprehensioan, baik pada Paper Test maupun Computer lest, ada pertanyaan mengenai penyusunan (organization) gagasan- gagasan dalam suatu bacaan. Anda mungkin diminta menentukan bagaimanakah gagasan dalam satu paragraf atau lebih, berkaitan dengan gagasan- gagasan di paragraf lainnya. Perhatikan contoh dari embar kerja test TOEFL yang memintamu untuk menentukan bagaimana informasi bacaan itu disusun. The passage: (1) If asked who invented the game of baseball, most Americans would probably reply that it was their belief that Abner Doubleday did. They believe this because the storyabout Doubleday is part of the tradition of baseball (2) Doubleday was given credit for this invention early in the twentieth century when sportinggoods manufacturer Spaulding inaugurated a commission to research the question of who invented baseball. In 1908, a report was published by the commission in which Abner Doubleday, a U.S. Armyofficer from Cooperstown, New York, was given credit for the invention of the game. The National Baseball Hall of Fame was established in Cooperstown in honor of Doubleday (3) Today, most sports historians are in agreement that Doubleday really did not have much to do with the development of baseball. Instead, baseball seems to be a close relative of the English game of rounders and probably has English rather than American roots. The Question: In this passage (A) an idea is presented and then refuted (B) a concept is followed by examples (C) a cause is followed by an effect

(D) a belief is supported with reasons Pertanyaan ini mengenai bagaimana informasi disusun dalam bacaan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, perlu memperhatikan gagasan utama (main idea) setiap tiga paragraph itu. Gagasan utama dari paragraph pertama ditemukan di awal kalimat: yaitu "lf asked who invented the game of baseball, most Americans would probably reply that it was their belief that Abner Doubleday did" (jika diminta siapa penemu permainan baseball, kebanyakan orang Amerika mungkin akan menjawab dengan yakin yaitu Abner Doubleday). Gagasan utama dari paragraph kedua ditemukan di baris pertama: yaitu "Doubleday was given credit for this invention" (Daubleday diberikan penghargaan atas penemuannya). Gagasan utama paragraph ketiga ditemukan di baris pertama: yaitu "most sports historians are in agreement that Doubleday really did not have much to do with the development of baseball" (kebanyakan sejarahawan olaharaga setuju bahwa Doubleday tidak sungguh- sungguh banyak melakukan pengembangan baseball). Jika Anda pelajari informasi tersebut pada setiap baris pertama dari masing-masing paragraph, Anda dapat menentukan bahwa paragraph ketiga berlawanan atau menyangkal (refutes) informasi yang diperkenalkan diperkenalkan (presented) di awal dua paragraph tersebut. Untuk itu, jawaban (A) adalah yang paling benar untuk pertanyaan ini. Question 2: (1) A number of staple crops are today quite commonplace in much of the world and feed much of today's population. These staple crops of today originated in different eras and in different parts of the world before spreading throughout the rest of the globe. (2) Wheat was probably the earliest cereal to have been grown and most likely was a hybrid of wild grasses rather than a single wild grass. It is known to have been cultivated by Mediterranean civilizations 10,000 years ago and was being used as a primary ingredient in baked goods in Mesopotamia as early as 8000 B.C. (3) Beans are a diverse family of plants that have been cultivated for 8,000 years. Certain types of beans, such as mung and soy, were first cultivated in Asia, while other types of beans, such as string and lima, are thought to have originated in the Americas.

(4) Other crops that originated in the Americas are potatoes and maize, a relative of corn; maize was used extensively beginning around 5000 B.C. in civilizations in what is today Mexico, while the cultivation of the potato developed in civilizations in the Andes at least as early as 100 B.C. Maize and potatoes were staples of the diets of their respective cultures long before they were introduced to Europe in the sixteenth century by European explorers who had discovered them in the Americas. (5) The cultivation of rice is not as old as the cultivation of wheat, beans, and maize. Rice was first known to have been cultivated in India around 3000 B.C. From there, it later spread to China, Japan, and various countries in Southeast Asia, which are today major producers of the crop. 1. How is the information in the passage organized? (A) Various classifications of crops are described (B) A series of events is presented in chronological order. (C) The causes of a certain effect are explained (D) Opposing ideas are contrasted.

Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menyebutkan "a number of staple crops", kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyebutkan "wheat", kalimat pertama dari paragraf ketiga menyebutkan "beans", kalimat pertama dari paragraf keempat menyebutkan "other crops", dan kalimat pertama dari paragraf kelima menyebutkan "rice". Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa "various classifications of crops are described" dalam bacaan ini. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah (A). 2. Which paragraph describes the first of the cultivated crops? (A) The first paragraph (B) The second paragraph

(C) The third paragraph (D) The fourth paragraph Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyatakan bahwa "wheat was probably the earliest cereal to have been grown". Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa paragraf kedua menjelaskan "the first of the cultivated crops. Maka, jawabannya adalah (B). 3. Which paragraphs discuss crops that originated in the Americas? (A) The first and second paragraphs (B) The second and third paragraphs (C) The third and fourth paragraphs (D) The fourth and fifth paragraphs. Pembahasan: Paragraf ketiga menyebutkan "beans" darn menyatakan bahwa "other types of beans...are thought to have originated in the Americas", dan paragraf keempat menyebutkan "other crops that originated in the Americas". Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa paragraf ketiga dan keempat membahas "that originated in the Americas". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 4. What is the overall organization of information in the passage? (A) An extended definition of triskaidekaphobia is presented. (B) A chronological history of changing feelings about the number thirteen is outlined (C) Two contrasting views of the number thirteen are presented. (D) Various reasons for negative feelings about the number thirteen are presented Pembahasan:

Kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa "the number thirteen has long been regarded as an omen of misfortune", dan kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyebutkan "the number thirteen" dan menyatakan bahwa "this number is also held in high esteem". Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa overal organization (susunan keseluruhan informasi) dalam bacaan adalah "two contrasting views of the number thirteen are presented". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C).

Kunci Rahasia 3 Answer Stated Detail Questions Correctly (Menjawab Pertanyaan Khusus Secara Tepat) Stated detail question menanyakan tentang informasi tertentu secara khusus yang terdapat dalam bacaar, tidak menanyakan secara keseluruhan. Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini secara umum telah termuat dalam kata yang berbeda. The passage: 1) Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia that bacaan dan muncul berulang dengan ungkapan atau was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty six years after the first permanent English colony beginning, the colony at Williamsburg was named middle of a peninsula between two rivers, the York in America was settled at Jamestown. In the Middle Plantation because of its location in the and the James. The site for Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists because the soil drainage was better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes. The question: The passage indicates that Jamestown (A) was settled in 1633 (B) was settled twenty-six years after Williamsburg (C) was the first permanent English colony in America (D) was originally named Middle Plantation Pertanyaan ini menanyakan bacaan apa yang mengindikasikan tentang Jamestown. Jadi, Anda tahu bahwa jawabannya sudah langsung dinyatakan dalam bacaan tersebut. Bacalah sekilas untuk menemukan bagian bacaan yang membahas Jamestown. Jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini ditemukan di pernyataan bahwa "Williamsburg.... was settled by English colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first permanent English colony in America was settled at Jamestown."(Williamsburg diduduki oleh penjajah Inggris di Th 1633, 26 tahun setelah menetap pertama kalinya penjajah Inggris di Amerika menduduki Jamestown). Jawaban (A) salah, karena

Williamsburg diduduki di tahun 1633. Jawaban (B) salah, karena Jamestown diduduki sebelum Williamsburg. Jawaban (D) salah, karena nama Middle Plantation diperuntukkan bagi Williamsburg Jawaban yang paling benar adalah (C), karena bacaan tersebut secara langsung menyatakan bahwa Jamestown yang pertama kali diduduki jajahan Inggris di Amerika, "...the first permanent English colony in America..." Question 3: (1) Caleb Bradham, called "Doc" Bradham by friends and acquaintances, was the owner of a pharmacy at the end of the nineteenth century. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham had a soda fountain, as was customary in pharmacies of the time. He took great pleasure in creating new and unusual mixtures of drinks for customers at the fountain (2) Like many other entrepreneurs of the era, Doc Bradham wanted to create a cola drink to rival Coca-Cola. By 1895, Coca-Cola was a commercial success throughout the United States, and numerous innovators were trying to come up with their own products to cash in on the success that Coca-Cola was beginning to experience. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham developed his own version of a cola drink, and Doc's drink became quite popular at his soda fountain. The drink he created was made with a syrup consisting of sugar, essence of vanilla, cola nuts, and other flavorings. The syrup was mixed at the soda fountain with carbonated water before it was served. (3) The drink that Doc Bradham created was originally called "Brad's Drink" by those in his hometown of New Bern who visited the soda fountain and sampled his product. Those who tasted the drink claimed not only that it hada refreshing and invigorating quality but also that it had a medicinal value by providing relief from dyspepsia, or upset stomach. From this reputed ability to relieve dyspepsia, Doc Bradham created the name of Pepsi-Cola for his drink. Doc Bradham eventually made the decision to mass-market his product, and in 1902 he founded the Pepsi-Cola Company. The advertising for this new product, of course, touted the drink as an "invigorating drink" that "aids digestion." 1. The passage states that Doc Bradham (A) was a member of Caleb Bradham's family (B) bought his pharmacy from friends and acquaintances

(C) had a water fountain in his pharmacy (D) enjoyed making up new drink combinations

Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa Doc Bradham took great pleasure in creating new and unusual mixtures of drinks. Ini artinya, bawha dia enjoyed making up new drink combinations. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D). 2. What is stated in the passage about Coca-Cola? (A) It was invented by Doc Bradham. (B) It was created in 1895 (C) It had become a successful product by the end of the nineteenth century. (D) It was originally called Brad's Drink. Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa by 1895, Coca-Cola was a commercial success. Ini artinya, bahwa Coca-Cola had become a successful product by the end of the nineteenth century. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 3. What did people who tried Doc Bradham's drink claim about the product? (A) It had a stimulating effect (B) It caused dyspepsia. (C) It was not very fresh. (D) It caused upset stomach. Pembahasan:

Bacaan menyatakan bahwa masyarakat "claimed...that it had a refreshing and invigorating quality". Ini artinya, bahwa "it had a stimulating effect". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 4. According to the passage, how long has opal been in use as a gemstone? (A) For a hundred years (B) For centuries (C) For a thousand years (D) For several millennia Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa "opal... has been used as a gemstone...for thousands of years". Ini artinya bahwa opal telah digunakan sebagai batu permata "for several millennia". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D).

Kunci Rahasia 4 Find "Unstated" Details (Temukan Jawaban yang Tidak Disebutkan dalam Bacaan) Di dalam test Reading Comprehension, biasanya diberi pertanyaan yang jawabannya tidak disebutkan secara jelas di dalam bacaan. Pertanyaan tipe semacam ini, Anda diminta memilih pernyataan dari empat pilihan jawaban yang tidak tercantum dalam bacaan atau pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan pernyataan yang terdapat di dalam bacaan. Terdapat dua macam pertanyaan tipe semacam ini, yaitu (1) terdapat tiga jawaban benar dan satu jawaban yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan, (2) terdapat tiga jawaban benar dan satu jawaban salah - tidak sesuai dengan bacaan. Perhatikan contoh berikut. The Passage: (1) In English, there are many different kinds of expressions that people use to give a name to anything whose name is unknown or momentarily forgotten. The word gadget is one such word. It was first used by British sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the French word gachette, which was a small hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning. Other words are also used to give a name to something unnamed or unknown, and these words tend to be somewhat imaginative. Some of the more commonly used expressions are a what-d'ye-call- it, a whatsis, a thingamabob, a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey. The question: Which of the following is NOT true about the word gadget"? (A) It is used to name something when the name is not known. (B) It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century (C) It most likely came from a word in the French language. (D) Its first known use was by British sailors Pertanyaan ini meminta satu jawaban yang tidak sesuai tentang kata "gadget", jadi tiga pilihan jawaban sesuai dan satu pilihan jawaban tidak sesuai. Carilah kata "gadget dalam bacaan dan

menemukan informasi yang tidak sesuai. Jawaban (A), (C), dan (D) semuanya sesuai menurut bacaan, maka jawaban ini salah. Sedangkan, jawaban (B) adalah satu jawaban yang tidak sesuai: yang menyatakan "It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century" (la dipakai di awal abad 19) Padahal, di dalam bacaan disebutkan "gadget. was first used by British sailors in the 1850s" (pertama kali digunakan oleh pelaut Inggris di tahun 1850 an). Karena itu, jawaban (B) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk pertanyaan ini. Question 4: (1) Caleb Bradham, called "Doc" Bradham by friends and acquaintances, was the owner of a pharmacy at the end of the nineteenth century. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham had a soda fountain, as was customary in pharmacies of the time. He took great pleasure in creating new and unusual mixtures of drinks for customers at the fountain (2) Like many other entrepreneurs of the era, Doc Bradham wanted to create a cola drink to rival Coca-Cola. By 1895, Coca-Cola was a commercial success throughout the United States, and numerous innovators were trying to come up with their own products to cash in on the success that Coca-Cola was beginning to experience. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham developed his own version of a cola drink, and Doc's drink became quite popular at his soda fountain. The drink he created was made with a syrup consisting of sugar, essence of vanilla, cola nuts, and other flavorings. The syrup was mixed at the soda fountain with carbonated water before it was served. (3) The drink that Doc Bradham created was originally called "Brad's Drink" by those in his hometown of New Bern who visited the soda fountain and sampled his product. Those who tasted the drink claimed not only that it hada refreshing and invigorating quality but also that it had a medicinal value by providing relief from dyspepsia, or upset stomach. From this reputed ability to relieve dyspepsia, Doc Bradham created the name of Pepsi-Cola for his drink. Doc Bradham eventually made the decision to mass-market his product, and in 1902 he founded the Pepsi-Cola Company. The advertising for this new product, of course, touted the drink as an "invigorating drink" that "aids digestion." 1. Which of the following is NOT listed as an ingredient of Doc Bradham's syrup?

(A) A sweetener (B) Vanilla extract (C) A specific type of nut (D) Bicarbonate of soda Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan "a syrup consisting of sugar, essence of vanilla, cola nuts" "A sweetener" dalam jawaban (A) adalah uraian lain (restatement) dari "sugar", sedangkan "vanilla extract" dalam jawaban (B) adalah uraian lain dari "essence of vanilla", dan "a specific type of nut" dalam jawaban (C) adalah uraian lain dari "cola nuts". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D), karena tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan. 2. What is NOT true about the Pepsi-Cola Company, according to the passage? (A) It was established early in the twentieth century (B) Its purpose was to mass-market Doc Bradham's product. (C) Doc Bradham purchased it. (D) It was named by Doc Bradham Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan "Doc Bradham" dan menyatakan bahwa "in 1902 he founded the PepsiCola Company". Ini artinya bahwa tidak benar bahwa "Doc Bradham purchased" perusahaan Pepsi-Cola. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as predators EXCEPT (A) lynx (B) bears (C) moose

(D) wolverines Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the the strongest predator dan menyebutkan predators such as lynx dan a larger predator such as a bear Lynx dalam jawaban (A), bears dalam jawaban (B), dan wolverines dalam jawaban (D), semuanya telah disebutkan dalam bacaan sebagai hewan predator. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C), yaitu yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan sebagai hewan predator. 4. All of the following are mentioned about wolverine EXCEPT for their (A) powerful teeth (B) shy character (C) noises (D) ability to endure cold Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the teeth of wolverines are much stronger, bahwa the wolverine is incredibly reclusive, dan bahwa wolverine membuat a hissing roar that sounds like a small jet engine. Powerful teeth dalam jawaban (A) adalah uraian lain dari the teeth of wolverines are much stronger shy character dalam jawaban (B) adalah uraian lain dari incredibly reclusive, dan noises dalam jawaban (C) adalah uraian lain dari hissing roar that sounds like a small jet engine. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D), yaitu yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan.

Kunci Rahasia 4 Find "Unstated" Details (Temukan Jawaban yang Tidak Disebutkan dalam Bacaan) Di dalam test Reading Comprehension, biasanya diberi pertanyaan yang jawabannya tidak disebutkan secara jelas di dalam bacaan. Pertanyaan tipe semacam ini, Anda diminta memilih pernyataan dari empat pilihan jawaban yang tidak tercantum dalam bacaan atau pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan pernyataan yang terdapat di dalam bacaan. Terdapat dua macam pertanyaan tipe semacam ini, yaitu (1) terdapat tiga jawaban benar dan satu jawaban yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan, (2) terdapat tiga jawaban benar dan satu jawaban salah - tidak sesuai dengan bacaan. Perhatikan contoh berikut. The Passage: (2) In English, there are many different kinds of expressions that people use to give a name to anything whose name is unknown or momentarily forgotten. The word gadget is one such word. It was first used by British sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the French word gachette, which was a small hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning. Other words are also used to give a name to something unnamed or unknown, and these words tend to be somewhat imaginative. Some of the more commonly used expressions are a what-d'ye-call- it, a whatsis, a thingamabob, a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey. The question: Which of the following is NOT true about the word gadget"? (A) It is used to name something when the name is not known. (B) It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century (C) It most likely came from a word in the French language. (D) Its first known use was by British sailors Pertanyaan ini meminta satu jawaban yang tidak sesuai tentang kata "gadget", jadi tiga pilihan jawaban sesuai dan satu pilihan jawaban tidak sesuai. Carilah kata "gadget dalam bacaan dan

menemukan informasi yang tidak sesuai. Jawaban (A), (C), dan (D) semuanya sesuai menurut bacaan, maka jawaban ini salah. Sedangkan, jawaban (B) adalah satu jawaban yang tidak sesuai: yang menyatakan "It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century" (la dipakai di awal abad 19) Padahal, di dalam bacaan disebutkan "gadget. was first used by British sailors in the 1850s" (pertama kali digunakan oleh pelaut Inggris di tahun 1850 an). Karena itu, jawaban (B) adalah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk pertanyaan ini. Question 4: (4) Caleb Bradham, called "Doc" Bradham by friends and acquaintances, was the owner of a pharmacy at the end of the nineteenth century. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham had a soda fountain, as was customary in pharmacies of the time. He took great pleasure in creating new and unusual mixtures of drinks for customers at the fountain (5) Like many other entrepreneurs of the era, Doc Bradham wanted to create a cola drink to rival Coca-Cola. By 1895, Coca-Cola was a commercial success throughout the United States, and numerous innovators were trying to come up with their own products to cash in on the success that Coca-Cola was beginning to experience. In his pharmacy, Doc Bradham developed his own version of a cola drink, and Doc's drink became quite popular at his soda fountain. The drink he created was made with a syrup consisting of sugar, essence of vanilla, cola nuts, and other flavorings. The syrup was mixed at the soda fountain with carbonated water before it was served. (6) The drink that Doc Bradham created was originally called "Brad's Drink" by those in his hometown of New Bern who visited the soda fountain and sampled his product. Those who tasted the drink claimed not only that it hada refreshing and invigorating quality but also that it had a medicinal value by providing relief from dyspepsia, or upset stomach. From this reputed ability to relieve dyspepsia, Doc Bradham created the name of Pepsi-Cola for his drink. Doc Bradham eventually made the decision to mass-market his product, and in 1902 he founded the Pepsi-Cola Company. The advertising for this new product, of course, touted the drink as an "invigorating drink" that "aids digestion." 1. Which of the following is NOT listed as an ingredient of Doc Bradham's syrup?

(A) A sweetener (B) Vanilla extract (C) A specific type of nut (D) Bicarbonate of soda Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan "a syrup consisting of sugar, essence of vanilla, cola nuts" "A sweetener" dalam jawaban (A) adalah uraian lain (restatement) dari "sugar", sedangkan "vanilla extract" dalam jawaban (B) adalah uraian lain dari "essence of vanilla", dan "a specific type of nut" dalam jawaban (C) adalah uraian lain dari "cola nuts". Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D), karena tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan. 2. What is NOT true about the Pepsi-Cola Company, according to the passage? (A) It was established early in the twentieth century (B) Its purpose was to mass-market Doc Bradham's product. (C) Doc Bradham purchased it. (D) It was named by Doc Bradham Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan "Doc Bradham" dan menyatakan bahwa "in 1902 he founded the PepsiCola Company". Ini artinya bahwa tidak benar bahwa "Doc Bradham purchased" perusahaan Pepsi-Cola. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 3. All of the following are mentioned in the passage as predators EXCEPT (A) lynx (B) bears (C) moose

(D) wolverines Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the the strongest predator dan menyebutkan predators such as lynx dan a larger predator such as a bear Lynx dalam jawaban (A), bears dalam jawaban (B), dan wolverines dalam jawaban (D), semuanya telah disebutkan dalam bacaan sebagai hewan predator. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C), yaitu yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan sebagai hewan predator. 4. All of the following are mentioned about wolverine EXCEPT for their (A) powerful teeth (B) shy character (C) noises (D) ability to endure cold Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the teeth of wolverines are much stronger, bahwa the wolverine is incredibly reclusive, dan bahwa wolverine membuat a hissing roar that sounds like a small jet engine. Powerful teeth dalam jawaban (A) adalah uraian lain dari the teeth of wolverines are much stronger shy character dalam jawaban (B) adalah uraian lain dari incredibly reclusive, dan noises dalam jawaban (C) adalah uraian lain dari hissing roar that sounds like a small jet engine. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D), yaitu yang tidak disebutkan dalam bacaan.

Kunci Rahasia 5 Find Pronouns Referents (Temukan Rujukan Kata Ganti) Di bagian Reading Comprehension, baik pada Paper Test maupun Computer lest, biasanya terdapat soal yang meminta Anda untuk menentukan kata benda yang dirujuki oleh kata ganti benda (pronoun). Untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat, ketahui bahwa sebuah kata benda, biasanya posisinya berada sebelum kata ganti tersebut (pronoun). Jadi, kapan pun Anda diminta jawaban, mengarah kemana suatu kata ganti, carilah kata bendanya pada deretan kata sebelumnya di dalam kalimat tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut. The Passage: (1) Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus flytrap, are generally found in humid areas where there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have developed mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage (2) They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitroge from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hairs on its leaves, when an insect lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect. The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more like a trap, snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect. The Questions: The pronoun "they" in line 5 refers to (A) humid areas (B) these plants (C) insects (D) digestive fluids Untuk mencari jawaban pertanyaan ini, Anda harus melihat sebelum pronoun "they" beberapa kata benda jamak (plural nouns) yang dirujuki pronoun "they". Kita lihat, ada Humid areas (A),

insects (C), dan these plants (B) berada sebelum pronoun "they", berarti salah satu dari ketiga ini adalah jawabannya Sedangkan digestive fluids (D) sudah tereliminasi, karena berada setelah pronoun "they". Untuk mencari jawaban dari ketiga poin di atas, kita fahami dari isinya bahwa tanaman-tanaman ini (these plants) memiliki cairan pencernaan (digestive fluids) untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan nitrogen dari serangga Maka, jawaban yang benar untuk pertanyaan ini adalah jawaban (B). Questions 5: (1) Opal is a noncrystalline mineral that has been used as a gemstone in numerous cultures for thousands of years. Quantities of high-grade opal have been mined in diverse areas worldwide, including eastern Europe, Australia, and Mexico, as well as in the states of California, Nevada, and Idaho in the United States. (2) Some varieties of opal contain flashes of a wide spectrum of colors, while others do not Those types of opal with tiny specks of iridescent color are called precious opal Varieties without this iridescent coloration throughout are called common opal. It is the precious opal, with its rainbow-like assortment of colors dotting the stone that has been considered gemstone quality over the ages. Precious opal has numerous colors that serve as a background for the iridescent specks, the most valuable of which are black, white, and blue opal, as well as the reddish- brown stone known as fire opal. (3) In some cultures, precious opal is recognized not only as a gemstone of great attraction but also as an omen of bad luck Much of the superstition surrounding opal is now believed to have arisen from the tendency of opal to dry out and crack. Opal is a hydrated mineral with a water content that ranges from 1 percent to 21 percent. The hardness of a particular opal depends upon its water content, which can vary and can be particularly low in dry climates. Throughout its long history, the negative superstition surrounding opal has been related to the tendency of opal to crack seemingly spontaneously, without any noticeable justification. A crack in an opal has been viewed as an indication that bad luck is on its way. In reality, though, a seemingly spontaneous crack in a stone is most likely due to a loss of essential water, it is less likely due to pure back luck. 1. The pronoun "others" in paragraph 2 refers to

(A) varieties (B) flashes (C) colors (D) specks Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa some varieties of opal contain flashes dan bahwa others do not. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa others merujuk ke varieties. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 2. The pronoun "it" in paragraph 3 refers to (A) crack (B) stone (C) loss (D) water Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa a seemingly spontaneous crack in a stone is most likely due dan bahwa it is less likely due. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa pronoun it merujuk kepada crack. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 3. The pronoun "those" in paragraph 2 refers to (A) moose and caribou (B) teeth (C) wolverines (D) predators Pembahasan:

Pronoun those merujuk balik kepada teeth. Rujukan untuk pronoun umumnya mendahului kata gantinya. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 4. The pronoun "it" in paragraph 3 refers to (A) bear (B) wolverine (C) roar (D) jet engine Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the wolverine will square off, raise its hackles, and let out a hissing roar dan berikutnya menyatakan bahwa it appears so menacing. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa pronoun it merujuk balik ke wolverine. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B).

Kunci Rahasia 6 Answer Implied Detail Questions Correctly (Jawab Pertanyaan Rinci Tak Langsung Secara Tepat) Anda akan diminta menjawab pertanyaan pilihan ganda dengan membuat sebuah kesimpulan dari bacaan. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tipe ini berisi kata- kata implied, inferred, likely, atau probably. Agar mendapatkan jawaban yang tepat, Anda tidak boleh menarik kesimpulan jawaban keluar dari konteks". Pasalnya, beberapa informasi akan diberikan dari bacaan, sehingga Anda dapat membuat kesimpulan dari informasi tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut. The passage: (1) The Hawaiian language is a melodious language in which all words are derived from an alphabet of only twelve letters, the five vowels a, e, i, o, u and the seven consonants h, k, I, m, n, p, w Each syllable in the language ends in a vowel, and two consonants never appear together, so vowels have a much higher frequency in the Hawaiian language than they do in English. (2) This musical-sounding language can be heard regularly by visitors to the islands. Most Hawaiians speak English, but it is quite common to hear English that is liberally spiced with words and expressions from the traditional language of the culture. A visitor may be greeted with the expression aloha and may be referred to as a malihini because he is a newcomer to the island The visitor may attend an outside luau where everyone eats too much and be invited afterwards to dance the hula. The question: Which of the following is probably NOT a Hawaiian word? (A) mahalo (B) mahimahi (C) meklea (D) moana

Pertanyaan ini menanyakan kata yang manakah yang bukan sebuah kata dari bahasa Hawaii. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, perhatikan bagian bacaan yang menyatakan bahwa tidak pernah muncul dalam bahasa Hawai, dua huruf mati secara bersamaan (two consonants never appear together). Dari sini, kita dapat membuat kesimpulan bahwa jawaban "meklea" (C), bukan kata dari bahasa Hawaii, karena konsonan k dan I muncul bersamaan. Karen itu, jawaban yang benar adalah (C). Questions 6: (1) The next animal is the hippopotamus, which is the third largest land animal and is smaller than only the elephant and the rhinoceros. Its name comes from two Greek words which mean "river horse." The long name of this animal is often shortened to the easier to handle term "hippo." (2) The hippo has a natural affinity for the water. It does not float on top of the water; instead, it can easily walk along the bottom of the water. The hippo commonly remains underwater for three to five minutes and has been known to stay under for up to half an hour before coming up for air. (3) In spite of its name, the hippo has relatively little in common with the horse and instead has a number of interesting similarities in common with the whale. When a hippo comes up after a stay at the bottom of a lake or river, it releases air through a blowhole, just like a whale. In addition, the hippo resembles the whale in that they both have thick layers of blubber for protection and they are almost completely hairless. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that the rhinoceros is (A) smaller than the hippo (B) equal in size to the elephant (C) a hybrid of the hippo and the elephant (D) one of the two largest types of land animals Pembahasan:

Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the the third largest land animal and is smaller than only the elephant and the rhinoceros. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa rhinoceros adalah one of the two largest types of land animals. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D). 2. It can be inferred from the passage that the hippopotamus is commonly called a hippo because the word "hippo" is (A) simpler to pronounce (B) scientifically more accurate (C) the original name (D) easier for the animal to recognize Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the long name of this animal is often shortened to the easier to handle term "hippo." Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa hippopotamus biasa disebut hippo karena kata "hippo" adalah simpler to pronounce. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 3. A hippo would probably NOT (A) walk on the bottom of a river (B) stay underwater for an hour (C) release air through a blowhole (D) spend five minutes underwater in a lake Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the hippo...has been known to stay underwater for up to half an hour before coming up for air. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa hippo kemungkinan tidak akan stay under water for an hour. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 4. A whale would be least likely to

(A) release air through a blowhole (B) have a thick layer of blubber (C) grow hair for protection (D) swim underwater Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the hippo resembles the whale in that...they are almost completely hairless. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa ikan paus kemungkinan kecil akan grow hair. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C).

Kunci Rahasia 7 Answer Transition Questions Correctly (Jawab Pertanyaan Transisi Secara Tepat) Dalam jenis soal ini, Anda akan diminta untuk menentukan gagasan atau topik tertentu yang tidak ditampilkan pada bagian sebelum bacaan (the preceding paragraph) atau pada bagian sesudah bacaan (the following paragaraph). Tentu, pokok pembahasan dari paragraph preceding (sebelumnya) atau following (berikutnya) adalah bukan pernyataan langsung, dan Anda harus membuat kesimpulan untuk menentukan tentang kemungkinan apa paragraf ini. Jenis pertanyaan ini disebut transition question. la meminta Anda untuk menunjukkan bahwa Anda memahami menulis yang baik itu mengandung transisi dari satu paragraf ke paragraf berikutnya Sebuah paragraf mungkin dimulai dengan gagasan di paragraf sebelumnya sebagai cara untuk menghubungkan gagasan-gagasan dalam dua paragraf. Paragraf juga mungkin berakhir dengan sebuah gagasan yang akan dikembangkan lebih lanjut dalam paragraf berikutnya. The Passage: (1) Another myth of the oceans concerns Davy Jones, who in folklore is a mean-spirited sovereign of the ocean's depths. The name "Jones" is thought by some etymologists to have been derived from the name "Jonah," the Hebrew prophet who spent three days in a whale's belly (2) According to tradition, any object that goes overboard and sinks to the bottom of the ocean is said to have gone to Davy Jones's locker, the ocean-sized, mythical receptacle for anything that falls into the water. Needless to say, any sailor on the seas is not so eager to take a tour of Davy Jones's locker, although it might be a rather interesting trip considering all the treasures located there. The question: The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses (A) the youth of Davy Jones (B) Davy Jones's career as a sailor

(C) a different traditional story from the sea (D) preparing to travel on the ocean Pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang pokok bahasan dari paragraf sebelumnya. Maka, Anda harus melihat permulaan bacaan dan mengambil kesimpulan tentang kemungkinan gagasan yang ada sebelumnya. Karena bacaan dimulai dengan pernyataan "another myth of the oceans" (dongeng yang lain tentang samudera), Anda seharusnya memahami bahwa pasti sebelumnya sudah disebutkan dongeng lainnya, sebelum paragraf ini. Dongeng itu sendiri adalah cerita tradisional (traditional story). Dan, kita temukan pada poin (C), disebutkan "a different traditional story from the sea" (sebuah cerita tradisional lain dari laut). Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah (C). Questions 7: (1) The next animal is the hippopotamus, which is the third largest land animal and is smaller than only the elephant and the rhinoceros. Its name comes from two Greek words which mean "river horse." The long name of this animal is often shortened to the easier to handle term "hippo." (2) The hippo has a natural affinity for the water. It does not float on top of the water; instead, it can easily walk along the bottom of the water. The hippo commonly remains underwater for three to five minutes and has been known to stay under for up to half an hour before coming up for air. (3) In spite of its name, the hippo has relatively little in common with the horse and instead has a number of interesting similarities in common with the whale. When a hippo comes up after a stay at the bottom of a lake or river, it releases air through a blowhole, just like a whale. In addition, the hippo resembles the whale in that they both have thick layers of blubber for protection and they are almost completely hairless. 1. The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses (A) where the hippopotamus comes from (B) the major characteristics of the river horse

(C) an animal other than the hippopotamus (D) ways that the hippopotamus differs from the whale Pembahasan: Bacaan ini dimulai dengan transisi the next animal is the hippopotamus. Pertanyaan tentang paragraph preceding bacaan secara umum dapat dijawab dengan mencari transisi pada permulaan bacaan. Dari transisi permulaan bacaan, ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa paragraph preceding, kemungkinan besar membahas tentang an animal other than the hippopotamus. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 2. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discusse (A) the causes of schizophrenia (B) multiple personality disorder (C) the role of heredity in mental illness (D) possible cures for schizophrenia Pembahasan: Bacaan dimulai dengan transisi schizophrenia is often confused with multiple personality disorder yet is quite distinct from it dan berlanjut membahas schizophrenia. Pertanyaan tentang paragraph preceding bacaan, secara umum dapat dijawab dengan melihat transisi di awal bacaan. Kita melihat, berdasarkan transisi di awal bacaan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa paragraph preceding bacaan ini lebih besar kemungkinananya membahas tentang multiple personality disorder. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B).

Kunci Rahasia 8 Find Definitions From Structural Clues (Temukan Definisi dari Petunjuk Struktural) Ketika Anda diminta untuk menentukan makna dari sebuah kata, Anda dapat menemukan 1. Bahwa bagian bacaan menyediakan informasi tentang makna dari kata yang dimaksud 2. Bahwa ada petunjuk-petunjuk struktural yang memberitahu Anda bahwa definisi kata tersebut disertakan di dalam bagian bacaan Pelajari contoh berikut ini The passage: (1) One of the leading schools of psychological thought in the twentieth century is behaviorism the belief that the role of the psychologist is to study behavior, which is observable, rather than conscious or unconscious thought, which is not. (2) Probably the best-known proponent of behaviorism is B.F. Skinner, who is famous for his research on how positive and negative reinforcement influence behavior. He came to believe that positive reinforcement such as praise, food, or money were more effective in promoting good behavior than negative reinforcement, or punishment. The question: In "behaviorism" in paragraph 1, a psychologist is concerned with (A) conscious thought patterns (B) unconscious thought patterns (C) observable actions (D) unobservable actions Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini Anda harus mencari kata "behaviorism" di dalam bacaan. Tanda baca garis pisah (-) menunjukan bahwa sebuah penjelasan atau informasi lebih lanjut tentang "behaviorism" akan dibahas. Dalam informasi yang diikuti tanda pisah, Anda seharusnya melihat bahwa seorang ilmuwan tingkah laku (behaviorist) tertarik dalam hal behavior, which is

obersvable (tingkah laku yang dapat diamati). jadi jawaban yang paling benar untuk pertanyaan ini yaitu jawaban (C) Questions 8: (1) The locations of stars in the sky relative to one another do not appear to the naked eye to change, and, as a result, stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Many unwitting stargazers incorrectly assume that each star has its own permanent home in the nighttime sky (2) In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous distances between the stars themselves and from stars to Earth, the changes are barely discernible here on Earth. An example of a rather fast- moving star demonstrates why this misconception prevails; it takes around 200 years for Bernard's star, a relatively rapidly moving star, to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the Earth's moon When the apparently negligible movement of the stars is contrasted with the movements of the planets, the stars are seemingly motionless 1. What is remarkable about "Bernard's star" in paragraph 2? (A) It moves faster than many other stars. (B) It is a stationary star. (C) It seems to move faster than the planets. (D) It appears to move very rapidly Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan Bernard's star, a relatively rapidly moving star. Kita lihat ada tanda baca koma (,) mengikuti Bernard's star adalah satu petunjuk struktural yang mengindikasikan bahwa ada satu definisi atau satu contoh yang mengikutinya. Dari sini, dapat ditentukan bahwa Bernard's star adalah moves faster than many other stars. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 2. What is "carbon tetrachloride" in paragraph 1? (A) A compound of carbon and chlorine (B) A treatment for carbon disulfide poisoning

(C) A mixture of carbon disulfide and chlorine (D) The result when chlorine is removed from a chemical compound Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan carbon tetrachloride'a chemical compound created when carbon disulfide is treated with chlorine. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa carbon tetrachloride adalah a mixture of carbon disulfide and chlorine. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C).

Kunci Rahasia 9 Determine Meanings From Word Parts (Tentukan Makna dari Bagian Dasar Pembentukan Kata) Ketika Anda diminta menentukan makna dari sebuah kata yang panjang yang tidak Anda ketahui, ada beberapa kemungkinan untuk menentukan maknanya dengan mempelajari bagianbagian dasar pembentukan kata tersebut. Pelajari contoh berikut ini. The passage: (1) Ring Lardner was born into a wealthy, educated and cultured family. For the bulk of his career, he worked as a reporter for newspapers in South Bend, Boston, St. Louis, and Line Chicago (2) However, it is for his short stories of lower middle-class Americans that Ring Lardner is perhaps best known. In these stories, Lardner vividly creates the language and the ambiance of this lower class, often using the misspelled words, grammatical errors, and incorrect diction that typified the language of the lower middle class. The question: The word "vividly" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to (A) in a cultured way (B) in a correct way (C) in a lifelike way (D) in a brief way Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita lihat bagian pembentukan katanya. Kata "vividly" mengandung bagian kata "viv", yang bermakna "hidup" (life) Kemudian kita lihat, jawaban (C) berisi "in a lifelike way". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah (C). Questions 9:

(1) The locations of stars in the sky relative to one another do not appear to the naked eye to change, and, as a result, stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Many unwitting stargazers incorrectly assume that each star has its own permanent home in the nighttime sky (2) In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous distances between the stars themselves and from stars to Earth, the changes are barely discernible here on Earth. An example of a rather fast- moving star demonstrates why this misconception prevails; it takes around 200 years for Bernard's star, a relatively rapidly moving star, to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the Earth's moon When the apparently negligible movement of the stars is contrasted with the movements of the planets, the stars are seemingly motionless 1. A "misconception" in paragraph 2 is most likely (A) an enacted law (B) a stated fact (C) an incorrect idea (D) a detailed study Pembahasan: Kata misconception berasal dari pembentukan kata dari mis dan conception. Kata mis- artinya "error" atau salah. Karenanya, misconception sangat dekat maknanya dengan incorrect idea. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 2. The word maladies" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following? (A) Vapors (B) Ideas (C) Results (D) Illnesses Pembahasan:

Kata maladies sangat dekat maknanya dengan illnesses. Bagian kata mal- artinya "bad" (buruk/jelek). Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D).

Kunci Rahasia 10 Use Context to Determine Meanings of Difficult Words (Gunakan Konteks untuk Menentukan Arti Kata yang Sulit) Di dalam tes TOEFL, terkadang Anda diminta untuk menentukan makna dari sebuah kata yang sulit. Kata tersebut tidak dapat kita perkirakan untuk mengetahuinya. Untuk masalah ini, jawabannya dapat Anda temukan dari sebuah petunjuk jelas yang diberikan mengenai makna kata tersebut. Pelajari contoh berikut. The passage: (1) In a government election, the incumbent generally has a strong advantage over a newcomer. A person who is already in office and thus has a certain degree of prominence has a better chance of being elected than does someone who is unknown to the electorate. History has shown a strong proclivity in elections at all levels of government to return the incumbent to office. The question: An "incumbent in line 1 is most likely (A) a special type of election (B) a political party (C) a beneficial comment (D) a current office-holder Pertanyaan ini menanyakan tentang makna kata "incumbent". Dalam pertanyaan ini, Anda tidak diharapkan untuk mengetahui makna dari kata "incumbent". Sebaliknya, Anda harus memahami dari konteksnya. Kita lihat ada kalimat setelahnya, "a person who is already in office" (seseorang yang sudah di kantor). Inilah makna incumbent yang dimaksud. Dan hanya jawaban (D) yang memiliki makna sangat dekat, "a current office-holder" (yang sedang memegang jabatan). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah (D). Questions 10:

(1) The locations of stars in the sky relative to one another do not appear to the naked eye to change, and, as a result, stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Many unwitting stargazers incorrectly assume that each star has its own permanent home in the nighttime sky. (2) In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous distances between the stars themselves and from stars to Earth, the changes are barely discernible here on Earth. An example of a rather fast- moving star demonstrates why this misconception prevails, it takes around 200 years for Bernard's star, a relatively rapidly moving star, to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the Earth's moon. When the apparently negligible movement of the stars is contrasted with the movements of the planets, the stars are seemingly motionless 1. The expression "naked eye" in paragraph 1 most probably refers to (A) a telescope (B) a scientific method for observing stars (C) unassisted vision (D) a camera with a powerful lens Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa the locations of stars in the not appear to the naked eye to change dan berikutnya menyebutkan stargazers. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa naked eye kemungkinan merujuk ke unassisted vision. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 2. The word unwitting in paragraph T is closest in meaning to which of the following? (A) unknowledgeable (B) funny (C) empty-handed (D) serious Pembahasan:

Bacaan menyatakan bahwa many unwitting stargazers incorrectly assume.... Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa unwitting sangat dekat maknanya dengan unknowledgeable. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A). 3. The word "tremendous" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to (A) unknown (B) huge (C) varied (D) changing Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan the tremendous distances between stars themselves and from stars to Earth. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa tremendous sangat dekat maknanya dengan huge. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 4. The word "discernible" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to (A) noticeable (B) persuasive (C) conceivable (D) astonishing Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatkaan bahwa the changes are barely discernible here on Earth. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa discernible sangat dekat maknanya dengan noticeable. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A).

Kunci Rahasia 11 Use Context to Determine Meanings of Simple Words (Gunakan Konteks untuk Menentukan Makna dari Kata Sederhana) Terkadang Anda diminta untuk menentukan makna dari sebuah kata sederhana yang sudah akrab sehari- hari dalam bahasa Inggris. Di dalam jenis pertanyaan ini, sebaiknya Anda jangan menganggap remeh, agar Anda tidak keliru, sekalipun tampak sederhana Perhatikan contoh berikut. The passage: (1) Faced with serious threats to its future, the company is taking steps to improve its outlook. The company has brought in a new crop of trainees to staff some of its empty positions. In addition, the company has created a new committee to research various proposals and has appointed a key member of its management team to chair the committee. The question: The word "steps in paragraph T could best be replaced by (A) stairs (B) walks (C) actions (D) footprints Dalam pertanyaan ini, Anda diminta memilih sebuah kata yang dapat menggantikan kata "steps". Karena arti utama dari "steps" adalah "stairs" (tangga), jawaban ini bukanlah jawaban yang benar. Menjawab bentuk jenis pertanyaan ini, Anda harus melihat jawaban manakah yang paling cocok dalam hubungan kalimat pada bacaan tersebut. Jika kita pilih jawaban (A), (B), atau (D), kita tidak dapat mengatakan "a company is taking stairs/walks/footprints" (sebuah perusahaan mengambil tangga-tangga/berjalan/bekas telapak kaki). Tetapi Anda dapat mengatakan "a company is taking actions" (sebuah perusahaan mengambil tindakan). Untuk itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah jawaban (C.

Questions 11: (1) The locations of stars in the sky relative to one another do not appear to the naked eye to change, and, as a result, stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Many unwitting stargazers incorrectly assume that each star has its own permanent home in the nighttime sky. (2) In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous distances between the stars themselves and from stars to Earth, the changes are barely discernible here on Earth. An example of a rather fast- moving star demonstrates why this misconception prevails, it takes around 200 years for Bernard's star, a relatively rapidly moving star, to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the Earth's moon. When the apparently negligible movement of the stars is contrasted with the movements of the planets, the stars are seemingly motionless 1. The expression 'relative to' in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by (A) in the family of (B) compared with (C) connected to (D) limited by Pembahasan: Bacaan menyebutkan the locations of stars in the sky relative to one another. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa pernyataan relative to dapat lebih baik digantikan dengan compared with. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 2. The word "fixed" in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by (A) repaired (B) mobile (C) changing (D) stationary

Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa stars are often considered to be fixed in position. Dari konteks dapat ditentukan bahwa fixed akan lebih baik diganti dengan stationary. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D). 3. The word "around" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by (A) circularly (B) precisely (C) adjacently (D) approximately Pembahasan: Bacaan menyatakan bahwa it takes around 200 years. Dari konteks ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa around akan lebih baik diganti dengan approximately. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (D).

Kunci Rahasia 12 Determine Where Specific Information Is Found (Tentukan di Mana Informasi Tertentu Ditemukan) Terkadang pertanyaan terakhir akan meminta Anda menentukan di mana dalam bacaan itu potongan informasi ditemukan. Cara terbaik untuk menjawab jenis soal ini, pelajari pertanyaannya untuk menentukan informasi yang Anda cari, lalu lihat pilihan jawabannya dan saring sesuai informasi yang Anda temukan dalam bacaan. Pelajari ini. The passage: L. 1 Meteor Crater, a great crater approximately forty miles L.2 east of Flagstaff, Arizona, is generally thought by scientists to L. 3 have formed as a result of the impact of a 60,000 ton meteor L.4 about 50,000 years ago. The meteor, made of nickel and iron, L.5 disintegrated on impact and spread half a billion ton of rock L.6 over the surface of the land. The massiveness of the meteor L. 7 can only be imagined from the mammoth size of the crater, L.8 which measures a mile in diameter and three miles around L.9 the top. The rim of the crater rises more than 150 feet above L. 10 the plain where the meteor impacted and is visible for more L. 11 than ten miles on a clear day. The question: Where in the passage does the author discuss the composition of the meteor? (A) Lines 1-4

(B) Lines 5-8 (C) Lines 9-12 (D) Lines 13-16 Pertanyaan ini meminta Anda untuk mencari informasi tentang komposisi (composition) kawah (crater). Anda harus menyaring pilihan jawaban untuk "composition" atau sesuatu yang bermakna komposisi. Setelah diperiksa dan disaring, ternyata pada baris ke-6, kita telah menemukan menemukan pernyataan made of. Kita ketahui bahwa "composition" maknanya adalah sesuatu yang dibuat dari.. (made of). Karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah (B). Questions 12: (1) The words to "The Star-Spangled Banner," the national anthem of the United States, were created by Francis Scott Key, lawyer by trade and poet at heart. For these memorable words to have been written in the manner that they were, required both his training as a lawyer and his poetic soul (2) At the time of the War of 1812 against the British, Key had a successful law practice in Washington, D.C. During a series of attacks by the British in 1814, the British occupied Washington, D.C., burned public buildings, including the White House, withdrew from Washington, and sailed up the Chesapeake Bay to attack Baltimore. As the British were withdrawing from Washington, they arrested local physician Dr. William Beanes and forced him to accompany them (3) Some friends of Beanes' visited the lawyer Key and asked him to try to negotiate for Dr. Beanes' release from the British. Key, accompanied by a U.S. government official for prisoners of war, sailed out to the British fleet on Chesapeake Bay. Key was able to negotiate a promise from the British to release the doctor. However, since their attack on Baltimore was imminent, the British decided to detain the Americans on board until after the attack so that they would not have the chance to get word back to the American forces about the British plan to attack. (4) All through the night of September 13, the British navy bombarded one of the American forts guarding Baltimore, Fort McHenry. In the first light of dawn, Key, standing on the deck of a

British warship, was overcome with emotion at the sight of the U.S. flag with its stars and stripes still flying over the fort. On seeing the flag, he was inspired to write the poem that begins "Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light.... This quickly written poem was immediately printed on handbills and widely circulated. (5) Key only wrote the words to "The Star- Spangled Banner." Key did not write the music, nor did anyone else write music specifically to accompany Key's poem Ironically, the music to today's "The Star- Spangled Banner" was an old English drinking song that far preceded the words that Key wrote. Later, after Key's poem had achieved prominence, it was set to a wellknown song that had actually originated in the country of the enemy, and eventually Key's words, set to the tune of a British drinking song, became the national anthem of the United States. 1. Where in the passage does the author describe what happened with Key's poem just after it was written? (A) The third sentence in paragraph 3 (B) The first sentence in paragraph 4 (C) The third sentence in paragraph 4 (D) The third sentence in paragraph 5 Pembahasan: Kalimat ketiga dari paragraf keempat menyatakan bahwa quickly written poem was immediately printed...and...circulated. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa penulis menjelaskan apa yang terjadi dengan syair Key tepat setelah syair itu ditulis, yaitu dalam the third sentence in paragraph 4. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C)

Kunci Rahasia 13 Use Context to Determine Meanings of Simple Words (Gunakan Konteks untuk Menentukan Makna dari Kata Sederhana) Bentuk pertanyaan tinjauan (review) lainnya, terkadang muncul dalam tes Reading Comprehension. Pertanyaan yang muncil dapat berupa tentang (1) nada/emosi (tone), (2) tujuan penulis dalam menulis bacaan (purpose), dan (3) mata kuliah yang mungkin bacaan itu gunakan (course). Pertanyaan tentang tone (nada/emosi) berupa emosi yang ditunjukkan penulis dalam tulisannya. Emosi yang dimaksud bersifat informatif, penjelasan, atau faktual. Emosi yang ditunjukkan penulis dalam tulisannya harus mampu Anda kenali untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang nada (emosi) dengan benar. Jika penulis sedang lucu, maka nadanya mungkin lucu; jika penulis membuat memperolok sesuatu, nadanya mungkin sarkastis; jika penulis sedang memiliki perasaan yang kuat bahwa sesuatu itu benar atau salah, nadanya mungkin berapi-api. Sedangkan pertanyaan jenis purpose menanyakan tentang tuiuan penulis dalam tulisannva, Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan benar, Anda harus menarik kesimpulan tentang tujuan penulis yang mengacu ke gagasan utama dan susunan rinciannya dari bacaan tersebut. Sedangkan pertanyaan jenis purpose meminta Anda untuk memutuskan sebagai mata kuliah apa yang kemungkinan bacaan ini ditugaskan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan jenis ini, Anda harus menarik kesimpulan dengan mengacu pada topik bacaan dan susunan rinciannya. The passage: (1) Military awards have long been considered symbolic of royalty, and thus when the United States was a young nation just finished with revolution and eager to distance itself from anything tasting of monarchy, there was strong sentiment against military decoration. For a century, from the end of the Revolutionary War until the Civil War, the United States awarded no military honors. (2) The institution of the Medal of Honor in 1861 was a source of great discussion and concern From the Civil War until World War l, the Medal of Honor was (10) the only military award

given by the United States government, and today it is awarded only in the most extreme cases of heroism. Although the United States is still somewhat wary of granting military awards, several awards have been instituted since World War l. The question: 1. The tone of this passage is (A) angered (B) humorous (C) outraged (D) informational 2. The author's purpose in this passage is to (A) describe the history of military awards from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War. (B) demonstrate an effect of America's attitude toward royalty (C) give an opinion of military award (D) outline various historical symbols of royalty 3. The passage would probably be assigned reading in a course on (A) general science (B) psychology (C) American history (D) interior decoration Pertanyaan pertama, kita ditanya tentang tone bagian bacaan. Untuk menentukan nada bacaan, kita harus melihat setiap indikasi emosional penulis dalam bacaan. Kita lihat, penulis menggunakan fakta sejarah untuk membuat poin tentang sentimen menentang penghargaan militer Amerika. Penulis tidak menggunakan dalih emosi apa pun. Karena itu, jawaban yang

tepat adalah (D). Selain itu, tidak ditemukan juga adanya indikasi anger (A), humor (B), atau outrage (C) dari bagian bacaan. Pertanyaan kedua, meminta tentang tujuan penulis dalam tulisannya. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini dengan benar, Anda harus mengacu pada gagasan utama dari bagian ini yang dituangkan dalam kalimat pertama. Ide utama adalah bahwa ada sentimen penentangan yang kuat terhadap penghargaan militer di Amerika Serikat karena penghargaan militer telah dianggap simbol kerajaan. Penulis memberikan fakta-fakta sejarah tentang penghargaan militer sebagai rincian untuk mendukung gagasan utama. Karena tujuan ditentukan dari ide utama dan susunan rincian keseluruhan, tujuan penulis adalah untuk menggambarkan, menjelaskan, atau menunjukkan bahwa sentimen Amerika menentang penghargaan militer karena sentimen negatif terhadap kerajaan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban (B) adalah jawaban terbaik untuk pertanyaan ini. Anda harus menyadari bahwa jawaban yang benar adalah jauh lebih umum daripada gagasan utama: menurut jawaban (B), tujuannya adalah untuk menunjukkan sebuah efelk (demonstrate an effect) sikap Amerika terhadap royalti (of America's attitude toward royalty). Pertanyaan ketiga, tentang mata kuliah yang mungkin ditugasi bacaan ini. Untuk menarik kesimpulan tentang mata kuliah/pelajaran, kita harus merujuk ke topik dari bagian atau keseluruhan susunan rincian bacaan ini. Karena bacaan ini tentang penghargaan militer Amerika, dan rinciannya membahas sejarah penghargaan militer Amerika dari Revolusi Perang hingga hari ini, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah (C). Questions 13: (1) Sacajawea, a member of the Shoshone tribe, proved invaluable as a member of the historic 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark expedition. The only woman to accompany the expedition, she served as a guide and interpreter when Lewis and Clark reached the upper Missouri River and the mountains from which she had come. While still a teenager, she took part in the expedition from the Northern Great Plains to the Pacific Ocean and back, using her navigational, diplomatic, and translating skills to make an outstanding contribution to the success of the expedition (2) Sacajawea's contributions to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition were numerous and varied. She served as an interpreter and diplomat in dealing with the Shoshone that the

expedition encountered While she herself did not speak English, she spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa and was able to convey information to her husband, who spoke Hidatsa and French, her husband then communicated with a French-and English- speaking member of the expedition. When the expedition encountered the Shoshone, Sacajawea would communicate the expedition's peaceful intentions and negotiate the purchase of horses and needed supplies from the Shoshone. In addition to her assistance as a negotiator and diplomat Sacajawea used her broad knowledge of the bounties of nature to help keep the expedition healthy and fed. She knew which roots, plants, and berries could be used as food and which could be used to treat a host of maladies ranging from minor injuries to serious illnesses, and she spent uncountable hours scouring the land in search of roots to dig and plants and berries to gather. She also turned out to be extremely useful to the expedition as a guide through the huge expanses of land that she had covered in her youth. She remembered Shoshone trails from her childhood and was able to point out expeditious routes, including what is today known as Bozeman Pass in Montana, because of these childhood memories Because of these, and numerous other contributions, Sacajawea proved instrumental in the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 1. The purpose of this passage is to (A) describe the valued contributions of a historical figure (B) provide biographies of Lewis and Clark (C) describe the lifestyle of the Shoshone tribe (D) outline a route to the Pacific Ocean Pembahasa: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa Sacajawea...proved invaluable as a member of the historic 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark expedition, dan kalimat pertama dari paragraf kedua menyebutkan Sacajawea's contributions to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf secara umum menyediakan petunjuk sebagai purpose (tujuan) dari bacaan. Berdasarkan itu, dapat ditentukan bahwa tujuan bacaan ialah untuk describe the valued contributions of a historical figure. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A).

2. The tone of this passage is (A) critical (B) complimentary (C) ambivalent (D) judgmental Pembahasan: Paragraf pertama dimulai dengan gagasan bahwa Sacajawea... proved invaluable, dan paragraf kedua dimulai dengan Sacajawea's contributions. Kalimat pertama masing-masing paragraf, secara umum menyediakan petunjuk sebagai tone (emosi) dari bacaan. Berdasarkan itu, kita dapat menentukan bahwa tone (emosi) dari bacaan ini ialah complimentary. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 3. This passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on (A) world geography (B) American literature (C) nineteenth-century American history (D) social linguistics Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama dari paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa Sacajawea...proved invaluable as a member of the historic 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark expedition. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa "this passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on" nineteenth- century American history. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C). 2. Where in the passage does the author give some indication of Sacajawea's age during the Lewis an Clark expedition? (A) The first sentence in paragraph 1

(B) The third sentence in paragraph 1 (C) The second sentence in paragraph 2 (D) The fifth sentence of paragraph 2 Pembahasan: Kalimat ketiga dalam paragraf pertama menyatakan bahwa while still a teenager, she took part in the expedition. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa penulis memberikan beberapa indikasi tentang usia Sacajawea selama ekspedisi Lewis dan Clark di dalam kalimat ketiga dari paragraf 1. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 3. Where in the passage does the author explain wha languages Sacajawea used? (A) The second sentence in paragraph 1 (B) The third sentence in paragraph 2 (C) The fifth sentence in paragraph 2 (D) The seventh sentence in paragraph 2 Pembahasan: Kalimat ketiga dalam paragraf kedua, menyatakan bahwa while she herself did not speak English, she spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa penulis menjelaskan bahasa apa yang digunakan Sacajawea dalam third sentence in paragraph 2. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (B). 4. Where in the passage does the author explain wha Sacajawea did to maintain the health of the expedition members? (A) The second sentence in paragraph 1 (B) The second sentence in paragraph 2 (C) The sixth sentence in paragraph 2

(D) The ninth sentence in paragraph 2 Pembahasan: Kalimat keenam dalam paragraf kedua menyatakan bahwa she knew which roots, plants, and berries..could be used to treat a host of maladies.., and she spent uncountable hours scouring the land in search of roots to dig and plants and berries to gather. Dari keterangan ini, dapat ditentukan bahwa penulis menjelaskan apa yang "Sacajawea did to improve the health of the expedition members", yaitu dalam the sixth sentence in paragraph 2. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (C).