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Comenzado el domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016, 15:47 Estado Finalizado Finalizado en domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016, 16:

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domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016, 15:47

Estado Finalizado Finalizado en domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016, 16:14 Tiempo empleado 27 minutos 1 segundos Calificación

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Pregunta 1 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Vocabulary Section Choose the correct word to complete the following statement: 

It is recommended that people use an umbrella today because it is ...

Seleccione una: a. windy. b. foggy. c. sunny. This is incorrect because when it's sunny, it is very hot. d. rainy.

Retroalimentación La respuesta correcta es: rainy.

Pregunta 2 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Listening Section Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment", answer the following question: 

What did Meg do last weekend?

Seleccione una: a. She studied for her Spanish test. b. She went to a karaoke bar on Saturday. c. She stayed home. That is incorrect because she went to sing with some friends. d. She sang on Friday night.

Retroalimentación La respuesta correcta es: She went to a karaoke bar on Saturday. Pregunta 3 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

Grammar Section Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the picture:

 The boy has Respuesta


meat than the girl. Pregunta 4 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Reading Section Choose the best option according to the Reading 1 "GLOBAL WARMING MAP: Greenhouse Effects":  Seleccione una:

What did scientists predict in relation to the temperature?

a. Scientists predict that the planet's average temperature could rise as much as 6.3 degrees F. Correct! This is the right answer. b. Scientists predict that the planet's average temperature could rise as much as 3.5 degrees F. c. The planet's average temperature could rise as much as 6.3 degrees C. d. The planet's average temperature could rise as much as 3.5 degrees F.

Retroalimentación La respuesta correcta es: Scientists predict that the planet's average temperature could rise as much as 6.3 degrees F. Pregunta 5 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Vocabulary Section Read the options and match the right one with the context below:  Seleccione una: a. Money b. Desire Yes!!! This is a wish. c. Happiness

When someone wants something that really needs, for example, a new job, a car, a new home.

d. Job

Retroalimentación Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Desire Pregunta 6 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Vocabulary Section Choose the word that fits the following definition: 

A person who doesn't like to spend money.

Seleccione una: a. Funny b. Raffle c. Dummy d. Cheapskate Congratulations! It means a stingy or ungenerous person. Retroalimentación La respuesta correcta es: Cheapskate Pregunta 7 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta Grammar and Vocabulary Section

Choose the INCORRECT question according to the picture:

Seleccione una: a. Where did you go yesterday night? b. What film did you see in the cinema? c. What did you do yesterday? d. Where did you travel? Correct! This statement doesn't have anything to do with the context shown in the picture. Retroalimentación Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Where did you travel? Pregunta 8 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta Reading Section Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES": 

What is the topic of this text?

Seleccione una: a. The changes of lifestyle in a professional area. b. The increasing of responsibilities. c. The new tendencies and behavior. Incorrect! This is not the right answer. d. The consumption of liquor.

Retroalimentación La respuesta correcta es: The changes of lifestyle in a professional area. Pregunta 9 Correcta Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Grammar and Vocabulary Section Choose the INCORRECT sentence according to the picture:

Seleccione una: a. They had a sad moment. This is Correct ! This is the oposite action shown in the picture. They are really having a good time !!! b. They ate cake. c. They took photos. d. They gave presents.

Retroalimentación Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: They had a sad moment. Pregunta 10 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00 Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta Grammar Section Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the sentence:

 The sports car is the Respuesta

