Quiz 2

Correcto 1/1 Punto 1. Pregunta 1 Questions 1-11 are auto-graded. When rewriting sentences, make sure to make only the s

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Correcto 1/1 Punto

1. Pregunta 1 Questions 1-11 are auto-graded. When rewriting sentences, make sure to make only the specific changes requested; and also use correct spelling and punctuation. Rewrite this sentence to remove the "dead-weight phrase." It has been found that most people consider buying a house the largest purchase they can ever make.

Respuesta correcta 

Model answers: Most people consider buying a house the largest purchase they can ever make. Most people consider buying a house the largest purchase they can make.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

2. Pregunta 2 Give a three-letter word that means the same thing as: “utilize”.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: use

Incorrecto 0/1 Punto

3. Pregunta 3 Give a two-letter word that means the same thing as: “assuming that”

Respuesta incorrecta 

Correcto 1/1 Punto

4. Pregunta 4 Give a three-letter word that means the same thing as: “at the present moment”.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: now

Correcto 1/1 Punto

5. Pregunta 5 What's a more concise way to write “until such time as”? (The answer should be one fiveletter word.)

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: until

Correcto 1/1 Punto

6. Pregunta 6 Give a five-letter word that means the same thing as: “has no”.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: lacks

Incorrecto 0/1 Punto

7. Pregunta 7 Rewrite the following sentence to remove the phrase “there are.” (Don't make other changes to the sentence; and make sure to use correct spelling and punctuation.) There are extensive quality control measures that are unique to this pipeline.

Respuesta incorrecta 

Correcto 1/1 Punto

8. Pregunta 8 Rewrite the following sentence to remove the “not” (make sure to use correct spelling and punctuation):: She was not a good student.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: She was a poor student.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

9. Pregunta 9 Rewrite the following sentence to remove the “not” (make sure to use correct spelling and punctuation): She did not remember where she put her keys.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: She forgot where she put her keys.

Incorrecto 0/1 Punto

10. Pregunta 10 Edit the following sentence to remove repetition. (Make sure to maintain the basic structure of the sentence and to use correct spelling and punctuation): The man began to behave strangely and in odd ways after he started taking the drug.

Respuesta incorrecta 

Incorrecto 0/1 Punto

11. Pregunta 11 The following sentence contains three "hedge" words (seem, suggest, apparent). Rewrite the sentence to remove all but one of these hedge words. (Make sure to maintain the basic structure of the sentence and to use correct spelling and punctuation.) The data seem to suggest an apparent problem with the tool.

Respuesta incorrecta 

Correcto 1/1 Punto

12. Pregunta 12 Shorten this sentence to just six words by removing unnecessary words (make sure to use correct spelling and punctuation): Chemistry majors are generally a very creative and highly energetic group.

Respuesta correcta 

Answer: Chemistry majors are creative and energetic.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

13. Pregunta 13 For questions 13-16, more than one answer is possible. Use your best judgment to infer the author’s intent. Grading is based on completion only. After submission, you should check your work by comparing your answer with the model answer provided. Rewrite the following sentence for brevity: The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the basic principles of quantum physics.

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Model Answer: This paper reviews quantum physics.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

14. Pregunta 14 Revise the following sentence for clarity and brevity: One example of laser interferometry in action is it can be used for the measurement of the drift of a micro cantilever over time.

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Model Answers: Laser interferometry can be used to measure the drift of a micro cantilever. For example, laser interferometry can be used to measure the drift of a micro cantilever.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

15. Pregunta 15 Revise the following sentence for clarity and brevity: Many women with BRCA mutations take prophylactic steps towards reducing their risk of ever getting the cancer because early detection is not perfect.

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Model Answers: Many women with BRCA mutations opt for prophylaxis, because early detection is imperfect. Women with BRCA mutations opt for prophylaxis, because early detection is imperfect.

Correcto 1/1 Punto

16. Pregunta 16 Revise the following sentence for clarity and brevity: Finally, it may be argued that, with fuller charts than the Daily Weather Reports and better forecasting, much better results might be obtained, and while this is to a certain extent true, it is feared that the improvement would not be great.

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Model Answer: More comprehensive charts and better forecasting might improve results by only a small amount.