Pyramids of Montauk Explorations in Consciousness the Montauk Trilogy Book 3 by Peter Moon

Pyramids of MONTAUK - explorations of consciousness by B. PRESTON NICHOLS & PETER MOON After the 2nd World War II was ta

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Pyramids of MONTAUK - explorations of consciousness by B. PRESTON NICHOLS & PETER MOON After the 2nd World War II was taken a huge, yes huge research project addressed to the "invisibility" experiments to go bio-physically on the ground that had b een conducted in 1943 aboard the ship USS Eldridge. This has the support of many groups company has become known as the "Montauk Pro ject" and examined all the human-bio-psychological factors associated with invis ibility and shifts in the space-time continuum. They thus form part of the base of the world formula and thus the generation of a virtual interactive reality ex actly this world in which we now live ... The pschychischen PSI abilities of many people were observed until then managed to get the time by means of the knowledge of their structure even in the grip an d influence manipulative almost at will. Then bizarre experiments were on the ai r force base at Montauk Point, New York, conducted, through the first book of th is series, "The Montauk Project - Experiments in Time" were made ? â known. In 1992, Peter Moon tried to substantiate that such an extraordinary project rea lly existed. To his surprise, he found that powerful and irrefutable occult fact ors were behind the Montauk scenario. These adventures were in - recorded "Monta uk adventure with the synchronicity" by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon. "Pyramids of Montauk - Explorations of consciousness" summarizes the events toge ther in the first two books and then takes us on a trip even more spectacular. T he discovery of the pyramids leads to an even more intensive investigation, whic h reveals the old links Montauks to Egypt and its location as the gateway betwee n dimensions. A new show of occultism and ancient history will make even the big gest skeptics take notice. CONTENTS ??Preface ??Dedication ??Introduction Part I by Peter Moon One - Montauk Two - A question of ownership Three - The Montauk process Four - The investigation is Discovered pyramids - Five Six - procedural shortcomings in Montauk process Seven - The root of the Montauks Eight - The Deed is discovered Nine - The Shaman of Montauks Ten - The Turtle Bay Elf - Montauk and the grid Twelve - The Mystery Schools Thirteen - The morphogenetic field Fourteen - The Pharoahs of Scotland Fifteen - The Pharaoh and the knowledge of antiquity Sixteen - Tahuti Seventeen - A History of Mars Eighteen - Martian heritage Nineteen - Lost Wisdom Twenty - Phrees to Catholies Twenty - A brief history Twenty-two - The darkest hour of the Nazis Twenty-three - Ian Fleming and the British connection Twenty-four - Definition of Montauk Twenty-five - The priests of Montauk Twenty-six - The Book of Laws

Twenty-seven - The Sirians Twenty-eight - Is a God to live in a dog? Twenty-nine - Babalon Thirty - Requiem Phone II by Preston B. Nichols Introduction to Part II Thirty-one - The Montauk underground Thirty-two - The mysterious area Thirty-three - The Montauk Boys Thirty-four - The Montauk transmission Thirty-five - The particle accelerator Thirty-six - The time line Epilogue BY PETER MOON - PREFACE The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time was issued in June 1992 and has since t riggered a wave of intrigue and questions for more information. Montauk Revisited: Adventures with the synchronicity tried to answer many of the se questions and finally gave an even more complicated scenario, which left us o n the threshold of the occult, and its relationship to the mystery schools of th e world. The third book in the Montauk series, Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations of consciousness penetrates deeper into the psyche of the Montauk phenomena and gives startling insights into the composition and the drama of the universe. Th is preface desire to acquaint the reader with the new material and re-orient the readers of the first two books. The origin of the Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar invisibility was researched aboard the USS Eldridge. Because the USS Eldridge was stationed at t he port of the Navy in Philadelphia, the events surrounding this ship were gener ally referred to as the "Philadelphia Experiment". The objective of this experim ent was to make the ship undetectable to radar, and was achieved as this, totall y unexpected and drastic side effects presented a. The ship was also invisible to the eye and has been from time and space, as we k now, kidnapped! Although this represented a remarkable technological breakthroug h, it was a disaster for the people who were directly affected. Sailors had been catapulted out of this dimension and returned in a state of total mental disori entation and horror. Some were even merged with the hull. The survivors were dis charged as "mentally unfit" or otherwise been discredited and the whole thing wa s hushed up. After the war, the research was, however, under the leadership of Dr. John von N eumann - further stirred - had had the technical aspects of the Philadelphia exp eriment among themselves. The new orders were to find out how the human mind works and why people could no t be exposed to danger interdimensional phenomena. A large-scale study of the hu man factor was begun at Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long Iceland, New Yo rk,. She was known as the Phoenix Project. Von Neumann was not only the inventor of the modern computer and a mathematical genius, it stood him immense resources of the military industry which is include d the enormous data stores from the psychological research of the Nazis, which t ook over the Allies after the Second World War. Against this background, tried v on Neumann computer technology and sophisticated radio equipment to couple toget her to connect the spirit of man with the machine. By the time his efforts were crowned with success. After many years of experimen tation, human thoughts could be caught by the esoteric crystal receivers and rel ayed to a computer that was able to save the thoughts as bits. This thought patterns could be visualized on a screen or printed on paper. These principles were further developed and refined the technique until an actual min d-reading machine stood. At the same time a technology was created that allowed a medium to send out thoughts on a computer that could affect the mind of anothe r person. Finally, the Phoenix project achieved a superior understanding of the function of the mind and the dark potential of the mind control. A comprehensive

report to Congress brought its members to dissolve the project, at least partly out of fear, their own thoughts can be manipulated Private companies who helped in the development of the project, this transfer of the Congress did not follow the military and attempted to seduce with the idea that this technology could be used to control the mind of the enemy in war. A secret group with great financial backing and relations with the military deci ded a new research station on Camp Hero, an abandoned Air Force base at Montauk Point on Long Iceland, New York to establish. This location was chosen because there was a huge Sage radar antenna which frequ encies of about 400-425 megahertz sent out, coincidentally the same bandwidth th at was used to penetrate the human consciousness. In the late sixties, the reactivation of Camp Hero began, without funding from t he military. In 1972, the Montauk Project was fully underway with massive mind-control experi ments which were carried out on humans, animals and other forms of consciousness whose existence was assumed. Over the years, the researchers perfected in Montauk their mind control technolo gy and pushed deeper and deeper into the remotest areas of human potential. By p romoting the mental abilities of different employees, they finally came to the p oint where the idea of ? â a medium with enhanced devices and illusions could be manife sted both subjectively and objectively. This included the actual Erschaff-ung of matter. All this was absolutely unique in the history of the so-called "normal human exp erience," but the director of the Montauk project gave not long on. They penetra ted even further into the territory of the extraordinary. After it had been disc overed that a medium could create matter, it was observed that these could appea r at different times, depending on what the media covered. What would happen if the media thought of a book, but I thought that it would appear yesterday? This Reflecti-engang and the corresponding experiments led to the idea that time itse lf could be affected. After years of experience and research time gates were opened and large-scale, h air-raising experiments performed. The Montauk Project then reached a bizarre cl imax when a time vortex was created back in 1943 to the original Philadelphia pr oject. This information came only thanks to Preston B. Nichols, an electronics genius t o light. He found one day that he was himself an unsuspecting victim of these ex periments. As Preston worked for a Long Iceland company that orders executed on defense, he had telepathy in humans with psychic abilities - so-called media - d iscovered un-investigated and that constantly radio waves were sent out, which t he people with whom he worked , blocked. As an expert in radio and electronics Preston had the source soon found in the A ir Force Base. Thus began his intensive research that lasted over ten years. He could many of the devices that had been used in the Montauk Project, purchase an d discovered to his dismay many people in Montauk, who recalled that he had work ed there myself. The whole thing came to a head, as the husband of his cousin in sisted that Preston would have been in Montauk. The two men fell almost into the hair because Preston insisted that he had never been in Montauk. Shortly after this confrontation Preston got glimpses of a life in which he had been so far not aware of it. After speaking with many scientists and engineers w ho had had something to do with the Montauk Project, Preston was able to piece t ogether what had happened. Somehow, he has continued to live on two separate timelines. On the one hand, he had worked at Montauk, on the second in a different place - Preston's discoveri es were confirmed in 1985 when a strange man named Duncan Cameron appeared at hi s door. Duncan had uncanny abilities in mental areas and finally claimed that he had bee n by the NSA (National Security Agency, the secret American intelligence) traine d in this field. Without his own experiences with Montauk to mention Preston Dun can took there to determine surprised that he knew the whole area of ? â the base and a

lso remembered having worked there. Duncan had been regarded as the most important medium for the time travel experi ments, and he remembered also to have been during the original Philadelphia proj ect aboard the USS Eldridge, along with his brother Edward (which today is known as Al Bielek). Reports of Duncan and Preston According to the Montauk Project reached on 12 Aug ust 1983 its culmination. A fully developed time gate opened and worked, but thi ngs got out of control. Duncan called together a group of people and decided to bring the project to crash. While he was sitting in the Montauk Chair (a device that was connected to esoter ic radio receivers full of crystals, which the thoughts sent forth by a giant tr ansmitter), Duncan was a giant beast from his subconscious going on, which destr oyed the project directly. Who had always worked on the basis that this left abruptly. The air supply and t he inputs to the main underground facilities are poured with concrete. The exact circumstances of this are an enigma today. Although an unauthorized video tape had become widespread and several talks had taken place about the Montauk Project, no book was planned on this subject. Seve ral authors had tried it, but it was them either mentally not possible to deal w ith this issue, or they were quenched in one way or another. A science reporter for the New York Times had taken the project in attack, but w ithdrew when he found to his surprise that the Montauk Project was absolutely re al. I myself met Preston when I'm looking for a sophisticated sound system which he had invented, interested. Soon I heard an incredible story that was at least the best science fiction story, of which I had ever heard. After several months I d ecided "The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time" to write. The book was written with no one except Preston - consult - who wanted to protec t his sources. Instead of expensive and time-consuming investigations to make, I decided to post the information as quickly as possible and then find the book b y new evidence that would either support this crazy story or possibly even prove . After The Montauk Project was published, showed further investigation and events that behind the wild information which Preston said, a real scenario existed. T his was described in Montauk, but the most spectacular discovery was that the Mo ntauk Project was inextricably linked to the most notorious occultists of all ti me, was named Aleister Crowley, who often referred to as the "wickedest man in t he world". According to some reports, Crowley had sexual magic ("sexual magick") used to to manipulate time itself to communicate with disembodied beings and interdimensio nal travel. It has even been suggested that the interdimensional side of the Phi ladelphia Experiment was the outward expression of Crowley's magical experiments . The surprising evidence that Crowley was involved, was formed over long periods of time, but an idea I got in my first conversation with Preston when he said un expectedly, he was romantically involved with the magician Crowley. He believed that he and Duncan had been in a previous life Preston and Marcus Wi lson. These twin brothers were then the leading manufacturer of scientific instruments in England. They were with the family Crowley not only friends, but also with h er had participated together in a company. This seemed once more to be merely a wild story, so I decided to look into Aleis ter Crowley books for clues to the Wilsons. I found none. But to my surprise I f ound out that Crowley had not only visited Montauk (1918), he also had a "Duncan Cameron" mentioned in his autobiography. Later, I discovered many cases of sync hronicity between the families and Cameron Crowley - they were listed in Montauk - but I still could not find any references to the Wilson twins. The importance of these various synchronicities (between Crowley and the name Ca meron) began then to clarify, when I heard about a woman who "Cameron" was calle d. It is perhaps as the wife of Jack Parsons known, then the leading scientist i

n the solid rocket research and a student of Crowley. They had worked in an inte rdimensional activity together, which had become known as the "Babalon Working", is a ceremonial that sexual magic praised with included and considered by many as the greatest magic act of the century. Another series of incredible synchronicity came when I flew out to California ca use others and then "accidentally" met a friend of Cameron and amazed stated tha t she lived in California. So it came to that I / told her about the Philadelphi a Experiment, the Montauk Project and the Crowley Cameron relationship. To my su rprise she told me that her real name Cameron is not, but Wilson! Now I realized that Preston's assertion that he was a Wilson, was not simply be dismissed out of hand, just as his general credibility. More importantly, it sho wed that some strange correlations were present that had to do with interdimensi onality. A few months later I received a letter, a clarified the question of whether the brothers Wilson had existed for all time. He was from a man named Amado Crowley, who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. He not only remember ed to have heard his father talk about the Wilson brothers, he also provided evi dence that the chance that he lied concerning virtually zero could be its origin . Amado not only confirmed the existence of the Wilson brothers, he delivered a au fsehenerreg-report about what his father on 12 August had made ? â in 1943, the date of the Philadelphia Experiment. Aleister had stirred a magical ceremony in Cornwal l, where a large stone ring stands upright in the water at Men-an-Tol. Amado say s, Aleister would have stirred it into the hole in the stone, followed by a line roiling water formed between the coast of England and Long Iceland, New York. Here the book ends return to Montauk. Amazing discoveries showed that Preston wa s not wrong and his conclusions were correct. This was also the aim of the book. In addition, it showed that the forces which produced the Montauk Project, were deeply rooted in the occult. While in Montauk a fascinating web of intrigue was discovered, which is unique i n many ways, but most were barely conclusions. But, even though it had left us w ith many unanswered questions, but it has achieved something very important. It has led us to the mystery schools, looking for those secret organizations tha t exist and to control our consciousness and our personal freedom since time imm emorial. This is where this book - Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations of consciou sness - at. DEDICATION Virginia "Ginny" Nichols died on 20 October 1993 at the age of seventy-seven yea rs. The mother of Preston Nichols had been a primary school teacher, but also a tale nted painter and musician. You could stir the hearts of those who knew her. One of those people was me. Ten years before her death in breast cancer had been diagnosed, and the doctors gave her six months, but it took everyone by surprise. Her zest for life was str ong and it survived several operations. This astonished her doctors and confused all the others. I was Ginny met several times and it has always been very friendly, but visits w ere limited because it was feared they might be infected with something.One day she called me and thanked me that I had Preston helped with the Montauk Project. Although Ginny not necessarily believed the whole story Prestons, but she said that would be something to it. On the same day Preston said to me that he was wo ndering what to keep them alive. Based on previous discussions with him, I thoug ht she might divulge information, and that could be related to this with the Wil son brothers. Preston was not sure, but he confirmed that his mother remembered to have read by the brothers Wilson, when she studied at Skidmore. As Ginny's il lness prevented her from receiving visitors, no longer had the opportunity arise , to ask them about the Wilson brothers. Surprisingly, it was a month or two bef ore her death but still possible. Preston and I had stopped by his house just a radio breakfast program. Later tha t morning would be followed by a second shipment so we had two hours to do nothi

ng. Preston was tired and lay down, so I had the opportunity to sit down at Ginn y and talk to her. It was not her well, but she was in good spirits. We had a lo ng conversation, which mainly revolved around Montauk. I asked about the Wilson brothers and she said that she was sure to have read of them. She was a member of Skidmore been a parapsychological clubs and said that much i nformation about the Wilsons were present, but she was not sure whether in book form or not. Ginny said, the brothers Wilson had researched their past lives to find vortex, with the help of which one could travel in time. A niece of Wilson was a member of the group studied in Ginny. Ginny was sure that Wilson had actually exists. I t must have been very important for them, let me know. It turned out that this w as the last clear call that they could lead to. This book is dedicated to her memory in the hope that we meet again in the futur e their love. INTRODUCTION Since the publication of "The Montauk Project" in 1992, many people have written to us about strange thoughts controls and time phenomena, which they had encoun tered in their lives. On such people is absolutely no shortage. In the past they would have been simply declared mad and forced them to hide their feelings and experiences. Today such people are still misunderstood and are afraid to talk about it. Mostl y they need help or are looking for their experience to get confirmation. At the beginning we tried to answer every letter, but we had to give up. So usually ha ve only simple letters a chance at a simple answer. But all the surviving letter s are read, which I can assure you. Generally it can be assumed that if you think. You are in a space-time project h ave been involved, which also was the case. Finally, the whole universe is itsel f a space-time project. The only thing that Preston and I can do is to continue with the investigation and about the events in Montauk to report in the hope tha t by a change of consciousness is possible. At the moment it is so that the people who have read about the Montauk Project s upport our efforts strong. Unfortunately we do the mass media have chosen to one objective, which is to ignore it. This is their best defense. We would only pro voke discussion and arouse an interest in more people denigrate the television. In the fall of 1992 and the summer of 1993 Preston and I each have a blitz that led us to radio stations across America made. Our availability for interviews wa s announced by the same channels that are used by any public relations professio nal. In a publication a full-page ad was published, which announced the fiftieth anniversary of the Philadelphia Experiment. , we have learned that the radio is still mostly is a free forum, because we rec eived a lot of interviewers across America in the spirit of free speech. The mai n media centers like New York and Los Angeles but have locked us. The television talk shows have this issue any minute even considered, with two exceptions. But this had to cancel both, than their superiors got wind of the matter. The Montauk Project is as it is written, probably not one hundred percent true. stuff based on intuition and mediumship readings (psychic readings), but in gene ral is e apparently for those who control the media, too close to the reality. was published as Montauk, there was no media campaign. Talking on the radio abou t the occult is not easy, because the audience is mostly about the Dunk-ies. Tim e travel is there a much simpler issue. This whole area just deals with things t hat are deemed the status quo as a taboo, one is silent about the best. Pyramids of Montauk not only penetrates deeper into the question why all this sh ould be taboo, it also gives us some answers about the relationships of creation . Most readers will probably encounter this information for the first time and w ill be in accordance with astonishment. For them, this book has been written, bu t it is only intended as an introduction to this topic. The most practicing occultists, the information is familiar, albeit with an unus ual twist. Hopefully they will this surprise. The book is not intended as offici

al doctrine of any or represented. It is simply a report on my research and the information I tracked down. I hope it will give you close to bringing about the circumstances of your own creation and give you some answers that you have not h ad before. CHAPTER ONE: RETURN TO MONTAUK In the summer of 1993, the musician Denney Colt Montauk visited after a year-lon g commitment in Spain. Since she had been all the time out of the country, away from their home on Long Iceland, they had nothing of: heard "The Montauk Project Experiments in Time". When they boarded the Montauk Lighthouse during a tour, s he noticed a very unusual thing to the state park rocky. This was a huge, suspic ious-looking radar screen. Their intuition told her that something about it woul d be funny and she said that she wanted the pursue. Two other ladies heard this and said they would have been up there. They would have been expelled from unple asant officials who told them it was all top secret (top secret) and they should stay away from the area. Denney became suspicious and decided to herauszufind-e n, what was really going on. She photographed the radar and went back home. Denn ey On the same evening went to the home of Lorry Salluzzi, a good friend of mine . Denney had hardly arrived when they already held a leaflet in the hands of wha t "Montauk and the synchronicity" was, as an indication of a lecture that I woul d keep. Denney had had several Synchronizitätserlebnisse, and this leaflet to get e xactly after their return from Montauk was just another. She learned in addition from Montauk book and also appeared at my lecture. When we first met, told me Denney by radar and later wanted to show me a picture of t he plant. This called for a trip to Montauk almost out. Preston, Denney and so I drove to the lighthouse beyond, to find out what was go ing on. We arrived at the radar station in the early afternoon. This is just wes t of the lighthouse and is not even one and a half kilometers away. In addition to the rotating radar screen were a big caravan and a generator. These were righ t next to a huge underground bunker, which has since been sealed. When we arrive d, there was no one on the premises, it just stood there a lame panel, said that one should not go beyond a certain point. We have this prohibition does not hur t and walked around in a circle around the bunker to see us the area from anothe r point of view. As we walked down the street, we saw a large flock of birds amazed sitting on a phone line that led to the base. Strangely, looked ninety percent of the birds i n the same direction. They were frozen. We shouted and threw stones to see if we could scare them, but only a few were moving. The birds sat there and just did not move while we watched. A little later, Preston has it recorded on video as t hey buzzed around in a frenetic pattern. They flew in a circle, as if they follo wed a fluid or a line. Her behavior was very Auss-ergewöhnlich. The road that we went along, led us to the other side of the radar. On this side there was no sign and we were able to get closer to him directly. So we were st ill about a hundred yards away, drove two cars in front of the plant. Six or sev en people got out, some of them obviously worked there. They were well dressed a nd appeared to be engineers. An Asian photographer was also there. Two of the me n got out and went quickly to the radar. One overzealous made ? â movements with his ar ms and seemed to explain to the other the radar. It all looked very fake and we wondered if he was wanted by some to convince us what. Preston moved closer and spoke with one of the men. This said, he would work for the company radar Cardion in Public Relations. Cardion situated in the Long Ice land City Syosset forth radar systems. The spokesperson said the radar would be tested and demonstrated reasonableness ren of a country that wanted to prevent t hat small drugs ships could land. He pointed out to the ocean and said there was a small ship, which they tested precisely. I could see none. But even if I had seen one: the area is known for its fish stocks and it might as well be a fisher man. history of the PR man was ridiculous. Preston said this was a pretty sophisticat

ed piece of radar and it was still unlikely that one would have to test it to fi nd small ships. This type of radar for many years was on the market. When I got home, I called a friend of mine and told him about the radar in Monta uk. Funnily enough, he said, that Cardion was one of his clients. He would ask a round and see what he could find out. A few days later he said that a PR ruse ha d been set for us, really. He himself had informed you that the army trying to f ind a way to track down militants in the Middle East Arabs can. Low-level radioactive fiber are mixed in the food of some Arab countries in orde r to identify potential terrorists or soldiers on the radar screen can. This pro cess is sometimes referred to as "Bariumüberprüfung." In medicine coats the inside of the digestive tract with barium and makes it so the x-ray visible. Apparently th is was a new kind of sophisticated radar, which is to recognize the barium. I told Preston that story and he was very astonished, he said the issue could vo te impossible, because certain portable radars even be seen moving people and di fferent animals can. Thus, such a new and sophisticated radar device was not required. Obviously Card ion has served us two stories that should detract from a secret process. Still other inconsistencies to this radar were found. The PR man had told us it work with 3 gigahertz, but we finally found out that there were 6 GHz. Strange w as also that the radar was directed for some reason against the ground. He calle d on the viewfinder at Prestons video camera out interference by interrupting th e image. Usually went something having an effect on the chip in the camera along , but that was not the case here. Preston said this would mean that this was no ordinary electromagnetic radar, but something else. What exactly he did not at t hat time yet. When we returned from our trip to Montauk, we have thought long and hard about t he radar installation on the Montauk base. It just did not make sense. First Car dion could have chosen a test station that was just twenty minutes from their fa cility in Syosset, but they went into about two and a half hours distant Montauk . Preston decided to ask Klark at his friend, who has many family connections in the defense industry. Klark said he knew someone who had been sent by the Siemens company in New Jerse y to Montauk. His task was to install inside the base itself a new radar system. Although this system an extension, or addition to the radar on the cliffs could have been, but it was somewhere else. those that deal with the history of the second World War deal, Siemens will reme mber as the company that had covered all electronic areas for the Third Reich. T his is a further indication of a constantly recurrent pattern of relations with the Nazis Montauk. A trip to the public library showed me that Siemens had acquired the Cardion in the early 90s. everything fit together a little better now. I remembered Norman Scott, an influential lobbyists in the Senate, which was nearing completion of a documentary about Montauk. His research led him to Siemens in Germany, where he fell ill with a mysterious heart condition. After his recovery he was researchi ng on Montauk. There were still many unanswered questions, but it was clear that the old relations of Germany were to Montauk still very active. Preston promised more details on one flight over Camp Hero, while the he recorde d the whole site on video. He soon found that it was already difficult to find a pilot who would fly over the base. He was finally able to charter a flight from the airport in East Hampton. The pilot was flying over the base a bit fishy and he wanted to complete the flight after a passage, Preston but insisted that the y hinflogen again. They circled a few more times over the base and Preston so go t video footage that would prove to be very interesting. Upon his return, Preston examined all the material with his friend Danny, a nucl ear physicist. Soon Danny Preston was to stop the videotape. was in noticed that south of the inner Montauk base a huge circle was seen. Danny said that the cir cular structure would be exactly like a particle accelerator. (1) This was all taken very seriously, because Danny is one of the few people in Ame rica who really know about particle accelerator decision (he could even build on e). Before the band continued to run, Danny predicted what would be still seen.

With one small exception his predictions were absolutely correct. So we were tol d here that in the State Park Montauk was a real particle accelerator! Keeping in mind the idea that barium could reflect a particle beam from the rada r, the picture is clearer. Before I had my friend - the one with connections to Cardion - said that people with food einnähmen barium, so that they would be visibl e on the radar screen. But that was as far as pointless as people appear on a no rmal radar screen. But what if a " Particle beam radar "would be designed for? T hat would explain why on Montauk a new radar system was tried. Leaving aside vor tex monitoring, and other esoteric activities, they had to be just connected to the particle accelerator in Montauk. A normal radar they would have probably tes ted more near Syosset. (1 Simply stated, a particle accelerator a plant which atomic particles accelera ted to near the speed of light and so charging with energy. Preston In Chapter 3 5 gives a technical description of the particle accelerator in Montauk). Cardion The radar was obviously not what we were told. Disinformation was perfor med on at least two tracks. On the one the public was told to chase drug ships. The second story was a bit more technical, but still flawed. They said they woul d use barium to recognize people can. If any part of this was true disinformatio n (disinformation is always mixed with truths, if it is performed correctly), th en it probably was the finding that the radar could detect barium. This supports the assertion Danny, that the circle is a particle accelerator in Montauk. , we did not have to try to convince him, he was sure of his judgment. And he wa s one of the few specialists in the field of particle accelerators, seemed also to ourselves but very convincing. , we still do not know exactly what the barium used. It will certainly not be us ed to track military invaders, but it could help the whereabouts of people keep in mind and - this as speculation -. Itself to dock with their mental signature Our ? â research went on and we went to Montauk again to us the circle personally to lo ok at. This time accompanied us Mike Nichols and Denney Colt. The circle was pav ed and made ? â it appear that he would also entertain. The bushes were maintained, but not too much. We found a piece of ground, which was much newer than the rest It was exactly as it had Danny described. He had said that there was a paving that would be removed for maintenance work from time to time with a crane. After the paving would be renewed. , we all, we visited the circle, had later reactions. Mike was extremely tired a nd disoriented. Denney was also tired of him is also formed a red, triangular he spotted the neck. I was very uncomfortable with a severe headache, as I had nev er experienced. most but Preston was affected. He had radiation burns on his che st and legs. A doctor confirmed that the burns from radiation stemmed, but decli ned to be named for personal reasons. I myself have seen turn out a Geiger count er when it was held in the vicinity of Preston burns. This trip confirmed not only Danny's view that it was a particle accelerator, th ey also yielded further interesting information. before we went to the county, had Preston A number of radio receivers installed to try to receive signals from the base. He was able to locate various transmiss ion signals, but once his conditioning was installed ready, they stopped. As soo n as he had his equipment broken down, they started again. This happened a few t imes and was clearly noticeable s, but it was also irritating. Preston found tha t the Montauk crew would play around with it and gave up. As we sat on the park field when illuminated Turin, approached us with a person in the local press. He looked at the antenna on the roof of Preston's vehicle an d asked if we were looking aliens out. He chuckled, and from then on I referred to him as the Kicherer. The Kicherer is a surfer and was going to prepare for going to the beach. He sai d he had lived all his life in Montauk, and that it really was a very disconcert ing place. He said it had everything to do with electromagnetic phenomena. These are his wo rds, not ours. The Kicherer admitted that the people in the city these phenomena are not understood and therefore often acted funny. He understands this and goe

s without a fuss after his own things. In his opinion, it is best comes with the locals of Montauk in touch if you have a surfboard procures and hangs around wi th it. If they think that one of the residents, it may be that they talk openly about certain things. The Kicherer said, browsing from Montauk Point from had a special power quality. He compared it with that of Hawaii. I think the Kicherer knew more than he was willing to say. Anyway, he had right, surfers are there co nsidered harmless. Earlier that morning was our friend Mike Nichols for surfing and had seen the Ca rdion radar. He saw some workers anwarfen the generator and asked them what they were doing. One of the workers was very friendly and explained that the radar w ould not work underground. You are going to try to put it in gear. Mike was too stunned to ask any more questions. He went home and called us. He had no idea th at we were going on the same day to go to Montauk. He had reached us just before we left so we could meet later. Having the Kicherer had gone to the beach, another surfer came along and noticed how Preston in his car supervised other electronic devices. He said his name wa s Ray and asked what we were doing. Preston said he trying to figure out what wo uld happen on the base. Ray said he would like, in ways that someone could find out, because he live very close and am often woken in the middle of the night by helicopter. He said you would have unloaded tons of material and people. He was so irritated by the fact that he had gone to the base to complain. The commanding officer wa s very uncomfortable and they had quarreled. Ray called it the police, but they said only that they could do nothing. Disturbing the peace belongs not appear in the area of their expertise, to enter unless Curious "unauthorized" Camp Hero. Later we said an official of the city, that the soldiers were on the basis of me mbers of the National Guard, which had held there a Biwakierübung. Since the base w as but when poisoned and classified as hazardous (according to George Larsen, th e State Park-chief, confirmed in a bid for a government contract), this resulted in no sense, however. If the base was truly contaminated, it would be idiotic t o let troops camped in the middle of the poison. It was the military in any case not to behave so offensively against civilians when they were merely routine ex ercises there. all events in this chapter show in any case that the strange occurrences in Mont auk had not become less strange. We were in our element: a novel radar system in a State Park, reports of unusual and hostile military activities and the police , who pleaded not to be able to do (just like in the movie Invaders from Mars 19 50). And to top it off, someone mentioned even the underground installations! What probably still? 2 A QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP Neither Preston nor I wanted to subside in the context of Montauk to recent disc overies in our Nachforsch-ments. We drove back soon to Montauk and drove along a dirt road to the Cardion radar system. We approached from west-en and noticed a man in a truck, who was standing next to the radar screen. Apparently he was a kind of watchman, for he said, as we got closer that the acc ess to the area is prohibited. He was not rude. Preston and I turned around and went back. When we got back to the car, I had a small path that led Preston and asked if he would show me around to a position above the bunker near the radar. After we had climbed a hill and had gone through some bushes, we were close to o ur surprise, just north of the radar and uncomfortable. The man had now gone out of his truck and approached us. We wanted him absolutely not irritate, but he h ad already seen us and was upset. Preston took it all on video, which infuriated the man even more. "I had already told you. Ye shall disappear from this property," he said. Presto n took in more on video and the man told him to stop. "This is public reason," P reston said. "I will not like to record on video. Skin now or I'll call the poli ce," said the man. He was always angry. "Go ahead," Preston said. "We can do thi s here use them to prove harassment." "What do you mean by harassment?" He said.The man seemed genuinely surprised. I

told him then that this area is state-owned. "Nothing in this part," he said, "t he private." This seemed to me to be a powerless Bluff and I insisted that this was public gr ound state. Preston asked him to specify exactly where the private property bega n and ended the state park. That was the end. He turned around like a whipped do g and seemed like someone who runs to Mommy home. This was all the more surprisi ng because he was a pretty strong guy and it did not seem as if anyone could be dangerous to him. because we did not want any further confrontation, we went immediately on the wa y we had come back. In a few minutes we were at the foot of the hill. Suddenly t here was a car in the state park police and drove to the Cardion radar, but did not see us. On the way back to the car I saw a hidden meadow. Without access road this seemed to be the ideal place for occult gatherings, so I wanted to see if any traces were found of such groups. The meadow was difficul t to achieve, as many brambles and bushes were between her and the road. I fough t my way through, but Preston had no desire and stayed behind. As Preston was waiting for me, he was not fifty meters from the Cardion radar st ation. He could not see anyone, but he heard the watchman herumbrüllte and the poli ce told them to arrest us. The police wanted to know if we would have disturbed the radar or the system in some way first. When they learned that was not the ca se, they refused to take action against us, since we had not in any way violate the law. They refereed further without doing something came out. Meanwhile, I ca me back and we went unmolested back to the car. When we were at home, Preston Danny showed his video. Surprisingly, Danny identi fied the man who was guarding the radar. His name was John Crampon, an employee of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, who had once been head of the Microwave D epartment. He was then promoted to head of security, and this may explain its pr esence in Montauk. Danny himself had occupied him time in his own company. After this incident Danny, John tried to call but heard nothing from him for six mont hs. When John then announced, John was surprised that Danny had seen him in a vi deo from Montauk outside. He remembered not to have been there! Danny also repor ted that someone had seen John Crampon at a restaurant in Montauk, but had not b een recognized by John, who behaved rather uncomfortable. John wanted to see the video tape, but then departed, and until now, as I write this, he can not see. We ask all of us, wherever he may have gone well? After our first encounter with John Crampon Preston and I went to see at a real estate office, Carol Brady. In Montauk, it was already mentioned, as she was ver y friendly and had made ? â us acquainted with many residents. She had once seen floating above the base a stealth bomber and said the radar wa s still active. She knew that because on the basis of something going on. So we went to the office and asked for Carol. We were told that she was on leave. The lady at the front desk knew who we were, although I could not remember them. After we had exchanged a few words, we mentioned our encounter with John Crampon . The lady said that the Feds (the State) would own the area and they have not y et officially overwritten the state. We corrected their view, and the moment the lady was quarrelsome. This was surprising. I told her to look at the old contro l board. She had such an office and brought them forth. We therefore tested the thing by and lo and behold, Camp Hero was listed as owned by the State of New Yo rk. "That's what I said yes," she said angrily. " It belongs to the government., the Government of the State of New York. " Her behavior was so arrogant that I gave. I meant more that it was probably funn y that the question of ownership was so confusing. It was apparently confused by us more and more. "Ask but the George Larsen," she said. "He can tell you's." I told her politely that we really could not trust him, because he would be prob ably implicated as park rangers in any conspiracy. For this he had us said yes, the base will be demolished and is therefore disabled. A month later was seen as Cardion at the base installed a new gate. How is a radar manufacturer to abort company? By bombarding the building with microwaves? The lady said that if we did not believe George Larsen, we should ask another ma

n. She mentioned a name, but I can not remember him. I asked the question, how c ould I be sure that this man would tell the truth, what she said in anger and in sulted again: "Then they ask but anyone else - they will tell you the truth alre ady!" We went away quickly, amazed at the reaction of the lady. Obviously we threatene d their sense of reality. But she seemed to know more than she admitted. This wa s not the only time that we heard, the land of Camp Hero belonged to the federal government. Several months later, we discovered a newspaper article that was in the, the car of Carol Brady was Gurney's Inn has been plugged in Montauk on fire before. Thi s was about one month after the release of Montauk, where Carol Brady's name is mentioned. She pulled away it to somewhere else to work. We do not know the exac t circumstances and have, also not sought for their own protection. We have hear d rumors that cars would be lit as a warning in Montauk. During our return journey Preston and I were talking. across this strange encoun ter in the real estate office Why the lady was so much that the land belonged to the federal government? And why has it changed its mind and behaved so strange? The issue of who owns th e land there was apparently a hot iron. She did seem a lot more than she admitte d, and had probably said something too much. Preston said he had already heard several times that the land belonged to the Fe ds. He mentioned a court case from 16 June 1993 . To better understand the confu sion over the ownership of Montauks Camp Hero, we will now look at this court ca se in detail. 3 THE MONTAUK PROCESS In February 1993, Preston and Duncan drove to Montauk. Preston had already finis hed his video "The Montauk Tour", and then the single recordings available of th e buildings that form the inner part of Camp Hero are to see. This excursion Pre ston parked his car on a large, flat area north of the main entrance to Camp Her o. To the west of this area are the houses in which the military had lived, who had been stationed at Camp Hero. Now they belonged to private owners. Preston, D uncan and a third person went to a bunker that was located outside the inner fen ce. On their way back to the car they were in and outside of the fence, when the y were confronted by two officers of the State Park Police. Policemen presented Preston from a Bu?zettel, but only after they had consulted with a man in civilian clothes. Preston said he was not on the base itself and d id nothing wrong. One of the officers said about that they would harass anyone w ho came near. During the following discussion, Preston did his camera, which he had slung. So enough sound recordings were made ? â which could later be used perhaps to appeal in co urt against the Bu?zettel. most probably paid those fifty dollars and left it at that. Preston, Duncan and her boyfriend decided to fight back against it. It was a matter of principle, no t of time and money. Furthermore, the truth could come out here so, who is now t he Montauk base really possessed. On 19May 1993 was the first hearing before the Court in East Hampton, Suffolk Co unty. The numbers of Bu?zettel were 93-4-345, 93-4-346 and 93-4-347. The judge w as James R. Ketcham, the representative of the prosecution was Michael Brown, Es q. (Assistant District Attorney), court reporter was Elena McClash. During the trial, Mr. Brown said that all the three accused of the same offense (trespass) would be blamed. He also told the judge that the defendant wanted a p rocess to bring clarity to the matter. Preston stated that he was formerly also gone into the inside of the base and had made ? â video recordings. He also said that h e had received from the State Park Commission two different statements, which di stricts would not be accessible. A state park police officer had said he must re main outside the fence, of concluding the area. A lady in the state park office Hither Hills said as long as they stayed outside the area, whose entry was marke d as forbidden, everything is OK. Both values ? â differed from those of the police off icers who had issued the Bu?zettel.

Judge Ketcham said he wanted to shed light on the matter, as more cases could be present. He also said that he had gone often to fish in the area, but did not k now about the latest circumstances. Preston wanted clear information about where you could go and where not to. He wanted the State Park Commission establishes a card from it. The reason for this was that Preston had heard from a fellow att orney in New York by a law which decreed that state park property to the public should be available. If more than one third of the public is not accessible, the whole system loses funding by the state. Preston thought the State Park Commiss ion could incriminate himself. He had made ? â his own estimates and found that the off -limits area definitely accounted for more than one-third of the entire park. Al l this looked like serious problems. The judge wanted above all, that there is sufficient signs were erected to tell the visitors where they can not go there. Obviously, it exceeded the powers of t he court to instruct the State to draw boundary lines. Judge Ketcham said he wou ld instruct the prosecutor, the police officer who issued the subpoena Bu?zettel , then he wanted to establish the guilt or innocence of the accused in a process . The main hearing took place on 16 June 1993 at the Court of Almost Hampton inste ad. The participants and the numbers were the same as before. I myself could not attend the hearing because a friend had arranged a visit to a Moody Blues conce rt where I was Justin Hayward with a copy of the Montauk Project (later I was to ld it would please him and the next album of the group are called) - would "Time Traveller" - time traveler. So I asked my friend Mike Nichols, attend to me. He would be the eyes and ears for me. Defendants were already there early. It was not surprising further that all othe r matters that came before the court, were treated first. Apparently this was an attempt to isolate the cause so that no further witnesses more were there. I say apparently, because all except Mike Nichols left the courtroom. He wanted to stay and see the negotiation, said Mike, the representative of the prosecutio n came to him and asked him to leave the room. Mike then said that this was a pu blic hearing, and he has the right dabeizusein. Then they left him in peace. To simplify the matter, Preston took the other defendants, and took the only the word. During the opening for the prosecution said the Assistens prosecutor, the accuse d against section 375.1, point H, the Park and Recreation Act of the State of Ne w York violated by placing them in a property - here called structure - had pene trated or there were staying during a period during which such ownership or this structure - seasonal or perennial - marked by a sign or an employee of the offi ce has been had. According to Mr. Brown, "these allegations were within the town of East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York State, where." It is important here to note that the c ourt had as a precedent, found the question falls within the Parks and Recreatio n Act of the State of New York. Whether the land actually belonged to the State of New York, was placed itself neither by the prosecution nor the court in quest ion. Preston, also on behalf of the other defendants, first told of his encounter wit h the police and the lady in Hither Hills State Park. These have already been me ntioned, they had Preston told he must remain outside the inner fence. At this f ence red and white signs were installed, who said that this part of the public p ark is not accessible. Based on this information Preston was of the opinion that he thought the rules, as long as he residing outside this fence. He said he had gone to the fire depar tment bunker (outside the fence) around when he was noticed by people who worked inside the fence and spending as state employees. they asked Preston and his friends what they were doing, and they were told , on e would make video recordings. The workers left them in peace. Nobody said they had to go away from there. It was found that it was the problem of the court to determine whether they had stayed inside the fence or not. The prosecution then called the police Roland Walker on the witness stand. He sa

id he was hired by the State Park Police and have been working for nine years as a police officer, seven of them in Montauk. . He further mentioned that he had come through the academy of the New York State Park Police and had been trained in dealing with Hazmat, Radar, EVOC and for clerical work (2) On the question, he would describe the attached on the basis of signs, Walker sa id: "They are about 90x90 cm and it is: the possession of the State of New York, closed to the public." Walker said further out, he was on 5 February was called by Donald Baicuns 1993, who taught him about intruders in the state park. Walker had gone out to the pa rk entrance, where he waited until they returned to their vehicle. The officer a dmitted that they had not found inside the fence when he saw her. He also said h e had issued the defendant speeding ticket, this is due to the testimony of a wi tness, Donald Baicuns who said they would have been within the Sperrbezirks. Pre ston ended his questioning of Walker by asking him to say if he had seen one of the accused inside the fence. The answer was no. (2 Preston says that the Protocol is a discrepancy occurred. He recalled that Wa lker had said that he had been trained while serving in the U.S. Air Force in ra dar. Should be the way, it's but very suspicious and a more purposeful omission from the court transcripts). Subsequently called the accusation Donald Baicuns to the witness stand. He said that he lived at Camp Hero, Montauk, New York (he lives in the houses north of t he base), and that he was hired to Camp Hero State of New York as chief mechanic . Baicuns stated for the record that the base a military facility was (at a cert ain time), which was enclosed perimeter. It was, at another time, the 773er rada r command was stationed, within an inner enclosure. He held clearly that there w ere two fences on the site. Baicuns The prosecution wanted to know what on 5 Feb ruary had happened about 16 clock 45, 1993. He said another employee told him by radio, "they would have seen some people in Camp Hero." Baicuns had followed th is, the three accused have seen and it summoned the police by radio. Incidentall y, we wonder why the employee first Baicuns called and not the police. If it wor ks the way as a security guard? And why do I care State Park employees at all, i f someone is outside the inner fence? Baicuns said clearly states that the defen dants outside the 773er radar command-fence were staying but. within the outer f ence that surrounds the Camp Hero facility He further said he had told the accus ed, they were on restricted area. The charge was based apparently on this one po int. Preston asked Baicuns if any signs were attached to the outer fence. He rep lied that there were no new signs there, just the old from the military installa tion. On which is written: " U.S. government restricted area ".

Preston said that this is an important note. Baicuns said that one should not pe netrate the outer fence, but the only signs are old government signs. In Preston 's eyes, this shows that the government is still present on the base. He believe s Baicuns have set an example. Was not mentioned in court all this. Judge Ketcham dismissed the action, there was not marked enough or reasonable th at the defendants there were not allowed to go where they had been seen. He also said the military Signs Set no limit to the State Park dar. The judge said furt her to go inside, would a license or a certificate of eligibility to be necessar y. At the end Preston asked for an injunction, which auftrug the State Park Commiss ion to specify exactly which areas were locked. The judge said such an order he could not give. He even said he wished he had that kind of power and authority. Policeman Walker said he would look into the matter. After all the excitement, some signs were at the end of the old Montauk Street a t the western entrance Camp Hero's attached. There were only parking prohibition signs. To date I have not seen any signs that would have denied access to the o utside fenced area. That my friend to leave the courtroom had been asked to show that this is a very touchy subject.

Definitely have Preston and his friends won the case. More importantly, the cour t has determined that Camp Hero is a New York State Park. If so, why was the pol ice then so helpless, as the surfer, to whom we had met, she asked for help afte r he had had an unpleasant encounter with the military, which disturbed the nigh t's sleep? And why was the soldier whom he met so unfriendly? And what in the wo rld had to look for a private company (Cardion) on state park property? John Cra mpon was told it was private property. I decided to take ownership of Camp Hero under the microscope. 4 THE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS I opened myself to figure out what to the riddle of the Montauk property was in it and was looking in the index of the New York Times. Unfortunately, the local newspaper Newsday is not indexed, which complicates investigation tremendously. , I soon discovered that on 6 February 1984 on the page B4 of the Times ad appea red-en was what concerned the Camp Hero site. It was announced that on 8 Februar y 1984 at a public auction a 278-acre (about 1.125 km ²) of land at Montauk Point b y the General Services Administration (management of general services), a federa l institution, should be sold. It was mentioned that there used to be a U.S. Air Force station (Air Force Base) was. The display had been abandoned by Judith Hope, the East Hampton town manag er and she warned the fact that the sale by the GSA was illegal because it the N ational Environment Policy Act (National Environmental Protection Act, USC 4321, et seq), the Coastal Zone Management Act (Coastal Zone Management Act, 16 USC 1 45l / et seq) and other laws that apply to the conduct of federal application, c ontrary to. The ad went on from that "had decided the Municipality of East Hampton unanimous ly on 6 January 1984 on the basis of transferred by the people and the Governmen t of the State of New York to them authority the whole in question plot, which b y the GSA should be sold to release the "use by the public as a park and preserv e." This approach was based on the sound principles of conservation of natural r esources and community planning, and was necessary to protect the general health , safety and well-being of the population. "This Urban Planning Act of East Hampton (Section 153-17A) allows for such zoned land, only the following types of use to: Golf courses and tennis courts Hunting and Conservation Reserves Parks Recreation and beach conservation areas Buildings, which are usually associated with the above activities m connection s uch as club houses, administrative and maintenance building. "legal advisors believe that on the corresponding plot, as long as it is zoned i n such a way, no houses, hotels, motels, condominiums, apartment houses or other residential may be, commercial or industrial buildings, uses or facilities of a ny kind lawfully created or maintained, at whomever "-. Next was in the display that the intention was to prevent the sale of Air Force Station and maintain the zoning of the property. We have to wonder if someone ch anged the zoning to allow a radar station could be built! Also on 6 February wrote Lindsey Gruson a special report in the New York Times t itled "Officials try a U.S. plot to protect", sr says " have created a military base disguised the War Department in this isolated and vulnerable country head ( in Montauk) as a quaint fishing village ., but no enemy had ever tried to get th ere on land. " Apparently he had not read the various reports that say that Nazis had landed at Montauk. He also has not noted that perhaps the greatest enemy of mankind has p recisely because ensconced in the Montauk base itself. The article stated furthe r that the radar station was closed three years earlier, and that the area was d eclared a surplus inventory. "President Reagan, plagued by budget deficit worrie s has instructed the government two years ago, no longer needed to sell land to raise money to reduce the federal debt. Earlier it was left to the States for a symbolic amount unused state, provided the terrain was as parks and other public

facilities used. " Interestingly, there was again no indication that should be used based on radar. The city overseer Tony Bullock, as was quoted, has apparently said that "the pa rk-and landscape protection zoning is very restrictive. There are trees and flow ers allowed, that's it about." Almost all officials at all levels of government fought the attempt by the GSA, to sell the property. On 7February, the New York Times that the judge Leonard D. Wexler of the Distric t Court the sale of the former Air Force base at Montauk Point by the government blocked for the time being. He issued a preliminary injunction, which allowed t he government to accept at the auction bids for the property, but that no sale s hould be completed before a hearing would have taken place in court. The next day the Times published another article on the base. Apparently the att orney Jack Weprin had made ? â Manhattan on behalf of Joshua Sundance Inc. an offer of U.S. $ 1.9 million. Weprin did not say what he wanted to do with the land. A spokesman for the GSA s aid that the twenty minute auction would have yielded two active bidders. On 12February wrote Jane Periez a report for the Times, which confirmed that the Home Secretary William P. Clark intervened in the discussion. He took the attit ude of the city Westhampton and wrote to the GSA, that he found that the land sh ould remain with the state of New York. According to his plan, the land that is known as Camp Hero, the Montauk State Park would be appended, as compensation fo r approximately 5,000 square meters, which would allocated (the National Fire Ic eland-beach area) of the Fire Iceland National Seashore, so a land swap. Interes tingly, met his letter exactly on the day before the auction at the GSA one. It seems to have the officials from all quarters the desperate attempt was made by this plot-en do not fall into private hands. Even Senator Patrick Moynihan was a ctive. He pointed out the GSA on a law that allows her abzutauschen Basic State at no cost, provided it is used as parkland. On the first of May another article by Ms Periez in which was that the Senators Moynihan and Alfonse D'Amato had introduced a bill additive in the Senate, of th e land exchange of state-owned Montauk area for the 5,000 m² state ground on the be ach of Fire appeared Iceland envisaged. Home Secretary William P. Clark wanted t he GSA over the country wrote to his department so that he could pass it to the State of New York. Judge Wexler prevented this until he had decided whether the attempt of the State Authority (GSA) to sell the land was illegal or not. In Newsday Laura Durkin wrote on 4 July 1984 that the Congress would have passed a tax bill that also provided for the exchange of land described previously. Th e CSA spokesman Paul Costello had apparently told the Tax Act "would have clearl y expressed that the highest and best use of the land which was as parks and rec reation areas. So go the entire 1.125 km ² to the Department of the Interior Minist er and from there to the State of New York overwritten. " Everyone seemed deligh ted that this precious piece of environment would not go to opportunistic real e state agent. In the same week the New York Times wrote, completed the land exchange and that on the following Wednesday an official ceremony would celebrate on the Montauk a rea the exchange. The most surprising aspect of this research was that I was abl e to find some an article not in the New York Times still in Newsday, who had me ntioned this ceremony. Newspapers thrive on such stories, and one would have exp ected a great article. But there was no mention. Were the officials entered into a Time Warp? Has the handover ever taken place? The law article mentioned explicitly but (according to the GSA spokesman) that t he transfer to the State of New York should be made ? â by the Department of Home Affai rs. I did not know the exact wording of the article, but after all, what I had r ead, the plot could still be in the hands of the Ministry of Interior. One wonde rs whether all the press releases had been tampered with. soon should I see that this whole crisis spread much deeper for the possession. For there was still someone who stood on the land claim on which the Montauk Air Force Base was located. PYRAMIDS FOUND As Preston and Duncan in "Montauk proces

s" had been declared innocent, I was just about the manuscript for Montauk to fi nish. Before I put the final point, but I wanted to go to the public library, ch eck the definition of the word "Montauk" again. I hoped very deeply penetrate in to the meaning of the word and pull a rabbit out of the hat. To my surprise and fascination led to what I found that I spent the whole afternoon in the public l ibrary. The most widely accepted meaning of "Montauk" comes from Dr. JH Trumbull , an eminent Algonquin researchers (among the Montauk Indians of the tribe the A lgonquin), the "manatuck" accepted the word as the root, which was often used as a term for a hill or hilly terrain with the meaning of "a distant place to see (or be seen)" or "an observation" .

Although this was the akzeptierteste version, no one would deny that there was a nything reliable about the word. From the perspective of the Montauk legend make s "an observation" already sense when you "look through window of time" into acc ount. But the fascinating and surprising, which I mentioned, is not so much the definition of "Montauk", but rather the information that I discovered during my research. In the reference department for "Long Iceland" I saw a thick book. The author's name was "Wilson". I took it out the same. The title was called Historic Long Ic eland by Rufus Rockwell Wilson, it had no index and the table of contents did no t help much further. But I found a list of pictures, and it was "The Pyramids Montauk". I Opened the page 317 and found a picture of a pyramid-shaped hill, wh ich measured about twenty feet. A man standing in front of it. In the background one can, if one very faithful, two more make up such hills. St rangely, I could find no further mention of the pyramids or of Montauk in the wh ole book! The book was published in 1911, so we know that the recordings must be a bit old er. I had never heard of these pyramids or hills. I'm going to dwell on it in mo re detail later, but first want to continue the process of discovery during my r esearch in the library. Next, I discovered that the dialect of the Montauk Indians had been lost. A repo rt said that a George Pharoah would have been the last person who spoke to him y et. He had been the Sachem or chief of the Montauks and 1798 had spoken in his n ative language with John Lion Gardiner. It seems that if the name "Pharoah" a long and important tradition in the histor y of Montauks. The Pharoah family was related to the Chief (Chief) Wyandanch, wh o was known as the greatest of all the Chiefs, and the name Pharoah appears on m any documents that had to do with land Handel land. Since his arrival, namely th e white man had flirted with Montauk. (3 The opposite inclusion is a reproduction of the picture in the book Historic Long Iceland. Probably the pyramids had once been higher. Than they appear here. Up to the time of the recording, the large rooms have probably been filled betw een the pyramids of earth and sand - see Bld 1 Montauk).. There was also a famous Montauk named Stephen "Talkhouse" Pharaoh. He was a desc endant of George Pharoah and spoke an ancient language than English. PT Barnum h ad had even a time hired him for his circus as "King of Montauks". It is interes ting that he had been hired during his childhood as a servant Colonel William Pa rsons. Parsons was viewed by some as notorious and had been accused of having en slaved the Montauk Indians. Unfortunately I can not find any further information about him. Next, we really need to ask what it all meant. All of a sudden dive the Great Py ramids of Montauk in my research. The Pharoahs appear next. This suggests but a logical connection with Egypt. That Stephen Pharoah and the Montauk Indians had been "enslaved" by a man named Parsons is highly ironic, considering Jack Parson s and in Montauk on him telling stories. Obviously more Synchronizitat was with Montauk connected than one might logically explain away. But at this point I jus t saw only the tip of the iceberg,

as I continue to research in the library, I came across Thomas Jefferson (the sa me one who served as president). He had been interested for a time very close to the original language of the Montauk Indians and wanted to save the endangered language. This thing he did not even important enough that he undertook the long journey to Montauk in the hope of being able to save them there. Jefferson wrot e that only three old women could speak the language. He wrote diligently down t he vocabulary and the alphabet and even prepared a kind of dictionary. It was no t a deep faring work, but under the circumstances, it was said, had been there b ut whole thing. I was curious as to what might well have Jefferson moved to tackle such an unusu al task like recording this language. then I remembered that he had been Freemasons and therefore a hidden reason had to be present, of the one does not necessarily talking . Then I read that he cla imed to have lost the main part of the Montauk language in the Potomac River. On ly a small part was not ruined. If it had already been so important for him to m ake the long trip to Long Iceland, why he did not go at it again? know I went to with my questions about characteristics Arthur, my friend seemed much more than it should, especially Montauk. He's in Montauk as very critical s tories against Preston mentioned, but there is also that he had told me that the true story of Montauk would be even more bizarre than Preston could not imagine this. At first I told him about the pyramids. "Finally you come to the thing (the truth about Montauk) closer," he said. Then I told him what I had found out about Thomas Jefferson and his interest in the l anguage of Montauks. He told me that the language of the Montauks was known as t he "Vril", an ancient Atlantean language. Characteristic said, this would be a l ater version of a much older language, the language of the angels, been, would h ave been called "Enochisch". (4) (4 Generally "Vril" is understood as a kind of psychic energy. According to Mada me Blavatsky called the Atlanteans they MASH-MAK. This is a rough phonetic appro ach to the word "Montauk". The earliest mention of "Vril", which to me is known at the moment, can be found in Bulwer-Lytton's book "The Coming Race", which was later used in Nazi propaganda. Though we know the Enochisch has its own grammar and syntax, it is still a hidden language and you will probably only very diffi cult to bring something about it in experience. "Vril" is said to have apparentl y developed from the Enochian, but is even less accessible.) " As you know because, they said, Vril? ", I asked Kenn. "I just know it," was h is reply. My next question concerned the name Pharoah. Why the Montauk Indians had Chiefs named Pharoah, and why this name appeared in its history so prominently on? Char acteristic told me that only two civilizations had used on the planet earth name d "Pharoah". Egypt was the one, that's easy. "What's the second?" I asked. " That should be clear to you , "replied characteristic. " Atlantis? " I asked, sure that I was right. " That's it. " Now everything suddenly began to make sense, and I stress "start" the word. Ther e is still much more to it in this scenario. I asked him if he could tell me mor e about the pyramids. Characteristic said that once a number of small pyramids w ould have been at Montauk outside. Apparently they were white and had been const ructed of brick-like parts. He said that they had been covered up, or perhaps be en in the underground ge taken, but he was not sure that the pyramid hill, which I had discovered in the book, had been the same. In Montauk, I mentioned my friend John. His father had been in charge in the 194 0s on behalf of the Coast Guard for the Montauk Lighthouse (the Montauk Lighthou se). I asked him if he had ever heard of the pyramids. He said his teacher had the cl ass of 1943 out on a trip to a field, where once had stood the Indian hills. Sin ce the photograph was taken in the book before 1911, it seems that the pyramids

were destroyed sometime between those two dates. It had been on the military (at the time of the First World War) as guilty party, but we do not know. Specifica lly, I can not find anyone who knew exactly where the pyramids had stood. My next call was to Madame X. She is a lady who was also mentioned in Montauk, c laiming that mystery schools have been observing for some time as Montauk planet ary energy point. I told her about the pyramids and she said she would not be su rprised in the least. On the contrary, it follows all makes sense. "Wes-half?" I asked. "Do not you see it?" Was her answer. I did not know where she was going and aske d them to express themselves more clearly. "Where else do you know that there ar e pyramids?" she asked me. "On Mars," I said. "Exactly." It reminded me of a conversation I had six months earlier led to her curren-end which she spoke about the connection between Mars and Montauk. At that time they did not want to elaborate on that. I had to discover it for yourself. however now told me Madame X that Atlantis, Mars and Montauk are very closely co nnected. She threw even Egypt in the alchemical soup she tried einzulöffeln me. Wha t it stated basically, was that all these venues, as well as other places where pyramids and other geometric structures are, are part of a lattice structure. Th is idea is not new and I had already heard different versions of it, but none of them was easy to understand in terms of function. So I started this area of stu dy a functional point of view. The easiest way for those who are not known yet, the idea of ? â a grid to understand t he matter that is the mythological equivalent of Atlas, the Greek Titan who bear s the earth on his shoulders. Atlas was the son of Uranus (God of the room or th e sky) and brother of Cronus (god of time). It is more than ironic that a map se ries is called "Atlas". The story that he wears the globe on his shoulders, is a metaphor for the idea t hat our planet is supported in space and time by a series of grid lines. The gri d is a network of three-dimensional geometric shapes which serve as the skeletal structure of the planet, such as bones, which maintained the matter may be cons idered. According to Greek mythology, Atlas was the father of the Pleiades, also known a s the "Seven Sisters" and which occur in the creation legends of the most primit ive tribes. For example, many believe the Indians that they are descended from t he Pleiades. This is all important because it means that Atlas is older than the stars, and that the geometric grid system that supports the earth, expands into the solar system out, then in the galaxy and throughout the entire space and ti me. One can get the introduce lattice as a model for the creation, its a stellar or divine essence made ? â use of to create a planet or anything else. Such a great cr eation must just be trapped at different points and is already a very complex ec osystem before the equation biological life is attached. It's called a morphogen etic field, because it is constantly rotating in different directions and change s constantly. "Morph" means change and "genetic" refers to the fact that our uni verse as we know it generated. Want to trace this gigantic movement of existence is an extreme challenge. The Mayans were therein with the most successful. Unfo rtunately, most studies on this area are not very clear and can request a clamor ing more sense. While the earth revolves around the sun, the grid lines of the earth move at dif ferent speeds, but they are all included at the end of the same system. From the human point of view we can try to understand the system by at least two methods . The first is through the mathematics, which would include a complete breakdown of the finer points of the grid. But this goes far beyond the scope of this work out. The second method would be by compliance and resonance, which would certainly include synchronicity with. T his second method would also contain simple mathematical relationships, but woul d not go so far as to try to explain every last manifestation (which must do the first method necessarily). We will discuss later in the book a little closer to

it. The fact that once existed pyramids at Montauk, shows that the place had been re cognized as a key point of the grid. This alone suggests already a relationship to Mars and Egypt. There is the legend also pyramids on the bottom of the Atlant ic, where the sunken continent now rests. The name "Atlantic" comes from "Atlas", presumably because the old Atlanteans th e energy grid of the earth used to drive their various vehicles. The Edgar Cayce material discussed in this topic, as well as the Atlantean culture in Egypt set tled. Basically, it is believed that everything that Egypt has to offer had come from Atlantis. (5th Cairo, where the Great Pyramid is 100 away "from Montauk. When representing the earth as a dodecahedron (a polyhedron with twelve pentagonal sites), then t here is a direct, purely geometric correspondence. It may further interest, that on the same latitude as Montauk is Olympus in Greece and the mythical city of T roy in modern day Turkey, in Asia Minor. Troy is located north of Cairo and was said to be at its peak, when Atlantis was just lost.) The descendants of the Pharoah family were apparently a big puzzle and an import ant piece of the puzzle. I continued my search in the library trying to figure o ut how they arrived at this particular name. I found that white settlers, the na tives often responded with glorious names like "king" in order to appease them, but in the case of Montauks was not the case. There were no records that said, was the Sachem Wyandanch by the settlers as Pha roah been crowned, and apparently he himself had not used that name. Later, the name appeared in instruments of transfer, its exact origins but is (for now anyw ay) unknown. But from the history Montauks show that it had repeatedly been disputes over lan d ownership in the context of the family Pharoah. To my surprise, this applied a lso the land that later became known as Camp Hero. It turns out that the Montauk Air Force Base was created on sacred Native American ground! This gave the whole situation a new direction, but there was another problem. Th e Supreme Court of the State of New York had declared to the turn of the century the Montauk Indians extinct. So of course I dealt more fully with this case and discovered a human drama that the mystery around Montauk only deepened. 6 PROCESS DEFECTS IN MONTAUK PROCESS When I learned that the Montauks had lost all their land rights, I next went to the East Hampton Library to examine the court case. A friend who was well versed in the lending library, accompanied me and took me to a special room. You can n ot take the writings of there, go and get yourself. The desired reference is tak en from the card catalog and the librarian then handed a book or the papers. The name of the librarian who served me was already known to me. A year earlier, Dick White, the president of the Montauk Historical Society, called him to me. He had said that this particular librarian was involved in archaeological excava tions, the Montauk concerned, but that she would hardly talk about it. All this I told her of course not, but I showed her the picture of the pyramids and asked her if she had ever heard of it. They just laughed and said she looked like san d dunes. Apparently they had no relevant information, but they seemed somehow to have their own opinions. I did not insist further on this question and said I w as interested in the trial of the Montauk Indians. She had quickly a very large folder over the case at hand. He was very old. She put it on the table and said I could even read it all. I had the feeling that somehow resonated quiet indigna tion in her voice. This was not against me but against the whole mess. So I bega n to study the court case and learned a lot about the history of Montauks. On 13 and 14October 1909 was an extraordinary session of the Supreme Court in Su ffolk County, New York, held. The plaintiffs were the tribe of Montauk, represen ted by its Chief Wyandanch Pharoah (a descendant of the already mentioned Chiefs Wyandanch). Indicted were: Jane Ann Benson and Mary Benson as executor track gr

ooves of the Arthur W. Benson: John J. Pierpont, and Henry R. Hoyt as executor a nd trustee of the Frank Sherman Benson,. Mary Benson, the Company Montauk, Monta uk Dock and Improvement Company, Alfred W. Hoyt, The Montauk Extension Railroad Company and the Long Iceland Railroad Company to deny No one seemed that on 6 Au gust 1660 the Indians Montauk country had sold the people of East Hampton. The I ndians were granted at the same time that they could claim the said land continu es. To avoid any entangling-ments, was born on 6 February 1661, a further contra ct finished, precisely in order to secure the Indians this claim. Notice that co ntains each of the two data three sixes. It must be said and pointed out that in all the treaties between the Indians and the white people a sacred promise of the white side was made, the right of the Indians to claim this land as long as they wished to protect forever . The reason was very spiritual, because the Indians land consider not equal to th e white man. They believe that the land belongs to the Great Spirit, or God, and therefore can not be made ? â by any man has. At most one can act as a guardian. This large difference has led to confusion and negative feelings as a Lion Gardiner o f Chief Wyandanch acquired a piece of Montauk possession. For when Wyandanch wan ted to take the country back, Lion Gardiner had the deal appropriately titled "L ost". The term "Indian giver" (of a gift of something reclaims) comes from this dispute and has maintained since then in the English language his place. The lawyers of both sides was clear as the Indians thought about the country. Th e main points of the Indians were represented as follows: "That their claim righ ts have never been extinguished, and that the Bensons given instruments of trans fer which led the accused, are invalid, (a) because they had been bargained in v iolation of the law of that State, and ( b) because they have bargained with the release of the false promise that their ancient rights were protected in Montau k forever unchanged, irrespective of the transmission contracts. " Then-process revolved mainly about what had happened when the land had been sold to Benson . Two centuries after the people of East Hampton had bought the Monta uk area, it sold their descendants to Benson. The rights of Montauks on their la nd were in escrow specifically noted and the Montauks also held their regular me etings on their holy ground, as it was her old, vested right. Some of the Montauks lived continue to the so-called "Indian Fields" (Indian Mea dows). After Benson had bought the land, he began systematically Montauks to lur e the country by giving them in East Hampton or elsewhere housing. He claimed th at the rights of Montauks insist on their land only in a time-limited agreement. So it was only a matter of time until the Montauks were scattered to the winds. Only then it was rumored, the root of the Montauks would have dissolved. Which was not at all like that. And no one had doubted the existence of the Montauks b efore buying from Benson. The potential for manipulation is also evident through the various mentioned in the list of the accused companies. After the first court hearings, no decision has been made yet. There was also no ise between the Montauks and her lawyer. This was concerned about his pay and pu t the case down. It is not difficult to imagine that the lawyer had been bought by those involved, this is not mentioned but, after I read yes an official proto col. On 1November 1910 entered the court together again. This time the Montauks were represented by a new lawyer. A judgment was pronounced against them. On 9Decembe r 1910 was the headline in the East Hampton Star: "Montauk tribe legally dead." Note the term "legal." They went not to the contracts, transfer deeds and merits of the case. It was al so reported that the getting lost a bunch of important information was not taken into account by the court. Somehow the defense to convince the judge that the M ontauks had died because they had mixed with blacks. The name of the judge was A bel Blackmar, which is rather funny when you look at the idea that people repres ent their own name . In this case, he would be "able to mar the blacks" be (able to blacken the blacks to lessen).

The case is a civil horror. In the article the Fast Hampton Star even stand that although the Indians had a legitimate constitutional claim on their side, but t hat, according to the newspaper continues, a revision is unlikely because in oth er cases the land had always been attributed to the owners. In my eyes, a pretty apathetic response: "the owners are the owners, and so it is flat." I wanted to know how the case was going on and sat down with Olive Pharoah in co njunction. It is the oldest of the Pharoah clan and lives on the East End of Lon g Iceland. Olive is a very dear wife and was glad that I showed for the case of interest. She told me that the court would have claimed that the tribe was calle d extinct because no one had appeared for them. However, this was absolutely not true. According to this version, the judge would apparently about said: " So, there ar e indeed no Montauk Indians here, the case is therefore dismissed. " But there w ere many Montauks in the courtroom, but were simply ignored. Olive also said tha t the case for lack of money never went to the appointment. I told Arthur characteristic of what I had found out about the Montauks. He said it was a systematic effort that Montauks and its heritage to "degrade" by being "forced" to intermarriage with blacks. This has been achieved through economic manipulation and distress, not monitored intercourse. The intention was that the y should belong to the lowest of the low. Given the racial attitudes of the time it is not surprising that the blacks were seen. But what surprised is that some one obviously wanted to have the Montauks out of the way. After we learn all this, I went to Joe Preston Pitone. In Montauk this was as th e owner of pounds. T. Company mentioned. Preston and I believe that he was invol ved up to his eyebrows in the Montauk Project. We brought our knowledge of each other to tie and told Joe how Montauk with Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons was related. He knew exactly who were the two and admitted that we pretty - as he said - "hea vy stuff" targeted. Then he began to tell of his home in Sedona, Arizona. We wer e not aware that he had a house there, and I rebuked him for it, "You have no ri ght to live there," I said. "It is a sacred place of the Indians and you may see him naked." (If you do not exactly know about the tradition of the Indians in r elation to Sedona notice: this corresponds to the absolute truth I teased the go od Joe, but at the same time I wanted to clarify something..) My curiosity was piqued. Joe is in his seventies and is certainly not a "New Age r" like so many who moved to Sedona. Why would a military supplier who apparentl y spends most of his time in New York, have a house in Sedona? Then we told Joe the court case, and that Montauk stood on holy Indian land. To our surprise, he knew the Montauk Indians fall in and out. His knowledge is exte nsive in general, but this fit now but too well to be easily dismissed. He told us that the Montauks would be extinct and that reason alone could not win a cour t case: there are no longer there! At least the court would not recognize if onl y because of the "black blood." We thought that Joe might have an answer to the question of who is now Camp Hero really belongs. He did not exactly sure to be eager to leave the possession of the Montauk Indians. Joe said, Camp Hero is federal property. We replied that the control board said, it belonged to the State of New York. He said the state would be only "governor" and guardian of the federal authorities . This was not the first time that we heard, Camp Hero belong to the federal gov ernment. This is another example of the confusion as to the rightful owner of th e Montauk base. few months later heard Preston from a friend who knew a female member of Stam-me s of Montauk. This woman told of a systematic approach to the industry to refuse all descendants of the Montauk tribe work. This decision was not personal. The idea was simple, economical so to put pressure on that they had to join the mili tary. purpose they had to fill out a form in which they were entered as "black" becaus e it was administratively no way to them as "Native Americans" (Indigenous Ameri cans, ie Amerindian) to lead. This was noted documentary that they are black and no Montauk Indians. Another chapter in an attempt to cut off her Montauks veste

d heritage. This had been throughout the country struggle so why should it be an y different today. It is as yet to consider another point: On 7 April 1918 the Montauk Indians were "made white" by court order to. The Montauks were not only declared extinct, bu t someone finds it even necessary to reiterate this point again and again. The o nly possible interpretation of such an approach is that somebody looks at the Mo ntauk Indians as a threat. I've never heard of a court or anyone else officially such an effort would have been to declare a Native enstamm extinct. Together, these Chiefs formed a powerful and famous organization: "The Four Fede rated Brothers" (the four federated brothers ). They were the famous sons of a f amous father. From this information, it appears quite clear that all these strai ns were Montauks. The courts but they considered all separately, which can well be regarded as an attempt to denigrate the good name of the Montauk Indians. Wyandanch inherited his father's role and became the most famous of all Indians. He was known as "the wise speaker". After Dyson Wyandanch Montauk elected to hi s royal headquarters. He also said the word "Montauk" means "fortified place". N ext Dyson said that Wyandanch had built a palisade leave, in which five hundred warriors took place. Although the Montauks were regarded as a peace-loving tribe , their warriors were still practiced and very combative. Perhaps the best known event in the history of Montauks is probably the marriage of Wyandanchs daughter Heather Flower (Heideblume). She was known for her great beauty and was to be married in the spring of 1653 w ith a young chief of the Shinnecocks. A grand ceremony was to take place, and "e xtensive preparations were made ? â to leave the festivities can last long." Lion Gardi ner, Richard Smith and other prominent Englishmen were invited. In the middle of the wedding beat one night a wild horde of Narragansett Indians of Connecticut the groom and the participating young men down and took Heather Flower as prison ers. Wyandanchs broke heart. The warlike chief Ninigrate demanded ransom. Finally, Lion Gardiner arranged for a blood brother of Wyandanch, the return of Heather Flower. Then handed Wyandan ch Gardiner a huge piece of land on the north shore of Long Iceland. Gardiner so ld it soon to Richard Smith and the area was later to Smithtown. One must say that the version mentioned above is that the winner of the race. I had heard from several Indians that Gardiner had manipulated the whole thing. It had but someone told the chief Ninigrate that the Montauks during the wedding c elebrations would be easy prey. Which report is always the right one, Lion Gardi ner had great influence over the Indians, and this heritage also fell to his off spring. The Montauk Indians seemed to be literally eroded away under the "warm f riendship" of the politically influential Gardiner. Later in his book cites Dyson a passage from the chronicle of Fast Hampton by Da vid Gardiner, in which the trunk of the Montauks as "a bettlerische number is co nsidered by some ten or fifteen drunken and degraded beings. " This was written in the 1850s, when Benson began to lure the Montauks. Since this representation is so clearly wrong, a friendship of the Gardiners with the Montauks seems much less likely. Apparently there was another side to the written history, and with this view I s ought the recognized tribal leader of the Montauks, Robert Cooper, which is gene rally known as "Bob". Bob Cooper is a retired police detective, and was also in the Town Council of East Hampton (to the Montauk politically belongs) was electe d. I made ? â clear from the outset that I do not demand that he accept the Montauk his tory or become involved in the investigation could. My intention was to simply learn more about the tribe of Montauk and to help the m was to find the means by which the rights of the Montauk Indians can be made ? â to t heir ancestral heritage again. Bob had not yet heard of the Montauk books, but I thought that the story was int eresting. As a police officer he had driven away years before children from the bunkers, and he said that the ground seemed endless. Bob Cooper's appearance surprised me. Although he has dark skin, but he looks no thing like an African American from. His face is about one Atlanteans (based on the legends about some of the different breeds of Atlantis) or Polynesians. Bob

said he was ninety-eight percent Montauk Indians, and that his lineage is assign able. The Pharoahs were his ancestors, and his great-grandmother was the last Queen of Montauks. Her name was Edith Banks Cooper, and he remembered that she and her M ontauks the country spoke concerning of constant threats and demoralization. It was her dream to be an American Ureinwohnerin recognized. Bob has the intention of the Montauk Indians to gain legal recognition again and give them back some of their most sacred places. His friends and co-Montauks of ten wonder why he took such a, seemingly impossible task in itself. The truth is that he is inspired by his ancestors, and sometimes wakes up from his sleep wit h a mission. It can not be easy for him. What to Bob Cooper most impressed me was that he did not want the land, that the Indians afterwards sell tobacco and casinos can set up. His goal is to synchron ize the ways of thinking through an environmental consciousness and, for example , to teach all the indigenous people to live again according to their customs. F or the Montauks would use their land. He has obviously chosen a leadership posit ion corresponding to his royal origin. Bob said the Montauk Indians had been driven out of their own world and that, so says their tradition, must return home again before we all next to the world ca n enter. These notes are exactly on the same lines as what I had discovered duri ng my investigation of the Montauk Project. The Holy grid point of Montauk must be freed from the hands of the secret powers and foremost brought into the consc iousness of all mankind. To the court case, he said, the Montauks are keen that the court decision, which she declared to be extinct, would repeal. This requires an attorney who underst ands the Indian Act and not involved in the case because of their own profit. Up to now, but still no lawyer had appeared. He further said that an Indian top la wyer had once said: "the best (legal) case in the country is the case of Montauk s" Sorry, this law the task of personal reasons do not accept. If you are interested in something on the matter contribute, then you can write to the following address: Friends of the Pharoahs c / o Bob Cooper P. 0 Box 126 East Hampton / New York 11937-0126 USA. Perhaps the most amazing that I learned from my conversations with Bob Cooper, r efers to the Non-Intercourse Act (the No-relationship-Act) of 1793. It was adopt ed early in American history, and said that the country would fall immediately t o the person or the original owner in possession of the federal government as so on as it should be expropriated. This makes the whole question of who now posses sed Camp Hero, much more complicated. If the government wanted to give the land at some point, it would have to go back to the Montauk Indians. Unfortunately, t he Montauks had been declared but the Supreme Court of the State of New York to be extinct. If this decision would ever be overturned, the claim of the Montauks would be very difficult to challenge their country. My next task was to seek th e deed of ownership of Camp Hero to her, figure out who for the land actually po ssessed. SOIL LOOSE POND This is a triangular pond in the northeast, on the Indu strial Road from Port Pond (Fort Pond). At first it may appear as an extension o f the latter, but several people have reported that he was bottomless. No one de nies that he is very ran. According to an old legend, a member of the Montauk Na tion, whose reputation and whose life was squandered because of a criminal act b roken fled to this place, where he put his foot on a rock and from there jumped into a valley which opens, which took him . When the earth closed behind him, sp rang from an inexhaustible source. In the rock, which has since been removed fro m there, an eternal footprint remained. Apparently there was in Montauk three su ch rocks that sometimes " the devil's hoof print were "called. We then have spec ulated that the never-ending source had become this bottomless pond.

8 THE POSSESSION OF RIGHTS IS DISCOVERED In Chapter 4, we learned that the Home Office Camp Hero would take over and then handed over to the State of New York as Parkland. The reason for this is now mo re than clear. If the Home Office has possession of the land, it is still one of the federal government. If it is then officially handed over to the state, it i s considered to be expropriated and therefore falls automatically to the origina l owners, the trunk of the Montauks back. course, Camp Hero is not now under the supervision of the Park Authority of the State of New York. If so, there hardly secret projects would be carried out, and the area would not be so heavily guarded. The Councillor Cooper told me that the office of the District Governor in Riverh ead, New York, a certificate should be. So I went there and parked my car in the parking lot. Right in front of me, slightly to the right, was the exact same ca r, same color, same year. A woman rose up from. , I saw that her license plate number contained 666. I onl y wanted to ask this, but decided against it. When I returned to my own car, I s aw that the odometer on 066.6 was. So I was just brought here this distance from my house. It was noteworthy that the number 666 appeared here so when you consi der that two documents which were related to the said land, at 6 August 1660 and on 6 February 1661 had been signed. So I went to the office of the governor, asked around and found the instrument o f transfer of the land that is known as Camp Hero. Anyone who is interested and even wants to look: the instrument is in "about 9670", on pages 153-161, of the land register of Suffolk County, New York. The title of Escrow is "Quitclaim Deed" (about certification of the task of clai m rights ), and the document showing the transfer of the property not in the way we did believe the newspaper reports. In July stood in long Iceland Newsday tha t the following week, a ceremony would be held. This document but was only on 10 September 1984 signed by a representative of the U.S. government, whose name Ja mes W. Coleman Jr. seems to be. Regional Director of the National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Region, 143 Third Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The represent ative of New York State has the legal transfer until 16 Adopted in October 1984. The contract holds that the United States of America "for ever public park and r ecreation use, the people of the State of New York" award the country. However, the Government reserves the right, with immediate effect, to demand back the lan d, if the defense of the United States requires. Therefore, it is also a "Quitcl aim Deed" and not a normal Escrow. Furthermore, it is noted that the United States retained all mineral rights of t he property together with the rights of way in connection therewith. This is a c lean bill of health, "legal" maintain underground facilities. Next there is that with the consent of additives and conditions at any time can be made ? â from both sid es, making the whole arrangements remain changeable. And if the State does not o perate according to the park with the wishes of the federal government, one can always step in and take it over. Prior to the printing of this chapter, I showed a real estate agent, and she cou ld not believe it. She said a "Quitclaim Deed" means that the transferor gives a ll his rights to the land, both in absolute and irrevocable. Something like mine ral rights could be an exception, but not later change the agreement. I must say that I have not exaggerated. Anyone can verify the certificate for yourself. Of course, this arrangement is very pleasant for the settlement of secret projec ts. In the press the whole affair was presented as a fundamental right exchange. The state of New York is a part of Iceland Fire to the Fire Iceland National Se ashore. For this purpose, the United States New York State Camp Hero. If one rea ds all the newspaper articles I mentioned, shows an extremely clever way to mani pulate the Public My-ung. Because the contract is a "quitclaim" is technically, even if subject to conditions and limitations, he does not speak the country but forever and irrevocably to the State of New York. If he did, the country would technically belong to Montauks again. It must be noted here also that, although the root of the Montauks had been declared by the State of New York to be extinc

t, is no corresponding federal judgment. Of course I have here can not constitute conclusive opinion of a legal expert, b ut the overall situation is still correctly reproduced. It is also interesting t hat Joe Fitonc was the only one who knew the exact legal agreements on Camp Hero . He had told us that the state of New York as an overseer for the federal fun-g ers. Although he claims to have nothing to do with Montauk, it is strange that h e knew so exactly the circumstances. course, all these information will help the Montauks to get their holy land back . When the Montauk Indians are again recognized as what they are, the possession should see technical fall back to them, regardless of any agreements in the "Qu itclaim" contract. It is extremely important that the Montauks get help to the decision of the High Court to be revoked, as had been speculated that the government might try to pu sh through a bill to repeal the retroactive aspect of the law of 1973, which sta tes that all property that is abandoned by the government, to the original owner falls back. 9 The shaman THE Montauks The instrument of transfer of the land of Montauk Indians is an extremely import ant point, but, without wishing to diminish the significance of this case, the l egacy of the Pharoahs and their ancestors compels us to study even more profound effects. Acclaimed tribal leader Bob Cooper has led me to the Treaty and to the true hist ory of his people. Next, he showed me an even greater service by writing to Shar on Jackson, the Shaman of Montauks, then told me, which is derived directly from the Pharoah and is also known as the Queen of Montauks. Additionally, the heritage which has been conveyed to her as a shaman was, Sharo n works as a pastor and directs an organization that helps children with AIDS. W hen we met, she told me that the Montauks descended from the Leni Lenape in the Delaware Valley, a large federation that united thirty-two tribes. According to tradition, the Leni Lenape simply have "always existed". The Montauks were one of three main groups, which had inhabited the territory of present-day New York City. The Matinnecocks lived on the western Long Iceland a nd in parts of New Jersey, and their totem animal was the turkey. The Unami live d in the areas of Brooklyn, Manhattan and along the Hudson. Your totem was the w olf. The Montauks than main stem populated the rest of Long Iceland, and the tur tle was her sacred animal. Sharon declared that the Montauks have their heritage always very carefully main tained. The court ruling did them though very hurt and was very negative for the m, but there has never been a death blow. Hundreds of years ago, the Montauks di vided into two main groups on Long Iceland. There was the Freetown branch in the area of Southampton and the Eastville branch, which rather settled in the cente r of Long Iceland. The Freetown-Montauks were all in the actual Pharoah family. In other words, tho se people who bore the name Pharoah. The Eastville-Montauks were definitely rela ted, but they were not considered Montauks, because they no longer lived in the area from which they had been systematically lured away. According to Sharon, th e Eastville-Montauks have worked particularly hard on their spiritual heritage. It is impressive to listen to the shaman when she talks about the preservation i nstinct of their race. The Montauks had always been a quiet and unassuming peopl e, they are predominantly married within their tribe, especially in order to obt ain their heritage upright. In doing so they also recorded their pedigrees in de tail what must be regarded as binding in future court hearings. Both Sharon Jackson and Robert Cooper told me that the whole history of the Mont auk Indians of Professor John Strong of Southampton College reconstructed and wi ll re-recorded. Professor Strong's work is very detailed and well documented, an d they told me that he was very confident that the Montauks would win the case.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed for. The data may well support the Montauks, bu t we all need to see to it that no crooked business is done. So many things can and will be tried. Since Preston and I had met with Robert Cooper and became friends with his cause , Bob was fiercely attacked in the local newspapers. He was falsely as "black na tive Americans" (Black Native American) insulted and otherwise decried. After he demanded that allegations (from other sources) should be checked by police corr uption, was in a newspaper article, he should withdraw from the city council and renounce his pension as a former police officer. His procedure was described as irresponsible. I asked Bob what was it, and he said he would never have any acc used someone. He had merely asked that you check the thing. everything I tell this to help you understand that there is against the Montauks and their claim to their rightful inheritance opposition. If readers can help, they should but please do that. When I talked to the shaman, I was relieved to hear that the Montauks were still sufficiently unified to fight, but I was also curious to find out if Sharon - h eard of the Montauk pyramids - in contrast to Bob Cooper had. I showed Sharon a copy of the recording, and her response was very interesting. She said that the Indian peoples often build structures in which one automatically knows what they are for. The real secrets lie elsewhere. She also saw that the pyramids were pl aced in a line, which would be unusual for an Indian design, there hills are usu ally applied circular or crescent-shaped. She thought that this would symbolize a progressive development, and that, therefore, these pyramids were not earthly. Then I told her about the legend that the hills were covered small block pyramid s, which were built of white stone. She wondered if they had been well built wit h stone from the rock Council (Council Rock). I did not know Council skirt and a sked for an explanation. This large, white rock with light brown layers and the bottom is apparently made ? â of opaque quartz. He is now in the middle of a cemetery n ot far from the Montauk Manor. Previously he was for centuries one of the main m eeting points of Montauks. Sharon explained that geologists have determined that this rock did not come from the Montauk area, sond-ren probably came from Mexic o. However, it is too large to have been transported-forth on an ancient ship. A nother mysterious detail to Montauk mystery. During the secret of the Council rock to today, as I write this, it is still unc lear was what the Montauk Shaman said about that the secret lies somewhere other than at the pyramids, but noteworthy . With the help of at least one outstandin g scholars, we now examine the Turtle Cove (Turtle Bay) from Montauk. COUNCIL ROCK This white rock that had served many generations of Montauks as the meeting plac e was moved from its original location here, as the Fort Hill Cemetery was creat ed. As the rock ever came to Montauk, is still unclear. MONTAUK COMMUNITY CHURCH This church, located east of the city on Montauk Highway, was built with stones that come from the sacred tombs of the Montauk Indians. 10 THE TURTLES BOOK few kilometers southeast of the transmitter building is the Turtle Bay a short d istance from the Montauk Lighthouse off to the west. Many Montauks are aware its not true, but in their culture it is said, that the world started in Turtle Bay . Of course, you may disagree, whether the origin of the earth is to be found prec isely in this bay, but there were some people who believed this. When you study more closely the traditions of the various Indian nations, then you will find th e many common belief that the turtle is to be found at the source of the univers e.

This obviously mythological representation is in most stories that I've read, no t very clear. Many have heard stories where the earth is supported by various tu rtles on their backs. First one, the idea appears that a turtle carries the world on her back, absolut ely absurd. But when one starts to work deeper into the mythology, we recognize that this myth is a metaphor for a principle with a very deep meaning. To help you understand this metaphor, I must first present the MERU Foundation, a research group, which brings out-lost knowledge again, that was available unti l now only the initi-ated the mystery schools. Among the most spectacular works of the MERU Foundation is the decryption of the Hebrew alphabet. This began in 1 968 when a man named Stan Tenen happens to be a Hebrew version of the first Mose s looked at the book. Stan could not read Hebrew, and the text for it made ? â no sense . But thanks to his special talent in recognizing patterns he saw that the seque nce of the letters was a special. There was a kind of symmetrical relationship, but he has not yet realized what. This resulted in a decade-long search for the answer. FIGURE 1 The strung beads with the first letter of l Genesis, verse l, s how this form when you assign the letters to each other, Copyright © 1989 by Stan T enen

After he had then read every book he could find, and tried different mathematica l techniques, Stan did the easiest thing he could think of. He took the first ve rse of the first Book of Moses and wrote the series after each letter to be a co nstricted ball and put this chain as long as the circle until the matching lette r beads were in line with each other. The result was a form that could be descri bed as two-dimensional pyramid (Figure 1). This suggests not only the sacred geometry of the pyramid, it also shows a possi ble synchronicity between the Hebrew alphabet and the sacred geometry. However, this was merely the first step in the brilliant discovery by Stan Tenen. Further experiments have shown compounds of the alphabet to other geometric shapes. After the dissolution of the tower of Babel, they then have the ability to speak the divine language, lost, and it was granted to them that they could no longer understand each other up. According to degenerate society. All this only tells us what every honest archaeologist knows long: the ancients knew more than we do today. What exactly did they know will be examined in the r emaining chapters. One should not forget that this discovery was triggered by a location as Turtle 'Cove (Turtle Bay) at Montauk Point. Do you want to know more about other dimensions? What you have just read in the last chapter is a brief introduction to the Meru Foundation (a nonprofit organiz ation) and the work of Stan Tenen. If you want more information, write to: The M eru Foundation PO Box 1738 San Anseimo, CA 94979

USA Many cassettes and models are there to have that explain the information provide d closer. There are very fascinating studies that deepen understanding, can exis t as different dimensions in relation to the geometry of space and time. Very em pfehl-enswert. 11 AND THE GRID MONTAUK What you have read in the last chapter, was for centuries the privileged knowled ge, but it was someone who asked the right questions, always accessible. If you think about it, it is certainly in keeping common sense. Although Montauk and it s history for the majority of the population is a big mystery, its position as a gateway in the morphogenetic field was the various mystery schools never a secr et. This explains both the journey of Thomas Jefferson, to save the language of Montauks as well as the fascination of the place for the Germans and its use for

the Montauk Project. Montauk is certainly not the only such passage, but by what happened there, it n ow gives him special attention. Negative activities and programming during the M ontauk Project were correct and aptly been called a crime against humanity. You could also describe as a crime against the grid. If we want the crack, which was created in Montauk, heal, then we must begin to reveal the secrets surrounding the Montauk. This is already done in part by the previously written by us books, but it also includes the subject matter of the m ystery schools with one, who had only set all these events in motion. We can not just blame the United States, whose officers are only on the surface of possibl e conspiracies yes. We can not cover all the programs and teaching systems of the various mystery sc hools all over the world here, of course. This would be a gigantic task. But we can begin to uncover some of the most important and significant points. The info rmation about the function of the morphogenetic field was a start. Next, let's l ook at how the structure of the morphogenetic field through the development of t he Platonic solids developed (see figure). This, according to Plato, who had stu died them, named five bodies are the bodies of the classical geometry: the tetra hedron, hexahedron (the cube), the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahed ron. The development process of these geometric shapes has been kept secret for long, but is fundamental to the understanding of universal evolution. It was men tioned briefly in the last chapter and will now be deepened something here to he lp you understand the basic concept of evolution. To better understand the idea of a grid, imagine that you are a navigator. On a ship on the high seas, the Navigator must constantly keep in mind the orientatio n. This means that it determines the position of the vessel on the basis of fixe d points such as rocks, mountains or buoys. He uses a gyro, with which it finds its position in space. If no visible fixed points are present, he also uses the sextant and various celestial bodies. The idea is to have reference points in sp ace: the longitude and latitude, which he can see his cards are indeed an arbitr ary system, but they are indispensable as a tool. 'FIVE PLATONIC BODY Clockwise from top are the hexahedron (cube) , octahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron and i cosahedron. These forms are all related to each other, since they can all be der ived from the tetrahedron. Navigator attempts to determine where his ship is in relation to space and time. If we look at the morphogenetic field of the earth, we are still dealing with the idea of a reference system, but with the addition of the idea of consciousness. Every living thing must be located in a space-and time reference system, in order to survive. The whole idea of honoring father an d mother, basically means to recognize its origin. It is a point of reference fo r time and space. Of course, there are infinitely many such points of reference. If we are to survive, we must as good as we can fit into a frame of reference. This includes to the understanding of the whole universe and our own position wi th respect. The shamans of the Native Americans understand this, at least in app roach. They teach that there are six directions: North, South, East, West, Up an d Down. These directions are the basis of the three-dimensional grid. , if one m oves away in one of these six directions, you will indeed stop somewhere in this grid, and as a random point in this position is fixed. If you then at this poin t imagine a ball that characterized all directions are indicated. This is the fi rst act of consciousness and is often referred to as the ball or the egg of crea tion. Kabbalists refer to it as Sephira (plural Sephiroth), which also means bal l. The second act of consciousness is to duplicate the newly-created sphere. The n arises the shape of the fish bladder (vesica piscis): point A

The fish bladder itself is the intersection form, the two balls together. This f

orm is also regarded as a fish, and thus as a symbol of Christ. They say that th e vesica piscis contains all the wisdom of the universe, partly because all crea ted things can be derived from it. When all the three-dimensional shape of the s ide - from point A - considered, it looks something like a UFO from above, assum ing the spheres are transparent. , the third act of creation is a third ball, an d the result looks like this: In two dimensions you can see very well that you c an create equilateral triangles by connecting the various points of intersection . If you add another bullet and cuts it so, so that all the balls are close to a common center, a tetrahedron is created. The tetrahedron is therefore something special, because arising from its multiplication cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. This is called the unfolding of the Platonic solids. The Platonic solids are defined as a series of exactly five in the three-dimensi onal geometry mathematically possible bodies whose side lengths and angles are a ll equal, which the respective areas of the body all have the same size and shap e. The five bodies were enumerated above. Any form of creation, including the bi ological, can be attributed to one of the five Platonic solids. Though they were named after Plato, that many of his information learned from the mystery school of Pythagoras. Pythagoras taught all aspects of geometry with special emphasis on their relatio n to consciousness. The five Platonic solids are essential to the understanding of the grid and the entire human creation. Buckminster Fuller received academic recognition, as he was able to prove that t he whole creation is in any way of tetrahedra. Fuller had patented his work on t he grid, and the Russians have bought the patent for its own use. Unfortunately, the work of Fuller is not shown in a kind of commonsense and therefore remained largely unnoticed. But they say that his work contains the entire secrets of th e universe. Some may know his patented geodesic dome, which is the most striking building in Disney's EPCOT Center in Florida. It is built entirely of tetrahedra. , the entire creation and evolution process can be viewed as a unfolding of the geometry, but also as an unfolding of consciousness, since consciousness has pro duced the first movement in space. , if reflected self-conscious, one tries to locate in space and time and thereby the six main directions experienced. This is just a brief overview of a very de ep subject. When preparing and looks like they develop from one another, the fiv e Platonic solids with styrofoam balls and rods themselves, the whole thing is m eant even better. The cassettes of Stan Tenen are a great help in this context. If you still want to go a step further, one can study the works of Buckminster F uller which are available in most libraries. Despite all the logic with which the grid is demonstrated, one can still ask how this all came about in the first place about? Or was it a Big Bang? Many philosophies and religions is said that there was a void before the start. In this void was the potential for all things. And hardly the first act of consc iousness was then done, and that's the even. Each feasible geometrical compound was made ? â and the entire projection of creation happened. At the moment we are somew here in the middle of this process. 's energy grid of the earth was formed these geometric principles accordingly. T he energy grid of the planet is determined by the unfolding of the Platonic Soli ds and provides a matrix of the form given by the lines dar. Now if these sound energy lines meet and interact with each other, gives rise to various mechanical processes. The result for example the meeting of two power lines at a crossing point of the network, a node. This is a standing wave, which manifests itself as either a welling up or decong estion. A decongestion might result in a canyon, called a hole or even in a swir l as the Charybdis ( a real sea swirl near Italy, which many a sailor sucked acc ording to Greek mythology in depth ). A welling up gives perhaps a volcano, moun tain ranges or geysers.

welling up and fall often come together before and created and mutually reinforc ing itself Thus one finds, for example, in big mountains and huge caves. Men-an-Tol in Engl and is an example of an ebbing of energy because it contains a hole, but at the same time is a perfectly shaped phallic rock cross over it, which indicates the rise of sources. Montauk was always described as a mountain, but there it also h as a bottomless lake and a very large, conical tower rocks off the coast, which in 1862 tore the hull of the ship Great Eastern. Also, there are huge undergroun d caves. These precise locations of the swelling and deswelling Empor were recorded and z oned accurately for the creation of artificial structures. Among them are many p yramid complexes, the great stone circles like Stonehenge or the alteration of n atural structures to create holy sites or holy ground. Nor is it a coincidence that many of these places have been chosen as tombs. The reason for this is that bones still contain the crystalline structure of the en tity, which had served her and thus obtain a connection alive to the life of the information system, which is stored in the energy grid. This allows communicati on with the dead and is therefore a good reason to protect the place, with super stitious fear that their contribution to preserve these places sacred. Montauk itself is full of old Indian bones, especially at the Montauk Manor arou nd. I've heard stories that craftsmen had ceased their work on blocks of flats i n the area, as it had haunted there. The construction was never completed it. Of course the residents of Montauk have the situation with the Indian spirits wors e. They had the audacity to build the Montauker parish church with stones from t he sacred Indian burial grounds decades ago. The church stands with these stones because even today. If you are brave enough, you can also participate in worship every Sunday. You h ave to just hope that the Church will not collapse. At crossing points such as M ontauk, the energy can be tapped or introduced into the circulatory system of th e earth (ilia: this is last happened between the 11th, 12th, 13th and August 14t h, 2003 , as then collapsed from sheer power to update the grid and places of po wer network the power grid in New York and South Eastern Canada. 50 million peop le had no electricity ...). A man like Duncan Cameron, while an important intermediary link and Intensive me ntal training and an esoteric technology he was able to tap into the "heart beat " of Mother Earth. He learned the energies along the grid lines, know and could inject or remove information, depending on what was required of him. So thoughts could be transmitted to the masses or the entire consciousness of time are affe cted (ilia that for such actions then occur mostly Deja Vu-effects, which are th e consequence / interfaces of consciousness of time or time travel manipulations ). Duncan was not accidental for this work been chosen. We have met the extraordina ry synchronicity with the name Cameron. A little later in the book, I'll tell yo u how I discovered that his person and his physical body are connected in a brea thtaking way with the grid. 12 THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS The question of who influenced the morphogenetic field is studied in the science of morphic energy, which is part of the area and the legacy of the "old wisdom and mystery schools." This knowledge is protected and in the symbolism of sacred geometry encoded and is only the "awakened" (ilia: as U.S. President George W. Bush reportedly is one ) or "initiate" is available. these schools have always been devoted to the study of consciousness and the nat ure of reality. Therefore, it is their duty to make known the unknown and explor e different reality conditions and reported. Equally important is their role in the integration of the so learned, in order to manufacture an evolutionary learn ing program. So far, so good. But with time, the mystery schools have split into polarized groups that fought each other, as each wanted to control the process

of evolution itself. This resulted in a wide variety of belief systems and relig ious edifice, which were responsible for the moral leadership. Was out of the co nflict resulting from war and indifference. In such a context, belief systems ar e created by powerful events, such as by visions of the Virgin Mary (ilia: visio ns and how they have come, I describe in the first part of my "The greatest myst ery of God - The World their powers and secrets "), through the resurrection and ascension of Christ or by prophetic foresight. analyze Without going the exact nature of these wonderful operations is nevertheless already clear that an incre dible amount of dogma, which refers to it, has emerged. What do these miracles o r prophecies will mean for the future maintained only by faith and detailed teac hings that were created to trigger it to get into our culture.

People are not encouraged to discover the truth and learn, but they may believe. Those who want to achieve only getting good deeds are carried away by their own beliefs, try to recruit others, and so whole generations are born into this ill usion of reality, having the fear and the control buttons permanently installed. Finally prophecies are designed to handle the directing many people go there to take a particular creation of the reality that this is forever. since there are many different mystery schools and religions, the number of peop le joining the single belief system or a specific prediction commit a lot to do with the creation of the final result in the future. This is determined primaril y by the power of thought, which feeds the grid. Therefore, to prevail in the en d usually the ones that support a prediction of the most numerous. Such information should make it clear that we ourselves are absolutely able to f eed the grid and thus to determine the course of our own destiny. Therefore, the evolution is in our own hands and our responsibility is to express what has bee n lost, to win her back. As do this? By all of us first available doors open. So I have also come to the information available in this book. But you will find y our own doors. 13 The morphogenetic field , the idea that the Turtle Bay is the legendary origin of the universe, fits ver y well to the fact that Montauk is a gateway to the vortex of creation itself. I have not spoken of the Hebrew alphabet inherent symmetry, because I want you to convert to Judaism, but to show beyond doubt that the process of creation was t he old "enrolled" in spirit and soul. , the alphabets of Sanskrit, the Greek and the Arab possess this divine symmetry also, and probably this applies even to m any other ancient languages. The only reason why the Montauk Pro] ect as a book was successful, is that the e vents that tried to make it, be regarded as exceptional and therefore interest. The whole thesis of the book suggests that humanity can generate their conscious ness so that matter, energy, space and time can be manipulated. In Montauk the p rocesses of creation could be used controls, at least for a short time. The only reason why this might be noteworthy or interesting, is that the conscio usness of the society has been detached from the process of creation. If anyone still possess these skills, no one would be interested! Of course this means tha t there is a secret power in the universe which can accomplish such miracles and take hidden influence. That brings us to the area that is referred to in our so ciety as a god. Since the beginning of history, people had different views about God, about how he looks like, and whether He exists or not. Logically thinking, intelligent peo ple can immediately see that the common denominator of what we normally call "Go d", better than the creative principle of existence can be described. No one has to believe in a bearded man in white robes to see a flower bloom or the birth o f a baby. These are creative processes and can be seen without rejection. Only w hen we associate these processes with divine beings with certain properties, the probability is high that it caused social "unrest and religious wars." The result of the divisive and polarized thoughts buildings which have evolved o

ver the millennia, is mainly the discrepancy about the nature of creation. If yo u know the secrets of creation, but do not want that someone else knew this, the n it would not be bad if you sat among the people of different schools of though t in circulation and so debate and controversy provoked. As long as you distract the people, they will never notice that there are secrets which trace would be worth it. Of course maintaining this construct will then hold soon around the cl ock on their toes and the whole thing is getting more complicated, just like the situation on our planet today. In America there was a great controversy between representatives of the theory o f creation and supporters of the theory of evolution. Presented very simply, the creationist theory believe that God has created man in the supernatural way of mud, while the evolutionists believe that man evolved from the wildlife out. Bot h theories contain real elements, just enough that people stay interested and co ntinue to discuss to ensure. Neither of these views, however, includes what migh t be called the actual theory of creation and development. So what is this theory? In all matter and in all biological organisms there are both visible and invisib le processes. Some of the invisible processes we can by dissection and observati on under the microscope to visualize, but how far we drive the analysis, there a re still other invisible processes. The microscope has its limits. If we rely on our extrasensory perception, we can - away from the microscope - penetrate deep er and eventually come in an incredible world rotating, interacting geometric pa tterns that perform many miracles symmetric. All these different patterns - can be attributed to the five Platonic solids - as already said. The development and the interaction of these shapes (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron) is called "Sacred Geometry", which correspond to all the laws of physics, it represents also. Atoms, molecules, snowflakes and flowers develop all according to precise geomet ric collusion between players, which results in varying degrees of harmony. In t he periodic table of chemistry to recognize the mathematical progression very we ll. The biology is also based on geometric shapes and spirals (the Heikes the DN A strands), which correspond to the five Platonic solids or can be derived from them. The corresponding mechanism is infinitely varied and goes beyond the scope of this book. Here it is important for us to recognize the functional process o f evolution and to see that it is governed by these various forms. Morphology is a branch of biology. She studies the forms and structures of plant s and animals. The term "morphology" was created by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the spiritual mentor of Rudolf Steiner, who was a close friend of Aleister Crowl ey. , when Goethe and Steiner the term "morphology" to apply, they also relate to th e study of form and structure earth. This is also a valid dictionary definition of the term, and so it suggests a relationship between the biological and the pu rely physical aspect of being. During his development life moves with a myriad of paths through this geometric pattern. Before evolved biological life on this planet, the Earth had to develop along these guidelines themselves. When the earth finally moved around the sun, they had already found their physical shape and characteristics, partly based o n the various other bodies that move around the room, even on its own orbit, its rotation, and what in a cosmic variables Equation else might be included. There were plus internal processes that worked in the structure of Earth's core, and this had to do with the interaction of geometric patterns and the List of c haos. If have had something to do with extraterrestrial beings, this is in addit ion and as a complement to the natural forces of which we speak here. In this co ntext, biological life has developed. The term "geometry" is indeed "measure the earth." As ages ago lichens and plank ton began to evolve into higher forms of life, they used the four alchemical ele ments of fire, water, earth and air. The consciousness of primitive life was ins

tinctively aligned with the natural geometric or grid patterns. The lines of the grid serve as paths to and from the creative process we call life. These pathwa ys and the entire ecostructure As already mentioned called "morphogenetic field" . The morphogenetic field can be understood as a kind of network of wires are guid ed through the changes and thus evolutionary programs. Mirror images of this fun ction we see in everyday life, even though we may be unaware of us and it is "or dinary" things are like fashion or social behavior. many of the indefinite and indefinable feelings in our lives can be attributed t o the morphogenetic field. Homing pigeons and migratory birds are based on the s ame grid. The "hundredth monkey effect" based on the fact that once a certain am ount of monkeys has learned something new, this new one is passed on telepathica lly to all apes in the world, even to those who live isolated on an island. The last monkey bridges the critical point, is commonly called the "hundredth monkey ". Though anyone who is sufficiently sensitive and intelligent, sense, or discover the existence of such Gitt-ernetzes or field can do is, if we assume times that it exists to make a sobering: apparently no one is responsible for it! In other words, there seems to be no one who monitored and programmed evolution in a positive and sober way. Or at least, if there is someone who does not make himself just very widely known. Most people, TV commentators and foremost muddle , as though to himself and tell their version of "what happens." In recent years, in which the people had focused on environmental crises, much p anic has been fed into the grid. Some want us to believe so that our earth is di rectly threatened by the destruction, by the greenhouse effect or the like. Othe rs want us to think that environmentalists have their own corrupt and sinister g oals. We are all part of this group consciousness, and I have therefore taken up environmental issue, because it probably in one way or the other way to play st rong feelings. So they can learn the "pulse of the field". In the environmental issues different sides have different goals and would like to make you believe d ifferent things. The greatest danger for the personal or general environment, ho wever, is the lack of accurate information. As primitive life forms such as lichens and algae developed, they sent in order to survive and interact with other elements and forms of life, different waves, frequencies and electromagnetic oscillations. Finally, various kinds were made, each all under the same electromagnetic codes to use. However, all the different forms of life have one thing in common: the electromagnetic reason code that we know as "life." Energy is interchangeable between species and the grid, the gri d serves as a computer memory for information. Normal observation of life and of evolution shows us that life after a program evolves, it may refer to any being who has ever lived on Earth are related. This computer, it seems, exists in the energy flow of the morphogenetic field. One could make a study on the grid asso ciated with computer terminology. And maybe dipped in the future a new software on this subject on ( whoever works in this field, should remember that it was Jo hn von Neumann, who had invented the modern computer ilia., the same John von Ne umann was also co-developer the "Trinity" atomic bomb project manager of the "Ph iladelphia" experiment, which caused a crack in the structure of time on 12/08/1 943, and John von Neumann was ultimately also the inventor of the strategic comp uter program, after which the United States by means of time travel and manipula tion in the important node of the story and its further course the most powerful nation of all were ... ).

The information highway in the morphogenetic field was called by CG Jung and man y others, "the sleeping collective unconscious." Since we are all connected to t he network, this highway allows direct communication between species, and in thi

s way can also be a "awakened Telepath" Your read minds. way, we can also say th at thoughts can be directly received or sent. Thoughts are the reinforced respon ses or actions of the various energy bodies that make up an individual. This ene rgy body are the vital (physical), the emotional, the astral, the mental body an d the subtle-energy light body. These surround the whole physical body. When tho ughts arise, they are first processed as disturbances in the subtle fields. Finally, the emotional body adds these together into one image, which can then b e expressed as coarse-material language. Therefore, a telepath can read the thou ghts of even if he does not know their language. way as we create a Energiematrize - what we call "human wave form" - and are fed by one body "from sleeping collective unconscious". Therefore, people can also be the same habits, patterns or ways of speaking develop if they live in differe nt areas. On a more profound level feeds the morpho-genetic field "the sleeping collective unconscious." All this information leads to an interesting question. Who programmed the evolut ion of computer and who "feeds" the morphogenetic field? Before we investigate t his further, let's look once again one of the "floppy" closer to that were used to write the program: Duncan Cameron. 14 THE PHAROAH'S OF SCOTLAND worked as Duncan Cameron in the Montauk chair, he sat near one of the arbitrary meridians ( as they characterize our normal maps of the world ), the 72 ° west of t he principal meridian of Greenwich, England, is located. If one follows this mer idian to the south, he crosses the Atlantic Ocean, on the sunken ruins of Atlant is, which are clearly visible in the Caribbean islands. This meridian passes thr ough the island of Hispaniola, which is known for its voodoo culture has long be en, and continue to Machu Picchu, the sacred city of the Incas. There he sat north of Atlantis and worked on sacred ground of Native Americans a nd the close to the bone of the Pharoah family of Montauk. The royal heritage of this family dates back too far, as that we could pursue it in our usual histori ography, but it points directly to the south, to the lost continent of Atlantis. A part of Duncan's task was entlangzureisen with the energies of the grid, which the old Pharoah family had guarded since time immemorial. The wisdom of this ve nerable and their watchdog role over the grid was potentially reachable at their proximal bone. Duncan had the perfect access to the energies of the ancient Pha roahs, because his own lineage dates back to the pharaohs of Egypt, which, had c ome according to Edgar Cayce and many others from Atlantis. This all came only to light, after seeing the name "Duncan Cameron "had in the a utobiography of Aleister Crowley, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley discovered . On page 361 (English edition) he mentions a Ludovic Cameron, also known as "Du ncombe" (ilia: Duncombe means "dune") or "Duncan" was known and wanted in a real m resurgence of the Celtic nations. On page 366 he refers again to "Duncan Camer on" when he quotes an excerpt from Macbeth: "wake Duncan with your knocking I wa nted you canst it.." We may wonder whether Shakespeare, whose works have been studied as a literal tr anslation of the Kabbalah, trying our Duncan Cameron wake. At that time I unders tood the meaning of that had this, yet, but I felt intuitively that Macbeth woul d eventually emerge in the study of the family tree of Duncan. More than two years later, I received a call from Jon Singer, who lit up this st ory, Jon So called me unexpectedly and said he had read in a book, the real Macb eth would descend from the Pharaohs of Egypt. His timing was excellent because a t the time I just busied myself with the Pharaohs. The book was called Macbeth: High King of Scotland (Macbeth: High King of Scotland) by Peter Ellis. It is said that the Celts had their origin in India and had emigrated under the leadership of Niul to Egypt. Niul married the daughter of Pharaoh, Scota, who bo re him a son named Gaidheal glass.

Pharaoh at that time was Chenthres, which is also identified as Ramesses II (eac h Pharaoh had generally at least five names). Because of the persecution of the Jews during the Passover festival, the Celts had to leave Egypt. They went to Pa lestine and North Africa, and finally to Spain and Ireland. When the Celts then settled in the British Isles, they named their land ScotJand (Scotland) in honor of Scota, daughter of Pharaoh. . These Scots were obviously very proud of their heritage, which she combined with Pharaoh Now, when Macbeth was associated with the Pharaoh of Egypt, I said to myself, it would probably be better, I'd the plays of Shakespeare (ilia: Shake Speare in G erman means "trembling spear ", or is simply a synonym for the Sig rune, which i n turn finds himself in the character of electrical current) take a closer look that I had seen so far read not listed in either. The first character that I met , was King Duncan. When I studied the me-accessible secondary literature on Macb eth, I saw that Shakespeare had written a fictional and dramatic representation of the murder of King Duncan real by a general named Macbeth. Its probably best piece Macbeth seems Shakespeare for King James 1 written to ha ve said to have been an expert of witchcraft of Scotland. The historical charact ers Macbeth and King Duncan were first cousins ? â and were both influenced by the witc hes of the time. The land of the witches was the Isle of Skye. Historical King Duncan was of great kindness, and punished anyone. His warmth, h owever, was exploited and thieves roamed, which led to a wide social chaos. Macb eth was Duncans General. He was successful and quickly with his sword. As a Viki ng fleet from Norway Scotland attacked and Duncan drove into a corner, the king sent a secret message to Macbeth, who rushed him to the side and full time work played by beating the Vikings and drove from Scotland. As Macbeth realized under the influence of certain witches that he had the potential to exercise power, h e killed his cousin and took over the kingdom. He was a skilled ruler, and he ma naged the crime that had taken under Duncan's government so out of hand curb. Un fortunately Macbeth suffered the fate of many tyrants: he could not trust anyone , and nobody trusted him. When I Preston Nichols told this information, he shot back immediately that the original name of King Duncan Alexander Duncan Cameron was. Long before he met Du ncan, he had the experience of one of his English teacher, who was a Shakespeare expert. I have not yet able to verify historically, but the names of King Dunca n and his family are the same as those in the pedigree of the Cameron-cians. these studies point directly to the coincidence of the Pharaonic heritage of the Scots (in the person of Duncan Cameron) with the Pharaonic heritage towards the Montauk Indians, on the large central intersection of time, which we know as Mo ntauk Point. course there were many errors. If not, they would not be sitting now on the verg e of reality and read this book. The genetic Duncan's vehicle was exploited and abused. It was used to come into the grid and to tap into the knowledge and ener gies of the leaders of antiquity. It seems, however, that nothing resulted from the abuse of Pharaonic energies as confusion and disaster. Therefore, it is no c oincidence that what our culture today is most lacking is the role of the pharao h. We will examine this in the next chapter. 15 THE PHARAOH AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ANCIENTS In those times it was the Pharaoh, who stood as guardians of the ancient knowled ge that moves through the grid. In Egypt, the Pharaoh was defined as the unifier of Upper and the Lower Nile. This description was symbolic of the union of the upper and lower triangle as (Star of David) are presented in the Solomon's seal. The upper triangle that points upward with the top, symbolizes the higher energ ies and the esoteric world. The lower triangle with the tip pointing down repres ents the exoteric world, the outward manifestations and all worldly areas of the earth. The concept of the pharaoh is that, at the same time, however, receives a conscious entity, which works with the energies of the lower window through th e upper window guide and instructions. Sorry, the role of the pharaoh is missing

in today's society. It was part of the task of Pharaoh, who stood with both worlds in connection to interpret what information should be placed in the outer world of society in ord er to enable the evolution to reach their divine manifestation. Ideally, the Pharaoh was able to compensate for the esoteric with the exoteric. In other words, he filled the morphogenetic field with information. , when a Pha raoh of his duty remained faithful and wise prevailed, the company has developed in the direction of paradise. In addition to this function of the Pharaoh, the mystery schools went their own goals after and have been involved in countless machinations. Whatever they were doing well, they would all have access to the pharaoh, because in him the symbo lic struggle for the evolution reached its peak. This included the battle betwee n good and evil with a, which allows the development process only after the opin ion of many philosophers. Because evil can neither be denied nor eliminated, it must be balanced, and at that point engage the mystery schools. The balance of e vil is for the structure of the universe is of fundamental importance. Pharaohs line suffered with Moses, an Egyptian high priest, who was prepared for the Office, its worst setback. Moses has directly caused the downfall of Egypt, when he organized the exodus and the Arcadian rod, a magical-technical tool of Atlantis fled. That Moses renounced his Egyptian divinity, was for the priesthoo d a big dilemma, because his school was the last that had been initiated into th e magic. Since that time, the role of the pharaoh has been dispersed among various secret sects, all of which compete for power and influence. The traditional role of th e Pharaoh's lost the general population, and the degradation of this institution has been dramatically illustrated by the plight of the Montauk Indians in recen t times. The word "Pharaoh" itself means "Big House." When broken down further, the word etymologically , one discovers that the word for "great" magos and maz derived from the Greek and Persian words which are both magic, the word 'house' comes from the Indo-European word skeu or keu, which means hide. When we add all translated, the word Pharaoh "magical hiding place." This fits so well exactly in our puzzle. While the Pharaoh represented the magic hiding in human form, the Great Pyramid was the physical representation of magic. These pyramid shaped like the upper ha lf of the octahedron. But many still do not know that the inverted pyramid exists among them. The top pyramid is known as the "antechamber" and depicts the creation, while the invert ed pyramid as the "back chamber" is considered and represented the destruction. This results in a black hole / white hole effect. Together, these two pyramids f orm an octahedron which has exactly the same shape as the Delta-T antenna descri bed in Montauk project. The octahedron is a basic form of the structure of the Erdgitternetzes. If you c an think of two interpenetrating tetrahedra, which are inscribed the globe, then sits in the middle of a constantly rotating octahedron. You can now change the space and time itself, by sending waves through the octagonal shape of this fiel d. When you consider that there are geometric grid structures in the earth that con stantly rotate, it is easy to understand that the octahedron rotates in the same way. One must remember that particles are not continuous in space and time. They appear and disappear, but our perception is in sync to it (like watching a movie), so that the particles appear solid and unmoving. The particles themselve s are created by electromagnetic vibrations which act by the octahedron as a con ductor. One can it give an idea by building a small octahedron, and imagines that in his own frame of reference and within the boundary be-he's dimension exists. Then turn it 90 ° about a transverse axis and counts the number of points that coul d absorb vibrations. One can find twelve of them before the octahedron is back i

n its initial position. If you turn the octahedron in the opposite direction, ag ain obtained twelve points, which gives a total of twenty-four potential realiti es or realities. When rotating the octahedron also about its vertical axis and t o rotate, the number of possible realities rises to eight. Each rotation of the original octahedron results in twelve different realities. The number "twelve" is important here, because it is a sacred number, it is also encountered in the twelve months of the year, the twelve signs of the zodiac, t he twelve apostles of Christ, and so on. The most direct representation of the twelve as a sacred number is the descripti on of a sphere with the maximum number of equal-sized balls. It will be found th at exactly twelve balls surround the one. It follows naturally that the thirteen must be a holy number. We all know that this number is burdened by much superst ition. There are thirteen members in a coven, thirteen people attended the Last Supper, when one counts Christ, and in the lunar calendar, there are thirteen mo nths. The thirteen is a prime number, and she was already sacred in prehistoric times. In the above example, we have demonstrated twelve realities around a central foc us. The example is of course an extreme simplification of the whole process, but it gives us a very general idea of the way the geometry is coupled to the vario us realities. If the symmetry of the reality you look at, it is understood that the magical ar ts to substantiate certain geometric principles. Unfortunately, you will hardly find witches and astrologers who really understand these principles, and yet the se are their actual livelihood! As mentioned elsewhere, the knowledge has been t aken away and hidden. What we call the Great Pyramid of Giza , is the top half o f an octahedron, which had been built to represent the Earth grid and thus creat e a potential interface to other realities. Another oddity is that the Egyptians had recorded almost every possible description of her life, but not who had bui lt the pyramids and why. If the builder investigated emphatically represent such mundane aspects of how w ashed the Egyptians, but one would assume that they would also let us know why a nd how they had created the pyramids. That was a secret that was only passed on to the initiates of the mystery schools. But if we understand the working princi ple of the octahedron as described above, we are already closer to the understan ding of the Great Pyramid is a good piece. Considering the realities that consid er realities that have been addressed in the above example, then one begins to u nderstand that the morphogenetic field is able to communicate with the different realities and not exclusive part of our "earth reality." The pyramid was a pass gate, the threshold to these other worlds and to the information in the grid it self The Great Pyramid so that was magical hiding place, and the Pharaoh of pers onalized representatives of the secret. Since all knowledge is potential power, it was his job as a guard to maintain the balance between the higher and the low er worlds. Of course, the Pharaoh had human form. However, there was another bei ng with a much more important task for the course of evolution, and this lived i n the Great Pyramid itself

16 Tahuti Tahuti, which is also known as the guardian of the threshold, was a key figure i n the Egyptian-s Pantheon and should seem to have lived in the Great Pyramid. He is usually portrayed as an ibis, but also as dog or monkey. Tahuti was the god of wisdom, knowledge and magic. He also invented the numbers and was considered to be the scribe of the gods. The Greeks called him Thoth, bu t identified him as Hermes. The Romans called him Mercury, the Hebrews Enoch. What here but interesting: Tahuti to have lived not only in the Great Pyramid, he should also have been the

ir builders. Of course this does not mean he would have dragged stones or superv ised as an overseer with a helmet the workers. As a scribe of the gods absorbed Tahuti all existing knowledge and "writing software" (to use the computer jargon ) according to the various factors of evolution. He was a filter through which a ll of the different information from the morphogenetic grid ran and could, to on ce again use a computer-terminus, are described as a system analyst. The function of Tahuti and its role in the creation itself goes much deeper. In John's Gospel is: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. " "The Word", they say, means the logos, or the divine principle or the character of being. Etymologically, means "word" is a verb, an activity or verb. In other words, the first action in the universe was a verb or an activity. We can call t his the cause or whatever we want. This cause could create something out of nothing. Soon it developed into a ball, as described in an earlier chapter, and a few steps later made it into a tetrah edron. As the god of numbers and geometry Tahuti is attributed to the creation o f the tetrahedron, and thus the pyramid. He built the Great Pyramid in order to interact with the Earth grid in resonance and an attempt to create himself a residence. His task was to act as a bridge b etween this dimension and the other worlds. When God the numbers Tahuti was not just involved in the process of creation, he held in his writings also the process and the knowledge firmly that went with i t. During the historical period, this information had been allocated mainly the various secret societies of civilization. was another of the great mysteries of the Tahuti as a method of Tetragrammaton known, from which you may have already heard. It is mentioned in the Bible and in the dictionaries, but a complete understanding of the term is i ntentionally covered up. Books on witchcraft and secret societies sometimes teach a part of the Tetragram maton, while they mention that it was top secret, that one can not talk about it and it can only get through a long process Inauguration. About the use of this word a lot of hocus-pocus has emerged. dictionary Tetragrammaton is specified only when the four consonants of the Hebr ew name for God. Depending on the translation, this is either JHVH, YHVH or YHWH . If you add the vowels, it is Yah (h) or Jehovah (h) what most recognize the sa me. But if anything, very few understand the clergy, what this concept really me ans. Aleister Crowley recognized the definition just mentioned, adding that the four letters iodine, He, Vau and He correspond to the four elements of fire, water, a ir and earth. He also explained that the four letters are symbolic of the father or the first principle, from which the mother or the feminine or negative principle arises. Their union brings forth the son, her heirs. Also, a twin daughter is the end pr oduct. It is the duty of the father to his daughter to be his bride so she can t ake over the role of her mother. Then the daughter embraces the father and reign ited the forces of the original All-father again. This is not presented as inces tuous rite, but as a magical principle which is the basis of all creation. Crowl ey would have had more to say, but he let the cat out of the bag. Of course ther e are a myriad of ways to understand this formula and to summon to her or to con jure. The great secret of the Tetragrammaton may already somewhere - have been printed - hardly discoverable. It has to do with the etymology of the word. The first f ive letters of the word form "tetra" meaning four. So here comes the tetrahedron back to the previous note. In addition, can be attributed "tetra" Phoneme on "t ort" which means turning or twisting. This is reminiscent of the rotating tetrah

edron as adding act The meaning of "grammaton" refers to a piece of writing, esp ecially on letters. This brings us to the work of Stan Tenen back and to the fact that the Hebrew le tters are formed by "Fire" in the tetrahedron. Of course, the four letters of th e Tetragrammaton iodine, He, Vau and He. Many occultists are aware, but they do not connect to the tetrahedron, the four peaks correspond to fire, water, air and earth. And, if they understand the prin ciple, they say definitely not too much. It is the idea that the tetrahedron is fundamental to the emergence of creation underline not enough. This is also the reason why I took the opportunity to expr ess different views on this topic. As I said, all forms can be developed from th e tetrahedron. Through a process known as Tet-tracking process in which one over which desired form whatsoever shall tetrahedron can be seen almost every form i n creation. The DNA helix as a primordial seed of life can be represented by Tet -tracking in the simplest way. If you zusammmenbaut thirty-three tetrahedra (a master number in numerology) sid e by side, creates a spiral or helix. When these spiral halved from thirty-three tetrahedra along the axis, results in two spirals, which are the double helix o f the DNA accurately. The number of solid geometric surfaces on the two spirals is then ??????66 ??. That's why Crowley and others have the 666 as used in the B ible as a number of people. It is encoded in our DNA. This is also the right time to mention that there is a correspondence of the num ber 666 in the periodic table in chemistry. This is due to the carbon C, the ele ment with the number 12 All life on Earth is based on carbon considered, since t he carbon in all living things is conspicuously present. He has 6 electrons, 6 p rotons and 6 neutrons, again 666 Crowley not only the significance of the number 666 was clearly aware that he wa s also a patron of the Tahuti and devoted most of his later years of the complet ion of one of his better books, the Book of Thoth. This is one of the most important books on the Tarot. The word "Tarot" itself is also written TARO, and here it gets interesting. Occultists say, TARO come from ROTA, which means "wheel". This resulted in the word "rotation". The usual etym ology leads "Tarot" to "tort" back, meaning "turn, twist" is. So immersed in the study of sacred information not only the tetrahedron again and again, but also the idea of rotation, which is just as important. In the last chapter was indeed shown how reality is manifested by the rotation of the octahedron through the v arious dimensions. , when Crowley in Montauk left its trace, so you can say the same of Tahuti. The Ordo Templis Orientis or OTO has a Tahuti-box, which holds its meetings in M ontauk. The head of the OTO has also told me that he had the book Freedom Is a T wo-Edged Sword (freedom is a double-edged sword) by Jack Parsons during a visit to his Montauk brothers edited. One may here say without exaggeration that endle ss and appear anywhere such correspondences. Tahuti so is a God (or creative function of the universe) in which all sacred kn owledge is stored. He existed since the beginning and has since officiated as th e god of learning. Anyone who is willing to undergo the necessary initiations ca n tap into the knowledge of the Tahuti. Since he lives in the pyramid, in the transit station to the fourth dimension, h e can give us a way out of the local area to show. Unfortunately, these approach es have been throughout history either blocked or abandoned, or they are closely guarded by the various mystery schools and priesthoods. Such a veil was created to penetrate the almost impossible, only the best adepts in the universe to make it. Of course, this has to do with the survival of the fittest and the inevitable death of those who can not adapt. In the preceding chapter it was said that the Pharaoh would look through the upp er window, while he remains in contact with the lower window of being. When a ph araoh of ancient times through the upper window "went", you could say he's gone through "through the veil" and be immersed in the time gates of the ancient know ledge. In modern times, few people of the existence of the veil were even aware

of how he is to penetrate, much less. This was only a privileged few reserved. The mystery schools of ancient Egypt had taught these secrets. Some have already been aired in this book, other parts of this ancient and protected knowledge bu t had to do with a compound which we have already encountered in this book, with the planet Mars. That the name of the old city of al-Kahira - Cairo - means "Ma rs", one should not ignore it. In the next chapter we will look at the ancient h istory of the red planet closer. 17 A STORY OF MARS The planet Mars was on the horizon of human consciousness ever more present than any other celestial body, maybe with the exception of the sun and moon. Venus i s closer, and appears in the twilight hours brighter, but enjoys the most attent ion of Mars. We will now examine why the red planet is so deeply rooted in the c onsciousness of mankind. Perhaps the most classic example of the effect of Mars on the psyche of the peop le was the radio broadcast of Orson Welles War of the Worlds (War of the Worlds) on Halloween (the day before All Saints' Day) in 1938. People from all over New Jersey ran into the hills, because they thought the Mar tians had landed. This, even though the program was announced as fiction. Why we re the people so ready to run away to switch instead of the radio, or simply jus t to call the authorities? Around the turn of the century, but also later, life fuss was made ? â concerning on Ma rs. The perspectives of society and science were not yet so arrogant, and the li terature of the time, from today's perspective to read fascinating anyway. One of the most interesting personalities at that time was Percival Lowell, a fa mous astronomer and scientist who the observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona was buil t to watch for the express purpose to Mars. He watched channels and was convince d that this would have led to a time in their history water. He claimed that Mar s is inhabited by beings who possess the ability to build a planet-wide Bewässerung ssys system, which was denied, however, and his views that there was life on Mar s, were often ridiculed. Like Nikola Tesla Lowell made as a respected scientist claims that were consider ed by the conventional science as taboo. His astronomical calculations, however, were very precise and led in the 1930s to the discovery of the planet Pluto. Si nce he was a deserving scientist, his other assertions deserve further investiga tion. During his life, no one had a stronger telescope than Lowell, but his view s were rejected lightly by many. One of his strongest opponent was Alfred Wallac e, who had helped to develop the "Theory of Evolution". While the well says enou gh, Wallace also believed the temperature on Mars is far too low, and on that pl anet could no water be present. He further said that Mars was "absolutely uninha bitable!" Arthur C. Clarke said that Lowell was one of the most fascinating personalities in astronomy. Although Clarke says that Lowell's canals do not exist (there are scientists who see this differently), he has a clear view: " Now that we have photos of Mars in good quality, someone should compare them w ith the drawings Lowell and try to figure out what was going on around the turn of the century in Flagstaff on. How was it possible that someone for more than t wenty years of ongoing, extremely detailed optical illusion subject (if that's w hat it was) How could he convince others of his vision What is the relationship there was -?, if any - between seeing the channels of the ability of other astro nomers, and their position on the payroll the Lowell Observatory? These are some questions that might be asked already ... " Apparently took Clarke, the recordings and data that he had received (which says that the channels do not exist), are correct. NASA is known that they are taken out of context photographs. And although Clarke is apparently willing to compro mise the Lowell staff, but he acknowledges that there are major inconsistencies in the story of Percival Lowell.

If we look at the Mars scenario more closely, we discover that until August 1903 on the planet ravaged extreme magnetic storms of May. At the 13th August were p ublished pictures of it in Science News. Serious theories thought that these mag netic storms would create an atmosphere so again could revive a civilization. The melting of the ice cap and extended cloud fields would provide moisture, oxy gen and all the other components that are necessary for the emergence of organic life. Lowell was one of the few who were witness to it. His theories and assert ions concerning life on Mars were completely rejected and "refuted" by modern sc ientific arguments. If you also want to believe all the data and conclusions of classical science, we find but at least one stand-out and unscientific assumptio n. They assume that Mars, the Lowell had studied has been the same as the one th ey look today. However, many scenarios are possible. Someone told me bluntly dec laring that Lowell was on the verge of a large-scale time travel experiment to g et on the track, through which our civilization wanted to make Mars habitable. If you study all the available data (and there's a lot that I have not seen [7]) , it seems that the scientific observations Lowell had been associated with alie ns or people from the future. Perhaps these were Martians. At least the mystery schools have leaked to him information about anomalies in the solar system. This is plausible, considering that he knew information that belong to the standard knowledge of the mystery schools. For example, he knew long before anyone else i n the "normal" society, it knew that a Gravitationseff-ect had on the planet Nep tune. This eventually did - after Lowell's death - the discovery of Pluto by sci ence. He also knew the planet Vulcan. This is a small planet orbiting the sun within t he orbit of Mercury, and its discovery was a scandal that NASA and the modern as tronomers would rather not admit. Lowell was also another unusual aware, namely that there is a third planetary motion, which is not observed in most text books . We all know the orbital motion and the normal self-rotation of the planet, but they also show a slow North / Süddrehung. She is very slow, but eventually the pla nets of the solar system will be on the head that the sun then rises from the We st and sets in the east. When Neptune and Uranus when this is already the case. Lowell insights into this knowledge shows that he was on a journey of initiation . He was cut off from any serious media coverage. Although he died suddenly in 1 916 (if we are to believe the press), he left behind but a weighty legacy. 7) Up to now, as I write this, I can not find one of Lowell's books. However, I have spoken with someone at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. I was told that I could look through the archives, but that they would not send books. You must audition in person at the kiosk. A trip is so popular. Even after Lowell's death there were still a lot of talk in the press about whet her there is life on the red planet. The consciousness about Mars 1924 was so st rong that the director of operations of the Navy and the Director of the Signal Corps of the U.S. Army commanded their stations to maintain radio silence, when Mars was so close to the earth as otherwise never in this century. The New York Times reported on alien radio signals that came from the planet and continue to indicate no rational sense, except that they taught a repeating pat tern, which represented a face! The article is on the opposite side - translated - represented. They are still r ead it later in the book a short report on a time travel experiment that in the year 1923 took place. One may wonder whether between this experiment, the fact t hat "Lowell's Mars" had been covered up, and the face that was sent in 1924 from Mars, there is a connection. One must ask why because no one has studied in more detail with these various co nflicting views about Mars also. The usual literature on this topic is amazing u nerklecklich. Sure, the information is sparse and also glossed over or intention ally. But if we look back a little further, to the works of Jules Verne, then we see that there do funny things. He wrote about the two moons of Mars, before th

ey were officially discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall. Verne then spoke with the l ed-end scientists, but he also had far-reaching relationships with various secre t and mystical societies, including the Golden Dawn (Golden Dawn), the OTO and t he Theosophical Society. Even further back, we find that Jonathan Swift already in 1726 in his classic Gu lliver's Travels mentioned the two moons of Mars. He also observations about the ir orbits and the distances to their planet. This means that the two authors eit her members of secret societies were or had access to ancient writings. The Greek poet Homer wrote about the two horses of Mars, which were called Phobo s (fear) and Deimos (escape or panic). These two horses pulled the chariot of th e god Mars. As Asaph Hall discovered the two moons, several names have been prop osed, and unconsciously he chose the two names by which these celestial bodies w ere already known to the ancients. If you dig deeper, you come across a treasure trove of knowledge, the ancient scriptures and books includes that make the Mar s appear in a different light. Ancient texts show that our perception of time is greatly influenced by the plan et Mars. The calendar is based on the activities of this planet. This began when the biblical writers noted the regular passages of Mars and they recorded faith fully. Because their lives were not long enough, they relied on the judgment of a longer period of time on the calendar and on records. In those days the writing of history was a different art form than it is today, it was considered totally relevant to current events. The old observations, there was between the orbits of Earth and Mars resonance ( 8). Mars took exactly 720 days to orbit the sun, the earth 360 days. In school i t is taught that the Old incorrectly estimated the year to 360 days, and that ou r modern scientific thinkers would have discovered the earth need to orbit the s un 365.25 days. The old are always portrayed as the stupid. The scribes found that the ideas of March (March 15) and the 26th October, the m ain points of intersection of the two orbits were. Both of these data were the m ain points of the calendar. The ideas of March showed at the beginning of spring and the end of winter. The flyby of Mars on 26 October marked the harvest seaso n and the end of the year for the ancient Celts and other peoples (9). 8) Free e nergy based on this model of two orbiting bodies that are located in their mutua l harmonic fields. Another pattern that struck the ancients was that the Mars Ea rth came terrifyingly close every 108 years. Some records even gave the impressi on that he had come so close that you could see what was going on. This included the observation of channels with. The reason for this close examination of the planet Mars was - according to at least one source - a water dome that covered t he Earth's atmosphere. This means that all celestial bodies were enlarged, espec ially the Mars very near planet. This water dome to have been responsible for th e Flood, as the misuse of laser-like weapons caused their collapse.

Finally happened during one of these approaches, as the gravitational forces wer e too strong, a huge cataclysm. It is of course possible that there are other fa ctors participated. The planet Venus could have played a role, or other external influences. ravages These are described in the Bible as a great event. In the battle of Beth -Horon in the book of Joshua, there is the longest day of Joshua, to which ritua ls were performed in anticipation of the aforementioned torque. Every day they m arched around the city walls, to the Sabbath. On that day they went around seven times, and says the story that the sun stood still on that day. The two planets Earth and Mars were namely almost collided, and on Mars found a great havoc ins tead. The soil was also shaken and fell the walls of Jericho. 9) March (ie Mars) was once the first month of the year. This is indicated in ou

r Gregorian calendar, which uses the following month names: September, October, November, December. These mean the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth Tenth respectively. In other words, is September the seventh month after March as the first, October i s the eighth, and so on. On the day when the sun stood still, the geometric relationships had twenty-eigh t hours can be long the day by physical influence. It increased the velocity of the earth (as in an electron) and increasing energy added our year added 4.25 da ys. The orbital period of Mars changed from 720 to about 686.5 days. The astrologers (all astronomers were astrologers then called) began to calculat e the changes, and they soon realized that the well-known day and equinoxes and solstices were no longer in the same place. Because of Solomon's Temple and othe r temples were built so that they were aligned to certain celestial events (ofte n showed certain shade or other extraordinary phenomena), they had to be rebuilt because they should differ by about 6 degrees from its original orientation. Th us, the beginning of spring was also of 15 March to about the 21 March moved. This period of renewal has been associated with the goddess Ishtar in compound, which was identified with Venus (as I said, the planet Venus was according to so me sources, in this near-collision involved somehow). In honor of Ishtar, a paga n festival was celebrated at this time, and the word "Easter" can be derived fro m the name of this goddess. The Zodiac itself begins with the ram, whose English name "Aires" with the name of the Greek god of war, Ares, is identical. The Romans called the Ares Mars. In astrology, the constellation of Aries is ruled by Mars, of course. All this cle arly shows that our entire time system has paid to Mars as the main force in hea ven toll. If the 26 October 4.25 days to be added, we get 31 October, on the day on which the harvest festival is celebrated. In the United States these days as "Allhallo ws Eve" or "Halloween" is called (the evening before All Saints' Day). To the an cients, this period was very important, and the first November was celebrated by the druids as Samhain or New Year's Day. Halloween is actually a so Mars-hard. In addition, it should also symbolize the souls from Mars to Earth. The great cataclysm between Mars and Earth had yet another influence on our perc eption of time. According to a calendar this event took place in 1440 BC. Another says it was in 1404 BC. Between the two calendars is a difference of 36 years. This is a key number, which some traditions believe that this figure symb olizes the life of Jesus Christ, His life and in turn the maximum exposure of hu man consciousness. Of course, some mystery schools proclaim the view that Christ would have been thirty-three. This is further not important, but it is importan t to point out that the mystery schools go so far as to change the calendar beca use of an event such as the life of Christ. They try to manipulate our conscious ness, in this particular case, with the help of time. In the year 701 or 731 BC, scholars have another flyby registered. You then have astronomically returned and found a cycle of 108 years. In other words, has eve ry 108 years, a cataclysm occurred when Mars each pre-beiflog. Changes on Earth were thus more common. Because of this series of Zestörung and terror we considered warlike planet Mars. Virtually all civilizations saw Mars as the war or fire pl anet. The occult sciences indicate that the Earth is in a "weighing orbit". That is, t he orbit of the development of life is beneficial. In ancient times Mars was in this "cradle orbit" and at that time was the center of life in the solar system. In time, the earth will fall out of this orbit, and it is inherited from Venus. All this is based on the fact that the solar system is formed even after the st ructure of the atom and will coincide at the end in itself. In such a scenario, life must either ascend or transmute periodically if it is to escape the destruc tion. For this reason, the Mars has left such a deep wound in the psyche of the

inhabitants of the earth. We were once invaded and colonized. was not until about the 16th or 17Century AD, the New Year's Day was moved to th e first of January. It was therefore the intention connected, divert the mind fr om Mars and the worship of Baal. Many will remember as Baal or the golden calf g od of fertility in the movie "The Ten Commandments". Baal also an ancient city, just north of Cairo was located, which is commonly kn own as Heliopolis among historians. She had been named great influence throughou t the Middle East and is like Cairo to mars. Baal The culture was Martian. In the Gospels describes how St. Paul, the worship of Baal smashed sent to Mars hills. The story of Moses in the Old Testament shows how he breaking away from B aal or the Martian tradition, but it is interesting to see that the founder of H asidism (a highly influential sect of Jewish mystics who is very well known in N ew York ) was born as Israel ben Eliezer, the Baal Shem Tov, however, calls it. Maybe he has read between the lines or had access to information that is not nor mally passed around in the synagogues. There is an interesting genetic corroboration of the idea that life came from Ma rs to Earth. The blood line that evolved from the old place Baal, is apparently the same as that of the Gaelic races who settled in the Pyrenees and St. Angeles in Italy. Sixty to ninety percent of these people have rhesus negative blood. Although most of the expression of Rh have heard negative, do not know the most (even some doctors) that the "Rh" stands for the rhesus monkey. That is, if your blood is Rh positive, it is the genetic structure of the blood of the rhesus mo nkey similar to (10). Without the rhesus monkey factor, there is no logical reason to assume that the lives of these people had arisen on Earth. Reports are known by which government s could hire secret studies of Rh-negative blood, to study exactly these factors . The message of all this is clear: the Gaelic race and / or whoever has Rh-nega tive blood may very well be of the ancient Martians are descended. But there is also hope for those whose blood is Rh-positive. We may all also Mar isaner. According to the book Geneset by David Wood and Ian Campbell (come out a t Bellevue Books in England) were subjected to a total sensory deprivation for r esearch subjects in Samadhi tanks. After some time in the tanks had in different individuals, the body clocks that all autonomic nervous systems control is set to a cycle of 24 hours and forty minutes. But this is exactly the duration of the Martian day! If that's the case, then al l our genes come from Mars, as if he was still in the cradle orbit. This discussion about the Martian blood remembers well to various legends of the Merovingian dynasty, which had settled in the south of France, and whose member s were known as the Cathars. According to the book The Holy Grail and his heirs, these people believed that they were descended from the family of Jesus. 10) Of course, that does not mean now, you came from an ape, but if she has a boundles s enthusiasm for bananas develop suddenly, or the desire to swing from tree to t ree, they remain calm. It's just your genetic memory that just wakes up, and thi s will pass soon. Some theories suggest even that Jesus himself to Mary Magdalene in the south of France had been able to escape and there will continue lived. The Cathars were v irtually wiped out by the Inquisition, but they had a heritage carried on, which is the crowned heads of Europe well known, the blue blood comes from the house of David (to which apparently had heard Jesus). The question now arises: What is Martian blood? One thing is certain. The Cathars were not politically powerful enough to come a gainst the Pope. They were the story of their descent - whether true or not - no t publicly proclaim. They had to hide and therefore justified the "Grail Christi anity" which taught the ancient Mysteries in the form of Christianized legends. This tactic kept the wrath of the church for the most part away. The Grail Movem

ent culminated in the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. These knights sought the Holy Grail, which contained the blood of Jesus, as the y believed. Their kingdom was called Camelot, which means "Martian city" or "cit y of Mars" means (11). We should also shed light on another aspect when we talk about the blood. The wo rd derives from the Indo-European root bhlo that "sprout" or "bloom" means. The case mediated idea states that a crystalline growth matrix, and this leads us ba ck to the concept of sacred geometry and the principle of life Flower (Flower of Life). 11) This discovery Jon Singer must be owed, whose research revealed that Camelot comes from Camulodunum, a Celtic-Latin word. Cumhul = a Gallic-Celtic god, what the Romans called Mars. Dunams = city. Keeping these various legends which about Mars, the blood of Christ, and I know what there anything further studied, is their relative veracity then less import ant, when we were sent and principles are aware of the are entkodiert in the use d words in the language. But most researchers had hardly time to examine the various legends, encryption of esoteric knowledge, much less. The story described here but has been conceale d to the public. This resulted in our culture to amazing colloquial phrases. In the United States, for example, to describe someone with whom you can communicat e impossible, as a Martian. One may say, "He is totally Martian". This is a subtle and covert psychological manipulation of consciousness, which t akes place in such a way by the language of our culture. When it comes from Mars , it may be impossible believable. Ridicule is one of the first goals of disinfo rmation. This simply means that someone does not want you to pursue the issue ra ised. 18 Martian HERITAGE The modern UFOlogy actually began with the contacts by George Hunt Williamson an d George Adamski in the 1940s. Williamson was a professor of archeology, which allegedly should have inspired t he character of Indiana Jones. He left behind a great legacy of information abou t Mars. Since contacts and abductions were hardly taken seriously at the time of his life, his experiences and discoveries remained largely unnoticed. Williamson read archeology at the University of Colorado, but he lost his profes sorship, because he wrote about UFO's and opposing views represented. A large number of these information related to the legend of a Mars colony, whic h had been sent to Earth. He wrote that the race which had inhabited the earth at the start, the race of t he elders or Elohim (ie first-born) had been mentioned and it was their intentio n to evolve on this planet. At that time the indigenous race on earth hardly wen t upright and was not very well developed (12). Elohim were highly technical. Although they were not spiritually very developed, they knew that this would be their next step and assumed that they would have t o spend many, many years to make serious progress in this direction. They called themselves "human" (human), because in their language, the syllable "HU" stand for what they "the whole gamut of God" called. They understood the en tire electromagnetic spectrum than the whole frequency of God. "Hu" is a perfect homonym for the word "hue" (hue) and so it seems plausible that this is the der ivation of the word "human". According to Williamson, the Elohim had colonized Mars before the earth and had left a written history of their life on the planet. As the planet was still in t he "Weigh orbit", existed on the planet's surface different life forms. When the orbit started to change, the climate on Mars was unstable. Frequent freezing an d thawing in rapid succession was the rule. floods made ? â the existing channels wider. All this cost many lives, and therefore it was decided to emigrate from the planet. Those who had developed their spiritua

lity were able to shift their mode of being and remained on Mars, except that th ey were in another dimension, similarly to the Martians in the novel The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. Who could not do this, had to rely on external mean s to survive. This meant the use of time travel machine or spaceships to physica lly go to the ground. This also includes those who reincarnated from a Mars-body in a terrestrial body. 12) Some say that the Elohim had taken over a longer time steps to ensure that t he dinosaurs were extinct. This as part of a creative process by which the earth for the different human races should be made ? â habitable. Williamson had therefore t o tell an incredible story that very well with the fits to what we discussed in the last chapter. 's Of even greater interest but his opinion that vast amounts of information in so-called "roles" - the "etched" geometric symbols are actuall y in Crystal - had been written down. This form is rather funny, but it correspo nds to the magic crystal Library of the Eloi (note the similarity of this word w ith Elohim) that "The Time Machine" by HG Wells was mentioned in the book. But i t is not really a "etching". There are tiny geometric patterns formed by sounds in the listening area. The naked eye they appear as an error in the crystal. How ever, a microscope shows something quite different. Some people think George Hunt Williamson was the first lay person who has been a llowed to pass through the ancient gates of wisdom and to meet the "gatekeepers" . He had heard of these crystals in the original "Monastery of the Seven Rays" i n the Andes. As might be expected, he has a huge wave of interest triggered when he got to the public and began to tell his incredible story. A wide audience wa nted to know, what these mystery schools really are and what championship means. All this also included the inauguration of operations with one that had been so popular at Madame Blavatsky times. Everything pointed to the Egyptians, who had taken the Atlanteans Sirians and others who apparently in creating the various b ranches of Mystery schools a key role. At the same time, as Williamson had his contacts, interest in Mars also lived on the other side of the planet to new. The Third Reich had discovered through archaeological investigations in Tibet a different aspect of Mars history. Various findings told the story of what was fi rst established on Mars. Interestingly, this was exactly what Williamson had dis covered in the Andes. According to Williamson, these records went back 450,000 years, with the oldest could even be more than a million years old. In noticed especially that the nati ves their pottery decorated with cards in the Andes from Mars, exactly the nachz eichneten the geographical events on its surface. Both in South America as well as in the Far East was the most important informat ion of these artifacts on crystal panels that showed techniques that help the co nsciousness of humanity could be raised. Among them were two-dimensional geometr ic representations, which had to be viewed in three dimensions, so as to induce a four-dimensional experience or transcendence. Each pattern was an independent process, which took its own doctrine. Once a process was completed, we went to t he next. Such artifacts are usually hidden in the "secret places of the lion". This is th e reason why lions (both in Western and in Eastern extravagant versions) often g uarding the entrances of buildings. Of all these places, the Pyramids of Shensi are the holiest. You can enter either physically or interdimensional also at this time. They are located in China, very close to Tibet. In Shensi, there are ten major pyramids, three smaller and three different types of sphinxes. The influence of the Third Reich in this area was displaced, as Mao Tse Tung's a rmy overran Tibet and the suppression campaign began with the mass murder of mon ks. Apparently played there with different designs, considering the importance o f the Shensi Pyramids. The Shensi area was declared a prohibited area and has re

mained so to this day. According to Williamson, these pyramids are the last seal that will be broken on this planet. If they could be opened, a lost science would re-discovered, which shows how you can connect directly to the grid of the earth. This not only mean s access to free energy, but the change of consciousness of all humanity . When the Nazis heard by the Tibetans of them, began the killing of monks. fact that these boards had come from Mars, will probably be difficult to be acce pted by the "normal thinking people" so called today. But when you consider the previous relations between Cairo and Mars, it should not be surprising that the same teachings are to be found in Egypt. 19 LOST WISDOM We have already mentioned that under the Great Pyramid at ramid is built real. If you go down into it, one finds an at leads to the Sphinx. This building is approximately 39,000 years old, the same mids. This known as the Hall of Records passage contained holy geometrisehen symbols which had been handed down at ese symbols were his law called the "Law of One" (The Law nally appeared the mystery schools of the "Eye of Horus".

Giza is an inverted py underground passage th age as the Shensi Pyra many wall paintings of the time of Tahuti. Th of One), from which fi

In Egyptian mythology, Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis, and the brother of Seth. Osiris was killed by Seth, the corpse (ilia: correct the big secret) disas sembled into fourteen pieces and scattered them all over the globe. Isis was hea rtbroken, but she collected all the parts, but found not the penis. Her son Horu s avenged his father by killing Seth and his father's penis was. Then Osiris was brought back to life, he took his place as lord of the underworld and the dead judged for their next incarnation. Horus took the throne of the external world. This myth contains alone in the geometry of an interesting symbolism. The thirte en pieces of the body of Osiris correspond to the twelve spheres that can be pac ked around the thirteenth closely and equally spaced. The fourteenth part represents the fourteen surfaces which can be laid around th e collapsed spheres. Because his body was composed of only thirteen pieces again , Osiris had assumed the role of the Lord of the Underworld, because there are a mong the faces just thirteen bullets. Horus was the fourteenth part of his fathe r's body and, therefore, took the throne and the outer world. In the light of other information in this book it is clear that Lao Tse pierce t he veils of this dimension and this had left. The famous keeper of the gate in t he Chinese legend is a clear analogy to the guardians of the gates of this dimen sion. When you study the Taoism of Lao Tse and the legends concerning him, one d iscovers that its main feature was neither the wisdom nor the virtue or the perc eption. It was the Zurückgezogensein. This has much to do with the consciousness of that time, which, whether they believe it or not, based on the hyper-dimensiona l physics. An explanation follows: Just like the moon and the earth rotate aroun d the sun, our entire solar system is moving around the galactic center, which i s sometimes called the Black Sun or the zero or reference point. The precession of the equinoxes completes itself every 26,000 years (roughly). T his refers to the fact that in each sidereal year the exact point of the equinox es - compared with the night sky - to move on the horizon a little, the eye scar cely visible to the west. The reason for this is the gravity of the sun and the moon, the impact on the earth. Thereby, the Earth's axis is shifted slightly, an d it "wobbles" a bit. This movement needs these same 26,000 years until it is re turned to the starting point. These 26,000 years are called a Yuga. The earth moves one half of this Yuga on the black sun, the other half away from her. The Black Sun is the light source of our part of the universe. The movement away from the Black Sun is referred to as negative because we are t

ilted away from her. If we are inclined to it, this is regarded as positive. When universal correlation, this means that the electron spin is changed from a semi-Yuga to another. In other words, the electrons rotate in the atoms that mak e up our physical world, against the light, when the earth is inclined to the li ght. If it is tilted away from the light, the electrons turn to the darkness, aw ay from light. Spinning against the light means evolution, spin the darkness inv olution. At the time we move into the Aquarian age and starting to turn us back to the li ght center. The veil of darkness rise, therefore, information such as the present accessible in many areas. In the past, as we moved away from us light, the priesthoods hav e kept the sacred knowledge of us. Unfortunately, the priests went thus far, and a massive retrogression of consciousness was the result. Of course, not everyth ing went lost, and today it is still possible to us to regain our lost heritage. These massive movements have not yet been fully felt for us. Several Erdverän requi rements (Earth changes) are already done at the time of publication of this book , and some expect a pole shift. There are many theories about what to expect, bu t it is not necessary here to go along with speculation. The do have a sufficien t number. There is another important aspect of what happens from darkness to light in the transition of the Yuga. This has been explored in many scientific studies (inclu ding in a large study at Stanford University) and affects the magnetic propertie s of the dipoles in the brain. Because the brain functions are based on bio-elec tro-magnetic fields, the entire memory of a people can be extinguished when the magnetic field of the earth loses its intensity or is otherwise affected. During a yuga transition, as we have just experience it happens just that the mystery schools throughout history have always played an important role in c onnection with the events just mentioned, since it is their goal, thinking to ge t the knowledge. This also includes that one of his reminds himself in his various lives. However , this has meant that only a few selected people can remember whose, because the secret societies like the Illuminati have joined with other forces to use impla nts and so seize power themselves can. When the magnetic field goes to zero, we risk all to lose our memory. For some, it will be totally deleted. But you can prevent such a disaster by following exa ctly the electromagnetic "fibers from which we are made" used. When we learn to communicate with our own electromagnetic fields, we can change this and turn suc h that we can maintain our own magnetism. All of these fields correspond to geom etric shapes, but this is a vast area that is beyond the scope of this book. The Sphinx plays a very important role in the preservation of our memories. If t he different evolution cycles come to an end in each case, they are so to speak "written down" and inserted into the database, which we call the morphogenetic f ield. Then this information will be brought to a long-standing, universal custom in the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. There, both the past and the future are stored and can be consulted for the next evolutionary cycle. In this way, the Hall of Records an educational process at our disposal, thanks to which we can know how our further development will make. The records shall be so designed that they can be tapped at the end of a Yuga t o us to lead the way and to remind us of the ancient wisdom of the past. Sooner or later, it is clear that the Hall of Records for immortality (of memory , not necessarily of the body) plays a central role. If you can read in the reco rds, you can reach immortality, which is the same as the continuity of memory . It is then also possible to transcend the next level of consciousness. As alread y mentioned, this is a field to which the mystery schools and the elite of power itself - for certain international bankers act at the forefront - argue. A look at the history is evident what is said here. It is known that civilizatio

ns recorded a sudden increase in development, followed by a long period of decli ne, in which very little further development takes place. This plays out all together with the movement away from the galactic center, or to him from back. When speaking of the time when the Sphinx was created, back ca lculated to understand how civilizations reached a peak and then after every 13, 000 years began their descent. This pattern was repeated several times, the last time 13,000 years ago, when Atlantis was finally destroyed. Of course, the memo ry of the culture was destroyed with. In this way preserved the mystery schools their keys secret: namely, the fact th at it can maintain its own magnetic field in a form that is called egg or Merkab ah (13) by geometric symbols is ( which our electromagnetic field are superior) was added in a visualization process in rotation, to create such a separate form of energy, just the Merkabah. 13) Merkabah comes from mer: life force (also think or remember), ka, Soul, and bah: companions. Together did this a vehicle that transports the soul and can al so be used interdimensional, which means you can get into another with the Merka bah of a dimension. The great reason to pursue these mysteries is to achieve the highest stage of de velopment. When we finally reached the top, they say, the records will be activa ted and we can emigrate from the planet. If everything is correct in this book, it means that we will soon be bombarded w ith information that was buried for millennia. If so, we really have reason to h ope that the Aquarian Age will be a time of true enlightenment and understanding . But even if we find that there are incredible information well enough, but it is wrong to believe that everything would automatically fall to us without selfeffort. But for those who want to learn from our ancient past and program their future accordingly, there are a lot of optimism. While this book is written, we are approaching the "End Times." The New Agers ci te the Mayan calendar, which comes to an end in 2012, and the Christians remind us of the Apocalypse and Armageddon. Whatever you hear or believe, I think. You agree with me that circulates about the phenomena that are to occur during the " end times" much nonsense. Many people are fueling the fear of serious earth chan ges and argue that a large part of the United States will sink into the ocean. B ut then you find it the same people as they sell gullible people in Montana Coun try. You may be surprised. When we study certain aspects of the past, perhaps we can gain some way of seein g the future. Therefore, we will now look at a brief historical sketch, which ta kes us to Montauk and back to some important planetary influences. 20 PHREES AND CATHOLIES After the Yuga theory just described had the civilization on Earth during the At lantean period, before about 13,000 years ago, reached its peak. At that time th e company form of Solomon's Republic was related, in which all citizens, whether workers or scholars, are of equal importance. All the wisdom taught, and they finished the apprenticeship with a degree of kno wledge that encompassed all aspects of consciousness. This was a much higher sta te as we know it today. As the energy fields were given a negative spin, the com pany began its descent. The people were aware that they had a certain force, but not necessarily the wisdom or the energy that comes from the entropy of light, moving away from the galactic center. Polarization of consciousness was the result. This new social consciousness was moving toward the darkness. The Light Warriors (light warriors) knew that they w ere on the disappearance. The development of the two polarities finally ended in the formation of two groups: the Phrees and Catholies. "Phree" is an esoteric expression, supposedly of Egyptian origin, which is used mainly in French secret societies. It means "light" or "children of light". That is, the Phrees saw themselves as builders of light or Freemasons. The root of "

Catholie" is "Catholic" meaning universal or universal. These two parties had or iginally evolved from the ancient schools of wisdom, who had insisted on Lemuria . At that time there were a "citizenship of consciousnesson" the planet. All we re more or less in tune and worked on the same frequency. Through the cataclysmic shifts in the land mass of this state was destroyed, and as a result of this break-up manifested the two groups. The dark Yuga won with two parties instead of a universal brotherhood ground. During the Phrees called themselves builder of light, participated in the Cathol ies that they were the same. They dealt mainly with the control and regaining of a universal consciousness. T he Phrees considered the Universalists as the controlling dark power and sought even the independence and the secret truths. They would keep the flame for a fut ure time. Both schools were apostates from the same cloth. The whole point is that they were polarized and were competing with each other. This was clearly a step backwards from the previous consciousness which had prev ailed during the light-Yuga. As a result, various religious systems which invent ed illusory processes that gave people a reason to give up their own free will a nd assign it to a belief system emerged. Under these circumstances, the Phrees s ettled in Egypt and the Catholies in Italy, where they produced a Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire. The Phrees considered their knowledge of the light as so valuable that they secr etly kept it in order to preserve it better . They protected it but so good that at the end no one knew about it or practiced it. The Catholies were universalis ts and wanted all unite under one flag. Since they were more aggressive, they ev entually also won the war with Egypt. course Phrees and Catholies had their origins neither in Egypt nor in Italy. As I said its history goes back much further. But their appearance at the time arou nd is extremely important because that period was a turning point in our percept ion of time. 21 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE WORLD The ensuing brief history begins around the year zero. It's not the opinion that this is a complete or authoritative view of the world. It is based on what I've read and my personal conclusions. It is available here for two reasons. First, and most importantly, it will show in what way the Phrees and Catholies can latc h onto our reality and can fight each other for control. Second, it serves as a temporal reference point between the history of which we have already spoken, an d our investigation to Montauk. A source says that the time was met immediately after the era of so much shock a nd amazement that people who witness these operations had become, never quite li ke this could recover. Whatever had happened during the life of Jesus, was only much later written down (this applies at least what has been made ? â available to the general public). If it is now claimed that this was all the result of a spaceshi p here and an alien there, so this is a gross simplification, the veracity of wh ich has its limits. Obviously at that time was interdimensionality in the consciousness of the peopl e on the front line. In spite of what really happened in the story of Christ, th e universal consciousness has then definitely the heavenly kingdom (or, if they prefer, from the higher dimensions) away and go into the dark ages. were at the height of the Roman Empire the Romans known that they "Romanized" th eir enemies. That is, they taught the conquered peoples their law, their financi al system and their customs and so increased their influence in their realm. The early Christian teachings were those who were taught in Egypt, very similar and represented a danger for the Roman Empire represents the two movements but w ere then merged, as Konstantin in remission of Milan allowed the Romans to worsh ip Christ freely. The Phrees and Catholies were combined in a certain way and a monopoly is created, which would remain in force for a long time. Despite his po litical success Konstantin excited but the wrath of the intelligentsia, as he co nvened the Council of Nicaea, on which the doctrine of reincarnation banned and everyone's attention was briefly closed to the Holy Trinity. The result was a ba

n on the memory, and those who sought truth and enlightenment had. Went into hid ing The most important of these underground movements, which kept the torch of Phree s during the period prior to termination, were the Gnostics. They continued to p ractice their own faith, even if the church harassed therefore. They were among the first heretics. From the tradition of the Gnostics Charlemag ne emerged, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He came about around the year 700 to power and tried to break the monopoly exercised the Catholies under the guise of the Catholic Church. He was full of passion to the movement of the Grail Christianity, which tried to teach the ancient Mysteries and the Church f aced diametrically taken part and this also supervised. After much intrigue and political struggles Charlemagne finally had to kneel dow n and kiss the ring of the Pope. It was a most dramatic and historic gesture. Th e Holy Roman Empire survived in the sequence in name only. Pope had the politically stronger cards. Although Karl did not entirely escape t he Great the power of the Pope, but he was still the Spear of Longinus (with who m, it is believed that Christ's side was pierced on the cross) as a magical tali sman and promoted secretly the old Mysteries. One day, at the age of seventy-two years, the spear slipped from the mounted Karl. This was interpreted as an omen of his soldiers, and he died within two weeks. Whoever later that spear owned, controlled, it was believed, the fate of humanity for good or evil. Although Cha rlemagne died without reaching the complete detachment from the church, his effo rts led eventually to the chivalry and King Arthur. Even before the birth of Charlemagne there were elements who tried with all his strength, the armor to pierce the Catholie / Phree consolidation. In the year 57 0 the Prophet of Islam was born. He would get up, to unite the warring Arab trib es under the will of Allah. These intentions can be interpreted as an attempt of higher powers, to prevent the Catholies, which had occupied the Holy Land, were able to establish themselves there. The Prophet, a Phree, conquered Jerusalem a nd freed it from the hands of the Christians. But just as the Phrees believed th ey had won an important battle, succumbed to the prophet of old age, and his des cendants were sold. The Catholies then took over the Islamic movement and, in tu rn, controlled the Holy Land, but this time under a different flag. It is interesting and also important to see that the Prophet had received the te aching of the Koran by Gabriel, the archangel of good news. As ambassadors of th e message Gabriel corresponds to the kabbalistic Tahuti, the founder of the Hall of Records, which in turn shows us who had led this movement. The bloodline of the Prophet has never been extinguished. His descendants today, which have always been regarded by the main line of Islam as a renegade sect, living in port for all political refugees: in France, the l and of Phrees. So at this stage the Catholies controlled the Holy Land, but the situation was a lmost comical. The Phrees took advantage of the situation and brought the entire European continent to get involved in the Crusades. Huge armies were drawn up i n the name of Christ, to wrest the Holy Land to Muslims. Even children attacked, rather useless to arms, perhaps an early harbinger of the Montauk Boys project. , the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin evolved from the widespread abuse of children in that time. From the beginning the Phrees controlled both sides, and as the Knights Templar, they played a major role at all. Your beliefs are too complicated to dwell on h ere, but they supported the rumor that Jesus did not die on the cross but escape d with his family to southern France and the ancient knowledge of Egypt and Mose s took. Their descendants were the Cathars ( an ironic phonetic spelling), but were purs ued with vigor and at the time of the Inquisition virtually wiped out.

The Cross or Knights Templar were first characterized known that they organized trips to the Holy Land. Since they were tough soldiers with the best relations w ith Muslims, who ruled Jerusalem, the travelers felt safe when you visit the var ious Christian shrines under their care. The trips to these holy places were ver y expensive, and both the Templars and the Muslims did not deserve bad about tha t. example, the Knights Templar became very wealthy and began to build the struc ture that became the international banking system later. When the Knights Templar could manage by means of the Crusades, for a short time to conquer the holy land for the Christians, they were the guardians of the Hol y Sepulchre, and the place of the tomb where its name from headed to yes (the kn ights of the temple) . Having accumulated an immense fortune in this way and also developed great power , the Templars were conspicuous, as did them well. The French king Philip searched her Parisian temple refuge from an angry populac e. He was amazed at the wealth there and attempted to membership in the Order, b ut this was denied him. Thereupon Philip allied with the Pope to outlaw the Temp lars, which had become a dangerous political threat to the church itself, and to make them the main target of the Inquisition. Jacques de Molay, the Grand Maste r of the Knights Templar, was arrested, but many members were able to Scotland t o entkom measures and took the majority of the Order's assets with them. De Molay was literally roasted over a fire. while he was cooked, he cursed the k ing, and said he would die within a certain time. Only a few months later King P hilip died, and a rush to the French monarchy began, which led hundreds of years later to storm the Bastille and on the course of Marie Antoinette to the guillo tine. From the burning of Jacques de Molay passed to the closest links between S cotland and France. Napoleon rose from the ashes of the French Revolution, and his first act is to i nsult the pope was. Then he conquered Egypt and sought there for the sacred know ledge. This part of the story is usually not told. Napoleon also tried had possessed th e Spear of Longinus, which Charlemagne, to get, but almost the entire Phree Soci ety of Europe conspired with success, to deny him the possession of this spear. Although he appeared as a Phree when he insulted the Pope, but Napoleon tried to unite the world, and that was a principle of Catholies. Napoleon was a complex figure and was used by both sides. He was poisoned at the end on the island of S t. Helena (a volcanic island and a main point in the Earth grid, which is connec ted with Atlantis). In a hair analysis, arsenic was discovered, and likely his d eath was caused to silence him. During the Napoleonic period a major Jewish group on the world stage was promine nt. This was the Rothschild family. Both Christianity and Islam had evolved from Judaism, the Jews themselves, however, had lost the power in their home country and were once again become a wandering people. The European monarchies had been the Jews never particularly well disposed, and the smallest infractions or misunderstandings quickly led to hostility. In this atmosphere, the Rothschilds, the monarchy off one against the other and to build a Jewish power base in the form of international banking began. In their view, it was about the very survival of the breed. However, they managed apparently to take the bankers function of the Knights Templar, who had this exercised in soc iety before they had been driven into the ground. Additionally, the Rothschild family also planned the entire Battle of Waterloo ( and helped Napoleon likely to his escape from Elba), in order to deduct on the L ondon Stock Exchange the greatest of all Reibachs. The Jewish Rothschild sympath ized with the Phrees, because he was trying so, to overthrow the Catholie establ ishment. The irony is that the monarchies were the Catholies inclined, as they p aid homage to the Pope and bowed to his authority. But secretly most winning hou ses known to the Cathars and believed that their "blue blood" came from the line of Christ itself. The sophistication of the interaction between the Phrees and Catholies is very c

omplex and seemingly endless. Aware that time polarity was the order of the day. It is not important who was right. The people were pitted against each other, a nd the god of war Mars seemed to be actively involved in all actions. In the myt hology of the Vikings then you went to heaven when you died on the battlefield, but if you died outside of the battlefield, one was hell safe. The Templars thus found themselves in Scotland together again, and there was gre at controversy between them and the English crown, just as the English began to flourish Catholie empire. At that time, the Templars supported an ancient herita ge that became known as the Jacobin rebellion. The Jacobins came originally from Asia Minor and were Gnostics. They had emigrat ed as part of the Celtic movement, which is described in elsewhere in this book, on the British Isles. They rely not only on their Pharaonic heritage of Egypt, but were also outspoken opponent of what they regarded as the most sterile teach ing of the Church. Britain was a mainly pagan country, and the old Druidic relig ion was the man still at heart. The Roman legions, which had defeated the Britis h who introduced the Catholie law. Henry VIII founded the Church of England (the Anglican Church) to break away fro m the apparently Catholie empire. This gave the early Protestant movement some h ope, but the Church of England finally remained a Catholie institution. One of i ts main objectives, it seemed to be the ancient Celtic belief (and the Phrees) t o keep them at bay. King James (Jacob) II (also known as James VII of Scotland) was by the Jacobins as the last legal and rightful King viewed from the UK. This has in part to the Stone of Scone ( Stone of Scone to do), above which the rightful rulers were cro wned. This stone had apparently magical powers and was at that time in an abbey in Easi Perthshire in Scotland. Edward I. piled with the stone and put it under the coronation chair in Westmins ter Abbey in London. In this way, "stole" the kings of England, the Scottish kin gdom. All this came to a head after the time of James II to. His family were the Stuar ts, and the rightful heir to the throne was Bonnit Prince Charlie, who had been hiding in France, after his family had been ousted. However, Bonnie Prince Charl ie returned and was even able to muster an army of 5,000 men, which he led on a march to London. Although he nearby faced a superior force of 10,000 soldiers an d 30,000 more were awaiting him ahead of London, says the story, that the Englis h crown had fomented throughout London panic. The people despised the English monarchy and the king was aware. Also Bonnie Pri nce Charlie knew it, and he put his train to London continued fearless. He had g ood reason to, that the common people support his noble and pagan thing and the king's army would overwhelm. Probably he was right, because he was the only symb ol of the native Britons to which they could rally. Unfortunately, his counselor s and they either are cowards and / or spies, or at least they outvoted him and prevented him from advancing into the heart of the city. He pulled back and had to hide from now on. Englishmen followed him inside to Scotland and his life was saved by Duncan Came ron, after he had fallen off a cliff. The Camerons and the Mar-family (which at Maer had their residence, a district in Aberdeenshire / Scotland. March was also the title that gave saints and priests in the Jacobin church) were both very in fluential and helped Bonnie Prince Charlie, go on and get the light of Phrees th e lights. An amusing detail of the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie was that he was on the island of Skye in hidden near the Dun Cann, a conical volcanic hill which is fla ttened above. The etymology of Dun Cann's interesting because Dun says among other things "hor se" and Cann means "power". This has a reference to the horse on the cover of th e Montauk Project, which is a time-travel companions. On the other hand, is call ed Dun also "fortress on a hill", just like some of the word "Montauk" define. I n this sense Dun Cann is, a mighty fortress.

The most interesting importance of Dun Cann is but the original English, in whic h Dun " twilight "means and Cann either first," power or ability to put yourself in the physical world "or, secondly, a tube or a straw or third," a colorful or chromatic idea ". Dun is the twilight world between darkness and light. Cann is the tube or channe l between the worlds, and it can also be the full electromagnetic spectrum to be representing the whole range of creation. Not long after the Templars had fled to Scotland, and shortly before the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie emigrated families of Crowley, Parsons and Wilson to Am erica and settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It is said that some had traveled (the very first emigrant ship) on the Mayflowe r. The Clan Cameron may not have traveled much later. Of course also other famil ies were there, and Freemasonry took hold in America walking. In a book about the family tree of Parsons is alleged that the Parsons were clos ely related to George Washington, a Grand Master of Masons, friends and have alr eady agreed to help the concerns of the country in an unobtrusive way. Although they were very influential in the Parsons did not want to be in the lim elight prefer. One of the Wilson clan, a John Wilson is said to have written mos t of the Constitution. So of course he must also Thomas Jefferson have known per sonally, the self-appointed protectors of the original language of the Montauk I ndians. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both served as Ambassador to France and h ad strong connections to the Phrees that country. In a biography of Jefferson is mentioned, he had a mistress, who was romantically involved with a mysterious D r. Parsons previously (via the will not say anything). When President Jefferson purchased Louisiana from France in very good conditions . Less than a hundred years later, the Statue of Liberty was presented as an ope n Dankbarkeitsbezeugung the French Phrees the American Phrees. A new colony of l iberty in the tradition of Phrees had been built. Although the freedom in America had been reached, the Catholies tried to thwart this by financing the civil war in order to break up the United States. When thi s did not succeed, began Catholies, committing financial resources to establish their position of total unity. Rockefeller made ? â his rise in the oil business, and t he industry is still used today in the world as a political tool. A large part of the First World War from the hostilities between the British Cat holies and feelings of the original Europeans had developed the old Holy Roman E mpire against. At that time, the British had Europe, if not the whole world, economic strangleh old. The Rothschild family who still sympathized with the Phrees initially, as l ong as it served their purpose, recognized the British Empire and went from Euro pe to raped-term, as the Germans called. A war had been successfully instigated, who left the Germans in Economic slavery in the service of the British Empire w ith its banking interests. When Hitler got the Spear of Longinus into the hands of the Charlemagne already had owned, the location pointed to. For it is only when he had this talisman, he began his military conquests. He was the Catholie par excellence, he tried to u nite the world under one of the most sacred symbols of mankind: the swastika (a swastika). Of course, the swastika is no longer regarded as sacred at all, but a s a symbol of anti-Semitism. But it had not been planned by the ancients. The origin of the swastika is the Sanskrit word svasti, which means well-being o r blessing. It is said that the Nazis had the direction of rotation reversed, bu t on ancient artifacts both directions are represented. The most interesting asp ect of Sawstika is that the arms each form a 90 ° angle to the central cross of spa ce and time. This represents a change of consciousness. Although Hitler is calle d a madman, but he knew the esoteric meaning of these symbols, and they told him

that he knew the scriptures better than all the priests or religious people, wh ich you could find in the beer gardens of Munich. However, Hitler could not rely solely on the archetypal symbols that reached as far into the collective subconscious of humanity and the morphogenetic field. He also needed an enemy of flesh and blood, against which he could bring his peopl e. In the large way of the world, the Jewish bankers fulfilled this role very we ll. They were the perfect sociological target for the mentality of Hitler and th e Aryan race at that time. Hitler, who himself was partly Jewish, played with th e antipathy against the Jews, who have always been present in Europe Aryans. In the first years after Hitler came to power, the Jews were encouraged to leave Germany. But they were not forced to. A representative of Jews even got a list of names and addresses of the Gestapo, so he could help them when leaving. But all Jews were mercilessly persecuted and later the Holocaust followed, but only when their power had been extinguished i n Germany. With Hitler Yuga reached its darkest hour. Within hours of his death officially announced American troops found the Spear of Longinus in a vault, and he was tak en over by the Allied command. Finally, he was (some say it is a copy) returned to the Habsburg Museum in Vienna. The balance of power had shifted. After the Allies had won the Second World War, she also inherited the war machin ery and intelligence of the Nazis, but also the results of genetic research, spa ce technology and a large collection of esoteric relics and information. This tr ansfer of power was orchestrated by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), emer ged from the later of the CIA, the pioneer of this new age. 22 THE DARKEST HOUR THE NAZIS as the CIA had "inherited" by the Nazis in the archives and also the staff, he h ad become the guardians of a fascinating, albeit dubious legacy. A high-ranking personality of the Anglican church once told me that the Allies w ere highly startled and dismayed when they saw the four-dimensional nature of Na zireliqui-en. It was decided to continue the research in the field of paranormal phenomena in secret, but to avoid the issue during the war all processes. Since the Nazis were an abomination against all good taste and human decency, ma ny will be surprised to learn that the group, which compiled the Nazi Party, was founded on religious and spiritual thoughts. This story, and the finite resolut ion of the Nazi regime, began with one of the most influential, but often overlo oked figures in the history of the Third Reich: Karl Haushofer (14). About Karl Haushofer not much has been written, though his name appears in many indexes in books about the Nazis. The omission of his biography of the world's h istory is very interesting. We know that he was an occultist and mastered many l anguages, including German, Russian, English, French, Sanskrit and Japanese. He has possibly also Chinese and Tibetan spoken. Around the turn of the century hou se Hofer served as a military attaché in Tokyo, where his language skills allowed h im to establish the lia-ments, which would then form the basis for the Axis powe rs later. He also spent some time in Tibet, where he was a member of the Bon-pri esthood. Also known as "Yellow Hat" known (15) Bon represent a shamanistic religion which had preceded the Tibetan Buddhism and is regarded as the father of all the Tibe tan religions. Tibet, where the highest energy rises in this world, is regarded as a main gateway for influencing the morphogenetic field (16). Haushofer also had a sizable military career. As a general during the First Worl d War his prophetic abilities were famous, and they have served him well in the battles. Also, while he commanded troops at the front, he was never hurt and he could his troops with the utmost precision in general a mess to use. He was high ly honored and admired. Rudolf Hess, who was deputy leader of the Nazi party lat er, had served under General Haushofer and was very impressed by his superior. 1 4) The name "Haushofer" has an almost ironic significance when considering the e tymology of the word "Pharaoh" takes, as we have already discussed. Pharaoh = ho

use = hiding place or temple = magical hiding or magical temple. 15) The Bon referred to in the most occult Nazi literature specifically as Yello w Hat, but in many books about the Bon they are called the Red Hats. This confus ion merely pointing at her far-reaching influence. 16) According to the book The Occult Conspiracy (The Occult Conspiracy) by Micha el Howard has Haushofer the famous occultist and spy GL Gurdjieff met, who had a lso taught the Dalai Lama. Gurdjieff, who was during that time also known as Dor jieff (see The Nazis and the Occult [The Nazis and the Occult] by Dusty Sklar) i s said to have had seems to work with Stalin contact, which had once been a lodg er in the house of the Gurdjieff family. After the end of World War Haushofer began he (spiritually or otherwise) obtaine d by his contacts in Tibet had to implement instructions. He gathered other Okkultisten and influential personalities around and founded two companies: the Thu le Society and the Vril Society. The Thule Society took its name from the mythical land of Hyperborea, which intr a-alb of the North Pole or existed in its vicinity, it depends on the version th at you read about it. Thule was the capital and the home of the Aryan race. In Greek mythology, Apollo was a Hyperboreans, the Python, a huge snake, killed and founded the oracle of Delphi in Greece. Pythia was his High Priestess. Pythagoras, himself an important figure in the my stery schools should have been informed of the Hyperborean Apollo, or even been a reincarnation of the same. Pythagoras taught his students how they could evolv e through the principles of sacred geometry. The Thule Society appealed to an extremely rich heritage. How much they really k new, nobody can say exactly, but you can the Thule GeseIlschaft not simply dismi ss as a band of Aryan fanatics, as so often happens in books. But there is no qu estion that they had manipulated Aryan fanatics and used the Aryan myth to achie ve the goals they had set for themselves. At that time, the Thule GeseIlschaft had two clearly separate branches. One was the esoteric branch, which was led by the famous occultist and scientist Rudolf Steiner. Steiner was an artistic man who had a renaissance can start when you would have given him the chance. The other branch of the Thule Society was the exoteric, wh ich belonged mainly industrialists, bankers and the brown shirts of the early Na zi era. Hitler was elected to lead the exoteric branch of the Thule Society, and he had quickly gets rid of the influence of Rudolf Steiner, by chasing him out of the country. At the same time, when he formed the Thule Society, Haushofer also called the Vr il Society into being, which it had set itself the task of reviving the old Atla ntean culture back and this was the error that was committed at that time to cor rect. The word "Vril" means "psychic energy". Haushofer worked with two media together, which made Readings and finally were a ble to make contact with extraterrestrial powers, through which gave them detail ed UFO technologies. Detailed plans and blueprints were drawn and implemented in the early twenties already in fact. It is said that the constructed flying discs would have been bad fighting machin es, as their drive was not flexible enough to float above a certain goal. The Vr il Society was also top secret and supported the war events not necessarily. Man y of their secrets were kept away from Hitler and the top Nazis. founded as the Thule and Vril societies were active and, Karl Haushofer continue d this work in the background but was a professor at the University of Munich. H e had made ? â about the beginning of the First World War his doctorate, and now Dr. Ha

ushofer began a completely new discipline, geopolitics. Rudolf Hess sought his former general, whom he loved so much, again and became o ne of his most dedicated students at the university. Hess, it is said, was the i ntellectual leadership and the occult knowledge of his professor more than pleas ed. During this time in Munich Hess, Adolf Hitler discovered. After the war, Hitler had worked for the intelligence service of the army and in filtrated communist-Nazi groups in Munich, which posed a real threat to the forc e structure of Germany. When the army was concerned these groups, Hitler showed himself to the leaders who were then taken away and shot. Thanks to this action increased the prestige of Hitler and he was in the beer halls increasingly promi nent. He began passionate speeches about the plight in post-war Germany to hold. His understanding of political and esoteric matters was amazing and it was know n that he was able to everyone who came his way, also deeply religious men wegde battieren. Someday Rudolf Hess heard a speech by Hitler and was both impressed and confused . He thought that Hitler was either a messiah or a madman, but he was not sure w hat of the two he was now. Hess saw in Hitler great leadership qualities and mad e ? â Haushofer attention to him. All three were friends. In 1923, Hitler launched an event that has since been known as the Munich Putsch . Hitler tried to overthrow with a group of armed men loyal and the Bavarian gov ernment. But they did not get very far. As they marched along a road, they were taken from the Bavarian army under fire. Hitler was, we are told, have been the first, who had run away, but many of his accomplices were shot. Hitler was arrested, Hess escaped to Austria. Hitler was put on trial and found guilty, but he kept at his sentencing hearing a remarkabl e speech. Haushofer was so impressed that he decided to use Hitler as the German Messiah. Hitler was sentenced to nine months in prison, and Hess proved his loyalty to Hi tler by he returned to Germany and Hitler shared a cell. At that time, Haushofer visited the two and probably contributed at least a whole chapter on Hitler's M ein Kampf in. When Hitler was released from prison, showed him Haushofer, how to dress and paved his way. While Hitler was now prepared for his mission, there were 1923 in Germany appare ntly another amazing event. According to Maia Shamayyim of the Star of Isis (sta r of Isis) Mysteries School (17) was then carried out a huge time travel experim ent, in which the Nazis were involved. Maia channeling Tahuti, whom she called T hoth, and she was told that the crack in the structure of time, which, as we kno w, occurred in Montauk, have not begun with the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943, but in 1923, when key members of the Thule Society have together worked with Al eister Crowley Lodge, the Astrum Argentium (Order of the Silver Star of the Illu minati) and created a mixed project, which they called phi summum. The goal of t his project, as well as the secret order, who had planned it, had time travel. T he secret society called the Order of the Black Sun. Since I am very suspicious of channeled information, I have Maia later called an d asked where they had heard of the Order of the Black Sun. I had never heard of it, and at that time I also did not know that the term Black Sun is the center of the galaxy. Maia said she personally would have no information about whether the Order existed, and they would also have not read anything about it. He was j ust mentioned in a channeling session. further information I received only about a year later in a fax from a man in Ge rmany who said that he had contact with the Thule and Vril Society, and that thi s also today still existed. He had much to say about me, but in his opinion the information was too sensitive to hand them over to the fax. You would have to wa it until we saw us personally. About six months later I met this man then in a hotel room in New Jersey, and he told me very much. He explained that most of the American literature on the Thu

le and Vril societies is imprecise and gave me the information that you have jus t read. Haushofer is usually listed as a member of these companies, not as its f ounder. The connection to Tibet is hardly ever done, or not more than mentioned in passing. When he told me about the various secret societies in Germany, I int errupted him and asked if he had heard of the Order of the Black Sun. Yes, he sa id, he was just going to talk about next! I will not go into details here, I wou ld only confirm the insights of Maia. . So on with her ? â story Anyone interested in 1 7) for more information about the Star of Isis Mystery School, is U.S. $ 5, - in Maia Shamayyim, c / o General Delivery, Crestone, Colorado 81131, USA, Email. W ith the phi summum project wanted the Order of the Black Sun bring the Holy Grai l from a past century and put it in the hands of the educator of the Antichrist. This was an attempt to balance the two forces and create a transdimensionales c onsciousness. Aleister Crowley and other magicians took part in this magical pro cess. Some of them were high-ranking Nazis. Sexual Magic was used and apparently the Spear of Longinus was used as a magical power source. The Order of the Blac k Sun stayed true from the ritual out, but he had the whole thing planned so tha t he had the result under its control. A small but distorted time window was ope ned, and everyone involved felt the improbable force of such an operation. In th e same year died the Master of the project, Dietrich Eckhart, and his followers - who had less understanding than he - caused a crack in the structure of time, which to Philadelphia in 1943, to Montauk in 1634, according to Bannock Hui at t he time of Merlin and stretched at various other times.

The only thing that Maia was able to tell us was that after the "time explosion" 1923 Dr. Karl Obermeyer stole a main chamber, in which there were some crystals , which form the basis for the project. The crystals were prepared in a lengthy and difficult process by elements, similar to nuclear fission, were separated, e xcept that the atoms involved were manipulated into a "black hole inversion". All this confirms what Preston Nichols had heard for years: the Second World War was a war time. Also the film The Philadelphia Experiment II shows that the Nazis dominated the time travel. But it still needs a lot of further information and further investi gation before the possibility of time travel the Nazis can be studied and commen ted upon in the proper context. But it is important to note here that serious my stical orders had to do with the not around torches and take the whole thing ver y seriously. These secret societies saw Hitler as Moonchild (Moonchild) or Messiah, which cou ld be used to unite the world and to build the Tower of Babel again to unite our consciousness with the Most High. Therefore was also chosen the swastika, symbo lizing the welfare of the most original forces in man. Legends say in UFO circles that the Pleiadians with the Thule Society had had cl ose links and were friends with Hitler. They gave him the UFO technology, which we saw finally intervene in the form of foo-fighters into the war events in Euro pe. My German Contact husband told me that he had never seen in German literatur e a mention of Pleiadians. This seems to be an American affair. He however, said the aliens that had contacted the Vril Society had been the Aldebaraner. On a s tar chart, we see that these two systems can be found in the night sky both near the constellation of Taurus. When Hitler came to power, Karl Haushofer was given all the resources he needed. He designed the Nazi doctrine of the Academy and to have been responsible for t he plan for a German-Japanese world domination. The name "Axis powers", which re ferred to the German-Japanese-Italian alliance based on a change in the position of Earth's axis (as we had previously discussed in connection with the precessi on of the equinoxes and the Yuga), and related compounds with other Celestial bo

dies such as the Black Sun in the center of the galaxy. As already mentioned, the center of the galaxy is related to the zero time. Thin k not only, Haushofer had not known this. He was a brilliant man who was allegedly responsible for the discovery of script ure boards in Tibet and the world would lead back to their divine roots. He acte d both as Phree as well as Catholie and is perhaps the best example of how this separation can be overcome again. For his failure there is a main reason. Adolf Hitler was a brilliant mind and a more specific mage Hitler always knew exactly what he was doing. Since his time as a "starving artist" in Vienna he had cast his eye on the Spear of Longinus, and he could have taken it at any time after he came t o power in Germany. (Ilia to: Longinus, according to the apocryphal Acts of Pilate, the name of the centurion under the cross (Mark 15, 39) and of the soldier who Jesus' side with a spear pierced (John 19, 34); summarized in the legend later to a person and ch urch venerated as the first pagan confessors and martyrs of Christianity. (Tag:. 15.3) © 2002 Bibliographical Institute & FA Brockhaus AG) But he waited exactly until the annexation of Austria and then allowed to set up official papers to so legally get possession of the spear. His mystical visions showed him that he had to use the spear for evil. This was a hard and deadly de cision, but it was his decision, and he had to make alone. It was about as it wa s when Christ chose for his own death. Now here is Hitler in his role as the Ant ichrist (Hitler's name erheischt more attention than that of any other villain o f the hist-would like), which mimics the Christ. As already mentioned in Montauk , the roles of Christ and the Antichrist are closely related. In the theater, which is played on the planet earth, and in the plans of the god s, it was finally the Jewish problem, which crossed the great plans Haushofer. H aushofer had no particular interest to exterminate the Jews. On the contrary, he valued her religion very much, and both his wife and his son had Jewish blood. I read somewhere that he himself was a quarter Jewish. Nevertheless, his own the ory of geopolitics dictated the Aryan supremacy in the world. He was not the onl y Nazi of high rank, who had befriended the Jews. Hermann Goering, who would com e after Hitler's death to power, was apparently known to he dismissed Jews from the concentration camps, as many of his officers were married to Jewesses. He wa s more gentle and had no vent racist problems, but he hung his flag after the po litical wind. All his efforts in this direction were stopped when Heinrich Himml er to Hitler complained about this and Goering issued a sharp rebuke that he sho uld hold back. Haushofer was not only a brilliant man, he should have used his psychic powers f or military affairs. He said Hitler, when he he is to march into France in Polan d and when, and all were amazed at how exactly were true his advice. Everything went like clockwork, and this often against the intentions of high Nazi generals who doubted of their own staff room perspective Haushofer's advice. After Hitler had begun his conquest and stabbed him the oats, he introduced the final solution, and this was Haushofer most abominable. Although he wanted the J ews the political power they had in Germany nor take away, but he did not want a massacre. This was not part of his plan, and both the Thule and the Vril Societ y had fixed points that Hitler had become an uncontrollable factor. At this time Hitler was an absolute dictator of the societies him to power had b rought, paid tribute to no respect. It is of course possible that some adepts we re secretly agree to these companies because they knew exactly what happened wit h Hitler. He fulfilled his own destiny as the Antichrist. At the level of the responsible for the at down with an old gical circles. This

conspiracy and the strategy no one felt comfortable so very rise of Hitler as Karl Haushofer. He first made a plan and s acquaintance in conjunction, who was well known in German ma man was Aleister Crowley.

But during the war Haushofer could not just fly to England. So he used the secre t relations and passports of the Vatican, to meet up with Ian Fleming in Lisbon. Although Fleming is famous primarily for his James Bond novels, he was a high o fficial of the Ml6 (the British equivalent of today's CIA). Haushofer wanted to claim the occult Help Crowley and told this to Fleming, who also knew the master magician. Finally Haushofer but then traveled to England and met briefly with Crowley. Wha t they decided at the time, should have a large influence on the war. they planned, the student of Haushofer, Rudolf Hess, to use to fly to Scotland a nd negotiate a peace with the English. This would be insane, no longer set to be controlled Abschlachterei an end, Hess respected and revered Haushofer and Crow ley about everything. Crowley sent Hess certain information that was especially occult signals. At the same time a large-scale and complex magical ceremony was celebrated in the Ashd own Forest, which was attended by many military. Amado Crowley was also there (b ut he is not the only source of this information), and Aleister performed the ri tual that should bring Hess to Scotland. With an exceptional aeronautical achievement Hess jumped with a parachute over S cotland and went to his old friend, the Duke of Hamilton, to try to bring about a peace between the warring parties. Churchill refused to meet Hess and had at t hat time no interest in peace. Gary Allen says in his book The Insider, that Chu rchill was involved financially to certain weapons factories in Germany and thes e were therefore not bombarded. Crowley had contributed his part, and was not unimportant. After the ceremony an d the departure of Hess went for the Nazis everything haywire. Hitler was furiou s. The influence of Haushofer was no longer magical. Astrologers and occultists were banned because they feared Hitler now. Against the advice of all Hitler inv aded Russia, and the war turned against the Allies. After this episode, the influence of Haushofer was indeed reduced, but he was no t powerless. He planned an assassination attempt on Hitler, who should be execut ed physically by his son Albrecht. The attempt failed and Albrecht was sentenced to death. He remained for nearly a year in prison, where he wrote some sonnets and pondering his fate. Albrecht was surprised that so many good people died in the war, while Hitler only reason survived because someone accidentally at the l ast moment a briefcase (which contained a bomb), had put to another location. Al brecht Haushofer knew before his death that Hitler had to survive to discharge i ts role as the Antichrist. He said it was necessary that the people would realize the absolute horror that this man had caused, otherwise they would never know and let it happen again. Ju st before the news came that Hitler had died in the bunker, Heinrich Himmler the Albrecht Haushofer executed. Himmler himself escaped, apparently he had feared, Albrecht could implicate him in the failed assassination attempt battered. After the war, Karl Haushofer was the first resident of the house, which later b ecame known as the "guest house". This was a big house in Nuremberg, in which "n on-dangerous Nazis" lived under light arrest. Haushofer said a witness from the Nuremberg trial, especially at the trial of Rudolf Hess. Hess could neither reme mber Haushofer nor to any high-ranking figure in the Nazi party. This fact is in all the history books and is not questioned. The Rudolf Hess, who was at Nuremberg, was either a double or an individual who had a severe brainwashed. He was sentenced to a prison term lebenslängli-tion and i t was forbidden to talk about his Nazi past. About Haushofer's death there are at least two versions. One says that he had on 14 March 1946 committed hara-kiri, a Japanese ritual suicide. His interviewer, Father Edmund Walsh, however, said that he was on 10 March 1946 of arsenic poiso ning succumbed. Additionally, I have read an article, after he and his wife on 9

March 1946 arsenic had taken to himself, whereupon Haushofer died, but not his wife. She hanged herself later on a stream. As his life and his death by the his torians write-ung was kept in the dark. Edmund Walsh wrote in Life magazine from September 1946 a long article on Karl H aushofer. In the article he is not listed as a pastor, but as geopolitics. Howev er, the representations of Walsh are suspect, because he mentions not the occult background Haushofer. He treats Haushofer very condescending and with moral ind ignation, but he gives some interesting points. Walsh Once Haushofer was through the wreckage of Nuremberg chauffeured to show h im what his theories would have done for devastation. (Haushofer had but complai ned that his theories have been misapplied by Hitler and the Nazi party.) Walsh said Haushofer was very impressed when the car stopped and he saw a horse statue amidst the ruins of St. Egidius Church. It represented Kaiser Wilhelm I, the founder of the German Empire. Amazingly, th ey had remained intact while everything had been torn to pieces around them. Her e is a quote from the article: "By one of these amazing paradox that there are sometimes when bombings, this st atue has remained intact and the rider stands out, even if the base is three fee t high in the rubble, against the sky and looks imperiously over the ruins of th e Nazi Reich. Haushofer stared long after, without saying anything. I needed the symbolism not to further underline. " In Montauk Nuremberg is mentioned as the location of a SAGE radar of the U.S. Air Force. The symbolism of the horse is bi zarre. Duncan had always said, the golden horse stood in the midst of a city of ruins. Walsh says something different, which is interesting. He said the last wish Haus hofer had been to his grave should remain unmarked. There are only two reasons o bvious. Either wanted Haushofer not know that his grave would be desecrated, or he did not want anyone to know that he was not really dead. Haushofer was the he ad of an organization calling itself the "German abroad," and it was his duty to see that the German culture was spread all over the world. One thing is certain . The Thule and Vril societies went to the war in hiding. It is possible that he j oined them. Karl Haushofer had a favorite saying: ". Anyone who rides a tiger can not expect to stay" This was certainly a good description of what has been his life. When he namely jumped down from Tiger, he went into the arms of Aleister Crowley , the man from whom he thought he could help him balance the travesty that had b een created again. There were many factors and reasons which finally led to end of the war in Europ e led, but it is not to deny that over the orchestra pit Crowley swung the baton . In a magical sense he has become so hinmanövriert that he caused the fall of the Nazis, symbolized in a ritual that was noticeable with time as the darkest hour of Nazism. 23 IAN FLEMING AND THE BRITISH CONNECTION In the previous chapter it was mentioned that Karl Haushofer brought his connect ion to Aleister Crowley during the war by Ian Fleming about. Fleming and Crowley were very good friends. Many circumstances in Fleming's nove ls were either based on anecdotes to Crowley or on the gray time reputation he h ad created himself. It was also known that Fleming would like enjoyed in sex and the occult. It is also believed that 007 was a continuation of his own personal ity. It is even possible that the term 007 was his own coded ID Case-ion. In August 1964 Ian Fleming was planning a flight to New Jersey, there to meet an other man of British intelligence, Ivan T. Sanderson. Sanderson was known as a r adio man, and researchers, and had written several books. He was a zoologist and entered into Johnny Carson's Tonight Show with pets. He was also interested in everything paranormal and was probably the most loyal allies of Morris K. Jessup, who had tried first to find out the truth about the

Philadelphia Experiment. Al Bielek and Ivan Sanderson were friends during the sixties and Al remembers a interesting incident. One day surprised Ivan Al, as he inquired about his brothe r Duncan. In the Al Bielek family had no siblings, and he did not know what Ivan said, Ivan said they were all but gone together explore caves. This conversatio n was of Al, ticked off as just another oddity, as it accumulated in his life. F or Al, this was the first indication of his brother Duncan. More than twenty yea rs later, he has his brother then found. Al remembers well the planned visit Flemings at Sanderson. Here Sanderson should receive important information related to the Philadelphia Experiment, and Expec ting-ments, the secret would finally revealed, were high. Then, on 12 August 196 4 (the twenty-first anniversary of the Phildadelphia experiment) Ian Fleming die d of a heart attack, and the information was never passed. 29 years later (astrologers are here to think of the twenty-nine-cycle of Saturn ), on 12 August 1993 , I received a letter from Amado Crowley in which he confir med that his father on 12 August 1943 had, on the date of the Philadelphia Exper iment, performs a magic ritual. When I told this to Al, he was sure that in a th irty-year-old mystery has been solved - at least in part. In his view, Fleming p robably wanted to disclose some aspects of knowledge of Crowley to the Rainbow P roject. No one knows at the moment how the whole thing with Fleming was related, but delivered by Amado Crowley description of the ritual has given important cl ues to clarify the mystery surrounding Montauk. It reads as follows: " On August 12, 1943 Aleister Crowley met, myself and five other person n an old stone monument, the Men-an-Tol, near Morvah, Cornwall, England. They are the similarity of the name with 'find Montauk. I enclose a photocopy of a postcard. The stone itself is what is called a, quoit 'calls, because he is pierced by a l arge circular hole. I was asked to lie down on a board, which - was inserted int o the hole - it with me. It was like a ferrite rod, the introducing into an electric coil. Aleister then fully led a ritual that seems to be a line, rough water 'between this village in the south of England and Long Iceland in the U.S. shows were calling,' ". As you will soon see, I was Amado baited downright when he me on the similarity sensitivity of the name Men-an-Tol and Montauk pointed. 24 THE DEFINITION OF MONTAUK Amados Note led me to the library (as described in Chapter 5) and triggered a do mino effect, the result is this book. Next we will look at the definition of the name "Montauk" closer. Etymology, the study of the meaning and origin of words is an old tool of magici ans and is used by them as a sacred science (18) understood. This tradition shou ld be kept in mind when we examine now the definition of the word "Montauk". Montauk has several meanings. It was developed by various expert as "island vill age", "spirit", "ghost tree", "mountain", "fort" or "place, one from which obser ved" defined. I have also spoken with a Taoist Master on Long Iceland, which is called Mantak Chia. He told me that he had been bestowed on him the name of Mant ak, and that this is a Tibetan word for "good virtue." In Tibetan, but it also means clarity, understanding, and bright light. In Webst er's New World Dictionary, the English word for virtue, virtue, derived from the Latin vir, which means man and in turn with the Old High German who is related in werewolf what this also means power. That the name "Mantak" appears in Tibet, is not surprising, because the Tibetan language has many words that words in th e Hopi language are same or similar. Muyaw, the Hopi word for sun is the Tibetan word for moon. Conversely Tiawa, the Hopi word for moon, the Tibetan word for s un. The Hopis speak Shoshone, which belongs to the Uto-Aztec language family. 18 ) It was common practice to reduce the sacred alphabet on its numerical values ? â ?A = 1, B = 2, etc. to compare) and words with the same numerical value.

For example, the Greek word agape (love) has the same numerical value as the wor d thelema (will). In magic, these words are so equal, and you should love according to his will. T hey are one and the same, or they should be. In English, this method is not as m uch useful, but it can be found from time to time counterparts anyway. It is known that Native American Shamans often have spirit helpers who call them selves "Manatu" or "Mani-tu". These were the form of modifiers (shape shifters) and time travelers. The first syllable of her name is related to the Tibetan ver sion of the word "Mantak". The above definitions of the word that is found Mantak = virtue = man = power. I n this sense, Mantak represents the total force or the man, which includes by de finition also change in shape and time travel with the total potential. A glossary to his book "The Keys of Enoch" writes JJ Hurtak that "Tak" the Tibet an name for Orion, the " transition of the creation of our immediate physical ga laxy to the next level of creation in our Father Universe, which consists of a m yriad of super-super-galaxies. " If we this definition of "Tak" of the above by add "Man", the meaning of "Mantak " remains very similar, it relates to the interdimensional nature of man. , if we pursue Hurtak's definition, we shall refer to the key 107 . In verse 2 i t says that the Orion is divided into at least two parts. One part is the "Star Creation," which refers to birth and regeneration. The other is "Star Death". He continues: " Both are aligned to the throne of the Father, who rules by the Stern areas Aln i-tak, Alnilam and Mintaka ". Note the similarity of the name "Mintaka" with Montauk. He goes on to say that M intaka and the other two star places "are gates, which open our son Universe to the myriads of stellar populations in our larger father-universe way." Of course, the Tibetan is not the only language that gives meaning to Montauk. A connoisseur of the Gaelic Language says that both Montauk and Men-an-Tol descen ded from the root Mer, which has to do with the sea, but also an ever-rotating c ircular like a whirlpool or vortex through which the creation manifest and from which one can conjure or summon means Mer is also the root of the name of the ma gician Merlin, who by mori (sea) and thin (Hill) comes. This gives Seehügel or sea fortress. Montauk was so read by some Indian scholars as a fortress. It is somet imes used instead of mar mer, and this brings us back to the planet Mars, a plan et that was from what is often claimed that he possessed oceans. Another etymological point of view of Montauk is derived from the word "moon", w hich comes from men, which means moon and month. Men has not only a reference to Men-an-Tol, it also means "blood". It is the root of the menses, the excretion in the menstrual ation. The moon has always been the most valuable Zeitme?werkze ug. , the term men in Men-an-Tol in turn can also "stone" (from the Latin stipare, t ogethe-enpressen) or "man" mean, and toi say "take", "tax", " support "or" touch ". Together Men-an-Tol can therefore "the man (human) support" or "the man (men) ta ke" mean. One can continue this symbolism customized. Perhaps the most important connection of the word "Montauk" So is the term for "Men-an-Tol". Here I am ref erring to the temple of Montu Mont or in ancient Thebes. This the Romans called Mentu or Menthu. The first king of the first dynasty of Egypt was Menes and it i s believed that he was the first official act laid the foundation stone for the first temple of Montu. Although this is a legend, but is the person who created the temple, done this in honor of the war god Mars. There are also expressions like "Montologie," the study of prophecy. In English is called a cape, the one often used in prophecies, or mantle manteau. The Pries terornat belongs to this idea. Then there was Montezuma, the Mexican priest-king . His name is actually Mohtecuzomatzin, translated brave and honorable prince of

noble birth. He had taken over the role of Pharaoh for his people, unfortunatel y, he was not doing successfully. One could continue this list for a long time, but I think. They have recognized the principle. Just the Spanish word "montar" I would like to mention. It means "sit, ride," and when you consider that Duncan had sat down on the golden horse that graces the cover of the Montauk project, which is rather funny. , if I put all the definitions mentioned above, look at me again, realizing I on ly that I've spent countless hours trying to research the etymology of the word "Montauk" and correspond-engined phenomena. So it may well be that I have become the world's best experts on this etymology. Therefore, and with a little humor, I defined as follows: Mon'tauk (mon'tohk) [, name of an Algonquin tribe '= Atlantic-Vrilisch one, firs t (r) man, or the first man (Adam) + tok, press out, show, uncover. The origin of the word is based on the earliest manifestations of the people in the form of human consciousness, which expands in the time-space continuum and t he associated generation, degeneration and regeneration. The word "Montauk" and the related with it phonemes are so closely linked to the underlying thoughts th at related in different languages ? â and similar sounding words have emerged that refl ect the original concept.] Colloquial term for an interdimensional gate, which forms a passage to the circu latory system of the planet and the higher forces of creation and sometimes furt her east than energy vortex at various locations near the east end of Long Icela nd, New York, to approximately 71.4 degrees longitude and 41 degrees north latit ude, manifests. Common name for sacred Indian ground on the eastern Long Iceland, which had once been marked by pyramids and corresponds to the known as morphogenetic field ene rgy body on which the consciousness of the earth and all the physical creations have manifested. The name of a royal tribe of North American Indians who bear th e name of Pharoah and who served as guardians of this energy field. general term s of the Montauk Project or similar operations, which aim to narrow the consciou sness of the people and thus prevent the full awakening of human potential. A ci ty at the east end of Long Iceland with about 13,000 inhabitants.

25 THE PRIESTERVON Mentu The definition of "Montauk" shows that we have here to do with the intersection of a super highway of information between the dimensions and Subquantum particle s. This is exactly the super-highway which attempt to tap into the magician, whe n they perform their rituals. Usually, their goal is to achieve a goal, there to convey an idea, which is then thrown back and manifests itself on the physical plane. During his varied caree r Aleister Crowley has celebrated many such magical rituals, and it was to conta ct as possible its stated intention to so many beings and gates. One of the many titles he assumed for this type of work, was a priest of Mentu (or Montauk). Crowley's involvement with Montauk is closely connected with his magical masterp iece: The Book of the Law (Liber Legis, The Book of the Law). This is a short bu t very intense work, which has been interpreted by various scholars and mages, b ecause you think it contained the absolutely most important keys to magic. With a lot of research has been attempted in this century to discover this truth. In the next chapter we will look at this key fresh. To understand the connection between Crowley with Montauk, we must examine how h e found the book of the law in the first place. It begins with his marriage to R ose Kelly on 12 August 1903 [ilia: a "Hecate" - = 100 days, exactly 100 years fr om the first Primjahr the 3rd Millennium, 2003].

Rose was not interested in magic and esotericism, and was for Crowley as a "norm al" woman as he ever had one, but the book of the law without them would never h ave come about. Therefore, the wedding of the two every year in the various OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis)-boxes, will be celebrated with a feast. After marriage the Crowley traveled for a long time through the Orient. When the y returned, they realized that it would be better for them to stay in the lower latitudes to avoid the cold February weather in England. Therefore, they decided at the last minute, the Martian city to visit: Cairo (ilia: Cairo is read as a Greek word, where the ai then e is Kero, or time). soon as they were there, Crow ley brought his wife to the Great Pyramid, and they spent an evening in the King 's Chamber. Since they were now, in the midst of Tahuti newlyweds, who lives on the threshold. The experience left a deep impression on Rose. When they returned to her apartme nt in Cairo, she fell into an altered state of consciousness. This was very unus ually for them, since they had no occult interests. In her trance, she kept repe ating, Crowley would have the Egyptian god Horus offended. Crowley was very surprised because Rose knew practically nothing about the Egypt ian mythology. She told him how he could summon Horus and dragged him soon after the Boulak Museum. There, his surprise turned into shock. She showed him a repr esentation of Horus as Ra-Hoor-Khuit. he was part of a stone monument, which is known as the Stele of Ankh-af-an-khons u, which is also known as a priest of Mentu. Museum The number of the stele is 666, the number with which Crowley identified himself. This experience would change not only Crowley's life forever, it is als o the magic key events have triggered this Yuga, it included the "Baba-lon Worki ng" (of which Jack Parsons claimed it was the fourth part of The Book of the Law - the Crowley's work consists of three parts). At midnight on 19 March (19) Crowley explained that now the "?quinoktie of the g ods" came and started a new era in the history of mankind. On 8 / 9 and 10 April 1904 he dictated a message of Aiwass, whom he identified as his own guardian an gel. Aiwass should serve as a link between the spiritual forces of sun and humanity. This message was known as The Book of the Law, and sets out a simple Verhalt-ens kodex, which states: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Love is th e law, love under the will There is no law beyond Do what thou.. want. " This law should never say, "Do this after you lusted." It means that you nachleb t his own true aims, how they define the circumstances of the universe, oneself and all of creation. It is important that you know that the book of the law has been misinterpreted incredible way (20). Before Crowley showed up, the Stele of Ankh-af-an-khonsu was especially importan t as the " Stele 666 known ". He called them the " Stele of Revelation , "and so it is usually still called by the occultists. This revelation has to do with the information, as it set out in the Book of the Law Crowley. If you compare and book stele, it is found that they are stimulati ng each other th. The Book of the Law can be seen as a translation, it would be more accurate to say, however, that certain principles are explained in detail i n the book. The disclosure has to do with the falcon-headed god Horus, the Egyptian equivale nt of the Roman god Mars. The Egyptian pantheon was much more flexible and "much personalized" than that o f the Romans or the Greeks, and many of the gods had subtle and multiple aspects . Horus itself is split into many of the gods who appear in the book of the law. A iwass, the essence of which Crowley had dictated the book, is an aspect of Horus and introduces himself as "inspired spokesman of Mentu" dar. Mentu is a form of Horus, on Mars, Ankh-af-an-khonsu one that refers to the moon

. The Book of the Law shows Crowley as the Prophet of Mentu or priest of Mentu. If one goes to-the various etymologies that have been presented in this book, one can see that Crowley can be described just as good as a prophet or priest of bot h Mars and Montauk. Throughout the book Horus always presented as Warrior and as God of War dar. He says among other things: " ... 3 First it must be understood that I am a god of War and the retaliatory. I will strictly deal with them. Chose you an island! Attached them! Ordered it with war machines! I'll give you a war machine. With it ye shall smite the nations: and no one will resist you. " This passage, which refers to f the human element-spiritual t England and the whole thing sh war machine was probably a triumph.

an island, Crowley had first related to a chakra o system, Later, he implied that the island was mean was a military secret. Then he said that the Briti foreshadowing of a great war, in which Horus would

19) The 18 March is considered in the esoteric tradition as the day of the birth of Christ. It is also the day on which the sun (which is ruled by Neptune, which represents the illusion) from the constellation of Pisces into Aries (Mars ruled that repr esents, among others, the reality and the fire of war) through changes. 20) Who would ever read The Book of the Law, Crowley's book should first read Th e law is for everyone (The Law Is For All). It brings the text of the original w ork and two interpretations, which Crowley wrote at different periods of his lif e. Considering that geologically Montauk is an island and formerly was known as such, the importance of the above text is unequivocally, under partly because th e German secret societies (Vril and Thule) far-reaching contacts with the OTO ha d and probably had studied together with other documents that take time to resur face the book of the law. This may at least partially explain the fascination wi th the German Montauk as a strategic point. In Crowley's self-chosen name Aleister (his parents named him Edward Alexander) is a further connection, because this is derived from a Greek name for the god o f retribution. He chose the name long before the book of the law together menste llte and the sentence, wrote "I am a god of War and of Vengeance." After this revelation, that an island should be called Aiwass said (of the Horus and Crowley met): " I am the warrior Lord of the Forties: the eighties cower before me and are hum iliated I bring you victory and joy: I will lead in the battle your weapons and you will kill happy success is proof, courage is your armor;.. go ye into my pow er, and you will be in front of anyone-soft back! " The references to the forties and eighties is unmistakable. In the forties, was opened by the Philadelphia Experiment a time gate. The secondWorld War II was sometimes refer to as war time. Victory and joy refer s to the first glimpse of the victory in 1945, but this is not so. The 80s have been humiliated when the disaster happened in 1983 in Montauk, but victory and joy, there will be a larger scale, if we take the come-de age of enl ightenment in connection with the yugas into consideration. Crowley himself interprets this text once again different when he says: " I tend to believe that there is an easier and deeper meaning in this text, as I discovered him until now. "

There is this deeper sense really, and you begin to understand it when you pull Crowley's involvement in espionage and military circles into account what we hav e already partially discussed. His magical influence is clear when we consider t hat his secret name in the OTO was Phoenix. "Phoenix Project" was the code name for Montauk and all similar projects. Almost everything in the defense industry, which was secret, was called "Phoenix". In Egyptian mythology, the phoenix was a large bird, all 666 years (or 500, depe nding on the version) built his own funeral pyre and was renewed by rising from the ashes as a new bird. The Phoenix was represented by a heron or hawk as a vehicle of the god Horus, wh ose ambassador Aiwass had passed on the book of the law. The god Horus has anoth er amazing correspondence, for the word " Hero "(Hero) is derived from his name. The Montauk Air Force Base called Camp Hero. Horus is also the root of the French word "horloge" for timer / clock (via Latin and Greek hora, hour). In this sense, Camp Hero is called "Camp of time measure ment". But about what "Phoenix" did when he was in Montauk, Amado Crowley has given som e clues. He says that Crowley went with a certain intention. He had neither new experiments still employed with any rituals that keep his secret societies so pr oud under lock and key. He had installed a special kind of "receiver". This has been done all over the p lanet in strategic points. Through the ritual at the Men-an-Tol at 12 August 194 3 "he made ? â a mission." His father had said that a certain kind of energy would manifest a network of si milar places for some time Amado. Although the scientific theories of the time d id not know the idea of ? â tectonic plates, Amado said that this network of energy pla ces coincided almost exactly with the upheavals in the earth's crust. (Do not is far from Montauk Point a large fault which The Montauk Fault) by Robert Mitgang made famous by the novel The Montauk Fault (.) As Amado asked his father what his intention was, whether he can break out volca noes surfaces or would trigger earthquakes, Crowley said: "Nothing so Simple Rem ote Che!" In other words, it was a very complex process. As a youth believed Amado, they w ould fight "bad guys" and thereby thwart the plans of another group. When the ma tter was so complex, it had to have been for a long time. This means that practi cal applications of technical hardware for adjusting the grid network were neces sary. Therefore Amado believed that Crowley addition to his occult work spying o n those other group. Who was this other group? For the moment, no one there seems to be aware of. The Germans are somehow involved in it, but there are also references to the liabil ities clothes to aliens in Montauk. We will discuss in more detail it soon, but first we examine the key to the Book of the Law Crowley. 26 THE BOOK OF THE LAW As I said in the last chapter, my many, "The Book of the Law" contains THE secre t of the magic. Anyone who studied it, finds in it many number of links that originate from a hi gher source. The text is so complex that it is impossible of an inventive human mind has to be concocted. The mystery itself is addressed in the book in Part II I, verse 46: " This book shall be translated into all tongues: but always with the original i n the writing of the Beast; since in the random shapes of the letters and in the ir mutual position: lie in mysteries that no beast (Beast: so called Crowley [il ia : with "animal" here "is not a 666 computer"]) can guess. Let him not even try it: but according to him will come one where I will not say who shall discover the Key of it all. Then this line drawn is a key: this circle squared in its failure is a key also. And Abradahabra. It will be his child, disconcertingly Art He shall not search f

or it, for the mere fact he fall from it. " "The Book of the Law" was published in various guises, but in the book itself, t hat only one type is correct: a red envelope with gold letters. Next it is required that Crowley's original manuscript must be printed in the bo ok. Why? About the above point on page 16 of the handwritten manuscript, a grid has been established (see opposite page). I find it more than strange that all those who give their comments on the book o f the law, never point out that this grid exists, apart from the fact that they do not try to interpret it. If you read only the text distribution, you miss the whole meaning. I will now explain what I discovered about this hidden secret. striking on the side of the grid and the line that is drawn over the manuscript. The line has a slope of 26 degrees to the vertical. This is an interesting geom etric relationship, because this is the inclination angle of at least two of the major passages in the Great Pyramid. The first is the descending passage which leads to the "Chamber of chaos" as it is sometimes called. The second is the ascending passage, which leads to the Gra nd Gallery and the Queen's chamber. In this there is a chute through which exactly at the beginning of the rainy sea son shine in the light from the star Sirius and would thus indicate the beginnin g of the year. Sirius corresponds to this angle of 26 degrees, because in ancient times it rose 26.5 degrees south of east over the horizon. The sun was 26.5 degrees north of east. Next, I was told that the angle of 26 de grees of the ascending passage in the Great Pyramid shows directly from there to Jerusalem. This line gives us the hint, starting right into the Great Pyramid. This was als o the place where Crowley and his wife spent the night before he received The Bo ok of the Law. My next attempt to understand the mystery, was to all letters to binding-en, whi ch are touched by the line corresponding to the sentence: "... because in the ra ndom shapes of the letters and in their mutual position: lie in mysteries who ca n guess not an animal. " (Ilia: the here mentioned "animal" means a 666-based co mputer that the code also "accidentally" can not be calculated because it is cod ed with prime factors) This yields the following letters: S, T, B, E, T, I , S, A, Y, B, A. If they are arranged differently will: EASY IF BAST (just when Bast) or IF BAST EASY (if Bast easy). I soon discovered that Bast was an obscure Egyptian goddess, but it is also another way of writing " The Beast "(" The Beast "). Information on this goddess are hard to find, and I was told it was his hidden intentionally. It corresponds to the above-mention ed star Sirius, afterwards we will come back a little later. I tried to confirm my discovery of an occult cryptographer of my acquaintance, w ho works sometimes medially for the police. He loves puzzles and took forward to the challenge. I faxed him the handwriting of Crowley and he was very worried. He is also a graphologist, and he asked if this was my handwriting. I replied in the negative. He said that would be good, because otherwise we could no longer be friends. I a sked why, and he said that he always wrote the text, a sadist, a masochist, an e xtreme pessimist with unmistakable sexual problems, but also a genius with an un believable surfaces occult knowledge is. I said that it was the handwriting of C rowley, and he laughed. The cryptologist further said that the reference to Bast was useful, but that I should also connect the words through which runs the lin e, and not just the letter. The affiliated words are the following: SHAPE, TO, B E, TRY, I, SAY and A. You can see that I have used only the words or parts of wo rds that are within a grid square. This is why: I SAY TRY TO BE A SHAPE (I say, trying to be a form) or I SAY TRY A SHAPE TO BE (I say try a future form). If yo u want to extend the word BE in BEAST and / or the word OF inflicts, this gives:

I SAY TRY TO SHAPE A BEAST . (I say, try an animal form) Or I TRY TO SAY SHAPE OF A BEAST (I'm trying , shape of an animal to say) or I SAY TO TRY SHAPE OF A B EAST (I say / you try the shape of an animal). The most significant of these sen tences is: I TRY TO SAY BE A SHAPE (I'm trying to say, is a form ), and accordin g to the cryptographers and the rules of the cryptograms he is also the correcteste. I have all the other added, because they all can be traced back to a commo n denominator, as you will see the same. The next clue to what Crowley says, lie s in the drawn rectangle in d-7 symbol. This is also called the Mark of the Beas t: In his text, Crowley writes: " Then this line drawn is a key:. these circle s quared in its failure is a key " This sentence can be in my opinion at least two ways to interpret meaningful. First, Crowley knew about the traditional mathema tics plenty of them.

In school, he has heard from his teachers that one can construct not a square wi th a ruler ungraded and a circle having the same area as the given circle. This rule applies in modern mathematics even today, Crowley says, however: "If in its failure is a key also." In the definition of the word failure but also sound the concepts of neglect or omission on. Squaring the circle is seen as a two-dimensional process. But if you expand the opera-tion in the third dimension, you can make a ball through the unfolding of the Platonic solids, which we have already discussed, to die. With a SD pencil t hat can write in the air, you could run this project so. If we then the three dimensions to the mark of the beast, the circle is were wri ting-nem cross apply, we get a very interesting figure, we first connect the end points of the cross, to obtain the following two-dimensional figure: This is a two-dimensional illustration of a three-dimensional octahedron in a ba ll. One can see from above, the tip of the octahedron on the structure. If you c an imagine it is difficult, then build from straws an octahedron and look from t he top down. You will then see a cross. The octahedron is not only a sacred form, it is also the Delta-T antenna, which was decisive for the time experiments in Montauk. It is also the shape of the Gr eat Pyramid. As mentioned in earlier chapters, the octahedron can be developed f rom symmetric tetrahedra, like the cube, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron. B ecause the five Platonic between body turn can be simulated in nature any form, corresponds to this form the key to the morphogenetic field and for life itself If we read "try to be a form of" or "is a form", this refers directly to the geo metric fields in the electromagnetic structure of our overall shape. If you can visualize these different forms, we come to the core of one's being, the matrix structure before. This is the key to integration into the vast panorama of creat ion. What has been presented already on the sacred geometry clearly shows that a door is open when you approach these principles. When you stretch the words tha t they are "trying to be an animal form" or "trying to be like an animal form," we see the same principles over. The fauna consists, like the human body, from g eometric shapes. As I have already said, there is another way to interpret this passage. In addit ion one must point out that the idea of ? â squaring the circle is completely arbitrary in traditional mathematics. A mathematician told me, this sentence could also h ave other legitimate meanings. It may, for example, mean that you can make a squ are out of a circle by cutting the circumference four times with the rotated by 90 degrees radius. Hence the first figure results in this chapter. The square is obtained when connecting the intersections of the radii of the circumference, t he result is the second figure. In three dimensions, it creates the Delta-T ante nna and the unfolding of the Platonic Solids. But The Book of the Law says, it w as "in its failure is a key also." This requires a different approach, a differe

nt meaning of the word "failure". Maybe it will be understood that if "shall be after him one who shall discover the Key of it all." Crowley believed with many others, that this man Charles Stansfield Jones, a mag ician, who died many years ago had been. It was Crowley's magical son and showed promising plants. I have seen an artistic representation of the insights of Jon es. It was a folding geometric patterns, as we have just discussed. There was no explanation. The uninformed observer would thus allow no further conclusions. It also shows t hat Jones had had deep insights. He also wrote an unpublished book about XXXI. A lthough I myself have not seen it, I do not think he mentioned there the geometr y discussed here, but he has understood it, that's for sure. There was just one problem: He was insane. After an eventful career as a magician Jones made ? â the "Oath of the Abyss". This ess entially means that all events in his life had magical significance in his eyes. He possessed a great intellect and extensive knowledge of magic, but it was ove rpowered it. After he had gone to England and joined the Roman Catholic Church, in the abortive attempt to convert this to the Law of Thelema, he traveled by sh ip back home to Vancouver back and went there only with a-em raincoat wearing of board . He cast aside and soon fully led in the center of a ritual that would f ree him from all restrictions. As you can imagine, he was soon arrested and was in jail the target of many joke s. Jones had an amazing amount of insight, but he failed as a human being, becau se he was not able to combine his knowledge with this reality. He led a magical war against Crowley and declared this to be his enemy. If this man should have d iscovered the key to why he ended up in such a ridiculous situation? My brief study of Jones showed me that he was very majestic, blinded by the larg e-likeness of his magical abilities. But he had hardly a healthy contempt for hu man-stood. Crowley said he had skipped in his magical order levels and must suff er the consequences. The man was the most incredible insights to the detriment of his own development after. He sat intellectual success over his heart. As to the second interpretation, it does not matter whether Crowley (despite its enlightenment) was referring to the failure of Jones or not. The geometrical pr oofs are clear, but we must learn from his failure. Anyone who even approaches to such information, will come into wonders. It is be lieved, maybe you should just study the Great Pyramid and the tenets of the vari ous mystery schools for the rest of life. It's all very fascinating, and it is e asily seduced by the incredible complexity of nature and the sacred geometry. If we understand everything very well, we can even deceive others. But if you do n ot follow the path of the human heart, you will fail cruel. The human heart could also be called the divine spark. It is precisely the abili ty the used of Pharaoh, to connect with the higher and lower energies. Without i t there is only decay, the disease of our time. The phrase "he shall not look for it, for the mere fact he fall from it" shows t hat we should not pursue such intent derartigem knowledge. When it comes to us, OK. There are fascinating information, but neither the complexity of the creatio n nor UFO's, abductions or Montauk should be to mania. We must remain in balance . There is much more about the book of the law to say. This calls for another book and another year of study. I have tried to convey a vision of the book, which I have not seen noted anywhere. More importantly, the reference to Montauk and th e other information in this book is here. One should also remember that the book of the law only as the key to consciousness has its value. When it opens you a door to understanding, then you have found THE key. If this key does not answer all the questions of life, then you will see that the book somehow renews itself and gives you another key. It is simply a tool where you can locate your own co nnection with the Infinite and can take.

27 The Sirians Among the discoveries made ? â in the last chapter is the most important that they demo nstrate key aspects of our ancient heritage. We have already mentioned that The Book of the Law leads us with an angle of 26 degrees in the Great Pyramid. If th e anagram of Bast appears in the book, we also are reported to Sphinx. Since we are now, between these two ancient wonders of the world, close to Cairo, the Mar s City. It has already been shown that Egypt and many other aspects of our civil ization had evolved such that they served as a tribute to the planet Mars, but a nother celestial body was even more respect for proven: the Sirius. The Egyptians based their entire calendar on the movement of this sacred and the brightest star in our sky. It has already been indicated that the Great Pyramid was built so that it synchronizes with the running of the Sirius by the star to a besti-ned time through an opening in the Queen's chamber seems. Esoteric writ ings indicate that the by the bay [both shafts have a kink, so the observation o f a star is not possible! AD] shining light support an initiate during the stay. In the occult tradition of Sirius is the Hidden God, the "sun behind the sun". Just as the moon reflects the sun, reflects the sun Sirius. This concept was pre sented in the book of the law, as Crowley wrote: "The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs." Khabs means star, Khu refer s to light. Here it is taught that the collective "knowledge" of the view, the s tars would emit light. But the truth is that the stars are in the light and refl ect this bare. In this sense, Crowley and the ancients who worshiped Sirius, rev ered the light of creation. Sirius was the brightest star, so it reflected the m ost light and was therefore the most powerful. According to the ancient Egyptians, there was a special connection between the S irius and the earth when they are closest. In other words, is then reflected lig ht from Sirius more universal than at any other time of the year. This compound, as you found out, was during the dog days (24 July to 23 August) the most in August. Sirius is well known as the "Dog Star". Some say that the dog days even went to the 8th September.This aspect of Sirius is synchronistic occupied when one remembers mentioned in the book The Montauk P roject theory, namely that the biorhythms of the Earth every twenty years on 12 August begins anew again. This date is not only the anniversary of the wedding o f Crowley, the Philadelphia Experiment and the catastrophic climax of the Montau k Project, it is right in the middle of the dog days. And of course, the Montauk chair was apparently supplied by the Sirians. If all this incredible scenario is true, it already seems likely that the Sirians had q uite a clue how to design a chair that is with the consciousness of time in reso nance. From Montauk history, we have learned that the Sirians technical and not very po litical nature were. According to Al Bielek the Sirians seen in some respects fr om quite human. They are more muscular, have their eyes but vertical columns as cat-enaugen. You wear a hat, and it is assumed that they are bald. Sometimes they have strange things to their ears, the communications apparatus c ould be th. They are about 180 cm tall and can apply in our clothes as people. I n Montauk, they were very accessible and easy doing their jobs. Much more about them is not reported, and I have nothing further to beizufüg-en. Ho wever, it is important to see how strong their connection to the information set forth herein. Zecharia Sitchin documents in his book "The Twelfth Planet" very good, that the earth has always been visited by extraterrestrial beings. His work keeps track b ack to the ancient land of Sumer, and that's where the Sirians had settled. This places the Sirians not only the focus of the theology of our planet, they will be there also to centers around by all sorts of alien activity. Crowley studied this time line at the source, as it is the ceremonial rites of t he Sirians or ancient Sumerians - whatever you she wants to call them - looked a t. In the history of these creatures are known as the Shepherd Kings, called Yez

idi. Your prophet was Yezid and Crowley discovered that he was a reincarnation o f the same. As Crowley studied these ancient Sumerians and their rites, he learned that they were extremely sexori-ented and orgiastic. The ceremonies took place all in syn c with stellar motions. Many of them can be found in later Greek and Roman myste ry schools again. These forefathers regarded the primitive desire a completely d ifferent way than the "civilized" society of today. Similar to the animals in the mating season they realized instinctively that the rotations of the universe with sexual appetites that allowed them access to inv isible worlds and other dimensions coincide. In the tantric arts of Hindus, know n as the yoga of love, this desire has been described as kala, ie unit of time o r vaginal vibrations. If you reduce time and space on their male respectively fe male aspects, is easy to understand that Mother Nature is experiencing undulatio ns that correspond to the vagina. Earlier in this book was the vesica piscis sho wn. It is an eye-shaped character that was created when the second act of creati on unfolded. It not only has the shape of an eye, it is also called the Eye of Horus or the e ye of Seth (Sirius). If this eye is vertical, it is a symbol for the vagina. As the geometry of space and time in the development process unfolds (what we kn ow as Mother Nature), there are processes and repetitions that what we call the sexual process, mimic and harmonize with it. These energies are incredibly powerful, because they make the creation a reality . Of course, the morphogenetic field is the blueprint that becomes reality. The ancient Sumerians or Sirians held their orgiastic rites in this way. So that you honored the wave-like movements and apart folds of the geometric evolution by l inking their consciousness through the sexual act. We all know that we get during the sexual act into an altered state of conscious ness. As this is a creative process that is easy to understand that one can have an influence on the creation in this state of consciousness. If we actuated sex ually-ene, we tap into the blueprint, which has made ? â possible the entire universe. As Crowley studied this more closely, he realized that the ancients had to have understood exactly what they were doing during their orgiastic rites. Who gets t oday in an orgy, is rather that the whole procedure has degenerated into an unho ly mess. But certainly there are still magical energies available. This all leads us back to Bast (21), the goddess of witchcraft and sexual magic in the Egyptian pantheon. If you have ever desire to bizarre sexual practices, y ou entered into the realm of Bast. Who was she exactly? Bast is one of the most ancient forms of Babalon, the Mother Goddess, and she is often called the Egyptian cat goddess tables identified. Bast is represented bo th as a cat and as a lioness. As the goddess of sexual magic, they ruled over lu st and sexual arousal. It was her job to ensure that all possibilities could man ifest and live out. Bast is like when the animal (the Beast) considered because they "had presided" the in the extensive sexual experiments of Atlantis (and lat er Egypt), were caused by what mermaids, minotaurs, centaurs, Pegasus and simila r beings. From the legacy of Bast at least two words found in our vocabulary: "Bastard" co mes from a by the unrestricted breeding practices that were common during her ti me, opened "Pandora's box". During the reign of the goddess paternity was not an issue. Marriage came on especially when the preservation of the patriarchal str ucture for inheritance and succession was important. When the father god took ov er the rule, he measured the origin and importance in punishing all women who ga ve birth to children outside the established tradition of marrying. This was not a question of morality, but of power. The Amazons are said to have been propagated without men. Because the human body is basically androgynous, a separation of the sexes for procreation mind-minute ly is theoretically not necessary. The claim about the Amazons is supported by t he acknowledged fact that the zona pellucida (the outermost embryonic membrane) can be penetrated by a latent male protein in the inherited genetic structure of the woman when the body sees this as a sperm protein and reacts accordingly. It

then develops a parthenogenesis. One can now argue that the Amazons were in relation to their female energies imb alanced compensated. But it is also not important whether the thus was or not. Y our culture and the general cult of goddesses that time was replaced by a patria rchal culture which tried to bring the women in an intolerable situation and to suppress. The male forces took control. The power elite of that civilization the n devised a system of morality. At a basic level, the female energy is there to regenerate through the sexual or gans. This is the gateway to immortality for the animal, the animal form of the Spe-Menzies. Only the female genitalia can the beast project its image in future circumstances and thus attain eternal life for his / her way. Bast symbolized t his as well as the idea of uninhibited Beischlafspraktiken, called in English "C atting" (behaving cat-like). This is a derivative of the word "cunt", an English slang word for the vagina that is usually used in a negative sense. This word i s so taboo that it has been included in the "list of seven indecent words" which shall not be used in the (American) television or radio. As you can see, Bast d oes not unimportant role in our culture. It is seen that the bitterness and host ility that normally accompany the words "bastard" and "cunt", originating from t he ancient criticism of the culture of the time of Bast. 21) In Chapter 26, I mentioned that the solid line in the book of the law the se ntence EASY IF BAST (just when Bast) forms. One of my friends who had read the f irst draft of this manuscript, got excited about this relationship and said why I (just when sting) would have chosen not EASY IF BAR. She refused strict that I would have a meaningful reference found. I knew that Bast was not the whole key , but he gave yet some useful information. The next day I met an author who offe red me different information about Jack the Ripper (a notorious mass murderer in the London of the late 19th century). To my surprise, I realized that a variety of meanings results when EASY IF BAR was concerned from the perspective of a st udy of Jack the Ripper from. Not only is there extensive material about Aleister Crwoley and Jack the Ripper, one also suspects that Crowley was aware of his identity. It is noticeable also that 'Jack' is synchronistic with Jack Parsons. I have not had time to investig ate this in more detail, but I believe that you will find some interesting refer ences to "Jack the Ripper", if you approach the book of the Law on EASY IF BAR. The mystery of the identity of Jack the Ripper was never solved. My intuition sa ys that he was a sort of inter-dimensional creature. That he had only killed pro stitutes, is another reference to Crowley. It is also said that the mystery scho ols protect the energies of the Great Pyramid because you can destroy anything y ou want, without being discovered, once you have access to these energies. If yo u consider this aspect of the pyramid, while the murders of Jack the Ripper with the cattle mutilations (so that they get to vital organs and glands) compares b y aliens, there are many interesting opportunities for research. Crowley's idea of "scarlet woman" (scarlet woman = disreputable woman) or Babalo n is another name for the goddess Bast. Scarlet was chosen because it is the col or of blood (also the color of the cover for The Book of the Law). As already me ntioned, represents the blood course of the moon and the menstrual period dar. T herefore, the lunar calendar, the calendar of Bast and represents the true time line. This is in direct contrast to the Gregorian calendar, which was given to u s by a decree of Pope Gregory, the pope who had authorized the Inquisition. Due to their lunar aspect of the descendants of Bast children of the moon were c alled, and therefore comes the term "moonchild "(Moon Child). In the previous ch apter, Crowley was identified as an incarnation of the Priest Ankh-af-an-khonsu, which corresponds to the priest of Mentu. Since "khonsu" also refers specifical ly to the moon, Bast, as regards their Moon aspect can also be viewed as a pries tess of Mentu. Thus one can say that Bast had the sexual and genetic experiments that were as they say, carried out in Montauk headed, too. There's also a rather amusing reference: usually stray many cats around the picn ic area near the Montauk Lighthouse Park Square. They are abandoned, but are wel

l fed by tourists and sometimes taken as a pet. They are called "Montauk Cats". You once told me that the cats one led into the underground, if you follow them just before a thunderstorm. Although the terms of Bast is rather hidden to Montauk, she was worshiped in anc ient Egypt as the Sphinx. She had the abdomen of a lioness symbolizes the zodiac sign of the lion, and the head of a virgin, the same constellation accordingly. The Sphinx once had breasts, but these were removed in the patriarchal culture prevailed. The face was also changed to make it look more like a chimpanzee. Thi s desecration of the Sphinx raises an important question: why they gave us a chi mpanzee? The answer lies in our genetics. The human development on this planet was restri cted to the biology of the monkeys. I have already mentioned that Rh-positive bl ood is related to the genetics of the rhesus monkey, as it is in the human syste m, Rh-negative blood type corresponds to an alien. It can be seen therefore a si milarity between apes and humans. If you do not believe me, go time at the zoo a nd look at the gorillas. The English word "monkey" (monkey) results in an interesting play on words, "Mon " corresponds to Montu, Montauk or the previously given definitions for this pho neme, while "key" (key) refers to the "key of Montauk". Although scholars still argue about it, "monkey" appears to come from the Dutch monnekijn, which can be traced back to the Roman word manne whose origin is not certain. Now the thing i s already clear. Manikan means little man or an imitation of a man. Man is close ly related to the already discovered root words. The English word "ape" (ape), it is said, is a loan word from the Teutonic, but also is still argued and some believe it came originally from the Celts. But it will all be clearer if we look at the derivation of the word "apex". It has several interesting meanings. It is the highest point, but also referred to the apex of a triangle or the conical tip of a pyramid. "Apex" suggests stron gly the concept of the Tower of Babel (Tower of Babalon) or the mountain aspect of Montauk. The word itself comes from "top", especially as the name of the top of the cap of a flamen, a priest or magician in ancient Rome (flamen of the titl e comes from the Sanskrit word brah-man). orangutan comes from orang (man) and utan (forest). The word is Malay and orang comes the word Orion but suspiciously close. Chimpanzee contains the word pan, a llumfass-end. It also refers to the god Pan of the forests and fields. He was ve ry active sexually and Crowley wrote many poems about him. Gorilla has been invented as an expression of the correct Doc Savage, based on a West African term for a breed of hairy women. It is a direct reference to a gen etic type, which we hear or see today not too much. For more information in this direction, you can order the book "Mother Was a Lovely Beast" (Mother was a lov ely animal) Read by Philip Jose Farmer. The idea behind all this is becoming increasingly clear, and the English phrase "to monkey around with" (play around with something) gets a new meaning. Someone has been playing around in our genetics in the literal sense. At the time of Ba st various types of genetic patterns were admitted. The conquering influence cho se to promote a DC circuit with the apes through the morphogenetic field of evol ution. Bast pointed out that the human mind could accept a lower form when it so wished , or that lower forms something could human consciousness reach similar. For man y, this is a blasphemous doctrine, but was regarded in the past as true. Archaeo logists found in the city of Bubastis many mummified cats that guarded the templ e. The worship of Bast was very strong. The Book of the Law teaches us that the propagation of life by nature is not lim iting. All potentials are real, and this is brought about by the evolving geomet ries that underlie the blueprint of evolution. The goddess Bast is in favor of t he unlimited potential of all creation. The limitations in our development are a

ffected by the powers that-controlling between the morphogenetic field, but they are generally subject to our own free will and our decision. 28 IS A GOD TO LIVE l NA DOG? (22) The dishonor of Bast in our culture taboo sexual rites of the Sumerians. This ca n be seen immediately in the customs of the normal Christianity that pervade our entire culture. The Sumerians considered life from a point of view opposite to ours. With their sexual rituals they believed to honor the light or the electrom agnetic spectrum of creation, which is embodied in the various celestial bodies in the galaxy. The light was the whole of creation, and the sexual process it, a nd the God-animal, Together enbrachte was. The concept of the Holy Trinity was u sed to the idea to "sell" that God had created man alone by the Spirit. While th is is not so completely wrong, but it was so preached that man was separated fro m the animal. This is a prime example of polarized thinking. It separates absolu te. Pronounced ironically seems to it that the church existed over the years on the doctrine that Jesus was born by immaculate conception. Practitioners of magic, w hich are often enemies of the Church's doctrine, thus have no problem at all. Th ey differ from the church because they do not completely separate humans and ani mals. There are many reasons and one of them is particularly academically. It ha s to do with Yahweh. 22) Is a God to live in a dog? In a previous chapter, we ex plained that Jehovah's name in Hebrew JHVH, or YHWH or IHVH. These are the four Hebrew letters iodine, He, Vau and He. I had left there mentioned that a transpo sition of the letters from YHWH to HJVH the Hebrew word for animal ("beast") res ults, which heva is pronounced. Since this word numerological has the same value as the LORD, both are considered equal. This is magic of the alphabet. Both wor ds have the sum of 26 This is the angle of the drawn in the book of the law line . This leads us to the mystery of the name "Dog Star" for the Sirius. All dogs a re descended from wolves, one in New Age thinking much more popular and more sac red animal. However, a dog is domesticated and tamed a bit far. But he is still an animal. The sexual rites of the Sirians castles and animals, but more importa ntly, they went closer to the animal nature of man. That's why the dog was chose n. At the level of pure physi-cal pleasure is the dog - or the animal nature of man - man's best friend because he makes that man feels good.

The Egyptians identified with Seth on what "the dog". It was later set in and th en Satan, which dominates the hell, the infernal place of heat (English: heat). The idea of a dog "in heat" (heat) is included therein. Here morality has also b een active: "If you like abgibst with animal, you go to hell." But by definition , you were already in hell, and so feels bad that did not in itself! most fascinating mystery is the dog-star on that in English " dog "(dog) simply" God "(God) is read backwards. Numerologically both yield the magic number 26, e xcept that this time the letters are in English and not Hebrew. What is arguably the probability that this is merely a coincidence? All this moving Crowley to a sk The Book of the Law in his book: " Is a God to live in a dog? " ( Is a God to live in a dog? ). All this information is going on in some people are annoying. For those who are very Christian oriented, it will probably help if they are the words of Jesus re mind " . ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves " It is all of us good to know all possible perspectives. Finally, the Jesuit Order twisted his pr iests is to be devil's advocate for heretical views. In the above numerological correspondence between God and animals we had to rear range the letters to compare two different words. If we look at the origin of th e word "God", we must transpose nothing and get something even more interesting out. The English word "God" comes from the German word God, originally from an I ndo-European root meaning "call (to)" is ago initiated. Call to say in English "

to invoke" what the Latin Vocare, call comes. This in turn comes from the Old Norse word kalla. In Webster's New World Diction ary it is only hypothetical derivations for kalla. What the dictionary people ap parently do not know is that Old Norse was spoken by the Aryans, the same people that had the Indian subcontinent "conquered" and gave us the Vedas and Hinduism . This is a known historical fact. This religious tradition was also accompanied b y all the different types of yoga, including the sexual Tan-tra-yoga. The Aryans , who gave the Dravidian culture of India, the Tantric arts used, kala the expre ssion. Kala is a Sanskrit word that means vaginal vibration or a measured period of tim e. It also meant the emanation of a divine essence and was represented by a flow er, a star, a perfume or a beam. Kala is also the origin of Kali, the Hindu goddess of time and Ausstrahlerin the realities . Kalos also be played through the various paths on the Qabalistic Tr ee of Life. If you tap into the kalas, you can reach the archetypes of existence and thereby alter consciousness. Kalos further correspond to the eight different colors (black included) and is t he root of the English word for color, "color". most important kala was black and was called Kali. Black represents the void of creation, from which all things come. It is another way of representing the moth er principle. As the dark Yuga approached, this type of magic or worship in a la ck of understanding of time was lost. They degenerated and was called, though it was not originally practiced in a negative or harmful kind of black magic. Blac k was a sacred color and should represent the entire electromagnetic spectrum. p eriodic as units of time measurement kala is also the root of the word "calendar ". In this sense, the manifestation of all the kalas, the goddess Kali, was cons idered extremely frightening, because she had to consume the power and high resp onsibility, all life. This is another manifestation of the "inexorable reaper" f unction in life. The time consumed all living organisms. The above derivation of the word "God" could easily escalate into a long theolog ical treatise, but it should also be clear that the old creation revered in a wa y that exactly the opposite polarity to the current dogma and belief systems had . Seth or Shaitan is the oldest god of history, and it is very possible that the Sumerians of the same Aryan race belonged, who settled in India. Seth was known as Sothis, as Saturn and as Sept, September the gave the name. As the dark Yuga age began, came the entire structures of the religion of Seth a nd the ancient rites into disrepute. The Christians "satanisierten" later the Sh aitan and built this concept of an opponent in their religion a. A derivation of the religion of the Sumerians was brought forward in time to the Knights Templa r. The Inquisitors of the Church tortured the Templars "in the name of the Lord" and demanded that they abschwörten Satan. This temple men were not the "bad guys" as they represented the church, they had merely another belief system. Similarities of the ancient Sumerian and Aryan religions (I suspect that they ar e both descended from the same source) revolved around the sexual process in the form of the mother goddess and the concept of time. Both were closely linked to the consciousness itself. We have of course long bee n discovered that sexual methods and the time for the Montauk operation were cru cial. All this information triggers a counter-flow of consciousness through the mor-phogenetische field, which in the past was mostly misunderstood and therefor e obscured. If we now bring this to light, it can change the consciousness for t he future and teach us to learn from the mistakes of the past. 22 BABALON According to legend, the Sirians, who originally settled in Sumer, cat or lion's body had. How many hybrids and normal people in this ancient culture had been a

bsorbed, is not known. However, one knows that they then moved into the area of Cairo and Babylon called this Babalon or what is called "baby hon" (lion cub). This city was designated as one of the sacred places of the lion, and the Sumeri ans decided to build near them a large deposit of knowledge, in order to preserv e their collective wisdom. This construction project was what we now call Great Pyramid and the Sphinx mark-en. The Great Pyramid and its satellite pyramids wer e timekeepers de-signed, which were synchronized with the overall cyclical natur e of the universe. The Sphinx represents the Goddess in the form Bast is, which was also known as Babalon, and finally as Isis. To say it again: the names of Is is and Osiris are derived from Sirius. 's Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, the Siri ans presented the two key principles of their religion-he dar. The two aspects w ere connected by sacred knowledge, which in the hall records can be found. Aleis ter Crowley had been taught in this knowledge. When he slept in the Great Pyrami d, before he received the Book of the Law, he sought the full initiation. By pro jected beyond his own understanding, he made ? â a profound experience. He allied himse lf with forms of consciousness that were not very far from the norm, but also kn ew the exact mathematics of the universe, and this surprised him endlessly. As a result, he tried to explain for the rest of his life, what had happened.

We had already mentioned the Tetragrammaton, the magical or alchemical formula w hich accompanied the "first tetrahedron" of existence. The first element in alch emy or the Tarot is the fire, and it is the first peak of the tetrahedron of the Tetragrammaton assigned. Since fire itself is wavy, the pattern of this wave is used as an illustration of the vortex shape, which in the work of Stan Tenen (w hich we introduced in Chapter 10) sits in the tetrahedron. This form corresponds to the ram's horn, and serves as the basis of the Hebrew l etters of fire, the all can be seen when looking at the shape of the tetrahedron from different viewing angles. If so much symbolism is in a single form, you ca n well understand, that from the geometric matrix, an energy stream of conscious ness flows out, which contains a tetrahedron or a pyramid. This is a conical spiral of energy which the exact mathematical Before output co rresponds, called a Fibonacci spiral. That such a cone of energy can be a brain accrue additional intelligence was used in the past by (English: dunce's cap) th e slowest students a pointed paper hat sat. The cone on the head should help him to more intelligence, but it soon evolved into a degradier-end punishment of th e pupil concerned. You do not know if Crowley ever a "dunce's cap" worn, but he has on several occasions placed a magician hat, which probably also comes to the same thing. The fire or the primordial energy of the Tetragrammaton, which exists in the Gre at Pyramid was connected by the transitions that we know as the Hall of Records with the fire and passion of the sphinx. The Sphinx represents the lustful and o pen the womb of the bast, but also the intelligent woman Virgo (to the Romans as Diana, goddess of the moon) are known to represent, which transforms the lower energies into higher. In other words, they could tap into the Hall of Records. If Crowley practiced his sexual magic, he often tried to plug into the one shown in the hall of records on higher consciousness. He used the lower energies in o rder to achieve the higher. The Great Pyramid itself is a variety of reasons, a very strange structure. Stra ngely enough, it is for example not symmetric polygon. In other words, when cons idering the pyramid as the upper half of the octahedron, one would expect that t he basic angle of the triangular side surfaces were both 60 degrees. but they me asure only 51.51 degrees. That is, the pyramid is squeezed from the tip. The reason for this is that the E arth itself is not a perfect sphere. She is a spheroid and more like a tangerine . This implies that the Matrizenlinien that make up the blueprint of the earth, are not perfectly symmetrical. You like it originally have been times, however,

when the earth was compressed to a spheroid or otherwise assumed its present for m, the grid lines took on the shape of the earth and were deformed accordingly. The angle of 51.51 degrees at the Great Pyramid correspond exactly to the deform ation of the Earth from the sphere to the present form. But this means that whoe ver built the pyramids knew the exact shape of the Erdgitternetzes. Another interesting aspect is revealed when one examines the pyramid angle. In i ts best days, the pyramid was covered with limestone, which consists mainly of c alcium carbonate (calcite). When viewed under a microscope calcite and applying an angular, one finds that t he two base angles of the triangle molecules also have an angle of 51.51 degrees . That is, the molecules of the limestone plates which held the pyramid has the same angle as the pyramid itself, which in turn has the same angle as the Earth grid. If you want to pursue this, and the bones of the people also consist Kalzi umkar carbonate. Therefore, the bones of the Montauk Indians were so important for access to the Earth grid. The geometry of the bone was in perfect resonance with the pyramid s tructure of the lattice network. Of course, all human bones have this property. They resonate with the energy, and this can also be the energy of consciousness. And if you do not believe that bone can affect the consciousness, you scare it out to someone by using a skeleton. No, you should better leave. It works all to o well. In his various works Crowley points out that he knew these different aspects and energies of the Great Pyramid. He used this knowledge, along with other informa tion he had gained from his intensive study of the Sumerians to design spe-cific rituals that not only open other levels of consciousness, but also the communic ation with invisible worlds should allow by any means. In it aliens were aware i ncluded. In 1918, Crowley began in New York sexual magic practices with a lady named Rodd ie Minor perform. This was known as the "Amalantrah Working" and happened only a few months before Crowley spent a summer at Montauk Point. In this ritual, the symbolism of the ice was very important. It had been told, " it's all in the egg". This corresponds totally to the specifications of sacred g eometry, as they have already been outlined in this book. The egg is the first s phere of existence, and all potentials that unfold it. contacted The entity called LAM, and a drawing of it, who prepared Crowley has s een the horrors of which we have heard so much, distressingly similar. The head of LAM had the shape of an egg. Documents of the OTO indicate that LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and that a LAMA "is one who goes." Note that in the works of Crowley, a reference to Tibet this problem occurs, bef ore he goes to Montauk. We have already defined the word "Mantak" as clarity or understanding. In the so -called "Amalantrah Working" Crowley was told: "You should go this way." One can very easily bring with LAM Montauk in conjunction, although this require s further investigation, is certain, however, that Montauk has a reference to Ti bet, not only by the word "Mantak", but also by the German compound earlier this book was addressed. In addition, LAM is a Celtic word for door post , what a break on the way, as op posed to the path itself implies. It was in today's Iraq also an ancient land of Elam, initially located in the Persian Gulf on the northeast bank of the Tigris . The language spoken in Elam was special in that it was not related to any other language. Nowadays applies LAM particular interest. The OTO has created a LAM-cult for mem bers who feel attracted by this entity and want to use the egg as an astral spac e capsule to travel into the domain of LAM or dewy for time travel. The most important thing associated with LAM that Crowley had contacted an alien

entity that was with almost any of the aspects that we have already considered us dating. The idea Crowley was, after his death in 1947 in a certain aspect of LAM continued to work, is no longer so far-fetched when you consider that from t hat year UFO sightings increased enormously. The year 1947 itself has an amazing correspondence to the main grid points, whic h have been found on different planets north or south of the equator. It has bee n discovered that Cydonia, the Mars area, in which the face and the pyramids are , 19.47 degrees north of the Equator lies. The same applies to the swirling red spot on Jupiter and a similar area on the N eptune. On our planet there are on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico pyramids on this widt h. Someone who was recently in Hawaii, has informed me that they had discovered there overgrown by vegetation pyramids. These islands are also 19.47 degrees nor th of the equator. course, this all does not prove that Aleister Crowley or his death for the UFO s ightings were responsible since that time, but many people have found it and rep orted in connection with UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in the same year. Cro wley died on 1 December, so long after the RoswelI crash. Of course you can argu e that he was weak and could have been dying and the military in New Mexico have only therefore can shoot "his" flying saucers with the SAGE radar. although this seems unlikely, but whatever was with Crowley los , it is undeniab le that he was greatly influenced another magician who was inextricably linked w ith aliens, the CIA and Montauk. This was Jack Parsons, who performed his great experiment 1946. In the book Montauk has been described that Jack Parsons had performed a magical experiment that is considered by many to be the most important of this century. The ritual was done together with two magicians from the Wilson Clan: Marjorie C ameron and L. Ron Hubbard [ilia: Founder of Scientology]. It was called "Babalon Working" and was designed as an invocation of the Mother Goddess in her crownin g glory, the Babalon is called there. since the publication of Montauk I had investigated further about Jack Parsons. He deserves its own book, here I can only insert a very brief summary of what I' ve found. Jack was co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and his inventio ns in the field of rocket research accounted for the American space program unti l a reality. Officially, he came on the 17th June 1952 by a chemical explosion i n his laboratory killed, but research in all kinds of newspapers, talking with h is wife and a friend showed mysterious circumstances on. His wife, Marjorie Came ron, came shortly after the explosion, even before the ambulance left the lab th ere to. The paramedics in the ambulance but they did not ride, and she could not see her husband in the hospital. But that was unheard that the police mi?achtetet the n ormal procedure and they could not identify the body. She was now Jack's next of kin as his mother had just killed himself after she h ad learned of Jack's death. Neither Cameron nor George Frey, who was responsible for the cremation had ever seen the corpse. These are the newspaper reports full of suspicious characters and representation s. The death of Virginia Parsons, Jack's mother was accompanied by equally bizar re circumstances. I asked at the Pasadena police station if I could see the record of the case. Th ere, it was thought that were already old and that I should present myself to th e microfilm department. If the file would not be under lock and key, I should be able to see there. I then wrote a letter asking for permission to access to the file, and after a long wait they told me that the file had been removed from th eir system. I knew that Parsons had been monitored by the FBI. Maybe someone will one day co njure up the file again. While the circumstances surrounding Jack's death was rather mysterious, it's not his magical career. He was perhaps the mother goddess against a passionate and dedicated than any magician of this century. Crowley and Jack were located regar

ding the Babalon Workings not agree. Crowley was at the end of his life and Jack played the role of the wayward and rebellious son. There are reports that say Jack Crowley would have dismissed as a failure, but t hat he gave him a door open. He said he had not received the expected report of Parsons, and a final conclusion must fail as long. ls Jack 1946 Babalon Working carried out, he called the goddess Babalon and aspi red to the tyranny, which dominated mankind during the dark yuga to an end. That he had at least a good idea of what he was doing, you can already see on the Ya ntra selected by him. A Yantra is a two-dimensional character that can bring for th a four-dimensional experience. It is an in magic, yoga and other meditation a rts often Applied tool. The Yantra used for the Babalon Working was a star with seven points and is presented on page 256. shows that the seven letters of the word Babalon are written to the seven peaks. In this presentation, all angles are 51.51 degrees. This is the same angle as t he Great Pyramid of Giza, and there came this angular yes about because you want ed to build the pyramid in harmony with the Earth grid. If you 51.51 with [prime] seven multiplied, you get 360, 57 , which is about the length of a year in the old calendar. In this way, the "Babalon Worker" (Jack, Ron and Cameron) were able to tap into the consciousness of the time line. What happened to the participants after they had entered the altered state of co nsciousness, is still uncertain. At least they have projected out from the prese nt reality and the result and the synchronicity of it have played a not insignif icant role in the fact that this book was written. Cameron said that the process both Jack Ron had changed forever. They were never the same again. After he had recovered from a right-sided paralysis again, Hubb ard eventually reached an incredibly ingenious stage and immense energy. Most of it flowed into the Dianetics and Scientology. He let repatriations about alien implants already for forty years lead before this became fashionable. Parsons took a different path. The military have always viewed him as a security risk, as he pursued his magic. He even had the Babalon Working indeed ended, bu t the resulting chain reactions and results had yet to produce their intended ef fects. Jack wrote a statement about the Babalon Working, in which he said he would be c onsumed by fire. Whether he understood the allegorical or real, we do not know. He said it in hon or of Babalon, and was willing to provide this ultimate sacrifice. A few months before his alleged death he foresaw that some kind was imminent end. He knew tha t such an end could also mean the physical death and shut out this possibility b y no means. There is an even bigger mystery that has been overlooked by many. Although Jack and the OTO were at loggerheads after the Babalon Working, he had received the n inth degree of the Order. In order to rise above this level, one has to give up his identity. Unquestionab ly, this is also done. Whether he assumed a secret identity within the secret go vernment or simply died we do not know. That he could be physically died is not important in the larger context. But he changed his identity. Jack Parsons is now legally dead for forty years THE BABALON-YANTRA A Yantra is a geometric representation of a mantra (sound waves) , which corresp onds to a particular deity, in this case Babalon. Both a yantra and mantra witho ut meaning until they are called by the magic tantra practice consciousness of t he practitioner enabled. The illustration on the next page is an artistic repres entation of the "star" card of the Tarot. Ensign in the image corresponds exactly to the above yantra and is used as the s iebenstrahlige star of Venus or Babalon, whose main characteristic is love, iden tified. Behind all-he existence is the principle of the Mother Goddess. Normal p eople call this phenomenon Mother Nature, magicians call it Babalon and call thi s goddess to create further evolution strands. (The illustration shown above is a duplicate of a drawing in the book work of Jack Parsons., If the Yantra is dra

wn correctly, the displayed angle is exactly 51.51 degrees. Image shown here is unfortunately inaccurate. XVII The Star It is also hardly noticed or mentioned that Jack Parsons the OTO, but also the A AA belonged not only. There is no mention that he was in this order - which of c ourse is the Order of the Illuminati in disgrace -. Furthermore, it is interesti ng that Cameron once said to me that she had given birth to time by Jack some fa mous California astrologers. This would have meant standing in his chart that he was the real boss of the CIA or was. since both Crowley and Parsons members of the Illuminati were, we must take a cl oser look what this organization and what it represents. We have already seen th at it is connected with the Sirius. There are also many books and conspiracy the ories on the subject. According to the dictionary, the term "Illuminati" refers to members of a secret society that have special intellectual or spiritual enlightenment. Next, let's examine what happens when someone reaches a brilliant enlightenment and goes beyond all known experience. He gets into a different dimension and und erstands the entire picture of creation from scratch. This is sometimes referred to as the kundalini experience or tapping the Univers al Consciousness. There are of course different types and variations of illumina tion. I speak here of a particularly meaningful. When you reach such a state, on e still remains the burden of having to remain connected to the ground plane, wh ich is full of imperfection and bustle. When a person reaches this state, this d oes not transfer automatically to the entire human race. All this propels us directly into the war of consciousness. Some of us want to b e more aware and expand their consciousness to all parameters of existence. Othe rs want to restrict such an idea. One can imagine magnificent and formidable sce narios in which different secret groups are pitted against each other. For our concern here is important that Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons had com e with a tradition in contact, which with it the Illuminati identified and sough t to expand the consciousness. It does not matter whether their activities were good or bad. The records of the two show that they were fighters for consciousne ss. Those who betrayed them seem to be from the other side of the coin. It was the aim of Aleister Crowley, occult powers to set in motion, which helps all to the end of this century of enlightenment. Jack Parsons followed the same tradition, but the circumstances of his death in young years left another puzzle. We must ask ourselves whether he lived on and t he forces headed in a super secret capacity, or whether he died and the same ful ly led work of the spirit world. In any case, his magic has had effects beyond i ts normal mortal ways. Both men met while working the dark powers, and neither was afraid to deal with them. they chose too dark methods by means of which they communicated. But what they h ave passed on? That all creation manifests from the light, from the electromagne tic spectrum, which in turn is only another expression for the Mother Nature. Crowley gave us all a clue when he announced that he would not officially take t he name "Phoenix" until his work was finished. In this sense would be the real " Phoenix Project" the redemption of mankind through the elimination of the forces of ignorance and oppression, which had ruled during the last 13,000 years. Armageddon (Megiddo today / Israel) is waiting for us all, but not in the sense in which it was sold to us by the merchants of fear and of those with selfish mo tives. It will be all a personal encounter for us if we have not already met him . In one corner of the Christ will be with all angelic powers, which he can must er, in the other the Antichrist with his demons. those of us who call upon the wisdom of Babalon, will still reside neither in th e one in the other corner. We will act as referees and ensure that both sides fi ght fair, and that the part of the infamous Mystery Schools-people who sit on th e expensive box seats, the Weltboxrat bribes are offered. If we bring this about

, the fight should go over the entire length and end with a draw. Then we go int o heaven. On the last day there will be no judgment. At least if but one is, the assessors will not follow the words of Christ: "Judge not, that ye be not judged!" So, how do they (where many of the great boxing matches held) at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas say " Let's get ready to rumble! " (In about: Ready to brawl). 30 REQUIEM We are now leaving the projections of consciousness, which led us to the heights of the Illuminati and have through the eye of Horus can look to return to the e arth and to our starting point: the Montauk Point. There, the desecration of the tradition of American Indians has its highest peak attained what the move away from the old knowledge and the pagan belief system that supports and adored this knowledge concerns. As already mentioned at the beginning of this book, the name Parsons also joined synchronistic with related the Montauk Indians on. Colonel William Parsons had then trained the young Stephen Talkhouse Pharoah. The Montauk property was first auctioned in the Parsons family house. As in the late 18th Century in Ohio the hills and various geometrical relics of the "Mound Builders" (Mound Builders) were discovered, Samuel Holden Parsons sho wed a sudden interest in the hills around Montauk and has been delegated by the U.S. government, the Montauk Indians abzukaufen the country. 1886 Wowoka began to proclaim his vision, but he then said that the Indians had to earn their transition into this new world first. He rejected violence against the whites and composed songs for the traditional round dance, which soon becam e known as the Ghost Dance. The result was the Ghost Dance religion (Ghost Dance religion), which spread throughout the American West. Several Indians renounced by the nonviolent philosophy of Wowoka. The Sioux were performing their own version of the Ghost Dance, which was regarded by the Whit es as hostile. When the spirits dances were banned, but the Sioux made ? â more so, to struggles that led to the death of Sitting Bull developed. Then, on 29 December 1890, a group of Indians were ordered, they should set up t heir camp on Wounded Knee Creek. When triggered a shot, began a massacre, and th at was the end of serious Indian resistance to white civilization. I do not know whether the vision of Wowoka will meet. It depends on the informat ion which is fed into the morphogenetic grid. But we should all learn from Wowok a. Its English name was Jack Wilson! At this point, the Montauk investigation, i t should not surprise anyone that the name of Wilson turns up again, or even the first name Jack. But this was not the only synchronicity that rhymed with the l egacy of Montauk. , when I met the Montauk Shaman for the second time, a further remarkable agreem ent resulted. We had arranged to meet at Lion Gardiner Park in the town of Baysh ore. The name of Lion Gardiner was ironic, because that was the man who had the Montauks to their country "cheated" first. His first name "Lion" (Lion), as you now get the idea itself, has some implications. The shaman would perform a kind of initiation ceremony with me, but I did not kn ow what exactly she was doing. Just before I left my house, I received a call fr om Denney Colt, which said she would like to come. So we went three and a nature trail along a bay, the island on which Duncan Cameron lives, is directly opposi te. That was funny enough. Denney The shaman asked to draw a circle in the sand. Then she asked me what it meant. I said he put Alpha and Omega represent the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, representing the beginning and the end. Together they symbolize the circle of infinity. I think I had passed the test. Then the Shaman drew a c ross in the circle and got the exact same figure as it appears in the book of th e law. She asked me again what this hot. I had found the meaning of this sign only a fe w days before, and the timing was amazing. I gave her a longer answer. The shama n understood me, even though she had never studied Aleister Crowley. She underst

ood what I said, because this symbol is known to all ancient mystics. It was her simply passed as part of their shamanic heritage. The synchronicity was unique, but it was even surpassed, as Denney told us she had just completed a piece of jewelry with the exact same symbol. This experience confirms the importance of this symbol, and shows how the track on our consciousness we morphogenetic in the can engage grid. It is one of the o ldest symbols of the universe. If it increases in the third dimension, it become s the basis of energy and development of all existence. It is also the basis of what happened in Montauk during the Montauk Project. The caster there knew exactly how they were able to load and reverse engineer the h uman condition. They knew to tap the morphogenetic field. They belonged to the m ystery schools and there was no shortage of them and their subordinates to feed different information in the grid. As the various mystery schools worked through Montauk, they offset the evolution a negative spin, if they had their knowledge also can use higher input circuits in the brains and to enable people to wake up. This task is still to come, but the Montauk network will always bombarded by all manner of electronic emissions absolutely artificial. So-is it's a sick energy that must be cured. Permission to undertake this healing only have the original owners of the land o r the keeper of the gate. The term "owner" I understand the whole aspect of the lineage, which owns the land and who is responsible for the maintenance of the c orresponding consciousness. Whether they have been evicted from their land and w hether an instrument of transfer, it says or not, the Montauk Indians are and re main the real owners of the country. Shortly before this book went to the printer, I had the honor for the annual Tha nksgiving celebration of Montauk -Indians, which is from the Miller Ridge Inn in Jericho, Long Iceland, sponsored, to be invited. I was surprised to see that a television station in New York City transferred this celebration as an Indian fe stival. When I was asked a few words to say, could not the media people fast enough to g et out the door. It was like a programmed response, and one of the Montauks told me it would have been intentional and extremely rude. therefore I said to the Montauk Indianem and touched the Montauk Project, of whi ch only very few people had ever heard, only briefly. I focused on the family na me Pharoah, the pyramids, Montauks role as a holy place and the restoration of t heir right to the land. I was once again surprised when a medicine women thanked me for it, that I had spoken of the pyramids. She said her grandfather would have told her about the pyramids, but no one woul d have ever believed her. They would have been built of stones from the end of M ontauk Point and had been in the vicinity of Camp Hero. Her grandfather had furt her said that earlier generations had held underground ceremonies among the pyra mids. They were eventually covered by sand and were not necessarily the clad wit h white stone pyramids that were mentioned earlier. Montauk The strain has now been educated about how and why their property taken away from them and their ancient heritage had been dishonored. Some of them know more than they say, and as an Indian that's their prerogative. They will talk w hen they are ready. At the end of the Montauks need to heal the grid. The bones of their ancestors contain the coded secrets of the past resonates with the geom etric pattern of the morphogenetic grid. These energies must be cleansed and pur ified, and only then the secrets can be revealed. Notwithstanding the documents or the current owner of the land, the true owners will always be in resonance with the consciousness of the people and the morphog enetic grid. Although it now only comes with this book to the surface, has worke d a subterranean force because the Montauks clearly show the extent of their res ponsibility. By applying the consciousness of the ancestors of the Pharoah famil y, they can penetrate into the consciousness of the grid and clean it. The first step in this process was that the shaman of Montauks an amnesty for al l beings granted, at the desecration of the holy Lands of Montauks had been invo lved. This includes all offenses against humanity and against the morphogenetic

process of evolution itself with a. It also applies to the bureaucrats / officia ls and other individuals who have tried to hinder in any way the investigation i nto the truth of the secret phenomena that have happened on Camp Hero or around Montauk. To accept this amnesty (if you is concerned), you just need to realize what you have done. A possible atonement can only be discussed between you and your Creat or and should be addressed accordingly. If you have information relevant to the study of value, make but please ensure t hat they are in the right hands and those who need it, will not be withheld. Tho se who wish to confess their crimes for spiritual reasons can write down their t ransgressions and send it to the shaman. She can be reached at the following add ress: The Montauk Shaman, P. 0 Box 454, Bayshore / NY 11706 USA. The amnesty is granted by the Montauk Shaman virtue of their spiritual authority . It does not happen by or for me, because I have no such authority. But I would ask all readers to do everything in their power, whether it be little or much, to help the Montauks to get their land back. The task and responsibility of the Montauk Indians is huge, and they need all the help they can get. It would be inappropriate here something else to add. Thank you for your attenti on, and stay vigilant. BY PRESTON B. NICHOLS - INTRODUCTION TO PART II I want to be the first amnesty claim that the Montauk shaman has kindly given to all thos e who are somehow involved in the desecration of the sacred Native American land . My participation at the Montauk Project is now so well known, although some a spects of my own participation are still hidden to me. further I want to take th e amnesty for the claim in what I was doing at the Council skirt. When I visited the place with Peter, Duncan and some other friends, I unfortunately made ? â a verbal slip by I said it was indeed merely a rock. When I went back to my car, I told myself that it was nothing special about this stone. The moment I stumbled over a stone and sprained my foot. The result was a week of violent pains, and I thin k a lesson for me. The council rock is sacred and belongs to the Indians, just l ike the rest of the country, which they claim back now.

I will now bring some other things that have occurred since the publication of o ur book Montauk Revisited 1993 up to date. We begin with a general history of th e Montauk underground and its developments up to 1994. Next we will look at the latest findings about the Montauk Boys, a report on inadmissible broadcasts from the station and a technical description of the particle accelerator, the Peter mentioned at the beginning of this book. Finally, I will give a brief presentati on of the timeline, which complements the information in Part I. I must also mention that I'm often besieged by people who want more technical in formation about Montauk yet. The general description in the Montauk Project is j ust that: a general description. The A bit of technical information in this book and in Montauk was therefore delivered because it relates directly to the unvei ling of the mysteries of Montauk. It is uneconomical to publish dissertations on detailed technical aspects of Montauk, unless you do it in a coherent manner. H owever, this would result in a large and expensive book, which is directed only to a very small readership. I also know very well that many technically supported people who are extremely i nterested in everything what I give of me, whether they think there are pipe dre ams or not. Some are angry that I can not say. Basically, they want only that I run investigations for them. I am also very skeptical of their motives to build a time machine. These people are usually not spiritually very developed and coul d conjure up another disaster like Montauk, when they can find certain technolog ies in the handle. These are two main reasons why I do not tell about the technical aspects of time -travel. Another reason is that I honestly do not know everything. I was a cog i n a big machine in Montauk and was used just like most everyone else. Now how to

unveil the mystery of Montauk and elsewhere, we will, when the time is ripe to better understand where we should be. 31 THE MONTAUK UNDERGROUND The Montauk underground fascinates many people so much that they flock to Montau k and look for it. But this is not such a good idea for two reasons. Firstly, th e inputs are hidden and it is unlikely that the people who know about it, make y ou the access easily. Second, you will immediately encounter new problems, if yo u find an entrance or tunnel. If you have the "luck" to find a connection, you will already have to carry a sm aller military operation just to what you find also the public. The tunnels are miles long and the huge distances if they are not sealed or otherwise blocked. Y ou need a ton of light, food and time. A tunnel equipment is probably needed. Sh ould find installation And then, if you have a "hot", can give you something to happen. You can in any case expect very unfriendly faces. Please think about all this wh en they visit Montauk, and do anything Careless. The surface of Montauk's not really a secret, but information about it has been deliberately obscured. It now and then a message that refers to place. If you lo ok at a survey map from the years before 1940, we see a rising hill leading away from the city Montauk. Then flattens the road and remains flat until the Montauk Lighthouse. If you tak e a card from the 60s, are found not only the aforementioned first another hill out to Montauk Point. I believe that these hills are heaped. A statement to this effect has to do with that Camp Hero from about 1940 until the 60s was a U.S. A rmy post. You had to go through a military checkpoint to get to the lighthouse, which then as now belongs to the government. The lighthouse was purchased by Alexander Ham ilton on behalf of President Washington. Around 1940 there was a huge construction project. A large group of two-story bu ildings were created. Among them were two basement levels. After the building ha d been completed, one showered her with earth and there were the two hills from which we can see on the base today. So the Radar Hill was born (Radar Hill), to which the Tower stands. Bunkers had been renovated and were originally from the 20s. This date can be re ad at the old wires that were left behind. They had been renovated so that they fit better to the new underground utilities. After the construction was completed, so there was four underground levels, whic h could serve as a great air-raid shelter for the government. It was so designed that all federal officials the entire northwest United States could retire there, if this part of the country should be attacked. Although th e historical role had always been concealed from Camp Hero intentionally, it's a fact that it was once the headquarters of the defense of the Air Force in the N ortheast. When, in the late 60s, the Montauk Project was started, six underground levels w ere already in use. In 1950, two additional levels were added. This can be found out as a project was launched to support the Montauk Point, so that the lightho use would not fall into the ocean. Hard rock from the underground was crushed, c overed with sand and filled up to the Montauk Point. A witness, who had lived in the 60s out there and one day when he walked in the cliffs, saw something funny , can confirm this. He discovered at the end of a cliff a big hole, from which emerged a huge shovel and threw debris over the cliff into the sea. This was probably an extension of the sixth layer of the substrate. The rocks that were used to support the Monta uk Point were, may have been brought out by this or a similar hole. I have also received reports from witnesses who say that there is now eight unde rground levels in Montauk. This corresponds to other statements, namely, that ap peared in the late 80s and the 90s again huge rocks at the point. These rocks we re about three meters wide, two meters high and four to five feet long. Then the y were blown up into smaller pieces, as already described.

These huge boulders that suddenly appeared at the point, throw on a few simple q uestions. First, how did they ever there? My friends and myself have been asking around if anyone maybe a low loader could see there go out. The answer was always no, apart from the fact it would have t o be very many vices, and that would be noticed also in the city. Second, a barge was used? To unload those boulders at the Point, a boat would ha ve to come very close to shore and would have required a deep fairway. But at Mo ntauk Point, the water is nowhere deep enough to allow a barge just in the vicin ity. One night, during a Montauk lecture on Long Iceland, someone said, he would have seen how a trap door at the end of Montauk Point had opened. Then there is a large rocks pushed out, and the door closed again. Gives this me ssage, along with the other reports mentioned, a good explanation for the origin of the boulders, because Montauk is basically a huge rock, rising from the seab ed. Approximately on the sixth or seventh ground level one has to dispel the bed rock. The rocks that appeared lately and can still be seen there today, could or iginate from the levels 7 and 8 of the subsoil. All this testifies that there is a ground. I will now describe its size and gene ral organization, composed of various reports and some of my own memories. Levels 1 and 2 are not complete. They consist of a group of buildings, which are connected through the tunnel. On average, each of the building is about 300 by 150 meters. In certain places they come to the shore to about 30 meters. Levels 3 and 4 rang e about 1600 meters to the north and south of Camp Hero. You are continuous and extend to the sea. Run about 800 meters to the east and perhaps 1600-2400 meters to the west. Level s 5 and 6 are about the same as the levels, except that they extend 3 and 4 unde r the city Montauk through to the vicinity of Fort Pond. In the West they go abo ut 16 miles to the Napeague Strip. The level 8 is still quite small because it i s under construction. I am told that levels 5, 6 and 7 are like an underground c ity. Another strange matter in connection with the ground is the Montauk Tower in the city center, north of the roundabout. It is quite possible that live there work ing from the underground, for there are there hardly ever parked cars, neverthel ess, one friend of my hand, who tried to rent an apartment there, said that the house was fully let. However, if one looks at the car park six cars, which is ve ry unusual. A lady who had viewed the rooms, said they were surprisingly small. This can con sider a possibility, if they had been designed well for extraterrestrials. All i n all, this building is another mystery in the town of Montauk. There are a few additional reports that can be a base in Montauk likely to appea r. As the Montauk project in 1983 was going crazy, the surface has been made more o r less dense, and remained so until 1987. Well indications have emerged that in 1987 contracts for maintenance work on the underground levels associated with the Montauk Air Force Base issued. This show s that the whole thing was reactivated about that time again. It took about four years, until the whole structure was restored. In addition one must say that th ere never was a feudal place. One of the clearest indications of an active underground is in a green garage on the grounds of Camp Hero. Garage is served, and there is in it a huge industrial watt-hour meter, which op erates in the megawatt range. Why do I need an auto repair shop megawatt hours o f electricity? If they distributed that energy into the garage, they would burn simple. The energy has to go into the ground. The state park is still being fed a ton of energy. Today, as I write this, go at least 20 megawatts there, and it could be 60 to 70 megawatts. There are at leas t two separate leads. One comes from the east to the garage, the other from the west. The LILCO (Long Iceland Lighting Company) thinks these two lead-en come fr om separate sources and would not be merged in the underground, whatever some pe

ople may say in Montauk out there as well. The cables are designed to be very la rge and not for the normal type of use. At the same time there is in Montauk, a new, shiny power plant. Actually, it is several years old, but it's an anomaly. The city fathers say that it is a backup power source for the Montauk. I guess it provides a power of 20 megawatts. That 's enough to supply the entire southern part of Long Iceland under exceptional c onditions with electricity. What makes a sleepy little fishing village like Montauk with such a power source ? LILCO employees who I know, say it's even a 100 megawatt plant. If so, they mu st be ready for a huge factory. Apart from this reserve system in Montauk, there is another power plant in East Hampton, close to the railway line. From the air we see that a circular system b elongs to this power plant beyond the railway line. This seems like a particle accelerator to be (more about this in Chapter 35). My friend at LILCO will say nothing about the facility in East Hampton. He says I should ask him not only because he could not talk about it. I have the suspicion that the plant could be in the gigawatt range. That's enough energy for most of the northeastern United States. LILCO addition to the usual lines, there are two large power plants on the South Fork (South Fork) from Long Iceland. What for? Probably, they are used to power particle accelerators. On the South Fork is still following interesting: Almost no one who owns east of East Hampton floor, also has the mining rights for it. This shows that the ground may extend to East Hampton. I do not know exactly.The large power plant in East Hampton raises the question of whether the substrate is not yet enough to there. Further research may prove this. A further indication of the ground came when in 1991 a government order was issu ed to detoxify the Montauk Air Force Base. By 1993, however, nothing further happened, but since the time is much work has been done. Several buildings were demolished and all pits were dug. This makes s ense if one takes into his own theory about the investigation ordered by Congres s on Montauk into consideration. I have talked with members about Montauk, which were very interested and said they would conduct their own inquiry into the mat ter. Unfortunately, they say, it would take a long time because they would have to wade through a lot of Behördenkram. I was also told that Peter Moon and I would probably be the last itself, which would communicate the results of such an inve stigation. , the now current Montauk Project may well try everything to cover up the existe nce of the underground. According to my theory, she therefore tear down building s and dig holes in the ground to seal all entrances to the underground. The ceme nt is taken away and the area is filled up again. Thus, the Congress, or whoever else researching operates deceived. If the inspec tors refer to a map of the army, they look drawn an input. The Montauk-people th en prove to them that the site was excavated and the entrance has been sealed. T he examiner will then think when there are no more inputs, the substrate must be shut down. There are probably but in Montauk itself an input, as well as in the green car w orkshop. In the latter case, this is likely to lead to a destroyed part of the s ubsoil, which you will show to the inspectors also willingly. If the inspectors but just knew how they would have to go there, they would find the active surfac e. Such thoughts I began when my direct access to the base was verumnöglicht. I had ag reed with the judge Ketcham, that I would not set foot in the limited area. Then I began to fly over the site with a video camera with a shutter speed of V 2000 . Although the camera is quite shaken by the movements of the aircraft, but each i mage is crystal clear, and I can make out exactly what is going on there. So I s aw that pits dug and houses were demolished. There are other anomalies. For one, they have let a fireplace are after a steam generation plant, which served the heating had been demolished. A friend of mine

who works in construction, said to me that one Fireplaces Always tear off, so h e does not fall on one's head when you remove the rest of the building. He says it is very dangerous if allowed to stand as a fireplace. So there must b e a reason why the chimney was left standing on the base. He is somehow connecte d to the ground probably. , the existence of a subsurface was further confirmed when my video recordings a ufzeigten clad with asbestos tubes. Two main points in the contract for the deto xification of the station were the removal of asbestos and PCB transformers (PCB Polychlorbiphenol, a kind of transformer oil). They seemed to dig the transform ers, but the asbestos they were just lying under the open sky. This is clearly s een on my video where you can see lying around everywhere covered with a white l ayer tubes. The white cover is asbestos. The tubes were part of the system, dist ributed the steam and hot water from a central plant in all buildings. According to the requirements of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, Offic e of Environmental Protection), workers may approach such tubes without protecti ve suit most up to sixty meters. As the buildings were torn down, you leave lyin g around these tubes just open. According to the contract you would have to firs t remove these tubes. asbestos in wind and weather is extremely dangerous. All this shows us that the detoxification contract that was not what you wanted us to believe. The proof is on my video tapes. The contract was a cloak and probably had to do with my theo ry about the closing of entrances to the underground in the event that Congress orders an investigation. In the spring of 1994, I saw on one of my videos behind the old power plant a hu ge pit. She was filled with water. I showed this unusual image my friend Tim fro m the building industry. At first he could not comment. Later, he saw another ph otograph of the same area. Now the water was dried up and you could see the bott om of the pit. There were two things. On the one hand there was a cement slab, which forms the roof of the underground . Second, it became clear that this pit was not dug by a machine. It looked more like it, as if the mine water fed from the bottom to the top. You could also mu dslides, the down flowing out of the big hole the hill. One of the Montauk Boys (now he is a man) named Mike remembers that he was divin g with a scuba equipment in water within the Montauk underground. Since I realiz ed that the ground had apparently been flooded. If so, then some of the pits hav e been dug therefore likely to involve people who were trapped in air bubbles. M ike appeared perhaps to find such air bubbles. , if you had the people located only once, you could dig down from above them. T hat would be much easier than trying to save her with diving equipment. This speculation is one of many signs that show that a great misfortune had happ ened in Montauk underground. I have noticed that in 1994, during much of the yea r, no shipments of Montauk came. This disaster scenario explains why the program had stopped. It also explains why the Cardion radar was installed at the surfac e. In Chapter 1, is that they had Mike Nichols said the radar would not work on the ground. eyewitnesses have seen in the underground of Montauk also huge amplifier. These require a cooling system. And the accelerator required cooling water for the low-temperature radiator that is inserted therein. This results in huge amounts of water. I have heard that a large tube was moved in the ocean, which is geared towards the ocean currents. He is somewhat below the waterline at low tide and rises from there about twenty feet below where it is connected to a larger tube. As through a huge funnel in the ocean there is thus a steady water pressure in the pipe, which leads directl y into the ground where the water for cooling purposes is used. probably broke this great pipeline, either by demolition or by an accident, and water flooded underground. As the hydrostatic pressure on the ceiling of the gro und was then large enough, this broke through and a kind of geyser went off at t he spot where we saw the big pit. This pit really looked like a balancing reservoir for the water. At the time whe n the pit was full of water (in spring 1994), there was everywhere at Montauk Po

int water where I never before had seen that. The marshes were overflowing, with salt water, as was reported. I have not check ed personally. Interestingly enough, much of the vegetation in the swamps dead T his could be an effect of the effluent from the underground salt water. For the moment I close that my justification for the existence of a background i n Montauk, which was flooded by water from. I'm sure that once the whole truth i s discovered, they will be even more extraordinary than anything I've told until now. And please note my warning not to go there. It is better for your own safe ty that way. 32 THE MYSTERIOUS BOTTLE During one of my video flights on Montauk another series of interesting events o ccurred. When I flew over Camp Hero, appeared in a small building the size of a cabinet between the trees. Several children who had been persecuted in the area of black helicopters, had already told me of his existence, but I had never even seen it . But something funny happened. I could not find it on the viewfinder o f the camera. It seemed to appear and disappear. When it reappeared, I zoomed in on it happening. After I got home, I examined the photographs of the building very well. It was o ne of the few above-ground structures on Camp Hero, which I had never been studi ed. When I played the sequence with slow motion, I saw a square hatch with a rou nd and shiny object next to it tightly. Then the building disappeared, but immed iately dived again. Now the shiny object was on a black raised area next to the rectangular hatch. Suddenly this black thing from the roof like a hatch rises, b ut that was only to see a single image. In the next picture the roof looks again like before. No hatch can be quickly and close, open again, but that something had happened on this single image is unmistakable. It was to go at the time, and take a closer look. A week later, we planned a walk in the lion's den. Peter Moon and our friend Tim accompanied me. The small building is not located within the inner fence, guard ed by the United States Park Police. We tried, no area to enter, which was marked with "No Trespassing". Therefore we had to make a long detour through the swamps. After we got lost for about an ho ur, we found the building. We examined the roof and saw that there was nothing that stands out in 1/30 seco nd would open and close it again. The hatch was just a hatch, but she was much s maller than the black thing that I had seen rising in the video image. Mysteriously standing right next to the house a ladder. This made ? â no sense, because there was no apparent reason to climb onto the roof of the small building. Pete r put the ladder on the roof and entered for a brief moment, and he almost fell through. It was impossible that a person would have found himself on the roof du ring video recordings. We saw all three an unusual looking bottle of wine on the roof. It was filled wi th dirty water. I made ? â video recordings thereof, as well from the rest of the roof. When I was back home and looked at me the shots I could find on the tape no mor e wine bottle. That was very funny. The next morning she appeared in the storage room of my house. I showed it to Peter and Tim, it was the same bottle that we had seen before. It did not make sense. What went here just before? Some think that this was the group in Montauk, who said: ". kuckt times what we can do anything" One theory is that the little house disappeared in a local reality shift and a s econd cottage appeared that had this black thing on the roof that looked like a hatch. The theory goes on to say that this mechanical thing very quickly rises t hrough the building is something from the ground to the air and sinks down again . The only explanation for this would be an alternative reality. The photographs will be on display on my Montauk Video Tour, Part II, For the moment, we need t o attach this to the list of puzzles to Montauk. 33 THE MONTAUK-BOYS

In the book we have Montauk Revisited tells the story of the Montauk Boys. This was a group of boys that had been used during the Montauk project for a number o f dastardly experiments. Normally they looked Aryan and were often kidnapped or lured to other species in the project. They were usually abused and programmed with psycho-sexual means. The programming led them, that they went out into society and served the goals o f the secret government. Often they were described as "sleeper" (sleeper) sent out. The idea was that the y assumed a normal position and would be prepared to take key positions in a mil itary dictatorship, when the martial law would be declared. I think that most of these boys literally beaten the life out of his body during the original Montauk Project has been. They wanted to remove the spirit from th e body and make this programmable. If this brutality was necessary, then it was just so. Later in my research appea red even younger Montauk Boys, who did not show signs of shock or trauma. By dep rogramming of some Montauk Boys has since been recognized that the Montauk Boy p rogram had undergone a change. At first the boys were beaten. Then they learned that there were other and better physical means to drive the soul from the body. The organization, which they had put on their feet for the recruitment of boys, was also more humane. If any boy says he would work for the United States it is usually well pleased with the country. During recruitment, the boys were also te sted and educated. In the time between the boy a good life with leisure programs were offered. We wanted them to participate voluntarily. They were told that they would go through hell, but if they were times through, they would be part of an elite force on this planet. They not only told them the y would be at the top of the planet, but also, they might even save the planet i tself. In this way, most of the boys who participated voluntarily. They were only more brutally treated if they were part of the project already and none of the metaph ysical method was effective. But this was more rare. If they could not get through metaphysical means someone from the body, and this was an average boy, then they just deleted his memories and sent him back. As part of the pastime, there were games and recreation rooms for the boys. Ther e they were treated like VIP's, they were free to move on the first level of the subsoil, and this level was hers. We have learned that this first level had bee n newly equipped and pleasant, although of course it was still rather rustic. Bu t some of the boys still remember the Bunker Boys, in contrast to what I have ju st said. This gives an idea that the Boys bunker in an alternate reality is still in oper ation. We have since learned that Montauk is a bridge between realities, and tha t many activities in Montauk happen in other realities. I have also discovered that the majority of Boys part of the so-called Delta For ce were or are, a force which, UFO's harbors. Sometimes this happens in the U.S. , sometimes somewhere on the planet, often in a different reality. Today, these young men and all are highly trained to fight against aliens. This information I have from several people with whom I have worked. They say it because really go and play Rambo. Of course it is not difficult to find other boys who like to ha ng out and want to be Rambo. These men have been trained for years to be a member of this elite group. They a re usually happy to do this work, but they are programmed so that they do not re member it in their normal life, because everything is top top secret. One of my employees, who had gone to the army, was very angry, for he knew that he had there a very important position, and yet he was treated like a kommuner f oot soldier. He had actually been mistreated, but he knew that there was another part of his service, where he was treated like a star. The members of Delta For ce were treated as elite troops, if they occurred in this function. But because their function then went far beyond what could be considered normal military ser vice, you can also understand why they have been programmed to forget their acti vities. The following example will illustrate this point. When I deprogrammierte one of these boys, I heard noises outside and felt that s

omeone was in my garden. I followed this man, but never saw him. I heard him and saw branches bent when he walked past bushes. The man was invisible. This may s ound unbelievable, but it is a result of the Philadelphia Experiment, which has developed over many years. A number of the boys in the Delta Force say they would sometimes carry a small i nvisibility device, about the size of a Walkman, which is attached to the belt. The unit has three adjustment levels: Off, Hidden and path. Set to Off you're in the area and visible to invisible can be seen or detected b y radar or light, but you can interact with reality. The third adjustment path m eans that you are in a parallel reality and can see into this reality. You can no longer affect this reality, they can be observed only. In this way, y ou can also go through walls. This is of course a possibility madness that is th ese guys available. If you have seen my video "The Montauk Tour": I think it one of these guys has b een recorded. When I come to a bend in the road, he turns the unit on and begins to hide for several images. Not all Montauk Boys were trained for the Delta Force. There are other centers a cross the country and the entire program is likely equipped with a variety of ta sks and surprises. I had thus made a direct experience, when I met a man in Seattle. He had an impl ant that was a clear signal from him. His whole body resonated, and I could feel it formally. Anyone with a certain sensibility had also sensed the signal. It reminded me of a radio signal, but it was of a higher order. I noticed that this man was on the air. I soon began to work with this man I call Bill here. I realized quickly that I had designed this implant itself, when I worked in Mon tauk. I discovered that I mentally control the implant and it was on and off. Wh en I ausschaltete it, Bill was passed out, so I turned it on again. Although I'm still not a computer programmer, a computer technician, I knew the computer lan guage of this implant and was thus able to dissolve one of my blackouts. After this discovery with Bill, I began to search for other implants. Mike Ash w as examined next. First, did not seem to be there. But when I was investigating deeper, I discovered that his implant was designed so that it ausschaltete autom atically when someone searched for it. I had first theorized that Mike had an implant. Then I tried to control this men tally and found that I could turn it on. I could feel the transmission. As I researched further, I found that Bill implant has malfunctioned and therefo re can no longer ausschaltete if you looked for it. So I was stumbling across. T he shutdown program from Mike worked, but I could be bridged. The implant itself has a CPU (Central Processing Unit, central processing unit o f a computer). This is a chip that is normally at the breastbone, just above the heart, attached. Including, to the ribs, there is a memory chip. About the neck liabili-ments lead to a variety of wires in the back of the head. The whole thing is controlled by a group of electrodes that sit in the nerve pat hways. There are five electrodes for each nerve, but I will describe only three because the other two simply act in the reverse direction. The first electrode captures the neurological impulse on the nerve fibers of the neuron. The second electrode generates the exact opposite momentum and neutrali zed first. The third electrode brings a pulse or a new impulse from the computer . Everything is "neuro-wired" and run on the computer. The computer has its own programming, but it is also associated with a data tran smitter, which means you can literally see and feel through the eyes and minds o f the boys from a distance. At the same time you can send a signal to the implan t to change the data of the neural net. This means control of the lower, basic k ind you can control the physical thoughts and actions of the man. The technique is very sophisticated. This type implant can only be applied when the brain is fully developed, such as during puberty. The exact time is different individually. This also explains why they brought bo ys of different ages in the Montauk Project. No boy has a fully developed brain

at the same age as the next. They had to catch the exact moment at which a brain was neurologically fully developed. Substituting the implant in accordance with these guidelines, it will never need replacing throughout the life of the indiv idual. implants are the high technology products that are used by the Montauk crew to m anipulate. We can better against those who wish us harm, defend, if we examine t he implants. I also understand that many people are shocked when they hear about the sophistication of these devices. The important thing is to Erinn taxes that these implants only work because when the "host" agrees. One can get rid of eve rything. 34 THE MONTAUK-transmissions The Montauk underground and the programming of the Boys are just two of the many strands of evidence that suggest that the Montauk Project is still active today . There's also the matter of the shipments from the area of Camp Hero. Though it what applies to consignments of Montauk, after the flood was rather qu iet, there was some activity in 1993. On 15 August of that year I went to Montau k Point. I was accompanied by Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek, Pete Socol, Mike Nichol s and Peter Moon. They have all been witnesses of the events that I will describ e now. To about four clock in the afternoon we had in my van at the viewpoint, which is located very close to the old Montauk Air Force Base, established a monitoring station. We could immediately realize programs on oscilloscope. It did not surprise us th at the shipments were in the 420-450 megahertz range. This is the same frequency that was used for mind control experiments as in the book The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time had been described. In addition, we started further submissi ons on near 172-173 megahertz. This engages the frequency of the channel 7 (ABC) whose bandwidth is 172-174 MH (specifically the carrier frequency is 174 MH). This is illegal. Many people in Montauk have reported interference on the channel 7, but most of the houses in Montauk are connected and therefore receive ABC TV without interfe rence on the cable network. With a usual direction finder we saw that broadcasts from the direction of the o ld Montauk Air Force Base arrived. I recorded everything, and this will be very convincing for a trained observer. This all indicates to other inconsistencies in Montauk. The old Montauk Air Forc e, base, was supposed to be a New York State Park. Why should state workers any convey something? The park rangers had Peter Moon and told me personally that no one could enter the base, since there asbestos and PCBs would be removed. Maybe they use radio waves to dispose of asbestos and oil? funny thing is also that a newly appointed guard station seen on the way to the inner part of the base. In addition there is a new gate that can be opened only with a key along with a code. Probably not coincidentally, these increased secur ity measures were accompanied by a further exceptional scenario. A few weeks before the 12th August 1993 (the tenth anniversary of the culminatio n of the Montauk project) was discovered on the cliffs south of the base a brand new radar station. This was the Cardion radar, from which this book has been re ported in Chapter 1. A conversation between Peter Moon and a member of the State Park Police revealed that the door had been delivered to the internal system of the Cardion Corporat ion. Peter says that the policeman would have kept his answers about details int entionally vague, but he said it was an agreement has been made. He was not sure which kind When Peter asked if Cardion had placed the gate as consideration for the use of the base, the policeman repeated only that an agreement had been neg otiated. This scenario raises some important questions: First, why is a state park used by a private company? Second, why are from the area of ? â Radar Hill (where the house with the transmitter i

s - which is not the way, near the place where the Cardion radar had been erecte d) sent illegal radio signals? Third, why were these transfers take place on a range of 420-450 megahertz, the exact same frequencies that were also used for mind control experiments? Fourth, why is a decommissioned base with high-voltage lines of 20 megawatts (en ough to power a small city) fed, and provided with new phone lines? At the same time the most senior park officials told us there who base will degrade. These are not new questions, as this has been observed for a long time, but they are presented here for the first time in book form. In the past, radio amateurs had with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission, Federal Communications Com mission) on illegal frequencies that come from Montauk, complained. After the FC C had checked this, they claimed that they had not observed any such transfers. Superficially Seen it seems that someone was either lazy or dishonest with the F CC. , if they wanted to make a proper investigation, they would be impartial and mus t scan the area without first calling the Montauk people and tell them they are the off thing. At the moment everything is turned off. Since 1994, it has been discovered no more shipments. Perhaps they have become m ore cautious, since this information is published in Montauk pulses in the summe r of 1993. We ended the FCC and local politicians prompted to conduct an investi gation into the ways, because otherwise they would have to expect an indictment because they allowed an unlawful use of a state park. If the same transmissions occur again, we'll be ready. 35 THE PARTICLE I have already mentioned that I had discovered a particle accelerator when flyin g from Camp Hero with the video camera. What looked like a cut out from the foliage large circle, was identified by my f riend Danny, a nuclear physicist, as a particle accelerator. I showed him the vi deos recorded from the top of the base. He was very excited and asked me to hold a picture. Then he took out a diagram of a particle accelerator out, held it up to the scre en and began to identify the individual components of a particle accelerator. "H ere's the beam path. Here the access for maintenance. Here the access to cryogen ic cooling (Cryogenics deals with the achievement of extremely low temperatures and their effect on the matter). Below the particles are injected." If you put Danny's chart on my video image, it corresponds exactly to the Montau k Circle. All this throws new light on the Montauk Project. So I started researching in th is direction and thereby also studied particle accelerator. I found out that one uses a very large particle accelerators in order to "feed" to smaller. I think that the major is at the Brookhaven National Laboratories. Because of th e energetic interactions between the different particle the smaller must be a ce rtain distance away from the great. Montauk and the East End of Long Iceland wer e chosen as ideal for the smaller particle accelerator. Next, I will explain how this system of particle accelerators work. If you are n ot technically interested, you might skip the rest of this chapter. The process starts with zeroing of protons in the major accelerator. A proton is a positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom. It is the antithesis of the electron. For use in proton accelerators are prepared by removal of the electrons of hydro gen atoms. For this, the light hydrogen is separated from the heavy hydrogen fir st. Now you have light hydrogen without neutrons in the nucleus. Then it is very easy to remove the electrons and one then gets positively charged protons. A pr oton beam is shot out into the accelerator, where they start to become faster an d faster. The protons are spread and take up more space, where they are always v irtual. At the output of the large accelerator, the protons about .5 C fast (C = speed o f light, 0.5 C so half the speed of light). From this starting point, the protons are sent in magnetically focused tunnel to

the accelerator ring at the Montauk base. Where they are further accelerated up to the speed of light. At the speed of light to Profit from the formula of Einstein E = mc ² (energy equal s mass times the speed of light squared). This is important because a particle t hat moves with the speed of light, always has an energy fraction (which in other words also E = mv ² may be given, where V is velocity) on the mass / velocity rela tionship in the formula Einstein based. The maximum speed is the speed of light, when V is replaced by C. The idea of particle accelerators is that you are constantly makes an electromag netic unit of energy (one proton, which behaves like a particle) achieve higher speeds. When the particles reach the speed of light, enormous amounts of energy are released, because then enters from the real world in a totally imaginary wor ld, which can be defined as mental energy. When I studied in detail along with Dan the particle accelerator at Montauk, ran g in my head all the warning signs, because I could now suddenly explain a probl em, which I encountered again and again for years. Whenever I asked the media, how much power they had in Montauk, she always calle d an astronomical sum of one million megawatts of energy. That made no sense so far, because if you wanted to use an amplifier with a mill ion megawatts, you needed to at least two million megawatts of energy. In order to operate such a thing there is to the whole of Long Iceland does not have enou gh energy (ilia: this energy was gepumt into the system at 11 to 14 August 2003 - what the blackout in New York triggered). When I told this Dan, he had already explained to me the procedure with differen t particle accelerators to achieve light speed. So I asked him how much energy c ould produce such a particle accelerator because when it reaches the speed of li ght. Dan took out a board on which many things were, among others, the energy ou tput in relation to the diameter of an accelerator. We had the diameter of the c ircle Montauk already with 625 foot (200 meter). Of course Dan promptly found an entry under 625 feet: Was that a mere coincidence? The other information on the board we had to estimate, among other things, the d iameter of the beam and the energy input. Dan calculated from the fact that the particle accelerator in Montauk correspond ed to a nuclear warhead of 100 megatons. On another board, he found that 100 meg atons a million megawatts of energy corresponded exactly to the amount which had mentioned the different media. After my meeting with Dan, I found out even more details about particle accelera tors. So I found, for example, some reports of very large amplifiers that were b uilt for particle accelerators. They were calibrated to 435 megahertz, which mea ns that they probably landed in Montauk. These amplifiers are called klystrons a nd replaced the huge Amplitronen which had been used in the underground. Apparently this was a technical decision, because two or three klystrons could d o the work of twenty-four Amplitronen. They were easy to connect and worked simi lar to a magnetron, except that they are linear and without orbit. (A magnetron is a microwave signal source, similar to that which is used in microwave ovens. It consists of a tube with an electron orbit, which produces large amounts of RF power.) Klystrons consist of a tube of about 30 meters in length and a diameter of about six meters. Basically, they are extremely powerful microwave amplifiers, which drive the particle accelerator. Teilchenverstärker In (which is the same as a particle accelerator) are atomic part icles such as neutrons or protons instead of electrons (which are used in the ma gnetron and Amplitron) used. Proton / neutron are then focused in an orbit so that the "cavities" (voids) of the accelerator, a resonance operation occurs. A "cavity" is a response field, w hich is reflected by a layer, which RF energy is included such as, for example, from a metal plate or the shielded area. It is physically dependent on speed resonantly, in this case the speed of light.

these neutrons / protons are in their orbits specially grouped so in a magnetron or Amplitron they act as energy packets (which both electrons in orbit have). I f the particles are now chased around the particle accelerator in Montauk in a c ircle and approach the speed of light, the cavity collects the atomic particles in energy packets. Then the cavity is vibrated by the energy of the particles. Then, when the speed of the electron beam is further increased, it gives off ene rgy to the cavity from which can be removed from there as the power to the outsi de. particle in a Teilchenorbit is generated. The trick is to combine the particles to groups with regard to their relativistic phase velocity. When that happens an d the particle beam is approaching the speed of light, you can see the energy ta p by a group of cavities as in a magnetron. In particle accelerators, to which t he 200-meter circle belongs in Montauk, two sets of cavities are at right angles to each other about the circle positioned. With the power of a transmitter of a bout 30 megawatts to operate a group of cavities on an axis, which we will somet imes call the X-axis. As in a normal Amplitron now grouped these energy supplied to the electron beam around racing around Amplitron, with a group of cavities. There, this is called a slow wave structure (slow wave refers to particles slowe r than the speed of light move). In Teilchenstrahlverstärker however, we are not dealing with a slow wave structure, but with a light speed wave structure. The Cavities group the particle beam at about 0.9 C. If then accelerate the particles and reach the speed of light, all the energy is released. The energy is transferred to the grouped particles and the Y-cavity a bsorbs the energy now. It is offset by 90 degrees from the X-Cavity and directs the energy from a dial-type. To derive the energy of the particle, one would usually send them in so-called " wave guides" (waveguide) and lead back to the radar tower. However, this is not possible, because the one million megawatts would melt the wave guides. Why not one takes the energy as an energy beam is allowed to Teilchenstrahlverstärk er the antenna. The circle of the particle accelerator then forms the E-field antenna with a mil lion megawatts of power and is coupled with the Delta-T antenna. This is definit ely enough space to bend and time. They constructed the output cavity so that it flows into a kind of rectifier tha t I have not yet properly understood. Part of this energy is used for the DeltaT antenna, the ultimate tip is just below the center of the circle. The lower pe ak is well below the center of the circle and the particle accelerator. To drive the X and Y coils of the Delta-T antenna, they have tapped into the particle ac celerator just above the surface. Then they run the Z coil from the particle accelerator in Montauk (the roundabou t in the center of the city) from, perhaps with a source of white noise. I even suppose that they can accelerate some of that energy to light speed. Since the o utput of the accelerator is not modulated in the city, it consists of white nois e and can thus serve as a reference signal for the time curvature (see Chapter 1 2 in the Montauk Project). Time curvature is not the only benefit of a particle accelerator. Today it is al so used as Teilchenstrahlwaffe. We know that UFO's are sensitive to 435 megahert z with a bandwidth of 20 megahertz. This is achieved by a group of cavities focu sing the particle beam at 435 MH. Then a beam output is created to use the particle beam as a weapon with mirrors and magnetic focusing. They represent two similar to the Caduceus entwined rays. By controlling the phase-rays, you can adjust the range and location of the des tructive interference. The two entangled beams destroy each other, this creates a small black hole. By modulating one can pierce the shield of the UFO's that one, when it began from t he time of the SAGE radar to shoot down UFO's, knows well. But that is another story, I currently working on a book that represents my expe riences in the field of UFO's.

36 THE TIME LINE Most of what I write about Montauk, either technical or experimental in nature, but I would like to conclude with a philosophical representation of our consciou sness. A few years ago I discovered that the Montauk Project was associated with a numb er of other space-time projects. This in turn allied themselves with other proje cts backwards into history and into the future. It seems that the Montauk projec t went even 3.6 million years in the past, and about 6037 years in the future. These times they have transferred to themselves. This means that we lived throug h this time line twice. This is the second passage, and maybe we have gone throu gh already more than twice. Because we can have two different time lines for the same period impossible, thi s means that the swing over a time line and must be to an alternative reality. All this suggests that the first line must be the time created by God. The alter nate timeline is what became the original sin. What exactly is the original sin? In the Bible it is said that original sin is the sin of knowledge. The at least say the translations. We got knowledge and God banished us from Eden. He did not banished us. This is what happened: When we traced the first timeline in itself, this waved off and became an altern ate reality, and we went on a second timeline. This second time line is our creation. not of God. The original God, the Father-God is not on this timeline. Therefore, says the mo dern Christian doctrine that we can reach the Father only through the Christ God . What is the Christ? Christ is the part of us that will lead us back to the Father. The cross symbolizes the crossing of our time line with that of the Creator. Thr ough this relationship with Christ we can find the Father-God, the original crea tors. All this implies that the original sin is the knowledge of space and time, and that we thus can play God and create our own reality. Of course we have emb arked in this reality and thereby separated us from our Creator. It was a collective consciousness that created all these different space-time pr ojects, which are all part of the original sin. We know this today as history. W e can get rid of the wrong time line only in that we become aware of our origina l time line again. That is the purpose of the Montauk books. , it is, if only ten percent of the creatures in this galaxy may be the original timeline aware that then all other beings join in this as well. I hope that the ir consciousness has increased by reading this book. If yes, then your journey h ome has begun. EPILOGUE The extent and synchronicities of stories to Montauk have exceeded all expectati ons. Neither Preston nor I originally had the slightest idea that so many compou nds would show through our research. In all of our investigations, the strategy to bring our results immediately in b ook form and spread, so as to obtain new information, ideally proven. The surfac e but in some areas only just scratched. No doubt many will call for more information about Montauk and the associated ph enomena. It is also inevitable that we will continue to research and gather info rmation. Therefore, I now give you our plans for further books known. Preston and I have been working on a book about his experiences with aliens. Thi s book will be of pure Preston Nichols and it is to be a foundational work on th e whole UFO phenomenon. It will include a discussion of UFO technology, abductio ns and many other aspects that are associated with it. then there are some books that we could address in the future. For example, the following topics: Jack Parsons and the Babalon Working, The Nazi connection to T ibet and Montauk, The story of Duncan Cameron. Preston told me after he had read the Part 1 of this book that he would like to write a book about the last eight

days of the Montauk project. This would focus primarily on the relationship bet ween Mars and Montauk, which was already partially addressed in Montauk. But bef ore we move this into account, much remains to be investigated. And then there's the movie, you are often asked if there will be a film about th e Montauk Project. We can tell you that different sources show definite interest in Hollywood to make a film about the Montauk Project. Unfortunately, most peop le who had contacted us in this regard, rather naive when it comes to this topic . They do not realize that Montauk on the censorship list of media is the number one. One can easily understand the difficulties that may arise therefrom. It might ta ke a while until the world is ready for Montauk the Movie, but I'm sure everythi ng will result in his time. At the moment we have no plans, the themes of sacred geometry and the mystery sc hools that have been raised in this book, to be taken on. The seriously interest ed readers who want to go this mysterious universe to the bottom, I can recommen d the work of Stan Tenen, which have been described in Chapter 10 very much. His approach to sacred geometry is strictly academically and provides many insights . Of course, all these plans can change quickly when there is a new location on th e Montauk front. There is interesting news about the advance of the Montauk Indi ans, their country get back, give. These and other developments will be continua lly reported in the newsletter The Montauk Pulse. Meanwhile, we all try to ensure that as many accurate and meaningful information is fed into the morphogenetic grid as possible. This is simply the process of b ecoming and awareness of awareness-making by others. Finally, we hope that this book has taught you something you did not know, and y our consciousness is raised about the events in creation. May your resulting tim eline will be a pleasant.