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2018 - II

1. @:

In the email addresses, it is the symbol that separates the user's name from the name of his email provider. For example: [email protected]

2. D: Three-dimensional Image constructed with three dimensions: length, width and depth. When the user can interact with 3D images feeling involved in the scene, the experience is called virtual reality.

3. DIRECT ACCESS: It is an icon that allows to open more easily a certain program or file.

4. INTELLIGENT AGENT It is that machine or person to which various characteristics are attributed by which it is able to obtain or create intelligence.

5. ACROBAT: Adobe program that allows you to capture documents and see them in their original appearance. Acrobat works with PDF files.

6. ALGORITHM: Set of well-defined rules for solving a problem. A software program is the transcription, in programming language, of an algorithm.

7. BANDWIDTH Express the amount of data that can be transmitted in a certain period. In networks, it is expressed in bps.

8. APACHE: Servidor web de distribución libre. Fue desarrollado en 1995 y ha llegado a ser el más usado de Internet.

9. ATTACHED FILE: File that accompanies an e-mail message. It is suitable for sending images, sounds, programs and other large files.

10. AUTOCAD: Technical drawing program.

11. BACKUP: Backup. It is done to prevent a possible loss of information.

12. ENTRY TRAY: Inbox

13. DATABASE: Set of data organized in such a way that it is easy to access, manage and update them.

14. BASIC: Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code: Multipurpose Symbolic Instruction Code for Beginners. Programming language, created in 1963, simple and widespread.

15. BIOS: Basic Input / Output System: Basic input / output data system. Set of procedures that control the flow of data between the operating system and devices such as the hard disk, the video card, the keyboard, the mouse and the printer.


17. DEPARTURE MAILBOX: Folder of an e-mail program where the sent messages appear.

18. BYTE: Information unit used by computers. Each byte is composed of eight bits

19. COAXIAL CABLE: It is the type of cable used by cable television companies to establish the connection between the sending station and the user. The AT & T telephone company used the coaxial cable for the first transcontinental connection in 1941. It is also widely used in local area network (LAN) connections. Depending on the type of technology used, it can be replaced by optical fiber.

20. CABLE-MODEM: Modem that connects a computer with high-speed Internet, through a cable TV line.

21. CACHÉ DE DISCO: Small portion of RAM that stores recently read data, which speeds future access to the same data.

22. C++ Programming language that is used to design software and is the continuity of C, but this contains a little more options.

23. CYBERNETICS: It is an application of science, in the technological field it could be defined as that function that helps man to be able to organize machines that make man's work more efficient and faster.

24. CD-ROM: Compact Disk - Read Only Memory. Read-only compact disc. It has a storage capacity of up to 650 megabytes, much larger than that of a diskette.

25. CELLULAR: Mobile phone. The user communicates with a relatively close transmitter. From there (and through antennas) the data travel from one transmission unit to another until it reaches its destination. The range of coverage of each transmitter is called a cell. Hence the name.

26. CHIP: Abbreviation of "microchip". Very small circuit, composed of thousands to millions of transistors printed on a silicon wafer.

27. CPU: Central Processing Unit. Central processing unit. It is the processor that contains the logic circuits that perform the instructions of the computer.

28. DATA: Data, information.


30. RIGID DISK: Swivel storage rack in the form of a circular plate covered by a magnetic film. The data is recorded in concentric tracks in the movie.

31. E-MAIL:

32. ETHERNET: Technology for local area network. It was originally developed by Xerox and later by Xerox, DEC and Intel. It has been accepted as standard by the IEEE.

33. EXTRANET: Part of an access intranet available to clients and other users outside the company.

34. OPTICAL FIBER: Technology to transmit information as light pulses through a fiberglass duct. Fiber optics carries much more information than conventional copper cable. Most of the long distance lines of telephone companies use fiber optics.


36. FAQ: Frequently-asked questions. The most frequently asked questions (and their answers) about the main topic of a website.

37. GATEWAY: Door; access; runway. Point of connection between two network systems.

38. Animated GIF: Variant of the GIF format. It is used in the WorldWideWeb to give movement to icons and banners.

39. GPS: Global Positioning System. Global location system composed of 24 satellites. It is used, for example, in cars, to tell the driver where he is and to suggest possible routes.

40. HARDWARE: All the physical components of the computer and its peripherals.

41. HYPERTEXT: They are links to links that we find when we are browsing a website and that clicking on them automatically opens a new page that is related to the one we are using.

42. HTML: It is a markup language that is used for the development of Internet pages. This is the acronym that corresponds to HyperText Markup Language, that is, Hypertext Markup Language, which could be translated as a Document Format Language for Hypertext.

43. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: This concept would define it as a creation of machines that are capable of creating knowledge from a kind of algorithms, although I must say that it is not about creating intelligence by itself, but as I said, this intelligence is created from a series of calculations.

44. INTERFACE: Point at which a connection is established between two elements, which allows them to work together. The interface is the medium that allows the interaction between these elements. In the field of computing, there are different types of interfaces that operate at different levels, from clearly visible interfaces, which allow people to communicate with the programs, to the essential hardware interfaces, often invisible, that connect devices to each other. And components inside computers or computers.

45. INK JET PRINTER: Printer working by spraying the ink on paper.

46. THE ROBOTIC It is a branch of technology that is responsible for the invention of machines capable of performing a human task or work, although at the same time it resorts to artificial intelligence to create the algorithms by which it was based to carry out a certain task.

47. Programming language: In computer science, any artificial language that can be used to define a sequence of instructions for processing by a computer or computer. It is complicated to define what is and what is not a programming language. It is generally assumed that the translation of the instructions to a code comprising the computer must be completely systematic.

48. USB (Universal Serial Bus): It is a plug & play interface between a computer and certain devices, for example, keyboards, telephones, scanners and printers.

49. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): International standard for applications that use wireless communication, for example access to the Internet from a cell phone.

50. ZIP: Format of compressed files.