Principles and Implications of the Lexical Approach

1/8/2014 Principles and implications of the Lexical Approach < Torna indietro Principles and implications of the Lexic

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Principles and implications of the Lexical Approach

< Torna indietro Principles and implications of the Lexical Approach

The Lexical Approach develops many of the fundamental principles advanced by proponents of the Communicative Approach. The most important difference is the increased understanding of the nature of lexis in naturally occurring language, and its potential contribution to language pedagogy. Key principles Language consists of grammaticalised lexis, not lexicalised grammar. The grammar/vocabulary dichotomy is invalid; much language consists of multi-words 'chunks'. A central element of language teaching is raising students' awareness of, and developing their ability to 'chunk' language successfully. Although structural patterns are known as useful, lexical and metaphorical patterning are accorded appropriate status. Collocation is integrated as an organising principle within syllabuses. The central metaphor of language is holistic - an organism; not atomistic - a machine. It is the co-textual rather than the situational element of context which are of primary importance for language teaching. Grammar as a receptive skill, involving the perception of similarity and difference, is prioritised. Receptive skills, particularly listening, are given enhanced status. The Present-Practise-Produce paradigm is rejected, in favour of a paradigm based on the Observe-Hypothesise-Experiment cycle. Contemporary language teaching methods tend to be similar for students at different level of competence;



Principles and implications of the Lexical Approach

with the Lexical Approach the materials and methods appropriate to beginners or elementary students are radically different from those employed for upperintermediate or advanced students. Significant reordering of the learning programme is implicit in the Lexical Approach. Extract from: Michael Lew is - THE LEXICAL APPROACH The State of ELT and a Way Forw ard LTP Langauge Teaching Publication 1993 ISBN 0 906717 99 X (pg: vi - vii) Links: Implementing the Lexical Approach: Putting Theory into Practice Web Concordancer (English) Collins COBUILD BNC


Aitchison, Jean. Words in the Mind. An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. New York: Basil Blackw ell Inc., 1988. ISBN 0-631-14442-0 Order: Words in the Mind Brow n, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Order:Principles of Language Learning and Teaching Coady, J. and Huckin, T. (1997) Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. CUP Order: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Duke, Marshall P., et alia.. Teaching Your Child the Language of Success. Order: Teaching Your Child the Language of Success Glass, Arnold L.. Cognition. London: MacGraw -Hill Book Co., 1986. ISBN 0-07-100734-2 Order: Cognition Gopnik, Alison and Meltzoff, Anrew N.. Words, Thoughts and Theories. 1996 Order: Words, Thoughts and Theories Harmer, Jeremy.. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers. Order: The Practice of English Language Teaching Kempson, Ruth M.. Semantic Theory. London: Cambridge University Press, 1979. ISBN 0 - 521 - 21613 - 3 Order: Semantic Theory Lew is, M. (1993) The Lexical Approach. LTP Lew is, M. (1997) Implementing the Lexical Approach. LTP



Principles and implications of the Lexical Approach

Nattinger, J. R. and DeCarrico, J. S. (1992) Lexical Phrases in Language Teaching. OUP Order: Lexical Phrases in Language Teaching Oatman, Jessie. Arcs of thought. Order: Arcs of thought Wilkins, D.A.Linguistics in Language Teaching. London: Arnold, 1983. ISBN: 07131 57488 Order: Linguistics in Language Teaching Willis, D. (1990) The Lexical Syllabus. Collins Cobuild Willis, J. and Willis, D. (1996) Challenge and Change in Language Learning. Heinemann

< Torna indietro

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