
I. Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiednich formach czasów gramatycznych: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Si

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I. Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiednich formach czasów gramatycznych: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple lub Past Continuous.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Yesterday my uncle ____________________ (repair) the car, while I ____________________ (do) my homework. Today ____________________ (be) Monday and we____________________ (have) dinner in the dining-room now. I ____________________ (have) two brothers and one sister. We____________________ (have) a great fun at the moment. What ____________________ (you/do) when the accident happened? My elder brother ____________________ (be) very intelligent. He ____________________ (want) to be a doctor. She____________________ (have) a terrible headache right now. She ____________________ (need) to take an aspirin. A: Where ____________________ (be/your sister) born? B: I ____________________ (not/know) to be honest. When my parents ____________________ (be) young, they ____________________ (listen) to Rolling Stones. My sister ____________________ (believe) in magic. She always ____________________ (try) tricks on me! Every morning I ____________________ (get up) at 7 o'clock, I____________________ (have) my breakfast. When I ____________________ (eat), my mother____________________ (prepare) my lunch. When I ____________________ (finish) having breakfast, I always ____________________ (take) my bike, and I ____________________ (go)quickly to school. I always ____________________ (arrive) late! My teacher ____________________ (not/like) this. A: Hey! What ____________________ (you/do)? B: I____________________ (do) my homework. I ____________________ (not/want) to get a bad grade tomorrow. Once upon a time, there ____________________ (be) a horrible witch. She ____________________ (love) scaring children and she ____________________ (live) near a school. Every day, she ____________________ (invite)children to her house with a really scary face, but children ____________________ (not/want) to go. A: What ____________________ (you/do) in London these days? B: I ____________________ (look) for a job. __________________________ (you send) an email to Bill now? When the postman __________________________ (arrive), my father __________________________ (have) a shower. Every night I __________________________ (go) to the cinema. I __________________________ (not go) to work today. Colin and Barbara Boyle __________________________ (not/be) born in Dublin but they __________________________ (travel) there a lot of times. He __________________________ (not wear) a jacket every day. We __________________________ (have) a great fun last weekend. Helen __________________________ (not want) a new job. We __________________________ (not know) him very well. As a child, I __________________________ (enjoy) playing guitar. She __________________________ (have) breakfast at 6.30. I __________________________ (study) Italian at the moment. When I __________________________ (be) 10, I __________________________ (eat) sandwich every morning. Why __________________________ (she wear) that horrible hat? The supermarket __________________________ (not open) till 9.00. It __________________________ (rain) in Paris this morning. My car is old, but it __________________________ (work) well.