pathophysiology of tetanus

Michael Erick Virtucio Jean Paola Yap Section4-D Group 9-b Pathophysiology of Tetanus Precipitating Factors:  Work (F

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Michael Erick Virtucio Jean Paola Yap

Section4-D Group 9-b

Pathophysiology of Tetanus Precipitating Factors:  Work (Farming)  Exposure to bacteria (wounds/lacerations)  No previous history of tetanus immunization

Clostridium tetani bacteria containing virulence plasmids enter wound

Toxins produced by growing cells Spores germinate under anaerobic conditions

Vegetative growth


Cell lysis occurs Release of bacterial endotoxins into surrounding


Tetanospasmin (potent neurotoxin)

Potentiating of infection

Release of biochemical mediators of inflammatory response (histamine, bradykinin)

Toxin circulated around the body through bloodstream and lymphatic system

Enter Central Nervous System (CNS) along peripheral nerves

Michael Erick Virtucio Jean Paola Yap

Section4-D Group 9-b

Inflammatory response initiated

Increased capillary permeability

WBCs such as neutrophils and monocytes enter

Increased blood flow


Toxin not able to pass through blood-brain barrier

Toxin makes its way to spinal cord

Phagocytosis and removal of debris occur

Rednes Phagocytes release endogenous pyrogens

Stimulation of hypothalamus to increase body temperature

Toxin enters the CNS Toxin taken up by neuromuscular junction Crosses to synaptic cleft Irreversibly binds to gangliosides at presynaptic inhibitory motor nerve endings

Fever Taken up by preganglionic neuron axon through endocytosis Blocks the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters (glycine and GABA) Excitatory activities unregulated



Aspiration of oral secretions



Rapid firing of impulses

Irritability of neurons Restless ness


Risus sardonicu s (fixed smile and elevated eyebrows )



Generalized tonic muscle spasms occur


Failure to speak or cry

Respiratory muscles

Chest wall muscle Chest wall rigidity

Diaphrag m

GI (laryn x, abdo minal wall)

Michael Erick Virtucio Jean Paola Yap

Section4-D Group 9-b

Headache Asphyxiation


Cardiac Arrest


Treatment 1. HTIG (Human tetanus Immunoglobulin): 3000-6000 units/IM 2. ATS (Anti tetanus Serum): 5000-10000 units/ ½ IV ½ IM 3. Antibiotics: Inj. Penicillin G 200000/kg in 4 divided Doses for 2 weeks 4. Sedation: Inj. Diazapam 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg/ 4 hourly Inj. Medazolam 1mg/ kg 5. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents: Inj. Pancuronium Bromide IV Infusion. Atracurium Besylate 6. Supportive Care: 

Isolation, Avoid Stimulation

Vital monitoring( Respiratory Rate, SPO2)

Oral Suctioning

Keep Nil Per Oral, Feed after 5 days

Place Nasogastri tube,


Intake of 3500-4000 Calories and at least 150g of protein

Respiratory failure