Passive Voice - Present Simple , Past Simple - Exercises

PASSIVE VOICE - Simple Present / Simple Past Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. 1. Stanley wrote this article

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PASSIVE VOICE - Simple Present / Simple Past Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice. 1. Stanley wrote this article. _______________________________________________________________ 2. The referee cancelled the match. _______________________________________________________________ 3. Firemen wear special uniforms. _______________________________________________________________ 4. A famous director made this film. _______________________________________________________________ 5. A detective found the missing child. _______________________________________________________________ 6. Architects design houses. _______________________________________________________________ 7. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. _______________________________________________________________ 8. Someone stole Jim’s bike last night. _______________________________________________________________ 9. One of the students broke the window. _______________________________________________________________ 10. A chauffeur drives the president’s car. _______________________________________________________________ 11. The firefighters rescued the teenagers from the burning building. _______________________________________________________________ 12. Mr Elliot pays the workers. _______________________________________________________________ 13. Someone left the door open. _______________________________________________________________


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