OpenMind Essentials

openMind Essentials, Unit 5 Grammar A 1. Write the words in the correct order. 1 a / Does / have / job / sister / your /

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openMind Essentials, Unit 5 Grammar A 1. Write the words in the correct order. 1 a / Does / have / job / sister / your / ? _____________________________________________________________ 2 at / she / the / university / works / Yes, / . _____________________________________________________________ 3 a / as / She / teacher / works / . _____________________________________________________________ 4 Does / early / she / start / work / ? _____________________________________________________________ 5 doesn’t / late / she / work / Yes, but / . _____________________________________________________________ 6 at / classes / end / Her / o’clock / two / . _____________________________________________________________ 7 at / Do / study / the / university / you / ? _____________________________________________________________ 8 classes / do. / I / I / like / my / Yes, / . _____________________________________________________________ 9 classes / Do / have / on / weekends / you / ? _____________________________________________________________ 10 don’t. / Friday / Monday / No, / study / to / we / We / . _____________________________________________________________ Grammar B 2. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs. A: (1) ___________ you___________ (have) a job? B: Yes, I do. I (2) ___________ (work) in a hotel. A: (3) ___________ you ___________ (work) as a receptionist? B: Yes. Peter (4) ___________ (work) at the same hotel. We (5) ___________ (start) work early and we (6) ___________ (finish) at three in the afternoon. A: (7) ___________ Peter ___________ (like) his job? B: No, he (8) ___________ (not, like) it. He (9) ___________(study) engineering at the university. He (10) ___________ (like) his studies. Vocabulary A 3. Complete the sentences with the following words. cook, five ten, gardener, park, pilot, salesclerk, school, shop, station, ten five My mother works as a (1) ____________________ in the coffee (2) ____________________ at the bus (3) ____________________. She likes her job. She starts work at (4) ____________________ [10:05] in the morning and she finishes at (5) ____________________ [5:10] in the afternoon. My father is a (6) ____________________ and he goes to the airport in the evening. I'm a student. I go to (7) ____________________ in the morning and I work as a (8) ____________________ at the mall every night. On weekends, I work as a (9) ____________________ in the (10) ____________________. I love plants. Vocabulary B

4. Circle the correct words. Nate is an (1) driver / engineer / server. He works with airplanes at the (2) airport / park / shopping mall. He likes his job. His wife is a (3) cook / homemaker / nurse at the hospital. She works with the patients. They have two children. Ivan is a student and he works as a (4) gardener / receptionist / server at a coffee (5) shop / station / store. He starts work at (6) six and twenty-five / six twenty-five / six twenty-five o'clock and he finishes at (7) nine and half / nine and thirty / nine thirty at night. His sister, Anne, is a (8) homemaker / nurse / teacher at an English institute. I'm a (9) homemaker / pilot / receptionist at a hotel and in the evening I'm a (10) driver / gardener / salesclerk at the shopping mall. I sell perfume. Reading 5. Read the text and write the missing names. This is Robert Kent. He is president of a computer service company, but he works from home. He answers the phone and helps people with computer problems. “I think my job is great!” he says. “I don't drive to work and I don't have an office. My home is my office.” Angela Bennett is a teacher, but she doesn't have a class now. She has a new baby and she works from home. She's a home tutor. She communicates with her students on the Internet. She helps them with their problems. “This is a great opportunity for me. I can be with my baby and teach students too.” 1 ___________ has a new baby. 2 ___________ doesn't have an office. 3 ___________ likes to teach. 4 ___________ uses the Internet. 5 ___________ talks on the phone. 6. Read the text and circle the correct words. Meet Lois Anderson. She is a virtual assistant. She helps companies. She gives them administrative help, but she doesn't go to the office. She works from her house. She writes reports, answers e-mails, and writes letters. “This is a wonderful opportunity. I have three children and I can be at home with them.” This is Peter Smith. He speaks five languages: English, Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. He works as a translator, but he doesn't want to work in an office. He works at home. He translates letters and documents. “Working from home is perfect for me.” 1 Lois / Peter can speak many languages. 2 Lois / Peter has children. 3 Peter translates / writes letters. 4 Lois is a translator / virtual assistant. 5 Lois and Peter don't work / work in an office. Writing 7. Complete the job seeker profile. You want a job. Complete the following job seeker profile with your information.

Name: _______________________________ Age: ______________ Occupation: _______________________________ Place of work/study: ____________________ Skills: ______________________________________________________________________ ___ Days available: __________________________________________________________________ Times available: _________________________________________________________________ openMind Essentials, Unit 6 Grammar A 1. Write the words in the correct order. 1 breakfast / Do / have / usually / wife / with / you / your / ? ________________________________________________________________ 2 early / go / I / No, / to / very / work / . ________________________________________________________________ 3 do / go / time / to / What / work / you / ? ________________________________________________________________ 4 6:30 / always / at / I / start / work / . ________________________________________________________________ 5 do / so early / start / Why / work / you / ? ________________________________________________________________ 6 Because / early / get / I / like to / up / . ________________________________________________________________ 7 breakfast / do / have / Where / you / ? ________________________________________________________________ 8 at / breakfast / have / I / office / often / the / . ________________________________________________________________ 9 breakfast / does / eat / for / What / wife / your / ? ________________________________________________________________ 10 and fruit / eggs / has / She / usually /. ________________________________________________________________ Grammar B 2. Circle the correct words. A: (1) What / Where / When do you have for lunch? B: (2) Have I usually / I have usually / I usually have a sandwich. A: (3) What / What time / Where do you have lunch? B: (4) I like / I likes / I'm like to have it in the park with my friends. A: What (5) are / do / does they eat? B: Angie (6) always / often / never has a sandwich. She doesn't like sandwiches. (7) Always has she / She always has / She eats always a salad. A: What (8) are you like / do you like / does she like to drink? (9) Do you / What do / Where does drink coffee? B: No, I (10) always / often / rarely drink coffee. I like tea. Reading

3. Read the text and change the sentences so they are true. Energy drinks are popular all over the world. Young people drink them because they want to have more energy for sports and fun. The drinks all have caffeine. Caffeine is in chocolate, coffee, tea, and some soft drinks, but energy drinks have more. Caffeine can be dangerous if you drink too much. Over 31% of American teenagers (from 13 to 19) drink energy drinks and it is a 3.4 billion dollar a year industry. More and more young people go to the hospital because they drink too many energy drinks. Most are 21 years old. 1 Old people like energy drinks. ________________________________________________________________ 2 They want energy for sports and study. ________________________________________________________________ 3 Over 31% of Americans drink energy drinks. ________________________________________________________________ 4 It is a 3.4 million dollar a year industry. ________________________________________________________________ 5 People go to the hospital because they don't have energy. ________________________________________________________________ 4. Read the text and circle T (True) or F (False). Ice cream is popular all over the world. Americans eat 23 liters of ice cream every year. It is very popular in July and August when the weather is hot and more people eat ice cream on Sundays. People like it in the afternoon and evening. Children between 2 and 12 eat the most ice cream. Their favorite flavors are vanilla and chocolate. People get ice cream in supermarkets, restaurants, and coffee shops. They eat it after lunch or dinner or sometimes in the afternoon as a snack. They sometimes eat it at parties with cake. It is very good in sundaes: prepared with chocolate and cream. 1 Americans eat 23 liters of ice cream a month. T F 2 It is very popular in August and September. T F 3 Children eat the most ice cream. T F 4 People sometimes eat it in the afternoon. T F 5 A sundae has chocolate. T F Writing 5. Write a description of your activities. Write about your activities after work or school or on weekends. After work / After school / On weekends, I usually ... ______________________________________________________________________ _____ openMind 1, Unit 4 Grammar A

1. Write the words in the correct order. always / Jane / plays / tennis / with us _____________________________________________ before / dressing room / the / we play / we / usually talk in _____________________________________________ Jane / plays / usually / well _____________________________________________ play / two o'clock / until / usually / we _____________________________________________ a shower / dinner after / have / we / often / take / we _____________________________________________ 2. Write the words in the correct order. comes / early / Mike / never / to work _____________________________________________ always / he / is / late _____________________________________________ arrives / before Mr. Smith / comes / he / never _____________________________________________ he / early / goes / home / usually _____________________________________________ after / he / he / goes / leaves / to the movies / work _____________________________________________ Grammar B 3. Write sentences using the word in parentheses. I get up early. (always) I _____________________________________________ I take a shower. Then, I get dressed. (before) I _____________________________________________ I work for eight hours. (usually) I _____________________________________________ I have dinner. Then, I go home. (after) After _____________________________________________ I usually watch TV. I stop when I go to bed. (until) I _____________________________________________ 4. Write sentences using the word in parentheses. Mary has a lot of classes on Wednesday. (always) Mary _____________________________________________ She has her math class. Then, she goes to chemistry. (before) She _____________________________________________ She likes chemistry. (never) She _____________________________________________ She studies in the library after school. (usually) She _____________________________________________ She doesn't go home at five o'clock. She goes home when it's six o'clock. (until) She _____________________________________________ Reading 5. Read the text and answer the questions. What type of animal are you?

Many people are dogs. They are loyal and sociable. Some people are cats. They are independent and confident. If you have lots of friends and you like parties and having fun, you're probably a dog. If you like to be alone and you like to make your own decisions, you're probably a cat. Dogs and cats have different jobs. Dogs like to work with the public. They like to meet new people and help them. They are often doctors, police officers, and firefighters. Cats prefer to work alone. They often have jobs online. They work in their houses. They are often writers or engineers. (1) What animal is a writer? ____________________ (2) What animal is often a doctor? ____________________ (3) What type of personality does a dog have? ____________________ (4) What type of personality does a cat have? ____________________ (5) What animal doesn't like to work with the public? ____________________ 6. Read the text and circle the answers. What kind of writing tool are you? Many people are computers. They like modern things. They like new technology. Some people are pens. They are conservative and they don't like technology. If you have a computer, cellphone, and digital camera, you're probably a computer. If you don't have a computer and you prefer to write in a notebook, you are probably a pen. Computers and pens have different jobs. Computers like to work with technology. They like new things to do. They are often engineers and scientists. Pens are more creative. They like painting, writing, and music. They are often artists, writers, and singers. People who are like computers like to (1) be creative / work with technology. They like (2) new things to do / writing. People who are like pens don't like (3) creativity / new things. They like (4) art / technology. They are often (5) scientists / writers. Writing 7. Write about a routine.