Open Window Activities

Lesson Plan of Short Story -- H. H. Munro (Saki), The Open Window Pre-reading activity Task 1: Stimulate imagination 

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Lesson Plan of Short Story -- H. H. Munro (Saki), The Open Window

Pre-reading activity

Task 1: Stimulate imagination  Attach a picture of a window on the blackboard.  Ask students to close their eyes, suppose it is now an October afternoon, and imagine what they can see through the window.  Ask a few students to share what they have seen through their minds’ eyes.  Point out that everyone will have different appreciation toward one object, and that is due to his or her mood at that moment as well as the past experiences.

Task 2: Understand the vocabulary  Divide students into two groups. The first group has to find out the meanings of vocabulary in Part A and the second group in Part B.  Put students in pairs, one from the first group and the other from the second group. They have to tell each other the meanings of new words they are assigned.

Part A

Part B

annoy tremble amuse hostess figure run into graveyard

bog apologize conscious muddy seize extraordinary nerve(s)



Task 3: Story-retelling  Ask students to read the story to paragraph 2, page 51.  Ask students to rewrite the story that they have read in their own words.  Ask a few students to read out what they have written down.

Task 4: Impression about the characters  Divide students into groups of five.  Ask them to discuss their opinions about the characteristics of the three characters, Framton Nuttle, Vera, and Mrs. Samppleton. They can also underline sentences which help them form such impressions.  After discussion, they have to use two or three sentences to describe these characters respectively and write down the sentences on the board.  The representative of each group explains to the class what they have written on the board.

Task 5: Predict the plot  Ask students to read the next four paragraphs.  In the same group of five, students make their prediction about the following plot.  Ask one or two groups to share their prediction.  Ask students to finish reading the whole story and compare the ending with their prediction.  Ask students’ responses toward such an ending.

Task 6: Cultural notes and grammatical feature  Explain the culture-specific etiquette that can be found in the story, like:  Letters of introduction (in paragraph 3)  When to start a conversation with a stranger? (In paragraph 5: when she thought that they had sat long enough in silence.) 2

 Highlight the grammatical feature that is repeatedly used in the story  wonder + whether/ why/ who……

Task 7: Further discussion In the same groups of five, students discuss the following questions  Do your impressions of Framton Nuttle, Vera, and Mrs. Samppleton change after you finish the reading?  If you were Framton Nuttle, what would you feel about the open window?

Task 8: Comprehension check Teacher reads the following statements. If the statement is true, students raise their arms above the head. If the statement is false, students cross their arms.  Framton Nuttle goes away into the country for his illness.  Framton’s sister thinks he can recover through the help of loneliness.  Framton knows a lot about Mrs. Sappleton before he comes to visit her.  Mrs. Sappleton is Vera’s aunt.  The window is kept open for Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and two brothers.  Framton chats joyfully with Vera and Mrs. Sappleton.  Mrs. Sappleton gives full attention to Framton during their talking.  Sappleton’s husband and two brothers are ghosts.  Vera is good at making up stories.


Task 9: Share experience  Teacher tells the experience of being fooled one time at April Fool’s Day.  Ask students in small groups to share their experience of being fooled or fooling others.

Task 10: Journal writing Suppose you were Vera, write about this event in your diary. The journal should be within 200 words. Turn it in tomorrow. 3

Source of this story: British and American Short Stories (1993) Longman, simplified by G. C. Thornley, p. 49-52.

Themes used by Saki 

 

Irony – Saki delights readers with irony. “The Open Window” is no exception. From the name of the story’s protagonist, Vera, to Nuttel’s motivation for coming to visit, irony abounds. Symbolism – An open window often represents truth, openness, and honesty. That’s not exactly how things play out in this tale, as the window represents deceit and trickery. There’s also the heavy-handed symbolism in Nuttel’s name. Oh and Vera means truth, too. Talk about deception. Humor/Satire – Irony is Saki’s main tool. Vera specializes in hyperbole and a bit of meiosis at the right time. Suspense. Saki applies the primary methods for building suspense as he satirizes the suspense stories of the Romantic period. Characterization. Saki deftly reveals the personality of the story’s two primary characters—Vera and Framton Point of View. I wonder what Framton is thinking during this visit.

Chronological order of the story Chronological order means in the order in which the events occurred in time. 1. Framton Nuttel's sister spends some time in a rectory in the country. 2. Framton Nuttel is told by his doctor that he must have complete rest, an absence of mental excitement, and avoidance of any violent physical activity to deal with his nerve problems. 2. Framton decides to travel to a rural retreat near the rectory to take a rest. 3. Framton's sister sends him with some letters of introduction to people she knows in 4

the area. 4. Mr. Sappleton and his two brothers-in-law go hunting in the morning. 5. Mrs. Sappleton opens the window for their return because they always come back through the window. 6. Framton Nuttel comes to visit Mrs. Sappleton with his letter of introduction. 7. Framton is met by Vera, Mrs. Sappleton's niece. 8. Vera tells Framton the story of the great tragedy that happened to Mrs. Sappleton. Three years ago her husband and brothers went hunting and never returned. 9. Mrs. Sappleton arrives and introduces herself. 10. Mrs. Sappleton apologizes for the open window and explains why it is open and that her husband always comes in through the window when he returns from hunting. 11. Mrs. Sappleton talks about hunting, and Framton tries to direct the conversation to other topics, mainly his health. 12. Mrs. Sappleton announces the arrival of the hunters. 13. Framton Nuttel notices Vera staring out the window in horror and turns to look for himself. 14. Framton Nuttel grabs his walking stick and runs out of the house. 15. Mr. Sappleton comes in through the window and asks who just left. 16. Mrs. Sappleton says that Mr. Framton Nuttel was a most unusual man who could only talk about his illnesses and left without saying goodbye. 17. Vera makes up another story about Framton Nuttel. He is afraid of dogs because of a horrible experience he had in a cemetery.


The Open Window 1) Why had Framton Nuttel come to the “rural retreat”? Ans: Framton Nuttel was suffering from some neural disease. He had come to the rural retreat to recuperate from his disease. 2) Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there? Ans: Framton’s sister lived there about three years ago. She knew some people over there, so she gave letters of introduction. Letters of introduction were to help him establish some identity for himself. 3) What had happened in the Sappleton family as narrated by the niece? Ans: The niece said that Mrs. Sappleton’s husband and her two younger brothers went for shooting in summers about three years back. They got trapped in muddy ditch and died. 4) What did Mrs Sappleton say about the open window? Ans: Mrs. Sappleton said that her husband and her younger brothers had been on a shooting spree and she was expecting them to come back through the window. They always came by that route only. She was waiting for them to come and spoil the décor of the house. 5) ‘The horror, on the girl’s face, made Framton swing around in his seat’. What did

he see that made him petrified? Ans: When Framton swung around he saw a silhouette of three men and dog in the evening light. Then a hoarse voice was heard, along with the shouting at the dog. 6) Why did Frampton rush out wildly? Ans: On seeing three men approaching the house he must have thought of seeing the ghosts of three dead men. He was too afraid to stay there. So he fled from that place. 7) What was the girl’s explanation for his lightning exit? Ans: The girl said that Frampton was afraid of the dog because he had bad experience of being chased by dogs on the banks of the Ganges. There he ended up spending his night in a graveyard with ferocious animals scaring him throughout the night. 8) Give a Character sketch of Vera. Answer- Vera was a very self possessed(calm and confident) young lady of fifteen. She was quite clever. Before telling a fake story to Mr. Framton Nuttel, she had confirmed with h that he did not know anything about Mrs. Sappleton 9) Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your Answer. Ans: While explaining the mystery behind the open French window, theevents narrated by Mrs Sappleton’s niece manage to create a sense of foreboding. Later, when the three men approach the open window, the reader (like Framton) can only logically conclude that they 6

were ghosts. Hence, one can say that this story does contain elements of the mysterious.

10) The Open Window plays a very important function in the story, Discuss. ANS: - “The Open Window” is an interesting, mysterious and puzzling story by H.H. Munro. The very title of the story is symbolic which plays the central role in creating horror and suspense. It is basically a mysterious description of Mr. Framton Nuttel’s visit to Mrs. Sappleton’s house and the way he is handled there by her niece Vera. Vera, is also highlights a make-believe tragic incident, which happened with Mrs. Sappleton three years back. However, the whole story revolves around the Open Window. It is the axle round which the 6 characters, 4 male and 2 female. Of the story revolve. They are Mrs. Sappleton, her niece Vera, her guest Framton Nuttel, her husband and her two younger brothers. The window has special significance with the entire episode of the departure and arrival of the dear ones of Mrs. Sappleton. Her husband and her younger brothers had gone for snipe shooting through that window. She always waits for their arrival through that window; hence, it is kept open every morning till dark. So, it serves as a symbol of hope for her. As hope sustains life, it gives her courage to wait for them hopefully. It functions as a connecting point between the wife and the husband, between the sister and the brothers. Besides, it serves as a source for Vera to invent a strange story for Mr. framton Nuttel. In short, the house, the window and the marsh serve as the locale of the story. The writer has very beautifully used these objects to make his story interesting and dramatic. 10) Describe the three important characters of the story.. How are they different from each other. ANS:- There are three central characters in the story “The Open Window”. They are: Mr. Framton Nuttel, Mrs. Sappleton, and Vera. They have special importance, as they possess hidden meaning in them. Their description in as follows: 1). Mr. Framton Nuttel: He is an elderly man whose name resembles the world ‘Nutt’. In fact, Nut is a fruit with hard shell and a sweet kernel. He is also like a nut whose brain is a sweet kernel, and can be easily deceived, as happens in the story. He is tires of the noisy life of the city. He wishes to spend some time in a village to get peace of mind. For this purpose, he comes to Mrs. Sappleton’s house in a village. So, he is easily deceived by Vera. Hence, he plays his role in the story according to the hidden meaning he possesses. 2). Mrs. Sappleton: She is an elderly lady, very polite and graceful in her behavior. So her name could be identified with the world ‘Simpleton’ She is very simple and does not understand Vera. She does noot know what Vera has told to Mr. Nuttel before her 7

arrival in the room. She is good wife and a kind sister. Being issueless, she keeps her husband and younger brothers very dear to her. She daily waits eagerly at the window for their arrival from snipe shooting. So, she keeps the ‘Window’ open every morning till evening. She is very loveable and considerate to her niece, Vera. So, her role in the story is quite befitting according to the hidden meaning of her name. 3). Vera: She is a premature girl of 15. She is self-possesses, because she does not let us feel that she is emotional and imaginative at the same time. She is found of inventing romantic stories. Her name ironically resembles the world ‘Veracious’ which means truthful. In fact, she is not truthful, though whatever she says is considered quite true. For example, she invents two stories and both look quite true. Psychologically she knows the art of influencing others through her improvised horror stories. Framton Nuttle was perhaps thrice her age and as such, thrice her wisdom; but he does not hesitate to accept her story as being totally true. The story that she invents about Mr. Nuttel running out of the room, is also considered true by her three uncles. Actually the way she relates her make-believe stories and handled the situation, it makes others accept her stories as true. This shows that she is very clever, imaginative and tactful girl. Moreover, her fabrication of the horror stories shows that she is a girl of highly active imagination. This is proved by the closing sentence of the story uttered in her praise: “Romance at short notice was her speciality” Extra questions: 2. What does Framton Nuttel suffer from? Why has he gone to the country? 3. What do we learn through a flashback is the reason why Framton is at the Sappletons’ home? What is his relationship to Vera, the young girl he’s talking to, and the Sappletons? 4. What does “An undefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation” foreshadow? 5. What tragedy does Vera say happened to the Sappletons three years ago? Why is the door open? 6. What does Framton talk about with Mrs. Sappleton, and how does this speech indirectly characterize him? 7. How does Vera react to the return of the men from hunting? Why? How does Framton react? Why? 8

8. What does the reader infer from the resolution? What is the twist ending? “The Open Window” Discussion Questions Directions: Answer the following questions while you read the short story. 1. Is the prank that Vera Sappleton plays on Framton Nuttel funny or mean? Why? 2. What does the name “The Open Window” symbolize to us? How doesVera and Framton Nuttel’s name characterize their personalities? What does “Vera” closely mean in Latin? Therefore, how is Vera’s name ironic? 3. What is the point of view of the short story, and how does it set the reader up for the twist ending? How would the story be different if it were told 4. What is ironic about Framton Nuttel’s visit to the country given his condition, especially with what happens at the Sappletons? 5. What will likely happen to Framton Nuttel after leaving the Sappletons’ home? 6. Looking back, what characterization does Saki write that foreshadows Vera Sappleton’s true nature?