Only God Is: Paul F. Gorman

Only God Is The Essential Key To Spiritual Awakening Paul F. Gorman Only God Is The Essential Key To Spiritual Awaken

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Only God Is The Essential Key To Spiritual Awakening

Paul F. Gorman

Only God Is The Essential Key To Spiritual Awakening

Paul F. Gorman

Only God Is ~The Essential Key To Spiritual Awakening Copyright © 2012 by Paul F. Gorman All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. FIRST MIRACLE SELF E-BOOKLET EDITION 2012 Miracle Self Books, Redondo Beach, California USA [email protected]

CONTENTS Only God, Spirit, Truth Is The Stained Glass Window The Only Question Where Is Truth? Understand God And You Understand Man Truth Cannot Be Found In a Concept God Is Consciousness God Is One and Oneness Spiritual Being In a Spiritual Universe Only God Consciousness Is What God Is What Do You Have In Consciousness? Only God Itself Is If You Can Name It, It Is Not Truth Lift Into Truth Now! Take No Thought For Your Life Oneness How To Heal The Deep Peace Within Gently Let God Already Is; Just Receive

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God Is. What is that Is? Is it what ‘we’ call tangible? Other words for what we call tangible are material or physical; matter. Is God that? No. The ‘Is’ that God Is is Consciousness. Everything is Consciousness. You do not have to understand that. Don’t try, because you become lost again the moment you try to understand God with the intellect. You don’t need to. You never have to understand That which already Is. How would ‘understanding’ improve or make visible That which already Is? Simply accept that God Is Conscious5

ness. Simply accept that what we call physical, material, mental — the five senses — is simply a low state of awareness, in other words, a low illumination of consciousness. Consciousness is the Only. Whenever you have a question, or whenever you feel you do not have sufficient understanding to realize and witness Truth go back to the Fact that God Is. God is the Infinite. Therefore there is nothing but God. It’s very simple. There cannot be infinity ‘and’ something other than, or additional to, or different than, Infinity. If there were something other than, or outside of infinity, infinity wouldn’t have been infinity to begin with. Of course, it is. God is Omnipresent: Omnipresence being omnipresent. God, Omnipresence, Infinity cannot be described, named, understood with the intellect. As Lao Tzu said, If you can name it — if you can un6

derstand or name it — it is not It. The way we describe truth isn’t It Itself; the way we experience truth isn’t It Itself. What ‘we’ experience as good mental, physical and material experience is the effect of Truth witnessed as and through the ‘human’, five-sense mind; ‘human’ awareness. The moment we grasp this we have the key to all of demonstrable truth in the palm of our hands. Finite sense cannot understand or name or experience infinity. Only Infinity knows Infinity; only Infinity witnesses Itself; only That which Is witnesses Itself. Therefore as we empty ourselves — the human sense; the personal sense — of that which we think is needed as our good, and instead, let God, Infinity, happen as Itself as ‘us’, we witness the fullness of Infinity as all good and plentiful effect which we describe as physical and material fulfillment. 7

ONLY GOD, SPIRIT, TRUTH, IS This does not mean that what we perceive as this world and everything everywhere in it and of it is not God, Spirit. It simply means that the five-sense, conceptual mind perceives forms of the One Existence that is God, Truth, Spirit, those forms appearing to it as ‘slow matter’ — materiality. The universe is Spirit and spiritual; the earth and everything in it and of it is Spirit and spiritual. The human being is Spirit and spiritual. All is God, Spirit, and none else. “I am the Lord and beside Me there is none else.” Perception does not change the infinity and omnipresence that is Spirit but simply has It appear to be physical, material, conceptual, finite, of both positive and negative activity, nature, character. God Is, because God is One, the only 8

Presence, omnipresent at each point of awareness but we, in such a low state of that One awareness, experience That which Is in a very foggy or dim or dark way, a very dense way, and that density, that dimness, that darkness, is what we name the five-sense experience — mentality, materiality, physicality. The ‘human’ state is a low state awareness, that’s all; a low illumination of consciousness, of awareness. Do you see that? What’s really here is the Fullness of God, but to the senses which are such a low state of awareness of that Fullness, everything seems to be what we’ve named mental, material, physical, separate and apart from our purpose and fulfillment of being. But that’s not true. What’s really here is the Fullness of God being the omnipresent Oneness of Itself — the Self-Complete, All-Inclusive, 9

Oneness of Itself. That Oneness is Consciousness. Your experience and mine is actually nothing but individual consciousness witnessing its own ingredients, its own substance, nature, character, belief. What we call a physical body, what we call a material object or amount, what we call this world, this universe and everything everywhere in it and of it is actually nothing but consciousness formed finitely and conceptually. All is Consciousness.; All is God, Spirit. There’s nothing but God, Spirit. God is Consciousness. Even though we may not until now have understood that — which is because we haven’t until now awakened sufficiently to Truth — the truth is that God is Consciousness, or we can say Awareness, or as Mary Baker Eddy described It: Mind. Many misunderstood that. She called the ‘human’ sense of Spirit ‘mortal mind’, that which Paul of the Bible 10

called ‘carnal mind’ — the five-sense, low state of awareness, experience. There is Truthful Mind, and then there is carnal mind — in her language — which is just a lower sense, the ‘human’ sense, of the One Awareness, the One Consciousness, that’s all. But many have misunderstood that therefore lost their demonstration of Truth. Consciousness is probably a better word for us today. And so we understand that we can have higher case ‘C’ Consciousness and lower case ‘c’ consciousness — the ‘human’ state of consciousness; the low degree of illumined consciousness, awareness. Everything is Consciousness because God — Consciousness — is All that Exists — the One, Only Existence, Presence, Substance, Life. God is Consciousness. That’s all there Is. God is only Conscious11

ness. There is not Consciousness and anything else. There are only degrees of that Oneness, Consciousness, and one of those degrees is what we have named ‘human’ consciousness. The human sense hasn’t produced matter, substance such as the physical body and its organs and functions; such as water, wood, foliage, plastic, metal, paper, brick, concrete, glass. These forms and everything of them are but low degrees of awareness of That which truly Is, which is Pure Consciousness, Pure God, Pure Substance, Pure Infinity, Pure Omnipresence. The low, or slow, degree of consciousness has Infinity and Omnipresence appear to be endless finite forms of matter, yet truthfully, actually, there is only Oneness, Infinity, Omnipresence — the One Substance that is God yet perceived as form by the senses of mind in and as an infinite variety 12

of ways appearing as matter. Do you catch that? Realize this: if God is All and God is Consciousness, then everything is Consciousness, period. And yet this low level of consciousness appears to us to be, and is our experience, because it is being a low degree of the full, illumined state of Consciousness. Do you catch that? The ‘human’ sense is simply a very low level of awareness, which makes everything of experience to be of matter, to be ‘outside’ of self, to consist of millions of beings, things, activities and conditions separate and apart from ‘you’ or ‘me’ — many good and fulfilling, many others negative, lacking and destructive. THE STAINED GLASS WINDOW We have a wonderful metaphor in the 13

stained glass window. If we are within a room which has stained glass windows the light in the room is that of the colors of the stained glass. Imagine we had been borne in that room and never stepped outside to see the sun. The colored light would be the only experience of light we knew. Our whole world would be filled with colored light. We would be unaware of the one, true light: sunlight. We would have a spectrum of colored light, we could say an infinite variety, or spectrum, of colored light, each color consisting of degrees of brightness. Each color consists of both bright and dim experience — illumination. For instance, our experience of ‘blue’ light spans from bright to dim, but all ‘blue’. The same with all colors in our spectrum. There is much experience of the fullness and joy of bright blue, then there is other experience of a lack or limitation of blue. 14

Then one day we step outside and realize that there isn’t any blue actually; all light is the sun. There is no truth to blue light, and there are no degrees of sunlight. All sunlight is the fullness of light; there is no ‘other’. As soon as we awaken to this truth we ignore the appearing degrees of colored light and turn to the sun for our fulfillment. If last hour we had an experience of a ‘lack’ of blue, or ‘diseased’ blue, or ‘unhappy’ blue, ‘unloving’ blue, blue that seemed to be separate and apart from us, then we realize that all we have to do is turn to the sun for fulfillment of all ‘colored’ experience. We realize there is no lack of color, there is no diseased color, there is no unloving or unhappy color, there is no limit to the amount of color we can experience. The ‘lack’ or ‘limit’ or ‘disease’ experi15

enced as long as our awareness remains centered in and of the stained glass colors is actually nothing but a lack of sunlight pouring through each color. Every color actually has the full infinity of the sun as its substance, its body, its activity, its strength. The only question, or condition, is how much of the infinity of the sun is each color letting through? THE ONLY QUESTION This is the only question we ever have to ask ourselves in truth. How much truthawareness do I have? How much of the infinity of pure, unconditioned (uncolored) God, Good, am I letting through my consciousness? This is the same as asking, how much sun is there, despite the degree of colored sunlight I may be experiencing this moment, bright or dim, full or lacking? 16

The answer: there is an infinity of sun. Therefore the only question I have to ask is, how much of that infinity am I letting through? The entirety of experience actually is the Presence and Substance of the infinity of Truth, God, Spirit, omnipresent as All. No ‘other’ type of Experience exists, only degrees of It are perceived as ‘human’ lowillumined consciousness which keeps itself imprisoned in the experience of both good and bad by believing its very own mental, physical and material state of awareness! As with the stained glass window, if awareness is centered in the colors themselves experience is degrees of both bright and dim colored light — both good and bad, that which is biblically referred to as ‘good and evil’. But if I, and as soon as I, turn to and let through the truth of every color — sun17

light itself — I instantaneously have the infinity and the fulfillment of truthful light, appearing as the fullness and harmony of all colored light. I now have and can use and give and share as much of any and every color as I wish to. There is no limit. I now have the true source of light, the infinity of light itself, behind and as every color in my experience. I have turned to the truth of light, therefore I have the infinity of it. It is that turning to, and letting through, Truth that suddenly gives us the experience of Truth Itself, then appearing as the experience of all physical and material good. We cannot find Truth by looking for it in the physical or material realm of experience anymore than we can find the truth of sunlight by looking for it amongst the colored light. We have to ignore the colored light and turn to the sun itself. In 18

the same way, we have to ignore the physical, material experience of life, and turn to God, Spirit, Itself. WHERE IS TRUTH? Where is Truth? Where is the Truth of body? Have you ever tried to find the Truth of your body? What body are you thinking about? What body are you conscious of ? ‘Yours’? There is no Truth to be found in your body, or mine just as there is no truthful light — infinity of sunlight — to be found in the color blue or green or red. There is only One Body. There is only Oneness. Again, let us get back to the fundamental truth: Only God Is; only Oneness Is; only Infinity Is. Therefore there is only One of everything, including One Body. You do not have your ‘own’ body; I do not have my ‘own’. There is only One 19

Body, and It is God, Spirit, Omnipresence; there is only One Being — God, Spirit, Omnipresence. It is for this reason that if you are looking to find the Truth of the ‘human’ body — if you are trying to ‘heal’ the ‘human’ body — you will not be able to do it. You can’t find Truth in the ‘human’ body; you cannot find Truth for the benefit of the ‘human’ body. Truth cannot be found there in the same way as the infinity of the sun cannot be found in the finiteness of an individual color. But the paradox of Truth is that, actually, the Whole Truth of Body is the very Presence of what you perceive as ‘your’ body, and I perceive as mine. However, you have to turn to It; you have to turn to God, Spirit, Infinity, to find the Truth of Body. What body? God’s Body. There is no ‘other’. Understand and let through the Truth of God’s Body and you 20

experience the so-called ‘healing’ of that which appears as the human body. UNDERSTAND GOD AND YOU UNDERSTAND MAN Understand God and you understand man. If you’re trying to find or demonstrate God in man you’ll never find the Truth of man. God isn’t to be found in man; God isn’t to be found in a concept, in the dimness or fogginess of material awareness, or experience. Can you find light in darkness? Go to the shadows in your room and try to find the infinity of sunlight. Of course you cannot. How is it then that you dissipate shadows in your room? Your turn up the light. You turn to the light and let more through. In the same way you cannot find Truth in the material or physical; you can’t heal a disease by try21

ing to heal disease with Truth; you can’t prosper a lack by trying to prosper lack with Truth; you can’t make loving an unloving relationship by means of Truth. Attempting to do so is like trying to find more sunlight, or ‘better’ or more ‘prosperous’ or more loving sunlight in the shadow. It can’t be done. The finite does not have infinity. Finiteness cannot evidence infinity, or transform itself into infinity, Good, Wholeness, Oneness. Only infinity has infinity and therefore witnesses It; witness Itself; Is Itself, as All. This attempting to use Spirit, God, to transform, heal and harmonize our finite, conceptual perception of Truth is why we’ve struggled all these years, even centuries, to evidence the Truth of Being witnessed as the wholeness and harmony of all perceived — conceptual, ‘human’ — being, which It infallibly does when we turn to It alone as All, and for All. 22

TRUTH CANNOT BE FOUND IN A CONCEPT You cannot find Truth in a concept. All you can do is turn to Truth and let Truth reveal Itself as Itself, then ‘shining through’ as the wholeness, health and abundance of all concept. Let light reveal itself in and as what, without light, was a shadow. There is no light to be found in the shadow. The shadow, of its own self, cannot transform to be light. The moment you turn to Truth Itself, there It is. You find It because It has been the very You of you all along, but your attention was elsewhere in the material, in the physical, in the mental. “Where the Presence of the Lord is (Truth happening as individual awareness), there is Truth, there is Liberty, there is Freedom, there is Health, Love.” Do you see? There It is. But 23

it has to be the One Truth, which is the Truth of God, not the truth of ‘us’, or even the Truth of Truth saving, regenerating or healing ‘us’. It cannot do that. We are a very dim sense of that which We actually Are, and All Is, therefore all we require is greater spiritual sense. With increased spiritual sense we witness increased good in all of tangible experience as that increase sense ‘shines through’ consciousness being the form of all matter. How do we increase spiritual sense? We must awaken to this now because, let’s face it, we have been pretty poor spiritual students over the centuries! Even during this lifespan we have remained in quite a state of confusion — ever since we picked up that first truth book. I was the same. It took me twenty years — the last seven of which were desperate because soon there wasn’t going to be a ‘me’ that could breath let 24

alone study truth. That was quite urgent. At least, I thought so! So don’t worry if you think yourself a poor student. You see, we are poor students because the plain and simple truth has been hidden from us. Over the more recent decades, since the mid-1800s, truth instruction has become much clearer, and so spiritual awakening is being witnessed on a much wider scale than ever before. And so this tremendous and beautiful work that Mary Baker Eddy has done to change the world revealed the whole Truth, and yet, interestingly, left the great body of students failing to understanding the message — the ever-demonstrable Principle of Truth. It wasn’t Mrs Eddy’s fault; it was the students’. Only a small percentage caught the Truth Mrs Eddy had realized and daily evidenced. In earlier centuries, the same happened 25

with the students of Gautama the Buddha and Jesus the Christ. Most people who clamored to hear the Truth taught by these greatest of all Lights failed to understand the Principle, thereby evidence It for themselves. In fact, the Gospel of John is the only mystical gospel. If you read the four gospels you see that only that of John is mystical throughout; only the author of John had attained thorough spiritual consciousness. He relates each experience as and from spiritual discerment, but the three others relate the same experiences from a material or historical basis, trying to understand Spirit from the material view. This is not possible. You can read the various accounts of the life and miracles of Jesus, the same accounts described by Matthew, Mark, Luke and then John, and you’ll see the difference in John’s account 26

when you read with spiritual discernment. It’s very revealing. Mary Baker Eddy, of course, had her inner group of those who did awaken and become wonderful healers. Healing is really a misleading word. What is termed ‘healing’ is the revealing of Truth where there appeared to be un-truth. You can’t heal; nobody can heal. Even Gautama the Buddha and Jesus the Christ did not heal. They revealed God Is; the Truth that already, and exclusively, Is. There is nothing to heal, yet there is everything to reveal as Truth It truly Is. The word ‘healing’ is still used so that people understand it. It seems from the mental, physical or material sense that there is healing, but because Only God Is there is, in Truth, only the revelation of That which Is the All-Good of everything everywhere. Joel S. Goldsmith had a similar experi27

ence. Only a small, close group understood the Truth which he had so clearly, and they too become wonderful healers. The great body of students were unable to ‘get it’ therefore unable to witness Truth in most cases. Today I am very aware that if we are not careful the Miracle Self will experience the same infertility. We have to understand why the student consciousness has been infertile to Truth; why Truth has been difficult for even the sincere student to grasp. It is time to change that now. This work we are doing with a small group — the ‘Phase 3’ group — is resulting in really wonderful opening of consciousness. Great spiritual illumination is taking place with good evident fruitage already. Let me share some of this work here. Any sincere spiritual student can awaken, and awaken here and now. You are It! You are Truth because 28

Truth is All that actually exists! An individual simply has to wake up to That which he or she truly Is, and truly Has. GOD IS CONSCIOUSNESS The first thing to realize is that God is Consciousness, therefore you are consciousness and the entirety of your world is consciousness. The whole of you is consciousness, even though the world, and the infinite variety of worldly experience, seems to be, and is described as, mental, physical, material. Unfortunately, heaven — omnipresence; Oneness — has been described as earth. That’s a pity. There is only one Presence and That is Oneness Itself: Heaven. You and your entire environment is heaven but in the low or dim awareness happening as the ‘human’ sense, we have what has been 29

named mental, physical and material experience. Stay for a moment with “everything is Consciousness”. Don’t try to understand it; just begin to sense that everything is Consciousness. Therefore, in order to awaken, we understand awakening as an activity of consciousness. There is nothing else to awaken to, or awaken with. Awakening is an act of consciousness only; it never is an act of trying to understand anything that seems to be in the ‘outer’, that seems to be ‘somebody else’, or some thing else, some experience ‘out there’. There is no such thing as an ‘out there’ separate and apart from consciousness itself. There is only consciousness, and It’s right here, being the whole of the you you are. Therefore, all our work is right here in and as consciousness: “God... God... God.” That’s all we work with. 30

GOD IS ONE God is One — One Being, One Presence, One Body, One Form, One Love, One Relationship with, and as, Itself. There isn’t any ‘other’; there is just and exclusively One Infinity being the Whole of Itself at every point of infinity simultaneously. The belief, or sense, of time and space has thrust us into confused experience. We experience a world apart from us, extending away from us, subject to the calendar, process, method and condition, but actually the whole Magnificence, God, that whole Macro, is right here, contained in and as the micro, right here embodied in and as your individual consciousness and mine. Oneness is right here; God is right here, and the fullness thereof. Imagine a tiny grain of sand. Now realize that the Whole of Infinity is inside 31

that grain of sand, being its whole presence, its whole form ‘in’ and ‘out’ — the Whole of God, Omnipresence being what, to the mind, appears as a grain of sand. In this way, the whole of God is being and is embodied in and as individual consciousness, and everything everywhere of it. We peer through the five senses at the One we Are and have an expansive, conceptual experience of That which Is right here, being All You are, the Magnificent infinity that seems to extend off into, and as, as far as you want to go, never-ending, but always the Whole of God, the Whole of the kingdom as the very presence of each ‘body, ‘form, ‘place’ and ‘condition’ of your consciousness. But the magnification happens from here, from right where ‘you’ are. The Whole of the kingdom is embodied in and as your consciousness and, in effect, we 32

look out from consciousness; we look out as consciousness, each and every place of awareness being the Whole. If it sounds complicated, I assure you it isn’t. You are looking out at experience from and as yourself, aren’t you? That’s it. That’s all there is to understanding how consciousness seems to be, as we believe the five-sense experience. There is nothing but consciousness so no matter how it appears to, or as, the senses, it is actually consciousness. It simply appears to be a person, an object, a building, a tree, a grain of sand, a blade of grass, a dollar, a candle, flowers but all is consciousness formed. So without trying to understand it simply look around and realize, Ah, this low level of mind is tricking me because experience appears to be objectified; experience appears to be made of different materials, substances, activities; 33

the great majority seeming to be separate and apart from me. Five-sense experience suggests that I am in the world but actually the world is in me. It is me. For a thorough understanding of this read the second chapter of The Miracle Self, “It’s Me.” It’s all me; It’s all I — everything. It’s Consciousness, Oneness, God, Infinity appearing finite and conceptual through the five senses of the mind. So if you want the Truth of that which appears, where do you look? You look within, to Truth, God. All is God. God is Consciousness. This Consciousness that I am conscious with, this consciousness that you are using to see me, the consciousness that you are reading this book with, actually is witnessing nothing but Itself yet perceived as and through the five senses That which Is appears to be what we name the mental and material experience in all its 34

ways. Therefore, although the dim degree of mind wants to tell you that you are a mental being with a physical body you are nor have either. You are consciousness. Consciousness is all there is. Five sense awareness may want to convince you that I have a physical body, with physical organs and functions, a skeleton, blood, an immune system, muscles, sinew, tendons — every detail experienced as the ‘human’ body. But spiritual discerment tells you that I am, and you are, a spiritual being living in and as the spiritual universe. SPIRITUAL BEING IN A SPIRITUAL UNIvERSE If I have a broken leg, what will you do about it now, in this knowledge? Will you try to heal my broken leg as a metaphysi35

cian will try to do, or will you now realize that a broken leg is illusion and that, because Only God Is, all you have to do for me is realize the presence of God as the being that appears finitely and conceptually to be me, and then the discordant appearance of a broken leg will appear whole and harmonious? The broken leg literally is five sense illusion because the only Presence, the only Being, the only Form, the only Object, the only Body, is Consciousness. Consciousness doesn’t have a bone; consciousness is consciousness. So where will you look for Truth? To consciousness, not a bone. Don’t try to heal a bone by spiritual means. You will fail, and you have until now, or until the moment you truly understand this now. I used to fail too. I don’t now because I realize that everything is consciousness. You are Consciousness. So if you call me with 36

a broken bone I don’t believe you. You are explaining a discord from the five sense experience. But in truth you are Consciousness, and I know that. You are nothing but the Body of Truth, Omnipresence, Spirit, and I know that. So I will never try to heal your bone. I will say to you, “Leave it with me. I’m with you immediately. Stay relaxed and peaceful. Let me know how it looks in an hour.” Then I forget all about you as a human being and realize that the Truth of you is God, Consciousness, Omnipresence. I realize that God is the Only Presence therefore you are that Presence. You are a presence therefore you must be the only Presence that Is. Of course you are. There is nothing but God Presence and the fullness thereof. God is Indivisible. God — Consciousness — is not like a cake that you can slice into pieces. We’re not each a piece of God. 37

God is the Fullness of Itself at every place, as every expression of life; omnipresence. Therefore because you are a presence, you are the One Presence, indivisible, simply experiencing itself finitely and conceptually. In order to understand and witness the Truth that you are, and I am, we have to look to the Truth, not the appearance of the Truth. We have to look to the Truth Itself, God Itself, Consciousness Itself, and there we witness the Truth, and as soon as that Truth is witnessed, there is the socalled healing — the wholeness revealed. All the scriptures of the world, in one way or another, say, “Come unto Me and be saved.” That is the reason. Come to Truth to witness the harmony and wholeness of Being — saved from the dimness or fogginess of the five senses — to be illumined with the Light of Truth. It’s like the light saying to the shadow, 38

“Come to me to be saved. You do not have to live as darkness. Come to me. Don’t try to find me — light — in your darkness, because I’m not to be found there. Come to me, the light itself, to witness your light.” “You will seek Me, and you will find Me, when you search for Me alone.” Let us work with this statement throughout. By working with it — taking it deep into consciousness and pondering it throughout the day and night — we will awaken to its meaning, its truth. You are the Truth of It now, but by taking it deeply into consciousness you become consciously aware of being It. Then, because there is no unembodied God — unembodied awareness — when you awaken (become aware) of a truth, you discover it embodied as your tangible world experience. “You will seek Me, and you will find 39

Me, when you search for Me alone.” What is Me? God. What is God? Consciousness; Oneness. There is only God Consciousness, nothing else. There is not human consciousness; there is only God Consciousness. The so-called ‘human’ is a very low or dim or foggy or slow state of consciousness (awareness), that’s all. ONLY GOD CONSCIOUSNESS IS Despite the ‘human’ sense of awareness there is only, actually, God Consciousness; there is only God Consciousness happening as the entirety of you, as me, as all, this very moment. Jesus says, “You seek me, but you do not find me, because you do not know how to seek this very moment.” Isn’t that beautiful? What is “this very moment”? It’s God Consciousness — omnipresence being the 40

Whole as All Being, All Presence. What other moment could there be when the Only Presence is God? The only moment is God, but hear that thoroughly: the only moment is God — nothing else, nothing different, nothing less. If we are seeking anything ‘else’ then we’re lost in our own false sense of moment, and we’ll never find God — wholeness — in this moment. The only moment, the only Now, the Only Consciousness this very second is God Alone — the whole of the Infinitude, Omnipresent as All. You are That; I am That; All is That. You are the miracle you seek. Not the ‘human you’ somehow not in full tangibility and full visibility of the miracle you truly are — no, that’s not what I mean. You are the miracle, the tangibility of which, or the ‘demonstration’ of which, you turn within to feel happening as your 41

deep and silent Wholeness. Human sense says, Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could have that tangible miracle today! Well, you are that miracle this moment but you have to understand what “this moment” is. The moment you do, your miracle becomes evident. There It is in all its tangibility. It becomes fully visible and fully tangible — fully visibly manifest — so that not only ‘you’ are free but everyone in your consciousness is freed in the same way. Your Truth blossoms as you not for a single ‘personal’ reason — although it often appears that way to material sense — but so that you are the manifest body of Truth that feeds the hungry, heals the sick, is the light, and the peace, and the love, and the life of the world for those who do not yet know their truth. It becomes visible and tangible only to, 42

and as, individual sense in, and as this very moment. And this very moment is God Alone: One Alone; Oneness... Oneness Alone with “none else” whatsoever. WHAT GOD IS What is God? Consciousness; pure Consciousness. What are you, me, all beings? Consciousness — because only God Is; only the One Consciousness Is, yet because ‘human’ consciousness is very dimly aware of the infinite, divine Consciousness it truly is, your consciousness and mine, whilst we’re still existing as material sense, is filled with everything but God alone. It is filled with endless ‘others’ — ‘conditions’, ‘circumstances’, ‘characters’, ‘natures’ and ‘amounts’ all either good or bad, positive or negative, desirable or undesirable. 43

WHAT DO YOU HAvE IN CONSCIOUSNESS AT THIS MOMENT? What do you have in your consciousness at this moment? If we were to unravel your consciousness, roll it out on a tabletop and examine it, what would we find? Would we find more than one thing going on; one awareness happening? Would we find a billion different things going on, many conscious, many unconscious? How many thoughts are you entertaining? How many names are you naming? How many in your family can you name? How many friends do you have? How many people in your community? How many people in your world? Is it seven billion? No! It is One! There is One only! And yet the mind tells us there are seven billion. How many different things, condi44

tions, circumstances of the world can you name? How many diseases does the world name? How many books about all those diseases are published and studied? How long does it take to get through medical school? Is it seven years? And that’s before you start practicing. Seven years! How many names are the medical students learning and how many procedures to deal with all those names? What about business school? How many names are business students learning, and how many skills of economics, strategy, marketing, selling, management — all with a different name, a different flavor, a different cause with a specific effect? Yet, God is One. How many wars are going on in the world at this moment, or plans for war? How many peace talks? How many corporations can you name, and how many of 45

those corporations are doing good work versus bad or self-serving, even ravaging the earth for profit? All that is of ‘this world’ — ‘human’, five-sense consciousness — consisting of both good and bad experience, the pairs of opposites. Is one better than another? Is a ‘solution’ more Truthful than a ‘problem’? Is health more Truthful than disease? Is wealth more Truthful than poverty? Is love more Truthful than loneliness or hate? Well of course in the ‘human’ sense of experience it is, but does health contain any more Truth than ill-health, or wealth more Truth than poverty; love more Truth than loneliness or hate? No. In order to understand this you have to realize that Truth Itself is One and Invariable. Only the utter, invariable Good — with no opposite, no ‘other’ — is God, Spirit, Truth Itself. Therefore neither the humanly-perceived 46

bad or good — problem or solution — is more or less Truthful. Both ‘bad’ conditions and ‘good’ are variable. God is invariable. ONLY GOD ITSELF IS — SPIRIT ITSELF; TRUTH ITSELF. Let’s not misunderstand this. In this ‘fivesense’ experience health is absolutely more desirable than ill-health; sufficiency of money is of course more desirable than lack of money; love is more desirable than loneliness or hate, and peace is more desirable than war. All the world is seeking these good things of its own level of experience — the ‘this world’ experience. So let’s not suggest that for the ‘human’ consciousness good mental, physical and material experience rather than bad is worth making effort to achieve. But let’s 47

also understand that ‘this world’ experience is not The World. Only God Is. There is only One Actual World, or Kingdom, and that is the World of pure Oneness, the Heavenly World. “My kingdom is not of this world.” Then, as we realize this wondrous Truth, the World — The One, Pure Spiritual Consciousness, the Light of Truth — shines as the very consciousness you are and I am, revealing the Truthful All-Good of every experience no matter what ‘we’ call that good — mental, physical or material. IF WE CAN NAME IT IT IS NOT TRUTH The worldly experience, no matter how we name it, is not Truth. It is not God because we can name it. The finite mind can only name finite things, things of its own level of awareness. The finite cannot name the infinite. The infinite is un-namable to the 48

finite. Do you understand that thoroughly, deeply now? If you can name it, it isn’t It. So we can’t continue naming disease as bad and health as good in Truth. Both ‘disease’ and ‘health’ are names — concepts — neither existing in Truth; both variable. Only Truth exists in, and as, Truth. Only Is exists in and as Is Itself. God doesn’t have health or lack of health. Therefore He-She cannot ‘give’ or ‘withhold’ health, or replace ill-health with health. God doesn’t have health and God doesn’t recognize ill-health. Can you see that? God is Life but not the kind of life we can describe because the kind we describe is nothing more than a severe finite sense of the One Life that Truly Is. An effect is name-able; Truth, God, Spirit is not. God is Life Itself with ‘no other’, and as we realize God as Life, and as we let Life Itself happen as and on Its terms rather than 49

‘ours’ we witness life at any degree of consciousness as good life — as good, vital, youthful life which certainly we can now name. Suddenly the body is witnessed to be healthy, energetic, vital, free, and fully expressing. Now we are able to name these good effects of the One Life and One Body of which we now have greater conscious awareness, therefore embodiment. But how has greater conscious awareness been achieved? By forgetting all about the conceptual sense of life and going to God Itself, letting God be the Life that I am and have — that Something I cannot understand or name with the finite sense of mind — and suddenly, there is Life experienced as nameable life. So, if your consciousness were unraveled how many miles do you think it would extend? Well, by definition, it consists of 50

absolutely everything you can name in the universe. That’s how far it extends! Your consciousness is this material universe you experience. There it is; the universe and everything in it and of it is the unraveled consciousness. Consciousness unraveled is conceptual consciousness revealed — witnessed, named, experienced. But God is One. Until we have only One Name — until we have, or better stated are being, only One Experience — we are not in spiritual awareness. We’ll always see it, hear it, taste it, be able to touch it, and smell it but this is only an image or effect of It Itself. We have to know this truth, and then let Truth Itself be the very being and experience we are. I’m not saying that this world needs to disappear. I’m not saying we need to become ascetic, hiding away from the conceptual world experience, staying in 51

meditation for the rest of life — not at all. Rather, we realize that ‘this world’ experience is simply conceptual imagery of That which it Truly Is, therefore we ignore it. “Do not judge by the appearance, but judge by truthful appearance” the wisdom of the Master tells us. “Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus says, which means we will not call disease ‘disease’ — we will not call God by the name ‘disease’ for that is precisely what we do when we accept any other name, therefore experience, than God Itself. There is only God. Disease by any of its thousands of names is an illusory experience caused by a low illumined consciousness. That is all. And remember, at that level of consciousness it is very real and sometimes tragic, but it is never Real. It is never Truth Itself. Only realized Truth Itself permanently lifts us out of the false sense of ex52

perience into the truth and freedom of Real Life witnessed as all-good conceptual life. LIFT INTO TRUTH NOW! Will we now, after centuries of misunderstanding this wondrous principle of Truth, lift into Truthful being? Or will we suffer for more years or decades by remaining at the material level of consciousness, continuing to attempt to have Truth heal us, prosper us, bring us love and union, joy, peace and understanding? What will we do now that we are armed with the Principle of Truth as explained in these pages? What will you do now? I know the reason you’re reading this is because it is your time to awaken. You are Truth! This very moment your consciousness is the full embodiment of God be53

cause there is One Consciousness only, indivisible and omnipresent as every body of consciousness. But you must remember you have no consciousness of ‘your own’. All is God Consciousness and the fullness thereof. “I of my own self am nothing... it is the Father within me that does the work.” Right now you can walk into your world and witness unlimited healing. Right now you can witness boundless truth. Do you understand this? The reason it is true is because it is never ‘your’ consciousness or ‘mine’ that witnesses Truth revealed; it is It Itself witnessing Itself, then viewed through the conceptual senses as conceptual good and wholeness of all form. Again, “I of my own self am nothing; I of my own self can do nothing. It is the Father within me that does the works.” We’ve read this but haven’t understood its 54

true meaning. God is the Only Consciousness; therefore the Consciousness that you are actually is God consciousness. It is only because we are experiencing God Consciousness through a very low sense of conscious awareness that we have the so-called physical or material experience of It. It is as if we have a gauze or filter as our senses. As Paul said in the Bible, “I see but I see through a glass darkly.” That’s all. My ‘human’ experience is that of low illumination, dim or foggy awareness. The ‘you’ that is your consciousness — your conscious awareness of Being — is God being the entirety of Itself, as Itself, as You, yet experienced ‘humanly’ as a very low illumined sense of That Whole. You are Spirit. This whole world is Spirit, God. God is the All-Inclusive, SelfComplete, Omnipresence of Itself. Noth55

ing ‘else’ exists, nor can do, in the One Infinity that is Spirit, Omnipresent. Everyone and everything is God Itself, appearing as our sensed experience not because God changes from infinity to finiteness as a human being, but because the human, conceptual sense makes That which Is appear to be finite, conceptual; of matter rather than of Spirit which It Truly is. The human and world experience is not something which is ‘beamed down’ as Scotty did in Star Trek. You had Star Trek on television, right? We are not speaking of that kind of experience; we haven’t ‘beamed down’ from God and appear now as a body of humanity separate and apart from Spirit, left alone to find harmonious existence in some bizarre drama of the gods. That is not Truth at all. The ‘human’ experience of everything of mind, body, world and affairs is nothing 56

more than a dark or dim or foggy sense of That which all truly Is. That’s all the ‘human’ experience is, both good and bad. The solution is to illumine individual consciousness so that individual awareness sees more truthfully — senses spiritually rather than materially. God is the Only Presence; the Only. God is One. We must have One Name. We cannot have Oneness and then carry on naming body parts, illnesses, diseases, amounts, qualities of relationship either loving or not so loving, areas of the world, discords, lacks, limitations, tragedy. Either we’re in Truth or we’re not. Did Jesus name discord, lack, limitation, disease? Did he name anything but God? Did he have anything but God consciousness? No! Find any evidence that Jesus recognized or dealt on the level of disease, discord, lack, immorality, insecurity, hate, 57

war. There is no evidence whatsoever. Jesus lived and moved and had his being at a higher realm of consciousness which, to the lower realms, appeared to be miraculous. Jesus didn’t recognize the ‘human’ degree of consciousness. He knew it wasn’t truthful. He lived and operated at the truthful degree — pure Oneness, pure Spirit and Truth. He was and had Oneness. This the great key to the ‘healing’ Consciousness, the Truthful Consciousness. Do you see? Only God — Oneness — Is; nothing ‘else’ must be recognized; nothing ‘else’ must be reacted or responded to. TAKE NO THOUGHT FOR YOUR LIFE This is why Jesus shows us the way of seeking nothing but God — “Spirit and Truth” — “the kingdom of God”: 58

“I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye 59

shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Seek the Kingdom of Truth. Seek Truth Itself. Truth is Oneness. Have one name only: God, or Spirit, or Truth, or Consciousness, or “I”. Don’t name things or conditions and then start working with them, attempting to bring out truth in them, or as them. Truth doesn’t work like that. Have One name, One Presence, One Consciousness — One-ness Only — and then you’ll quickly witness that Oneness conceptually as the good of all things and conditions. 60

ONENESS To be Oneness we get rid of all names. We purge everything of consciousness but one name: God, or Spirit, or Truth. When only God is happening in consciousness we do know what this very moment is: God alone, Spirit alone, Infinity alone. There is only God, and because God — the Infinite — is consciousness only, God is happening in and as my consciousness. Only God-awareness is happening in, and as, my consciousness. The only activity of my consciousness — my thinking — is God Itself as everything everywhere. Ask yourself, What am I thinking of this minute? There it is; there’s your activity of consciousness. What am I thinking of ? Am I thinking of anything but God — God Itself — not God as something, but God Itself for Its sake, not your sake, or my sake, 61

or John or Mary’s sake, the broken bone’s sake, or cancer’s sake, or lack’s sake, or loneliness’s sake. If we catch ourselves thinking of anything but God Itself, as All, then we have slipped away from the oneness of consciousness that evidences life and abundance, harmony and peace as all in our experience. Get rid of everything but God. Rid consciousness of everything but God awareness. Ponder God, Spirit, Truth rather than the people, things and conditions of materiality: God Is... God Is. I do not ever have to translate God awareness into human understanding or experience. Never. If I attempt to do so I am lost again. God Is. God does the work of revealing Itself as all good in and as my experience. I do not; God does. 62

Why do I not have to translate Truth into ‘human’ good? Why do I not have to ‘bring’ Truth to the human experience or sense? Why do I not have to ‘demonstrate’ God? Because — in Truth; in Actuality; in Reality — there isn’t a human being nor a material world in which God can be demonstrated. There is God, Spirit, Only. There is only the spiritual being living in the spiritual universe, that being and his universe being One, and of Oneness. Again: only God Is; only Oneness Is; only Omnipresence Is; Only Infinity Is. Light never has contained a shadow. Light contains itself only. A shadow is nothing more than an absence of light. It isn’t an entity of its own. Dark has no substance, no body, no form and no power of its own. In this way we can understand that only God Is and ever has been, and ever will be. Any and every form of disease, discord, 63

lack, limitation and pain is nothing more than an absence of God awareness — a sense of separation from God; Oneness. So we never have to, and we must not ever attempt to, translate God, or bring God into the ‘human’ condition to heal, pacify, prosper and satisfy. We must simply illumine individual consciousness — increase conscious God awareness — so that we are more able to see That which already, and eternally, and truly Is. HOW TO ‘HEAL’ Let us assume that you realize God alone Is. God awareness fills your consciousness much of each day and night. Now what about the broken bone or heart disease or cancer or poverty or homelessness or insecurity or war? Has it healed yet? No! If you are still looking to see if it has, it hasn’t! 64

Only when we can look, with and being the vision of Oneness — look as the consciousness of Oneness; look and truly realize that Only God Is present — is the healing experienced; the wholeness and harmony revealed. Only God Is. Why therefore would we look for anything but God? We must not look for God as something else. If we still have a ‘him or her or it’ that needs healing then that ‘him, her or it’ will never be witnessed as whole and harmonious. If we have anything but God in consciousness, then God is not visible to us, God is not tangible to us. Think. How can God be tangible to us if we have something other than God in consciousness? That makes sense, doesn’t it? How can I have light in my consciousness if darkness is filling it? The moment we have God ‘and’ — our 65

incessant variety of never-ending ‘ands’ — names, persons, things, amounts, conditions, circumstances — we have little or no God consciousness. God is only found in one place: oneness of consciousness. Therefore if your consciousness or mine is being something other than oneness it throws a fog, or a veil, over the truth of all experience. It leaves truth invisible and intangible to experience yet Truth is forever the one visibility and Tangibility if only we will have the consciousness of Truth alone; God alone; Oneness alone. God is found in, and as, Oneness alone, and that is in and as the consciousness that has only God happening as it. Oneness is awareness, thought, consisting of God Itself for the sake of God Itself, not for any other reason. There isn’t a ‘reason’ to turn to God; there is only God Itself. The only ‘reason’ we turn to Truth is to seek Truth 66

Itself, for Itself. You would have to have God and something else for there to be a reason you are seeking Truth, if your reason isn’t to seek God Itself. You would have to have an ‘and’ you wanted to heal or prosper or harmonize or bring love to, which you’re hoping God will do for you if you seek Him in the right way, or carry on seeking Him for a long enough time. Well, the moment you have an ‘and’ in consciousness you have no God, no Truth. God isn’t tangible to experience at the ‘and’ level of consciousness. God is tangible only when God alone is happening as individual consciousness — when you are continuously aware that Only God Is, therefore, despite appearance, no ‘and’ exists for you. “I am the Lord, and beside Me there is none else.” 67

“You will seek me and find me when you search for me alone.” These statements have beautiful clarity and simplicity now. Turn to Me and I will save you. Turn to Me, just Me, just Me, trust Me. Place your whole trust in Me; leave it to Me; trust Me; praise Me. Throughout the Psalms we read of the praising of the glory of God. We also read throughout that we should ‘trust God’. Trust God. Praise Me, which means have only Me in your consciousness. Worship Me only; God only; Truth only. Do not try to understand Truth; don’t try to interpret Truth; don’t try to bring Truth to the human level of experience; don’t have an ‘and.’ THE DEEP PEACE WITHIN Have you heard that when you relax and feel the peace within, then that’s it; the 68

healing will become apparent? Have you felt peace happen within? Did you witness your health or wealth or safety or opportunity or love, or peace in the world? If you didn’t, did you wonder why? You did what the teachings told you to do: you pondered God, Spirit, Truth until you became relaxed and still, and then, in silence, you became receptive to God happening within, which felt like peace or bliss or a sense of release from that which burdened you. But nothing changed in ‘outer’ experience. Have you ever wondered why that is? You’ve all had, by degree at least, the experience of being able to pull away just enough from that which appears to be the discord or the trouble, to contemplate God, ponder Spirit and Truth: Be still; peace be still. Relax. Sit quietly, be silent until the feeling of peace wells up within. 69

You’ve all experienced that peace felt happening within. Yet the world didn’t change; the healing didn’t occur, or at best the healing was not reliable or consistent. Why? Because you had an ‘and.’ You looked ‘out there’ to check if the healing had taken place. You looked back like Lot’s wife. That very looking ‘back’ or ‘out’ is the ‘and’ that blocks the visibility of Truth. You see, in Truth there is nothing to heal. Only God Is. When we have only God, when we have True Oneness, and we are fulfilled as that True Oneness as all-inclusive experience, then we do not have an ‘and’ in consciousness; we have only God in consciousness, and with only God in consciousness we witness the miracle of Truth as the tangible good forms of experience we call mental, physical and material good. When we no longer have a broken bone 70

we’re wishing to heal, but we have only God in consciousness, that’s when it heals. That’s when the discordant appearance, or experience, is witnessed whole (healed). The Truth as that very form is revealed. That’s when the tumor dissolves; that’s when abundance is witnessed; that’s when success becomes tangible; that’s when doors of opportunity open for you everywhere you go. That is when; when you’re no longer seeking God or Spirit ‘for’ the benefit of something which appears to human sense to be ill or discordant or in lack or limitation but you’re seeking a greater awareness — an illumined awareness — of That which is the only Is. That’s when the wholeness and perfection of experience is witnessed, and that’s the only ‘when’. That’s when the Master would say, “Ah, you now do know how to search this very moment!” 71

Look at your fruitage. Always remember that you are being your tangible experience. Whatever is going on in your consciousness is the tangibility of your life experience. Look at the fruitage in your life. How good and free is it in all departments of experience? How abundant is it? The Truth is — here and now — that everywhere you are there is Harmony, there is Peace. But the only way that Truth is evident in your experience and mine is by being One now — having the consciousness of One, not ‘many’. You are forever being the only moment there is; forever conscious as the only moment — the moment of Oneness, the eternity of Oneness, Self-inclusive, All-inclusive Oneness without an ‘inner’ versus an ‘outer,’ with God alone rather than God ‘and’; the consciousness that just has, and is being, God awareness alone. The 72

question is, how much spiritual as opposed to material awareness are you individually keeping alive in consciousness? This very moment the full Presence and Substance of Truth Itself is entirely and unconditionally available to you and every fiber of your experience. But in order to witness the fruitage of It you must be the consciousness of It, of Oneness. Then that Oneness ‘shines through’ consciousness revealing the health of body, wealth of finances, love of relationships, harmony and happiness of family and friends, and peace of world. GENTLY LET Let us go into our life today without ‘human’ consciousness. Don’t waste what we have been given in these pages by putting this book aside and starting all over 73

again to think about our, or our world’s, problems. You waste or at best delay your, and the world’s, truthful experience the moment you start thinking about anything but God or Spirit. If you want to think, make sure you think about God, about Oneness. Keep your mind on God, not for anything, but just on God Itself, for God Itself. Savor this now. Let the truth of this message now take deep and strong root in your consciousness. Fertilize it, nurture it, and let it blossom by pondering it morning, noon and night. The let; don’t ‘work on it’ too hard. Gently let God be God as You. Let Spirit and Truth take root in the soil of your silence and receptivity.


GOD ALREADY IS; JUST RECEIvE Remember, dear friend: God already Is. All the human sense of you has to do is relax, rest, be still and receptive to That which already Is. God — Spirit and Truth — seeks you. You don’t have to nudge or persuade Truth along. It Is; It knows. It is the only Is, and It fully is that Is, so you don’t have to do anything to help It. You simply have to open your awareness to the Miracle hapening as You. Bee spacious, be silent, be gentle. Let and receive, for “God is closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet,” ever seeking full expression and visibility as, and through, your consciousness (embodied being). Take no thought; do not think it neces75

sary to understand God. You cannot. “God’s thoughts are not your thoughts... God’s ways are foolishness to man.” You do not have to understand a single thing other than God Is. That’s enough. Then let. Peace, be still. Just receive. Be still, receptive, open, and let That which Is reveal your entire life as good, whole and fulfilled, for “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (of awareness, fully embodied).”

The End