Online Classes and Traditional Classes

Online classes and traditional classes: Outline: I. Introduction: nowadays, online classes are an increasing of popular

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Online classes and traditional classes: Outline: I.

Introduction: nowadays, online classes are an increasing of popular because of comfort and convenience beyond traditional classes, both provide essential knowledge for learners. Nonetheless, choice online classes or traditional classes depends on some factors such as schedule, require of work, responsibility of family, distance and so on. This essay, we discuss similarities and differences between online classes and traditional classes.


Body paragraph1: the first difference between online classes traditional classes schedule. A. An online class is suitable for independent learners who are busy. B. They are flexibility in time and place through internet. C. Learners arenot allowed absence in a traditional class. D. They are taught through blackboards or projectors.


Body paragraph 2: The considerable difference between online class and traditional class is effect. A. Learners are limited direct contact with instructor face- to- face through message boards, chat rooms with an online class. B. Students could communicate with colleagues and professors. C. They have opportunity attend more hand-on activities, clubs, associations in campus, but online class cannot.


Body paragraph 3: the final difference is finance. Attending an online class, learners donot worry about costumes or transports.


Including: online classes and traditional classes are suitable for objects opt for belong to individual’s condition. Personally, attending a traditional class not only provide general knowledge but also brings useful social skills.

Reading and watching TV: These days, the development of information technology, watching TV is gradually replaced reading; however, books still attract million of readers with the different subjects and age groups. This essay discuss about the features is that is suitable for individual’s circumstance and favorite. Books and televisions bring a great deal of information belong to different various fields. When we have spare time, passing time by reading or watching TV is obvious vitally in order to get knowledge and relax. Furthermore, we felt comfortable and reduce stress after working or learning hard. However, with reading we could learn about structure sentences, grammars, vocabularies that assist us in writing skill. With television, we could receive information easily through sound, lively images and true voice. The considerable difference is space. We could read a love book anywhere we desire, it doesnot depend on our position. For instance, if we are in the hospitals or train stations, reading is the best way to kill waiting time. Of course, TV could be moved wherever so as to serve the demand of the entertainment and information. The final difference is environment around. Reading needs to be silent to concentrate. Besides that, watching TV require a eventful atmosphere, people watch TV together and discuss about an interesting film, humanitarian programs or debate questions given by impressed game shows or reality TV show. That is the meaningful space time for members of family are warmer and warmer. In summary, it can be denied that the benefits of reading and watching TV. Personally, I favor of both reading and watching TV because of variety of extremely useful and essential knowledge and entertainment both of them bring.