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Prepared exclusively for [email protected]


This guide has been developed to help you create a nutritional plan that fits your needs and can be as basic or advanced as you please. I’ve had lots of questions asking, “why don’t I just supply a nutrition plan with each training plan?” When it comes to nutrition there are so many factors that come into play, and everyone’s goals and personal needs are different. Unless you have a specific goal there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’. Thus I created this guide to give you a brief outline of what everyone should know about the basics of nutrition. Often guys and girls in the services feel that just by training the house down, they can get away with poor nutrition. Physique wise yes, often you can to a certain degree, but health and energy wise you will be severely limiting your performance and it won’t be long until your physique also starts to show the effects of a poor diet.

When it comes to nutrition, there is truly no lack of information. I’m not sure on the exact percentage, but its not hard to see that around 60-70% of the world are overweight.

“Is that because of a lack of information?” I think not! There are well over 1,000 diet and nutrition books on the market. Often the real problem is information overload. Many people try everything but only for a few days to a week at a time, not really giving their body time to adjust then giving up quickly, going back to their old ways discouraged. I want to keep this guide as simple as possible so you can walk away with actionable steps and not just information overload. Through this guide I will give you these actionable steps that will see you get started on cleaning up your nutrition. With just enough information needed so you have a clear knowledge of the right fuel to feed your body with.

This is NOT a guide where I will be trying to show off by using big scientific words and extremely difficult to follow guidelines to make myself look smart. That will just leave you frustrated and still standing at square one.

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It’s all good and well to want to be bigger, leaner or have greater energy but the first thing I want you to do is set a goal. You need a reason to be eating the way you are, otherwise why the hell would you stick to it. The definition of a Goal is the object of a person’s ambition. More specifically and to the point, it is the outcome that you expect by a certain date. When you make your goals, it is fine to make general goals and they can be a real motivator but also include a specific goal alongside it.

Example of a general goal; “I want to be able to see the veins and vascularity in my arms” Example of a specific goal; “I will lower my bodyfat % from 14% to 10% in the next 12 weeks”

Writing your goals down here shows you have taken a stand and decided what you want. You should turn back to this page often and remind yourself why you started and see how far you have come. Today was the day you took control of your nutrition and your life. Don’t let yourself down.

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Time to really get started now. Setting the goal is the easy part and now it’s time to take action to achieving them. One of the biggest problems with people and their nutrition is they surround themselves with crap and then expect themselves to be disciplined. I’m all for self-discipline but there is no reason to purposely put yourself in situations that set you up for failure. There is nothing wrong with making your life easier in certain ways.

Step one: I want you to go into your home and enter the kitchen. Step two: Open your pantry, all of your cupboards and the refrigerator. Take everything out, well everything that is yours (you can’t throw all your housemates food out even if it is all junk). Now place it all on one table or bench in the kitchen. From here take a good look at what’s in front of you and you will quickly realise whether what you’re looking at is going to help or hinder you on your mission. Whether or not you are your own worst enemy. What you have in front of you is what is currently fuelling the machine. For some of you, you will be cruising along like a finely tuned machine but for others, you will need to make great changes. Realise that what you put into your body, you will be absorbing. The food you eat doesn’t care whether it makes you weak, lethargic and sick or if it makes you strong, energetic and healthy. Now I want you to be fully honest with yourself right at this moment. Take a look around at the food you have in front of you and locate any and all that could be holding you back from achieving your goals. Specifically any cakes, donuts, candy, cookies, pretzels, potato chips, white bread, ice-cream, pop tarts, chocolate, soda or anything that you think also should fit into this list. Get rid of it!! I know it might seem like a waste of money but you need to get it out of your sight. Give it away if you can’t handle seeing it go to waste.

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Now that you have taken away all the food’s and liquid that are holding you back. It’s time to take stock of what will help your performance / physique and get you closer to the goals you set previously. All natural food such as Fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs will automatically stay and be staples in your diet. As a simple rule, the closer the food is to it’s natural form the more nutrients it will contain. If a food is packaged and contains huge amounts of additives / preservatives, the likelihood is that it isn’t conducive to your goals. Now that you know what you are getting rid of and what you are holding on to, put everything back in your cupboards where it belongs.

I want to now give you a basic guide to food shopping. It’s a lot easier to eat healthy if you are shopping correctly. I understand it can be very difficult and the supermarkets aren’t set up to make your life easy. As soon as you walk in the door, you are bombarded with marketing and fancy looking packaging, claims of the next big thing! Be careful because some packaging claims are often false. This is specifically true for those foods that claim to be ‘healthy’. Many fat free, sugar free foods that claim to be good for you, but very often they are not and include other nasty additives. It is very important that you spend time checking and reading the nutrition information on the back for yourself. Beware of the sugar free A lot of product now are ‘sugar free’ yet this sugar is just replaced with unhealthy artificial sweeteners. Beware of Fat Free Fat does not make you fat! We need healthy fat to function. Some ‘fat free’ products take that natural fat out and replace it with added sugars and other artificial rubbish that is bad for you. So again read that ingredients list and check this for yourself!

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Before you purchase your pre-packaged products, it is important to check over the nutrition facts on the back so you can really know what you are getting. There are a few things to take note of when understanding what’s in your food.

There will be a list of ingredients on the back of products that contain more than 2 ingredients. The longer the ingredients list the further the food is from its natural state, and the less healthy it is likely to be. Remember as you read through that the ingredients on the back must be listed in order of weight with the main ingredient first.

Nutrition facts are displayed on the back in a table the usually looks something like the one below. Not all of them look the same but they all contain the main information we need to know. It is a quick easy way to asses what you are getting.

Beware of the serving size- Sometimes this can be very misleading and one packet often contains more than one serve. The values in this table are displayed as per serve, but often also shows per 100grams. Your Nutrients- This part is very helpful in knowing what you are consuming and how it fits into your requirements. I always focus on protein and making sure there isn’t too much sugar in each serve.

Daily Value - Something we won’t worry about too much since we will be working out our own macros and daily requirements for each week. We can track this easily in your my fitness pal app. However, this section is helpful when looking at your vitamin and mineral daily intake.

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A high Protein intake is extremely important no matter your goals when it comes to nutrition. You will notice as we go through the other macronutrients that your consumption levels of Fats and Carbs will vary but your protein intake will remain reasonably consistent. During this program, you will be breaking down your muscles regularly and if you are not providing your body the required amount of protein, you won’t recover optimally and you definitely won’t grow the muscles you desire. A value that is often thrown around is 1g of protein per pound of body-weight.

For example: If you weigh 180lb, you would be consuming 180g of protein per day.

This works well and is a good beginning number to strive to, for performance and aesthetics. The only time we run into problems with this number is if you have a very high bodyfat %.

For example: If you weigh 300lbs and are 40% bodyfat, you can lower this number to 0.7-0.8g per lb.

Depending on how much protein you require and how many meals you decide to have per day, a good number to hit is 30-50g of protein per meal. If you can hit this number with solid food, go for it but if not this is when I recommend you look at protein supplementation. This also comes down to convenience. A shake with 30g of protein is faster to digest and much easier to consume directly after a hard training session than a large tin of tuna.

For a lot of you guys, if you are currently serving and spending large amounts of time in the field I understand it isn’t easy getting the required amount of protein. You cant go running round with a tub of protein on your back. Try taking Beef Jerky / Biltong or small amounts of whey with you when you deploy so you can at least hit 0.5g of protein per lb of bodyweight each day.

((You won’t be building big muscle with this, but best case scenario you will preserve your current muscle mass and wont come back from the field looking like pee wee herman.))

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When it comes to carbs, it can get confusing. Carb cycling, carb backloading, low carb, no carb, you will hear it all and what is supposedly best for you. These all work perfectly fine depending on your goals but we are going to keep it as simple as possible here. For carbohydrate intake, we are going to slightly vary based on our activity levels each day. For carbohydrate intake, we are going to slightly vary based on your activity levels each day. Very light activity/Rest day 0.5g per lb Training day 1.2g per lb

Heavy Training day 2.0g per lb Example

For a 180lb man, he would consume 90g on a rest day, 220g on a training day and 300-360g on an intense heavy training day. Carbohydrates will be your main source of fuel for your training days so don’t neglect them. On a rest day, however you don’t need a great deal of energy. Lowering your carb intake on rest days will actually improve your insulin sensitivity so that when you do up your carbs again, your body will use them more effectively.

The carbohydrate sources provided in the shopping list are great for before and after training but during training you will stick to fast acting sources. Examples are; Gatorade Kool Aid Fruit Juice Dextrose (25-50g) Ideally you will consume 60-80% of your carbs around your training. 2550g of carbs an hour or two before training and again 25-50g immediately after training.

It is best not to consume fats pre, during or post training. Although when I say this, I am talking about within a 1 hour window either side.

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Fats aren't the enemy they were once thought to be. They are extremely important for brain function, healthy hormones and actually ingesting fat helps the body to utilize your own fat as a fuel lowering your body fat levels. By severely limiting fat, you will cause negative effects on your testosterone levels among other hormones. Testosterone is the super hormone which helps build muscle in men and women. More muscle = a higher metabolism causing greater fat loss so win win. Focus on consuming healthy fats such as the examples on the shopping list. Keep the majority of your intake of these fats away from your training. One great thing about fats, other than that they are very easy to consume and are often tasty, is that they are very calorie dense. As you have seen above, 1g of fat = 9 calories. When you are looking to lose weight this may not be helpful to you but when trying to gain weight, once you have hit your protein and carb requirements for the day, you can really Some fats actually are the enemy. lift your consumption of fats. One important note that you need to be aware of is that almost all takeaway and fried food shops fry their food in oil that is trans fat. It isn’t just the high calories that you need to be aware of. This oil that most takeaway shops use throws your body chemicals out of whack affecting your hormones it is also near impossible for your body to use as energy so is immediately stored as fat. Think about that the next time you decide where to go for a take out meal.

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This list is only a guide of a few examples in each category and not the exact list of ingredients you should buy. Use it to help you stay on track.

All non starchy vegetables are fine Some good staples; •Green Leafy Lettuce

(Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine, Spinach) •Broccoli •Asparagus

•Bell Peppers •Brussels Sprouts •Cauliflower •Celery •Cucumber •Onions •Garlic •Tomatoes •Zucchini •Fruit: oranges, bananas, apples, grapefruit, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries •Lemons or Limes •Frozen vegetables (corn, peas)

•Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast •Ground turkey, Turkey Breast Slices or cutlets •Deli cuts •Beef (aim for leaner cuts) •Lean Ground Beef •Lamb (aim for leaner cuts) •Tinned Tuna (water packed) •Fish (salmon, trout etc.) •Shrimp (prawns) •Protein Powder (Whey or Pea protein powder) •Egg Whites or whole Eggs

•Cottage cheese •Milk •Butter •Greek Yoghurt •Lower fat cheeses (cream cheese, cheddar,


•Oat Bran Cereal •Whole grain cereals (Shredded Wheat,

Special K) •Oatmeal (Old Fashioned or Quick Oats) •Sweet Potatoes •Potatoes •Beans (pinto, black, kidney) •Brown Rice •Rice cakes and crackers •Rice (white, jasmine, basmati, Arborio, wild •Whole meal Pastas •Whole meal sandwich breads, bagels, pita bread •Soft corn tortillas •Humous

•Natural Peanut Butter (ingredients should

only be peanuts and salt) •Olive Oil •Organic Butter •Coconut Oil •Flaxseed Oil •Avocados •Raw nuts (any kinds, in moderation)

•Condiments & Misc. •Some good go-to options; •Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce •Balsamic Vinegar •Steak Sauce •Chili Paste •Mustard •Spices (oregano, black pepper, Italian season-

ing, thyme) •Chili powder

•Low Sodium beef or chicken broth •Plain or reduced sodium tomatoes sauce, pu-

ree, paste •Vinaigrettes •Salsa

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PROTEIN, CARBS AND FATS EXAMPLES; 1– Protein oatmeal w/ blueberry's and peanut butter 2– Whole egg omelette, w/ vegetables and avocado, on two pieces of wholemeal toast 3– Salmon w/ vegetables, sweet potato and organic butter


•Eat as many non-starchy vegetables as you

like. •Be sure to include 3 main meals in your day spaced out around times that suit you. •For balance include all of the three types of meal groups for each day. •Try to keep carb filled meals around training times. •Adjust calorie intake and macros according to calculations from pages 10-13.

EXAMPLES; 1– Poached eggs on spinach and field mushrooms w/ avocado


2– Turkey skewers w/ green beans and organic butter 3–Tuna salad w/ baby spinach, olive oil dressing or vinaigrette


1– Protein shake & handful of nuts 2– Rice cakes with peanut butter or cottage cheese

3- Celery & carrot sticks with humous


1– Porridge w/ whey protein and sliced banana 1- Chicken breast w/ grilled vegetables and potatoes 2– Ground Beef w/ chopped tomatoes and herbs on pasta

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From here, it really comes down to how far you want to take it. I’m not going to tell you to track every calorie of every meal if you can’t adhere to it. This is a long term plan and lifestyle change, not a quick fix diet. If all you did was get the foods from the shopping list, followed the sample meal plan, cut the crap and focused on training hard you are still going to achieve great results and look and perform better than 90% of the population. However, if you want to take it a step further, I really recommend you download the MyFitnessPal app and begin recording your meals and tracking your calories through this. It is far easier than spending all of your time reading labels, calculating calories and keeping a written journal. If you choose to take things a step further, follow these steps to figure out how many calories you should be consuming for Fat Loss or Muscle Gain. 1.Measure your current height and weight. 2.Use a TDEE (Total daily energy expenditure) calculator to figure out your current TDEE. These are easily found using google search. 3.Work out your Calorie deficit or surplus to hit your goals.** 4.Use MyFitnessPal to log your intake and take regular measurements of your waist first thing in the morning each week. If you are aiming to gain muscle you can also include chest, arm, quad etc measurements. Measurements are far more effective than a scale.

**To work out your calorie deficit or surplus, you will take your TDEE and if you want to lose fat, decrease this number by 10-20%. If you want to gain muscle, you will increase this number by 10-20%.

if your TDEE is 2500 calories that would mean you will maintain your current weight following a 2500 calorie diet. To lose fat you would consume between 2000—2250 calories To gain muscle you would consume between 2750—3000 calories

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When it comes to supplements, we are dealing with an even bigger façade than when it comes to food. The marketing, the lies and promises made will leave you confused, broke and with no improvement in performance or body composition than before. The other problem I have with supplements, and this is on you! The user. Many people are looking for a supplement to give them that 1% increase while they eat like crap and stay dehydrated. Searching for a 1% increase while sacrificing the other 99% is the fastest way to failure. Remember what the name is “Supplement”, and treat it as such.

I will start with the basics before moving on to supplements that are more focused on you guys serving and needing that little bit extra. The first most basic supplements I am going to recommend, you can get from your food. The problem is that now days, our produce is providing us with less and less nutrients than ever before. This is due to many different factors including soil conditions, environment, pesticides, processing etc. So to get enough of certain vital nutrients, you now need to eat a lot more food than before. This will cause you to eat more and more calories to get your daily requirements. To kick it all off, I’m going to start with the two most important supplements that I recommend everyone take.

Multi vitamins are a great way to ensure your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to run efficiently. I recommend taking one first thing each day and in times of high stress taking an extra one before bed.

Don’t feel like after reading this, you need to rush out and get every supplement that is mentioned. Stay within your budget and focus on eating healthy and drinking adequate amounts of water first.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) cannot be produced by the body and are massively important to maintain healthy cells. A decrease in inflammation, improved mood and brain function, along with a myriad of other benefits should be enough to convince you that Fish oils are a great addition along with a healthy diet.

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Once you have these previous two covered, then you can start looking at other supplements. Don’t rush out and buy pre-workout, creatine and testosterone boosters etc, before you have these basics sorted.

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 essential chemical reactions in the body and is an important mineral for maintaining bone density and healthy heart function. One thing to be careful when searching for a magnesium supplement is the type of magnesium you are getting. Any magnesium oxide, carbonate or sulphide is rubbish and will not do much to help you. Be careful with this as many magnesium supplements will be purely this so do your research. Look for magnesium citrate, malate, taurate, theonate, fumarate, glycerophosphate among others. If you are deficient in magnesium, you will notice muscle cramps, head aches, and most notably poor sleep.

Vitamin D is something which is often overlooked but most people are deficient in it and it has great benefits. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, then you may not need this supplement but if you spend all day dressed in uniform and your skin barely sees the sun than this will be a great addition to your supplement routine. With the benefits of improving mood, bone health, decreasing blood pressure, preventing cancer and diabetes. Look at taking between 3-5000IU per day. Often you will find Combined Fish Oil and Vitamin D supplements which is perfect and will help you kill two birds with one stone.

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I’ve listed Whey protein here but feel free to use Pea protein if you are vegan or just want an alternate source. Protein is the building block of muscles and essential for repair and growth of muscle after exercise. I highly recommend protein supplementation for recovery, muscle gain and preserving muscle when you are in a caloric deficit. Make sure when choosing a protein supplement that you look at the label. You want to find one with as little fillers as possible. In a 30g scoop of protein you don’t want to be getting under 20g of protein. There are many quality protein supplements but one I have used greatly in the past and is always a go to is Optimum Nutrition gold standard.

Carbohydrate supplements are not necessary for a person living a sedentary life or someone just hitting one gym session per day. Quite likely you already are consuming too many carbohydrates. The times I do recommend these, such as energy gels, is when you are performing long endurance events. If you know you will be going a long time without a meal and know you wont be able to stop to eat, then these are perfect.

Creatine is one supplement that has risen to great popularity over the years and for good reason. It has many great benefits for athletes looking for increases in strength and power. Beware though if you are going to be limited with your water intake due to field exercises I wouldn’t recommend taking it at this time as you need to increase your water intake when you are supplementing with creatine. There are many different types of Creatine Supplements that you will run in to however just the basic Creatine Monohydrate powder is all you need. I recommend just taking 5-10g per day before training. protein supplements but one I have used greatly in the past and is always a go to is Optimum Nutrition gold standard.

Where creatine will help you with short bursts of power, Beta Alanine is great for athletes needing a boost in performance over medium to highintensity cardiovascular exercises, such as medium distance sprints. Beta-alanine works by turning into the molecule carnosine, which acts as an acid buffer in the body, in turn helping you to perform at a high intensity for longer periods of time.

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Caffeine supplementation which can come from a wide range of sources such as coffee, caffeine supplements, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate but is most likely in your life from Coffee. Caffeine is a double edged sword. It can be amazing but also be a negative if you are not careful. Having a black coffee first thing in the morning can speed up your metabolism and mobilize fat stores allowing to use Fat for energy but if you are not taking in extra water, it will dehydrate you and lower your performance. By taking large amounts also, you can find your anxiety levels rising and putting you in a bad mood for no real reason.

L-Theanine is a supplement I’ve only recently started using but have seen amazing benefits from it, with far greater focus and the ability to be incredibly switched on while staying calm and in a good mood with no feelings of anxiety. Its all good and well to be switched on from coffee but if you are jittery and shaking all over then you aren’t going to be an effective operator either in training or in your line of work. By combining the two supplements here, you will find yourself laser focused, calm and in a happy mood ready for anything. You will find this supplement in 100200mg capsules and experiment with doses between 200-400mg per day.

Be sure to limit your caffeine intake also, taking in no more than 2 strong coffees per day. By taking more and more caffeine you will start to notice negative side effects such as headaches, muscle cramps, poor sleep, it can effect nutrient absorption along with stomach problems.

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If I am to leave you with any advice it would be to take it slow and steady. The road to fat loss or muscle gain isn’t something which you can achieve overnight or within a very short time. By trying to speed things up you will often find yourself in an even worse position than you were when you begun.

If you’re trying to lose fat and you cut your calories hugely and starve yourself, you will not only damage your metabolism, and lower your testosterone levels. You will actually hold onto fat and end up just eating through your muscle. This will only further lower your metabolism and you will end up in a state we like to call skinny-fat. This definitely isn’t what you want.

The same goes for building muscle. Try and speed up the process by increasing your calories massively. Unless you are supplementing with PED’s (Performance enhancing drugs), you will find yourself putting on large amounts of fat. The problem with this, is that the higher your bodyfat levels, the harder it is to build muscle. You will also destroy your insulin sensitivity making it harder and harder to make gains as you go along. It does work for a short time but I would never recommend it. Create a solid achievable goal and work towards it. Be consistent, stay focussed, and be patient with the process. Now get out there and take what’s yours!!

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