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Chapter Book Bibliography Page Chapter Book: Number the Stars Historical Fiction Genre: Author: Lois Lowry 138 # of P

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Chapter Book Bibliography Page Chapter Book: Number the Stars Historical Fiction


Author: Lois Lowry 138

# of Pages:

Summary: Annemarie Johansen is a young girl who hangs out with her friend Ellen and takes care of her little sister Kirsti. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark, during World War II. Copenhagen used to be peaceful, but now it's full of enemy soldiers. The Nazis have come into Denmark from Germany and are slowly forcing the Danish people to do what they say. Annemarie is a thoughtful young lady, and she reflects on how much life has changed since the Nazis came along. Actually, Annemarie's older sister Lise died around the time the war began and naturally, Annemarie misses her like crazy. At least her family still gets to see Lise's mysterious fiancé, Peter. Things start getting worse in Denmark. The Nazis have begun gathering up Jews and taking them somewhere unknown. Brave families like the Johansens insist on helping their Jewish friends, no matter how dangerous it might be. Ellen comes to live with Annemarie, pretending to be her sister, and even removing her Star of David necklace to hide her identity.

After a scary interrogation by Nazi soldiers, Mrs. Johansen takes Ellen, Annemarie, and Kirsti to visit her brother, Henrik, up north. Pretty soon, they start preparing a funeral for a non-existent great aunt. Turns out they're trying to fake a reason for having so many people at their house. Several other Jewish people, including Ellen's parents show up, too. After the funeral, Peter and Mrs. Johansen each take a group of Jewish guests out of the house— toward safety, it seems. When her mom gets back, injured from a bad fall, Annemarie discovers that an important package Ellen's father was supposed to take to Henrik never made it. Annemarie hides the package in a basket with food and hurries through the woods to her uncle's boat—but not before another scary encounter with the Nazi soldiers and their dogs. Henrik had hidden Ellen's family and other people on his boat. When Nazi soldiers and their dogs came to search the boat, they didn't sniff out any humans—the package had a special ingredient in it that kept the dogs from finding the people hidden on Henrik's boat. If Annemarie hadn't delivered the package, they would have all been discovered. So Annemarie saved them. The boat traveled safely to Sweden, and Ellen and her family escaped. The book concludes two years later, as World War II is ending. Peter has been discovered as a Resistance worker and killed by the Nazis. But in a moment of hope, Annemarie knows that her best friend will finally be able to come back home—and she has her necklace waiting for her. ELA Common Core State Standard: RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Instructional Use: One conflict that emerges within Number the Stars is the struggle between good and evil. Students will explain how this conflict is evident within society as a whole during WWII by completing the following chart. On the left side of the chart, explain how you see good in this society. On the right side, explain how you see evil in this society. Provide specific evidence from the text to support your answer.

