NUEVOS LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL, INGLES, PORTUGUÉS Y FRANCES publicados por Edilma Angel Moyano, sublicencia Publishing 527 GR

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NUEVOS LIBROS EN ESPAÑOL, INGLES, PORTUGUÉS Y FRANCES publicados por Edilma Angel Moyano, sublicencia Publishing 527


SIETE ENSEÑANZAS FUNDAMENTALES REUNIDAS EN UN SOLO LIBRO De las Enseñanzas de Grigori Grabovoi Sobre Dios Las estructuras de la organización fundamental del Mundo para asegurar la Vida Eterna. Las estructuras fundamentales del Mundo en el desarrollo de la Conciencia de la Vida Eterna. Las Leyes fundamentales del Mundo que aseguran los cuerpos físicos de la Vida Eterna. Las leyes fundamentales del Mundo y la Fe para asegurar la Vida Eterna. Principio de interacción de las áreas cercanas a la Conciencia con las leyes fundamentales del Mundo para asegurar la Vida Eterna.La acción del Alma, el Espíritu y la Conciencia de acuerdo con las leyes fundamentales del Mundo para asegurar la Vida Eterna para el organismo.Conocimiento de las leyes fundamentales del Mundo para asegurar la Vida Eterna mediante el uso de la videncia controladora.

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En este tema expongo, cómo construir la estructura del hombre en términos de la Luz misma, a través de la transformación de la Luz. En primer lugar, para obtener el color y la Luz del hombre en el espacio de control, y luego también podrá ser capaz de construir, en términos generales, por ejemplo: Controlando el cuerpo humano físico. Será posible construir una estructura de control por este método, de tal manera, que también serás capaz de construir la Luz de tus propias actividades.

Versión Papel, en dólares $33.00 0&s=books&sr=1-1 Versión electrónica -Kindle $15.20


Here it is “volitional control", in terms of the "Teaching about God", where the omnipresence of God, is His personal Will. That is, God decided to be manifested everywhere – and He manifested Himself, in some actions. That is, volition is a personal factor after all, first, coming from God. And in connection with this, we have such a level, that the Will is the action of God, aimed at omnipresence. That is, we see, for example, God in some action; and at the same time, we understand, that this is His will/volition. That is, in terms of the logical level of control, nothing is done without the Will of God.

Versión Papel, en dólares $34.00

Versión electrónica -Kindle $15.20

And when you begin to cognize this level, that is, to see the depth of this process, that is, where your Soul is so deep that it reaches the action of God, and where it recognizes God, right?.. then you begin to see that the thought of your Soul, that is, precisely thinking or the sound form of interaction between your Soul and the outer reality, is the level of the implementation of you as a personality. And your goal is determined initially not only, for example, well, say, by some personal motive, right?.. here it is necessary to see the outer motive of the goal.

Versión Papel, en dólares $24.00

Versión electrónica -Kindle $11.99

You need to track the action of the Soul very clearly here, that your Soul always solves your tasks. And the reverse mechanism of obtaining knowledge is very clearly seen, that is, you can see here very specifically how the Soul solves the tasks. After all, God, who has control of all reality, He always decides something, it turns out to be even logically, and it goes so. Consequently, God solves by the Soul after all, because man by analogy solves the problem in the first place by the Soul. After all, why I said "because", because we can make analogies, based on the fact, that the plan of as if personal tasks is the level of control, which we understand as the necessity for the solution.

Versión Papel, en dólares $34.00 Versión electrónica -Kindle $15.20

… the time of man and the time of God coincide at some level, at the level of the human Soul manifestation in all events of the World… •when both God and man go together on the same status to the infinite development, then time becomes controllable... • … a simple element of the absence of aging… Then we can see, that the implementation of events often has a completely static rigid form. For example, the same events are preserved in a second, for example, right?.. we can say in five hours that, “Yes, that is the same house.” It can be said in one hundred years, that a particular level of the event will be in the form of the identified values there: there is a mountain there, right?.., a stone and so on. But to say, that man will be in this place in a hundred years, right?.. well, obviously, is not possible, if you have not agreed with him in advance, provided that, he would be able to come there.

Versión Papel, en dólares $33.00 Versión electrónica -Kindle $

I show in the given theme, how to build the structure of man in terms of Light itself through the Light transformation, firstly, to put simply, to get the color and Light of man in the control space, and then also to be able to build, generally speaking, for example, the physical human body by controlling. It will be possible to build a control structure by this method in such a way, that you would also be able to build the Light of your own activities, for example. So, in fact, every following level of Light, supposedly, is the controlling one in relation to the previous level, and vice versa: the prior level, in fact, is also the level of as if a mutual control. It means, all the same, Light often possesses such isomorphic properties in control, that there is a rather universal control going from one level to another, for example.

Versión Papel, en dólares $25.99 Versión electrónica -Kindle $13.99

You have to open your Soul for this, so you must see, how the Light of your Soul passes through the body there. The Soul is in your physical body at the moment. You begin to carry out control. But physical body also represents, in general, the wave elements at the micro molecular level, it is like the Light oscillations. And it turns out, that, at least, there are wave oscillations, but it is also Light. It turns out, that in order the Light of the Soul could pass as if through the body, when the Soul is within the body, you need to identify, where the Soul is located then, the light optics of the Soul, and how the emission of Light of the Soul begins to form the impulse , for example, or the form of Light.

Versión Papel, en dólares $23.99 Versión electrónica -Kindle $13.99


Beleza, Saúde, tratamento para emagrecer e outros....A partir da célula do Criador, podemos renovar nosso coração, nossos vasos sanguíneos, vamos a enviar luz da glândula tireóide a cada um de nossos órgãos e assim renovamos todo nosso corpo. A célula é a célula do Criador, é a célula a onde um pode sair do coração e passar através da glândula tireóides e renovar os órgãos, restaurar o controle e tudo o que necessitem.

Versión Papel, en dólares $27.00 Versión electrónica -Kindle $10.88

Tecnologicamente, como regra, praticamente sucede de tal maneira, que quando uma pessoa estabelece o cumpre o seguinte objetivo, considera tudo o que já foi implemente num certo nível. O seja é dizer, você vê sua experiência acumulada na implementação até certo ponto; em princípio, a experiência objetivo é a que necessita neste momento. Em consciência, o nível da alma se releva no objetivo de controle. Que dizer, em termos gerais, o objetivo como regra, está determinado inicialmente pela ação da alma. Em termos gerais, existe um estado mais sustentável, inclusive estático, como a percepção da alma. Que dizer, uma pessoa enfrenta um sistema de percepção da sua própria alma. Por tanto, a identificação da meta é uma tarefa bastante simples, já que existem muitos componentes diferentes das situações.

Versión Papel, en dólares $24.99 1415957&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmr0 Versión electrónica -Kindle $13.00


Contrôle Du Temps (French Edition) Ce livre est la transcription d’une conférence donnée par G. Grabovoi en russe.Nous ne fournissons pas d’explication du texte de l’auteur. Mais nous vous conseillons de le lire en conscience élargie, car la parole est d’abord captée par celle-ci, non pas avec votre intellect uniquement, mais avec le cœur. Laissez-vous porter par la parole particulière de G. Grabovoi, afin que l’information puisse imprégner votre être, parvenir au niveau mental, inspirer vos actions et finalement vous transformer. Lisez plusieurs fois les passages qui vous semblent difficiles. La compréhension véritable viendra avec le temps et en diffusant ces informations. Connectez-vous télépathiquement avec G. Grabovoi (séquence numérique 3 582 295) ou avec Dieu (11981), pour vous en faciliter la compréhension. Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à sa réalisation, au service du Salut Harmonieux Global. Nous vous souhaitons un développement harmonieux éternel, une bonne santé et la réalisation bénéfique de vos objectifs.

Versión Papel, en dólares $33.00 Versión electrónica -Kindle $15.33