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PRACTICAL CASE MOCK EXAM 1 NAME.- _________________________ GROUP: ___________ DATE.- Reinforcement measures for stu

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NAME.- _________________________

GROUP: ___________ DATE.-

Reinforcement measures for students with specific necessities of educational support in the area of first foreign language. I would like to start this case by stating that this is a very interesting case since nowadays it is very common that we all have one or more students with specific necessities of educational support in our classrooms. The current legislation, based on LOE 2/2006, modified by LOMCE 8/2013, establishes the student-centeredness as one of the most important aspects of the teaching-learning process and, as well, an inclusive educational system. The Royal Decree 126/2014 establishes as one of its main principles that the teachers take into consideration the students Now, we will go on justifying why it is important this practical case as there is a specific legal framework about attention to diversity in the Region of Murcia: First, the Decree 359/2009 on 30th October, which establishes and regulates the educational response to the diversity of the student body in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. Secondly, the Order on June 4th, 2010, of the Office of Education, Training and Employment, which regulates the Plan of the attention to diversity of state centres and private state centres of the Region of Murcia. Thirdly, the Resolution on 17th December of 2012, of the Directorate-General of Educational Planning and Ordinance, which passes guidelines for the educational care of students who have learning difficulties. There is another Resolution of 15th June 2015, of the Directorate-General of Quality of Education, Innovation and Attention to Diversity, which establishes the student recipient of individualized work plans and guidelines for its preparation. This is new newest one and most updated since it includes the current modifications derived from LOMCE. So, now that the bases have been established, let us develop the question to be answered: "Reinforcement measures for students with specific necessities of educational support in the area of first foreign language" The first thing we have to take into account is the kind of student we are focusing on and the level of this pupil because, obviously, the level of development and abilities is completely different. When we talk about students with specific necessities of educational support, in a general sense, we may differentiate two big groups: ACNEE (SEN), who are those students with special educational needs; and ACNEAE, that are those students who do not present any disability. As the case does not mention ACNEE, but ACNEAE, I will focus on a concrete situation with a specific student in order to develop the case in a detailed way.

I will start by describing the group of students where this pupil is included, and then, I will describe the measures that will be taken with this student with specific necessities of educational support (Contextualize the situation and develop the case taking as a basis the Order 4 June (art. 4) and specifically the resolution 17 Dec.)

Up to here, there have been mentioned some measures to be taken according to this concrete situation. Although in many cases it seems to be a hard work, we must never forget that the centre of the teaching-learning process must be, necessarily, the student. In this way, we will be sure that the resources we use are going to be adapted to the necessities of our pupils and moreover, they will be motivated because they have been an active part of their own learning, which is our main aim as teachers nowadays.