
Page 1 of 16 Mesomorph TRAINING PLAN Page 2 of 16 Compared to Ectomorphs and Endomorphs - Mesomorphs are the best of

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Compared to Ectomorphs and Endomorphs - Mesomorphs are the best of both worlds. These people are athletic and are characterized by a muscular frame with relatively low amounts of body fat. They don't have much trouble losing fat and at the same time they can gain muscle easily. They too like the Ectomorph have a higher metabolism that keeps their fat levels in check. Before I get into the workouts let me say this - It is possible to change your body type. However here's the catch: It takes tremendous amounts of work. For example an Ectomorph with consistent training and good meal planning can become a Mesomorph. I'm sure you've seen it, the skinny freshman who leaves grade 12 as a muscle beast. Or more commonly the overweight and obese people who have achieved a fat loss reduction. So keep in mind, you're not "stuck" in your body type forever. You could also a combination of body types. For the sake of these workouts, we have created this workout for people who identify closest to a mesomorph body type.

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CARDIO: In these workouts, I did not list any cardio, cardio for a mesomorph is often optional and should be supplemented as need be. It's important to remember though that cardio helps with total body health and will help your performance in the gym, as you will have greater endurance. The mesomorph looking to maintain cardiovascular fitness for general health and longevity should only do cardio at a moderate pace for 30 minutes three times per week. Any more than this is going to be detrimental to the goal of gaining weight. If you notice you STILL can’t put/keep mass on, then restrict your cardio sessions to one day, it is OK to substitute 15 minutes of HIIT or circuit training into the routine as opposed to 30 minutes of moderate pace cardio. STRENGTH TRAINING: This is the ideal somatotype to be classified. Most people in this category find sport and physical exertion to be quite easy. Lets look at the advantages the Mesomorph's have: 1 Their bodies are actually designed for the stress of weightlifting. 2 They can handle high intensities well. 3 They can handle high frequency training well. 4 Burn fat quickly, gain muscle fast

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STRENGTH TRAINING Continued: As in anything else, this is all experimental. You have to decide what kind of workout is best suited to you by trial and error. There are thousands of different kinds of workout programs you can attempt: • • • • • • • • • •

High frequency training Hypertrophy specific training Max-OT training German Volume Training BW44 Program 3x3 Training F3 - Functional Training Bulgarian Training Dual Factor Hypertrophy Training (DFHT) Pendulum Training

These are just a few of the THOUSANDS of programs and philosophies that exist out there. The objective should be to find the program you are motivated to do, and do it. There are still just a few things to keep in mind when choosing your workout program: WEIGHT LIFTING TECHNIQUES WILL BOOST YOUR PROGRESS: Techniques such as drop sets, rest pause training, eccentrics, forced reps, burns, negatives, supersets, etc are important. Most advanced trainees will use at least one or a couple of these techniques. They are great to boost intensity and overload your muscles to a greater extent. The more stress your muscles are under, the more they will become stronger and grow to respond to that extra stress. The following 3-day routine is built to take advantage of all the aforementioned. Have fun and train hard!

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Day 1 - lower body WORKOUT 1 - LOWER BODY: • 5 minute cardio warm-up • Squats • Warm-up set : 50% of 1 RM, 10-20 reps • Acclimation Set #1 : 60% of 1 RM, 8 reps • Acclimation Set #2 : 80% of 1 RM, 6 reps • Working Set #1 : 90% of 5 RM, 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 95% of 5 RM, 3-5 reps • Working Set #3 : 95% of 5 RM, 2 reps (If the previous two sets were intense, you may not be able to do a full 5 reps. Don't worry, this is good.) • • 3-5 minutes rest & water break • Lunges • (No need for warm-up or acclimation sets in this case) • Working Set #1 : 6 reps (3 with each leg) • Working Set #2 : 6 reps of the same weight • Working Set #3 : Aim for 6 reps, but do not be surprised if you only get a few. • • 3-5 minute rest • Leg Curls (optional, for extra emphasis on the hamstrings) • (No need for a warm-up) • Working Set #1 : 5 reps • Working Set #2 : 5 reps • Calves • Brief Warm-up : 10-20 reps (Ideal because the calves have not yet been directly worked.) • Working Set #1 : 5-6 reps • Working Set #2 : 5-6 reps • Working Set #3 : As many reps as possible • 5-10 minute cool down

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Day 1 - lower body Chart Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.

EXERCISE 5 minute cardio warm-up Squats - 10-20, 8, 6, 3-5, 3-5, 2 reps Lunges - 6 reps Leg Curls (optional, for extra emphasis on the hamstrings) - 5 reps Calves - 10-20, 5-6, 5-6 reps, failure 5-10 minute cool down

Set #1

Set #2 XX

Set #3 XX



Set #4 XX

Set #5 XX

Set #6 XX










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Day 2 - Back WORKOUT 2 - BACK: • 5 minute warm-up • Weighted Pull-ups • Warm-up Set : 10-20 reps (You may want to use the cable pull-down machine for this) • Acclimation Set #1 : 8 reps (Cable pull-down or non-weighted pull-ups) • Acclamation Set #2 : 6 reps (Same as above) • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 3-5 reps, or as many as you can • Working Set #3 : As many as you can • • 3-5 minute rest • Bent Over Rows • Brief Acclimation Set : 8-10 reps • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 3-5 reps, or as many as you can • Working Set #3 : As many as you can • • 3-5 minute rest • Bicep Curls (Optional because the biceps are already worked during pulling exercises) • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 3-5 reps

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Day 2 - back Chart Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.

EXERCISE 5 minute warm-up Weighted Pull-ups - 10-20, 8, 6, 3-5, 3-5 reps, failure

Set #1

Set #2 XX

Set #3 XX

Set #4 XX

Bent Over Rows - 8-10, 3-5, 3-5 reps, failure Bicep Curls (Optional) - 3-5 reps



Set #5 XX

Set #6 XX





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Day 3 - chest, shoulders, abs WORKOUT 3 - CHEST, SHOULDERS & ABS: • 5 minute warm-up • Bench Press • Warm-up Set : 10-20 reps • Acclimation Set : 8 reps • Acclimation Set : 6 reps • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #3 : 3-5 reps, or as many as you can do • Military Press or Other Shoulder Press • Brief Acclamation Set : 8 reps • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #2 : 3-5 reps • Working Set #3 : 3-5 reps, or as many as you can do • Abs exercise of your choosing • Warm-up Set : 10-20 reps • Acclimation Set : 8 reps • Working Set #1 : 5-10 reps • Working Set #2 : Use slightly heavier weight, as many reps as possible. • Wrist Curls • (No warm-up necessary at this point) • Working Set #1 : 3-5 reps followed by a static hold till failure • Working Set #2 : Same as above • Reverse Wrist Curls • Working Set #1 : Same as above • Working Set #2 : Same as above • 5-10 minute cool down

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Day 3 - chest, shoulders, abs Chart Instructions: In the white spaces below, fill in the weight you used and the number of reps you performed. If you did 100 pounds for 10 reps, you would write "100 X 10". The gray boxes below are not used.

EXERCISE 5 minute warm-up Bench Press - 10-20, 8, 6, 3-5, 3-5, 3-5 reps Military Press or Other Shoulder Press - 8, 3-5, 3-5, 3-5 reps Abs exercise of your choosing - 10-20, 8, 5-10 reps, failure Wrist Curls - 3-5 reps followed by a static hold till failure. Reverse Wrist Curls - 3-5 reps followed by a static hold till failure. 5-10 minute cool down

Set #1

Set #2 XX


Set #3 XX

Set #4 XX

Set #5 XX

Set #6 XX

















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nutrition tips Mesomorphs tend to be in the middle when it comes to metabolic rate. While ectomorphs struggle to gain weight and endomorphs have trouble gaining too much weight (specifically fat:muscle ratio), mesomorphs seem to have the best of both worlds; they can gain muscle with limited fat gains. Mesomorphs naturally have more muscle than ectomorphs and have better insulin sensitivity than endomorphs, which makes it easier for them to gain more muscle and less fat when eating a hyper-caloric diet. The primary factor that determines whether you gain or lose weight is your caloric intake (how many calories you eat). If you eat more calories than you burn (hyper-caloric diet) you will gain weight and if you burn more calories than you eat (hypo-caloric diet) you will lose weight. When you eat exactly the same amount of calories as you burn it is called a maintenance caloric diet. Mesomorphs trying to gain muscle need to eat a hyper-caloric diet like anyone else who wants to gain weight, but they do not want to eat too many calories above maintenance. A simple calculation to determine your maintenance caloric intake is to take your body weight and multiply it by 15; this gives you your total calories to be consumed eat day. For example, a 200 pound person would consume 3,000 calories a day. Now this is a very basic way to determine your maintenance caloric intake and should be used as a starting point. For mesomorphs I recommend starting at 250-500 calories above maintenance calories with their calories come from: 
 Carbohydrates = 40% 
 Protein = 30% 
 Fat = 30%

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Using the 3,000 calorie as an example this would be: • Carbohydrates = 300 grams • Protein = 225 grams • Fat = 100 grams • A 200 pound mesomorph would want to start 250-500 calories above their maintenance caloric intake, so adding 500 calories to the above example we get: • Carbohydrates = 350 grams • Protein = 263 grams • Fat = 117 grams • In addition to controlling your caloric intake, as a mesomorph you want to control insulin secretion. This can be done by limiting carbohydrate consumption, specifically high glycemic carbohydrates. Managing your insulin levels will allow you to keep your gains leaner. CONTROL YOUR CALORIC INTAKE AND MEAL SIZE WITH FREQUENT MEALS: One way to control your caloric intake is to eat frequent meals. Going long periods of time with no food causes your body to send signals to the brain telling it the body needs food. 

If you eat sporadic meals you will most likely overeat on those meals. It is better to eat smaller, more frequent meals to prevent overeating. Eating smaller meals allows insulin secretion to be more controlled. Eating a 450 calorie meal will result in less insulin secretion than eating a 1,200 calorie meal (macronutrient content aside).

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Limit The Bulk Of Your Carbohydrates To Specific Meals: Limiting the bulk of your carbohydrates to times when your body needs them most will aid in muscle growth and limit fat gains. I recommend mesomorphs to limit the majority of their carbohydrates to breakfast and pre/post workout. For example, if someone workouts at 6 PM I would recommend they consume the majority carbohydrates at: •

Breakfast: i.e. 2 Slices Whole Wheat Bread (~30-50 carbs depending on bread)

Pre-workout: i.e. 1 Cup oatmeal (~60 carbs)

Post-workout: i.e. 8 oz. sweet potato + 1 tbsp Honey (~90 carbs)

For all other meals mesomorphs should consume less carbs (i.e. 1/4-1/2 cup rice), green vegetables, and small amounts of fruit. If you workout first thing in the morning, I would recommend following a similar setup, keeping your carbs in your first three meals (pre-workout meal, post-workout meal, and third meal of the day). 

No matter what your schedule is I do not recommend consuming dextrose, maltodextrin, or other high glycemic carbs post workout for mesomorphs. Some mesomorphs may do very well using high glycemic carbs, but our general rule is for mesomorphs to stick to low glycemic carbs. Skeletal muscle has the ability to uptake glucose post workout without "spiking" your insulin levels. Weight training increases GLUT-4 translocation in skeletal muscle, allowing the muscle to uptake glucose more efficiently. 

Studies do show that increasing insulin levels post workout does enhance protein synthesis, but I do not feel one needs to jack insulin levels through the roof with dextrose. I do feel that it can be beneficial for mesomorphs to take some highglycemic carbs pre workout. Studies have shown that protein synthesis is elevated the greatest when high glycemic carbs combined with free-form essential amino acids (EAA) are consumed pre workout.

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EAT QUALITY FOODS - DON'T SKIMP ON YOUR FRUITS AND VEGGIES! By consuming low glycemic index carbs, such as oatmeal and sweet potatoes as suggested above, one can limit the insulin output from their carb meals. For low carb meals I recommend consuming green vegetables and fruit. 
 Green vegetables and fruit are both low GI carbs and contain fiber and numerous nutrients. On top of that, they are very filling. An example of a low-carb meal would be 4-6 oz. of chicken with 1 cup green beans and 1/2 an apple. 
 In addition to carbs and protein, one should add fat to their meals to decrease insulin output, prolong digestion time, and to provide essential fatty acids (EFA). Examples of good fats include almonds and almond butter, peanuts and peanut butter, avocados, and flax and olive oil. One could simply add 20 almonds to the above meal to obtain their EFAs. If you need more examples of foods the are great for Mesomorphs, the Kaizen Clean Eating Guide has a full shopping list prepared for you. DON'T SLACK ON NON-WORKOUT DAY NUTRITION: You grow outside of the gym. Weight training provides the stimulus for growth, but your diet governs your growth. Your diet should be just as strict on non-workout days as on workout days. More than anything your total caloric intake will govern how much weight, muscle, and fat you gain. 

While the above guidelines will help limit your fat gains, your overall caloric intake is the number one factor that will decide if you gain fat. If you overeat you will probably gain some fat. So start by eating 250-500 calories over your maintenance caloric intake and increase calories when weight/muscle gains stall. If you need to lose weight, decrease caloric intake or consider going on an IF (Intermittent Fasting) schedule coupled with some HIIT or circuit training to burn the excess fat.

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Disclaimer This program is for information purposes only. The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. Rather, as nutritional and exercise guide, Tee Major Fitness, LLC is intended only to supplement, not replace, medical care or advice as part of a healthful lifestyle. As such, the information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. You must consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using any of the programs created by Tee Major Fitness LLC, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By utilizing the nutritional guidance and exercise strategies contained herein, you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Tee Major, and Tee Major Fitness LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur with any program and you assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Tee Major or Tee Major Fitness LLC and/or its affiliates as a result of any physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of this nutritional guide and exercise program for personal use.

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