
Ad 1 : 2-minutes maggi a) Type of appeal used :. Maggi is India’s most oldest and leading brands in india. The leading b

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Ad 1 : 2-minutes maggi a) Type of appeal used :. Maggi is India’s most oldest and leading brands in india. The leading brand has been followed through many ads since past 25 years. But one of the most popular ads which made maggi to capture the market such large market in india is the meri magi 2minutes ad. This is the ad which concentrate on the fast making food which also keeps in mind taste and heath consisting a slogan of “ taste bhi health bhi” .and also a slogan of “ fast to cook good to eat”and “ kushiyon ki maggi”. As maggi had past failures the 2-minute Maggie ad come with a very positive and emotional appeal. The 2-minutes maggi ad had a very positive message of fast cooking food with respect good taste and health. The slogan khusiyon ki maggi had a very emotional message of that maggi is a part of all your happiness or sadness . whichever situation you be maggi always brings happiness. b) Target audience: the target audience of maggi is kids, youth, working women. As maggi fast to cook the working women will prefer to give maggi to their kids, kids and youth will like the taste of maggi. Though people are been health conscious now-a-days maggi also provides health. c) Selling strategy of maggi : maggi is product which has a good brand name. it has a position in the market. The selling strategy used by maggi is a soft selling strategy. As you found that maggi ad’s it attracts customer positively and emotionally. After so many years in the market maggi had been able to maintain its quality and thus thus encourages customer loyalty. d) Comment of the element of the advertisement: 1. Logo: the 2-minutes maggi logo is been attractive. Specially children recognizes very quickly with the help of the maggi logo. 2. Slogan : slogan of the maggi itself describes that maggi is one the fastest prepared food including good taste and better health hence the slogan of the maggi s very clear in its message and thus attracts customer very easily. 3. brand name: the maggi is one of the biggest brand in india. Though it took 25 yrs to became a brand leader of noodles in india but today every family whether its rural or urban family every one likes to eat maggi. This brand is one of the most popular and loyal to customers in india. 4. photograh : maggi photographs are quite well known in india. Specially children loves with the multicolour photographs of maggi.5. font size : wth respect to logo and photos the font printed is perfect in size. 6.headline: headline of maggi is very short and sweet and includes every thing in on simple message.

e) Effeteness of the advertisement: I disagree with the effeteness of the maggi advertisement as the brand name of the maggi itself helps to sustain in the market. Though the competitors arise in the market the remembrance of maggi is done through its ads and thus t helps maggi to sustain in the market. Still the failure of maggi is very difficult for the following subsequent years.