
1 Lottery e will be choosing six lotto numbers by first choosing six delta numbers between 1 and 15, following all the

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1 Lottery

e will be choosing six lotto numbers by first choosing six delta numbers between 1 and 15, following all the rules of our system. All the following examples assume a 6-digit, 1 to 50 lotto game. These rules will change somewhat for games which are too different from this. Use the Analysis Lotto software, or our free lotto computer to experiment with different games. Additional help can be also found on our Delta Lotto DVD.

STEP 1 Start by choosing one very low number. Over 60% of the time, ONE is going to be at least one of the winning delta numbers. So, if you feel good about it, make the number ONE your first choice. If you don't pick ONE, choose another very low number like two or three. STEP 2 Pick two more numbers between 1 and 8 EXAMPLE SEQUENCE: 1-4-7

STEP 3 For the fourth number, pick something pretty close to


8 ,either above or below it. EXAMPLE SEQUENCE: 1-4-7-9

STEP 4 The last two numbers should probably be higher than 8 but not higher than 15. Less than half the time, a winning number may have a delta higher than 15. Go ahead and make one of these numbers higher than 15 (but less than 25) if it feels right... but my advice is to mostly stick to numbers 15 and below, where the odds of picking the right numbers are more favorable. -

Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis tells how many times all the numbers of the selected lotto game hit in any selected time period. It also orders the numbers according to their hit frequencies. esides Hit Frequency and Rank Analysis, there are 21 personalized analytical algorithms to help you choose your own winning numbers and additional 7 algorthms to help you pick the last digit number of multi-state Powerball, Big Game, California Super Lotto and Florida Mega Money. All the analysis results are chart-based. The advantage of chart-based analyses is that you can easily spot the trend which is hardly found by other methods, especially to the 2 most valuable algorithms: Hot-Cold Trend Analysis and Elapse Time Trend Analysis. -A Wheeling System is a powerful strategy that provides an effective, systematic method for playing lotto games. You can randomly fill out game cards or use Quick Picks, but Wheeling Systems increase your chances of becoming a winner! It's been proven that Wheeling System

3 can help you win more multiple-tier prizes. -Why use's Wheeling System? It's the most easy-to-use system in existence! Click here to see how easy our Wheel Generator creates wheels for you. More than 1000 wheels can meet all your imaginable needs for playing various lotto games. You can search! You can sort! You can find the right wheel instantly among hundreds of possibilities.All wheels are computer generated, virtually eliminating any possibility of error. Our system provides minimum combinations for the same win guarantee. This means you can bet the same win guarantee for the least amount of money. Our Personalized Wheeling System has even more exclusive features. Click here to learn more. Start playing with our great Wheeling System by clicking on the links below.

These are also called Lotto Clubs. People join together to share in the cost of buying tickets and then share in the winnings. A lotto pool can consist of several, dozens or even hundreds of players. Joining a lotto pool can reduce the cost of playing and increase the chances of winning. Click here to learn more about Lotto Pools: What is a lotto pool? The benefits and drawbacks of joining a lotto pool. Advice on starting and operating a lotto pool How can's Lotto Pool Manager benefit you? -Gail

Howard's lottery tips include valuable game specific lottery winning advice on how to win a lottery, from showing you how to pick lotto numbers based on trends to how to use free lotto wheeling systems or lottery software to select the best lottery combinations to play. Also, see Gail's copyrighted Secret Formulas that Win 70% of All Lotto Jackpots for All Lotto Games. These lotto strategies used


together should increase your chances of winning at lotto. -While there is no surefire way of becoming a lottery winner, it is true that watching the game and researching the winning numbers over a period of three to six months might give you an edge. If you know that certain numbers tend to hit more frequently, or that certain number sequences, such as 1-2-3-4-5, almost never appear, you can make an educated guess in assuming that the odds are against you if you play those numbers. This is the most that any "winning" lottery strategy can teach you. No matter what conspiracy theories you may have heard, lottery drawings are truly random. Patterns of numbers are merely coincidence. Every ball in a lottery machine is tested to ensure it has the same weight and composition as all the other balls. Statistically, 1-2-3-4-5 is just as likely to win as any other number combination. The fact that this combination rarely if ever wins illustrates just how unlikely it is for any set of numbers to come up -While there is no way to choose the winning numbers time and time again, one can often guess which numbers might hit by watching which numbers tend to hit most often. In other words, if the number 10 seems to pop up at least once every 10 games, you can create a calculated risk for playing that number. Knowing which numbers rarely hit also gives you insight into what numbers to choose. Theoretically, once you have this information at your fingertips, you can choose numbers that are due to hit and keep your fingers crossed that they do. This is the exact opposite strategy from playing the numbers that always come up. According to Gail Howard, author of the book, Lottery Master Guide, when playing Mega Millions, the amount of times only odd numbers hit or only even numbers hit is in the area of three percent, so it would be wise to also avoid using all odd or all even numbers. Since numbers usually hit across the board in random patterns, your best strategy for picking what you hope will be winning numbers is to also pick numbers randomly from across the board.


-ell here are some sure ways to picking up a lottery number that will make you a winner. Winning is consistency in lottery so be consistent at all cost. Draw up your finances and put aside an amount for lottery tickets every month. Play combinations in higher quantity in every lottery you attempt to improve your chances. Don’t play blindly and overobsessively as no money = no more lottery. Find out about number generation system on the internet and stick with the one that you find more suitable to you. These systems are based on very complex maths to randomize the combination on the patterns and if you think there are no patterns in lottery then you are wrong. Statistic shows the winning lottery numbers have a 60% chance that it will include number ‘1’ in the combination. That is 10% more chance than any other random number so such pattern would help you to increase your chance for winning the lottery. It is a psychological game too and consistency requires devotion so going with a combination that holds certain value for you like birthday, anniversary date or your lucky number based on your astrological report all connects you to lottery. Some people never won the lottery because they didn’t try for more than few times. A consistent player is an eventual winner. Smaller lottery first as it has less odds against you then larger lottery. A winning in lottery, even a small one, would make you stick with lottery for a long time. The expectation of second win is more than the joy of your first win.


Find a system to choose your combination. A machine (computer) can depict the lottery’s random selection of numbers more precisely than human mind in some cases. A computer can analyse data from previous winning numbers and will predict a better pattern. Join lottery groups. More tickets = more chance of winning. Although you have to split the winning but don’t worry the split would leave you happy still. Avoid syndicates for lottery as there are a lot of people in there and the split of winning between them wont leave you happy. Try to form lottery groups in your own environment; neighbourhood, office or friends and family. Predict the state of other people minds. If you think they will be going for dates then avoid combination that are lower than 30. If there is trend to not to follow dates then go for special dates in your life. This way, when you win, you split it with less people. Lottery is not an exact science but it is a science so learn your way around it. The tippers who will sell you winning combinations sold the same combination to thousand of other people. Ask yourself why the tipper is selling the combination and not playing it himself. The more randomised your combination is the more the chance of picking a winning lottery number, why? Because lottery is random. Your system will predict the patterns and choose random numbers inside that pattern.

-What you can expect, is if you consistently work a system in your lottery playing activities, it is very possible that you can come up a winner more times than not. Now some that are new at this will more than likely spend a bit more lottery money in the process, that’s ok if

7 you win. Remember, moderation. The lottery is a game of chance, and it works on percentages. To increase your percentage you have to practice your strategies. 1.)

Increase your chances:

Everyone realizes there really is no possible way to know who, what, or when someone will win the lottery. But! If you are willing to do the work you can increase your chances by doing some simple steps. If over a period of four to eight months, you research the winning numbers, you will have what’s called a pattern. Some numbers hit more than others, some sequences in numbers popup more than others. Some numbers never come up. By doing this type of work you will know which numbers to play and when to play them. 2.) Pick winning lottery numbers: If you’ve played the lottery for any length of time, you will know that the number of times an odd or even number hits is around 3%, do not just use odd or even numbers when playing. Since numbers are basically random across the board, the strategic move is to also pick numbers that are random, while avoiding numbers that are not consistent. How to pick winning lottery numbers starts by studying the random patterns.


The players that win:

Studies have shown that the majority of winners in the lottery are from the lower income bracket. The reasoning is, they spend almost 15% of their monthly income on lottery tickets. For this reason they play more frequently thus allowing the chance to percentage ratio to increase. Most lottery players that are committed to win, play all the time. They study the game and when they win, they don’t stop playing. They continue to play and continue to win, because they now have a strategy that has worked for them. They understand the power of studying the game and the patterns. So study the players that win, they are doing something right.

8 4.) Stop thinking of the number to pick, and focus on what not to pick: Do not choose sequential numbers when you pick winning lottery numbers, all odd or even numbers ending with the same digit. These numbers do not win lotteries. Never pick the winning numbers from the previous week. The odds of the same numbers showing are against you. Stop limiting your numbers by choosing special dates. If you are limiting your number below 31 and the game requires 80 possible numbers then you will miss more than half the numbers with this strategy. Most people when playing power ball, will duplicate numbers they’ve already picked. Don’t do it! For example if you choose numbers like 7-19-21-53-76, do not use 19 for the power ball number. These strategies rarely ever pay off. Choose all fresh numbers, and watch your chances skyrocket.

Conclusion: Pick Winning Lottery Numbers Many people have played the same numbers over and over until they pay off, most winners interviewed have even attested to this. The only way to really win, is to play, and play often. To pick winning lottery numbers is every ones dream, but how to win the lottery takes work and dedication. If you are serious at winning the lottery, I highly recommend that you take the time to check out the link below. Discover a Proven System that can possibly change your life forever! -How to pick a winning lottery number – Though lotto’s claim to be truly random, there are two components that can arrive into play here. A single is that any mechanical procedure will have slight imperfections that will skew the benefits away from correct random. One more is that some folks have charged that some lottery agencies really introduce versions intended to nudge the drawings absent from or toward selected numbers. Irrespective of whether or not that declare has any validity, the fact is that any time people are involved, there is a likelihood of something untoward happening, even if this kind of occurrences are particularly uncommon. These are the approaches you can take when thinking how to pick a winning lottery number. (I desire this aids you too in your quest to nail

9 the jackpot in a lottery.

You too can learn how to pick a winning lottery number For the third quantity, decide on an odd range in the highest range e.g. Now it will get a minimal tricky. Now we need to target on the numbers that we have shaded in on the grid. A bit like when you see the photos that have an additional concealed picture that pops out at you as soon as you get the hang of how to target you eyes. The electrical signals inside our brains interact quite weakly, but the blended influence from billions of folks keeps us all connected to the “infinite intelligence”. -Math is also the foundation of lottery calculator – an useful lotto selection generator when choosing how to pick a winning lottery number. An individual matter is for certain, the very best way to choose the winning lottery numbers is to use mathematical equation. One of the 1st and most common usually recognized filters utilized is the Scorching/Cold filter. The most regular drawn digit(s) or “Scorching Number” and its counterpart the “Cold Number” which is represented by any non-drawn digits or minimum drawn digits are mixed collectively to make new playable Pick 3 numbers. The subsequent action in the practice of this filtering is to mix these scorching and cold digits to create a list of playable Select three numbers that will become the up coming successful range. Another couple of favorite filters that these Select three Range Generators use are the Odd/Even filter and the Large/Minimal filter. With the odd /even filter the lottery player would like to attempt to attain a balance amongst the odd digits [1, three, five, seven, & nine] and the even digits [, two, four, 6, & eight]. There are eleven automated losing numbers and one Major Automated Losing Choose 3 player thank you to the Select three Lottery Variety Generators that applied the standard filters of sizzling-cold, odd-even, and superior-low digits, and removed digits from their Select three Lottery play. You may perhaps have wondered if there is a way to win the lotto by making use of a exceptional numbering method made to pick successful variety mixtures. Would it be attainable to use a scientific “successful amount picker” to magically pick 6 lucky numbers? There is an effective successful process on how to pick a winning lottery number that has been made by an professional laptop

10 programmer that substantially will increase the odds of picking winning lottery numbers. This patent pending procedure, developed by Gian Vergelli, is now titled, “The Vergelli Successful Lottery Program.” Vergelli painstakingly examined all the possibilities of how to make a program scientifically designed to increase the probabilities of a particular person winning the jackpot while also minimizing the selection of tickets they would in fact need toacquire. All combos with six numbers from the set of 31 picked numbers are 736,281. Vergelli’s how to pick a winning lottery number program searches the Minimal amount of combination’s – so that if the six drawn numbers belong to the set of the 31 picked numbers, a prize will be won. What are you waiting for? haven’t you dream’t about winning the lottery for too many years already?!! Click the link below to see how you can easily learn how to pick a winning lottery number today. -irst, it is important to remember to use numbers that are

important to the better. He could use numbers that represent dates of significant events like birthdays, anniversaries, home addresses, and the like. The second method is to pick random numbers. As many lotto betters would know it is not wise to use the same set of numbers each time. What the person could do is to pick the first series of numbers on the day that he buys the ticket. Many lotto stations now give the option to buyers to buy tickets bearing randomly assigned numbers. Luck has a lot to do with winning the lottery. So one of the ways on how to pick winning lottery numbers is to study astrology patterns. It is also recommended to check out the newspaper for the better’s horoscope and find out what his lucky numbers are for that day. There are also several websites on the internet that will help one do research on


auspicious numbers based on astrology. Those who win the lottery do a lot of research and strategizing before they finally land with the winning combination. One thing that they usually do is to study past winning numbers. Most lotto stations keep an archive of past winning number combination. One could ask for that archive then reuse some winning number series or study the winning patterns. The next tip on how to pick winning lottery numbers is to apply a delta system. A delta system works by calculating the difference between each number in the series by starting with the first two numbers. This is how the better can find the delta in for all his numbers. Most delta numbers should be between one and 15. One should start with his favorite number and then add the delta of his choice to find out what the second number should be. It is important to remember that winning the lottery also requires a lot of hard work and effort aside from luck. It requires persistent effort on the part of the better to apply scientific strategy and work on their plan until they eventually win. Persistence is the key. Those who are passionate about winning the lottery study a system. They research well on the game that they are engaged in then they create a plan then they practice, practice, and practice some more until they win. Knowing how to pick winning lottery numbers is indeed a learnable skill. Knowing how to play the game with proper strategy and a scientific plan of attack is the first step to getting lucky and to amassing millions of dollars.


-It is never a good idea to choose numbers that have already been drawn, especially if they were drawn very recently. There is a common belief that winning numbers are also lucky numbers, but this isn’t true, and in fact, picking previously drawn numbers may actually hurt your chance of winning. Don’t pick your lottery numbers based on a number pattern, such as 4, 12, 16, 20, or 10, 20, 30 etc. For some reason people like to pick their lottery numbers by using patterns, but this will not increase your odds of winning. Don’t pick numbers that you’ve gotten from a tip service. The biggest problem with using this type of service is that a number of other people will likely be picking the same or similar numbers because they used the same service. Don’t pick numbers that create a pattern on your play slip in the shape of a star, cross, straight line, etc. You would be surprised at how many people pick their lottery numbers in this way, and this means that you are hurting your odds of winning big. One of the best ways to choose your online lotto numbers is at random. Pull numbers out of your head, or draw them randomly from a bag. Although it is possible to get a bad set of numbers this way, if you do happen to win you won’t be sharing all of your money with a hundred other people. For those lottery games that require that your winning numbers be in a specific sequence, you should box your numbers. When you box your numbers the numbers that can win can be picked in any order. It is also a good idea to play lottery tickets that award additional prizes when a sequence of numbers is picked. An example would be two pairs in a row. You will also want to play lotteries that offer bonus wins for an extra number. A few examples of these types of lotteries would include Power Ball and Mega Millions in the United States. The more tickets you buy the better your chances of winning. For every lottery ticket you purchase you are increasing the odds that you will pick the winning number. Don’t spend money what you can’t afford to lose. Although most people don’t buy lottery tickets if they can’t afford them, it is still important to stress this point as the chance of getting a return on that lottery ticket is extremely low. If you do want to use a number pattern look at the past three winning lottery tickets, and see if you can spot a number pattern in the sequence. If you find a pattern to the winning number sequences, it wouldn’t hurt to use this or a similar pattern. It is also fun to find your lucky numbers through astrology patterns, or even by reading your horoscope in your local newspaper


-You may have wondered if there is a way to win the lotto by using a special numbering system designed to pick winning number combinations. Would it be possible to use a scientific "winning number picker" to magically pick 6 lucky numbers? The answer is that the odds of you winning the total jackpot are millions-toone against you. But that doesn't mean that you can't effectively apply winning lottery strategies to improve your chances to win secondary cash prizes by using a quality numerical probability system to pick winning lotto numbers. There is an effective winning lottery system that has been designed by an expert computer programmer that dramatically increases the odds of picking winning lottery numbers. This patent pending system, created by Gian Vergelli, is currently titled, "The Vergelli Winning Lotto System." Vergelli painstakenly examined all the possibilities of how to build a system scientifically designed to maximize the chances of a person winning the jackpot while also minimizing the number of tickets they would actually need to purchase. Vergelli's intensive research culminated in the completion of a one-of-a-kind mathematical algorithm that successfully produces two important results. It improves the numerical odds of picking winning lottery numbers and effectively saves money compared to all the other leading lottery number pickers. How the Vergelli System Works When the lottery player initially picks their lotto numbers, the Vergelli system automatically calculates and displays a minimal number of additional combinations they need to play in order to win. This process is necessary to guarantee the highest matching probability to win. For example, in a Pick 6 game, if a player selects 31 numbers, the Vergelli system will search for the optimal winning combinations that need to be played. All combinations with 6 numbers from the set of 31 selected numbers are 736,281. Vergelli's system searches the MINIMAL number of combinations so that if the 6 drawn numbers belong to the set of the 31 selected numbers, a prize will be won. The final search finds 31 combinations, from which there will be 733,181 possible combinations, which is 99.6% of all possible winning combinations. The immediate result from this system is a massive improvement in odds to win from one million-to-one to 200,000 to one or better. A final step to enhance your chances to win the lotto would be to join a Lotto Syndicate or Lotto Club and have each member take advantage of the Vergelli Winning Lotto System. Further information can be found at The

14 Vergelli Winning Lotto Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives -he

method is simple, and easy to use, and should work just as well for you as it worked for me. After all, there is no monopoly on psychic talents! First, you need to get hold of a plumb weight. This can be a simple piece of lead, or a fancy crystal - it is up to you as the actual material is irrelevant. You will also need some string, some paper, and a pen. Scissors might also come in handy.Make a pendulum by attaching the plumb weight to the string. Write out all 49 lottery numbers on the paper (tip - try a 7 x 7 'grid' - this will make it easier to cut them out later! i.e. on the first line write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 on the second write 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and so on). Cut out the numbers into little squares, and place them face down on a smooth surface - your coffee table, for example. make sure they are well separated (at least a couple of inches between numbers). Now you must shuffle up the numbers, so you don't consciously know which one is which. This is a very important step, so don't overlook it. Next we are going to 'dowse' for the numbers that will win the very next lotto. The basics, of this technique, of course, go way back. When I was a little girl, after the War, I remember a friend of my father's coming round to dowse for a source of water in the cottage we had just occupied. I watched fascinated as he walked back and forward, with a couple of hazel twigs, until suddenly, they jerked together, and he said "Here". When my father and his brothers dug down, sure enough, there was an

15 underground spring, and we built a well there that served us for many years until we left the cottage when I was a teenager.Back to the pendulum dowsing. Make sure the room is quiet and dark, and that there are no distractions. Hold the plumline over the first number and try to 'empty your mind' of everything except

thoughts of the lottery draw, and the balls coming out of the machine. Don't think about anything else, just concentrate on the balls. Don't worry, don't fret or strain, just 'be'. The pendulum will in most cases, hang there, swaying gently from side to side. After a minute or so, if the pendulum is simply oscillating like that, move on to the next number. Eventually, you will be holding the pendulum over one of the numbers, and it will start to rotate. This rotation may be clockwise or counter clockwise, but it will definitely be rotation. You can even 'test' this if you don't believe it - move to the side of the table, then try the same piece of paper again. You will get the same rotation.Remove the piece of paper to the side, but DON'T TURN IT OVER YET. Repeat until you have your six 'picks' for the draw. Then, and only then can you turn the papers over to see what numbers have been picked for you. A little practice, and you will be amazed at how frequently you start to 'hit' winning numbers. Who knows, if your heart is pure, and your intentions are good, you might even win as big as I did!

-Passionate lottery players study a system. They take a good look at the game they are engaged in. They create a plan. They practice, practice, practice and they win. Looking at their stories, I figured I’d go ahead and give this book a try and after that go ahead and let everyone know of


my experience through my own “The Lotto Cash Machine” Review. What did I have to lose, especially since the book has a money back gurantee. This is the first week since I had read “The Lotto Cash Machine” and discover myself spechless with the results I have seen. After using the formula I have hit 4 numbers on a single lottery tickets and 3 on two other lottery tickets. And this was from just buying 10 tickets. Bear in mind, I am in Florida in which the lottery only runs twice a week. Which means I have performed this by playing the lottery only two times this week. Before this I have only hit 3 numbers once during my life. I’m already looking forward to playing the lottery in the near future, which will with any luck , bring me the big Jackpot. Picking winning lottery numbers is a learnable skill. Out of the millions who aspire for the winnings, just a few get the fortune. However, if you know how to play the game with proper strategy and scientific plan of attack, your dream of amassing your millions is never far away. There are a lot of helpful means when it comes to picking winning lottery numbers. Have fun when you play the game and do not get carried away with it. You will never know if luck would smile your way this time. -icking lottery numbers can seem like a complicated and stressful affair if you think of the millions of dollars at stake. Absolutely nothing appears quite so stunning as cashing in


your 1 dollar lottery ticket for a multimillion-dollar check. But thinking about that the lottery itself is random and that no technique could be informed by any observable pattern or data, you shouldn’t worry an excessive amount of time! The only strategy that increases your chances of winning is to increase the number of tickets you buy. Personal preferences determine how you can pick your lottery numbers. Above all, there’s an effective winning lottery system that has been designed by an expert pc programmer that really increases the odds of picking winning lottery numbers. This patent pending program, produced by Gian Vergelli, is currently titled, “The Vergelli Winning Lotto System.” Vergelli painstakenly examined all of the possibilities of how you can develop a system scientifically designed to maximize the chances of a person winning the jackpot while also minimizing the number of tickets they would really have to buy. Vergelli’s intensive research culminated within the completion of a one-of-a-kind mathematical algorithm that successfully produces two important results. It improves the numerical odds of picking winning lottery numbers and successfully saves cash compared to all of the other leading lottery number pickers. Use a Strategy If you don`t wanna waste your time There are numerous lottery number picking systems that people generally use. These systems have particular actions which assist you to select your lottery number. Delta program is generally used by individuals whilst choosing lottery number. Pick winning lottery numbers of the lucky draws held in the past. Or you can also make a combination of different winning lottery numbers. Surf the internet and learn few strategies to pick up winning lottery numbers. Lottery is nothing but gambling and hence, whatever technique you use to select the lottery number, it is your luck and destiny that will decide your win. Now when you are aware of how to pick winning lottery numbers, go ahead and


see if you are the lucky 1 to win the jackpot. -The

lottery is a dream come true for the lucky few who win. Most winners have a system in place so they know how to pick winning lottery numbers. While the odds of winning the lottery are the same, knowing how to pick winning lottery numbers might just swing luck your way. Read on to learn how picking lottery numbers could lead you to the jackpot. - Step 1 Use numbers that are important to you. You might pick the numbers of a birthday, an anniversary or a series of your favorite numbers. You could use numbers that are important to you because of your relationship with someone, or the street address from where you grew up as a kid. - Step 2 Pick random numbers. Not everyone likes to use the same set of numbers each time. You can vary your plays by picking the first series of numbers you see on the day you buy your ticket. Many lotteries now offer you the option to buy a ticket with randomly assigned numbers. - Step 3 Find out your lucky numbers by using astrology patterns. You can also look at your horoscope in the newspaper for your lucky numbers. Many websites will help you do further research into auspicious numbers based on astrology. - Step 4 Another great method on how to pick winning lottery numbers is to study past winning numbers. Most lotteries have an archive showing past winning number combinations. You can reuse a winning series, or you can study the numbers for patterns. - Step 5 Apply a delta system to the numbers. A delta system calculates the difference between each number in your series by starting with your first two numbers. You will find the delta for all of your numbers. Most deltas should be between 1 and 15. Start with your favourite number and then add the delta of your choice to find out what your second number should be. One of these methods could be the answer on how to pick winning lottery numbers, so why not give them a try and see if your luck changes. -
