LISTENING 1 UNIT 10 Saving-Money-Listening-Comprehension

Listening Comprehension Activity on Saving Money [] [00:21-04:00] Rhett and

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Listening Comprehension Activity on

Saving Money [] [00:21-04:00] Rhett and Link discuss a number of ways of saving money to help Jesse. Listen to the video twice and answer the questions.

NAME: David Ruiz

1. Questions on the conversation. a) What is Jesse’s problem? jessy has a problem and that is that she is a shopaholic so she can't save. b) What does research say about the psychological effects of buying? people like to use credit cards when they go out shopping and don't use cash, it's like an effect of not knowing that you have a limit. c) Mention four pieces of advice as put forward by Rhett and Link. One of the tips they proposed is to donate the money to charity, in turn paying for things they buy in cash to avoid taxes on the instalments. d) Explain what live, give and save jars are. the jars are deposits where you put the money you have left over when you go out, it's like a piggy bank in a simpler way and you can donate it later to the people who need it most.

2. Opinion questions. a) How important do you consider saving money? I consider it very important because in these times of spending and the household economy is not so good it is necessary to save money to have money reserves. b) What do you consider worthy of buying and what not? I think that it is always necessary to have good food, so spending on food is an investment, and I think that clothing is also necessary, but every so often.