List of Verb Present, Past, Participle

Simple Present arise awake beat become begin bite bleed blow break bring build burn burst buy catch come cost do draw dr

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Simple Present arise awake beat become begin bite bleed blow break bring build burn burst buy catch come cost do draw dream drink drive eat fall feel find fit fly forget forgive freeze get give go grow hold hurt

Simple Past

Past Participle

arose awoke beat became began bit bled blew broke brought built burned or burnt burst bought caught came cost did drew dreamed or dreamt drank drove ate fell felt found fit, fitted flew forgot forgave froze got gave went grew

arisen awoken beaten or beat become begun bitten bled blown broken brought built burned or burnt burst bought caught come cost done drawn dreamed or dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen felt found fit, fitted flown, forgotten forgiven frozen gotten or got given gone grown held

keep know leave lose make mean meet pay prove put quit read ring rise run say see send set shoot show shut sing sink sit sleep speak stand steal swear swim take teach understand upset wake wear write

held hurt kept knew left lost made meant met paid proved put quit read rang rose ran said saw sent set shot showed shut sang sank sat slept spoke stood stole swore swam took taught understood upset woke or waked

hurt kept known left lost made meant met paid proved or proven put quit read rung risen run said seen sent set shot shown or showed shut sung sunk sat slept spoken stood stolen sworn swum taken taught understood upset woken or waked

wore wrote

worn written

EXERCISE PRESENT TENSE Underline the verb in the story and changed them present tense.


One autumn evening, Charles and Beth went to the theater. They attended a

play. The play started at 7:00. Charles and Beth enjoyed the theater. After the play, Charles and Beth walked together in the park. They walked beside the lake. The moon was bright. They talked about their future. When Charles and Beth went home, their children were not asleep. They waited for Charles and Beth to return. They were excited to hear about the theater! Charles told the children about the play. Then, Beth put the children to bed. Charles and Beth were very tired. It was a good night!


Last week, Beth baked a cake for Lilly's birthday party. Lilly wanted a

strawberry cake with pink frosting. Beth was happy to bake the cake. First, Beth mixed the ingredients in a big bowl. Next, she poured the cake batter into four round baking pans. She put the pans in the oven. Finally, she baked the cakes for 20 minutes. Then, Beth prepared the pink frosting. After the cakes cooled, Beth stacked them and covered them with frosting. Beth wrote Lilly's name on top with white frosting. She put seven candles in the cake. On Sunday, Beth surprised Lilly with the strawberry cake. Lilly loved her cake! Lilly had many gifts for her birthday. But Lilly said her cake was the best gift of them all!

EXERCISE PAST TENSE Underline the verb in the story and changed them past tense.


This morning my alarm clock rings at 7 o’clock and every weekday

morning I try to ignore it. I do not like mornings! I hide my head under the covers and I pretend that it isn’t really morning. I groan. I complain. I say nasty things about mornings. Some mornings I fall back to sleep for a few minutes! After a short time I realize that I have to get up. I sigh. I struggle out of bed and I start my day.


Robert Hughes lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives with his wife, Patricia. They

live with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert loves his family. Robert works as a police officer in Atlanta. He likes his job. He is a good police officer. Robert is a police officer because he likes to help people. Robert protects the citizens of Atlanta. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the citizens safe. Sometimes he visits the schools. He talks to students. The students like Robert. Officer Robert Hughes is a hero in Atlanta.