LifeBook - Mindvalley

******************************************************************************* Mindvalley � 12 Dimensions of Mastery **

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******************************************************************************* Mindvalley � 12 Dimensions of Mastery ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------General Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type.................: Mind Training Course More Info............: Price................: $449

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------An Extraordinary Lifestyle Design System That Makes Your Life A Living Masterpiece Become An Outlier, Break Away From Societal Rules That Don�t Serve You, And Shape Your Unique Vision Of Success. This Is The Lifebook Quest. How Lifebook Impacts Your 12 Key Areas Of Life In the Lifebook Quest, we�re going to look deeply at means, what it looks like, and whether it�s possible most powerful insights in each of the categories, so obstacles keeping you stuck and frustrated, and move in the following 12 categories of your life.

what having it all for you. Jon shares his you can eliminate the the needle immediately

01. Physical While many people struggle to be in control of their health, you will have a system to put you in great physical shape, one that will help you look good and feel great and be strong and vibrant. This category also has immense effect on the other categories of life. 02. Intellectually You will know exactly what you need to do to be fulfilled and challenged. This is an incredibly important and often overlooked area of life. You will have a system to be creative and process the ideas that are coming to you. 03. Emotionally You will start being more joyful and FEEL GOOD the vast majority of the time � this is key to having the Lifebook system work for you. You�ll get the recipe to create emotions at will so you can be in full control of your feelings. 04. Character We usually don�t get trained to set goals for our character. In Lifebook, you will pay attention to your character and shape it to become strong and solid with high self-esteem and an overall feeling of pride about the person you are. 05. Spirituality Very few people have taken time to sit down and define their spirituality. In Lifebook, you�ll not only define it, but you will also understand the value of spiritual fulfillment, will be in touch with your purpose in life and actually start living that purpose. 06. Romance

If you�re married or attached, you will learn how to shift gears and discover the techniques to move towards a fantastic marriage or a passionate, loving relationship. If you�re single, you will learn the strategies to attract your soul mate. 07. Parenting If you�re a parent or you want to be one some day, you will know exactly what to do to be the BEST parent you can be and set an amazing example for your children about how to live a great life. 08. Social Studies show that nothing correlates with your happiness more than your social connections. In Lifebook, you�ll learn how to consciously create your extraordinary social life and build friendships that nourish you and pull your life forward. 09. Career You will have in your hands your values for a successful career that stimulates and fulfills you � where you look FORWARD to your work every day. For the first time, you�ll have clarity on the work you love and the work you�re good at. 10. Finances You will radically transform your relationship with money, and learn the systems you can use to create financial abundance for yourself while creating value for others � and do that in a financial model that works so you can create wealth and have all the THINGS and experiences with the people you care about. 11. Quality of Life You will transform your day-to-day lifestyle, and start valuing your quality of life more than anything in this world. You will start surrounding yourself with the things you want, the car you want to drive, the environment you want to be in and the adventures you want to take part in. The environment is extremely important. In Lifebook, you will have the strategies to create any kind of environment you want whether it�s creative, warm, inspiring or sensual. 12. Life Vision You will tie together all that you�ve learned in the other categories and develop a single compelling vision for what you want to experience on a daily basis. All well-crafted life-visions entail having crossed a threshold to an extraordinary life where the heavy lifting has been DONE, and the urgency and stress are GONE. You�ve hit a tipping point where you�ve got your life figured out, and you�re enjoying it without this daily immense energy output that is exhausting, draining and overwhelming. Enjoy the course! VISIT OUR SITES FOR MORE: -FreeTutorials.Us -FreeCoursesOnline.Me -NulledPremium.Com -FTUApps.Com