Latihan Analisis Spektrofotometer IR

Problem 3.2 Select a compound that best fits each of the following sets of IR bands (in cm-1). Each set corresponds to a

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Problem 3.2 Select a compound that best fits each of the following sets of IR bands (in cm-1). Each set corresponds to a list of just a few important bands for each compound. Benzamide



Benzoic acid

Diphenyl sulfane



Formic acid

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

3080 (w), nothing 3000 – 2800, 2230 (s), 1450 (s), 760 (s), 688 (s) 3380 (m), 3300 (m), nothing 3200 – 3000, 2980 (s), 2870 (m), 1610 (m), ~900 to ~700 (b) 3080 (w), nothing 3000 – 2800, 1315 (s), 1300 (s), 1155 (s) 2955 (s), 2850 (s), 1120 (s) 2946 (s), 2930 (m), 1550 (s), 1386 (m) 2900 (b,s), 1720 (b,s) 3030 (m), 730 (s), 690 (s) 3200 – 2400 (s), 1685 (b,s) 705 (s) 3350 (s), 3060 (m), 1635 (s)

Karbonil terkonjugasi 1780 - 1760 Aromatik monosubtitusi 900 – 700 (m)

C–N 1350 - 1000 Amida primer 3350 dan 3180 (s)

C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)


b. 3380 (m) amida, 3300 (m) amida, nothing 3200 – 3000, 2980 (s) stretch N-H , 2870 (m), 1610 (m) overlap N-H dan C=O, ~900 to ~700 (b) aromatic monosubtitusi

Aromatik monosubtitusi 900 – 700 (m)

O-H 3400 – 3300 (b, m)

C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)

Benzoic Acid

Karbonil terkonjugasi 1780 - 1760

h. 3200-2400 (s) OH di as karboksilat, 1685 (b,s) C=O aldehid, 705 (s) C-H aromatik

Aromatik monosubtitusi 900 – 700 (w)

C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)

Nitril terkonjugasi 2250 (s)


a. 3080 (w) C-H aromatik, nothing 3000-2800, 2230 (s) nitril, 1450 (s) C=C , 760 (s) monosubstitusi , 688 (s) monosubstitusi

Aromatik monosubtitusi 900 – 700 (m)

C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)


C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)

g. 3030 (m) C-H aromatik, 730 (s) aromatik monosubstitusi, 690 (s) aromatik monosubstitusi


d. 2955 (s) C-H alkana, 2850 (s) C-H alkana, 1120 (s) C=O

C=C aromatic 1600 – 1400 (m)

Aromatik monosubtitusi 900 – 700 (m)

S=0 1400 dan 1200 (s)

Difenil Sulfone

A 3080 (w) C-H aromatik , nothing 3200-2800, 1315 (s), 1300 (s) sulfon, 1155 (s) sulfon

Karbonil 1730 – 1700 (S) C–O 1320 – 1210 (m)

Formic Acid

O-H 3400 – 3300 (b, m)

f. 2900 (b,s) C-H alkana, 1720 (b,s) C=O

C–N 1350 – 1000 (m) Amin Primer 3500 dan 3300 (w)


i. 3350 (s) N-H , 3060 (m) C-H alkana, 1635 (s) N-H

e. 2946 (s) C-H, 2930 (m) alkana, 1550 (s)nitro, 1386 (m) nitro CH3CH2CH2NO2