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HOMEBREW UNOFFICIAL ADVANTAGES FOR L5R RPG 4th Ed. (This is all unofficial, fan-made content. It is not intended for pro

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HOMEBREW UNOFFICIAL ADVANTAGES FOR L5R RPG 4th Ed. (This is all unofficial, fan-made content. It is not intended for profit).

Death Trance [Mental] (5 points) It is not that you do not understand peril, the matter is that you fear death less than other men. You understand that death has no hold over you, possibly because you took the philosophy of bushido to heart, or simply because you are so used to face death and peril that you can face even the most impossible threat. When you face a Fear effect the Fear rank si considered 2 points lower for you. This means that you can ignore Fear 2 effects and treat Fear 3 as if it was Fear 1. Crab and Lion characters may purchase this Advantage for 4 points. Dô [Mental] (4 points) When this advantage is taken select one of the characters skill that is at least rank 2 and among the following: bugei skills, Calligraphy, Artisan, Lore or Perform. At GM judgement other skills can be allowed, although this is pretty rare. The character has become very involved in the spiritual aspects of the use of that martial skill (kendô relates to kenjutsu, kyudô to archery, iaidô to iaijutsu, etc.). The character may now "meditate" using the skill, for example Kendo can be practiced performing training Kata, Lore:History reading and meditating scrolls on ancient chronicles etc.. The character practices with the skill for a hour and makes a Skill/Void at TN of 25. If the roll succeeds the character recovers 1 Void point. One cannot regain more than 1 Void point per day in this way. Expert [Social and Physical] (5 poins) While the "Great Potential" advantage 1 represent natural inclination towards a skill, this advantage represent experience. Choose one skill which you at least posses at Rank 4. Your raises with that skill are now limited by your Void+1. If you have also "Great Potential" for the same skill the raises can be limited either by your Void+1 or by your Skill Rank +1, whatever is higher. Kata Practitioner [Physical] (4 Points)2 You have studied and integrated kata into your combat techniques. During the Reactions Phase you may activate a kata as a Free Action. Your initiative is immediately decreased by the Mastery Level of the kata. This effect is cumulative, decreasing your initiative further each time a new kata is activated. Remember that, as per normal rule only one kata can remain active at a given time.3 Kata Master [Mental] (6 Points)4 You have learned to achieve the calm of morning kata practice in the thick of combat, allowing you to effortlessly transition from one kata to another whenever you empty your mind. When entering the Center Stance, you may immediately activate any kata you know as a Free Action. NOTE: Normally in Center Stance you cannot take any actions. If in the following round you had activated a kata, that would require a Simple Action, reducing the number of attacks you can make. With this advantage, the only action that you can take during Center Stance is to activate a kata, and the kata is already active for the next round, leaving you with full actions.

L5R 4th ed. Core Rules p.150. By Shinjo Koetsu user, AEG forums. I've only added the note on number of Kata active. 3 L5R 4th ed. p.259. 4 By Shinjo Koetsu user, AEG forums. 1 2