KB Exercises

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Types of KB exercises Page 4 of 5 AKC Training System

ETK Variation

Level 1 1 minute each hand rest 2 minutes

Week 1

Level 2 1 minute each hand rest 1 minute Level 3 1:30 each hand rest 2 minutes

- Monday: Grinds, heavy effort, press 1, squat, press 2, pull-up - Tuesday: Ballistics, light effort, pull, push press/jerk - Wednesday: Variety

Level 4 1:30 each hand rest 1 minute Level 5 2:00 each hand rest 2 minutes Level 6 2:00 each hand rest 1 minute

- Thursday: Grinds, medium effort, press 1, squat, press 2, pull-up - Friday: Ballistics, medium effort, pull, push press/jerk - Saturday: Variety - Sunday: Off

Level 7 2:30 each hand rest 2 minutes

Week 2

Level 8 2:30 each hand rest 1 minute

- Monday: Grinds, light effort, press 1, squat, press 2, pull-up

Level 9 3:00 each hand rest 2 minute

- Tuesday: Ballistics, heavy effort, pull, push press/jerk

Level 10 3:00 each hand rest 1 minute

- Wednesday: Variety

Level 11 3:00 each hand rest 30 seconds

- Thursday: Grinds, medium effort, press 1, squat, press 2, pull-up - Friday: Ballistics, medium effort, pull, push press/jerk

For grinds you may not exceed 5 reps per set, even with light bells. Your ladder choices are: 1,2,3 (6 reps) 1,2,3,4 (10 reps) 1,2,3,4,5 (15 reps)

On heavy day the trainee is instructed to do as many reps as possible in the given time fame (1-12 minutes as determined by a roll of the dice). This is 100% effort. On a medium day the trainee will do 70-80% of the reps he thinks he is capable of. Light day is 50-60%.

Double KB quick lifts 2,4,6 (12 reps) 2,4,6,8 (20 reps) 2,4,6,8,10 (30 reps) Single KB quick lifts 5,10 (15 reps) 10,15,20 (45 reps) 10,20 (30 reps)


Types of KB exercises Page 5 of 5 Pulls 1 dot: Swing - 1, 2 or H2H 2 dots: Overspeed swing w/ partner or JS band 3 dots: Double swing 4 dots: Fast cadence snatch (no lockout pause) 5 dots: Slow cadence snatch (pause at lockout) 6 dots: double snatch Presses 1 dot: C+P 2 dots: Military press 3 dots: Pat Casey press (hold on to something at chest level with free hand) 4 dots: Double C+P 5 dots: High stop alternating press (lower on KB to chest and press while other KB is locked out) 6 dots: See saw press Jerks/push presses 1 dot: Ghey Viking push press 2 dots: Double ghey Viking push press (light load, speed emphasis) 3 dots: Jerk 4 dots: Double jerk 5 dots: Double C+J 6 dots: Double push press from front squat Squats 1 dot: Goblet squat 2 dots: Goblet squat 3 dots: Double front squat 4 dots: Double front squat 5 dots: Pistol 6 dots: Pistol Adding weighted pull-ups is highly recommended: Pull-ups 1 dot: Tactical pull-up (no thumbs, no kip, neck to bar) 2 dots: Chin-up 3 dots: Parallel grip pull-up 4 dots: Pull-up on rings 5 dots: Pull-up on rope 6 dots: L-pull-up