JTMFIT - The New Edge of Performance 1.0

JTM FIT The New Edge of Performance 6-Week Full Body Workout Program WEEK 1 Week 1 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seco

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The New Edge of Performance 6-Week Full Body Workout Program


Week 1 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets 40:20 (Perform each movement for 40 seconds then rest for 20 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows Broad Jumps Pushups V-Ups Jumping Lunges Mountain Climbers Jump Squats High Knees

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) • Bicycle Crunches 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 1 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Rest as little as possible in between exercises *Use a mid range weight for this workout *Ideally use the same weight for each movement • • • • •

10 Renegade Row with Push Up 10 Front squats 10 Reverse Fly 10 Jump Squats 10 Bicep Curl to Overhead Press

Once you complete all 5 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 4 Minutes of Low Plank (The goal here is to try and hold the low plank for 4 minutes straight. Lets say you only hold it for 60 seconds, rest as little as possible and then keep going. No matter how long it takes you must accumulate 4 total minutes of low plank) 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 1 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / 60 Seconds rest In between sets • • • • • •

10 Pullups or Bodyweight Rows 10 Explosive Pushups 10 Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises 10 Box Jumps 10 Dips 10 Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) • Toe Touchers 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 1 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 5 DB Bench Press • 5 DB Reverse Lunges (5 Left Leg then 5 Right Leg) Rest 2 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 10 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 5 DB Single Arm Rows (5 Left Arm then 5 Right Arm) • 5 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 2-3 minutes then... Core: Accumulate 4 Minutes of Low Plank ( The goal here is to try and hold the low plank for 4 minutes straight. Lets say you only hold it for 60 seconds, rest as little as possible and then keep going. No matter how long it takes you must accumulate 4 total minutes of low plank ) 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 1 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS: 90 Seconds rest in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 40:20 (Perform each exercise for 40 seconds then rest for 20 seconds) • • • • •

Bicycle Crunch Leg Lift to Hip Thrust Single Leg V-Up Toe Touchers Low Plank Punches

10 Minutes of Static Stretching




Week 2 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets 40:20 (Perform each movement for 40 seconds then rest for 20 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows Broad Jumps Pushups V-Ups Jumping Lunges Mountain Climbers Jump Squats High Knees

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) • Bicycle Crunches 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 2 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Rest as little as possible in between exercises *Use a mid range weight for this workout *Ideally use the same weight for each movement • • • • •

10 Renegade Row with Push Up 10 Front squats 10 Reverse Fly 10 Jump Squats 10 Bicep Curl to Overhead Press

Once you complete all 5 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 4 Minutes of Low Plank (The goal here is to try and hold the low plank for 4 minutes straight. Lets say you only hold it for 60 seconds, rest as little as possible and then keep going. No matter how long it takes you must accumulate 4 total minutes of low plank) 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 2 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / 60 Seconds rest In between sets • • • • • •

10 Pullups or Bodyweight Rows 10 Explosive Pushups 10 Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises 10 Box Jumps 10 Dips 10 Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) • Toe Touchers 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 2 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 10 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 5 DB Bench Press • 5 DB Reverse Lunges (5 Left Leg then 5 Right Leg) Rest 2 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 10 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 5 DB Single Arm Rows (5 Left Arm then 5 Right Arm) • 5 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 2-3 minutes then... Core: Accumulate 4 Minutes of Low Plank ( The goal here is to try and hold the low plank for 4 minutes straight. Lets say you only hold it for 60 seconds, rest as little as possible and then keep going. No matter how long it takes you must accumulate 4 total minutes of low plank ) 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 2 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS: 90 Seconds rest in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 40:20 (Perform each exercise for 40 seconds then rest for 20 seconds) • • • • •

Bicycle Crunch Leg Lift to Hip Thrust Single Leg V-Up Toe Touchers Low Plank Punches

10 Minutes of Static Stretching




Week 3 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets 45:15 (Perform each movement for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Pushup to 4 Mountain Climbers Squat to Lunge Complex Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows Shoulder Taps Jumping Lunges Tuck Ups Burpee Broad Jumps High Knees

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 2 minutes of Hollow Body Hold 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 3 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Rest as little as possible in between exercises *Use a mid range weight for this workout *Ideally use the same weight for each movement • • • • • •

10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB

Single Arm Snatches (10 each side) Renegade Row with Push Up Step Ups (10 each leg) Strict Shoulder Press Reverse Fly Squat to Bicep Curl

Once you complete all 5 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Dumbbell Ab Finisher: *Use between a 8-20 pound dumbbell or you can just use your bodyweight. Try to complete all 90 reps with good form without resting! 2 SETS / 90 seconds rest in between sets • 30 Toe Touchers • 30 Alt. Single Leg V-Ups • 30 V-ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 3 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets • • • • • •

12 Pullups or Bodyweight Rows 12 Explosive Pushups 12 Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises 12 Box Jumps 12 Dips 12 Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core: 4 Sets of 25 V-Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 3 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 12 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 6 DB Pause Bench Press (2 second pause) • 6 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Rest 2 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 12 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 6 DB Deadlifts • 6 Chin Ups Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 2-3 minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) -Hollow Rocks 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 3 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS: 90 Seconds rest in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 45:15 (Perform each exercise for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • •

Plank Punches Toe Touchers Tuck Ups Bicycle Crunches Side Plank Lifts L. Side Side Plank Lifts R. Side

10 Minutes of Static Stretching




Week 4 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets 45:15 (Perform each movement for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Pushup to 4 Mountain Climbers Squat to Lunge Complex Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows Shoulder Taps Jumping Lunges Tuck Ups Burpee Broad Jumps High Knees

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 2 minutes of Hollow Body Hold 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 4 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Rest as little as possible in between exercises *Use a mid range weight for this workout *Ideally use the same weight for each movement • • • • • •

10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB 10 DB

Single Arm Snatches (10 each side) Renegade Row with Push Up Step Ups (10 each leg) Strict Shoulder Press Reverse Fly Squat to Bicep Curl

Once you complete all 5 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Dumbbell Ab Finisher: *Use between a 8-20 pound dumbbell or you can just use your bodyweight. Try to complete all 90 reps with good form without resting! 2 SETS / 90 seconds rest in between sets • 30 Toe Touchers • 30 Alt. Single Leg V-Ups • 30 V-ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 4 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets • • • • • •

12 Pullups or Bodyweight Rows 12 Explosive Pushups 12 Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises 12 Box Jumps 12 Dips 12 Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core: 4 Sets of 25 V-Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 4 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 12 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 6 DB Pause Bench Press (2 second pause) • 6 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Rest 2 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 12 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 6 DB Deadlifts • 6 Chin Ups Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 2-3 minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) -Hollow Rocks 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 4 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS: 90 Seconds rest in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 45:15 (Perform each exercise for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • •

Plank Punches Toe Touchers Tuck Ups Bicycle Crunches Side Plank Lifts L. Side Side Plank Lifts R. Side

10 Minutes of Static Stretching




Week 5 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 2 minutes in between sets 45:15 (Perform each movement for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Burpee (no pushup) Plank Punches Jumping Lunges Push Up Complex Single Leg V up to Regular V up Plyo Squat to Lunge Complex Twisting Mountain Climber Burpee 2 Tuck Jumps

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 3 Minutes of Hollow Body Hold 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 5 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Complex: 10 SETS / Rest 2 minutes in between sets *A complex means that once you pick the dumbbells up you don’t put them down until you finish each rep of each movement *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout *Use a medium to heavy weight for this workout • 5 Renegade Rows with Pushup • 5 Jump Squats • 5 Burpee to Curl Once you complete all 10 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: 1 SET / 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off • • • • • • • •

Tuck Ups Bicycle Crunches Low Plank Punches V-Ups Low Plank Knee to Elbow Leg lift to Pulse Rolling Side Plank Flutter Kicks

10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 5 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / 90 Seconds rest In between sets • • • • • •

14 14 14 14 14 14

Pullups or Bodyweight Rows Explosive Pushups Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises Box Jumps Dips Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core:: 5 Sets of 25 V-Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 5 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 14 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 7 DB Pause Bench Press (2 second pause) • 7 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Rest 3 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 14 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 7 DB Deadlifts • 7 Chin Ups Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 3 minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) – Tuck Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 5 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 45:15 (Perform each exercise for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • •

Hollow Rocks Rolling Side Plank Single Leg V Up to Regular V Up Side Plank Lifts L. Side Side Plank Lifts R. Side Flutter Kicks

10 Minutes of Static Stretching




Week 6 : MONDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 3 SETS / Rest 2 minutes in between sets 45:15 (Perform each movement for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • • • •

Burpee (no pushup) Plank Punches Jumping Lunges Push Up Complex Single Leg V up to Regular V up Plyo Squat to Lunge Complex Twisting Mountain Climber Burpee 2 Tuck Jumps

Once you have completed the 3 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: Accumulate 3 Minutes of Hollow Body Hold 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 6 : TUESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T- Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squats (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Complex: 10 SETS / Rest 2 minutes in between sets *A complex means that once you pick the dumbbells up you don’t put them down until you finish each rep of each movement *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout *Use a medium to heavy weight for this workout • 5 Renegade Rows with Pushup • 5 Jump Squats • 5 Burpee to Curl Once you complete all 10 sets REST 2-3 Minutes then... Core: 1 SET / 50 seconds on, 10 seconds off • • • • • • • •

Tuck Ups Bicycle Crunches Low Plank Punches V-Ups Low Plank Knee to Elbow Leg lift to Pulse Rolling Side Plank Flutter Kicks

10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 6 : WEDNESDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Ups Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunges Low Plank Jumping Jack Squats

Bodyweight Circuit: 5 SETS / 90 Seconds rest In between sets • • • • • •

14 14 14 14 14 14

Pullups or Bodyweight Rows Explosive Pushups Hanging Leg Raises or Knee Raises Box Jumps Dips Burpees

Once you have completed all 5 sets rest 2-3 Minutes then... Core:: 5 Sets of 25 V-Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 6 : THURSDAY Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Walkout Push Up to T-Frame Lunge to T-Spine Rotation Spider Lunges Pause Bodyweight Squat (2 sec. pause) High Knees

Dumbbell Workout: *Use pretty heavy dumbbells on these AMRAP’s. You may need to have different weights for each movement which is totally fine. Make sure to make the weights very challenging but still be able to have good technique! *Make sure to warm up each movement with lighter weight and build up to the weight you will use in the workout 14 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 7 DB Pause Bench Press (2 second pause) • 7 DB Pause Goblet Squats (2 second pause) Rest 3 Minutes then start the next AMRAP 14 MIN AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible) • 7 DB Deadlifts • 7 Chin Ups Once you have completed both AMRAP’s rest 3 minutes then... Core: Tabata Interval (8 SETS / 20 sec. of work / 10 sec. rest) – Tuck Ups 10 Minutes of Static Stretching

Week 6 : FRIDAY CARDIO/CORE Warm Up: 45:15 (45 seconds of each movement with 15 seconds rest in between each movement) • • • • •

Down Dog to Arch Lunge to Scaption Spider Lunge to T- Frame Low Plank High Knees

3 SETS / Rest 90 seconds in between sets *Right after the cardio go right into the ab / core circuit 3 Minutes of Jump Rope or Rowing 45:15 (Perform each exercise for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds) • • • • • •

Hollow Rocks Rolling Side Plank Single Leg V Up to Regular V Up Side Plank Lifts L. Side Side Plank Lifts R. Side Flutter Kicks

10 Minutes of Static Stretching