Jacob Collier Masterclass Timestamp

Part 1 00:00 01:11 06:51 07:58 09:27 13:36 15:27 17:37 26:33 29:09 32:26 33:51 36:40 39:38 41:50 45:05 46:12 47:06 Part

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Part 1 00:00 01:11 06:51 07:58 09:27 13:36 15:27 17:37 26:33 29:09 32:26 33:51 36:40 39:38 41:50 45:05 46:12 47:06 Part 2

Introduction to the Masterclass Arranging songs and Jacob's workflow (Fascinating Rhythm as an example) What's the lowest note Jacob can sing? Fascinating Rhythm segment from the bass up to the melody "Equal Temperament is a scam" and "properly tuning chords" Fourths and Fifths in voicings "Super Lydian" and "Super-Ultra-Hyper-Mega-Meta-Lydian" Tonality, key centers, cadences and resolutions Last couple of chords from Fascinating Rhythm Working triads over bass notes Figuring out harmony using piano More about Lydian and the harmonic series Personality of the notes of the scale Chord tensions and voice timbre Semitones at the top of voicings Changing voice texture depending on chord tensions Panning voices Fascinating Rhythm easter egg