English Department English Language Miss Elizabeth Alvarado C. Deberes y derechos de la juventud Unit 1 – STUDY GUIDE 3

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English Department English Language Miss Elizabeth Alvarado C.

Deberes y derechos de la juventud Unit 1 – STUDY GUIDE 3 INDIRECT SPEECH IV Grade A-B-C Full Name Macarena Flores Total Score: 31

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Course IV A-B Mark:

Unit “1” Deberes y derechos de la Juventud

Contents Indirect Speech. Modal Verbs, time, places and pronouns. Aims Inferencia. Correcto uso de la voz indirecta para reportear información oida. INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the information below carefully, and answer each exercise. You could use and consult the class video already sent. Please send your answers to “TAREAS” File, in AULA VIRTUAL. DEADLINE (fecha límite): Saturday 16 May, 13.00 hrs. A. Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. (12 points) 1. ‘I left my jacket here yesterday.’ He said that he left his jacket there the day before. 2. ‘Carlin’s new book is the funniest thing I’ve ever read.’ The reviewer wrote that the writer´s new book was the funniest thing he had ever read. 3. ‘We won’t eat it now, but we may have it for lunch tomorrow.’

“En la Perfección está la Esperanza.”

She said that they would not eat it now, but they might have it for lunch the next day.

4. ‘You should take as much water as you can carry.’ He advised us that we should take as much water as we could. 5. ‘Demand for new computers in the UK is declining.’ The news told that the demands for new computers in the UK is declining. 6. Shall I get rid of these old boxes in the cupboard? She asked if she should get rid of those old boxes in the cupboard. B. Complete this text with these verbs: (14 points)

are – is – has – live – can – can’t – will – were was – had – lived – could – won’t - would When she died at the age of 122, Jeanne Calment was the oldest person on record. This amazing woman, from Arles in France, had not exactly lived what might be described as ‘a healthy lifestyle’. Family and friends reported that she 1) was fond of cheese, wine and chocolate. She had also smoked cigarettes until she was 117. We asked several experts how a person, especially a cigarette-smoker, 2) had live so long. They offered more than one answer. ‘The average life expectancy 3) now about 80 for women and 75 for men,’ observed Dr Elizabeth Jones, director of the Centre for Studies on Ageing. She said that there 4) are been a steady rise in the maximum age of death throughout Europe during the past century and a major reason for this is improved medical care. Another researcher, Dr Michael Glass, says, ‘There 5) is no theoretical reasons why we 6) won’t have a life span of 200 years.’ Better medical care 7) can be the only factor, according to Dr Glass. He explained that genetic engineering 8) _____________________ soon allow us to repair or replace damaged cells, the real cause of ageing. He believes that we 9) will be able to stop the ageing process. Other researchers have noted that attitude is also an important factor in longer life. Dr John Park is the author of ‘Living beyond 100.’ ‘Those who 10) can´t to a ripe old age,’ he says, ‘are those who 11) _____________________ cope with stress and other difficulties in life.’ He wrote in his best-selling book that people who 12) __________________ past 100 13) ___________________ almost always optimistic and 14) ________________ a great attitude to life.

“En la Perfección está la Esperanza.”

C. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that. (5 points) 1. Paul: ‘Atlanta is a wonderful city.’ ____________________________________________________________ 2. Ruth: ‘I go jogging every morning.’ Ruth ______________________________________________________ 3. Anna: ‘Jenny isn’t studying for her exams.’ ____________________________________________________________ 4. Andrew: ‘I used to be really fat.’ ____________________________________________________________ 5. Jim: ‘I can’t swim.’ _____________________________________________________________

Questions and comments: Miss Elizabeth Alvarado Carrasco [email protected]

End of the guide_________________________________________________________

“En la Perfección está la Esperanza.”
