Sleep Now Copyright © 2020 by Devin Knight Magic All rights reserved. No part of this PDF may be reproduced or transmitt

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Sleep Now Copyright © 2020 by Devin Knight Magic All rights reserved. No part of this PDF may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval now known or to be invented, without written permission from the author.




PREFACE This was written by a magician for other magicians and entertainers. This could be one of the most important books you will ever read. There are no actual magic tricks in this book, but there is advice that is invaluable to any entertainer. I often ask magicians, if they could have any wish granted, what they would wish for. Many tell me that they would like to make lots of money with magic or travel the world performing magic. These are the normal two answers, but in my opinion they are dead wrong. The most important thing you could wish for is GOOD HEALTH! Without it first, all other wishes are in vain. I will prove it to you. If you are sick, you don’t feel like practicing, much less doing shows. How many times have you been sick and had to do a show? It was really rough and I bet you barely got through it. Imagine that you were sick almost every day, and how tough it would be do shows. You know as well as I do, when you feel great, you give your best performances. What good is money if you are too sick to enjoy it or are in bad health? If you are in bad health, you don’t feel like traveling the world, no matter how much money you are being paid for a show. A lot of health problem that entertainers have is often caused by the lack of proper sleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to health problems. So it should be noted that the most important thing you can have is good health, not money, love or fame. This book will show you how to 4

get a good night’s sleep. No longer, when you get back from a show, will you toss and turn for hours trying to get to sleep. Using the tips in this book you will normally be able to fall asleep in less than three minutes. Hence, by getting more sleep during the night that will lead to a healthier lifestyle for your career. The late comedian, George Burns, was famous for saying, “Whatever you are staying up for probably isn’t worth it.” He knew the importance of enough sleep to stay healthy, which is probably one of the reasons he lived to be a hundred!


INTRODUCTION Sleep now sounds like a command a hypnotist would give, but this technique has nothing to do with hypnotism or self-hypnosis. Rather, it is a technique for falling asleep in a matter of minutes, without the use of dangerous sleeping pills or counting sheep. If you use this technique you will fall asleep normally within three minutes of lying down, believe it or not! I am a professional entertainer and I know the importance of a good night’s sleep prior to a performance. If you didn’t sleep well the night before, then your performance will suffer. I developed this technique some twenty years ago while I was on tour. I had to ensure I got a good night’s sleep so the next day’s show would go over well. I needed to be at the top of my game, and the best way to ensure that was by having a good night’s sleep. I couldn’t afford to lie in bed and toss and turn. Sometimes, I would arrive in my hotel late, so I needed every bit of sleep I could get. I developed this technique to allow me to fall asleep almost immediately so I could get the maximum sleep possible for that night. I am sharing this technique so my fellow entertainers can benefit from this technique. Of course, you don’t have to be in show business to use this. If you have a regular job and want to ensure you get a full night’s sleep, then this technique will work for you. I wish you restful sleeping and sweet dreams.

Devin Knight 6


The reason most people cannot sleep is because they do everything else besides trying to sleep. They lie there worrying about bills, thinking of the day that just passed, making plans for the next day into the wee hours of the morning. This often results in needless tossing and turning, causing delays, in precious sleep that your body needs. In this book, I will teach you an easy way to eliminate tossing and turning and to get right into a restful sleep within minutes. Not falling asleep immediately can also be caused by foods you eat before retiring for the night. In the next section, I will give you a list of foods that you should avoid before trying to sleep. After that, I will give you a list of foods to eat before bed that will help you sleep better.


Foods That Prevent Instant Sleep Which foods can keep you awake? Here’s a list of the top foods to avoid before sleep according to doctors and sleep researchers. Many of these are late night snacks that many entertainers will buy before going to a hotel for the night. Are you guilty of eating these? No wonder you have trouble falling asleep.

Chocolate Before you eat a chocolate candy bar before bed, know this: chocolate is packed with sugar, which can have a serious impact on how well you sleep. Chocolate also contains caffeine which can stimulate your nervous system and keep you awake for hours.

Bacon Hamburger Sometimes you’re just going to crave a juicy bacon hamburger, but this is definitely a food you want to avoid eating before bed. The offending sleep ingredient in this meal is the high-fat content which triggers the production of acid in the stomach. Doctors recommend avoiding heartburn-triggering foods including anything fried or fatty too close to bedtime to ensure you get a good night’s sleep. That also means avoiding the French fries that often come with the bacon hamburger.

Chicken Chicken or any type of protein on its own takes a lot of energy to digest, and lengthening this process could throw your sleep schedule out of whack. A pairing of protein and carbs; however, is one of the best things to eat before bed. Having a snack that includes one serving of protein and one serving of carbs (such as an apple) will help keep your 8

blood sugar levels stable and prevent you from waking up in the middle of the night.

Pizza Ah, one of the most classic late-night meals, pizza, is actually not the best option to eat before bed—no matter how tasty it is. Cheese is rich in fat and tomato sauce is acidic, making this popular late night dish exactly the wrong thing to eat before bed. To avoid nighttime heartburn that could prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, doctors suggest making lunchtime your biggest meal of the day and quitting eating three hours before bed. That means your trips to Pizza Hut after a night show is a no-no if you want a good night’s sleep.

Celery This might seem like an odd item on my list of what not to eat before bed, but celery is a natural diuretic. That means it quickly pushes water through your system—eventually waking you up for late night bathroom trips.

Ice cream It’s always nice to enjoy dessert after dinner, but ice cream isn’t the best option for sleep. Dairy can have a ton of fat and even low-fat ice creams can be high in sugar—which means you probably will not be getting a ton of sleep if you eat ice cream late in the evening.

Cereal and milk This doesn’t just have to do with the dairy in the milk, but also the sugar in the cereal, which spikes your blood sugar and puts your body’s fat “storage” to work through the night. Sugar doesn’t just lead to poor 9

sleep, though. Research has shown that when sleep deprived, you tend to eat more junk food.

Pasta A big bowl of pasta is total comfort food until you try to fall asleep that is. Pasta is straight carbohydrates which, like sugar, activates that fat “storage” system in your body and then lets it run through the night. A better option would be whole-wheat pasta, which is made from complex carbs that are higher in fiber and won’t spike your blood sugar.

Hot pepper Thinking of placing an order for chicken tikka masala at 10 p.m.? Think again. Spices like cayenne can get your blood flowing and increase your body temperature which is the opposite of where it needs to go for a good sleep. Some people even report that eating spicy foods before bed gives them crazy dreams.

Coffee and alcohol While not solid foods, these two villains are in a league of their own when it comes to sleep. Coffee will keep you wide-eyed thanks to its caffeine content (which will stay in your system long after you drink it) and alcohol will prevent you from reaching a restorative deep sleep, so it’s best to just stay away from these two altogether. Alcohol can also make existing sleep conditions, like sleep apnea worse. Remember, most soda pop contains caffeine too, so it should be avoided before bed. Now that I have told you what is bad to eat, I will give you a list of foods that you should eat before bed.


Almonds It has been claimed that almonds may help boost sleep quality. This is because almonds, along with several other types of nuts, are a source of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. If you want to eat almonds before bed to determine if they impact your sleep quality, a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving, or about a handful, should be adequate.

Turkey Turkey has a few properties that explain why some people may become tired after eating it. Most notably, it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which increases the production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. The protein in turkey may also contribute to its ability to promote tiredness. There is evidence that consuming moderate amounts of protein before bed is associated with better sleep quality, including less waking up throughout the night. Eating some turkey before bed may be worth trying, especially if you have trouble falling asleep.

Tart Cherry Juice Tart cherry juice is known to promote sleepiness, and it has even been studied for its role in relieving insomnia. For these reasons, drinking tart cherry juice before bed may improve your sleep quality. The sleep-promoting effects of tart cherry juice are due to its high content of melatonin which is a hormone that regulates your internal clock and signals your body to prepare for sleep. 11

Walnuts Eating walnuts has been claimed to improve sleep quality, as they are one of the best food sources of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.

White Rice It has been suggested that eating foods with a high glycemic index, such as white rice, a few hours before bed may help improve sleep quality.

Bananas Bananas contain tryptophan and are a good source of magnesium. Both of these properties may help you get a good night’s sleep.

Oatmeal Similar to rice, oatmeal is high in carbs and has been reported to induce drowsiness when consumed before bed. Additionally, oats are a known source of melatonin.



What I mean by this is to assume your sleep position. You have a sleep position that is most comfortable for you. It could be sleeping on your back, right side, left side, on your side with a pillow between your legs or your stomach. Sleeping on my stomach is the most comfortable for me. Your most comfortable position is how you normally always end up sleeping in. You know this position already from a lifetime of sleeping. The object is to start the rapid sleep technique by assuming the sleep position at the very beginning and staying in that position in order to achieve immediate sleep. Most people do just the opposite. They start by lying in bed on their back and then change into almost all the positions until they settle into the most comfortable position. This is a total waste of sleep time. Because you ultimately know what position you will end up in before falling asleep, then it only makes 13

sense to start in that position to start with. This make the Rapid Sleep Technique work that much faster. So stop wasting time, tossing and turning before going to sleep. Assume your sleep position and then do the Rapid Sleep Technique explained in the next section. For me, my sleep position is on my stomach, so when I get into bed I always lie on my stomach at the beginning.

RAPID SLEEP TECHNIQUE EXPLAINED The secret behind this technique is to make your mind a complete blank. This is done by using the clean slate trick. Any time a thought or picture comes into your mind, imagine you have an eraser and immediately erase it. Don’t see the eraser going back and forth. See the eraser clear the slate in one clean swipe leaving your mind blank. As soon, as a new picture comes into your mind, see the eraser clearing the slate. Don’t think about it for a second. Erase the thought immediately! By doing this, you mind will become a blank. Keep this up and in a few minutes you will sound asleep. It takes a bit of practice to learn how to do this; but, once you master this, you can make your mind a blank by using the clean slate trick. NAPS BETWEEN SHOWS: If you are doing multiple shows in the same day, you can take a refreshing power nap between shows using this technique. Just make sure you have set your cell phone alarm to wake you up at a set time. Find a place to lie down, and use the Rapid Sleep Technique, you should be asleep within three minutes. Your cell phone alarm will wake


you up in 30 minutes or so. You will find yourself refreshed for your next show. If you have a regular job, you can take a half-hour nap during your lunch time. Just remember to set you cell phone alarm to wake you in 30-minutes. Enjoy this technique and happy sleeping.