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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _____________________

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INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Docente: Ana Gabriela Maloof

Asignatura : Inglés Fecha: 20/04 al 30/04 de 2020

Grado : 11

Temas: future, gerund and infinitive Logros: Read about people’s strengths and weaknesses Ask and answer different questions in a reading text INSTRUCCIONES 1. Read and understand the theory about future tenses, after that do the activities EXPRESSING FUTURE will One of the most common ways to talk about the future is with will, for example: I will call you tonight. We often call this the "future simple tense", but technically there are no future tenses in English. In this construction, the word will is a modal auxiliary verb.Here are the three main ways that we use will to talk about the future. No plan We use will when there is no prior plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision at the time of speaking. Look at these examples:  Hold on. I'll get a pen.  We will see what we can do to help you.  Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight. In these examples, we had no firm plan before speaking. The decision was made at the time of speaking. We often use will with the verb think:  I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.  I think I'll have a holiday next year.  I don't think I'll buy that car. Prediction We often use will to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:  It will rain tomorrow.  People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.  Who do you think will get the job? be The verb be is an exception with will. Even when we have a very firm plan, and we are not speaking spontaneously, we can use will with be. Look at these examples:  I will be in London tomorrow.  There will be 50 people at the party.  The meeting will be at 9.30 am. going to Intention We use the special going to construction when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before speaking. Look at these examples: Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

  

I have won $1,000. I am going to buy a new TV. We're not going to see my mother tomorrow. When are you going to go on holiday? In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The decision was made before we spoke. Prediction We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on evidence. We are saying what seems sure to happen. Here are some examples:  The sky is very black. It is going to snow.  It's 8.30! You're going to miss the train!  I crashed the company car. My boss isn't going to be very happy! In these examples, the present situation (black sky/the time/damaged car) gives us a good idea of what is going to happen.  We use will for prediction when we have no real evidence: "It will rain tomorrow." (It's my feeling but I can't be sure.)  We use going to for prediction when there is some real evidence: "It's going to rain." (There's a big, black cloud in the sky and if it doesn't rain I'll be very surprised.) Present Continuous for Plan We often use the present continuous tense to talk about the future. Of course, we normally use the present continuous to talk about action happening in the present, but if we add a future word, we can use it to talk about the future. (By "future word" we mean words or expressions like tomorrow, next week, in June. The future word may be clearly expressed or understood from the context.) Sometimes there is no real difference between an intention (going to) and a plan (present continuous). In this case, it doesn't matter which we use.  We're going to paint the bedroom tomorrow.  We're painting the bedroom tomorrow. We use the present continuous only when a plan exists before we speak. Look at these examples:  Mary is taking her music exam next year.  They can't play tennis with you tomorrow. They're working.  We're going to the theatre on Friday. Present Simple for Schedule When an event is on a schedule or timetable (for example, the take-off time for a plane), we often use the present simple to express the future. We usually also use a future phrase (expressed or understood) like tomorrow, at 6.30pm, next week. Only a few verbs are used in this way, for example:  be, open, close, begin, start, end, finish, arrive, come, leave, return Look at these sentences:  The train leaves Detroit at 9pm tonight.  John starts work next week.  Tomorrow is Thursday.

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

EXERCISES I. Write what is going to happen or what people are going to do. Use the verbs in brackets.

He __________the bus . (catch)

He _____________ to Paris. (fly)

It ________ (rain)

They ____________to the cinema. (go)

She __________ tennis. (play)

He _________________ (swim)

They _____________ (get married)

I _____________TV. (watch) Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

II. MATCH THE QUESTIONS WITH THE REPLIES. a. Are you free on Saturday night?

1. Yes, I'm seeing her tomorrow.

b. What are your plans for the winter holidays? morning.

2. No, I'm leaving on Friday

c. What are the arrangements for the trip tomorrow? the test.

3. Not really. I need to study for

d. Where is Lisa going? I must talk to her.

4. She'll be back in a minute.

e. Are you going to be at the party on Sunday?

5. I'm going to visit my friends.

f. Do you still go out with Helen?

6. We're leaving at 8 a.m.

III. TICK THE CORRECT SENTENCES. Look out. The car will crash. Sorry, I can't wait for you. I'm seeing the doctor today. Have you heard the weather forecast? It's raining tomorrow. I've already bought my tickets. I'm leaving tomorrow. This bag looks heavy. I'm going to help you. IV CHOOSE THE CORRECT VERB FOR THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. 1) Next summer, I ___________________ (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday. 2) It´s getting cold. I ___________________ (take) my coat! 3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I ________________ (go) with you! 4) Jane and Tom ____________________ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane ___________________ (study) French and Tom _______________ (take) a gap year. 5. Mrs. Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I _________________ (help) you carry them. 6. Experts say the Earth ______________________ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting. 7. Look at those black clouds. I think it _____________________ (rain). 8. Bye Bye Joe. I _________________ (phone) you as soon as I arrive home! 9. What _______________ (do) tomorrow? I _________________ (visit) my grandparents. 10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch." Peter: " I ____________________ (lend) you some." IV. WRITE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. Maybe ____________________________________ (Go) out for dinner tonight. 2. I think ____________________________ (take) the dog for a walk now. Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

3. I have three days off next week. _________________ visit my mother. 4. The clouds are very black. I think ___________________snow. 5. We ________________________ (Do) the laundry tomorrow. 6. Alexander _____________________taking his driving test next week. 7. The bus _______________________ (arrive) at 7:30 sharp. 8. Tomorrow _______________________ (be) the weekend. 9. Don't get up. _____________________(arrive) the phone. 10. My plane __________________ (leave) at 3:00 pm on Sunday. READING COMPREHENSION TEXT THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH British or American, the language is basically the same, and its global stature is backed up by massive English-language training programs, an international business that in textbooks, language courses, tape cassettes, video programs and computerized instruction — is worth hundreds of millions of pounds or dollars to the economies of the US and the UK. The English language is now one of Britain’s most reliable exports. In the ironic words of the novelist Malcolm Bradbury, it is an ideal British product, ‘needing no workers and no work, no assembly lines and no assembly, no spare parts and very little servicing, it is used for the most intimate and the most public services everywhere. We call it the English language ...‘Dr Robert Burchfield, former Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, has remarked that ‘any literate, educated person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English’. The first level of the global sway of English is to be found in those countries, formerly British colonies, in which English as a second language has become accepted as a fact of cultural life that cannot be wished away. In Nigeria, it is an official language; in Zambia, it is recognized as one of the state languages; in Singapore, it is the major language of government, the legal system and education. 1. Answer the following questions using your own words a. Is the teaching of the English language worth a lot of money? b. According to Bradbury, what is the difference between the English language and Traditional industry? Are the following statements true or false? a. Dr. R. Burchfield is not the Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary currently. ___ b. Malcom Bradbury is a novelist that works at an assembly line. ___ 3. Find a word or phrase in the text which, in context, is similar in meaning to a. Essentially: ____________________ b. That can be trusted: ____________________ 4. Choose a, b or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct. 1. The English Language a. is a good source of money for UK and USA. b. is not a good source of money for UK and USA. 2. The English Language Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

a. has not been accepted in the British colonies. b. has been accepted in the British colonies. c. has become obsolete in the British colonies. 3. The English language is an official language a. in Zambia and Singapore. b. in Nigeria. c. in Nigeria and Zambia. 4. Dr. Robert Burchfield a. is not a novelist. b. works for the OED. c. worked for the OED. WHAT IS A GERUND? Watch the video:

A gerund is a noun made from a verb. To make a gerund, you add "-ing" to the verb. For example: In the sentence "I swim every day", the word "swim" is a verb. In the sentence "I like swimming", the word "swimming" is a noun. Therefore, "swimming" is a gerund Second example: In the sentence "She reads several books a week", the word "read" is a verb. In the sentence "Reading is important", the word "reading" is a noun. Therefore, "reading" is a gerund. More examples of gerunds: buying, fishing, running, watching, telling, and so forth. The word "gerund" actually comes from the Latin word gerere, which means "do". You could say this actually makes sense: the gerund describes an action, something you do. Gerunds are often used when actions are real or completed. Examples: (Note how the main underlined verb relates to real or completed actions.)  She stopped smoking.  I finished doing my homework.  They keep on fighting.  We discussed moving to Florida.  You recommended waiting until tomorrow. Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

     

 He recalled falling asleep on the couch. She practices playing those drums all the time. John finished fixing the car. The job involves dealing with animals. Brian mentioned staying up late. They suggested not keeping the luggage. We started working on this yesterday.

WHAT IS AN INFINITIVE? An infinitive is the basic form of the verb + "to". Examples: to buy, to fish, to run, to watch, to tell, and so forth. Example Sentences: "I want to swim." "They asked us to leave." "To be, or not to be – that is the question." "The goal is to win." The word "infinitive" comes from the Latin word infinitus, from in- (not) and finitus (finished, limited). You could say this actually makes sense: the infinitive describes an action, but unlike a regular verb, it is not limited in any way. The regular verb is limited to the tense and subject. For example, in the sentence "Diana danced" the action is limited to Diana and to the past. However, the infinitive is unlimited. In the sentence "To dance is easy", the action is not limited to any subject or to any time. Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, general, or future. Examples: (Note how the main underlined verb relates to unreal, general, or future actions.)            

Kate agreed to come. I hope to see you soon. We plan to finish this shortly. They decided to return home. She promised to stop smoking. We agreed never to talk about it again. He offered to sell the house. I refuse to pay! You seem to be disappointed. She asked him not to leave. I want to drink. They need to get up early. Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

GERUNDS OR INFINITIVES? If you want to speak correct and natural English, you should know when to use gerunds, and when to use infinitives. LIST OF VERBS FOLLOWED ON LY BY GERUNDS Anticipate Keep We didn't anticipate winning this match. She keeps coming late! Appreciate Mention I really appreciate you coming. I never mentioned meeting him. Avoid Mind Let's avoid being late. Will he mind switching rooms? Can’t help Miss I can't help counting those calories. I miss chatting with you. Complete Postpone He completed baking the apple pie. Let's postpone going out of town. Consider Practice She never considered moving to England. He practices playing the guitar daily. Delay Recall We delayed moving to the new house until Can you recall ordering this product? the spring. Recommend The doctor recommends resting in bed. Deny He will deny stealing that car. Report They reported seeing him leave with a Despise She despises asking for favors. stranger. Discuss Resent We discussed buying a bigger apartment. He resents doing it all by himself. Dislike Resist She dislikes cooking and baking. I can't resist liking him. Don’t mind Resume I don't mind waiting. They resumed talking after the teacher left. Enjoy Risk She enjoys reading. Would you risk losing everything? Forgive Suggest Can you forgive me for not fixing the car? I suggest not taking him too seriously. Imagine Tolerate Can you imagine living on the moon? We can't tolerate being screamed at. Involve Understand The new project involves writing and He couldn't understand her leaving so rewriting many reports. suddenly.

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

LIST OF VERBS FOLLOWED ON LY BY INFINITIVES Agree They agreed to give him a try. Appear He appeared to know everything. Arrange I have arranged to meet him on Monday. Ask She asked to see her doctor. Care He doesn't care to answer. Choose We chose to ignore it. Claim He claims to be an expert. Decide She decided not to go to the party. Demand I demand to see the person in charge! Deserve He deserves to win the contest. Expect He expected to be home sooner. Fail They failed to follow the instructions. Get It's not fair that she gets to see him before the others. Happen I happened to pass by, so we had a chat. Hesitate Don't hesitate to call. Hope I hope to see you soon. Intend She didn't intend to hurt you. Know how He knows how to run a business.

Learn He learned to speak Spanish very quickly. Manage We managed to finish everything on time. Offer He offered to go for a walk. Plan You planned to meet us here. Prepare We were preparing to leave when the phone rang. Pretend He pretended not to hear a word. Promise She promised to take us with her next time. Refuse I refuse to cooperate. Seem It seems to be broken. Swear He swore to take revenge. Tend These plants tend to grow slowly. Threaten He has threatened to hurt us. Undertake She undertook to design the new collection. Wait The runners were waiting to start. Want I want to speak with you in private. Wish I wish to change my address. Would like. I would like to add something before we continue. Yearn She yearns to go free.

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

The basic difference between gerunds and infinitives is the following: Using a gerund suggests that you are referring to real activities or experiences. Using an infinitive suggests that you are talking about potential or possible activities or experiences. So let's say you eat ice cream every day. This is an actual action you are doing. Then you could say: "I like eating ice cream". On the other hand, if you are on a diet, and you don't usually eat ice cream, then you are talking about a potential action. You could say: "I like to eat ice cream." When used before the main verb, gerunds tend to sound more like natural English. For example, the sentence "Playing tennis is a lot of fun" sounds more natural than "To play tennis is a lot of fun". The latter sentence sounds more theoretical. After the main verb, both gerunds and infinitives can be used. The main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive. So when you need to decide which one to use, first check whether the main verb is limited only to gerunds, or only to infinitives. If the verb is not on any of the lists, you can use the following guidelines: The word "go" + sports or recreational activities usually take a gerund. Examples: "Let's go shopping", "They went skiing". 

After a preposition you should use a gerund. Examples: "I will talk with you before going to lunch", "I am looking forward to working with you".

Expressions with the words "have", "spend" and "waste" take a gerund. Examples: "She had fun skiing", "He wasted all his time worrying".

In many cases, the infinitive form is used to show the intention or purpose. Examples: "We are here to help", "He left to catch the train".

The infinitive form is also used to show the reason. Examples: "We were sad to hear about your difficulties", "She was shocked to learn the truth".

If none of these guidelines apply, simply use the principle in Part I above. Does it describe a concrete action? Then use a gerund. Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

Does it describe a general or potential action? Then use an infinitive. Examples: "As a painter, I truly love painting", "I love to paint. I wish I would paint more often." SUMMARY

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES EXERCISE 1. He is determined _________________________ (win) that race. 2. He lay in bed ___________________ (plan) the days to come. 3. We went ___________ (run) in the morning. 4. Her fear of spiders made _________________ (travel) difficult. 5. They don't mind _____________ (wait) outside. 6. The problem is ________ (get) there on time. 7. I am accustomed to ________________ (take care) of myself. 8. I want him __________ (paint) the wall. 9. __________ (be), or __________ (not be), that is the question. 10. This guy is known for ________________ (break) the rules. 11. Sue enjoys _________________ (dance). 12. The advantages of __________ (go) by train were clearly visible. 13. Your advice _____________________(plan) ahead was excellent. 14. Your addiction to _________________ (drink) will not serve you well. 15. I am pleased _______________ (meet) you. 16. 1. The government encourages ______________ (recycle). 17. She is tired of _____________ (wash) dishes every night. 18. He understood her _____________ (leave) so soon.} 19. He went _____________ (fish) with his father. 20. He wants ______________ (take) the test. 21. Kelly offered ____________ (take) us home. 22. Her reaction to ____________ (win) the Oscar was a bit odd. 23. They want ______________ (play) with us. 24. I advised _______________ (start) the game. 25. Your support enable us __________(finish)on time 26. He denied __________(take) the car 27. Russell was discouraged by ________(not win) that match 28. I promised you ___________(take care ) of Jonathan 29. His decision _______________(quit) was very surprising 30. David is starting __________________(work) there next week COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES 1. Go to www.agendaweg.or Look at content exercises: verbs exercises Then go to infinitive and gerund Do as many exercises until you understand the topic 2. Do the placement test EF Go to the link : Enter to test your English for school Send me your results to this email: [email protected] [email protected] Write your full name and grade as a reference Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Docente: Ana Gabriela Maloof

Asignatura : Inglés Fecha: 04/05 al 08/05 de 2020

Grado : 11

COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Comparative is the name for the grammar used when comparing two things. The two basic ways to compare are using as .. as or than.      

      

She's twice as old as her sister. He's not as stupid as he looks! I'm almost as good in maths as in science. This book is not as exciting as the last one. The cafeteria is not as crowded as usual. Russian is not quite as difficult as Chinese. This computer is better than that one. She's stronger at chess than I am. It's much colder today than it was yesterday. Our car is bigger than your car. This grammar topic is easier than most others. I find science more difficult than mathematics. Today's ESL lesson was more interesting than usual.

When comparing with as .. as, the adjective does not change. When comparing with than, however, some changes are necessary, depending on the number of syllables the adjective has: 1-syllable adjectives: add -er to the adjective 

My sister is much taller than me.

It's colder today than it was yesterday.

Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowelconsonant, then the last consonant is usually doubled in the comparative. Examples: big-bigger, fat-fatter, hot-hotter. 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -ier   

She's looking happier today. This grammar topic is easier than the last one. Why is everyone else luckier than me? †

Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in y must be compared with the word more. Example: I drive more quickly (quicklier) than my brother. Other 2-syllable adjectives: use more with the unchanged adjective   

The shops are always more crowded just before Christmas. Is there anything more boring than reading about grammar? My sister is more careful with her writing than I am with mine.

Note: The comparative of some shorter 2syllable adjectives can be formed with -er. Examples:simple-simpler, clever-cleverer, narrow-narrower. To be sure which comparative method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary.

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use more with the unchanged adjective    

Russian grammar is more difficult than English grammar. My sister is much more intelligent than me.† I find maths lessons more enjoyable than science lessons. The older you get, the more irritating you become.

In the superlative you talk about one thing only and how it is the best, worst, etc. You do not compare two things. The following guidelines apply to the superlative: 1-syllable adjectives: add -est to the adjective (plus the)  

My sister is the tallest in our family. Yesterday was the coldest day of the year so far.

Note: If the word ends: consonant-vowelconsonant, then the last consonant is usually doubled in the superlative. Examples: big-biggest, fat-fattest, hothottest. 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the -y to -iest (plus the)   

The richest people are not always the happiest. Which do you think is the easiest language to learn? She's the luckiest person I know.

Beware: Do not confuse adjectives and adverbs. 2-syllable adverbs ending in y form their superlative with the words the most. Example: Of all the people I know my father drives the most quickly (quickliest).

Other 2-syllable adjectives: use the most with the unchanged adjective  

The most boring thing about ESL class is doing grammar exercises. My sister is the most careful person I know.

Note: The superlative of some shorter 2syllable adjectives can be formed with -er. Examples:simple-simplest, clever-cleverest, narrow-narrowest. To be sure which superlative method to use, you will need to consult a good dictionary. Adjectives with 3 or more syllables: use the most with the unchanged adjective    

Some people think that Russian is the most difficult language. Albert Einstein was the most intelligent person in history. My most enjoyable class is English. You are the most irritating person I have ever met!

Following are two common irregular comaparative/superlative forms:  

good-better-the best bad-worse-the worst

The following guidelines apply to the comparative/superlative of most adverbs: 1-syllable adverbs: add -er/-est  

I can run faster than you. / I can run the fastest in my class. She works harder than me.† / She works the hardest of all students.

Other adverbs: use more / the most*

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

She ran more quickly than me. / Of all the students she ran the most quickly.

* In informal English it is common to hear the adjectival comparative/superlative form of two-syllable adverbs. For example: She ran quicker than me.| She ran the quickest. IRREGULARS ADJECTIVES

Complete with the comparative (+than) or superlative. a) I slept __________(well) today than yesterday. b) Mary is always dressed__________(fashionably) Susan. c) The girl speaks __________(politely) the boy. d) We´re sitting __________(comfortably) here than there. e) Christina sings badly but her brother sings __________(badly) f) I´m sorry but I can´t help you any __________(far).

g) We go to bed early but my little brother goes to sleep __________(early) of all. h) The primary school is __________(near) to the bus stop than the secondary. i) He behaves __________(badly) anyone else in class) j) The main actor of the play dies __________(tragically) the main actress. k) She eats __________(healthily) her cousin. l) They sung __________(sadly) us. m) The girls are playing basketball __________(quietly) the boys. n) She read the text __________(carefully) us. o) Mary types _________ (fast) Than Susan. p) Tim learns ________ (quickly) than John. q) Tina worked _________(hard) of all this project. r) Susan played _________(badly) of all in the team.

COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES Review comparatives and superlatives in Videos and activities

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Docente: Ana Gabriela Maloof

Asignatura: Inglés Grado : 11 Fecha: 11/05 al 15/05 de 2020 PREPOSITIONS

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

Look at the video to, complement the information also go to Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: A ) Prepositions of place       

There are 250 seats ____________ the cinema They spent their holidays ______ the beach. Last week we stayed _______ home. My grandparents live _______ a little village, _____a house_______ the sea. The cat is ________the chair, _______ the fireplace. The British drive ______ the left, the Europeans drive ______ the right. The blackboard is ________ the teacher, but ______ the students

B) Prepositions of time  The photos will be ready ______ an hour.  We are going to France ______ a Saturday ______ April.  _______ the Easter holidays, my father worked ______ night.  I always get up early ________ the morning.  _______ dinner I do my homework, _____ dinner I help my mother.  Peter was born _______1980, _____ May, _______10.30.

C) Prepositions of movement  Mary got ______ the bus just as I was getting _____ it.  She walked _____ the market, ______ the corner.  It's easier skiing _____ a mountain, than climbing ________.  He's jumping ______ the fence.  The train is going ______ the bridge. It's going ______ Paris _____ Rome.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TEST (Written by the Colchester English Study Centre) Choose the answer that you think is correct and circle the appropriate letter:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

This man has dark ....................... a) heads b) head c) hairs d) hair and a ................................. a) beard b) barber c) moustaches d) facehair He is ................................... a jacket a) wearing b) carrying c) having d) holding and he is .................................. a piece of paper. a) wearing b) holding c) having d) getting He is sitting at his .................................. a) chair b) desk c) office d) room - perhaps he is ..................................... a) work b) at work c) business d) on job You arrive at a party at 8 p.m. What do you say? a) Goodnight b) Good-bye c) Good evening d) Good afternoon Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Someone offers you a drink. You don’t want it. What do you say? a) Thank you b) Please c) No, thank you d) No, please Henderson ................................. going to work. a) likes not b) don’t like c) doesn’t like d) not like ................................. early in the morning? a) Does he get up b) Gets he up c) Do he get up d) Get he up He ..................................... to drive a car. a) am learning b) learning c) is learning d) are learning A train is .................................. a bus. a) more quickly b) quickly c) quicker than d) more quick He ....................................... swim very well. a) not can b) cannot c) doesn’t can d) don’t can ....................................... the bus to work. a) Always Roberts catches b) Roberts always catches c) Roberts catches always d) Roberts does always catches Peter works in London. .................................................................. a) He goes there by train b) He there goes by train c) He goes by train there d) There goes he by train ........................................................ TV last night. a) Did he watch b) Watched he c) Did he watched d) Does he watch I spoke slowly, but he .................................. understand me. a) canned not b) didn’t can c) didn’t could d) could not He made ............................................ last year. a) many money b) much money c) a lot of money d) lots money I asked him .......................................... a) to not go away b) to go not away c) not to go away d) go not away He used to live .......................... London. a) on b) in c) to d) at James ............................... to him on the phone. a) spoked b) speaked c) spoke d) spoken “ Quiet, please – I ........................................................” a) am doing a test! b) do a test! c) doing a test! d) does a test! I won’t go to Cambridge if it ....................................... tomorrow. a) rain b) would rain c) rains d) raining While he .................................. to London he saw an accident. a) was driving b) drives c) drove d) had driven Millions of cigarettes ............................................ every year. a) is smoke b) are smoking c) are smoked d) are smoke He has a ................................ experience in marketing in Europe. a) grand b) wide c) large d) great I remember ............................. him in London. a) of meeting b) to meet c) to meeting d) meeting But I saw him in Frankfurt ........................................ a) 3 years ago b) for 3 years c) before 3 years d) since 3 years Could you look ............... the blackboard and read what is on it? a) to b) on c) for d) at Smith went abroad last year. ............................................. abroad before. a) He had never been b) He had been never c) He never went d) He went never Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.




The last Olympic Games ..................................... in Athens. a) were helded b) was holded c) were held d) were hold He took ......................... cheese. a) all of b) all c) the all d) all of the The committee held a ................................ last week. a) meeting b) gathering c) session d) sitting I ............................. the Prime Minister’s speech very carefully. a) heard to b) heard c) listened to d) overheard He would have known that, if he .................................... the meeting. a) had attended b) would have attended c) has attended d) would attend Would you mind ............................ the door? a) open b) to open c) opening d) to opening In August he ..................................... for us for 25 years. a) will have worked b) will work c) is going to work d) will be working .................................................. since I came back to the office? a) Did Robinson telephone b) Was Robinson telephoning c) telephoned Robinson d) Has Robinson telephoned He speaks English very well ....................... he’s only 12. a) whereas b) despite c) in spite of d) although “Don’t do that,” I said. I ................................. him not to do that. a) talked b) told c) spoke d) said He never takes risks. He’s a very ................................. man. a) mindful b) anxious c) attentive d) cautious I’d like to put ............................. a suggestion, if I may. a) forward b) over c) across d) through I .................................. this test for at least half an hour now. a) do b) am doing c) have done d) have been doing I’ll speak to him when he .................................... . a) will arrive b) is arriving c) arrives d) would arrive “Can you come tomorrow?” He asked ........................................... tomorrow. a) if I come b) that i come c) if I could come d) that I can come He hasn’t come again today. If he doesn’t come, ............................... what to do tomorrow. a) he wouldn’t know b) he didn’t know c) he will not have known d) he won’t know CONVERSATION (questions 47 – 64): Mr and Mrs Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent. Agent: Good morning. Mr and Mrs Wallace? Mrs Wallace: Mr Hogan? Agent: How do you do. Mrs Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. .................... is my husband. a) This b) It c) He d) That Mr Wallace: How do you do. Agent: How do you do. ............................. sit down. a) You b) Please c) Now d) Let (They all sit down at a desk.) Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re .................................... Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

50. 51.

52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57.

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68. 69.

a) intending b) interesting c) intended d) interested in buying a property for about £85,000, is that .............................. ? a) true b) possible c) not d) right Mrs Wallace: No. Well the price is right, but – er – well, we .................... a problem. a) make b) have c) are d) seem We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years Mr Wallace: Longer ................. that. a) than b) that c) as d) to Mrs Wallace: Yes, I suppose it is – and we want to settle back here ............................ a) because b) and c) but d) so we have very different ideas of the ......................... of place we’d like to live in. a) kind b) piece c) shape d) area Mr Wallace: Yes, you see ...................... prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat. a) I b) I’d c) we d) we’d Mrs Wallace: And I am really keen to live in ................ country. a) the b) a c) some d) I want a big garden. I want a new view. I want to be .................. to go for walks. a) able b) possible c) can d) allow I want to go back to work – that is, to get back into teaching. Mr Wallace: Well, I’m sure you ................... teach in London, in town, just as easily. a) would b) might c) should d) could Mrs Wallace: Yes, ................... I think the chances of a) and b) but c) so d) then getting a job .......................... probably much greater in a village school a) is b) are c) will d) would and I ................... like to be part of the community again, darling. a) would b) do c) will d) shall Mr Wallace: And I want to live in a flat .................... maintenance included. a) for b) with c) and d) by You know – you pay for all the ................. I mean, I’m not a do-it-yourself man. a) services b) servants c) assistance d) assistants I don’t like to mend leaky ......................... , and that sort of thing. a) walls b) floors c) roofs d) ceilings AT A HOTEL (question 65 – 80) Mr Graham has just checked into a hotel, but he is not happy with his room. He goes down to the reception desk. Mr Graham: I’m ................... there’s been a mistake. My room doesn’t have a bath. a) sorry b) afraid c) anxious d) regret Hotel Clerk: Well, I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118 ..................... ? a) don’t you b) isn’t it c) doesn’t it d) can you Mr Graham: ............................., could I have a bath, please? a) Thus b) Well c) In spite d) Thank you Hotel Clerk: Er – I’m afraid we don’t ................. a room with a bath and – a) reserve b) get c) have d) retain Mr Graham: Look, I’m very tired. I don’t want to ................... but my firm always book a room with a bath. a) shout b) denounce c) anger d) argue Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

70. 71.

72. 73. 74.



77. 78. 79. 80.

Hotel Clerk: Er – I’ll check the ....................... a) correspondence b) mailing c) communicate d) lettering but I don’t think you were ...................... into a room with a bath. a) reserved b) checked c) booked d) registered There we are, it is Mr Graham, isn’t it? Mr Graham: It is, yes. The clerk shows Mr Graham a letter. Hotel Clerk: Yes, one ..................... room. a) alone b) single c) bathless d) only Mr Graham: I’ll see them when I get back. Well, I .................. that it’s our mistake, a) appreciate b) deprecate c) respect d) expect but are you sure there’s ......................... with a bath? a) not b) something c) anything d) nothing Hotel Clerk: Well, ............. Mr Graham: I’ve just flown a very long .................... and I’m very tired and all I want is a bath and a sleep. a) distance b) airline c) period d) timing Hotel Clerk: Well, as I’ve said, sir, there’s ...................... nothing for tonight. a) extremely b) perfectly c) absolutely d) especially But let’s see. You’re here for five days, aren’t you? Mr Graham: Oh dear! Hotel Clerk: I’ll just have a .................. with the manager. a) word b) sentence c) phrase d) dialogue Mr Graham: I would ......................... it. a) value b) appreciate c) thank d) reward I’m ................................. to have a long hot bath! a) despaired b) worried c) desperate d) overwhelmed Hotel Clerk: Don’t worry, sir! ............................ it with me. a) Let b) Leave c) Give d) Stop

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Docente: Ana Gabriela Maloof

Asignatura: Inglés Grado: 11 Fecha: 18/05 al 22/05 de 2020

INFINITIVE OF PURPOSE (why?) You can explain why you do something with to + verb. Why did you leave the meeting? To make a phone call. I’m writing to thank you for your help. I phoned Harry to invite him to a job interview. to + verb

for + noun

(to meet/to buy) I went to Canada (why?) to meet the customer. a meeting. They need some money to buy new equipment.

(for a meeting / for analysis) I went to Canada (why?) for They need money for new


1) Please simplify the following sentences: 

I’m going to the bank because I want to get some money.

I want to rewrite this code because I want to improve the program.

He created his own website because he wanted to post his portfolio there. I will not take part in the competition because I don’t want to fail again. He called me in the morning because he had to tell me he fell ill.

  

Please redesign the options for account setup because they should look more user-friendly. We hope that we will solve this issue by Friday. I promised that I will not commit any changes before I test them.

Users need a name and a password because they have to log on to each server. 2) Please insert “to” or “for” in the following sentences:    

Our organization started in 1994 _________ lead the Web to its full potential. We develop common protocols ___________ promote its evolution. We have the Offices Program ___________ adoption of W3C recommendations among developers. In August 2011, W3C created Community and Business Groups ________ support innovation. Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

  

We invite technical experts_________ coordinate technology development. We also invite experts _________ management of other operations. If you need _________ get some information about our organization, complete the request form.  You do not need an account _________ complete the form, but we need your email validation of your request. 3) Please continue the sentences:    

I am helping my teammate to … I decided to save up to … I studied at the university to … I have created my own website to … I spoke with the project manager to…

Speaking task

Suggest three possible solutions for each of the given situations. Explain your idea using to + verb. For example: They can buy new computers to make work more effective. 1. Your co-workers have designed a website. They made it really clean, minimalist, and dark. However, their customer asked them to redesign it and make it more user-friendly. Your friends came to you for advice 2. You've got an opportunity to change the appearance of your working space. Suggest three ways to make it more comfortable. 3. Your team is going to present the project you were working on. The project manager comes up to you and asks how to make the presentation more interesting and fun.

Complementary activities Fast tract English book N° 3 Develop page 22, 23 Page 26 activities 6, 7 and 8

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

ÁREA: Idioma extranjero Docente: Ana Gabriela Maloof

Asignatura: Inglés Grado: 11 Fecha: 26/05 al 29/05 de 2020



____? No, he isn't.

a b c d

a b c d

Are they teachers? Are you from Italy? Is Mr Banning a teacher? Is this your phone?

2 This is Lucy and her brother, Dan. ____ my friends. a We're b I'm c You're d They're

8 old. a b c d

____ is the school? It's 50 years


I'm from Milan. ____ is in Italy.


What is ____?

a b c d

They It He She

a b c d

job Mary Mary job Mary's job job's Mary


Oh, ____ are my keys!


Your bag is next ____ the table.

a b c d

This These That It

a b c d

on to in of


I'd like ____ omelette, please.


____ are the keys? On the table.

a b c d

a an two

a b c d

What When Where Who


And here is your ____.


I go to work ____ train.

a b c d

desk desks. a desk an desk.

a b c d

with by for in

How Who What Where

How many years How much years What years How old

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8


She ____ a dog.


a b c d

not have don't have don't has doesn't have

a b c d

Were you at 5 p.m. yesterday? No, I ____ didn't am not wasn't weren't


Stephen ____ in our company.


Sorry, I ____ you at the moment.

a b c d

work works is work working

a b c d

can't help don't can help can't helping can't helps


____ to the cinema.


a b c d

We not often go We don't go often We don't often go Often we don't go

16 When do you play tennis? ____ Mondays. a On b In c At d By 17

What time ____ work?

a b c d

starts he do he starts does he starts does he start

18 She was born ____ May 6th, 1979. a in b at c on d from 19

Where ____ last summer?

a b c d

you went did you went do you went did you go

22. a school B. in a hotel C. In a car park 23 . a fast restaurant B. at a police station C. at a tourist information office 24. a library B. at an airport C. in a shop

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

25. a restaurant B. in a post office C. in a bank Lea las descripciones ( 26– 30) y las palabras de la columna (A – H). ¿Cuál palabra (A – H) concuerda con la descripción de cada frase. 26. All members of the same team wear this.____ 27. You need this if you want to play tennis.____ 28. At the end of this there is usually one winner.____ 29. This is a place outdoors where you can play sports.______ 30. If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time._______ A. ball B. bike C. competition D. field E. player F. prize G. stadium H. uniform READING COMPREHENSION Same family – different lives Vilma Williams lives in London. Her sister Paula lives in the USA and their cousin Carol lives in Jamaica. Here they talk about their lives. VILMA I was six when I came to England from Jamaica with my parents and Paula. Now I am 29 and a nurse

at a London hospital. I have two sons, but I’m not very happy in England. Jamaica still feels like home and I’d like to go and live there. My mother went back to Jamaica five years ago. PAULA I went to England when I was three. After I finished school, I studied medicine and worked as a doctor. Then I married Brad and moved to the USA. Now, I have my own clothes shop. We had our first child six months ago, and I’m very happy in New York.

CAROL I’m 30. I studied business at college and I’ve had a few jobs, but at the moment I’m without work. I will have my first baby next month. I like the Jamaican people and my parents have a house in the next town, but I would like to live somewhere else and have a change. 31. Who is living in England now? A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol 32. Who is the youngest? A. Vilma B. Paula

C. Carol

33. Who doesn’t have a job now? A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol 34. Who has the most children? A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

35. Who lives near her mother? A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol 36. Who wants to live in Jamaica? A. Vilma B. Paula C. Carol 37. Who is the happiest? A. Vilma B. Paula

C. Carol


B. Yes, please.

39. I’ve got a pain. A. Where is it? C. When is it?

B. Why is it?

40. Is your mother home? A. I don’t know. B. That’s fine. C. She’s a nurse. 41. Why don’t we go to the cinema? A. We don’t. B. Sure, why not? C. It’s fine. 42. How would you like your steak? A. It’s nice. B. Not really. C. Well cooked. Lea el texto de la siguiente parte. Escoja la palabra adecuada (A, B ó C) para cada espacio. The History of Farming Before people started farming, they went to the forest to look (0) ……for…… plants or fruit they could eat. This meant that people (43) ………… moving all the time to find food. But about 12,000 years ago, in the Middle East, people (44) ………… to grow food. These people were the first farmers. Farming made (45) ………… possible for people to stay in (46) ………… place and slowly their villages got bigger.

Some people in the villages became free to do other work, like making clothes, (47) ………… the farmers could grow food for everyone. Unfortunately, farming was difficult when the weather was bad and then some people did not get (48) ………… food to eat. Today, farmers (49) ………… grow more food and it travels thousands of kilometres from where it (50) ………… grown to our homes. 43. A was B been 44. A began B begin 45. A this B it 46. A one B the 47. A but B or 48. A enough B all 49. A need B can 50. A be B being

C were C begun C them C other C because C many C have C is

Vocabulary 51. Gina is married to John. He's her ____ a. uncle b. husband c. wife d. parent 52. We usually ____ the shopping in a supermarket. a. make b. do c. have d. go 53. a. b. c. d.

I love this watch! It's ____. cheap small beautiful ugly

54. He doesn't have a car so he often uses public ____. a. taxi b. transport c. car d. bus

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]

INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA CASD SIMÓN BOLÍVAR “Con educación, trabajo y amor construimos un CASD mejor” _______________________________________________________ Aprobada por Resolución No 001005 del 13 de Agosto de 2019 Emanada de la Secretaría de Educación Municipal DANE: 120001069246 – NIT.800.031.434-8

55. a. b. c. d.

I don't go to ____ on Sundays. job office factory work

COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES English fast track student book Page 28 and 29

Carrera 19 Nº13B bis -38 - Teléfono Fax: 570 89 37 - Valledupar – Cesar – E-mail: [email protected]