Ian Shaw - Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation

Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation BLOOMSBURY EGYPTOLOGY 6HULHVHGLWRU1LFKRODV5HHYHV Burial Customs in Anci

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Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation

BLOOMSBURY EGYPTOLOGY 6HULHVHGLWRU1LFKRODV5HHYHV Burial Customs in Ancient Egypt :ROিDP*UDMHW]NL Court 2˫cials oI tKe Egyptian 0iGGle .ingGom :ROিDP*UDMHW]NL +iGGen +anGs Egyptian ZorNIorces in 3etrie e[caYation arcKiYes  6WHSKHQ4XLUNH 7Ke 0iGGle .ingGom oI Ancient Egypt Kistory arcKaeology anG society :ROিDP*UDMHW]NL 3erIormance anG 'rama in Ancient Egypt 5RE\Q*LOODP

Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation.indd 2

6/11/2013 5:07:16 PM
